The Finance and Corporate Services Committee met this date commencing at 10:03 a. m.
Present: Councillor S. Davey -Chair
Councillors J. Gazzola, D. Glenn-Graham, B. loannidis, Z. Janecki, Y. Fernandes, K.
Galloway, B. Vrbanovic and P. Singh.
Staff: J. Willmer, Chief Administrative Officer
D. Chapman, Deputy CAO, Finance & Corporate Services
M. Selling, Interim Deputy CAO, Community Services
J. Witmer, Acting Deputy CAO, Infrastructure Services
R. Bunn, Executive Director, Integrated Planning
S. Adams, Director, Community & Corporate Planning
R. Hagey, Director, Financial Planning
R. Gosse, Director, Legislated Services & City Clerk
S. Turner, Director, By-law Enforcement
J. McBride, Director, Transportation Services
C. Fletcher, Director, Facilities Management
R. LeBrun, Accounting Manager
R. Johal, Corporate Development & Risk Management Specialist
J. Billett, Committee Administrator
The Committee considered Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS-12-108,
dated May 30, 2012 which provides an update on City expenditures and revenues compared
to the 2012 budget and explains significant variances as at April 30, 2012. The report also
responds to direction of Council to identify key financial indicators related to areas of budget
volatility which could form the basis of a monthly update to Council to supplement the three
annual variance reports. Areas specifically addressed include but are not limited to: winter
maintenance, natural gas consumption, golf rounds, parking, and turf maintenance. The
estimated resources required to provide the monthly updates to Council as part of the variance
reports is also noted.
Mr. R. Hagey advised that results to date are in line with budget projections, with a deficit of
$885,000 currently projected for year-end. The shortfall is due to a number of minor factors
with none at this time overly significant or cause for concern. He noted that in past years
winter control maintenance during heavy winters has been a factor and in 2011, factors related
to shortfalls in the gapping account and investment income. He stated that a $2.9M year-end
deficit was projected in April 2011; whereas, the actual year-end deficit was $240,000., a
difference of $2.6M. Mr. Hagey cautioned that the estimated 2012 year-end deficit referenced
should not be relied upon as it is still early in the year and may change dependent on many
variables yet to play out over the remainder of the year. Mr. Hagey reviewed significant
projected variances of over $200,000, by Department, related to: By-law Enforcement /
Planning /Facilities Management /Operations; General Expenses; Building Enterprise; Golf
Courses; Parking Enterprise; Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities, Storm Sewer Utility; Gas
Utility; and Investment Income, as outlined in Schedules 1 to 9 of report FCS-12-108.
Mr. Hagey advised that it is intended to provide performance indicators on a monthly basis to
Council via e-mail beginning in August 2012. The purpose is to provide regular information
updates without requiring a full review of revenue and expenses compared to budget and
identify possible trends in actual performance versus budgeted performance. Information will
be provided on areas of historic budget volatility including all Enterprises, except for Storm
Water which is typically stable and on tax supported operations including all areas with a
variance greater than $200,000.
Mr. Harald Drewitz attended to raise concerns with several areas of the variance report. He
spoke to the year-end projected deficit for 2012, noting that a transfer of capital close-outs in
2011 was used to off-set ayear-end deficit. He stated that the end variance in 2011 was for all
intent and purpose a zero which should be the starting position in 2012. He questioned how
much of a projected deficit in By-law Enforcement is attributed to the cost of new officers being
trained, suggesting that new hires were not included in the 2012 budget process. Mr. Drewitz
commented that while winter maintenance control shows a surplus the funds are being used to
off-set other costs and suggested that this creates an issue with public perception in
understanding actual spending. He suggested that the projected deficit in Tax Write-offs and
rebates resulting from higher than normal vacancy rebates is a sign of a sluggish economy; as
is the decline in building revenues. He expressed the view that the projected deficit in the
Building Enterprise will be greater than as stated, suggesting it could reach $1.2M. He
acknowledged a turn around in the Golf Enterprise but noted that patrons of the Rockway Golf
Course remain upset with the Doon Valley Golf Course expansion and use of Tax Stabilization
Reserve Funds (TSRF) to off-set costs. Mr. Drewitz spoke in support of quarterly reporting on
the budget and suggested that Appendix 'A' (Proposed Performance Indicators) should be
revised to include Facilities Management-Building Maintenance and Operations-
Administration. Mr. Drewitz challenged the City to find a way to restore the $1 M transferred
from the TSRF to the Doon Valley Golf Course back into the TSRF and to continue to improve
through operating efficiencies.
In response to questions, Mr. Drewitz advised that he believed the projected deficit in the
Building Enterprise could be as high as $1.2M based on multiplying the current projected
deficit of $400,000 by the remaining 3 quarters of the year. He added that quarterly reporting
on the budget would provide opportunity to start to address the year-end deficit in June of each
year. Mr. Drewitz suggested that the primary opportunity for cost efficiencies can be found in
Infrastructure Services, including efficiencies to be gained from establishment of the Kitchener
Operations Facility (KOF). He further noted his concerns with using transfers of capital close-
outs to off-set year-end deficits, believing capital close-outs should remain in the Capital
Reserves to be used for other capital projects to address infrastructure replacement. He
suggested that such practice is not permitted in the private sector and if it is being allowed by
the City's external Auditor it was his view it was because it is considered immaterial or not to
be substantial enough to cause concern; however, he maintained it is not good management
practice. Mr. Drewitz stated that he would not accept tax increases as an alternative to using
capital closeouts, reiterating his view that the City should continue to look for operating
Mr. R. Hagey outlined steps staff have taken to find efficiencies, noting that in preparing
budgets each year staff review actual budget performance and identify areas for improvement
and those of concern in respect to what is needed and what is not; and where funding can be
reallocated or flat-lined. He added that staff has also been required to identify efficiencies to
meet reduction targets directed by Council, some of which have impacted services and at this
point there is now limited room to find efficiencies without reducing service levels. Mr.
Chapman added that Operations works under a robust work plan and a review has been
commissioned to determine high value services, with a report to come back at a later date. He
further noted that over the past 5 years staff has taken measures to mitigate deficits including
reducing and/or freezing discretionary spending, and all mitigating measures taken over that
time period have equated to an approximate range of 1 to 3% per year in budget reductions
before the proposed budget is seen by Council.
Councillor B. Vrbanovic requested clarification regarding Operations areas being over budget
notwithstanding apositive variance in winter maintenance control. Mr. Hagey advised that
negative variances in other Operations areas has been caused by diverting staff to other
activities because they were not needed for winter maintenance activities. Having started work
on other activities earlier, such as road and sidewalk maintenance, more work is being done
than was anticipated and is causing negative variances in those areas. Mr. Hagey advised
that it is a direct cause of reprioritizing and reallocating staff resources due to warmer than
usual winter weather. Councillor Vrbanovic questioned the impact of not using capital close-
outs to off-set year-end deficits. Mr. Hagey advised that the Reserve Fund Policy includes
each Enterprise and their funding source is from capital close-outs wherein if there is a surplus
in a project budget it is to return to the reserve. Under the new policy that is the default
position; however, Council can direct that surpluses be used for another purpose. Mr. D.
Chapman added that it is equally appropriate to transfer capital surplus funds either to a capital
reserve fund or to the operating budget and staff has shown how schematically the funding
would flow in each instance. He stated that there is nothing that precludes Council from giving
direction for capital surplus funds to be transferred to operating and the External Auditor has
no concerns in this regard.
Councillor J. Gazzola questioned the deficit in By-law Enforcement related to parking /noise
fine revenues. Mr. S. Turner commented that an analysis on ticket counts /revenues was
conducted and no large increase in ticket counts to the end of 2012 is expected; adding that
this type of revenue is subject to fluctuation season to season. Councillor Gazzola requested
clarification of the variances in Operations-Administration related to fleet, garbage collection
and lower than budgeted recoveries. Mr. J. Witmer advised that equipment sitting idle during
winter months is part of the problem, noting that equipment costs associated with winter
control on Regional roads is not being recovered through the Region of Waterloo due to a
milder winter. He added that equipment costs include such things as amortization, fuel and
insurance which if not fully funded still have to be paid out; and where charges would normally
be billed to the Region, the City in this instance cannot do so, requiring the costs to be covered
through the operating base rate. Mr. Witmer added that the 3 large municipalities in the Region
are undertaking discussions with the Region in respect to the issue of cost recovery. Councillor
Gazzola inquired what the cause of the deficit in Parking is related to. Mr. J. McBride advised
that the cause relates to a delay in opening the Civic Centre Parking garage from February
2012 to July 2012 resulting in loss of projected revenues; and a major office tenant anticipated
to generate revenues for the Charles / Benton garage did not materialize. The Charles /
Benton garage has surplus space at this time but same is expected to be fully utilized next
year when the new Courthouse is opened. Councillor Gazzola inquired why the salary for the
period of vacancy in the CAO's position is not shown in the gapping account and was advised
that it has not as yet been transferred but will be added within normal accounting practice.
Councillor Gazzola questioned why the delay in implementing the new Property Tax
Administration fee. Mr. Hagey advised that a one month delay occurred in getting the new fee
established within the CIS system but it is now in place. Councillor Gazzola inquired as to the
feasibility of implementing full cost recovery for downtown street maintenance and Mr. Witmer
advised that this would be a policy decision for Council to make.
Councillor Z. Janecki requested clarification of what the other banks are that fall under the
"type" category related to investment balances. Mr. Hagey advised that the City is permitted to
invest in other cities and hold debt of those they choose to invest in. The Schedule 1 banks
are domestic banks such as the TD-Canada Trust and Schedule 2 banks are off-shore banks
with a Canadian presence such as ING. Mr. Hagey added that the City can also purchase debt
from the Province but has not done so recently because yields on current long term rates are
Councillor Y. Fernandes questioned the feasibility of closing the Ontario /Duke Parking
Garage during renovations and moving patrons to the Charles / Benton garage which is not
being fully utilized at this time. Mr. McBride advised that some patrons have already been
moved to the Charles / Benton garage due to restoration work at the Ontario /Duke garage but
patrons typically choose where they will park based on the distance to their workplace.
Councillor Fernandes requested clarification of the deficit in Planning. Mr. A. Pinard advised
that the total number of planning applications is down and the City has not yet received one
substantial development application which they typically receive one or 2 per year. Councillor
Fernandes questioned if any of the deficit relates to work for Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
hearings respecting the Rosenberg and/or other subdivisions under appeal. Mr. Pinard
advised that none of the deficit is related to OMB appeals but rather is due to planning
application revenue shortfalls. He explained that costs for work on OMB hearings relates to
staff time and is not tied to revenue. In response to Councillor Fernandes, Mr. Hagey advised
that water sales are in part influenced by encouraging citizens to exercise conservation and
can also be impacted by weather. As water consumption decreases revenues related to
sanitary sewer also decline. Councillor Fernandes requested clarification in regard to the
resource hours for producing monthly indicator reports. Mr. Hagey advised that the 20 hours
identified is an estimate of work from start to finish in producing the reports and encompasses
staff from other Departments extracting data and putting the data into a useable format that
can be sent to Financial Services where the whole of the data collected is compiled into a
useable report format. Mr. Chapman advised that it is intended to track the time it takes to
produce the reports and in one year staff will have discussion on the results with Council at
which time a decision can be made if the benefits equate to the costs of production.
Councillor P. Singh requested clarification of a deficit in Engineering of $127,000 related to
shortfall in revenues for site plans, condo fees and subdivision review fees. Mr. Hagey
advised that the deficit is tied to the site plan process for which Engineering receives a portion
of the revenues and as revenue from site plan review declines it has an impact on Engineering
revenues. Councillor Singh questioned the deficit in Sportsfields and Mr. Hagey advised that
this relates to an earlier start to work activities, such as grass cutting and is an anomaly due to
mild winter weather. Councillor Singh questioned the feasibility of retroactively billing for the
Property Tax Administration fee. It was noted at time of approval a set date for implementation
of the fee was not given but rather it was to begin as soon as staff could integrate the new fee
in the CIS system. Mr. D. Chapman advised that Council has authority to approve retroactive
billing but suggested that the larger question would be if Council wants to invoke 6 months of
retroactive billing. Councillor Singh requested that staff consider this option and report back on
the impact to revenues for Council's consideration and decision.
Councillor S. Davey inquired if the shortfall in By-law Enforcement relates to an ongoing
concern with respect to issuance of tickets by persons designated by the City to do so on
private property. Mr. S. Turner referred to an issue paper submitted for the 2012 budget
deliberations which requested an alignment with actual revenues by decreasing revenue
targets; but which was not approved. Revenues in this area are anticipated to be in similar
position at the end of 2012. He noted that Council had directed a report be brought forward to
the 2013 budget process based on a 4 year history and year-end 2012. Mr. Turner stated that
the number of tickets issued on private property has stabilized at around $50,000 in revenue,
expressing the view that a sustainable revenue target can be arrived at but which would
require a substantial decrease in the target level. Councillor Davey inquired as to the status of
the Regional parking review. Mr. Turner advised that the resulting study has not yet been
received with discussions among the 7 Regional municipalities continuing and he anticipated
bringing forward an update in the fall 2012. Councillor Davey suggested that the number of
snow events per year would be useful in terms of deriving the percentage each event
consumes of the Operations budget.
Councillor Gazzola asked that staff consider adding the number of customers related to water
consumption revenues. Mr. Hagey pointed out that as customer counts increase it does not
necessarily equate to an increase in revenue given conservation activities and more efficient
Councillor Fernandes requested that staff pursue efficiencies in respect to the KOF, consultant
services and overtime costs.
On motion by Councillor K. Galloway -
itwas resolved:
"That Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS-12-108 (2012 April
Variance Report), dated May 30, 2012, be received for information; and,
That staff be directed to provide monthly updates to Council on the indicators listed in
Table 1 of Appendix A to report FCS-12-108; and further,
That staff be directed to review the resource requirements associated with providing
monthly indicators, along with the value to Council of receiving the information, after
twelve (12) months."
The Committee considered Chief Administrator's Office report CAO-12-029, dated June 13,
2012 to update on the 2011-2015 Business Plan as it relates to departmental commitments
identified as "service priorities".
Ms. R. Bunn provided an overview of the Integrated Planning Centre for Excellence
established to drive the Corporate business planning process. Under its terms of reference,
the Centre is to build or enhance existing tools and processes so as to integrate business
performance and strategy. Mr. R. Johal reviewed the purpose of business planning, including
drivers, areas for future growth, process and governance, and a business planning framework.
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It was noted that the updates provided are a snapshot of progress, indicating current business
activity and will provide more value with reporting over time. The City is working to fully
understand workload information, with information gathering to be conducted on core services
to have a comprehensive set of baseline information. Initial findings show that service
priorities are generally on track but that new activities are creating financial and human
resource pressures and there is significant inter-dependence across divisions to deliver on
various business activities. Mr. Johal advised that next steps will include continued growth and
refining of the process; development of processes to ensure alignment within the integrated
planning system; and provision of subsequent updates in October 2012.
Councillor B. Vrbanovic questioned the delay in proceeding with Phase II of the Customer
Service Strategy and why the strategies for Rockway / Doon Valley Golf Course and The AUD
are being done piecemeal. He acknowledged the position being taken related to the Region's
direction in selecting a new Customer Relationship Management system but suggested that
the City's systems should be all encompassing applying across the Corporation so consistent
training is received. Mr. J. Willmer responded that Phase II is not on hold because of the
Region's direction but rather is a matter of limited staff resources to carry through at this time.
Mr. M. Selling agreed to pursue more information in respect to the delay of Phase II and report
back to Council. Councillor Vrbanovic raised concerns with respect to the Business Continuity
Plan also on hold. Mr. R. Gosse advised that a base plan is in place but the next step is
outstanding which entails compiling of the data collected and presenting a comprehensive plan
to Council. He added that it is considered a priority; however, due to unforeseen staff resource
issues in Legislated Services this project had to be placed on hold until staffing resources were
addressed. Mr. Gosse stated that he was hopeful work on the project could resume in July
Councillor P. Singh questioned the proposed frequency of reporting on Business Planning and
Ms. Bunn advised that the intent is to provide update reports in tandem with the budget
process, three times per year. Councillor Singh requested that future reports show the
designated lead for each project and suggested that in regard to work on the Downtown Land
Disposition Strategy, it may be beneficial to look at City-wide economic development
employment lands.
In regard to assessing requirements for Executive Dash Boarding Reporting, Councillor K.
Galloway inquired if this attempts to bring together Master Plans, hand in hand with Business
Planning. Ms. Bunn advised that the intent is to look at the scope of Master Plans and capture
same within business planning to use as an organizational tool. Councillor Galloway inquired
what is entailed in the Huron Road project. Ms. C. Fletcher advised that this is an unexpected
add-on to Facilities Management's workplan requiring inspection of an existing farmhouse on
the City-owned property which requires maintenance and preservation related to cultural,
heritage interests.
Councillor B. loannidis requested clarification of the Leading Regional Economic Development
Studies project. Mr. J. Willmer advised that this stems from concerns related to relocation of
the Maple Leaf Foods plant to another city and whether or not collective efforts to keep the
operation in Kitchener was sufficient enough. The City is engaging outside assistance to
determine if there is a better way of addressing these matters and it is an ambitious project to
complete within the targeted 3 to 4 months.
Councillor Z. Janecki requested clarification of the status of the Downtown Strategic Plan. Mr.
R. Johal advised that the Plan itself is complete and recommendations from the plan are now
in the process of implementation. Mr. Johal agreed to provide further information on the Golf
Operations Review Phase 2 and the Huron Road project.
Councillor D. Glenn-Graham requested the status of going 24/7 at the Corporate Contact
Centre. Mr. D. Chapman advised that this is tied to a re-distribution of duties to the Utilities
dispatch and entails determining how the transfer will happen given staffing is from different
Unions, as well as budget implications. He stated that an analysis is being conducted and if
substantial changes result, staff will report back to Council on this matter. Councillor Glenn-
JUNE 18. 2012 - 111 - CITY OF KITCHENER
Graham suggested that it would be helpful to Council and staff to receive a laminated copy of
the business plan framework.
Councillor Y. Fernandes questioned how projects were kept on track and new initiatives
introduced prior to establishment of the Integrated Planning Centre of Excellence. Mr. J.
Willmer advised that each Department /Division was responsible for their own tracking, with
each having their own system of accountability. Under the Centre for Excellence reports are
now to be given to Council on specific items and/or on a shared agenda. Councillor
Fernandes questioned what action is to be taken on projects lagging behind. Ms. Bunn
advised that the process includes highlighting the reasons for delays so there is full
awareness, from which it can be determined if it is a high priority or can wait and where
resourcing would come from. The Business Plan reports are reviewed by the Corporate
Leadership Team who make decisions on how to address projects going forward. Councillor
Fernandes raised concerns with how this initiative would relate to day to day work and how it
will translate into efficiencies. Mr. R. Johal advised that the Business Planning process is not
at a stage where all benefits can be identified but rather is at the stage of early integration of
the plan.
Councillor J. Gazzola requested information as to the number of staff and person hours utilized
to date to establish the Centre for Excellence and annually going forward. Mr. J. Willmer
advised that this information could be included at time of the next reporting stage.
The Committee considered Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS-12-119,
dated June 11, 2012 recommending approval of Terms of Reference for the Nominating
Committee established to make recommendations to Council on annual appointments to
Boards and Committees.
Councillor K. Galloway questioned the feasibility of reference checks given individuals
appointed to the Committee will be viewing personal information of the applicants. Mr. R.
Gosse advised that those appointed are required to sign a Confidentiality waiver.
Councillor B. Vrbanovic referred to the issue of utilizing representatives from community
groups and/or agencies such as the Multi-Cultural Centre who have expertise in government
functionality and understand the issue of confidentiality. Ms. S. Adams advised that she had
made numerous calls in follow-up to this issue, with 2 organizations not responding and one
agreeing to provide a representative only if no others can be found to sit on the Committee.
Councillor Vrbanovic suggested that this matter should be investigated every 2 years as
appointments to the Committee is considered. He stated that if timing is a factor now then he
would be satisfied to proceed in similar manner to the previous appointment process but that
additional follow-up with these organizations take place in respect to future appointments. Mr.
R. Gosse advised that timing is a concern, suggesting that staff could report at a later date on
this issue. He added that there is difficulty in garnering staff from these organizations to take
time out of their work schedules to sit on the Committee; whereas, there are qualified City
employees with substantial experience in hiring processes that can oversee the nominating
process. He pointed out that the recommendation to establish a Nominating Committee came
from Compass Kitchener with the intent to increase citizen participation and to achieve fair
representation from across the community. The Committee process operated under this
premise in 2010 and went well, with many of the Committee members having themselves
experience from previously sitting on Advisory Committees and Boards. Councillor Vrbanovic
commented that the reason he raised this matter was to address transparency through
developing an at arms length Committee and thereby, avoid undue influence from Council or
staff. Councillor Vrbanovic suggested that the staff recommendation be modified to provide
that the Terms of Reference be approved for the 2012 selection process and staff be directed
to approach various community groups /agencies with the intent to have such representatives
form a permanent Nominating Committee, and report back prior to the 2014 selection process.
Councillor Y. Fernandes suggested that wording in the Terms of Reference specifying "at least
2 City staff" should be changed to "no more than 2 City staff" to ensure more citizen
involvement. Mr. R. Gosse advised that staff assisting the Committee cannot vote and are not
involved in making the decisions but rather are there only to provide information and guidance
on how the Advisory Committee structure works.
On motion by Councillor B. Vrbanovic -
itwas resolved:
"That the Terms of Reference for the Nominating Committee as attached to Finance
and Corporate Services Department report FCS-12-119, be approved for the 2012
selection process; and further,
That staff be directed to approach various community groups/agencies, such as the KW
Community Foundation, Multi-Cultural Centre, KW United Way or any other like
organizations to ascertain their interest in having a representative sit on the Nominating
Committee with the intended goal to have such representatives form a permanent
Nominating Committee going forward; and that staff report back on this matter prior to
the 2014 selection process."
The Committee considered Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS-12-107,
dated May 25, 2012 recommending amendments to Council Policies I-47 (Technology and
Home Office Expenses -Mayor and Council) and I-25 (Council Expense Reimbursement and
Mr. R. LeBrun outlined the proposed amendments for each policy, advising that both required
review as they have not kept pace with current practice and recent budget approvals.
Councillor Z. Janecki questioned the feasibility of including personal websites originated by a
member of Council to the list of eligible operating expenses under Policy I-47, on the basis that
these websites are used by the Councillor to communicate with their constituents. Mr. D.
Chapman advised that such websites have been specifically excluded in the past as it is
difficult to segregate their usage for constituency purposes versus potential use for municipal
election campaigning. He stated that in this instance, it has been left to members of Council
who have their own websites to cover associated costs under their tax free allowance rather
than be reimbursed by the City. He added that the City does not fund election campaign costs
and if the City was to reimburse for such a website and it was used for election purposes it
would not be appropriate.
Councillor J. Gazzola expressed the view that it should be allowed as an operating expense as
it is similar to use of telephones and email accounts to communicate with constituents. He
agreed that at time of election there is no question personal websites should not be used by a
Councillor for campaigning but suggested they still have a right to continue communicating
with constituents on City matters as they remain in Office until December 1 of an election year.
Councillor Gazzola advised that he would like to put forward a motion to include Councillor's
personal websites as an eligible operating expense under Policy I-47.
At the request of Mr. D. Chapman, it was agreed that the staff recommendation in report FCS-
12-107 be referred to the June 25, 2012 Council meeting for further consideration to allow staff
an opportunity to further investigate and report back on the implications of Councillor Gazzola's
request to include Councillor's personal websites as an eligible operating expense under
Policy I-47.
On motion by Councillor J. Gazzola -
itwas resolved:
"That amendments to Council Policies I-47 (Technology and Home Office Expenses-
Mayor and Council) and I-25 (Council Expense Reimbursement and Reporting), as
attached to Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS-12-107, be
referred to the June 25, 2012 Council meeting for further consideration, pending
staff's consideration and response to a request to add personal websites originated by a
member of Council to facilitate communication with constituents, as an eligible operating
expense under Policy I-47."
On motion, the meeting adjourned at 1:20 p. m.
J. Billett, AMCT
Committee Administrator