The Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee met this date, commencing at 7:25 p. m.
Present: Councillor B. Vrbanovic -Chair
Councillors S. Davey, J. Gazzola, Y. Fernandes, P. Singh, K. Galloway, B. loannidis,
F. Etherington, Z. Janecki and D. Glenn-Graham.
Staff: C. Ladd, Chief Administrative Officer
J. Willmer, Deputy CAO, Community Services
D. Chapman, Deputy CAO, Finance & Corporate Services
P. Houston, Deputy CAO, Infrastructure Services
S. Turner, Director of By-law Enforcement
A. Pinard, Director of Planning
S. Adams, Director of Strategic Planning & Innovation
D. Ross, Manager of Development Review
K. Anderl, Senior Planner
J. Billett, Committee Administrator
Prior to commencement, the Chair read aloud the following statement:
"This is a formal public meeting to consider applications under the Planning Act. If a person or
public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City of Kitchener before the
proposed applications are considered, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the
decision to the Ontario Municipal Board and may not be added as a party to a hearing of an
appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board."
2066592 ONTARIO INC.
The Committee considered Community Services Department report CSD-11-111, dated
August 23, 2011 recommending approval of applications for a plan of subdivision consisting of
75 lots and a common element block, and a common elements plan of condominium for 342
Mill Street. Ms. K. Andrel reviewed the report.
Councillor K. Galloway inquired how parking will be designated and governed. Ms. K. Anderl
advised that parking will be dealt with through site plan review, with each unit to have a garage
and driveway parking space, and there will also be a common area for visitor parking. She
added that rules governing maintenance of the parking areas will be stipulated in the
Condominium Declaration to be submitted by the owner for approval by the City's Manager of
Development Review. Councillor Galloway raised concerns with the parkette abutting the
street and in particular, with safety of children playing in the parkette. Ms. Anderl advised that
the developer is proposing to provide the parkette and dedicate a portion of the Shoemaker
Greenway to the City that was previously held in private ownership. The detailed design will
be dealt with through site plan review and as it is to be a public open space rather than an
internal green space to the development, it must have street access to be accessible to the
general population. Councillor K. Galloway requested that consideration be given to an
alternate location during site plan review.
Councillor Z. Janecki questioned why the City's cash-in-lieu of park space was not taken for
this application given the nature and small size of the development. Ms. Anderl advised that a
combination of land dedication and cash-in-lieu was used. Councillor Janecki suggested that
cash-in-lieu was more appropriate than developing a parkette fronting the street and adjacent
to the creek, noting that the City will also incur future maintenance costs. Ms. Anderl advised
that Parks staff were consulted and are willing to assume maintenance of the park, noting that
it is the intent that the channel will become entirely green and form a trail connection. The
parkette is beneficial to this endeavour as a lead-in to the trail system. Councillor Janecki also
raised concerns as to the saleability of certain lots relative to their size and functionality. Ms.
Anderl advised that the builder is responsible for the design and will be marketing the site as
an urban townhouse development.
Councillor Z. Janecki referred to the mapping for the subdivision plan, and in particular Block
76 which shows wire fencing along the edge of the channel. He stated that it was his
understanding the GRCA does not permit fencing in the middle of a floodplain. Ms. Anderl
advised that this is likely in error and could be removed from the plan of subdivision mapping.
Councillor Y. Fernandes raised concerns that trail systems that are promised do not always
come to fruition and questioned how the developer or the City could be held committed to the
trail development. Ms. Anderl advised that the trail development would be done by the City but
in this location it does not yet lead anywhere as the area dead-ends and is therefore, a long
term objective. Councillor Fernandes suggested that given this is a high density area the
home owners will want outdoor amenities such as a trail that would provide access up to
Victoria Street. Mr. J. Willmer confirmed that plans for the trail development are long term and
are dependent on future redevelopment and use of Charles/Benton Streets for the Region of
Waterloo's LRT system. He suggested that notification could be given to prospective
purchasers that there is a plan for trail development but it is a long term objective.
Mr. Kurt Franklin, 2066592 Ontario Inc. addressed the Committee in support of the staff
Councillor K. Galloway inquired as to any concerns from area residents regarding the
proposed plan of subdivision. Ms. Anderl advised that notice was circulated to area residents
and only 3 responses were received; one of which was in support and the others expressing
concerns related to site plan issues which have been addressed.
Councillor Y. Fernandes raised concerns that the closeness of the property to a CN rail line
requires air conditioning to be provided which is counter-productive to environmental initiatives
that encourage residents to open windows and lower their air conditioning. She acknowledged
that nothing can be done about the location; however, she asked that this be taken into
consideration in future.
On motion by Councillor F. Etherington the recommendation in staff report INS-11-111 was
brought forward to approve the plan of subdivision and condominium application for 342 Mill
Street. Councillor Etherington accepted an amendment to his motion by Councillor Y.
Fernandes to provide for a condition of approval that prospective purchasers be warned that
plans for trail development are long term.
On motion by Councillor F. Etherington -
itwas resolved:
"That the City of Kitchener, pursuant to Section 51(31) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990,
Chapter P.13 as amended, and delegation By-law 2002-64, hereby grants draft
approval to Plan of Subdivision Application 30T-11201, in the City of Kitchener, for
2066592 Ontario Inc., subject to the conditions outlined in Community Services
Department report CSD-11-111, and as amended to add a condition of approval to
provide that the Subdivider agrees to include a statement in all Offers of Purchase and
Sale agreements that advises the prospective purchaser that the City's plans for trail
development in the subject area is a long term objective dependent on future
redevelopment and Regional transportation plans; and further,
That the City of Kitchener, pursuant to Section 51(31) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990,
Chapter P.13 as amended, and By-law 2002-64 as amended, hereby grants draft
approval to Condominium Application 30CDM-11207 for 342 Mill Street in the City of
Kitchener, subject to the conditions outlined in Community Services Department report
CSD-11-111, and as amended to add a condition of approval to provide that the
Subdivider agrees to include a statement in all Offers of Purchase and Sale agreements
that advises the prospective purchaser that the City's plans for trail development in the
subject area is a long term objective dependent on future redevelopment and Regional
transportation plans."
Councillor B. Vrbanovic advised that delegations have registered this date to speak to
concerns regarding the opening of a methadone clinic at 1253 King Street East.
Councillor F. Etherington advised that the subject clinic was introduced into the neighbourhood
without notification to area residents and is one of a number of similar clinics operating across
the Province. He advised that two Doctors own and operate the network of OATC's in 25
communities, working with over 40 Doctors in the field of dispensing methadone. Councillor
Etherington acknowledged the need for such clinics but expressed the need to also protect the
communities in which they are located. He noted that there have been concerns regarding a
similar clinic at 509 Park Street and now there is this new clinic in close proximity to the
entrance to the City.
Daniella Hutuleac and Jesse Reeve, area residents, advised that since the clinic's opening
they have experienced parking gridlock in their neighbourhood of Sheldon Avenue; as well as,
littering and undesirable behaviour exhibited by clients to the clinic. Mr. Reeve expressed
concerns regarding devaluation of their property and how that may be recouped, adding that
no one in the surrounding area was notified of the intent to open the clinic in its present
location and had he known he would not have purchased a home in the area. He further noted
that the Park Street methadone clinic is to be closed for a substantial period of time for
renovations and all clients of that establishment are also now attending the King Street clinic.
In response to questions from Councillor D. Glenn-Graham, Mr. Reeve advised that a good
portion of parked vehicles are taxis delivering and waiting for clients to the clinic and are
illegally parking. He noted that the clinic operates 7 days a week and while there is a parking
lot behind the clinic those coming are not using it. Mr. Reeve stated that they can confirm
connection of littering to those attending the clinic through eye witness account. Ms. Hutuleac
added that clients are lined up outside on the street because the facility cannot hold all of
those attending and it was her understanding that the King Street facility has also extended
their hours of operation due to the temporary closing of the Park Street clinic. She raised
concerns of feeling unsafe alone in her home and suggested that adjacent businesses are also
suffering, noting that some businesses have had to post signage to indicate no public
washrooms are available and the Scotiabank has had to hire full time security. Ms. Hutuleac
advised that they had not contacted the police but have spoken with By-law Enforcement staff.
In response to Councillor Y. Fernandes, the delegation confirmed that the parked vehicles are
idling for long periods of time.
Suzanne and Robert Kohlmeier, area residents, raised similar concerns related to no
notification being given that the clinic was to locate in its present location and that it has taken
over the neighbourhood. Ms. Kholmeier stated that it has been difficult to navigate both as a
pedestrian and a motorist living in the neighbourhood and advised that she had spoken with
Waterloo Regional Police who were interested as they too were not told of the clinic. She
commented that the behaviour exhibited by some clients to the clinic is not acceptable in the
neighbourhood and asked for assistance in enforcement of by-laws to alleviate the issues of
parking and other concerns raised.
Ms. S. Adams advised that staff only became aware this date of the possible closing of the
Park Street clinic for renovations, which is understood to take 6 to 8 weeks to complete. She
advised that the City had a good relationship with the Co-ordinator of the Park Street clinic who
has since left the facility. It was also noted that staff worked with the neighbourhood to build a
good relationship with the clinic and have developed a strategy around the Park Street facility
that has achieved results over time.
Mr. S. Turner advised that By-law Enforcement staff also were not aware of the clinic until
today and he was not aware of the nature of contact made by the first delegation but would
follow up with them. He stated that staff will use their experience with the Park Street facility to
help manage the new location. Mr. Turner noted that a partnership between City staff, area
residents and contacts with the Park Street clinic was forged, and the location was monitored
to encourage clients to behave in an acceptable manner. He suggested that similar issues are
carrying over to the new location, noting that there is ample parking in the rear lot which can be
enforced and staff will also look at placement of garbage bins and bike racks, as well as
address any pets being tied up outside the facility. Mr. Turner advised that staff will pursue
opportunity to talk with the parties involved and do what can be done to manage the issues.
Councillor B. loannidis questioned what type of zoning is typically needed to locate a clinic of
this nature. Mr. A. Pinard advised that the new location is in a mixed use corridor with a
variety of permitted uses, one of which is a health clinic & office use, under which the
methadone clinic is permitted. He noted that the definition of a health clinic encompasses all
types of treatments and does not distinguish methadone from any other type of treatments
given. Councillor Z. Janecki questioned if the clinic is operated by the Province or privately.
Mr. S. Turner advised that it is owned and operated by an independent company that receives
funding from the Province.
Councillor Etherington commented that based on conversation with the City's Solicitor it was
his understanding the City cannot legally ask if a clinic intends to dispense methadone and
therefore, has no way of finding out in advance. Councillor B. Vrbanovic questioned if unique
zoning could be applied specifically to methadone clinics. Mr. Pinard advised that staff have
no reason to ask when issuing an occupancy certificate and could be construed as being
discriminatory if they did so; nor does the applicant have to disclose such information as long
as they meet the definition under the Zoning By-law. In regard to unique zoning, Mr. Pinard
advised that differentiating in such a way is referred to as "people" zoning which is regarded as
a poor planning principle and is unlikely to withstand challenge. Mr. Pinard advised that the
issue of zoning has not been investigated in this context and staff could undertake to do so
with Legal staff but again cautioned that such zoning would be open to challenge. Councillor
Vrbanovic questioned if there is opportunity to explore licensing of such facilities that would
then require regular inspections. Mr. S. Turner advised that staff could investigate through this
avenue; however, he was not aware of any particular licensing venue in place that could be
applied. Councillor Vrbanovic suggested that this avenue should be pursued and a report
brought back with a legal opinion.
Councillor K. Galloway inquired if it is known whether the new clinic is intended to be a
permanent location or only temporary until such time as the Park Street facility re-opens. Mr.
Pinard advised that it is his understanding the intent is to operate the clinic as a permanent
Mr. Greg O'Brien, Branch Manager, Scotia Bank, confirmed concerns raised by area residents,
noting that he had to hire on-site security to alleviate concerns of safety for his staff and has
had to have clients of the clinic removed from the Bank foyer. He stated that the current
situation is not acceptable and he too was not told that the clinic was to locate in its present
Mr. Dan Vandebelt, resident, advised that he has a long history of partnering to improve
relations with the Park Street clinic and surrounding neighbourhood, and offered his service to
participate in discussions concerning the new location as a link between the two experiences.
He added that it is a matter of finding a balance between caring for the patients and the well
being of the surrounding neighbourhood and businesses.
A motion by Councillor F. Etherington was brought forward to request the Ontario Ministry of
Health to provide basic, advance information that alerts a municipality when it is proposed to
open a new methadone clinic in the community; and to request the support of other Ontario
municipalities through the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, as well as, circulate the
motion to the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Health and local MPPs.
Councillor Etherington advised that it is also intended to meet with all interested parties to keep
abreast of the issues concerning the King Street East location and City Planners will
investigate best practices of other municipalities who have experienced similar situations.
Councillor D. Glenn-Graham commented that methadone clinics are needed in the community
and gave assurances to the delegations that he and Councillor Etherington, as Ward
Councillors, will work with the neighbourhood toward alleviating their concerns and to lobby the
Province to take a more pro-active role.
Councillor B. Vrbanovic also recognized the need for such clinics but agreed that a
collaborative approach between the Province and municipalities is needed, in particularly, as
there is the potential for added expenses to be incurred by the municipality associated with
added by-law enforcement and policing in respect to the facility.
On motion, this meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m
Janet Billett
Committee Administrator