The Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee met this date, commencing at 3:16 p.m.
Present: Councillor B. Vrbanovic - Chair
Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors S. Davey, J. Gazzola, Y. Fernandes, K. Galloway,
P. Singh, B. Ioannidis, Z. Janecki, D. Glenn-Graham and F. Etherington.
Staff: C. Ladd, Chief Administrative Officer
D. Chapman, Deputy CAO, Finance & Corporate Services
J. Willmer, Deputy CAO, Community Services
P. Houston, Deputy CAO, Infrastructure Services
R. Regier, Executive Director of Economic Development
A. Pinard, Director of Planning
S. Ross, Assistant City Solicitor
C. Bluhm, Manager of Downtown Community Development
J. MacDonald, Technical Analyst, Economic Development
C. Goodeve, Committee Administrator
Councillor P. Singh disclosed a pecuniary interest and abstained from all discussion and voting
concerning this matter as he owns property in the Cedar Hill area.
The Committee considered Community Services Department report CSD-11-053, dated April
15, 2011 and an attached document entitled “An Update to the Data Contained in the 2005
Cedar Hill Land Use and Social Environment Study”. The updated Study was required as part
of an interim decision from the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) concerning an appeal to Official
Plan Amendment No. 58 and By-law 2005-091, restricting new residential development in the
Cedar Hill Planning Community to single-detached dwellings. These restrictions were put
forward in response to the findings of the 2005 Study showing a neighbourhood under stress
due to a concentration of poorly supervised rooming houses, rental units owned and managed
by absentee landlords and different forms of community housing and residential care. Mr. J.
Willmer gave a presentation highlighting the results of the updated Study.
Councillor B. Ioannidis requested clarification as to the fluctuation in the trend of property
standards violations from 1999-2009.Mr. S. Turner replied that while it is difficult to determine
the exact cause, he speculated that the increased volume of property standards issues
reported during that time could relate to weather or changes in public awareness regarding a
particular issue.
In response to questions regarding the OMB process, Mr. Willmer advised that a pre-hearing
has been scheduled for June 2011 and, if necessary, a full hearing would be held in the Fall of
2011. He added that staff intend to undertake further consultation with the Cedar Hill
community on May 5, 2011, and anticipate presenting their recommendations on the updated
Study at the May 30, 2011 Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee meeting. He noted
that this allows time for the community to review the updated Study prior to a decision being
made by Council.
Clarification was requested regarding the age group distribution data, particularly the decrease
shown for the 20-39 age group, while an increase is observed for the 0-19 age group. Mr.
Willmer advised that this could relate to the reduction of non-family households in the area. He
added that single-detached dwellings used as lodging houses, which accommodated multiple
young adults, are now being occupied by young families; thereby, increasing the number of
youth while effecting a decline to the 20-39 age group.
Several members expressed concerns that if Downtown revival and public transit development
unfold as planned, speculators could take advantage of the rising land values. The danger
being that a wave of speculation, not soon followed by redevelopment, would increase the
number of absentee landlords; thereby causing the community to regress to a state similar to
the one observed in the 2005 Study. Questions were raised as to whether further monitoring
of the Cedar Hill area would be conducted over the next five to ten years. Mr. Willmer advised
that at present, no such monitoring has been provided for in staffs’ work plan. He added that if
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it is determined that Cedar Hill is now reflective of a typical Downtown Planning Community,
further monitoring may not be warranted. He noted that if changes were to take place in Cedar
Hill or another area of the Downtown, the updated Study contains benchmark data that could
be easily built upon.
Mr. Willmer explained that a level of care needs to be taken when examining the data in the
updated Study, indicating that an upward trend should not necessarily be interpreted as being
positive; such as, the increase in the proportion of households that have moved in the previous
five years. He noted that this shows a neighbourhood at risk due to rapid shifts in population.
Conversely, a downward trend can sometimes be viewed as being positive; such as, the
decline in the proportion of absentee landlords, which is a sign of stabilization. He stated that
these kinds of conflicting trends complicated the process of analyzing data and formulating
conclusions. He pointed out that several of the key indicators show that the Cedar Hill
Planning Community has been improving, which could suggest that there is no longer a need
for By-law 2005-091. However, another interpretation of this could be that the area has
stabilized because of the measures implemented to control development, and therefore they
need to be maintained. He noted that Council will need to determine how to move forward with
this matter.
On motion by Councillor F. Etherington -
it was resolved:
“That the document entitled “An Update to the Data Contained in the 2005 Cedar Hill
Land Use and Social Environment Study”, as attached to Community Services
Department report CSD-11-053, be received for information.”
The Committee considered Chief Administrator’s Office report CAO-11-004, dated April 27,
2011 regarding the stakeholder engagement process for the draft Economic Development
Strategy 2011-2015. In addition, the Committee was in receipt of the Economic Development
Stakeholders Discussion Paper, dated April 28, 2011. Mr. R. Regier presented the report
along with the circulated discussion paper, advising that a series of stakeholder consultations
have been planned between now and June 2011. He added that staff anticipate tabling the
draft Strategy with Council on June 27, 2011 and will solicit their feedback in late summer or
early Fall 2011. He noted that the final Strategy would be derived through consultation with
stakeholders from business, arts, culture, tourism, local government, education sectors and the
general public.
Councillor Y. Fernandes suggested that the Social Planning Council should be added to the list
of stakeholders, and indicated that she would prefer the new Strategy to contain specific action
items. She then inquired into whether feedback was being sought from all areas of the City.
Mr. Regier advised that there is currently a high concentration of social housing in Downtown
Kitchener and there is a need for balance; which is why an emphasis was placed on market
housing stakeholders. Further, he commented that the public open houses will be advertised
with hopes of drawing people from across the City. He stated that while it has yet to be
formally decided, these kinds of open houses are typically held at City Hall. However, he
would be willing to attend and present the draft Strategy during a Councillor’s open house at
one of the City’s community centres.
Councillor J. Gazzola questioned the resources and funding that would be required to
implement the new Strategy. Mr. Regier advised that as this moves forward, stakeholders will
be asked to identify short, medium and long-term priorities, which should give an indication as
to the necessary resources; however, the current assumption is that work would be done
within the framework of existing budget provisions. He added that Economic Development
staff may not always be the lead on projects and might act in a supporting role, which would
reduce the resources dedicated to that initiative. He referred to the development of the digital
media cluster as an example, noting that while staff were instrumental in developing the
strategy, it was Communitech who moved that initiative forward.
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Councillor F. Etherington asked for clarification regarding the time required to attract retail
businesses to the Downtown. Mr. Regier advised that retail is very rarely a market leader and
is typically attracted to an area once favourable market conditions have been established. He
estimated that within the next five years there will be approximately 1000-1500 new residents
in Kitchener’s core, which should help to attract new retail businesses. Mr. C. Bluhm added
that recently, the City began a formal program led by the Downtown Kitchener Business
Improvement Area (BIA) to strengthen the Downtown retail sector by attracting a mix of retail
businesses. The approach being, that it is preferable to take time to attract the right kind of
business, rather than just any business that could possible close within two to three years.
In response to questions regarding the development and prioritization of economic clusters,
Mr. Regier advised that clusters have a tendency to evolve at their own speed. He stated that
the life sciences cluster is currently in its infancy, with time needed for items to move through
research and development to commercialization. Comparatively, the rapid emergence of
renewable energy as a cluster demonstrates the need for a responsive strategy. He stated
that staff takes a customized approach to each cluster that is defined based on each ones
particular attributes. He commented that the financial and insurance industry recently
approached staff seeking assistance to form a cluster. He noted that the degree of overall
involvement is currently unknown, but it could be small given how well established that industry
is in this area.
Councillor P. Singh raised questions regarding the areas outside of the Downtown where
development could be encouraged to occur. Mr. Regier advised that the City owns a portfolio
of strategic land parcels located throughout the City. These parcels fall into two categories:
vacant employment lands located in South Kitchener and lands in the Downtown currently
used primarily for surface parking. He stated that each property presents its own
redevelopment opportunity relative to its geographical and market context, and can be a
potential catalyst to advance the economic development objectives of the City. At the request
of Councillor Singh, Mr. Regier agreed to provide the Committee with copies of a previously
circulated report, which gives an overview of these lands. In addition, he agreed to provide
information as to how each parcel is currently zoned. He noted that an update to the land
inventory would be undertaken as part of the creation of the new Economic Development
Councillor B. Ioannidis inquired into the potential to support research and development,
particularly an expansion of the area’s aerospace industry. Mr. Regier advised that through
the corporate visitation program, staff met with a number of representatives from aerospace
companies, noting that the head of the provincial aerospace industry lives in Waterloo Region.
He stated that while there is an opportunity for this sector to grow, it may be limited. He noted
that the difficulty associated with attracting large aerospace firms, such as Boeing, suggesting
that there might be companies in the regional supply chain who may be open to relocating to
In response to further questions from Councillor Fernandes, Mr. Regier commented on how
the Parks and Trail Master Plan are interlocked with the Economic Development Strategy, by
using recreation to market the City.
Councillor B. Vrbanovic suggested that the section of the Discussion Paper pertaining to small
business could be strengthened, as this is an integral part of the community’s economic
engine. He stated that at a recent planning conference held in Boston, Massachusetts, it was
identified that “centres of collaboration” were the driving force behind that City’s economic
rehab, and suggested that this should be incorporated into the new Strategy. In addition, he
commented that an emphasis should be placed on supporting Kitchener companies as they
branch out internationally. Mr. Regier advised that the concept of collaboration is intertwined
with the tenets of the Economic Development Strategy and could have been articulated more
effectively. He acknowledged the need to support local companies as they seek a presence in
the global market place, adding that it is something that will be examined in greater detail.
On motion by Councillor B. Ioannidis -
it was resolved:
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“That the proposed stakeholder engagement process for the draft Economic
Development Strategy 2011-2015, be implemented, as outlined in Chief Administrator’s
Office report CAO-11-004.”
On motion, the meeting adjourned at 5:04 p.m.
Colin Goodeve
Committee Administrator