HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-10 CYCLING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 10, 2014 CITY OF KITCHENER Cycling Advisory Committee met on this date commencing at 4:06 p.m. Present: Councillor Y. Fernandes, Ms. G. Mitchell, Ms. M. Sehl, Messrs. P. Walberg, T, Reiser, M. Arges, P. Dedes (Chair), L. Oakey, T. Boutillier, M. Boos (Vice- Chair), W. Sleeth and M. Parris Staff: Messrs. J. Joseph, J. Readman, J. Witmer, J. Kolnick and Ms. L. Nelson Regrets: Ms. M. Generoux and Mr. S. Gibson 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MAY 13, 2014 Motion by Mr. M. Arges: That the minutes of the May 13, 2014 meeting be approved. Motion carried 2. KCAC MANDATE DISCUSSION J. Readman acknowledges that draft report to council for June 23, 2014 recommends establishing an Active Transportation Committee. J. Witmer asks how the City should build representation needed for active transportation and identifies that the current policy recommends the creation of an active transportation committee with representation from the KCAC to deal with shared use of trails. Discussion regarding options to address potential conflict between a new active transportation committee and the Kitchener Cycling Advisory Committee:  Demarcation between cyclists and pedestrians (including speed differentials and points of conflict); could identify a sub-committee comprised of both groups values to present a unanimous voice to council  Expand KCAC with new members acting as liaison with a new active transportation committee  “Multi-Use Trails Committee” and KCAC to be separate entities, structured as a primary and secondary committee with an agreement on which prevails if there are competing interests  Add an additional sub-committee to KCAC, however this changes the KCAC mandate and structure Any changes to structure impact expected workloads of KCAC members o Could use three additional members to make up a sub-committee o Cannot have a sub-committee large enough for a quorum, meaning all o pedestrian decisions would have to be made at KCAC meetings Could lead to a marginalized group within the committee o  One unanimous “Cycling and Trails Advisory Committee”, which would require a smaller, separate body that focuses on pedestrians Sidewalk infill /pedestrian routes would fall within multi-use trail o component Need to maintain the mandate of KCAC to act as a citizen advisory o committee that can oversee the Trails Master Plan Page 1 of 4 CYCLING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 10, 2014 CITY OF KITCHENER Include cycling on and off road, and implementation of Multi-Use Trails o Master Plan in a new mandate Pilot this structure and perform evaluation / monitoring after 1 to 2 years o Expand to 11 to 13 members of the Community-at-large where additional o members can reflect the needs of all trail users, and of cyclists both on and off roads. Action Item: J. Witmer to prepare draft report with modified titles and names, and circulate to the KCAC. Motion by Mr. M. Boos: To repeal motion made by Mr. P. Walberg on April 8, 2014 to establish a new Pedestrian and Accessibility Committee and retain the existing Cycling Committee, and instead endorse in principle, the concept of a Cycling and Trails Advisory Committee composed of 11 to 13 members of the Community-at-large, with the mandate of implementing the Cycling Master Plan and the Multi-use Pathways and Trails Master Plan. Motion Carried. 3. TRAIL-ROAD CROSSING AND CURB CUT PRIORITIZATION J. Joseph identified need to create a new list of priority curb cut locations by end of August, as City staff come up with standard designs for Book 18 trail-road crossings. M. Boos recommended setting up a web-map tool to send to committee members to populate with priority areas, given two weeks’ notice from KCAC / City Staff. Action Item: I&T Subcommittee to assist pulling data together Action Item: M. Arges to send current list of missing curb cuts Action Item: J. Joseph to locate City list of missing curb cuts 4. DOWNTOWN CYCLING NETWORK IMPROVEMENTS J. Joseph provided summary of changes to the downtown network as revised from the previous KCAC meeting. Network improvements currently include bike route signage in some areas with an option to upgrade to sharrows at a later date. V. Van Cappellen discussed public feedback from BikeFest:  Education was a big component – need clear rules and driver education  Cyclists are continuously experiencing aggressive driver behavior while riding sharrows.  Public suggestion: Post cards published by Ontario MOT (or Ontario Police) with clear rules on cycling, sharrows and bike boxes that cyclists could hand to drivers. J. Joseph explains that the City could have BIA Ambassadors distribute post cards downtown if Education, Safety and Promotion Sub-committee prepared a post card. Page 2 of 4 CYCLING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 10, 2014 CITY OF KITCHENER Question about why sharrows were removed and signage included in some areas.  Public feedback stated it would be redundant, ie. Henry Street is a local street in a heritage neighbourhood; shops on Queen Street are concerned that the roads are congested and too narrow  T. Reiser recognizes that without more education and enforcement, the speed differential between cyclists and drivers devalue the sharrows on Queen Street. Should promote education and enforcement if sharrows are to be added on Queen.  Also need to liaise with non-GRT bus operators, that typically speed on the roads  Should consider segregated bike lanes in the future Many roads downtown do not have the right of way width o Action Item: J. Joseph to add to the map a section on Courtland between David and Queen Streets. Motion by Mr. T. Reiser: That the Kitchener Cycling Advisory Committee accept recommendations from city staff on the Downtown Cycling Network. The Cycling Advisory Committee also requests additional education and enforcement initiatives to educate cyclists and motorists about the sharrows and sharing the road. Motion Carried. 5. NYBERG CYCLING INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS J. Joseph advised the KCAC of the Report to Council on June 23,2014 and explained that feedback from residents resulted in minor design tweaks. Implementation should occur this year, subject to Council approval. Members of KCAC should attend Council Meeting to address resident concerns. 6. BY-LAW REVIEW UPDATE J. Joseph advised the KCAC of the Report to Council on June 23, 2014. J. Readman clarified changes to the existing bylaw. 7. STAFF UPDATES Signage and Way Finding Bicycle tours to identify areas for signage and way finding to occur; staff to finalize routes and signage. Staff Update pending in July. 8. SUB-COMMITTEE UPDATES Education, Safety and Promotion Sub-Committee New item for sub-committee to develop safety post cards. Local neighbourhood safety lessons could be supported through neighbourhood associations and promoted by KCAC or Can-Bike. Page 3 of 4 CYCLING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 10, 2014 CITY OF KITCHENER Bicycle Safety Checklist is being developed to distribute to local bike shops. Route defined for Councilors’ Ride; need to determine talking points and logistics for participants to arrive and depart. T. Reiser and M. Boos will attend the ride. Action Item: Y. Fernandes to follow up on Council attendees. Infrastructure and Technical Sub-committee No update. Planning, Evaluation, and Governance Sub-committee Report Card reference community list is being expanded to include Calgary, AB, which is moving aggressively to implement cycling infrastructure, and Peterborough, ON. Sub- committee to identify staff contacts at all communities. Targeted response date: last week of July. 9. KCAC VOLUNTEERS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS & YOURKITCHENER J. Readman calls for volunteers for bike valet service at Big Music Fest. Action Item: L. Nelson to send Doodle Poll for volunteer time slots to KCAC members. J. Joseph requests that KCAC members complete Your City survey. 10. OTHER BUSINESS P. Walberg shares feedback from Phil Martin about the KCAC; he is appreciative as guidance was given for cycling measures. Y. Fernandes asks how many asphalt trails are in Kitchener. As of last year, 4-5 km of asphalt trails in Kitchener, and expanding. 11. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mr. M. Arges: That the meeting be adjourned at 6:01 p.m. Motion carried Page 4 of 4