HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-02-25 PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 25, 2013 CITY OF KITCHENER The Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee met this date, commencing at 7:12 p.m. Present: Councillor B. Vrbanovic - Chair Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors K. Galloway-Sealock, S. Davey, J. Gazzola, D. Glenn- Graham, F. Etherington, Y. Fernandes, Z. Janecki, P. Singh and B. Ioannidis. Staff: J. Willmer, Chief Administrative Officer M. May, Deputy CAO, Community Services J. Witmer, Acting Deputy CAO, Infrastructure Services R. Regier, Executive Director, Economic Development A. Pinard, Director, Planning L. Johnston, Director, Communications and Marketing C. Fletcher, Director, Facilities Management S. Ross, Assistant City Solicitor D. Ross, Manager, Development Review H. Holbrook, Senior Planner W. Sleeth, Landscape Architect D. Livingstone, Committee Administrator Councillor B. Vrbanovic read aloud the following statement: “This is a formal public meeting to consider applications under the Planning Act. If a person or public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City of Kitchener before the proposed applications are considered, the person or public body may not be entitled to appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board and may not be added as a party to a hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board.” CSD-13-009 - OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT - OP/12/02/K/HH 1. - ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - ZC12/15/K/HH - 490-520, 510 KING STREET WEST AND 16, 50 AND 60 VICTORIA STREET NORTH (MULTI-MODAL HUB), REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO Councillor D. Glenn-Graham declared a pecuniary interest as he owns property within 600m of the subject property; and, accordingly abstained from all discussion and voting concerning this matter. Councillor P. Singh declared a pecuniary interest as his family owns property within one block of the subject property; and, accordingly abstained from all discussion and voting concerning this matter. The Committee considered Community Services Department report CSD-13-009, dated January 28, 2013 recommending approval of Official Plan Amendment Application OP 12/02/K/HH and Zone Change Application ZC 12/15/K/HH to establish site specific policies in the Official Plan and corresponding policies in the Zoning By-law; to increase the maximum floor space ratio; and to approve urban design guidelines related to the development of the Region of Waterloo Multi-Modal Hub. Ms. H. Holbrook advised that the subject site is comprised of five parcels of land owned by the Region of Waterloo, and is bisected by Waterloo Street, a City-owned right-of-way. She stated that the Region of Waterloo has indicated the intent to assume Waterloo Street between Breithaupt Street to Victoria Street North, which has been incorporated in the recommendation contained within the staff report. She explained that the proposal for the subject lands will accommodate a hub facility for many types of transportation including Light Rail Transit (LRT). She added that the Multi-Modal Hub would act as an entry point into downtown from the west, and could become a prominent gateway location and landmark. The current land use designation is Warehouse District which pre-dates rapid transit and has a restriction of a maximum 2.0 Floor Space Ratio. As a result of this restriction, the requested Official Plan amendment seeks to implement a policy to broaden permitted uses and development potential on the site by permitting high-density and mixed uses; reduce parking; and, increase the maximum Floor Space Ratio to 7.5. She stated that Official Plan Special Policy No. 49 would articulate the City and Region’s plan for the Multi-Modal Transit Hub as it incorporates urban design and implementation strategies to require supporting studies for the development. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 25, 2013 -8- CITY OF KITCHENER CSD-13-009 - OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT - OP/12/02/K/HH 1. - ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - ZC12/15/K/HH - 490-520, 510 KING STREET WEST AND 16, 50 AND 60 VICTORIA STREET NORTH (MULTI-MODAL HUB), REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO (CONT’D.) Ms. Holbrook indicated that a number of studies have been submitted in support of the Official Plan amendment and Zone Change. A Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) was completed in support of the applications to evaluate the cultural heritage resources on the site and in the immediate surrounding area. The HIA was received and circulated to Heritage Kitchener and the recommendations contained therein were approved by the Director of Planning. She noted that key recommendations included the listing of the 1913 portion of the Rumple Felt building on the Municipal Heritage Register as a non-designated property of heritage interest, which is anticipated to be considered by Council for designation in the coming months. Another recommendation of the HIA, which has been incorporated into the OP policies, is the adaptive re-use of the 1913 portion of the Rumple Felt building. In addition, an Urban Design Brief was prepared which has detailed guidelines to inform future development. She added that a recommendation for the site development concept has been embedded in the urban design and tailored to zoning designation; and, as appropriate all measures will be considered through a Conservation Plan which is a requirement of the site development. She further advised that transportation impact and servicing capacity has been evaluated at a high level, as site specifics are unknown at this time. Accordingly, it has been determined that OP designation and zoning be approved, incorporating necessary checks through special policies, to ensure further consideration prior to site plan approval. She commented that City staff have been working closely with Region of Waterloo staff; and, that there are several related studies underway in which City staff have been actively engaged. She concluded that the final Clause within the recommendation is to ensure staff continues to participate in the future processes, including the procurement of the ultimate development party. Councillor Z. Janecki questioned the current Holding provision on the property pertaining to the development of the railway land. Ms. Holbrook explained that the existing Holding provision is in place to ensure site environmental conditions have been evaluated prior to any approvals being issued for sensitive land uses. She added that similar checks have been incorporated through a Special Use provision and an additional Holding provision in the Zoning By-law. Councillor Y. Fernandes requested clarification on the necessary checks requested by Planning staff prior to development approvals, as the magnitude of the proposed Official Plan amendment and Zone Change may have an effect on future development. Ms. Holbrook indicated that the subject applications are unique, as a detailed site concept has not been completed, and additional provisions have been incorporated to accommodate a variety of land use development scenarios. Councillor Fernandes expressed concern that the development would be exempt from development charges as it is located Downtown. Mr. A. Pinard responded that many of the City’s financial incentive programs are currently under review, including development charges in 2014. He added that Economic Development financial incentives are also under review and it is expected that a staff report will be brought forward for consideration which may alleviate these concerns. Councillor Fernandes questioned how strong wording will encourage sustainable building and technology within the Urban Design Brief. Ms. Holbrook responded that the incorporation of sustainable building into the Design Brief speaks to the level of attention that is expected in this regard. She indicated that staff is seeking approval from Council to give the document status; adding that the Brief articulates the Region’s commitment to sustainability, and it is anticipated that this information will be included in the package provided to the development partner to ensure that the expectation is communicated. In response to questions related to specific development on the site, Ms. Holbrook advised that the square footage regulations in the Zoning By-law will preclude big box retail. In regard to building heights, she commented that detailed studies prior to site plan approval will evaluate the effects of shadow and climate impact. She further indicated that policies within the Official Plan encourage parking in structured form and below ground. She added that there are regulations for surface parking to be screened from view. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 25, 2013 -9- CITY OF KITCHENER CSD-13-009 - OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT - OP/12/02/K/HH 1. - ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - ZC12/15/K/HH - 490-520, 510 KING STREET WEST AND 16, 50 AND 60 VICTORIA STREET NORTH (MULTI-MODAL HUB), REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO (CONT’D.) Members requested clarification on the rationale for Regional assumption of Waterloo Street passed the railway tracks to Breithaupt Street. Ms. Holbrook indicated that there are no residences on the segment of Waterloo Street in question, and any impact on traffic flow would be evaluated in the context of the Environmental Assessment. Mr. S. Ross advised that the construction of the Multi-Modal Transit Hub may have some impact on ancillary driveways and commercial use in the area, thereby requiring design solutions for services at the south end of Waterloo Street where it meets the Multi-Modal Hub. He added that the services would be provided by the Region and located under the Multi-Modal Hub; accordingly, staff is pre- emptively recommending the assumption of Waterloo Street up to Breithaupt Street. For clarification on the process of assuming the roadway, he advised that the Region of Waterloo, as an upper tier municipality, is not required to purchase the land and can pass a By-law to assume the road unilaterally. He stated that the practice of the Region of Waterloo is to consult the municipality, which is why the assumption has been incorporated into the recommendation. Mr. Pinard elaborated on the rationale for the assumption from the City’s perspective, advising that Engineering Services staff is highly supportive of the assumption as there are operational and maintenance advantages. Mayor C. Zehr questioned the proximity of the proposed residential land use to the railway lands. Ms. Holbrook advised that the standard approach is a 30m setback from railway use, which has been carried forward in the policy amendments and does apply in the Special Use provisions for sensitive land uses. Councillor J. Gazzola inquired if there are additional parcels of land that the Region of Waterloo will acquire or assume for LRT stations. Mr. Ross responded that there are several parcels, most commonly for road widening, that have been appraised and will be brought forward for Council approval. Councillor Gazzola suggested that consideration of the subject applications could wait until the LRT project is further along in the land acquisition process. Mr. Ross responded that for the purpose of the land use applications pertaining to the Multi-Modal Hub, evaluation of the LRT station locations and issues on a City-wide scale are not required at this time. In response to Councillor Gazzola, Ms. Holbrook advised that the process for development review has been undertaken in the same method for this proposal as it would have been for any private proponent. She elaborated that the exact studies and processes have been required from the Region of Waterloo as would have been required from a private proponent for the project. Mr. Glenn Scheels, GSP Group, gave a presentation advising that the Multi-Modal Transit Hub is unique given the scale and convergence of transportation facilities proposed. He indicated that public transportation integrated with land use, to build strong and dense groupings of communities along the central transit corridor is integral to the rapid transit initiative; and, is one component of the Region’s Community Building Strategy. He stated that it is important to note that the Places to Grow Plan and Provincial Policy Statement promote development which integrates land use activity and transportation, especially in the downtown area, which is identified as an urban growth center. He continued that the proposal provides a unique opportunity to develop a series of transportation facilities; as well as mixed use development above the site. He stated that a specific development proposal will be prepared in due course; however, the site has been tested and an Urban Design Brief prepared to support this development. He added that the development will be supportive of transit, noting that reduced parking requirements have been requested to encourage transit use rather than cars. He noted that there will be an emphasis on urban design, with outdoor spaces to create places for people to seamlessly access public transportation. With regard to studies required prior to development approval, the Waterloo Street assumption and transit facility both require Environmental Assessments. In addition, the Region of Waterloo is undertaking a Real-Estate Market Study; and, the site environmental conditions Phase 2 study is underway. He explained that prior to development the site will be cleaned and made appropriate for development. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 25, 2013 -10- CITY OF KITCHENER CSD-13-009 - OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT - OP/12/02/K/HH 1. - ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - ZC12/15/K/HH - 490-520, 510 KING STREET WEST AND 16, 50 AND 60 VICTORIA STREET NORTH (MULTI-MODAL HUB), REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO (CONT’D.) He further noted that detailed examination of noise and vibration and traffic impact will be included in the series of approvals required before development. Councillor B. Vrbanovic referred to the public art guideline in the Urban Design Brief and inquired if the Region of Waterloo has a similar policy. Mr. Scheels indicated that the Region of Waterloo does have a public art policy and agreed to forward the document. Mr. M. Boos, Tri-Cities Transport Action Group (TriTAG), attended in support of staff’s recommendation to approve the Official Plan Amendment and Zone Change to permit the development of the Multi-Modal Hub. Notwithstanding, he stated that he does not agree with minimum parking requirements and supports reduced parking in the development to encourage transit use. He questioned the City’s minimum parking requirements, stating that the City favours automobiles over other transportation modes, effectively providing a subsidy to the developer by not providing market driven parking. He explained that a parked car occupies more space than an office worker and should therefore, have to compete for a more compatible use. He noted that TriTAG is eager to generate conversation to establish market driven parking rather than parking minimums in developments centered around LRT facilities. Ms. K. Elgie, Heritage Conservancy of Ontario, North Waterloo Region Branch, requested consideration of designation to the subject area as a Cultural Heritage Landscape (CHL). She advised that a defined geographical boundary in the area of the heart of Old Berlin would not affect land use, and would ensure preservation through the heritage development approval process. She referred to the HIA, prepared by The Land Collaborative, which recommended designating a portion of the Rumple Felt building, acknowledging that the development of the Multi-Modal Hub is unique. She stated that designation of the area as a CHL would identify and preserve the landscape elements to ensure future development does not impede the history and character of the area. In response to questions, Ms. Elgie indicated that the impacts of development would be mitigated though the designation of a CHL, as all elements would be identified and preserved. She encouraged a broader context to preservation than what is identified in the recommendations of the HIA, such as incorporating the factory workers homes, although she acknowledged that adaptive reuse of the Rumple Felt building is positive. Mr. A. Pinard provided clarification to the designation of a CHL, advising that the City has a program underway to develop a framework to identify all CHL’s in the City. He explained that this is not a reactive process, and has high priority in the Business Plan. On motion by Councillor B. Ioannidis, the staff recommendation was put forward for consideration. Councillor Gazzola questioned Clause E. in the recommendation and asked if the City is expected to contribute funds in the procurement process for selection of private sector development partners. Ms. Holbrook responded that approval of the recommendation would formalize the collaborative efforts of the City and the Region of Waterloo moving forward in the development process. She added that there are no financial considerations at this time. Councillor S. Davey requested clarification from Region of Waterloo representatives on the rationale for the assumption of Waterloo Street up to Breithaupt Street. Mr. Kevin Eby, Director of Community Planning for the Region of Waterloo, advised that original discussions only extended to the railway tracks on Waterloo Street. However, while moving forward with the proposal, it was determined that the Region of Waterloo needed to acquire land in order for the planning approvals to be obtained and Waterloo Street would eventually need to stay open during this process. He explained that rather than expect the City to close the road and divest the portion of the land to the Region which would result in a road closure, the Region could PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 25, 2013 -11- CITY OF KITCHENER CSD-13-009 - OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT - OP/12/02/K/HH 1. - ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - ZC12/15/K/HH - 490-520, 510 KING STREET WEST AND 16, 50 AND 60 VICTORIA STREET NORTH (MULTI-MODAL HUB), REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO (CONT’D.) acquire ownership of Waterloo Street and allow it to stay open. He advised that single ownership and responsibility for the infrastructure on Waterloo Street during the development process is desirable. He added that City staff has recommended the assumption of the entire segment of Waterloo Street to Breithaupt Street and the Region of Waterloo has agreed this is the most reasonable decision. He indicated that there is no intention to develop the land and proper access would be granted to adjacent properties. He noted that there is consideration to maintain access from the north to south through the Waterloo Street right-of-way, explaining that there is a proposal for an underground connection to allow cyclists and pedestrians to access Waterloo Street south of Breithaupt Street into the Hub. He elaborated that ownership of the land to the north would allow the Region to configure infrastructure for this connection to occur. With regard to heritage landscape, he stated that an important consideration is to maintain the connections of the neighbourhood to the north and the Hub site, which is accommodated through the assumption of the lands up to Breithaupt Street. Mayor Zehr commented that he does not have concerns related to the transfer of the lands; however, he would like to see relative to Clause D. assurance that ownership of the land will be retained by the Region and be used for pedestrian movement. In this regard, he suggested, and it was agreed, that Clause D. be approved in principle and staff provide revised wording for the March 4, 2013 Council meeting to address these concerns. On motion by Councillor B. Ioannidis - it was resolved: “A. That Official Plan Amendment Application OP12/02/K/HH (Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 490-520 King Street West, 16-60 Victoria Street North) requesting a new Special Policy Area and associated policies be adopted, in the form shown in the Official Plan Amendment attached to Report CSD-13-009 as Appendix “A”, and accordingly forwarded to the Region of Waterloo for approval; and, B. That Zone Change Application ZC12/15/K/HH (Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 490-520, 510 King Street West, 16, 50, 60 Victoria Street North) for the purpose of changing the zoning from Warehouse District Zone (D-6) with and without site- specific provisions to Warehouse District Zone (D-6) with Special Regulation Provision 638R, Special Use Provisions 426U and 427U and Holding Provision 68H be approved in the form shown in the “Proposed By-law” dated January 18, 2013 attached to Report CSD-13-009 as Appendix “B”; and, C. That the Urban Design Brief for the Region of Waterloo Multi-Modal Transit Hub, dated January 2013, and attached to Report CSD-13-009 as Appendix “C”, be adopted; and, D. That the following be approved in principle: ‘That the City support the assumption of the portion of Waterloo Street from Breithaupt Street to Victoria Street North by The Regional Municipality of Waterloo’; and further, E. That the City of Kitchener participate in the procurement process to be undertaken by the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for the selection of a private sector development partner(s) for future development of the site.” Subsequently, Legal Services provided the Committee Administrator with revised wording for Clause D. as requested by the Committee, which is reflected in the Committee’s recommendation going forward to Council on March 4, 2013. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 25, 2013 -12- CITY OF KITCHENER INS-13-015 - PROPOSED LOCATION OF NEW PUBLIC WASHROOMS IN VICTORIA 2. PARK The Committee considered Infrastructure Services Department report INS-13-015, dated February 13, 2013 recommending the preferred option (Option 3) for the location of the new washroom facilities in Victoria Park at the Jubilee Drive and David Street parking lot. In addition, the Committee was in receipt this date of a revised Appendix ‘A’ to report INS-13-015. Mr. W. Sleeth provided background on the project advising that the proposed locations were originally identified in report INS-12-034, which was tabled to allow time for public feedback at the May 7, 2012 Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee meeting. He elaborated that an additional option to convert the existing seasonal washrooms, located near the playground, was also provided to the public for consultation. He stated that a Public Information Session was held on January 30, 2013, and attended by 30 residents. In addition, the options were made available on the City’s website and 18 supplementary comments were received from the public on the proposed options for the location of the washrooms in Victoria Park. A summary of the public consultation indicated a preference for Option 3, to construct a new building at David Street and Jubilee Drive. Mr. Sleeth summated that the recommendation contained within the staff report represents a balance of the needs of the park patrons which causes the least impact to the adjacent neighbours. Councillor P. Singh requested clarification of the funding for the project received from the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF), noting that the preferred option would require less funding than the total approved grant funding. Mr. Witmer responded that the approval through CIIF provides a 50% match in funding for the cost of the project. Councillor Singh commented that logistically, Option 4, renovating the ‘Front Garage’ should be the less expensive option. Mr. Sleeth responded that discussions with an architect and Facilities Management staff have indicated that renovation to modify the current use to washroom facilities would not be less expensive than constructing a new building. Mr. Witmer responded to questions regarding inclusion of additional amenities in the new building for washroom facilities, advising that limitations on size and funds are in place based on the approved application from the CIIF. Councillor Davey suggested that a feature, such as an elongated bench with an overhang for those using the skating rink, would be desirable. Mr. Witmer indicated that simple amenities which could be incorporated into the design without impact to the building footprint can be examined. Councillor Z. Janecki requested clarification on the position of Heritage Planning staff and Heritage Kitchener. Mr. Sleeth referred to the staff report indicating that Option 4, renovation of ‘Front Garage’ is the preferred option of staff and the Committee as it is the least invasive to the heritage elements in that it does not introduce a new building to the Park. He noted that further consultation with Heritage Kitchener will be required in the design and implementation of the preferred options as the park is part of the Victoria Park Heritage Conservation District. Councillor F. Etherington inquired as to the status of the current renovations to the Victoria Park Boathouse and if an addition can be constructed to accommodate washroom facilities to meet the needs of the tenant and the public. Ms. C. Fletcher responded that there would be challenges due to the setbacks and heritage impact; additionally, she pointed out that the cost to mitigate the challenges and construction of the addition would be in line with a new building. Ms. Fletcher responded to questions related to the expansion of existing seasonal washrooms, Option 1. She advised that the washrooms located near the playground area of the park have remained open on a trial basis, and should a demand be determined, keeping the washrooms open year round will be examined. Councillor J. Gazzola expressed concern with the number of comments received during the public consultation stating that 48 individuals were not representative of broad public preference. Mr. J. Willmer pointed out that public consultation determined the need for additional washroom facilities due to increased patronage and use of the park. He further explained that the number of individuals who provided input on the proposed locations is representative of those who have a vested interest in the placement of said facilities, specifically those who own property adjacent to Victoria Park. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 25, 2013 -13- CITY OF KITCHENER INS-13-015 - PROPOSED LOCATION OF NEW PUBLIC WASHROOMS IN VICTORIA 2. PARK (CONT’D.) Councillor B. Ioannidis referred to Option 2, renovation of 79 Joseph Street, inquiring about the current usage of the building. Mr. Sleeth advised that the building provides storage for a limited amount of equipment and is used less frequently in the summer season. He added that the renovation of the building to public washroom facilities would have little impact on the current use as the service building located at the periphery of the park could accommodate the storage. Mr. Lony Economides, a resident of Water Street, addressed the Committee regarding the proposed location for the new public washroom facilities. He advised that as a long-time resident, he has become aware of a serious illicit drug problem in the park which would be exacerbated by additional public washrooms. Mr. Economides stated that he understands the need for additional facilities due to increased patronage; however, organizers could accommodate this need during festivals by bringing in portable facilities. He expressed great concern for the safety of patrons in the park and requested consideration to ensure any additional public washrooms are located in highly frequented, open areas. He stated that open areas and frequent use deter drug activity, referring to the shaded and secluded areas of Options 2 and 4, which may make enforcement through patrolling more difficult and increase public risk. In response to questions, Mr. Economides indicated that his preference is washrooms in the Boathouse but acknowledged that this is not an option being presented at this time. He stated that from a public safety perspective none of the proposed locations are optimal and represent a risk to park patrons using washroom facilities where drug use is prevalent. He affirmed that if washrooms at the Boathouse are not possible, he would be in support of the staff recommendation to build new washroom facilities at David Street and Jubilee Drive as the next best option. Councillor Y. Fernandes acknowledged the concerns expressed by Mr. Economides and inquired if surveillance and security could be enhanced in the new facilities. Ms. Fletcher responded that a number of considerations would be taken in to account to ensure safety of the patrons with use of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED); camera installation; and closing washrooms at 11:00 p.m. Mayor C. Zehr indicated that the drug concerns in Victoria Park identified by Mr. Economides should receive increased attention and affirmed his commitment to work with Regional Police Services to address this issue. He restated that the question before the Committee is to determine a location for the washrooms in the Park, commenting that necessity for the new facilities was a collective decision of Council. He stated that time is of the essence, as March 2014 is the deadline under the approved terms of the CIIF funding. He stated that he is in support of the staff recommendation; and, although a location abutting the Boathouse would have been ideal, it would have detracted from the view. Councillor Ioannidis agreed with Mayor Zehr that selection of the location for the washrooms will not address the underlying drug issue and that a stronger commitment to safety in the Park is required. He indicated that after consideration of the options presented, he is in support of Option 3 as the preferred location for the new washrooms. Councillor Gazzola expressed disappointment in the process and was not in support of constructing a new building at David Street and Jubilee Drive. He stated that during discussions related to the Boathouse, the need for public washrooms at that location was made clear. He reiterated that the ideal location for the facilities would be the Boathouse, noting that if it is not an option, he would be in concurrence with Heritage Planning staff that Option 2 is preferred given its location at the edge of the park and it renovates an existing building. Councillor Vrbanovic spoke in support of the staff recommendation advising that Option 3 is a high profile location frequented by many vehicles and will best address the needs of the community. He referred to the Boathouse renovation, stating that there was no viable way to incorporate public washrooms and ensure business viability at the location. In addition, he PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 25, 2013 -14- CITY OF KITCHENER INS-13-015 - PROPOSED LOCATION OF NEW PUBLIC WASHROOMS IN VICTORIA 2. PARK (CONT’D.) emphasized the need to continue investigating safety concerns by working with the police, installing cameras and potential monitoring of the washrooms by City security. Carried The following motion was then voted on by a recorded vote and , with Mayor C. Zehr, and Councillors K. Galloway-Sealock, D. Glenn-Graham, B. Ioannidis, Y. Fernandes, S. Davey, Z. Janecki, B. Vrbanovic, P. Singh and F. Etherington voting in favour; and Councillor J. Gazzola voting in opposition. On motion by Councillor F. Etherington - it was resolved: “That Option 3, as set out in Infrastructure Services Department report INS-13-015, be approved as the preferred location for the construction of new washroom facilities in Victoria Park in the vicinity of the parking lot at the corner of Jubilee Drive and David Street; and further, That the Facilities Management Division, in consultation with Park Planning and Development and Heritage Kitchener, be directed to proceed with detailed design and tender construction drawings of this new washroom building.” NEW BUSINESS 3. Mr. J. Witmer requested consideration to move the date set for return of the Strasburg Road Environmental Assessment Technically Preferred Alignment (TPA) from the May 27, 2013 Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee meeting to a special meeting of the Committee to be scheduled for May 22, 2013. In addition, the final Environmental Study Report would then be submitted for consideration at the September 30, 2013 Planning and Strategic Committee meeting. Councillor B. Vrbanovic suggested that this matter be considered at the March 4, 2013 Council meeting to allow members of Council an opportunity to confirm their availability for May 22, 2013. ADJOURNMENT 4. On motion, this meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m. D. Livingstone Committee Administrator