HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN-20-006 - T19-175 Queen St (Charles to Duke) Vogelsang Grn & Cenotaph Grn Placemaking ConstREPORT TO: Committee of the Whole
DATE OF MEETING:2020-01-27
SUBMITTED BY: Brenda Johnson, Director of Accounting,519-741-2200 ext. 7647
PREPARED BY: Polina Semenov, Procurement Specialist,519-741-2200 ext. 7037
WARD (S) INVOLVED:Wards 9 & 10
DATE OF REPORT:2020-01-14
SUBJECT: T19-175Queen Street (Charles Street to Duke Street), Vogelsang Green
and Cenotaph Green Placemaking Construction
That Tender T19-175Queen Street (Charles Street to Duke Street), Vogelsang Green and
Cenotaph Green Placemaking Construction, be awarded to I.M. Benjamins Inc. o/a
Hardscape Concrete & Interlock,Cambridge, Ontario, at theirtendered price of
$2,928,383.41, includingcontingencies of $156,500., plus H.S.T. of $380,689.84, for a total
of $3,309,073.25.
Engineering Services is proceeding with the construction of the Queen Street Placemaking Plan
which includes the following:
•Queen Street from Charles Street to Duke Street
•Vogelsang Green
•Cenotaph Green
•Goudies Plaza
•Charles/Queen Parkette
•Placemaking elements thoughout (benches, planters, etc.)
The surface reconstruction of Queen Street between Charles and Duke was identified as a
priority due to failing sidewalks and deteriorated pavement.
In consultation with other departments, additional needs within and adjacent to the right-of-way
were subsequently identified. The conceptual plans for the Queen Street Placemaking Plan was
approved by Council in 2017 and has been undergoing detailed design throughout 2018 and
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The administration, design and tendering of this project has been completed by a group of
consultants led by GSP Group staff, the construction administration and inspection of this project
will be completed by consultant staff as well.
Full funding for this project has been approved by council as part of the 2020 budget process.
The project is scheduled to begin April 6, 2020.
Tenderswere advertised publiclyonthe City of Kitchener website. Documents were
downloaded by twenty-nine (29) interested parties and by the closing date of Wednesday
November 6, 2019, two (2) tenders had been received.
The following tenders were received:
Bid Price
I.M. Benjamins Inc. o/a Hardscape
Concrete & InterlockCambridgeON $ 3,309,073.25 *
CSL Group LtdAncaster ON$ 3,803,715.15
The tenders were reviewed by D.Roga,MTE Consultants Inc.,the City’s Consultant for the
project and J.Seip,Engineering Technologistwho concur with the above recommendation.
The recommendation of this report supports the achievement of the city’s strategic vision through
the delivery of core service.
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In addition to the costs anticipated in this tender, the design and implementation of these types
of projects typically involves city staff and resources from across the corporation. These costs
are included in the line item "Projected Costs: Staff Time/Permitting/Material testing", and will be
itemized when they exceed $125,000. Included in this line item are staff time and expenses for
all city staff in support of the project such as Engineering, Kitchener Utilities, and Transportation
Planning. The line item also includes all regulatory permitting, geotechnical and material testing,
detouring and traffic control, alternate access and parking requirements and any other
miscellaneous costs. Projects utilizing in-house staff will include costs for inspection during
construction and contract administration.
The net cost for this tender (A), is fair and reasonable for a purchase of this scope and the upset
limit is within the budget allowance (B) provided within the budget. Funding for thispurchase is
included within the 2020 capital budget. The estimated surplus (E) will be closed out to the Tax
Capital reserve.
Tender T19-175
Queen Street Placemaking Construction
Estimated Cost for this Phase of Work
Tender T19-175 costs, including HST3,309,073.25
less: HST rebate on tender(329,150.15)
Net Cost Being Awarded2,979,923.10 A
Projected Costs: Staff Time/Material Testing 65,000.00
Projected Costs: Street Furniture250,000.00
Projected Costs: Ornamental Street Lighting167,477.26
Projected Costs: Contingency150,000.00
Total Estimated Cost for this Phase of Work3,612,400.36 C
Budget for this Phase of Work
Capital out of Current870,000.00
Transfer from Engineering -Laneway Rehab Program 26,000.00
Private Contribution (Business Improvement Association)300,000.00
Cost Sharing (Kitchener Utilities) 18,667.77
Tax Capital Reserve611,000.00
Federal Gas Tax Reserve2,020,000.00
Ontario Main St Revitalization Grant 50,000.00
Transfer from Transportation Planning -Ornamental Lighting Fund 65,000.00
Total Budget for this Phase of Work3,960,667.77 B
Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) for this Phase of Work (B -C)348,267.41 D
Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) from previous phases (1,604.34)
Total Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) 346,663.07 E
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INFORM – This report has been posted to the City’s website with the agenda in advance of the
council / committee meeting.
Not applicable.
ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Jonathan Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services
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