Present: Councillor S. Davey -Vice-Chair
Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors S. Davey, Y. Fernandes, K. Galloway, P. Singh, B.
loannidis, Z. Janecki, B. Vrbanovic and F. Etherington
Staff: C. Ladd, Chief Administrative Officer
D. Chapman, Deputy CAO, Finance & Corporate Services
J. Willmer, Deputy CAO, Community Services
P. Houston, Deputy CAO, Infrastructure Services
R. Regier, Executive Director, Economic Development
R. Hagey, Interim Director of Financial Planning
J. Witmer, Director of Operations
S. Adams, Director, Community & Corporate Planning
S. Turner, Director, By-law Enforcement
M. Hildebrand, Director, Community Programs & Services
C. Fletcher, Director of Facilities Management
G. Murphy, Director of Engineering
W. Malcolm, Director of Utilities
A. Pinard, Director of Planning
J. McBride, Director of Transportation Planning
T. Beckett, Fire Chief
D. Murray, Manager, Client Services
B. Korah, Manager, Development Engineering
K. Kugler, Manager, The AUD & Community Arenas
G. Hummel, Manager, Park Planning, Development & Operations
S. Allen, Manager, Engineering Design & Approvals
G. McTaggart, Manager, Infrastructure Asset Planning
D. Ritz, Supervisor, Design & Development
S. White, Senior Financial Analyst
A. Italiano, Senior Financial Analyst
D. Gilchrist, Committee Administrator
J. Billett, Committee Administrator
The purpose of this special meeting was to discuss the proposed Capital Budget and 10 Year Capital
Forecast 2012-2021.
The Committee considered Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS-11-203,
dated October 25, 2011, and attached line-by-line listing of all projects in the Capital Forecast
by Department /Division. The Committee also received this date supplemental information,
including Issue Papers C13 (Boathouse Exterior & Aud Dehumidification), C14 (Debt Graphs
Net of Hydro Debt) and C15 (Financial Condition per Capita).
Mr. D. Chapman provided opening remarks, stating that there were 4 themes used in
preparation of the Capital Budget: affordability, investment, challenge and process. What will
be presented today is an affordable budget that is fully funded throughout the 10 years of the
forecast and it is affordable for taxpayers. The forecast contains improvements related to
investments in such areas as parks and trails and increases in investment in infrastructure in
areas such as the backlog of bridges. Also, there are challenges to be dealt with over the life
of the forecast including parks and forestry as well as the absence of reserves and a limited
debt capacity. With respect to the process, Mr. Chapman advised that direction was taken
from Council and the Corporate Leadership Team (CLT), public input was obtained and this
capital budget and forecast is fully supported by the CLT.
Mr. Hagey advised that information will be provided on the Capital Budget and 10 Year Capital
Forecast today and there is ample time for input from Council members and a response from
staff prior to final budget day on January 19, 2012.
Mr. Hagey reviewed funding sources for the Capital Forecast: respecting the capital pool, he
noted that there is 1 less year for Economic Development Investment Fund (EDIF) as
compared to the 2011 Capital Forecast. Respecting Development Charges, Mr. Hagey
advised that some development charge projects have been deferred and will have to be
prioritized through the next Development Charge Study. The amount of donations has been
reduced as these donations were from the province in respect of the new court house; further,
"other" represents transfers from other sources for specific projects. Mr. Hagey advised that
any additions in the 10 Year Capital Forecast or 2012 Capital Budget will require 1 of 3 things
to happen: a reduction in another area of the budget; an increase in the amount of capital from
current, which will affect current taxes; or, an increase in debt which will have an impact on
future property taxes.
Respecting the City's Capital Policy, Mr. Hagey advised that the impact on the taxpayer each
year is to be no greater than the rate of inflation. The increase in debt charges is limited to the
rate of assessment growth; so, the increase in debt charges combined with capital out of
current is limited to the rate of assessment growth plus inflation. Mr. Chapman advised that for
this purpose, inflation has been set at 3% and assessment growth at 2% for the life of the
forecast. Both are applied so that growth is funded.
In reviewing the Capital Pool Availability, questions were raised by the Committee about
Capital Closeouts. Mr. Hagey advised that there were no capital closeouts last year but there
have been in previous years. Councillor Gazzola directed staff to provide the figures for
Capital Closeouts over the last 5 years and details on last year's Capital Closeouts. Mr. Hagey
then referred to page CAP-63 in the agenda and noted that as of October 28, 2011, the capital
surplus was $2.2M and of that, $1.1 M came from the Grand River Slope Stabilization Project.
The remaining $1.1 M consists of a small amount from a number of other projects.
In discussions concerning the overall deficit of $1.854M, Mr. Hagey advised that it will be paid
from the closeout and that the area of greatest deficit is winter controls.
Mr. Hagey next reviewed the Gas Capital Investment Reserve Fund. Through discussions Mr.
Malcolm advised that the gas utility has experienced a better transportation benefit. He then
explained that changes are taking place in the industry which will take a while to put in place
and Kitchener Utility's rates will remain constant until at least next June. Mr. Hagey advised
that the details of the gas utility operating budget will be presented in December. Mr.
Chapman stated that staff will provide a history of gas profitability to this Committee in
December when the operating budget will be discussed.
In response to questions about reducing the gas rate, Mr. Chapman advised that the City has
an approved policy regarding setting gas rates and a policy review should be undertaken first;
however, gas rates were reduced last year and will probably be reduced again next year.
The Hydro Capital Investment Reserve Fund was review and responding to a question on the
reduction of interest on long term debt through the term of the forecast, Mr. Chapman advised
that interest rates continue to fall.
The Committee continued its review of Reserves with the Economic Development Investment
Fund (EDIF). Mr. Hagey advised that 2012 is the 9t" year of this 10 year fund. He stated that
the library and Centre Block will be financed through this fund. Further, the changes made by
Council last year have been continued to the end of the fund. In response to a question about
parking subsidies to Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU), Mr. Regier advised that the subsidy is
tied to the current parking rate paid by students at the main WLU campus. He also advised
that WLU is discussing this matter with its unions and once these discussions have taken
place, staff will bring a report to Council, with options. He stated that our current agreement
with WLU gives them 175 parking spaces but they only use 90.
Further questions were raised about EDIF: the Economic Development Investment Strategy
requires funds to prepare some City owned land for redevelopment; concerning the Brahm
Street Parking, the funding will cover the cost of decommissioning the site and development of
a surface parking lot.
A question was raised as to property tax increases for the tannery and Kaufman Lofts and Mr.
Chapman agreed to provide this information to the Committee.
Mr. Regier was directed to provide information on the amount of private sector investment in
downtown, in light of EDIF and information on property taxes for those developments which
have been funded.
In response to questions, Mr. Hagey advised that the costs of EDIF debt will still have to be
paid after 2013, for 15 years after the last debt issue, and these costs will be shown in the
operating budget.
Mr. Hagey continued his review of the Capital Budget and Forecast with Development
Charges, noting that originally there was a significant shortfall which was handled by deferring
several projects to 2015. Those Development Charge projects will be finally determined once
there is a new Development Charges By-law. In response to questions about earlier
preparation of a new by-law, Mr. Willmer advised that circumstances indicate that it would be
unwise to do so at this time. Mr. Chapman advised that in the future by-law we will lose
funding for soft services.
In response to questions, Mr. Hagey advised that the best time for Council members to present
project priorities for the next development charges by-law would be early in 2013.
Mr. Hagey presented the Development Charges (DC) for Engineering and Non-Engineering
Reserves, indicating the projects were prioritized based on Strategic Planning goals, safety
issues and the Kitchener Growth Management Plan (KGMP). He stated that the determination
of how funding is allocated between Engineering (hard) and Non-Engineering (soft) services is
based upon the DC Background Study.
Clarification was requested regarding the projected decline of the `Credits to be Applied' item,
as outlined on page CAP-24. Mr. Hagey advised that this relates to credits for existing
frontend servicing agreements, with the projected decline correlating with the timeframe set out
in the existing agreements.
Councillor K. Galloway questioned if consideration has been given to having developers cover
both hard and soft costs through frontend servicing agreements. Mr. Hagey advised that the
City's frontend servicing agreement policy only pertains to hard /engineering related services.
Mr. Chapman added that DC legislation sets out the range a municipality is permitted to
charge for DC services. He noted that the City typically applies the maximum allowable
charge for soft services.
Councillor J. Gazzola questioned if it would be possible to delay certain items within the
Capital Forecast; such as, the Block Line Road East project. Mr. J. Willmer advised that the
completion of the Block Line Road East project is timed to alleviate traffic congestion related to
the start of the Region of Waterloo's work at Homer Watson Boulevard and Ottawa Street. In
response to further questions, Mr. G. McTaggart confirmed that the funding allocated for the
Block Line Road East project does not include resurfacing the existing sections of that road.
He added that staff are currently examining surface reconstruction as well as widening of the
existing portion of Block Line Road.
Councillor P. Singh requested that an issue paper be provided for final Budget Day outlining
the costs related to resurfacing Block Line Road. Mr. McTaggart advised that work is still
being done on the study examining the resurfacing and widening and staff anticipate bringing
forward a report on this matter once that study has been completed. Councillor Singh asked if
delaying the Block Line Road East project would help to expedite the proposed resurfacing.
Mr. McTaggart indicated that the two projects are not connected, as the resurfacing and
widening are not intended to be funded through the DC Reserves.
In discussing the Development Charges for engineering projects, Mr. B. Korah advised that the
Freeport Pumping Station was built in the 1960s and it has to be replaced in order to allow for
future developments in the catchment area. He advised that a consultant has already been
hired for this project. He stated that the biggest concern is that this pumping station is
reaching capacity now and any overflow will go into the Grand River.
Respecting the Block Line Road project, Mr. Korah advised that the environmental assessment
has been completed. Staff is currently in discussions with CNR and CPR and will present a
report in this regard to Council in March. This 2 year project will commence in April or May
Respecting the Schneider Creek Project, Mr. S. Allen advised that the project will be done in 3
phases. He stated that there are currently problems with erosion and flooding and the
environmental assessment is being undertaken at this time. Further, the capital budget for this
project is shown as $1.61 M in 2012 and $2.7M in 2015.
Concerning the capital allocation for Planning Studies, Mr. A. Pinard advised that all of the
funds are not always spent in a year. Any funds remaining are carried forward to the following
year so that in a year when a large cost is incurred, there are sufficient funds available.
There were also questions about financing for the Kitchener Operations Facility (KOF) and Ms.
Houston advised that even though the building is complete, the funding was spread out over
several years, which was part of the business plan.
Mr. Hagey noted that all of these projects are to be funded through Development Charges and
they have no impact on the tax levy.
The Committee then reviewed Development Charges for non-engineering projects and it was
noted that the main projects in this category are the Central Branch Library, Centre Block
parking and parks and trails.
Councillor Galloway advised that her priority for the next Development Charges Study is: the
South End Complex, being a community centre in 2015 followed by a library and pool, the
South District Sportsfields and a twin pad arena. Mr. Chapman responded that if Council
wishes, discussions on the next Development Charges Study and By-law can take place
sooner than early 2013.
In response to questions about capital expenditures on parks, Mr. G. Hummel advised that the
allocation for major park development will pay for capital improvements to several parks and
the funding for general parks is for new park development. Mr. Hummel noted that part of the
cost for these parks will be paid from Development Charges and part from Capital from
Respecting funding for the library, Ms. S. Lewis, CEO, Kitchener Public Library, advised that
funding has been spread out over 4 years and they have phased in the purchase of books and
technology, as contained in the business plan.
A discussion took place concerning funding for parks and trails; also of 2 significant parts
missing from the Walter Bean trail and funding that may be available through the Grand River
Conservation Authority. Mr. Hummel advised that the City is currently acquiring land for this
purpose and is moving forward as the land is acquired. Concerning City funding for parks and
trails, Mr. Hummel advised that a budget of $331,000 is proposed as Capital from Current in
addition to the Development Charges funding.
This meeting recessed at 11:30 a. m. and reconvened at 11:42 a.m. with the following
members present: Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors S. Davey, J. Gazzola, B. loannidis, Z.
Janecki, Y. Fernandes, K. Galloway, B. Vrbanovic, F. Etherington and P. Singh.
The Committee next reviewed the 2012 Capital Budget and 10 Year Capital Forecast for the
Kitchener Public Library and Centre in the Square. Reference was made to the Library's
General Provision account and Ms. S. Lewis advised that this fund covers the cost of
unexpected repairs and will be spent on the Forest Heights Library parking lot paving.
To address some questions from the Committee, Mr. Chapman advised that there are no
unnecessary funds in these projects. He stated that if there is an excess of funds in any
account, it is closed and the money becomes a funding source for other capital projects.
Staff continued with their presentation, dealing with the City's debt. It was noted that the
graphs represent various aspects of the debt and do not include the Auditorium expansion;
and, as directed by the Committee, Mr. Hagey stated that these graphs will be updated to
include the expansion of the Auditorium and will be provided in the Budget Day package.
As a result of a discussion on credit rating and comparative debt across the Region, Mayor
Zehr advised that he will forward the Region's charts to all members of Council.
Staff then reviewed Issue Papers C14 and C15, providing a scenario as to what the City's
overall debt and per capita debt would be if the City should liquidate its note receivable from
Kitchener Wilmot Hydro and net it against the City's debt. Staff stated that this scenario is
completely theoretical and is simply to be used as an illustration. Mayor Zehr stated that he
had requested this illustration and pointed out that the City is receiving more income than it is
paying on the debentures. It was pointed out that, when looking at a comparative situation
respecting debt, other municipalities do not necessarily have such an asset and our risk is
significantly less.
In addressing the City's Reserves, Mr. Hagey noted that they generally have low balances and
staff will come forward with a comprehensive policy respecting Reserves in 2012. Following
discussion of some of the reserves, Ms. Ladd advised that some of the reserves will be closed
out and the funds will be placed in an Economic Development Reserve. She advised that
Council considered the Economic Development Strategy and funds for this strategy will be
required. Staff will present a report in this regard in the near future. Ms. Ladd stated that the
city needs to continue an investment strategy and staff will investigate consolidating some of
the existing funds into one Economic Development Reserve once EDIF ends. As a response
to questions, Mr. Chapman advised that Council can look at the Reserves and give direction.
He gave assurances that the funds will not be touched until Council makes a decision. Mr.
Regier suggested conserving the existing resources and he will provide Council with a report
on how to utilize them to cash flow some projects.
Respecting the Gas Capital Reserve, Mr. Chapman advised that the objective benchmark is
10% to 15% of the operating revenue.
The meeting then recessed at 12:53 p. m. and reconvened at 1:40 p. m. with all members present,
except Councillors B. Vrbanovic and D. Glenn-Graham.
Mr. R. Hagey circulated a chart representing Total Debt Cost, broken down by the 2010
principal, 2011 principal payment and 2011 interest payment for Enterprise, EDIF and tax
based. It was noted that the 2011 interest payment for tax based equates to $853,560.
Mr. Hagey provided details as to how the Capital Forecast information is structured and
outlined major changes over the previous year as proposed in Department/Divisional capital
budgets, outlined on pages 46 to 58 of report FIN-11-203, and referenced associated Issue
Councillor Y. Fernandes requested that 2011 revenues and expenditures for the Storm Water
Management (SWM) Enterprise be provided in comparison to the general expenses attributed
to the Enterprise. Mr. R. Hagey advised that these figures would be included in the Operating
Budget package.
Councillor P. Singh requested an explanation as to what the Safe and Healthy Advisory
Committee funding is used for and Ms. C. Ladd agreed to provide an update on 2011
expenditures for the Advisory Committee.
Councillor J. Gazzola questioned the feasibility of reducing funding in the Corporate Plan
account. Ms. C. Ladd advised that there are existing encumbrances outstanding and in 2010-
1. FCS-11-203 - 2012 CAPITAL FORECAST (CONT'D)
2011 expenses exceeded the budget allocation to address an Organizational Design Review
which led to the recent organizational restructuring. She stated that this is the only account the
organization has to address special programs/research in support of development of the City's
Strategic Plan and given it is a modest amount would not recommend a reduction.
Councillor Y. Fernandes questioned the feasibility of using Downtown Incentives Funding for
other programming outside of the downtown, such as Community Centre improvements or
helping smaller strip malls improve store fronts. Mr. R. Regier advised that a comprehensive
review of all downtown incentives programming is to be undertaken in 2012 with a report to
come forward with recommendations for change. Ms. Ladd added that a similar discussion
held during the 2011 budget deliberations noted that analysis of investment in suburban areas
shows a higher investment than that made in the downtown area, citing examples of the
Leisure Facilities Master Plan and the Parks & Trails Master Plan.
Councillor K. Galloway questioned the feasibility of using EDIF to fund downtown incentives.
Mr. Regier advised that staff is recommending the existing program be preserved for the time
being, adding that a report is to come forward regarding the new Economic Development
Strategy for land development and funding allocations will be a decision of Council.
Councillor J. Gazzola questioned the $100,000. allocation for Market acoustics upgrades, as
outlined in Issue Paper C03. Mr. R. Regier advised that the Market has been challenged to
increase revenues in the area of corporate training markets because of issues related to poor
acoustics in the teaching kitchen /event space. He stated that the Market has lost significant
business and revenues because of the ambient noise levels and the upgrades are designed to
mitigate acoustics to improve the Market's ability to generate increased business and
A motion by Councillor J. Gazzola was brought forward for consideration to remove the
$100,000 allocation for Market acoustics upgrades from the Capital budget.
Councillor K. Galloway expressed a preference to have additional information made available
to show current revenue streams and projected increase in revenue with the proposed
improvements. She questioned if Option 1 which equates to the $100,000 amount is what staff
is actually recommending. Mr. Regier advised that a business case is to be presented during
budget deliberations and based on an architectural analysis staff will be recommending Option
On motion by Councillor K. Galloway -
itwas resolved:
"That consideration to remove the $100,000 allocation for Market acoustics upgrades
from the Capital budget be deferred to final budget day, pending receipt of additional
information from staff concerning current revenue streams, projected increase in
revenue with proposed improvements and presentation of the business case related to
the upgrades."
Mr. D. Chapman advised that funding in the Enhancements to the Tax/Utility System account
is related to the Customer Information System (CIS) which is maintained in-house by a staff
support team. Mr. Chapman stated that a recent review determined that there is still good
value in the CIS system; however, as the originating developer no longer supports the software
it has been determined that it is not sustainable as a long term solution. Mr. Chapman advised
that a business case is being developed for presentation in 2012 as to options for replacement
of the CIS system.
Councillor J. Gazzola questioned the reason for annual funding for the Waterloo Region
Education Public Network (WREPNET). Mr. D. Murray advised that the expenses in the
account covers monthly fibre fees paid to Rogers to have fibre optic connections; and the
maintenance of the hardware devices at those locations as provided through another vendor.
Councillor Gazzola inquired if there are any other less expensive alternatives. Mr. Murray
advised that for the level of service the City is getting the joint municipal partnership agreement
is a sound alternative and has provided great value to the City.
Councillors Y. Fernandes and Z. Janecki raised concerns with the need to spend an allocation
of $500,000 per year over the next 5 years for capital repairs to the Kitchener Operations
Facility (KOF) given it is a new facility. Ms. C. Fletcher acknowledged that it is a new facility;
however, she pointed out that over 450 employees have moved into the building and heavy
equipment is also being moved about which results in normal wear and tear. She added that
this is the City's largest facility, as well as the largest site at 45 acres, and the dollars allocated
are intended to cover maintenance of the entire package. Mayor Zehr agreed, suggesting that
a site this size cannot be run without major expenditures and cannot be compared to a
household given the sophisticated equipment and building structures in use.
In response to Mayor C. Zehr, Ms. K. Kugler advised that currently funding for the Centennial /
Jack Couch Stadiums comes from the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium Complex (KMAC) Site
Upgrading account. She noted that information is still being put together in regard to changes
to occur at the site and a report will come forward in early 2012 to look at funding dependent
on what option is chosen to proceed. Mayor Zehr suggested that some funding may be
required in 2012 relative to potentially significant works, questioning if there is a figure in the
budget as a placeholder. Ms. Kugler advised that at this time because the costs and a specific
option is not defined there is no placeholder as yet for any kind of revitalization or demolition of
the site. Mayor Zehr commented that he was thinking also in context of the parking issues
related to the KMAC expansion plans and with the likelihood that something will be done in
2012 he questioned where the financing is to come from and how a placeholder for it could be
established. Mr. D. Chapman advised that options are limited, as seen in staff's attempts to
find funding for the KMAC dehumidification system and improvements to the Victoria Park
Boathouse. Mr. Chapman suggested and it was agreed, that staff will consider the issues
raised and report back on final budget day.
At the request of Councillor K. Galloway, Mr. M. Hildebrand agreed to provide an update on
the specifics of what was funded from the Community Development Infrastructure Program.
Councillor K. Galloway referred to Issue Paper C07 (Forest Heights School /Pool /Library
Parking Lot), questioning if the Parking Enterprise is to contribute funding toward the parking
lot redesign. Mr. M. Hildebrand advised that no funding is being contributed from the Parking
Enterprise, noting that this project is a joint partnership between the City of Kitchener and the
Waterloo Region District School Board (Forest Heights Collegiate). Mr. J. McBride added that
the Enterprise typically funds projects where it can recoup expenses through revenue
generation; and in this case, revenue generation is not possible as parking is free at Forest
Heights Collegiate.
Councillor J. Gazzola suggested that allocating funds to the parking lot redesign is premature
as true costing and actual improvements to be made are unknown. Mr. Hildebrand advised
that redesign plans have not yet been received from the School Board but it was his
understanding a complete renovation is intended, including such things as redirecting traffic
flow and enhancing lighting to improve safety for students travelling through the parking lot.
Mr. Hildebrand added that the project costs are yet to be determined and negotiations with the
School Board will have to be undertaken to determine the extent of funding the City will
contribute to the project.
At the request of Councillor F. Etherington, Mr. Hildebrand agreed to report back on the length
of time the Mill-Courtland Community Centre has been waiting for an addition.
Councillor K. Galloway requested an Issue Paper on Development Charge projects, and in
particular, the Mill-Courtland and Doon Pioneer Park Community Centres and South-end
Community Centre, Library, Pool, Arena and District Park, so that they can be prioritized in
context for the Development Charge By-law review.
Councillor Y. Fernandes questioned why there is a spike in funding in 2013 for Fire -Major
Equipment/Fleet. Mr. Hagey stated that Fire Services indicated that $15M would be needed
for Major Equipment/Fleet over the next 10 years. He stated that rather than allocating $1.5M
per year, the amounts were adjusted based on the funds that were identified as being available
in a particular year.
Questions were raised regarding the timing of the next major equipment purchase by Fire
Services, and staff agreed to provide additional information on the vehicle replacement cycle.
Councillor Gazzola questioned if the construction of any additional Fire Halls was included in
the Forecast. Chief Beckett advised that the most recent Fire Hall was constructed in 2007 in
South West Kitchener, adding that in accordance with the Station Relocation Study, the City's
current Fire Hall complement is sufficient to meet demand. He commented that in the future it
might only be necessary to provide for additional apparatus and staff, rather than adding a new
Fire Hall. Mr. Willmer noted that if response times were to become problematic, then that
could facilitate the need for a new Fire Hall.
Councillor Fernandes asked to receive information on the type of equipment that was being
replaced under the Fleet Replacement Equipment account. Mr. Chapman agreed to provide a
list of vehicles included in the equipment review process.
Mayor C. Zehr stated that when looking at equipment and its impact on levels of service for turf
maintenance, if the level of service were to increase so too would the demand for equipment.
He questioned if staff were recommending an adjustment to the level of service in the
Operating Budget. Mr. J. Witmer advised that staff is recommending an increase in turf
maintenance for 2012, which has not been specifically identified in the Capital Forecast. He
suggested that if the proposed $2.7M allocation for replacement equipment was used
elsewhere, then alternative arrangements would need to be made to fund the increase in turf
In regard to community trails and park development in general and as it relates to Issue Paper
C11 (Park & Urban Forestry Strategic Plans), Mayor C. Zehr requested additional information
as to a mechanism to deal with these issues, expressing the opinion that the City cannot
continue to operate with deficit balances in these accounts. He noted that establishment of the
Local Environmental Action Fund (LEAF) was intended to inspire projects of a transformational
character and while many coming forward could be considered as such they have not
leveraged the added dollars hoped for. He stated that in the next few years LEAF is to have
an uncommitted balance of $3.5M and while he was not suggesting the approach be entirely
abandoned he was of the opinion it was time to look at the criteria used for LEAF and
determine if things such as cycling, the Parks Master Plan and trails that cannot be done
because there are no resources, could benefit and be looked at as a whole. He asked that
staff provide options as to what could be included that may also include other environmental
related projects the City cannot get to because there is no standard financing. At the same
time, and if it is determined LEAF funds could be used, then he suggested the City could look
at the remaining $1 M in the Walter Biehn Grand River Conservation Foundation for those trails
but noted that there is acquisition issues still to be dealt with. Mayor Zehr commented that it
would be a great legacy for this Council to be able to say they completed the Walter Biehn
Trail by 2014 but it will take some creativity in how to piece it together.
Councillor K. Galloway requested that the Urban Forestry Strategy and the Huron Natural Area
Education Centre be considered as part of staff's consideration to leverage LEAF funds and
asked for an Issue Paper to be provided as to how the Huron Natural Area Education Centre
might be included in the Capital Forecast with potential use of LEAF funding.
Councillor Y. Fernandes requested that the Victoria Park Strategic Plan, McLennan Park and
Huron Woods also be considered as part of staff's consideration to leverage LEAF funds.
Councillor B. loannidis requested that LEAF funds also be considered as a means to advance
action to protect the City's tree canopy against the Emerald Ash Borer.
Mr. D. Chapman suggested and it was agreed, that a report on the review of LEAF criteria
come forward to the January 9, 2012 Standing Committee meetings to allow full discussion
and an opportunity to fine tune options prior to final budget day.
Councillor P. Singh referred to the Victoria Park General Provision and asked that an Issue
Paper be prepared to consider the feasibility of establishing a similar account for McLennan
The Committee considered Issue Paper C10 (Victoria Park Boathouse Site Development) and
supplementary Issue Paper C13 (Boathouse Exterior and Aud Dehumidification). Mr. J.
Witmer advised that staff had desired to have all Victoria Park exterior work included in the
original tender; however, the price exceeded funding availability and therefore, there is no
funding allocation for the boathouse improvements. Councillor F. Etherington requested
clarification of plans for the boathouse interior space. Mr. Witmer advised that the proposed
funding for boathouse improvements does not include any interior work at this time. Mr. R.
Regier added that a review of interior renovations is currently being conducted by Facilities
Management staff and a report will come forward with costing and options for funding sources
at a later date. Mr. Witmer also noted that the proposed improvements to the front of the
boathouse are to be done concurrent with the lake improvements project to effect a seamless
exterior rehabilitation.
Councillor Z. Janecki inquired if Tree Planting funds are used for random or specific tree
replacements. Mr. J. Witmer advised that the account covers both tree replacement and new
plantings for parks and open spaces. He added that if tree replacement is done systematically
across the City it would then in essence become a program that would have to be funded from
within their capital dollars in a planned way. Mr. Witmer cited an example of needed tree
replacement in the South West - Activa Subdivision that requires approximately 58 trees to be
replaced at an approximate cost of $20,000 and therefore, the account could be outstripped
quickly given a budget of only $52,000.
Councillor Y. Fernandes questioned if any thought has been given to assisting City staff in
gaining a better understanding about pruning of trees and to help residents maintain trees so
they do not die off. Mr. D. Ritz advised that the Park and Urban Forestry Strategy, currently
not funded, provides for strategies to address tree pruning, with street tree structural pruning
proposed as a new program.
The Committee then reviewed Engineering -Regional and City road reconstruction capital
Following discussion, Councillor K. Galloway referred again to Issue Paper C11 (Park and
Urban Forestry Strategic Plans) and in particular to the items listed in the Plan's Forecast for
2012-2021. She asked that staff investigate and report on a way to fund in 2013 at least 50-
75% of the projects identified (Cycling Master Plan, Walter Bean Trail, other environmentally
related projects, Huron Natural Area Education Centre, General Trails Master Plan).
On motion by Councillor P. Singh -
itwas resolved:
"That staff be directed to report and / or take appropriate action on the following matters arising
from the November 17, 2012 special Finance and Corporate Services Committee meeting
relative to the 2012 Capital Budget, as outlined in the chart below:
Capital Pool Provide figures on the total amount of close
outs for the past 5 years and the details of this
year's close outs.
For Operating budget, provide a history of
profit margins in Gas Utility and an
explanation of projected gas reserve
Economic Development Investment Fund Provide Council with a copy of the Wilfrid
(EDIF) Laurier University parking subsidy agreement.
Provide tax revenue increases as a result of
the Tannery and the Kaufman Lofts.
Update report from 2009 on performance of
EDIF for Council and provide the City's rate of
return for every $1 invested in EDIF.
Development Charges Provide further details on planning studies
account and forecast on what it will be used
for going forward. Indicate if there are years
when the City has spent more than the
funding allocation in a particular year for big
Debt For final budget day, update the debt graphs
to include the Auditorium expansion debt.
Capital Budget Detailed Review Provide an update on what the Safe & Healthy
-Chief Administrator's Office Community Advisory Committee budget funds
(CAO) were used for in 2011.
Market Upgrade -provide the current revenue
stream and projected revenue stream.
Provide details on how much business has
been lost; options available for the upgrade to
help with the sound issue; and business case
for the ex ansion.
Capital Budget Detailed Review For final budget day, report on 2012 costs for
- Community Services Department work at Centennial/Jack Couch Stadiums.
- Kitchener Memorial Auditorium
Com lex KMAC and Arenas
Capital Budget Detailed Review Provide information on the types of programs
-Community Services Department funded out of the Community Development
-Community Programs & Services Infrastructure Program for the last 10 years.
Provide the length of time the Mill Courtland
area has been waiting for the addition to the
community centre.
For final budget day, provide an Issue Paper
to prioritize Doon Pioneer Park Community
Centre, Mill Courtland Community Centre and
South-End Community Centre -Pool, Arena,
Park and Library.
Provide Issue Paper on Development Charge
priorities for South-end projects:
Community Centre 2015
Library and Pool
Sports field -South District Park
Twin pad arena
(Councillor Galloway)
Capital Budget Detailed Review For final budget day, provide projection for
- Community Services Department Fire Services -Major Equipment/Fleet.
-Fire Services
Capital Budget Detailed Review For final budget day, provide a list of what
- Infrastructure Services Department replacement equipment is planned to be
-Fleet purchased, based on equipment review.
Capital Budget Detailed Review Provide amount projected to be spent on
- Infrastructure Services Department Walter Bean Trail (including consulting and
- Operations staffing costs which are not recoverable
through the Grand River Conservation
For January 9, 2012 Finance & Corporate
Services Committee, provide additional
information regarding a mechanism to deal
with continual deficits in parks and trails
accounts. Staff to consider the feasibility of
using LEAF funds and provide options.
Staff to investigate and report on a way to
fund at least 50-75% of projects identified in
Issue Paper C11 -Park & Urban Forestry
Strategic Plans, in 2013 (Cycling Master Plan,
Walter Bean Trail, other environmentally
related projects, Huron Natural Area
Education Centre, General Trails Master
For final budget day, provide Issue Paper on
whether or not to establish a general provision
for McLennan Park (similar to that for Victoria
On motion, this meeting adjourned at 5:16 p. m.
D. Gilchrist J. Billett
Committee Administrator Committee Administrator