HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSI Minutes - 2021-06-14PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 14, 2021 CITY OF KITCHENER The Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee held an electronic meeting this date, commencing electronically at 2:40 p.m. with all members present. Present: Councillor P. Singh - Chair Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors D. Chapman, K. Galloway-Sealock, J. Gazzola, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, C. Michaud, D. Schnider, S. Davey and S. Marsh. Staff: D. Chapman, Chief Administrative Officer J. Readman, General Manager, Development Services D. McGoldrick, General Manager, Infrastructure Services R. Bustamante, Director, Planning J. Oosterveld, Manager, Site Development and Customer Service S. Tavenor, Sustainability Office Associate G. St. Louis, Director of Utilities T. Malone-Wright, Senior Planner, Policy D. Edwards, Senior Planner, Urban Design C. Dumart, Planner R. Kelly-Ruetz, Project Manager A. Pinnell, Senior Planner H. Fylactou, Acting Deputy Clerk and Manager of Licensing D. Saunderson, Committee Administrator S. Goldrup, Committee Administrator 1. DSD-2021-94 - COMMUNITY CLIMATE ACTION PLAN TRANSFORMWR STRATEGY The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2021-94, dated May 10, 2021, recommending endorsement of the TransformWR Strategy. The Committee was also in receipt of written submissions from Schlegel Urban Developments and Alex Latta. Mary Jane Patterson, Reep Green Solutions, and Tova Davidson, Sustainable Waterloo Region, spoke on behalf of the ClimateActionWR Collaborative to present the TransformWR Strategy, including community and technical engagement, sustainable development goals, the need for transformative change, and the goal of 50% emission reduction by 2030. They further discussed changes to active transportation, electric vehicle, clean energy sources, waste reduction, and advocacy. S. Travenor and G. St. Louis presented previous corporate and community sustainability initiatives, the TransformWR Strategy, the action items for the City of Kitchener and Kitchener The Committee heard delegations from Gordon Nicholls, Friends of Hidden Valley; Devon Fernandes; Scott Morton Ninomiya; Meg Ruttan Walker; Lesley Johnston, Fossil Free UWaterloo; Mike Morrice; Kai Reimer-Watts; Eric Hunsberger and Ron Hill, Faith Climate Justice; Carol Burrows; Tanya Schmah; Alisa McClurg, KW Urban Harvester; and, Bruce Taylor Enviro-Stewards Inc., in support of the report. Delegates spoke to the need to reduce carbon emissions, protect green spaces, encourage waste reduction and clean energy solutions, advocate for the target of 50% emission reduction by 2030, and recognize the economic development benefits of sustainability. Delegations further noted climate action as social justice, food sustainability and local production, density and limiting urban sprawl, community partnerships and citizen engagement, and potential cost savings created by sustainability efforts. In response to questions from the Committee, staff spoke to implications to Kitchener Utilities, implementation of the TransformWR Strategy, considerations for future strategic planning, funding, and advocacy. Mayor B. Vrbanovic brought forward a motion to approve the staff recommendation as outlined in report DSD-2021-94. Councillor D. Chapman brought forward an amendment to Mayor B. Vrbanovic motion to add the endorsement in principle of an emissions reduction target of 50% by 2030 and a call for action to the provincial and federal government for support in reaching such targets. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 14, 2021 -13- CITY OF KITCHENER 1. DSD-2021-94 - COMMUNITY CLIMATE ACTION PLAN TRANSFORMWR STRATEGY (CONTD) Councillor D. voted on and was Carried unanimously on a recorded vote. The following motion was then voted on and was Carried unanimously on a recorded vote. On motion by Mayor B. Vrbanovic it was resolved: That the attached TransformWR strategy (Appendix A to Development Services Department report DSD-2021-94) be endorsed as the community climate change mitigation strategy for City of Kitchener; and, That Council endorses in principle an interim absolute community GHG emissions reduction target of 50% by 2030. Recognizing that the bold and immediate local actions in the attached TransformWR strategy (Appendix A) are expected to achieve a 30% reduction by 2030, Council calls for bold and immediate action from the provincial and federal government to enable municipalities to reach this deeper reduction target; and, That staff be directed to develop detailed plans to implement the TransformWR strategy and report back on any funding implications through future budget processes; and, That staff be directed to work with local partners on implementation, monitoring, and reporting progress on the goals outlined in the strategy; and, that the City of Kitchener advocate for provincial and federal support and action to achieve the community transformations outlined in TransformWR (Appendix A to Report DSD-2021-94); and, That an FTE be added to support Kitchener Utilities with developing, and implementing, a Kitchener Utilities Low-Carbon Sustainable Business Strategy that will support the transition to reduce greenhouse gases; and further, That this report be submitted to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities as the City of scope progress on the Partners for Climate Protection Program Milestones 1-3 as renewed. 2. DSD-2021-92 - NIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING REVIEW - OFFICIALPLAN AMENDMENT OPA19/004/COK/TMW - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT ZBA19/010/COK/TMW - NEIGHBOURHOOD SPSECIFIC URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2021-92, dated May 20, 2021, recommending that the submissions regarding the Neighbourhood Planning Review be received for information; that those properties in the Secondary Plans, not proposed to be within a Major Transit Station Area as determined by the Region of Waterloo, proceed to be zoned as part of Stage 2b of Zoning By-law 2019- Design Gui-2021-92 be approved and adopted , that staff continue to work through any of the outstanding issues in the submissions and develop a consultation and engagement strategy to appropriately consider the new Secondary Plans and Zoning at future Statutory Public Meetings before final 32 recommendations on Official Plan Amendment. T. Malone-Wright and D. Edwards presented an update regarding the Neighbourhood Planning Review, including the project's history, the themes of submissions received from residents. They further reviewed the project status and next steps. Hal Jaeger spoke to mixed-use zones, stepback or setback requirements, and transition zones. On motion by Councillor M. Johnston it was resolved: PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 14, 2021 -14- CITY OF KITCHENER 2. DSD-2021-92 - NIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING REVIEW - OFFICIALPLAN AMENDMENT OPA19/004/COK/TMW - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT ZBA19/010/COK/TMW - NEIGHBOURHOOD SPSECIFIC URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES (CONTD) Amendment OPA19/004/COK/TMW and Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA19/010/COK/TMW (Neighbourhood Planning Review), attached as Appendix DSD-2021-92, be received for information; and, That those properties in the Secondary Plans, not proposed to be within a Major Transit Station Area, as determined by the Region of Waterloo, proceed to be zoned as part of Stage 2b of Zoning By-law 2019-051; and, attac-2021-92, be approved, and adopted into That staff continue to work through any of the outstanding issues in the submissions and develop a consultation and engagement strategy to appropriately consider the new Secondary Plans and Zoning at future Statutory Public Meetings before final 32 recommendations on Official Plan Amendment. The Committee recessed at 6:30 p.m. and reconvened at 7:35 p.m., Chaired by Councillor P. Singh with all members present. 3. DSD-2021-95 - CHARLES STREET TERMINAL UPDATE The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2021-95, dated June 2, 2021, recommending endorsement of the proposed guiding principles of Report DSD-2021- 95; the collaboration of City staff with the Region of Waterloo to advance technical work for 15 Charles Street; and, that staff would Development, Region of Waterloo, spoke to considerations for green space on the site and public consultation. J. Readman further discussed future consultation with the City and Regional Councils. On motion by Councillor B. Ioannidis it was resolved: That the proposed guiding Department report DSD-2021-95, be endorsed; and, That City of Kitchener staff collaborate with the Region of Waterloo to advance technical work for 15 Charles Street (former Transit Terminal) and adjacent parking lot owned by the City of Kitchener; and further, . Councillor P. Singh advised this is a formal public meeting to consider applications under the Planning Act. If a person or public body that would otherwise have an ability to appeal a decision of the City of Kitchener to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Kitchener before the By- law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 14, 2021 -15- CITY OF KITCHENER 4. DSD-2021-91 - OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT OPA20/002/E/KA - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT ZBA20/005/E/KA - 239 EDEN OAK TRAIL - ROCKWAY HOLDINGS LTD. The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2021-91, dated May 14, 2021, recommending adoption of Official Plan Amendment Application OPA/20/002/E/KA for Rockway Holdings Ltd.; approval of Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/005/E/KA for Rockway Holding Ltd.; permission for minor variances for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/005/E/KA; and, that the Grand River South Community Plan be repealed in its entirety. The Committee was also in receipt of written submissions from Stacey and Jeremy Koch, and Ivo Tuma. C. Dumart reviewed the proposed development at 239 Eden Oak Trail, including site context, the existing zoning permissions, and the 2016 development concept. In addition, C. Dumart reported the revised concept plan and the changes to the number of buildings, building heights, the number of units, and vehicular access. and reported on the revised plan for the proposed development. The Committee heard further delegations from Christine Small; Gagan Dhanota; Rukhsana Tanwir; Alex Chik; Natasha Janketic; Mike Kroutil; and, Cristian in opposition to the report. The delegations stated concerns about a lack of local amenities and services, traffic safety and parking, access to public transportation, green spaces, noise, pollution, light pollution, crime, privacy, construction, notice and consultation processes, housing affordability, property taxes, and insurance increases. local amenities, affordable housing, the limitation for alternative energy sources, other potential development in the area, the size of the heritage park, and traffic safety and volume. On motion by Councillor B. Ioannidis it was resolved: That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA/20/002/E/KA for Rockway Holdings Ltd. requesting a change in designation from Low Rise Residential to Medium Rise Residential to permit 4 multiple dwelling buildings on the parcel of land specified and illustrated on Development Services Department report DSD-2021- forwarded to the Region of Waterloo for approval; and, That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/005/E/KA for Rockway Holding Ltd. - Report DSD-2021- That in accordance with Planning Act Section 45 (1.3 & 1.4) that applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/005/E/KA; and further, That the Grand River South Community Plan be repealed in its entirety. 5. DSD-2021-68 - DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM (VACANT LAND) 30CDM-21206 - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT ZBA21/003/B/CD - 450 BRIDGEPORT ROAD - WILL-O HOMES The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2021-68, dated May 10, 2021, recommending approval of Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA21/003/B/CD for Will-O Homes; draft approval to Condominium Application 30CDM-21206 for 450 Bridgeport Road in the City of Kitchener; and, that applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA21/003/B/CD. C. Dumart presented the proposed development at 450 Bridgeport Road and reviewed the approved site plan, the draft plan of condominium, and the proposed zoning. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 14, 2021 -16- CITY OF KITCHENER 5. DSD-2021-68 - DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM (VACANT LAND) 30CDM-21206 - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT ZBA21/003/B/CD - 450 BRIDGEPORT ROAD - WILL-O HOMES (CONTD) Brandon Flewwelling stated their support of the staff report on behalf of Will-O Homes. The Committee further heard from Jason Waller in opposition with concern about fencing and traffic safety. On motion by Councillor S. Davey it was resolved: That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA21/003/B/CD for Will-O Homes be - Development Services Department report DSD-2021- That the City of Kitchener, pursuant to Section 51(31) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, and By-law 2002-164 of the City of Kitchener, as amended, hereby grants draft approval to Condominium Application 30CDM-21206 for 450 Bridgeport Road in the City of Kitchener, subject to the conditions attached to Report DSD 2021-068 as That in accordance with Planning Act Section 45 (1.3 & 1.4) that applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA21/003/B/CD. 6. DSD-2021-69 - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT ZBA/20/11/E/KA - 138 EBYDALE DRIVE - The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2021-69, dated May 11, 2021, recommending approval of Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/011/E/KA ; and, that applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to the Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA/20/011/E/KA. C. Dumart reviewed the proposed development at 138 Ebydale Drive and noted site context, adjacent construction, and the proposed concept plan. Emily Elliot stated their support of the staff report . On motion by Councillor D. Schnider it was resolved: That Zoning By-Heritage Homes - -2021-69 as Appendix That in accordance with Planning Act Section 45 (1.3 & 1.4) that applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA/20/011/E/KA. 7. DSD-2021-67 - MODIFICATION TO DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 30T- 10202 - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT ZBA20/006/R/KA - PLAN 591 PT LOT 9 RP 58R-19978 PARTS 1 TO 3, RIVERTRAIL AVENUE - ROCKWAY HOLDINGS LTD. The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2021-67, dated May 4, 2021, recommending approval of Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/006/R/KA for Rockway Holding Ltd.; the modification of conditions of draft approval for Plan of Subdivision PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 14, 2021 -17- CITY OF KITCHENER 7. DSD-2021-67 - MODIFICATION TO DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 30T- 10202 - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT ZBA20/006/R/KA - PLAN 591 PT LOT 9 RP 58R-19978 PARTS 1 TO 3, RIVERTRAIL AVENUE - ROCKWAY HOLDINGS LTD. (CONTD) Application 30T-10202, in the City of Kitchener, for Rockway Holdings Ltd; and, that applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/006/R/KA. The Committee was also in receipt of written submissions from Mike Kroutil and Rukhsana Tanwir. C. Dumart reported on the proposed development at Rivertrail Avenue and reviewed the site context, the draft plan of subdivision, and the proposed zoning and modified plan for stage 5. C. Pidgeon was in attendance to answer any questions. R. Tanwir stated their opposition to the proposed development. On motion by Mayor. B. Vrbanovic it was resolved: That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/006/R/KA for Rockway Holding Ltd. - Development Services Department report DSD-2021- That the City of Kitchener, pursuant to Section 51 (44) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P 13 as amended, and Delegation By-law 2002-64, hereby modifies the conditions of draft approval for Plan of Subdivision Application 30T-10202, in the City of Kitchener, for Rockway Holdings Ltd., as attached to Report DSD 2021-067 as Appendix That in accordance with Planning Act Section 45 (1.3 & 1.4) that applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/006/R/KA. 8. DSD-2021-76 - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT ADDITIONAL DWELLING UNITS - PARKING REQUIREMENTS NEAR LRT STATIONS The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2021-76, dated June 3, 2021, recommending approval of City-initiated Zoning By-law amendment ZBA21/007/COK/RK to By-law 85-1. R. Kelly-development, explained the parking reduction buffer for properties within 800 metres of transit stations, and noted that a report would return to Council in 2022 with a one- confirmed that there were 5,000 properties within 800 metres of transit stations zoned for additional dwelling units. On motion by Councillor B. Ioannidis it was resolved: That City-initiated Zoning By-law amendment ZBA21/007/COK/RK to By-law 85-1 (Parking for Additional Dwelling Units (Detached) Near LRT Stations), be approved in the - Services Department report DSD-2021- 9. INFORMATION ITEM Hunter Muir of GSP Group presented to the Committee on behalf of the Crown Plaza Hotel about report DSD-2021-90 regarding the Downtown Digital Sign Study and their sign-variance uir spoke to the previously projected sign and the proposed digital sign with third-party advertising. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 14, 2021 -18- CITY OF KITCHENER 9. INFORMATION ITEM (CONTD) -2021-90 and the sign- variance process, including public ecommendation not to amend the Sign By-law to provide digital signs downtown at this time. 10. ADJOURNMENT On motion, this meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. S. Goldrup Committee Administrator