JANUARY 5~ 2004
The Finance and Corporate Services Committee met this date, chaired by Councillor B. Vrbanovic,
commencing at 4:10 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors J. Smola,
G. Lorentz, J. Gazzola and C. Weylie.
Officials Present: Ms. P. Houston, Ms. C. Ladd, Ms. R. Pi[field, Ms. S. Adams, Ms. E. Harris, Ms. J.
Billett and Messrs. J. Fielding, G. Sosnoski, G. Stewart, R. Browning, K. Baulk
and G. Borovilos.
The Committee was in receipt of Community Services Department report CSD-04-002, dated
December 15, 2003 recommending the awarding of a commission of artwork for the new
Kitchener Market.
Ms. E. Harris, Arts & Culture Co-ordinator, attended to make a presentation respecting the
commission of artwork and introduced renowned artist of the winning entry, Walter Gibson.
Ms. Harris advised that the artwork will be located at the side patio or the Market on Eby Street
and described the piece as a sculpted fountain made of Italian Byzantine and terrazzo glass in
the shape of a Pea Pod. The Pod is designed to provide bench seating and will have a central
fountain running over copper spheres that represent the peas. A miniature replica was
displayed, as well as samples of the materials to be used.
On motion by Councillor J. Smola -
it was resolved:
"That the adjudication of the appointed jury (comprised of Market Supervisor, Architect,
Facilities Management staff, arts professionals, Council member and citizens) to award the
commission of a piece of artwork for the new Kitchener Market to the proposal (Pea Pod
Water Feature) by distinguished area artist Walter Gibson, be endorsed; and further,
That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement, satisfactory to the City
Solicitor, with Walter Gibson regarding the commission, conditions of delivery and
acceptance or installation or his winning entry in the Your New Kitchener Market
Competition, as set out in Community Services Department report CSD-04-002."
The Committee was in receipt this date of Finance and Corporate Services Department report
FIN-04-001 (formerly identified as report FIN-03-049 as listed on the January 5, 2004 Finance
and Corporate Services Committee agenda), dated December 22, 2003, outlining the
philosophy which has been applied to preparation or the 2004 - 2013 Capital Forecast;
challenges that have been encountered; and prospective funding options for consideration.
The Committee was also in receipt this date or a document entitled "2004 - 2013 Investment
Approach to Financial Planning" and "Executive Summary".
Councillor B. Vrbanovic advised that the staff report was prepared in response to his request to
have a list or options that would assist in making decisions concerning capital investments
during deliberation of the 2004 Capital budget. He commented on decline of municipal
revenues as a result of downloading and the challenges that lay ahead in ensuring a
competitive, healthy community. He stated that in his opinion, current investment strategies
need to be revisited and encouraged a proactive investment approach be taken toward
financial planning.
Councillor J. Gazzola expressed strong disappointment at not having had an opportunity to
review the staff report prior to the meeting this date. Councillor B. Vrbanovic advised that given
the holiday season, timing constraints prevented staff from providing the report in advance. He
emphasized that staff intend to present the report for tabling only and that no decisions would
be made at this time respecting capital projects.
Ms. P. Houston, General Manager of Financial Services and City Treasurer, attended to
present an overview or the staff report and to review timelines for completion or the 2004
budget process. Ms. Houston provided background information concerning the City's current
capital policy and the impact on the capital program as a result of Provincial downloading and
JANUARY 5~ 2004 - 2 -
increased reliance on flexible funding sources to maintain current service levels. It was noted
that in comparison to other Ontario and Canadian cities, the City's per capita debt is relatively
Iow with 2.67% of its operating revenues applied to debt payment while the provincial average
is between 6 and 10%. Ms. Houston advised that the Capital Forecast has been divided into
three main categories as follows: maintenance investment (existing infrastructure); new
investments (new facilities and infrastructure); and economic development investments
(provision of infrastructure necessary to encourage industry, business and employment
opportunities). She stated that past practice of allocating 70% of capital funding toward
maintenance investments and 30% toward new investments was applied to the 2004 - 2013
capital funding requests. The outcome demonstrates a shortfall of $17,166,000. for new
projects and an overall budget shortfall of $10,856,000. Ms. Houston advised that economic
development initiatives must be considered outside the existing capital policy and expanded on
economic development options including the West Side Employment Lands, Downtown
Redevelopment and Airport Employment Lands. She pointed out that the Region has assumed
a leadership role with respect to the latter option and the City has not been invited to
participate. Ms. Houston then outlined various capital funding options with increases in per
capita debt ranging from $124. to $583. Ms. Houston advised that the next steps in the
process will involve prioritization of new capital projects at the January 12, 2004 Finance and
Corporate Services Committee meeting, as well as determination of funding option
preferences. Direction received at the January 12 meeting will be used by staff to prepare the
2004 Capital budget and 10 Year Capital Forecast to be considered by the Committee on
February 9, 2004. At that time, Ms. Houston advised that staff will also ask for direction
respecting investment in employment lands.
Councillor J. Gazzola referred to the City's long standing policy of living within its means and
raised concerns that all funding options appear to involve some measure of increased debt.
Mr. J. Fielding, Chief Administrative Officer, pointed out that in order to accommodate current
capital projects a change in policy will be required; however, he stated that a change in policy
will not go forward unless directed by Council. He advised that funding options have been
provided in advance to assist in prioritization of capital projects at the January 12 meeting and
staff will be asking for direction on how to proceed with the Capital Forecast at that time.
In response to Councillor G. Lorentz, Ms. Houston advised that as part of an asset
management program, staff are currently reviewing surplus lands and enterprise investments to
determine those that are beneficial to retain and those which could be disposed of to generate
additional revenues. However, she pointed out that a final report respecting asset
management will not be completed in time for the 2004 budget deliberations. Councillor G.
Lorentz expressed disappointment that the City has not been invited to participate in the Airport
Employment Lands Development option. He suggested that development of employment lands
should remain a municipal initiative. He also commented that while he supports investment in
employment lands, such investments should be well thought out to avoid escalating costs
similar to those experienced in developing the Huron Business Park.
In response to Mayor C. Zehr, Ms. P. Houston advised that a combination of Provincial
downloading, municipal growth and impending legislation that will require municipalities to
evaluate and replace existing infrastructure, have all contributed to the City being in a position
of having to consider a change in capital policy. Mr. J. Fielding added that tax increases have
not kept pace with the rate of inflation which has also contributed to a steady decline in the
City's revenue base. Mayor Zehr also commented on the Airport Employment Lands
Development option, advising that as a result of discussions between the City, the Township of
Woolwich and the Region, it became apparent that the Region should take a leadership role as
the majority of costs relate to Regional services. Mr. J. Fielding advised that the City has
exhausted its industrial lands and in order to ensure continued economic growth, a decision
respecting employment land investment must be made. Mayor Zehr pointed out that such
investments would also include brownfields redevelopment.
In response to Councillor J. Smola, Ms. P. Houston agreed to provide an outline of individual
reserve funds for the January 12 Finance and Corporate Services Committee meeting.
Mayor C. Zehr expressed the opinion that if the City is to move forward, continuation of the
current capital policy is not sustainable and therefore, the City must find alternative sources of
JANUARY 5~ 2004 - 3 -
revenue. He encouraged pursuit or alternative options that would have a reasonable impact to
the tax levy and stressed that public dialogue would be important in differentiating between
wants and needs. Councillor J. Gazzola spoke against increasing the City's debt capacity as it
would result in a negative impact to annual property taxes and suggested that the City should
continue its practice of living within its means. Councillor B. Vrbanovic commented that finding
alternative sources of revenue is necessary if the City is to maintain stability of existing
infrastructure and continue to provide services that will benefit the community.
On motion, the meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Janet Billett, AMCT
Committee Administrator