HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-27 FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2012 CITY OF KITCHENER The Finance and Corporate Services Committee met this date commencing at 1:03 p.m. Present: Councillor S. Davey - Chair Councillors J. Gazzola, B. Vrbanovic, Y. Fernandes, K. Galloway, P. Singh, B. Ioannidis, Z. Janecki, F. Etherington and D. Glenn-Graham. Staff: D. Chapman, Deputy CAO, Finance & Corporate Services J. Willmer, Deputy CAO, Community Services P. Houston, Deputy CAO, Infrastructure Services L. Johnston, Director of Communications S. Ross, Assistant City Solicitor G. Murphy, Director of Engineering R. Regier, Director, Economic Development R. Hagey, Interim Director, Financial Planning C. York, Coordinator, Arts and Culture P. Harris, Manager of Licensing A. Kotlarchuk, Acting Supervisor, Corporate Health & Safety R. Gosse, Director, Legislated Services & City Clerk FCS-12-027 - REQUEST FOR MIDWAY - 1400 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH 1. - JUNE 20 TO JUNE 24, 2012 The Committee considered Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS-12-027, dated February 17, 2012, concerning a request to hold a Midway at the Sunrise Centre, 1400 Ottawa Street South. Councillor B. Ioannidis brought forward a motion to adopt the recommendation contained in report FCS-12-027. Councillor K. Galloway raised a concern regarding the location of the Midway advising that it will be located in an area that is closest to the adjacent residential properties and requested that the recommendation be amended to include direction to staff to contact the property management for the Sunrise Centre to investigate the feasibility of moving the location away from the residential area. Councillor Ioannidis agreed to include the amendment. On motion by B. Ioannidis - it was resolved: “That Homeniuk Rides Inc. be granted permission to operate a Midway at Sunrise Centre, 1400 Ottawa Street South, from June 20 to June 24, 2012, subject to the following: Date of Operation Hours of Operation Wednesday & Thursday, June 20 & 21 3:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Friday, June 22 3:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Saturday, June 23 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sunday, June 24 Noon – 10:00 p.m. That the music at the Midway be turned down at 8:00 p.m. excepting those evenings preceding a school day when it shall be turned off at 8:00 p.m.; and, That the music must be turned off one hour before closing time on the evenings preceding a non-school day; and, That the required licence be obtained prior to operating the Midway; and further, That staff be directed to contact the property management for the Sunrise Centre to investigate the feasibility of moving the location of the midway further away from the adjacent residential properties. ” FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2012 - 69 - CITY OF KITCHENER FCS-12-028 - REQUEST FOR MIDWAY - 707 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH 2. APRIL 19 TO APRIL 29, 2012 - The Committee considered Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS-12-028, dated February 17, 2012, concerning a request for a Midway at 707 Ottawa Street South. On motion by B. Ioannidis - it was resolved: “That Homeniuk Rides Inc. be granted permission to operate a Midway at Weiland Ford, 707 Ottawa Street South, from April 19 to April 29, 2012, subject to the following: Date of Operation Hours of Operation Thursday, April 19 3:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Friday, April 20 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. Saturday, April 21 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. Sunday, April 22 Noon – 10:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday, April 23-26 3:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Friday, April 27 3:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Saturday, April 28 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. Sunday, April 29 Noon – 9:00 p.m. That the music at the Midway be turned down at 8:00 p.m. excepting those evenings preceding a school day when it shall be turned off at 8:00 p.m.; That the music must be turned off one hour before closing time on the evenings preceding a non-school day; and further, That the required licence be obtained prior to operating the Midway.” FCS-12-018 - CORPORATE HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY 3. The Committee considered Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS-12-018, dated January 27, 2012, regarding a revised Corporate Health and Safety policy. Ms. A. Kotlarchuk advised that each year council is required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act to review the City’s Corporate Health and Safety policy. She further advised that the revisions in the proposed policy deal mainly with wording changes to align the policy with the City’s People Plan. Mr. D. Chapman added that the major change in policy is to align the Joint Health and Safety Committees with locations rather than unions. On motion by D. Glenn-Graham - it was resolved: “That the Corporate Health and Safety Policy (II-120) as attached to report FCS-12-018 be approved.” CAO-12-008 - CREATIVE COMMUNITIES PROSPERITY FUND APPLICATION 4. The Committee considered Chief Administrator’s Office report CAO-12-008, dated February 13, 2012, concerning direction to apply under the Province’s Creative Communities Prosperity Fund. Ms. C. York provided background information on the development of the City’s Culture Plans 1 and 2 advising that Culture Plan 2 was a five year plan ending in 2010. Ms. York advised that the Arts & Culture Advisory Committee is recommending that application for $100K be made to the Province’s Creative Communities Prosperity Fund to support a new cultural planning FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2012 - 70 - CITY OF KITCHENER CAO-12-008 - CREATIVE COMMUNITIES PROSPERITY FUND APPLICATION (CONT’D) 4. project. She explained that the fund will provide up to 80% of the budget of which a portion will be for a consultant and, the remainder will come from the capital account. In answer to questions if staff could undertake the work a consultant is being retained to do, Ms. York advised that a consultant was retained for limited work on Culture Plan 2 however it is anticipated there will extensive involvement from the community for the proposed plan and it will very difficult for staff to undertake this work. She added that should there be no funding from the Province, then staff will have to investigate other options on how to proceed. Councillor J. Gazzola suggested that the planned project could be led by in-house staff much like it was done for Culture Plan 1 and for the most part with Culture Plan 2. In addition, one of the recommendations from Culture Plan 2, was for additional staff for Arts & Culture. He added that there are other Arts & Culture projects that would benefit from additional funding. Councillor K. Galloway suggested that the time is right to undertake this project however; there has been frustration with respect to implementing parts of the Culture Plan 2 due to lack of resources and staff. She pointed out that there is currently only 1.5 FTEs dedicated to Arts & Culture. On motion by K. Galloway - it was resolved: “That staff preparation of an application to the Province of Ontario’s Creative Communities Prosperity Fund be approved, conditional on the official announcement of the fund being available this year.” INS-12-025 - STORMWATER CREDIT POLICY - PUBLIC CONSULTATION FOLLOW-UP 5. The Committee considered Infrastructure Services Department report INS-12-025, dated February 15, 2012, concerning the proposed Stormwater Credit Policy. Mr. J. Thompson, Chair of the KW Chamber of Commerce Environment Committee, advised that his landscape company along with other members of the Chamber have been involved with stormwater management and is pleased with the program. Mr. Thompson further advised that he was speaking on the matter to ensure the program is just and equitable and to ask that the clause contained in the staff report regarding increased staffing levels, be deferred to allow discussions to take place between the industry and current staff. He explained that the industry already undertakes work in this area and he wants to ensure there is no overlap of jobs and duties with city staff. In addition, Mr. Thompson requested that consideration be given to increasing the maximum credit limit beyond the proposed 45% in order that there is enough incentive for businesses and residents to implement measures on their properties related to managing stormwater runoff. In answer to questions raised by the committee, Mr. Thompson suggested that the maximum credit should be 65-75% and for those properties that eliminate all run off from the property that perhaps 100% credit should be considered. He further suggested that reviewing city staffing duties and ensuring no overlap with the private sector may create opportunities to save money that can be better spent within the utility. Mr. Robert Hannah, representing the Grand Hill Village, advised that the Grand Hill Village has no infrastructure that impacts the city’s stormwater management system and as such, he requested that the properties located within the village be exempt from the stormwater management fee. Mr. Hannah explained that the village does not have sanitary or storm sewers and that all water runoff is directed towards the 18 acre forest and wetland area where it is either absorbed into the ground or runs into the river. He added that the village property also handles runoff from outside the village. Mr. Hannah pointed out that the stormwater management utility is a fee for service yet, the Grand Hill Village does not receive the service. Councillor J. Gazzola advised that with the introduction of the utility and fee, expenditures related to stormwater management were removed from property taxes and therefore a benefit to the village property owners. He added that the fee also goes towards stormwater management projects that benefit the entire community such as the Victoria Park Lake. Mr. FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2012 - 71 - CITY OF KITCHENER INS-12-025 - STORMWATER CREDIT POLICY - PUBLIC CONSULTATION FOLLOW-UP 5. - (CONT’D) Hannah responded that the issue is not about the amount of fee but the principle that it is a fee for service which is not being provided to the property owners and therefore should not be paid. He added that the formula being used to calculate the fee should be changed in order to separate direct service of stormwater management from the larger community wide system. Mr. R. Tester, representing Landscape Ontario, advised that the landscape industry agrees with the introduction of a stormwater utility but feels that the current fee structure and proposed credit policy does not create enough incentive for property owners to install systems to assist in reducing water runoff. He added that in order to create an incentive, the maximum credit should be based on the work required for a property and be increased to 75-90%. Mr. G. Murphy then reviewed the staff report advising that staff met with interested parties with respect to the proposed credit policy. Mr. Murphy further advised that staff investigated a suggestion to reduce the number of credit tiers from 5 to 3 and increase the maximum credit for homeowners from 9% to 25% for those with 1-2 rain barrels. This would result in an increase of cost under the credit policy by approximately $77K therefore, staff is not recommending any changes to the proposed credit policy. In regard to the recommended increase in staff, Mr. Murphy explained that staff will be required to administer the program, not to take away work being done by the landscape industry. Councillor Gazzola raised a concern that the credit policy does not take into consideration pervious and impervious landscaping or the fact that a large property surrounding a house may contribute to reducing stormwater runoff. He suggested that entire properties need to be looked at in order to determine how much a property impacts the stormwater management system. Mr. Murphy advised that the intent of the residential credit policy as proposed is to provide a streamlined approach to determine approximate runoff and the credit tiers provide a reasonable credit rate. He added that in addition, there are other stormwater management systems that benefit property owners therefore, the utility deals with more than just runoff from a property. Councillor Z. Janecki pointed out that there appears to be some issues regarding the Grand Hill Village properties and suggested that staff should meet with the homeowners’ representatives. Mr. Murphy advised that staff attempted to arrange a meeting but were unsuccessful however; staff are prepared to meet with the association to further discuss the issues. On motion by Councillor B. Vrbanovic, the recommendation contained in report INS-12-025 was brought forward for the committee’s consideration. Councillor Gazzola advised that he would bring forward a motion to amend the recommendation by increasing the maximum credit from 45% to 75%. Several members of the committee raised concern that before any increase in the maximum credit is considered, information on the impact of such an increase should be provided in order to make a decision. It was pointed out that an increase in credits may result in the need to increase fees to ensure the utility is sustainable. It was also suggested that perhaps jumping to 75% credit is too much therefore, information on the impact of increasing the maximum credit should include 55% and 65%. Councillor Vrbanovic advised that in light of an amending motion to increase the maximum credit without benefit of further analysis, he would like to defer the matter to the March 5, 2012 council meeting. On motion by B. Vrbanovic - it was resolved: That consideration of the following recommendation contained in Community and Infrastructure Services Department report INS-12-025 pertaining to a proposed be referred to the March 5, 2012 Council meeting, Stormwater Credit Policy to allow for additional information on the impact of a maximum credit of 55, 65 and 75 percent: “That stormwater credit schedules as specified in Appendix B and C of report INS-12-025 be approved and come into effect on October 1, 2012 with eligible credits applied retroactively to January 1, 2011; and, FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2012 - 72 - CITY OF KITCHENER INS-12-025 - STORMWATER CREDIT POLICY - PUBLIC CONSULTATION FOLLOW-UP 5. - (CONT’D) That the proposed by-law in Appendix D of report INS-12-025, amending the existing By- law 2011-153 (Storm Water Charge By-law) be approved; and further, That one (1) engineering technologist position (full-time), one (1) program assistant position (full-time), and two (2) engineering co-op student positions (May-August annually) be hired beginning in March 2012 so as to enable the advance of stormwater related programs and the stormwater credit program.” CAO-12-009 - DELEGATED AUTHORITY FOR THE KITCHENER MARKET 6. The Committee considered Chief Administrator’s Office report CAO-12-009, dated February 14, 2012, concerning delegating authority to sign agreements pertaining to the Kitchener Market. Mr. R. Regier explained that due to the growing popularity of the Kitchener Market with more mid-week rental agreements and in order to simplify and streamline agreements, it is being proposed that the Market Manager be delegated authority to sign agreements. He added that this will formalize the existing practice and protect the city. On motion by D. Glenn-Graham - it was resolved: “That the Kitchener Market Manager, and in his/her absence the Executive Director of Economic Development, be granted authority to sign all Kitchener Market License Agreements, Facility Rental Agreements and any amendments made thereto, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.” ADJOURNMENT 7. On motion, the meeting adjourned at 4:07 p.m. R. Gosse City Clerk