HomeMy WebLinkAboutHK Minutes - 2022-06-07 Heritage Kitchener Committee Committee Minutes June 7, 2022, 4:00 p.m. Electronic Meeting Present: S. Hossack, Chair I. Bodendorfer, Member Councillor D. Chapman P. Ciuciura, Member Councillor J. Gazzola J. Haalboom, Member R. Schwarz, Member Staff: G. Stevenson, Manager, Development Review T. MaloneWright, Supervisor, Development Applications D. Choudhry, Heritage Planner S. Goldrup, Committee Administrator _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Commencement The Heritage Kitchener Committee held an electronic meeting this date, commencing at 4:02 p.m. 2. Discussion Items 2.1 Heritage Permit Application HPA-2022-IV-012 - 17 Schneider Avenue - Replace the Cedar Shingle Roof with Asphalt Shingles - DSD-2022-266 The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2022- 266, dated May 13, 2022, recommending approval of Heritage Permit Application (HPA) HPA-2022-IV-012 to permit the installation of asphalt shingles at the property municipally addressed as 17 Schneider Avenue. T. Malone-Wright and D. Choudhry were in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. In response to questions from the Committee, staff confirmed other types of shingles had been considered but were not selected due to cost. 1 Moved by I. Bodendorfer it was resolved: "That pursuant to Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Heritage Permit Application HPA-2022-IV-012 be approved, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2022-266, to permit the installation of asphalt shingles at the property municipally addressed as 17 Schneider Avenue in accordance with the supporting information submitted with the application." Carried unanimously 2.2 Draft Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) - 130-142 Victoria Street South - DSD-2022-268 The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2022- 268, dated May 13, 2022, regarding a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) for the properties municipally addressed as 130-142 Victoria Street South. The subject property, 142 Victoria Street South, is listed as a non-designated property of cultural heritage value or interest on the City's Municipal Heritage Register. The other property, 130 Victoria Street South, was proposed for listing by staff; however, at the owner's request, Council chose not to list the property. It is located adjacent to a listed property at 131 Victoria Street South. The subject properties are located within the Warehouse District Cultural Heritage Landscape (CHL). T. Malone-Wright and D. Choudhry were in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. C. Uchiyama, Letourneau Heritage Consulting, presented to the Committee in support of the staff report and recommendation and reviewed the current site condition, the proposed development, and the impact assessment. C. Uchiyama spoke about the proposed deconstruction and integration of the façade of 142 Victoria Street South. Victor Labreche, IBI Group; Christian Tsimenidis, IBI Group; Deni Poletti, Core Architects; and Mathew Laing, MA Development Services, were also in attendance in support of the proposed development. In response to questions from the Committee, the consultants spoke to the 11 units that the proposed development would displace, the age of the subject buildings, other buildings of this style in the City, and the storage and integration of the façade elements. The Committee heard comments supporting the detail and narration contained in the HIA but noted concern about the definition of partially conserved heritage aspects and re-use of the date stone leading to future misinterpretation. 2 2.3 Draft Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) - 22-26 Charles Street West - DSD- 2022-269 D. Vongphakdy declared a pecuniary interest concerning the following item and did not participate in the discussion on this matter. The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2022- 269, dated May 14, 2022, regarding a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) for the properties municipally addressed as 22-26 Charles Street West. The subject properties are listed as non-designated properties of cultural heritage interest or value on the City's Municipal Heritage Register. They are located within the Kitchener Downtown Cultural Heritage Landscape (CHL). They are also located adjacent to 27 Gaukel Street, which is listed as a non-designated property of cultural heritage interest or value on the City's Municipal Heritage Register. T. Malone-Wright and D. Choudhry were in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. D. Gailbraith, IBI Group; C. Lemon, PHC Group; M. Villemaire, SRM Architects; J. Atchison, and G. Gerstheimer, Project Designers, SRM Architects, reviewed the proposed development and were in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. In response to questions of the Committee, the consultants spoke about the publicly available amenity space, traffic and parking, the building's heritage attributes, integration of materials, and the use of bird-friendly glass. The Committee heard comments expressing concern about façade-ism and support for using bird-friendly glass. 2.4 Draft Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) - 88-92 Queen Street South - DSD- 2022-271 D. Vongphakdy declared a pecuniary interest concerning the following item and did not participate in the discussion on this matter. The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2022- 271, dated May 13, 2022, regarding a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) for the properties municipally addressed as 88-108 Queen Street South. The subject properties 88 Queen Street South and 90-92 Queen Street South are listed as non-designated properties of cultural heritage interest or value on the City's Municipal Heritage Register. Properties 94-108 Queen Street South do not have heritage status. The subject properties are adjacent to a number of heritage resources, as outlined in the report. T. Malone-Wright and D. Choudhry were in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. D. Gailbraith, IBI Group; C. Lemon, PHC Group; M. Villemaire, SRM Architects; J. Atchison, and G. Gerstheimer, Project Designers, SRM Architects, reviewed 3 the proposed development and were in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. In response to questions of the Committee, the consultants discussed facadism, preserving local heritage and community stories, the condition of the interiors, and bird-friendly glass. The Committee heard comments expressing concern about façade-ism, the number of towers being developed in the downtown core, the cumulative value of the buildings to the streetscape, and support for using bird-friendly glass. 2.5 Heritage Permit Application HPA-2022-IV-010 & HPA-2022-IV-011 - 16-20 Queen Street North - Construction of a New 34-Storey Multi-unit Residential Building - DSD-2022-231 D. Vongphakdy declared a pecuniary interest concerning the following item and did not participate in the discussion on this matter. The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2022- 231, dated May 4, 2022, regarding Heritage Permit Applications HPA-2022-IV- 010 and HPA-2022-IV-011 proposing the partial demolition of the existing building, excluding the front façade and portions of the returns of the property, and the construction of a new 34-storey residential tower at the subject property municipally addressed as 16-20 Queen Street North. The subject property is currently listed as a non-designated property of cultural heritage interest or value ge Register. Council passed a Notice of Intention to Designate the subject property on June 28, 2021, but a designating by-law has not yet been passed. T. Malone-Wright and D. Choudhry were in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. R. Redshaw, MHBC Planning; T. Ulmer, Momentum Developments; B. Prudham, Momentum Developments; K. Shiry, ABA Architects; S. Mansour, Jablonsky, Ast And Partners; G. Janke, Zehr Group; and J. Bedard, ABA Architects, reviewed the proposed development and were in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. R. Redshaw reviewed stabilization of the façade, partial demolition, new construction, and restoration of the façade. Further, R. Redshaw spoke to measures to ensure protection and conservation. R. Redshaw also described the documentation, salvage, and re-purposing of the interior heritage elements. K. Kessler, Architectural Conservancy, North Waterloo Region Branch, spoke in the cultural heritage value of the internal and external heritage attributes. In response to the questions of the Committee, the consultants discussed the -law and 4 confirmed the decision of what to designate had been set by the Council and Notice of Designation. Staff also discussed the requirement for a salvage and documentation plan required by the permit and bonusing set through the site plan approval process. The Committee heard comments from its members recognizing the challenges of Further, the Committee heard comments expressing concern and disappointment about the lack of preservation of the interior heritage attributes while the building was in good repair and before the designating by-law had been passed. The Committee expressed interest in alternative options that might preserve more of the interior heritage attributes. June 20, 2022, meeting of Council for ratification. Moved by I. Bodendorfer it was resolved: "1. That pursuant to Sections 30(2) and 34 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Heritage Permit Application HPA-2022-IV-010 be approved to permit the partial demolition excluding the front façade and portions of the returns of the subject property municipally addressed as 16-20 Queen Street North, subject to the following conditions: i. That the final Heritage Impact Assessment and Conservation Plan be submitted and approved by the Director of Planning prior to the issuance of a Heritage Permit; and ii. That a final Temporary Protection Plan, including a Demolition Plan and Stabilization Plan, a final Documentation and Salvage Plan, and a final Risk Management Plan be submitted to the satisfaction of the Planner prior to the issuance of a Heritage Permit; and iii. That a final Vibration Monitoring Plan be submitted to the iv. That the owner obtain heritage approval under the Ontario Heritage Act and a Building Permit under the Building Code for the 34-storey residential tower, prior to the issuance of a demolition permit. 5 2. That pursuant to Sections 30(2) and 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Heritage Permit Application HPA-2022-IV-011 be approved to permit the new construction of a 34-storey residential tower on the subject property municipally addressed as 16-20 Queen Street North, subject to the following conditions: i. That the final Heritage Impact Assessment and Conservation Plan be submitted and approved by the Director of Planning prior to the issuance of a Heritage Permit; and ii. That a final Temporary Protection Plan, including a Demolition Plan and Stabilization Plan, a final Documentation and Salvage Plan, and a final Risk Management Plan be submitted to the satisfaction of the Planner prior to the issuance of a Heritage Permit; and iii. That a final Vibration Monitoring Plan be submitted to the iv. That the owner obtain heritage approval under the Ontario Heritage Act and a Building Permit under the Building Code for the 34-storey residential tower, prior to the issuance of a demolition permit." LOST 2.6 Sub-Committee Updates The Chair invited the Heritage Kitchener Sub-Committees to provide updates on their recent meetings and efforts. Decolonizing the Heritage Process Members: R. Schwarz, V. Mance, M. Asling The Committee heard an update from the Decolonizing the Heritage Process Sub-committee, noting they had not had the opportunity to meet but have scheduled the next meeting. Designation and the Municipal Heritage Register Members: P. Ciuciura, D. Vongphakdy, M. Asling, S. Hossack, Councillor Chapman 6 The Committee next heard an update from the Designation and the Municipal Heritage Register Sub-committee, noting they had not had the opportunity to meet but have scheduled the next meeting. The Effects of Heritage Designation on Affordability Members: M. Asling The Committee next heard an update from the Effects of Heritage Designation on Affordability Sub-committee, noting they had not had the opportunity to meet but have continued their research and met with staff regarding recognition of support institutions. Promoting Cultural Heritage Members: J. Haalboom, I. Bodendorfer, S. Hossack, Councillor Michaud The Committee heard an update from the Promoting Cultural Heritage Sub- committee, noting efforts to organize a walking tour in Lower Doon and a request for a walking tour in connection with Garden Kitchener for the Civic Centre Conservation District. 2.7 Status Updates - Heritage Best Practices Update and 2022 Priorities, Heritage Impact Assessment Follow-ups T. Malone-Wright and D. Choudhry confirmed there were no status updates. In response to questions from the Committee, staff confirmed that they have no knowledge of tendering the contract for the Doon Bridge rehabilitation and discussed the development of towers within the downtown core. 3. Information Items 3.1 Heritage Permit Application Tracking Sheet 4. Adjournment On motion, this meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. S. Goldrup Committee Administrator 7