HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-14 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 14, 2013 CITY OF KITCHENER The Environmental Committee met this date commencing at 4:04 p.m. Present: Ms. S. Danckert, Chair Councillor Y. Fernandes, Ms. E. Donaher, Ms. A. MacDonald and Messrs. G. Zador, C. Priddle and D. Hoshowsky Staff: B. Sloan, Manager, Long Range Planning N. Gollan, Manager, Stormwater Utility B. Steiner, Senior Environmental Planner H.Anderson, Environmental Planner M. Wilson, Engineering Technologist(Stormwater) D. Saunderson, Committee Administrator 1. ELECTION OF COMMITTEE CHAIR Ms. D. Saunderson advised that due to the resignation of Mr. S. Crossman, the position of Committee Chair would need to be re-appointed and opened the floor to nominations. Ms. S. Danckert was nominated and agreed to stand for appointment. No further nominations were forthcoming. On motion by Mr. G.Zador- it was resolved: "That Ms. S. Danckert, be appointed Chair of the Environmental Committee for a term expiring November 30, 2014." 2. BEST BET SUB-COMMITTEE KICKOFF The Committee considered correspondence entitled "2013 Best Bets for Air Quality Sub- Committee Work Kickoff' dated October 31, 2013, submitted by Ms. B. Steiner, Senior Environmental Planner. Ms. Steiner presented the information materials, noting that the five 2013 Best Bets for Air Quality in Kitchener and their corresponding recommended actions, as outlined in Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS-13-073, were approved by Council on May 13, 2013. She indicated that Messrs. B. Sloan, N. Gollan and M. Wilson were in attendance regarding the Best Bets that effect each of their work areas, to discuss the next steps for achieving their completion by June 2014. Ms. Steiner further advised that Best Bets 1 and 3 have been combined due to their similarities. Mr. Gollan advised that Best Bet 1 recommends encouraging onsite controls to reduce individual contributions of stormwater runoff and pollutants to the municipal stormwater system; and, Best Bet 3 recommends developing a business assistance and recognition program to encourage businesses to adopt pollution prevention and eco-efficiency measures. He stated that staff propose increasing communication and education on the stormwater rebate program, which will encourage residents to further consider their impacts on the stormwater system. He advised that staff have partnered with Residential Energy Efficiency Project (REEP) Green Solutions to take part in the RAIN program, an urban stormwater education program delivered across Ontario by different regional organizations, in an effort to safeguard surface and groundwater resources. He indicated that when homeowners complete a RAIN evaluation, they are eligible to apply for stormwater credits of up to 45% of the stormwater portion of their utility bill. Mr. Gollan further advised that education will be a key component to the success of both Best Bets 1 and 3. He stated that staff have prepared education materials regarding the rebate program, and proposed meeting with the Sub-Committee members to assist in finalizing the materials. Ms. A. MacDonald agreed to contact staff and the other Sub-Committee members to arrange a meeting to review the proposals for Best Bets 1 and 3. Mr. Gollan requested that REEP be included in the meeting request. In response to questions, Mr. Gollan advised that there would be a shift in focus in 2014 to encourage commercial property owners to seek means of reducing their impacts on the ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 14,2013 -28 - CITY OF KITCHENER 2. BEST BET SUB-COMMITTEE KICKOFF (CONT'D) stormwater system. He explained that this would be in addition to an ongoing focus to encourage residents to continue to seek initiatives to reduce their impacts on the stormwater system. He stated that staff has proposed implementing a recognition program similar to the Urban Design Awards and the Mike Wagner Heritage Awards, showcasing businesses that are making significant improvements in their stormwater management initiatives. He noted that there are opportunities where the Sub-Committee could also be of assistance in planning the recognition program. Councillor Y. Fernandes suggested that staff investigate whether an award program, mimicking the Kitchener in Bloom recognition program, would be more effective. Mr. Gollan agreed to investigate the awards system through Kitchener in Bloom to determine which program would be best suited for the stormwater recognition awards program. Regarding Best Bet 2, Mr. B. Sloan indicated that to complete this Best Bet, the Sub- Committee can review the City's Urban Design Manual for best practices and standards related to "green" development, and assist in developing a new checklist for "Green Building / Site Standards" to aid applicants in the development approvals process. He stated that he would be willing to meet with the Sub-Committee prior to the end of 2013 to review the Urban Design Manual and investigate how they will assist the Committee in completing Best Bet 2. Ms. E. Donaher agreed to contact staff and Sub-Committee members to arrange a meeting to review the Development Standards within the new Official Plan. Mr. B. Sloan referred to Best Bet 4, stating that he would also ask the Committee to endorse the Green Energy Development Standards as outlined in the City's new Official Plan, which encourages environmental policies within the City. Ms. Steiner advised that she would provide the Sub-Committee with draft wording for a recommendation to be brought forward for approval at the December 19, 2013 Environmental Committee meeting. Regarding Best Bet 5, Ms. Steiner advised that currently the Sub-Committee only has one member and requested additional volunteers. Ms. S. Dankert and Mr. G. Zador volunteered to be on the Sub-Committee for Best Bet 5. Ms. Steiner further advised that she would email the remaining members of the Committee who were not in attendance this date to ensure they are invited to participate in this initiative. Ms. Steiner advised that regarding Best Bet 5, the City should endeavour to have up-to-date, sustainable park and yard care practises. She noted that members are encouraged to research best practises, to update or establish new sustainable land management practises and standards for implementation by the City; and, research various types of environmentally- friendly equipment, which could help to guide purchasing decisions. She indicated that the staff contact person on this initiative was unable to attend this meeting. Ms. Steiner advised that staff anticipate providing a report to Council in conjunction with Clean Air Day 2014, summarizing the work that has been completed by the Committee with regards to the Best Bets for Air Quality. 3. 2013 COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATIONS The Committee was in receipt of seven applications for the 2013 Community Environmental Improvement Grant (CEIG) program from the following groups: Guelph Street Garden; Clipped Outdoors; Transition KW— Climate Change Adaption Toolkit; Two Crows Growery; Transition KW— Environment Symposium; Green Rocket; and, Community Renewable Energy Waterloo (CREW). In addition, the Committee was in receipt of the completed ranking chart outlining the overall score for each grant application, completed by the Committee. Ms. B. Steiner reviewed the applications, advising that the Two Crows Growery was deemed ineligible by staff, as the Municipal Act states "that no municipality shall assist directly or indirectly any manufacturing business or other industrial or commercial enterprise through the granting of bonuses for that purpose." She stated that the subject application indicated that the grant money would be used to purchase capital supplies. Ms. Steiner further advised that the Sub-Committee, comprising of Ms. S. Dankert, A. McDonald and Mr. C. Priddle, along with ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 14,2013 -29 - CITY OF KITCHENER 3. 2013 COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATIONS (CONT'D) staff discussed the merits of each of the remaining applications and have proposed a recommendation for the Committee's consideration. Both Councillor Y. Fernandes and Ms. Dankert advised that they had pecuniary interests regarding the Green Rocket CEIG application and did not participate in any discussion or voting regarding that application. Ms. A. McDonald spoke on behalf of the Sub-Committee, stating that an evaluation of the remaining six applications was completed based which met the criteria for funding, on both the merits of the applications and the scoring provided by the Committee members. She reviewed the Sub-Committee's recommendation, which proposes that a total of$5,160.50. be allocated to three of the six CEIG applicants, as follows: • $2,538. to Guelph Street Garden for a Rain Water Harvesting Demonstration program in Uniroyal Goodrich Park conditional upon receipt of proof of approval of City Parks Operations, receipt of a building permit, and receipt of the other funds applied for; and, • $1,870. to Clipped Outdoors for a free, guided weekly summer program to introduce women and families to Kitchener's public green spaces; and further, • $752.50 to Transition KW for the Climate Change Adaptation Toolkit. Ms. Dankert advised that the Sub-Committee's recommendation will be referred to the December 19, 2013 Environmental Committee meeting, pending staff's confirmation from the Clipped Outdoors and whether their project would still be viable without the $1,130. requested to cover salary and employment costs that cannot be funded using City grant dollars. Councillor Y. Fernandes questioned whether the Committee wanted to re-examine any of the other projects that applied for funding, to provide for an option if the Clipped Outdoors project was not viable. Ms. Dankert advised that the Sub-Committee had ruled out the other four projects due to the eligibility criteria. She added that the Committee may want to consider allotting more funding to the other two projects to increase their grant amounts. 4. ADJOURNMENT On motion, this meeting adjourned at 4:58 p.m. D. Saunderson Committee Administrator