Ma 25 2011 Ci of Kitchener
The Economic Development Advisory
Jeremy Auger; the following members
Steven Voll, Glenn Kohler, Rebecca
lonnidias, Peter Benninger,
Committee met this date, chaired by
were in. attendance: Brian Bennett,
Short, Lisa Polonski, Councillor Bil
The following people sent their regrets
Carter, Ian Cook
Shawn DeBruyn, Darren Shaw, Len
The fol{owing people were absent: Ashley Reid, Dr. Takhar, Adrian Conrad,
Councillor Scott Davey, CounciNor Paul Singh, Mark Bingeman, Amr Kebhi,
Darrin Snider
Staff in attendance: Rod Regier, Silvia Di Dona#o, Janette MacDonald, Siobhan
Delaney, Tracey DeVille
Approval of minutes
There were no minutes to approve since the- April meeting was a join# meeting
with the Downtown Advisory Committee.
Project Updates:
Rod Regier advised we are looking to reformat the project update and renaming
it the Economic Development Update. He advised that the new format is divided
into 5 sections, walking the Committee members through them. Jeremy Auger
advised that the project updates may be useful done as a biog.
New Business:
2.1 Canada's Technolo Trion le CTT Overview and Introduction
Bill Elliott, VP of Business Development CTT Inc., provided presentation .and
overview of CTT and what they do, their mission and how they operate.
The Committee discussed the concept of a soft landing incubator for foreign
companies. The nature and extent of collaboration with CTT's partner cities and
the role of talent in attracting foreign direct investment. There was a general
consensus that city collaboration wi#h CTT is important and #hat more can be
done to enhance our effectiveness.
2.2 Arts & Culture Adviso Committee A ointment
Silvia DiDonato advised that in 2010 EDAC and ACAC had a joint meeting and
one of the outcomes 1 discoveries at the time was that we did not have a cross
appointment it is something to consider -not part of our terms of reference but
certainly can be something that can be done.
Due to low attendance at the meeting Silvia DiDonato will send out an email with
the details asking for volunteers
2.3 Economic Develo ment Investment Fund - What's Next Round Table
This was deferred until the next meeting. Rod Regier asked that everyone think
abut the next steps in EDIF and what possible things could be done next.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.