HomeMy WebLinkAboutFCS-13-136 - Q13-037 - Laneway Rehabilitation ProgramStaff Report Finance and Corporate Services Department REPORT TO: Committee of the Whole DATE OF MEETING: 2013 -08 -26 wvmkitrhener ra SUBMITTED BY: Larry Gordon, Director of Supply Services, 519 - 741 -2200 ext. 7214 PREPARED BY: Larry Gordon, Director of Supply Services, 519- 741 -2200 ext. 7214 WARD(S) INVOLVED: 10 DATE OF REPORT: 2013 -08 -14 REPORT NO.: FCS -13 -136 SUBJECT: Q13 -037 Laneway Rehabilitation Program RECOMMENDATION: That Quotation Q13 -037 — Laneway Rehabilitation Program, be awarded to 410754 Ontario Limited O/A Sousa Concrete, Branchton, Ontario, at their tendered price of $163,903.30, plus H.S.T. of $21,307.43, for a total of $185,210.73 BACKGROUND: Engineering Services is proceeding with the 2013 Laneway Rehabilitation Program on two laneways (Laneway `A' being from Ellen St. W. to St. Leger St., and Laneway `B' being from Hermie PI. to Laneway `A'). Funds for construction have been approved by Council as part of the 2013 budget. The laneways were originally constructed in the late 1800's and are in need of replacement. The surface condition has reached a point where continued maintenance is no longer feasible, which has been made worse by lack of a proper drainage system within the right -of -way. The administration, design and tendering of this project has been completed by City staff, the construction administration and inspection of this project will be completed by City staff as well. Full funding for this project has been approved by council as part of the 2013 budget process. The project is scheduled to begin September 16, 2013, weather permitting, and is located within the Ward 10 boundary. REPORT: The quotation was advertised publicly on the City of Kitchener website. Documents were downloaded by nineteen (19) interested parties and by the closing date of Wednesday July 10, 2013, four (4) quotations had been received. Iii) - I The following quotations were received: 410754 Ontario Limited o/a Sousa Concrete Network Sewer & Watermain Ltd. J. Weber Contracting Limited Steed and Evans Limited Bid Price Branchton ON $185,210.73 Cambridge ON $267,126.00 Cambridge ON $270,536.69 St. Clements ON $274,590.00 The quotation was reviewed by L. Gordon, Director of Supply Services, who concurs with the above recommendation. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: Theme: Financial Management Strategic Direction: Ensure responsible use of public funds within a supportive policy framework. The City of Kitchener's purchasing policies and practices ensure openness, fairness and transparency in the procurement of goods and services. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: In addition to the costs anticipated in this tender, the design and implementation of these types of projects typically involves city staff and resources from across the corporation. These costs are included in the line item "Projected Costs: Staff Time /Permitting /Material testing ", and will be itemized when they exceed $125,000. Included in this line item are staff time and expenses for all city staff in support of the project such as Engineering, Kitchener Utilities, and Transportation Planning. The line item also includes all regulatory permitting, geotechnical and material testing, detouring and traffic control, alternate access and parking requirements and any other miscellaneous costs. Projects utilizing in -house staff will include costs for inspection during construction and contract administration. The net cost for this tender (A), is fair and reasonable for a purchase of this scope and the upset limit is within the budget allowance (B) provided within the budget. Funding for this purchase is included within the approved capital budget. The estimated surplus (E) will remain within the project to fund future work. 1 ii) - 2 Quote Q13 -037 Laneway Rehabilitation The total budget for all phases of this project is $ 200,000.00 Estimated Cost for this Phase of Work Quote Q13 -037 costs, including HST 185,210.73 less: HST rebate on tender (18,422.72) Net Cost Being Awarded A 166,788.01 Costs Incurred to Date 12, 569.66 Projected Costs: Staff Time /Permitting /Material Testing 20,642.33 Total Estimated Cost for this Phase of C Work 200,000.00 Budget for this Phase of Work Federal Gas Tax Total Budget for this Phase of Work B 200,000.00 Estimated Surplus /(Deficit) for this Phase of Work (B - C) 0.00 D COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: Not applicable ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Dan Chapman, Deputy CAO & City Treasurer, Finance and Corporate Services 1H) -3