HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSI Minutes - 2019-06-10 PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 10, 2019 CITY OF KITCHENER The Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee met this date, commencing at 2:38 p.m. Present: Councillor S. Marsh, Chair Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors D. Chapman, S. Davey, K. Galloway-Sealock, J. Gazzola, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, C. Michaud, D. Schnider and P. Singh. Staff: D. Chapman, Chief Administrative Officer M. May, Deputy CAO & General Manager, Community Services V. Raab, General Manager, Corporate Services J. Readman, General Manager, Development Services J. Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services D. McGoldrick, General Manager, Infrastructure Services A. Pinard, Director, Planning L. Tansley, Assistant City Solicitor K. Cooper, Manager, Strategic and Business Planning B. Sloan, Manager, Long Range and Policy Planning D. Ross, Manager, Development Review B. Bateman, Senior Planner J. Rodrigues, Committee Administrator 1. DSD-19-144 - ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE WORK PLAN (2019/2020 The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-19-144, dated May 29, 2019, regarding the 2019-2020 Environmental Committee Workplan. On motion by Councillor B. Ioannidis - it was resolved: That the Environmental Committee Work Plan (2019/2020), as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-19-144, be approved 2. DSD-19-134 - AFFORDABLE HOUSING STRATEGY WORK PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-19-134, dated May 30, 2019, recommending approval of the Affordable Housing Strategy and the appointment of one to three Councillors to the Affordable Housing Strategy Committee. Ms. K. Cooper presented the report and responded to questions from the Committee. The following were nominated as members for the Affordable Housing Strategy Committee: Councillors P. Singh, D. Schnider, C. Michaud and D. Chapman, with Councillors D. Schnider, C. Michaud and D. Chapman being appointed to the Committee. On motion by Councillor K. Galloway-Sealock - it was resolved: That the work plan for Development Services Department report DSD-19-134, Affordable Housing Strategy Work Program Overview, be approved; and further That the following members of Council be appointed to participate on an Affordable Housing Strategy Advisory Committee: D. Schnider, C. Michaud, and D. Chapman The Committee recessed at 2:55 p.m. and reconvened at 3:30 p.m., Chaired by Councillor S. Marsh with all members present. 3. DSD-19-133 - NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING REVIEW: HIDDEN VALLEY LAND USE MASTER PLAN The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-19-133, dated May 30, 2019, recommending the Hidden Valley Land Use Master Plan be adopted and used to provide the basis for a City-initiated Secondary Plan, Zoning By-law Amendment, supporting technical studies, and Wastewater Municipal Class Environmental Assessment in 2020. Mr. B. Sloan presented the report and responded to questions from the Committee. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 10, 2019 -15- CITY OF KITCHENER 3. DSD-19-133 - NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING REVIEW: HIDDEN VALLEY LAND USE MASTER PLAN (CONTD) Councillor S. Marsh advised that contrary to what was indicated in the Planning and Strategic Initiatives agenda for this date, this is not a formal public hearing for the Hidden Valley Land Use Master Plan. She further noted formal public hearings will be scheduled throughout future phases of the Plan. Mr. G. Nicholls addressed the Committee on behalf of the Friends of Hidden Valley group, stating in his opinion the Hidden Valley property is an opportunity to maintain an adequate amount of green space for City of Kitchener residents living in close proximity to the new high-rise developments in the downtown core. Mr. M. Rodrigues addressed the Committee in support of the Hidden Valley Land Use Master Plan, requesting Council and staff to consider several items with regard to incorporating active transportation objectives into the Plan being: the Secondary Plan aligns with the recommendations and policies outlined in the Cycling and Trails Master Plan; the Complete Street Guidelines inform the street typologies in the Hidden Valley area and that innovative street-scape guidelines be explored; protected and well-planned cycling routes be established at the Fairway ION station; road cross-sections and intersections be planned with cyclists, pedestrians and transit at front of mind; and, connection be made to existing cycling corridors and trail linkages. Mr. N. Taylor addressed the Committee in opposition to the Hidden Valley Land Use Master Plan, expressing his concerns with the amount of protected environmental land proposed in the Plan. Ms. D. Mouton addressed the Committee on behalf Grand River Environmental Network (GREN), expressing concern with the loss of ecosystem services in the Hidden Valley area. She noted the Hidden Valley Land Use Master Plan should value and protect the ecosystem services and requested all current and future studies on the subject property articulate a cost-benefit analysis of the ecosystem services. Ms. H. Domagala, Pearl Valley Development Corporation, addressed the Committee on behalf of the property owner in support of the Hidden Valley Land Use Master Plan and staff recommendation. Mr. P. Benninger, President of Pearl Valley Development Corporation and property owner, addressed the Committee in support of the Hidden Valley Land Use Master Plan and staff recommendation. The following motion was voted on and was Carried Unanimously on a recorded vote. On motion by Councillor J. Gazzola- it was resolved: That the Hidden Valley Master Plan, attached to Development Services Department report DSD-19--initiated Secondary Plan (Official Plan Amendment), Zoning By-law Amendment, supporting technical studies and Wastewater (Sanitary) Municipal Class Environmental Assessment in 2020 The Committee recessed at 5:17 p.m. and reconvened at 7:02 p.m., Chaired by Councillor S. Marsh with all members present, except Councillor B. Ioannidis. Councillor S. Marsh advised this is a formal public meeting to consider applications under the Planning Act. If a person or public body that would otherwise have an ability to appeal a decision of the City of Kitchener to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Kitchener before the By- law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 10, 2019 -16- CITY OF KITCHENER 4. DSD-19-030 - ZC16/008/R/BB - 142 ROSEMOUNT DRIVE - STRAWBERRY PARK INC. The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-19-030, dated April 18, 2019, recommending approval of Zone Change Application ZC16/008/R/BB, changing the zoning from Institutional One (I-1) to Residential Six Zone (R-6) with site specific regulations; the approval of applications for minor variances; and, the sale of a City-owned 135.04 square metre right-of-way block of land to Strawberry Park Inc. Mr. B. Bateman presented the report and responded to questions from the Committee. Mr. D. Aston, MHBC Planning, addressed the Committee on behalf of the property owner in support of the subject application and staff recommendation. In response to questions, Mr. Aston advised the applicant will collaborate with Planning staff during the site plan process and landscape design to create the park design. He further noted the property owner is amenable to installing the park subject to the City providing payment for the park infrastructure. Ms. A. Skye Kemp, neighbourhood resident, addressed the Committee in opposition to the subject application and staff recommendation, noting her concerns with the public engagement process to date, the proposed R6 zoning, the compatibility of the subject application and the characteristics of the surrounding neighbourhood, and the potential depreciation of property values. Mr. T. Dietrich, neighbourhood resident, addressed the Committee with regard to an incident that occurred with sub-contractors on the subject property. proposed development on his property line trees. Mr. J. Hillier addressed the Committee with regard to the impact of drainage on the River Road East houses. On motion by Councillor S. Davey - it was resolved: That Zone Change Application ZC16/008/R/BB (142 Rosemount Drive; Strawberry Park Inc.) for the purpose of changing the zoning from Institutional One (I-1) to Residential Six Zone (R-6) with Site Specific Regulation Provision 746R and Open Space (R-1), on the lands specified on the attached Map No. 1 in the form s- dated April 18, 2019, attached to Development Services Department report DSD-19-030 That in accordance with Planning Act Section 45 (1.3 & 1.4) that applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZC16/008/R/BB; and further, That a 135.04 square metre right-of- declared as surplus to City needs and sells it at fair market value to Strawberry Park Inc. 5. ADJOURNMENT On motion, this meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m. J. Rodrigues Committee Administrator