HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSD-17-049 - Zone Change Application - 50 Pinnacle Drive REPORT TO: Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee DATE OF MEETING: June 12, 2017 SUBMITTED BY: Alain Pinard, Director of Planning, 519-741-2200 x 7319 PREPARED BY: Garett Stevenson, Planner, 519-741-2200 x 7070 WARD(S) INVOLVED: Ward 4 DATE OF REPORT: May 18, 2017 REPORT NO.: CSD-17-049 SUBJECT: ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION ZC16/011/P/GS COOK HOMES LIMITED 50 PINNACLE DRIVE Location Map: 50 Pinnacle Drive EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Owner is proposing to develop the site with a two-storey cluster townhouse (multiple dwelling) development with 75 two or three bedroom dwelling units and 114 parking spaces (75 garages and 39 visitor parking spaces). Planning staff are recommending approval of the zone change application to change the zoning from Residential Four (R-4) with Special Use Provision 319U and Residential Three (R-3) with Special Use Provision 319U to Residential Six (R-6) with Special Regulation Provision 461U. 6 - 1 RECOMMENDATION: A. That Zone Change Application ZC16/011/P/GS for Cook Homes Limited requesting a change from Residential Four (R-4) with Special Use Provision 319U and Residential Three (R-3) with Special Use Provision 319U to Residential Six (R-6) with Special Regulation Provision 461U on the parcel of land specified and illustrated on Map No. 1, be approved in - dated May 3, 2017, attached to Report CSD 17- and further B. That Block Plan 58, originally approved in 1976 by Kitchener City Council, be repealed in its entirety. BACKGROUND: GSP Group Inc., on behalf of Cook Homes Limited, has submitted a zone change application for the lands shown on the location map above. The individual dwelling units are proposed to be sold as market rate condominium units. A Neighbourhood Information Meeting was held earlier this year to gather public input on the application. Several of the ideas suggested by community members may be implemented through the site planning process and are mainly design related. The main concern identified by residents was that this development would be for purpose-built student housing. The Owner has advised that their intention is to build market rate condominiums and has requested that the implementing zoning not include permissions for lodging houses. This application is completely separate from applications OPA15/01/A/GS and ZC15/01/A/GS for 69 Amherst Drive for a proposed purpose-built student housing development. Provincial, Regional, and City planning policy provide guidance that must be considered when evaluating changes in land use permissions as discussed below. REPORT: Provincial Policy Statement (2014) The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development. The PPS optimize the use of land, resources, and public investment in infrastructure and public service facilities. Further, the PPS directs the development of new housing to locations where appropriate levels of infrastructure and public service facilities are or will be available to support current and projected needs and promotes densities for new housing which efficiently uses land, resources, infrastructure and public service facilities. The plan also supports the use of alternative transportation modes and public transit in areas where it exists or is to be developed. Planning staff is of the opinion that the proposed applications will facilitate the intensification of the subject property with a more intensive residential use that is compatible with the surrounding community and will make use of the existing infrastructure. The proposed townhouses 6 - 2 condominium project is similar to other developments in the community and is compatible with the adjacent low rise land uses. No new public roads would be required for the proposed development and Engineering staff have confirmed there is capacity in the sanitary sewer to permit intensification on the subject lands. Planning staff is of the opinion that the requested applications are consistent with the policies and intent of the PPS. Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2006, updated 2013) The subject properties are within the Built-up Area as defined in the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan). The Growth Plan promotes the development of healthy, safe, and balanced communities. The Plan is also supportive of the appropriate intensification of existing residential neighbourhoods with a range of housing types that reduce the dependence on the automobile through the development of transit-supportive developments. As of 2015, the Plan requires that a minimum of 40 per cent of all residential development occurs within the built-up area by encouraging intensification generally throughout the built-up area. To achieve this, the City must facilitate and promote intensification, plan for a range and mix of housing while taking into account affordable housing needs, and encourage the creation of secondary suites throughout the built-up area. Planning staff is of the opinion that the applications conform to the Growth Plan as it allows for the appropriate intensification of the subject property with a new form of housing that is compatible with the surrounding community. Regional Official Plan (ROP) The ROP identifies the subject properties as within the Built-Up Area. Land use policies support and promote a full range of housing types, and land use patterns that support alternative modes of transportation including transit, walking, and cycling. Planning staff is of the opinion that the applications conform to the Regional Official Plan. Regional Planning staff have no objections to the proposed applications and provided specific taken under advisement for future development applications. City of Kitchener Official Plan The subject application has been considered under 2014 Official Plan. The Official Plan for the City of Kitchener was adopted by Kitchener City Council on June 30, 2014 and approved by the Region of Waterloo on November 19, 2014. While some policies remain under appeal, the balance of the plan is now in force and effect, with an in effect date of September 23, 2015, being the date the appeal to the entire 2014 Official Plan was withdrawn. Where policies of the 2014 Official Plan were specifically appealed, those specific policies are not in effect. The Official Plan Supports an appropriate range, variety and mix of housing types and styles, densities, tenure and affordability to satisfy the varying housing needs of our community through all stages of life. The City favours a land use pattern which mixes and disperses a full range of housing types and styles both across the city as a whole and within neighbourhoods. The subject lands are designed as Low Rise Residential in the Official Plan. The City encourages and supports the mixing and integrating of innovative and different forms of housing 6 - 3 to achieve and maintain a low-rise built form. A maximum Floor Space Ratio of 0.6 applies to all development and redevelopment in the district. The subject lands are also subject to Specific Policy Area 16 (Lower Doon) which prohibits duplex dwellings and second dwelling units in semi-detached dwellings. This policy is carried forward from the current Official Plan and was established as a result of the Lower Doon Housing Study and is discussed later in this report. The Official Plan commits to maximizing the use of existing municipal services and utilities before consideration is given to extending and/or developing new municipal services to promote cost-effective development patterns and standards to assist in minimizing servicing costs. Map 5 in the Official Plan identifies an area adjacent to the Lower Doon community as Specific Policy Area 26 which notes that the City will undertake a Master Planning exercise to the appropriate Urban Structure Component and the land use designation mix necessary to achieve the planned function for this area through a future Official Plan Amendment. Official Plan Analysis to the objectives and policies in the Official Plan. The Low Rise Residential district permits the integration of innovative and different housing forms of housing to achieve an overall low-rise built form. Policy 15.D.3.10 of the Official Plan confirms that densities are measured by net residential dwelling units per net hectare and are to be used as guidelines for the preparation of Secondary and Community Plans and are not meant to apply to individual developments. Through the Site Plan process, the design of the buildings will be considered in greater details. Materials, finishes, and detailed design elements that are found throughout the neighbourhood will be encouraged for the buildings to ensure compatible design. Lighting, landscape design and materials, amenity areas, façades, roof designs, and site layout, and configuration will be carefully considered through the submission of detailed design plans and drawings. Landscape material and design will be used as a means to buffer the buildings from adjacent properties, to provide amenity area for residents, to accommodate snow storage, and to soften the street access. The site planning process will also include a development agreement which will ensure the long-term maintenance and upkeep of the site. Site Plan Control will be used in accordance with the Planning Act as a means of achieving a well-designed, functional, accessible, and sustainable built form. The proposed development is a cost-effective means to reduce infrastructure and servicing costs by minimizing land consumption and making better use of existing community infrastructure. The development does not require any new City-funded infrastructure. The new Official Plan commits to maximizing the use of existing municipal services and utilities before consideration is given to extending and/or developing new municipal services to promote cost- effective development patterns and standards to assist in minimizing servicing costs. 6 - 4 Kitchener Growth Management Plan The Kitchener Growth Management Strategy (KGMS) helps to ensure that growth is managed effectively to achieve the required density and intensification targets, through a desired built form and function which will enhance the quality of life in Kitchener. While the intent of the Kitchener Growth Management Plan (KGMP) is to help guide the relative priority for all development applications within a growth area with a primary focus is on plans of subdivision, vacant land condominiums, and official plan amendments for new urban land use designations within growth areas that have not previously been considered in past Staging of Development Reports, it is based on the fundamental principle that maximizing the use of existing infrastructure is preferred, and that planning for and implementing intensification is a high priority. Planning staff is of the opinion that the applications comply with the KGMS and KGMP as it allows for the appropriate intensification of the subject property, better utilizes the existing infrastructure, allows for a built form that is compatible and complementary to the existing neighbourhood, and will bring a new legal housing type into a stable community. The Lower Doon Community Plan, 1977 The Lower Doon Community (Secondary Plan) was adopted by Kitchener City Council on February 28, 1977 and approved by Regional Council on March 24, 1977. The original purpose of the plan was to serve as interim guiding document to permit the processing of zone change applications, severances, block plans, and plans of subdivision, to facilitate additional development and to preserve historical buildings and structures. Planning staff is of the opinion that the Lower Doon Community (Secondary Plan) does not application. The plan has no legal status under the Planning Act and has not been updated to reflect other developments or legislative and policy changes since it was approved in 1977. This plan will be updated or replaced at a future time when comprehensive land use planning exercises are undertaken for the broader community. Block Plan 58, 1976 Block Plan 58 was approved in 1976 by Kitchener City Council and was prepared to provide direction to enable comprehensive development of the (then 16) existing properties within the subject area to achieve maximum utilization of the numerous land parcels with minimum land exchanges required. Map B of the Plan (shown below), as approved, shows the area developed with a total of 42 single detached dwellings (single family lots), 12 semi-detached dwelling (24 semi-detached dwelling units), and a new publically-owned road from Doon Valley Drive to Pinnacle Street. 6 - 5 Block Plan 59 Approved Map B The majority of the development area of the plan includes residential uses fronting onto the four surrounding streets. The lands interior to the block have not been developed. The Official Plan requires that any development application which is not consistent with a Block Plan approved by Council may receive approval provided it can be demonstrated that any deviations from the Block Plan are appropriate, represent good planning, represent an improvement, and conform to the policies of the Block Plan. Block Plan. The Owner has consolidated several properties. The While the form and the type of residential use proposed is different than that contemplated in the Block Plan, the concept of orderly and comprehensive development is achieved. As part of a recent refusal of an Official Plan amendment and zone change application for the balance of the undeveloped lands within the boundary of Block Plan 58 (69 Amherst Drive), Kitchener City Council did not repeal Block Plan 58 as recommended by Planning Staff. At this time, Planning staff are again recommending that Block Plan 58 be repealed to facilitate this zone change application. Zoning By-law 85-1 Planning staff are recommending changing the zoning to Residential Six (R-6) which permits multiple dwellings, including cluster townhouses. A site-specific zoning special use provision is also proposed as part of this application at the request of the Owner. In response to input received through the consultation process, the Owner has advised that they are not seeking 6 - 6 permission for lodging houses as part of this application. Staff have prepared Special Use Provision 461U which is included in the proposed Zoning By- AGENCY COMMENTS: A copy of all comments received from the commenting agencies and City departments are report, but in summary, there are no outstanding concerns with the proposed zone change application. Additional consideration or concerns will be addressed through the site development approval process. NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMENTS: Planning staff received written submissions and comment forms from nine different addresses community involving multiple City divisions and external partners, including Conestoga College, City By-Enforcement, the Town and Gown Committee, and Waterloo Regional Police. Student Population and Permanent Residents Planning staff heard from several residents that it is important to protect the neighbourhood in the interest of the permanent residents. Many comments indicate support for the application if no new lodging houses permissions were added for these lands with this application. There was concern expressed that if lodging houses were permitted with this application, the project would become largely occupied by student dwellers. The City does not have authority to regulate where any one person may live, whether that person is a student dweller, or a permanent resident. Planning staff understand form the Owner that the proposed development will be market rate condominiums. At the request of the Owner, in response to the comments received throughout the consultation, a special use provision is included in the attached proposed Zoning By-law which prohibits lodging houses. Heritage Design Influence Planning staff heard requests form the residents to commemorate some of the cultural heritage aspects of Lower Doon into the development. Heritage Planning staff, and well as community members through written submissions, provided the Owner with information on significant historical naming ideas for the project. The Owner is also reviewing an opportunity to incorporate private street lighting that is designed with a heritage influence as part of the site planning process. There was also a request from the community to aesthetically treat the street edge. Following the Neighbourhood Information Meeting, the Applicant has designed preliminary gateway features for both entry points that feature fencing, landscaping, and masonry wall elements. These gateway features will be adjacent to the both the Pinnacle Drive and Doon Valley Drive entries and will help to delineate the public and private space. An initial Gateway Design (subject to change) drawing was provided by the Applicant and can be found in Appendix F. revised preliminary side yard elevations that will face onto Pinnacle Drive and Doon Valley 6 - 7 Drive. These units will feature deeper front and side porches, as well as additional windows to enhance the design of the buildings facing the public street.Initial Enhanced Side and Front Elevations plans (subject to change) were prepared by the Owner and can also be found in Appendix F. Traffic and Parking Speaking specifically to the design of the proposed development, some commenters expressed concern with traffic and parking. On-site parking exceeds the 1.5 spaces per unit minimum requirement for multiple dwellings in the Zoning By-law. The current development concept provides 114 parking spaces (75 garages and 39 visitor parking spaces) for 75 dwelling units, in addition to the 75 tandem driveway parking spaces. Transportation Services staff have reviewed the application and have no objections. The addition of 75 dwelling units does not meet the threshold to warrant further traffic analysis. Servicing & Infrastructure Some residents expressed concern about the ability of the existing infrastructure to accommodate the increased demand of this development. Engineering staff have reviewed preliminary servicing plans and have no concerns. PLANNING ANALYSIS It should be absolutely clear that the City of Kitchener cannot and is not regulating where any one person may live, whether that person is a student dweller, or a permanent resident. residents and the Owner. Planning staff have reviewed the feedback from the community on these applications. Some comments will be addressed by Planning Staff through the site planning process. Provincial, Regional, and City planning policy provide guidance that must be considered when evaluating changes in land use permissions as discussed below. Planning recommendations conform to or are consistent with applicable planning legislation and policy. The proposed zone change and resulting development represent a compatible intensification opportunity that will complement the existing community. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: through the delivery of core service. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No new or additional capital budget requests are associated with these recommendations. 6 - 8 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM The application has been circulated for comment to internal departments, external agencies, and all property owners within 120 metres of the subject lands on December 19, 2016. Planning staff also emailed and mailed notice of the application and an invitation to the Neighbourhood Information Meeting to any person that was consulted on the applications for 69 Amherst Drive. Flyers and notice letters were also circulated by the Ward Councillor and community representatives. A list of interested residents was updated throughout the application process. Written responses from property owners and interested parties are attached as Appen posted on the property and additional notice signs were posted in advance of the Neighbourhood Information Meeting.The resident who provided a comment will be emailed notice of the public meeting. Notice of the public meeting will appear in The Record on May 19, 2017. CONSULT A Neighbourhood Information Meeting was held on January 31, 2017. Planning Staff have had follow up discussions by telephone as well as email correspondence as requested by community members. All residents who provided comments or attended the Neighbourhood Information Meeting will be mailed notice of the public meeting, and notice of the public meeting will appear in The Record on May 19, 2017. CONCLUSION: Planning staff support amending Zoning By-law 85-1 as outlined in this report. Planning Staff are of the opinion that the proposed zone change to Residential Six (R-6) will permit residential intensification that is compatible and appropriate for the property. The residential intensification of the site is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and the Regional Official Policies Plan. REVIEWED BY: Della Ross, Manager of Development Review ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Michael May, Deputy CAO, Community Services ATTACHMENTS: -law & Map No. 1 6 - 9 CSD-17-049 Appendix A PROPOSED BY LAW May 3, 2017 BY-LAW NUMBER ___ OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER (Being a by-law to amend By-law 85-1, as amended, known as the Zoning By-law for the City of Kitchener Cook Homes Limited 50 Pinnacle Drive) WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 85-1 for the lands specified above; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kitchener enacts as follows: 1. Schedule Number 256 o-law Number 85-1is hereby amended by changing the zoning applicable to the parcel of land specified and illustrated as Area 1 on Map No. 1, in the City of Kitchener, attached hereto, from Residential Three Zone(R-3) with Special Use Provision 319U to Residential Six Zone(R-6) with SpecialUseProvision 461U. 2.-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended by changing the zoning applicable to the parcel of land specified and illustrated as Area 2 on Map No. 1, in the City of Kitchener, attached hereto, from Residential Four Zone(R-4) with Special Use Provision 319U to Residential Six Zone(R-6) with Special UseProvision 461U. 3. Schedule Number 256 -law Number 85-1is hereby further amended by incorporating additional zone boundaries as shown on Map No. 1 attached hereto. 4.-law 85-1 is hereby amended by adding Section 461 thereto as follows: 461. Notwithstanding Sections 40.1 and 40.2.4 of this By-law, within the lands zoned Residential Six Zone(R-6), shown as affected by this subsection, on Schedule 256 C,a Lodging House shall be prohibited. PASSED at the Council Chambers in the City of Kitchener this ______day of ___________,2017 _____________________________ Mayor _____________________________ Clerk 6 - 10 27 41 NA LP G ER 8 2 8 5 2 7 4 1 N A L P G 8 E 67 R 5 5 N A L P G 2741 NAL P GEE R R 8 5 7 64 82-R 856 - R 8 5 T EER TS M AHRU D 87 5 NA LP G ER 3593 SCHEDULE 282SCHEDULE 283 -R85 87 5 NA LP G ER 875 SCHEDULE 256SCHEDULE 255 NALP GER 4 T R A P 5 6 T T R R A 8 A P P 5 7 3 6 8- T R 7 R A P 58 5 N A L 2 P T R G A P E 8 7 R7 T R 5 A P N 1 A T R L A P P G E R 8 4 75 875 NALNALP P GE GER R884 1 N T ALP 3 GER R T A PR A P 9 KLB SE R 50 3.0 8 6712 75 -R85 NA LP GETEER RTS MAHN 2 EDY S T 3 R T 8 A RP 7 A P 5 N 2 T A R 87 5 NA LP GL A ER P P 1 T G R A E P 8 R 7 1 5 1 6 N 4 - A 0165-R85 R L 1 8 P T 5 R A P G 8 E 7 5 R N 2 TRAP 1 T A RAP L P 0 56 251- R85 G 1875 NALP GER 6 E 5 - R R 8 PART 7 5 0 8 4 1 0841 NAL P GE R N R 875 D NALPA GE D R N O L M M U R D P G E R 0 9 TE 1 ERT S NI 4 8GL E T1 4 1 R 1 1 A- 1613 1-R8 P 5 R 8 N 6 875 5 NALP GE R875 NA1 ALP 8GER 1 7 L 7 - T 5P R R 58R-15599 A 8 N P2 G 34 56 5 T AE TTT T R RRR L R R A AAA A P P PPP P G E 4662-R8 5 R 8 7 5 N A L P G E 87 5 NA LP GR ER 875 NA LP GER 5 6 T 8 R 5 A 3 P - R T EE 4 TR RTS AP DA8 EH 5 3 TRAP 0 8 4 1 )6 PA N414 RT 6 1-R8 S5 A E L RP ' 1G ( 2 E 1 R 1 T K 4 R C T R A O A P L PAP RT 7 B 1 23 T T 3 R RT A 4 P ART 5 1T P 3 AR 6 5 RT P T 3 A2 1 ARTT P R-R PA R AR P A 8 7 P A P 5 P 1 T R 9 A P 7 8 5 7 5 N 5 A N 5 L A 3 P L 6 - P G R EG 8 R5 E R 6 T AR P 8 9 759 5 -1 5R 8 5 N 5 RT AA 7P L9 59 0ER5 G-1 PLPR 2 NA8 75 5 8 66 -G E R 4 RT 8RA P 5 99 5 15 - 8R 5 5 85 2-R 4 69 RT 6 A P 96 13 -1 8R 5 4 3 5 92 2 9 2T T 5 4 R R 75 A -1A 2 P- RP R 8 8 5 5 3 1 T R A P 2 T R A 6 P 2 2 - R D 1 W 7 3 8 1 - 0 6 R 88 56 - 2 R T 8 R 5 A P 1 T R A P 6 2 2 - R D W 2 6 1 6 4 5 ' C ' K C O L B 0 1 9 R GE P AL N 41 6 8 7 - R 8 7 8 45 1 N A L P R G D E K R R A P L L I M R GE P AL N 1 84 7 6 - 11 CSD-17-049 Appendix B Advertised in The Record May 19, 2017 PROPERTY OWNERS AND INTERESTED PARTIES ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS A PROPOSED AMDNEMDNT TO THE KITCHENER ZONING BY-LAW UNDER THE SECTION 34 OF THE PLANNING ACT 50 Pinnacle Drive The City of Kitchener has received a Zone Change Application to allow the properties to be developed with a 75unit cluster townhouse development. The public meeting will be held by the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee, a Committee of Council which deals with planning matters, on: MONDAY, JUNE 12 at 7:00 P.M. nd COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 2 FLOOR, CITY HALL 200 KING STREET WEST, KITCHENER. Any person may attend the public meeting and make written and/or verbal representation either in support of, or in opposition to, the above noted proposal. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at this public meeting or make a written submission prior to approval/refusal of this proposal, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal unless there are reasonable grounds in the opinion of the Board. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION is available by contacting the staff person noted below, viewing the report contained in the agenda(posted 10 days before the meeting at www.kitchener.ca - click on the date in the Calendar of Events and select the th appropriate committee), or in person at the Planning Division, 6 Floor, City Hall, 200 King Street West, Kitchener between 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday). Garett Stevenson, Planner -519-741-2200 x 7070 (TTY: 1-866-969-9994)Garett.Stevenson@kitchener.ca 6 - 12 6 - 13 6 - 14 6 - 15 6 - 16 6 - 17 6 - 18 6 - 19 6 - 20 6 - 21 6 - 22 6 - 23 6 - 24 6 - 25 6 - 26 6 - 27 6 - 28 6 - 29 6 - 30 6 - 31 6 - 32 6 - 33 6 - 34 6 - 35 6 - 36 6 - 37 6 - 38 6 - 39 6 - 40 6 - 41 6 - 42 6 - 43 6 - 44 6 - 45 6 - 46 CAD FILE: sp13080e.dwg Townhouse garages: 75 spaces Surface: 39 spaces (including 23 visitor spaces, 5 barrier-free spaces) Total Site Area- 2.06ha Proposed Zoning- Residential (R-6) ZoneBuilding Coverage- 0.60ha. (29.1%)Landscaped Area- 0.93ha. (45.1%)Paved Area- 0.53ha. (25.8%)Number of Townhouse Units: 75Density: 36.4 u.p.h.Gross Floor Area: 11,480sq.m.Parking Required (@ 1.5 / unit): 113 spacesParking Provided: 114 spacesParking Space Minimum Dimensions- 2.6m x 5.5mGarage Parking Space Minimum Dimensions- 3.04m x 5.49mBarrier-Free Parking dimensions: Type A 3.4m x 4.4m; Type B 2.4m x 5.5mBicycle Parking Required (10% of parking requirements): 12 spacesBicycle Parking Provided: 12 spaces Floor Space Ratio: 0.56 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT City of Kitchener Access Easements' e c n e F d o o W d i l o S 4.All townhouse driveways to be a minimum of 2.6m width. 2.Part Lot Control process to define location and alignment of all 'Future 0.9m3.All sidewalk crossings of driveways to have concrete surface material.5.Maximum height for townhouses is 9.5m6.Garbage collection to be curbside pickup. NOTES: 1.All driveways to have asphalt surface materials. h gLandscaped i H m 8 . 1 wĻŭźƭƷĻƩĻķ tƌğƓ ЎАБ ğƓķ tğƩƷ ƚŅ .ƌƚĭƉ ЊЉ wĻŭźƭƷĻƩĻķ tƌğƓ ЊЍБЉ \[ƚƷƭ БͲ ВͲ ЊЉͲ ЊЊͲ ЋЉͲ ЋЊͲ ЋЋͲ ЋЌ ε ЋЍ ğƓķ tğƩƷ ƚŅ \[ƚƷƭ ЊЋͲ ЊЌͲ ЊЍͲ ЊЎͲ ЊЏͲ ЊБͲЊВͲ ЋА ε ЌЉ ğƓķ tğƩƷ ƚŅ IĻğķ {ƷƩĻĻƷ ğƓķ tğƩƷ ƚŅ 9ƌŭźƓ {ƷƩĻĻƷ SITE PLAN APPLICATION No. SP16/117/P/GS depa csdn aL 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 kla wedi S ete rcno C edi W m5 e.1 c n e F e t det uoR e eriF r o c o n Wo DropCurbC d i B l ec apS s'roti osiV 3 & seca SpS gn ikraP 8seca pS gn ikraP 4 h g i V AsphaltV HV m k 8 l . et erc noC a 1 kla wedi REVISED: S eteLandscaped rcno C ediw W m8 .1 e d i e S 30 V v e t i e r r 16 c V n o sBike A D Curb DropRacksC eLandscaped c 31 e V a d i p Bike SW Racks t 15 V 2s m B e 5 s c. kk lla1 r DropCurb ap aV 32 wS Vw e e es ' d r di i V h o S t Si 14 V es ti e t eV srV e m rc 33 e1 ccn1 V ano A poCV SC e Existing Residential Vd 13 sei ' rd V i W Existing Residential o 34 t iLandscaped W m s V i Common 8 . mV V 1 8 Landscaped. 9 1,023.3sq.m. 1 V s V Amenity Area 12 e 35 c eB a Concrete cV p n S e 2 F V d oA 11 o 36 W V d i l o DropCurb S de pacs dnaL h g 10 i DropCurb e H de pacs dnaL v m i 8 . r 1 k l 9 a ) D wd k l ee an d ii w 41 S 42 m 43 e 37 44 r e 45 y etde 46 tit 47 u 48 ee S ro d e c 68 e l R 69 te n l 70 e b o 71 r e 0 10 20 30 40 72 eto C 73 c a rt i 74 u( n 75 38 e Fo o 8 e d r iR V C u t We a eLandscaped d rie i m F F 5W . y n r 1 SCALE 1: 1,500DATE: March 7, 2017 t m n 739 5 o . E 1 o Landscaped kl awe diS eter cno C e D diW m5. et1 erc noC 40 6 kla wedi S ete rcno C edi W m5 .1 eterc noC etu oR eriF 4.57m DropCurb Triangle Visibility Asphalt 5 etu oR ereff riFuB ep acs dn aL m5. 1 DropCurb ecn eeF doo W dilo S h cgiH m8. 1 n e F dAsphalt 4 Landscaped o o W d i l o S 3 h 67 g i H m 8 . 1 2 66 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 1 6553 52 51 50 49 64 de pacs dnaL Landscaped 63 Landscaped 62 Landscaped ) d e n i m r e t e d e 4.57m b Triangleo Visibilityt ( e e r v u i t a r e F y D r t n E e l c a n n i P Existing Residential DETAIL PLAN: NORTHDETAIL PLAN: SOUTH Cook Homes Ltd. Pinnacle Drive & Doon Valley Drive SITE PLAN -Overall 6 - 47 CSD-17-049 Appendix F Initial Gateway Design (Subject to Change) Initial Enhanced Side and Front Elevations plans (subject to change) 6 - 48