HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSD-19-144 - Environmental Committee Work Plan (2019/2020)REPORT TO:Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee DATE OF MEETING:June 10, 2019 SUBMITTED BY:Cody Boomer, Executive Assistant, 519-741-2200 ext. 7407 PREPARED BY:Cody Boomer,Executive Assistant, 519-741-2200 ext. 7407 WARD (S) INVOLVED:All DATE OF REPORT:May 29, 2019 REPORT NO.:DSD-19-144 SUBJECT:Environmental Committee Work Plan (2019/2020) ___________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That the Environmental Committee Work Plan (2019/2020), as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-19-144, be approved. BACKGROUND: In accordance with the recommendations of the 2008 Advisory Committee Review, the Environmental Committee, with the assistance of staff, was required to develop and implement a work plan for the term of their appointment. Accordingly, members were requested to provide suggestions on initiatives they would like accomplish during their term on the committee. Staff goals, objectives and priorities. REPORT: At the April 18, 2019 Environmental Committee meeting, members were encouraged to suggest items to be included in the 2019/2020 Work Plan. Members were reminded that each strategic direction proposed for the updated Work Plan should be linked to one or more of the themes 1.Natural Heritage System and Recreational Amenity Areas; 2.Water Resources; 3.Air Quality; 4.Land Resource and Growth Management; 5.Energy Systems; 6.Resource Consumption and Waste Management; and 7.Environmental Education and Public Awareness. Linking the Work Plan to the Strategic Plan ensures the actions undertaken by the Committee ectives. 1 - 1 opportunity to brainstorm any new Work Plan initiatives and receive clarification on the potential achievement of their proposed Work Plan items. Staff suggested the Work Plan may be used as sub-committee appointments,timelines and initiatives, and may be updated accordingly with administrative changesas necessary.Several members spoke in members present. The Committee at its May 16, 2019 meeting approved the Work Plan which has been attached the recommendation outlined herein. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: Strategic Priority #4: Sustainable environment and infrastructure FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no financial implications associated with this report. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM The draft Work Plan has been discussedat every meeting since February 2019and reviewed. A summary of the discussion from those meetings have been included in the minutes following each brainstorming session. ACKNOWLEDGEDBY: Cory Bluhm, Acting General Manager, Development Services Attachment: Appendix A Environmental Committee Work Plan (2019/2020) 1 - 2 Responsibility Kim FellowsJustin Gaudon,Darren Bailey, Tina Belanger, Cynthia GaetaniAlison Gingrich Regehr,Tia DriverRobert Paul,Cynthia Gaetani,Elanor WaslanderJohn Jackson, Kim Fellows Staff Contact Josh Shea, Natural Area CoordinatorDave Schmitt, Environmental & Urban Forestry Project ManagerNick Gollan, Manager of Stormwater UtilityClaire Bennett, Corporate Sustainability OfficerRepresentative TBD (Facilities Management likely) Timeframe Ad hoc, on-going throughout yearMay/June 2019 potential agenda item. Timing on specific actions TBD.Sept/October 2019 potential agenda item.20192020-2021 Ongoing / Annual Discrete Type Project ) ) tğŭĻ Њ ƚŅ Ћ ) ) ) Description of Tasks ) Strategic Pan for the Environment Strategic Plan for the Environment ) Strategic Plan for the Environment Strategic Plan for the Environment Liaison to sit on Kitchener's Bee City Working Group and report back to , and seek advice as necessary from, Environmental Committee. Opportunities for projects: habitat stewardship; education and outreach; and celebration.Project to increase forest cover / woodland habitat in Kitchener. Strategy approved April 2019. Specific actions for Committee involvement TBD.Consult Stormwater Utility staff to assess opportunities to help promote Low Impact Development retrofits and the stormwater credit policy in neighbourhoods or other outreach. Participate in the creation of the long-term Community Climate Action Plan to 2050 preparation (80% by '50 target). Participate and provide input to the upcoming corporate waste minimization and diversion program for City facilities and events Strategic Plan for the Environment Strategic Plan for the Environment Project Strategic Plan for the Environment Bee City Kitchener Working GroupUrban Forest Strategy ImplementationWater Management StewardshipCommunity Climate Action Plan: Project(s) / Action(s) to Support and ImplementWaste Minimization and Diversion Program Џ͵Њ No. 5.1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE WORK PLAN 2019 - 2020 Kitchener Natural Heritage System (Theme 1 of the Water Resources (Theme 2 of the Air Quality (Theme 3 of the Land Resource and Growth Management (Theme 4 of the Energy Systems and Climate Action (Theme 5 of the Resource Consumption and Waste Management (Theme 6 of the Environmental Education and Public Awareness (Theme 7 of the 1 - 3 Cynthia Gaetani, Justin Gaudon, Kim FellowsElanor Waslander, Alison Gingrich Regehr, Kim Fellows Tia Driver, Cynthia Gaetani Carrie Musselman, Senior Environmental PlannerJosh Shea, Natural Area Coordinator / Nick Gollan, Manager of Stormwater Utility / OthersCody Boomer, Committee Administrator Q1 2019 and Q1 2020TBDFall 2019 tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Ћ Detailed application review and recommendation of successful grantees. One (tele-conference) meeting with subcommittee.Support youth to engage in environmental issues. Find ways to partner with programs such as Ontario EcoSchools. Build on exisitng opportunities such as Children's Groundwater Festival.Coordinate and meet with other municipal committees to discuss activities, interests and actions Strategic Plan for the Environment Community Environmental Improvement Grants (CEIG)Environmental Education of YouthCoordination with other Municipal Environmental Advisory CommitteesProvide advice or information on environmental matters referred to the committee by Council and staff as per: the Terms of Reference (Council Policy I-100) А͵ЊА͵ЋА͵Ќ 8.1 Multiple Themes of the 1 - 4