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City of Kitchener Corporate Archives
Kitchener Wartime Housing fonds 1940-2011
Prepared by: Hilda Sturm
January 2014
KITCHENER WARTIME HOUSING fonds - 1940-2011. –6cm of textual records, 1m of
photographs, 1cm of drawings and blueprints.
Wartime Housing Limited, (later Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation – CMHC) a
Crown Corporation built over 30,000 houses between 1941 and 1947 in many
communities across Canada. These homes were built to provide affordable housing for
war workers and returning veterans and their families.
The houses were based on a standard 1-1/2 story design which were inexpensive and
sometimes pre-fabricated. These homes were intended to be temporary and many of
the neighbourhoods dissolved after the war. The St. Mary’s area in Kitchener, which
was developed in 1946-1947, is one of these neighbourhoods and still exists today.
In 2002 the St. Mary’s area was designated as a Heritage Conservation District under
the Ontario Heritage Act. Kitchener has a plan in place for this area; the plan states
that, “Within the City of Kitchener the heritage environment of the St. Mary’s
neighbourhood represents an important and formative aspect of post-World War II
construction, planning and development. In many respects what would later become
fairly commonplace features in the new evolving Canadian suburban landscape were at
their initiation a departure from the traditional grid of roads and lotting patterns.” This
area is representative of some of the earliest local examples of suburban planning deign
with the curved tree-lined streets and crescents.
Today, in the St. Mary’s area at Spadina and Glenn Roads stands the Veterans’ Green
Interpretive Area. This grassy area was constructed in 2009 and has a pathway,
gardens, engraved marble stones, a flagpole, benches and 2 plaques. The two plaques
stand to help future generations remember the sacrifice of war veterans. One of the
plaques shows Kitchener’s role in the Second World War, with pictures of soldiers from
the St. Mary’s neighbourhood and stories about the home front. The other plaque
shows the significance of the St. Mary’s Heritage Conservation District as a
neighbourhood of wartime housing built for veterans returning from the war.
This fonds consist of correspondence, agreements of sale, financial receipts and
invoices, applications, landscape specifications, walking tour, district plan and
photographs. The records consist of two series.
Title based on contents of fonds.
1: Correspondence/Financial Information – 1940- 2011. 6cm
This series consists of correspondence, agreements of sale, financial receipts and
invoices, applications, landscape specifications, walking tour and district plan.
An index is available in Appendix A.
2: Photographs/Blueprints – 1947 – 1959. 1cm
This series consists of photographs of housing and blueprints.
An index is available in Appendix B.
Appendix A
Series 1: Correspondence/Financial Information
Title Date Volume/Item Box
Correspondence regarding 1952-1957 1-1 10161
property purchase
Agreements of Sale, Financial 1950-1952 1-2 10161
receipts and correspondence
Agreements of sale 1953 1-3 10161
Agreements of Sale 1954 1-4 10161
Agreements of Sale 1955 1-5 10161
Agreement between Kitchener 1947 1-6 10161
& Wartime Housing
Amendment No. 2 Reduction 1950 1-7 10161
of Fee
Amendment No. 1 Agreement 1948 1-8 10161
Application Wartime Housing 1948 1-9 10161
Project No. 1
Land Survey 1947 1-10 10161
Landscape Specifications 1946 1-11 10161
Sale of Serviceman’s Houses n.d. 1-12 10161
Correspondence Kitchener 1947-1950 1-13 10161
Project No. 1
Correspondence regarding 1955-1957 1-14 10161
property purchase
Correspondence payments in 1954-1955 1-15 10161
lieu of taxes
Amendment No. 1 Kitchener 1948 1-16 10161
Project 2
Agreement Wartime Housing 1949 1-17 10161
Project No. 2
Agreement Wartime Housing 1948 1-18 10161
Project No. 2
Agreement Kitchener Project n.d. 1-19 10161
No. 2
Miscellaneous 1947-1952 1-20 10161
Correspondence Kitchener
Project No. 2
Miscellaneous 1953-1957 1-21 10161
Correspondence Kitchener
Project No. 1
Duplicate copies 1955-1957 1-22 10161
correspondence regarding
property purchase
Walking Tour 2011 1-23 10161
Heritage Conservation District 2001 1-24 10161
Appendix B
Series 2: Photographs/Blueprints
Title Date Volume/Item Box
Black and White photographs 1945-1959 1-25 10161
Blueprints Kitchener Project 1947 2-1 CH
No. 2