JANUARY 12~ 2004
The Finance and Corporate Services Committee met this date, commencing at 1:10 p.m.
Chair Councillor B. Vrbanovic
Mayor C. Zehr
Councillors J. Smola, J. Gazzola, M. Galloway, C. Weylie and
G. Lorentz (in attendance for part or the meeting)
J. Fielding, Chief Administrative Officer
C. Ladd, General Manager of Strategic Services
P. Houston, General Manager of Financial Services/City Treasurer
G. Sosnoski, General Manager of Corporate Services/City Clerk
F. Pizzuto, General Manager of Community Services
G. Stewart, General Manager of Development and Technical Services
R. Gosse, Committee Administrator
The purpose of this special meeting of the Finance and Corporate Services Committee was to discuss
and prioritize the Capital Projects in the 10 year Capital Forecast and to receive information on the
Water and Sewer finances in preparation to setting the 2004 rates.
J. Fielding explained that members of the Committee and the General Managers will be using
a system to rate the 28 listed Capital Projects in the 10 year Capital Forecast. The projects
would be rated in context to the primary objectives developed last year by the Committee. Mr.
Fielding reviewed the primary objectives being: to maintain our ageing base infrastructure and
to extend our services to accommodate grow[h; to respond positively to community and
neighbourhood needs; to enhance the prosperity, quality of life, and image of the City; to
improve our revenue base and our return on municipal investment; and, to improve service
delivery to our residences and businesses. He further explained that after rating the 28 capital
projects the system will prioritize, in order, the projects and based on the available funding, will
show which projects can and cannot be funded over the forecast period. Mr. Fielding advised
that the Committee has received Financial Services Department report FIN-04-003 (P.
Houston) dated January 7, 2004, which provides a listing of the major Capital projects, the
primary objectives with sub-objectives, a cost and funding summary of the new capital
investments and a list of funding options.
J. Fielding advised that the cost of the Employment Lands project was extremely high and in
all likelihood require alternative funding and/or partnerships. It was agreed to remove this
project from the list for the purposes of the rating exercise. The Committee and General
Managers then proceeded to enter their rings into the system which resulted in the prioritized
list of projects with the available funding.
Councillor G. Lorentz entered the meeting.
It was shown that the current list of projects were under-funded by approximately $42M.
General discussion took place on the various options open to the City with respect to the
capital projects and various scenarios were presented regarding funding for the projects.
Councillor J. Gazzola raised a concern regarding the lack of criteria for the projects making it
difficult to determine any priority. He also suggested that the City should continue living within
its means and advised that there have been no new ideas given to allow completion of all the
projects other than issuing new debt.
Councillor G. Lorentz suggested the need for public input with respect to the Capital Projects
and advised until the public process is completed the Committee could not move forward with
the Capital Budget. P. Houston explained that delaying the Capital Budget process in order to
complete a public consultation process would be difficult due to the impact the Infrastructure
Replacement Project will have on setting the water and sewer rates. Ms. Houston advised
that the infrastructure project is to take place over the next 30 years and is critical to
maintaining the infrastructure of the City.
J. Fielding suggested that if the Committee committed to the Infrastructure Replacement
Project then the budget review process could be delayed in order to complete the public
consultation. He also suggested that the projects relating to the downtown redevelopment be
dealt with separately as a package and that staff investigate alternative funding for this project.
It was pointed out that the Central Maintenance Facility project will have other implications and
Mr. Fielding suggested it be removed from the list and that staff investigate further on ways to
fund this project and report back to the Committee.
Chair B. Vrbanovic summarized the discussion as follows:
· staff will report on the 10 year Capital Forecast projects including funding save and
except: the Downtown projects, the Employment Lands project, the City Hall Expansion
project, and the Central Maintenance Facility project, all of which will be reported on
· staff will report on a public consultation process with respect to the proposed Capital
· the Capital Budget process will be re-scheduled to allow for public consultation
Mayor C. Zehr advised that it may be helpful to have an objective review of the Capital Budget
and suggested retaining the City's auditors to conduct the review verifying the calculations
being made. P. Houston responded that staff would obtain a quote and report back to the
P. Houston gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Water and Sewer Finances 2004. Ms.
Houston pointed out that new Legislation requires the City to revise the financial accounting
and funding for water and sewer insuring no cross subsidization between taxes and utility
accounts. The presentation highlighted the state of the water and sewer infrastructures and the
need to replace portions of the infrastructure to improve water quality, fire fighting capability
and sewer reliability. Ms. Houston also pointed out that Bill 175, passed December 2001,
requires a full cost recovery for water and sewer and replacement of systems, through the utility
rates. To this end it will be recommended that a catch-up in rates take place, phased in over a
period of 2 years.
The Committee was shown a chart giving the water and sewer rates from 2002 and 2003 and
the projected rates from 2004-2008. This chart also contained the monthly cost per typical
household and the dollar and percentage increase that will be recommended. Councillor J.
Gazzola questioned if the catch-up rate increases could be extended over a 3 or 5 year period.
Ms. Houston responded that staff will look at these two scenarios and report back. Mayor C.
Zehr requested that a chart comparing these rates to the rates of other communities within and
outside of the Region be prepared and submitted to the Committee.
Ms. Houston concluded the presentation advising a public open house will take place at the
Kitchener Auditorium on January 27, 2004 in itself will have direct communication with major
water and sewer users to advise them of the recommended rate plan.
On motion, the meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Randy Gosse
Deputy City Clerk