HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutChapter 620 - Demolition ControlChapter 630 - FencesChapter 633 - Fill - Dumping - Alteration of GradeChapter 635 - GarbageChapter 637 - GraffitiChapter 640 - Heat in Rented DwellingsChapter 642 - Heritage Property - Consent - AlterationsChapter 645 - Ice Boxes and RefrigeratorsChapter 650 - Lot MaintenanceChapter 660 - Plumbing and DrainageChapter 665 - Standards of Maintenance and Occupancy of PropertyChapter 680 - SignsChapter 683 - Site Plan ControlChapter 685 - Smoking in Various Areas, Institutions and BusinessesChapter 687 - Snow and Ice - Removal from Roofs and SidewalksChapter 689 - Termite - Wood-destroying Insects - ControlChapter 690 - TreesChapter 691 - Trees - ProtectionChapter 692 - Trees - Protection - Destruction - InjuryChapter 694 - Vacant Buildings - SecuredChapter 695 - Weed Control