December 15, 2011 City of Kitchener
The Economic Development Advisory Committee met this date, chaired by
Councillor Paul Singh; the following members were in attendance: Mayor Carl
Zehr, Councillors Bil lonnidias and Scott Davey, Brian Bennett, Glenn Kohler,
Rebecca Short, Lisa Polonski, Peter Benninger, Darren Shaw, Adrian Conrad,
Ian Cook, Mark Bingeman, Ashley Reid, Shawn DeBruyn, Jeremy Auger
The following people sent their regrets: Amr Kebhi, Ian Cook
The following people were absent: Dr. Takhar
Staff in attendance: Rod Regier, Cory Bluhm, Terry Boutilier, Silvia Di Donato,
Tracey DeVille
Approval of minutes
The November minutes will be available in January for approval.
Downtown Advisory Committee update:
Overview of the survey results outlined the themes coming out ofi the information
identified similar items that were recommended by the committee, discussion on
the next steps. Cory advised tah the overall feel was people love what is
happening in the downtown and to continue doing what they are doing.
Project Updates:
Rod Regier advised that the Project Updates will be available at the January
New Business:
2.1 Year in Review
Rod Regier provided an overview of the year in review. Highlights of the year
.included, the Green Energy Act, Tour of the Hub and the Maple Leaf Closure and
the Economic Development Symposium which was helpful in the completion of
the 2011-2015 Kitchener Economic Development Strategy (KEDS}.
The committee did a round table of what they consider to be the highlights and
the milestones that the committee engaged in over the past year
How does our strategy compare to Cambridge and Waterloo - is there any
alignment or are we going in different direction?
Their strategies would be more focused on industry specific development
(mostly Cambridge) they have advanced manufacturing their policies are
oriented towards industrial land development more traditional approach..
Kitchener's strategy has been crafted so as not to compete with them but
to compliment.
Do city staff feel they are getting the value they need from the committee and do
the committee members feel they are getting the value out of being a member?
Members advised that the presentations are useful but would [ike a shift to
project based work. One of the challenges with EDAC being a large group
is how to ensure everyone has had an opportunity to contribute. Rod
Regier advised that the 5 main areas of focus could be the subgroups that
are worked on -minus the downtown since that is DAC's mandate.
The committee was supportive of looking into subgroup work.
2.2 20_'12. Agenda Planni~
Looking forward into 2012, the potential agenda can be broken into two areas of
focus, one is continuing work on the strategy and second is ensuring response to
emerging issues or projects.
The committee provided the following input:
• Need to keep an eye on the developments with RIM and how any changes
may affect Kitchener's economy (residents, housing etc.)
• Need to have the breakout groups
• Concentrate on be proactive more than reactive and the subcommittees
will assist in this
• Tour of various facilities and developments
• Continue to bring awareness of what the city has to offer
• Maintain business attraction and retention initiatives
• Watch developments with the Green Energy Act and the industry
associated with that- take a tour of the focal panel plants
• Look at closer partner relationships (CTT and the Creative Enterprise)
• Another symposium type event
• How do we go forward without EDIF
• Ensure that members are present at meetings in order to get the most
value out of everyone on the committee
• Plans for future growth (infill)
• Reinforce the work that is being done (arts community, collaboration with
partners etc.}
Rod Regier thanked everyone far their input and advised that when we put those
notes together it wilt be laid out in the new year and how we go through this stuff.
On motion the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.