HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSD-18-143 - Appendix A� s SJu,�.L� 5.�.�t %���Uw a�u�-a�suu��swu 3f;7 152 Shan ley Street Vision Statement SITE AND CONTEXT Page 01 of 06 amp Existing 4 & 1 Storer The subject property is addressed 152 Shanley Street and is located at the northwesterly Building on the Site corner of Shanley Street and nuke Street West.. The site is 0.35 hectares (4.87 acres) in area and i5 currently occupied by a building which is 4 storeys in height along the [duke Street frontage and a portion of the Shanley Street frontage .and a 1 storey section of the building oriented along the Shanley Street frontage. The 4 storey and 1 storey buildings were constructed independently of one another and were originally used for light industrial purposes most recently by Electrohome and subsequently Art Fite Advertising. There has been limited use and maintenance of the buildings since 1990 when Art Rite Advertising declared bankruptcy. The property is privately -owned, in tax arrears and widely considered to be an "eyesore'" in the neighbourhood. lfnap: Map of subject proper it ]IMPIM The Site Requires The subject property is known to be contaminated and will require remediation with the Environmental objectives of preventing further movement of the contamination off-site and to prevent Rernediation vapour 1ntrusions into existing. and/or future buildings. The type and extent of the known contamination is outJIned in a Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Franz report. The principle source of contamination is TCE, which is a chlorinated solvent (a common degreaser), and is the result of pour disposal practices of waste paints and solvents by Art Rite Advertisingvia a pit that was excavated through floor slab wvthin the northeast part of the 4 storey portion of the building,. Accordingly, ori -site soil contamination is most significant directly beneath the building as well there is contamination of groundwater flows principally in a northeast direction. There are no known impacts of vapour intrusions into nearby homes. Remediation often involves a combination sof removal/disposal and risk assessment measures (measure that contain vapour intrusions). Risk assessment measures are more demanding and expensive for residential development compared to many other uses. However, risk assessment measures are less demanding and expensive if residential development is separated by iron -sensitive uses such as a first floor commercial space or an underground or above ground parking structure. known as 'grade separators'. An underground parking structure would assist greatly in remediating for vapour intrusions, Remediation of this site has a high potential to impact the building's structural integrity, since as noted, the contamination is most significant beneath the existing building, i.e. it would difficult to access without undermining the building. Also, it is very difficult to retrofit an existing building to prevent vapour intrusions. At the present time, the cost of remediation is greater than the value of the property with the existing building and the current pJanning permissions. 152 Shan ley Street Vision Statement SITE AND CONTEXT Page 02 of 06 The 4 storey portion of the building is an early 20th century brick industrial building built in the Berlin Vernacular Industrial architectural style. It is a notable example of a Berlin Vernacular Industrial building and features many Intact original elements. It is comprised of yellow brick; 6/6 segmentally arched windows, belt courses between the first and second as well as second and third floors; a molded cornices and flat roof. The building also features sign banding, that reads "Dominion Electrohorne Industries." The principal resource that contributes to the heritage value of the property isthe 4 storey form erindustfial bu [ding an.d it is recognized for its design, physical and histo 6c values, The 4 storey portion of the building was built in 1887 by Daniel Hibner for a fumiture factory. DanieiHibner was afurnituremanufacturer,MayorofBed in, andaIongtimePark Com missioner. Daniel Hibner sold the furniture factory building ird 1920 to Malcolm and Hill Limited. Arthur B. Pollack founded Pollock Manufacturing Company in 1907. The business was originally located on Victoria Street, later moved to Breithaupt Street and finally estabtished itself at the forrnef Malcolm and Hill Limited furniture Factory on Duke Street near the railway lime. The company was later known as Phonola Company of Canada. Pollock -Welker Limited, and Domlinion-Electrohome Limited. Arthues son, Carl A. Pollock, became President of Electrohome Limited and was also tyre founder of CKCO-TV, a founding father of the University of Waterloo, and the first member of the Waterloo Region Entrepreneur Hall of Fame, The subject property is not currently listed on Heritage Register and is not designated under There is a High the Ontario Heritage Act~ but as noted above, the 4 storey portion of the existing building is Probability That the listed on the Heritage Kitchener Inventory of Historic Buildings and is of Cultural heritage Existing Building Will interest Given the cultural heritage interest of the building it would be desirable to retain and Not Be Retained retrofit the existing 4 storey portion of the building as part of a .redevelopment proposal. However, given what we know about the contamination and remediation, there is high probability, that the existing building wilt not be able to be retained. A Heritage Impact A Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) will be required to be submitted with any redevelopment A sse ssm ent Wi I I Be proposal.Ifisitdeterminedthatexisting4storey buil dIng cannot bebuiltuponorretained,the Required redevelopment will need to consider the re -use of building materials, archival. display or some other Commemorative measures to recognize the historical significance of the former Photo, Existing buiIding Electrohorne site. I -Fli 1 N"s low 7 . 152 Shanley Street Vision Statement 6119*:10I10IK0LMIX:M Page 03 cif 06 A 2017 Tax Sale Did The subject property is in a substantial amount of tax arrears. Consequent#y, in the spring of Not Result in a Buyer 2017 the City offered the property for public sale by tender, known as a `tax sale'. The tax sale was not successful as the City was not able to find a buyer of the site. Feedback from development industry, after the failed tax sale was that the acquisition of the site was too risky ,as is'. New development, redevelopment (adaptive reuse of the existing building) cannot occur until there is some cleanup of the site. However the cost to remediate the site is greater than the potential return on the investment under the current planning permissions. Industry Feedback: The subject site was recently designated Low Rise Residential with a site specific policy in the Cannot Recover Costs 2014 Official Plan to recognize the existing 4 storey building and to permit a maximum Under Existing building height of 4 storeys or 14 metres and a maximum Floor Space Ratio of 2.0. The lands Planning Rules have not been rezoned to implement the new Official Plan and are currently zoned "Residential Six Zone (R-6)" which permits a maximum building height of 10.5 metres are zoned with special regulation provision to permit a maximum Floor Space Ratio of 1.0. The development industry advised that a larger building (more floor area for sale/rent) and more uses (especially on ground floor) are required to make the `clean-up' possible and the redevelopment profitable. A Community Design As a result of the failed tax sale and the feedback from the development industry, Council gave Charrette Was Held on direction to engage the community to explore the possibility of different uses and a different April 28, 2018 built form on the site. On Saturday, April 28, 2018, City Planning Staff held a design Charrette for 152 Shanley Street in the Rotunda at City Hail. Approximately 66 persons from the community were in attendance.. Planning staff gave an overview of the charrette process and provided background and technical information to generate discussion and the development of various options. The objective of the charrette was to determine the form of development and/or redevelopment of the site that the neighbourhood would support. i.e. use(s) and built form (building type, location, height). To start the discussion and assist with development a vision for the site, the participants were asked the following three questions: • What is great about your neighbourhood? • What, if anything, is missing in your neighbourhood? • What is most important for the future of this site? From the answers to these questions, participants were asked to utilize the trace paper, concept plan, floor templates and site statistics to develop a vision/design concept for the site. Typically design charrettes end in a `consensus building' exercise to come away with one development concept for the site. Unfortunately, given the number of participants it was not possible to generate one development concept from all of the visioning work that was done at the charrette. 152 Shan ley Street Vision Statement SITE AND CONTEXT Page 04 of 06 Multiple different developme ntAedevelo pment options were developed at the various tables at the design charrette. Although many options ccntained elements that were unique, a few Ivey themes appear to be common to the majority of the options: * Recognition that the buiIding(s) may need to be demolished in order to remediate the site. • Broad support for demolition of the 1 storey component and support for an addition to the 4 storey component or repiacernent of both building components with a larger and taller building, 0 Broad support for a broader range of uses. especially on the ,.round floor particularly if providing a service or amenity to the immediate surrounding community. A Vision Sta>ternent Objectives: Was Developed Bad The fo 11ovAng vision fear the site builds on the areas of broad consensus that were identified at on the Results of the the Design Charrettewith the fol lowing goais and objectives: Design Charrette * Reflect the aspirations of the majority of the Community, . Provide a certain level of assurance to the community and the development industry as to what is desirable in the future. * Enable development that provides a sufficient return on investment in order to recover site remediation costs. Photo from the design * Avoid being too prescriptive in order to allow for the passibility of other suitable charrette. development concepts to emerge in the future. ate_log' j ,rte. i 1 L r A %/r 152 Shanley Street Vision Statement 111110644110H Page 05 cif 06 The redevelopment of the subject property has the opportunity to serve as a community focal point that brings the community together and adds value to the neighbourhood. This may be accomplished by adding onto the existing building, if possible, or with new construction or a combination thereof. The redevelopment should be designed to reflect a high level of urban design, provide an attractive building form with architectural innovation and expression that reinforces and positively contributes to the neighbourhood character, respects and reinforces human scale and creates and contributes to an attractive streetscape. The New Building Will The new building will be predominantly residential with retail/service/community uses on the Be Residential With ground floor to provide necessary amenities for the neighbourhood. Non-residential uses are Ground Floor Retail, encouraged and supported on the ground floorto act as a `grade separator in the remediation Service & Community of the site. The ground floor of the building needs to provide at -grade access for the Uses non-residential uses to provide active street frontages to encourage walkability and visual interest. Some of the uses that were suggested at the charrette include, a cafe/coffee shop, personal services, neighbourhood retail, office, and a community space that could be utilized by the residents of the building as well as for outside neighbourhood/community groups. The New Building Will To respect the scale of the neighbourhood the maximum building height of any new Have a Maximum redevelopment will be 6 storeys. A range of different building forms and building Height of 6 Storeys arrangements for a 6 storey building are possible on the site. However the building should orient and locate the majority of its massing (floor space) along the Shanley Street frontage in order to mitigate the shadow impacts on the rear yards of those properties on Stahl Avenue and other neighbouring properties. If this is done, the increase in 2 storeys of building height on the Duke Street frontage will not significantly increase the shadow impacts, i.e. impacts will be negligible, on the adjacent property to the north and on the rear yards of the existing properties on the easterly side of Duke Street West. The rear yards of these homes will already experience shadows in their rear yards as a result of the buildings on their properties before there is any shadow impacts from a 6 storey development at 152 Shanley Street. The new building depth should align with these of the adjacent houses on both Duke Street and Shanley Street, so that the new built form is in line and compatible with its neighbours and prevents direct overlook into adjacent backyards. A proposed building footprint, as shown in the visual, would maximize neighbour privacy and minimize shadow impacts. Elevations along the property lines will be encouraged to minimize window openings and where there are window openings proposed, these views should be focused away from neighbouring backyards. The existing tree canopy at the rear of the site provides some buffering and privacy and its retention and maintenance should be considered as part of any redevelopment proposal. Parking Will Be Placed The streetscape is important to the character of the neighbourhood and therefore parking for Underground and/or the site must be concealed from the public realm. The majority of the required parking will to the Rear of the ideally be located underground which will allow it to function as a `grade separator and assist Building in the remediation of the site by providing an added level of protection against vapour intrusion. The remainder of the required parking may be surface parking located at the side and the rear of the new building and appropriately buffered from adjacent residential properites in order to mitigate its impact. This will be done by requiring a visual barrier and supporting the retention and maintenance of the existing tree canopy on the site. Reduced parking requirements and/or flexible parking arrangements may be considered in order to facilitate an appropriate development of the site. 152 Shanley Street Vision Statement 111110644110H Page 06 cif 06 The Site Will Have Two The site should have vehicular access points to both Shanley and Duke Street. Where these VehicularAccess access points are located will be based on the building's orientation and the mitigation of Points shadow impacts. Ideally, an entrance to an underground parking garage should be located at the most northerly end of the site on Duke Street and access to any surface parking at the rear of the building should be located at the most westerly end of the site on Shanley Street. It is recommended that these accesses be clearly demarcated with decorative or other distinctive hardscape materials. An Enhanced Public Any new redeye€opmentwili be required to contribute to an enhanced public realm to provide Realm & Streetscape an attractive streetscape. This can be accomplished with landscaping, public art, street Will Be Required furniture, pedestrian -scale €ightingand ensuring an exterior signage integrates into the design style of the development and the streetscape and does not dominate or clutter the streetscape. It is recommended that that the building facade on the Shanley Street frontage be recessed from the existing four storey facade to be in line with the setback of the existing dwellings on Shanley Street and to provide a sufficient setback to provide for an active and attractive street frontage, including at grade commercial access, outdoor patio space, landscaping (street trees), street furniture, and public art. The Site's Heritage New construction should be designed to commemorate the cultural heritage significance of Value Will Be the former Electrohome site. The design should respect the heritage of the site through the Respected reuse of building materials, respect of historic facade heights, provision of public art and/or other commemorative features. A Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) will be required to be submitted with any redevelopment proposal for the site. Outdoor Amenity Open space, amenity areas and landscaping are important components in the redevelopment Space Will Be of any site. The site should include outdoor amenity areas such as patios, particularly where Provided they are associated with at -grade neighbourhood commercial uses, a highly landscaped open space that is publicly accessible to activate the streetscape and promote walkability roof -top patios and other green open space areas at the rear and sides of the site. All public spaces should be designed using `Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (OPTED) Principles'. The following illustration, provided in Appendix `A', provides a visual of an option that aligns with vision statement and maximizes the building envelope. Other development proposals may also align with the vision. Appendix A — Visual that aligns with Vision Statement Appendix 6 — Concepts from Design Charrette Appendix C — Sign -In Sheets from the April 28, 2018 Design Charrette Appendix D — Sign -In Sheets from September 27, 2018 Community Engagement Session on the Draft Vision Statement _ .. �; fa b+' - — - �: '� � _ � . . .. Appendix A, Visualization of Maximum Building Volume Opp" - VON M -- 0 t I 'P J&aft 4Ai -.WAII -4W 152 Shan ley Street Vision Statement Appendix A Page 02 of 02 a I KFIQk;� 152 Shanley Street Vision Statement Appendix B Page 01 of 72 Vol What i anything, i massing i n your neighbourhood? ii r-4 S ►�� k % Iy s.y� C Y "+4 V+b_G.■ 5 � C ^. M ��Lk� *T( -,- Ki What is great about your neighbourhood? I�,VD( utc[, coftn.",A-��•eoQ, �I�CoMMvA,141 ID Collec4ivG SA4�t�, � $mAat Vl [ly IN `fes C,4414 �a,, -haF�c �cyui2� o�Fa�s 0 5 CAO k b 0 04 ?0+6 cks 'Fr°e F'S 6, 0 -F- - � n no � c .}�,,,�s I�,�,-Ex What is most important for the future of IJ this site? L"' i l r*� 'j�` d 'I t` v •' �- / �. t 4 C �e� 1' .-il It $ 4r f,/ " Pt e fi Ot Le � � �� •� r „PFJ � �, ++e� .+ `� � '� � ¢J� I THE � Charrette Goals: 1. To for the site; formulate a visl�n rid 4L,. 3 A E yid G + r«t laS�,i .,� k"" 4' s-.,,�i *s .' . 5 L' b x ry , 4r • fvr L � �L n... t�x4Pi�-�► r-L�� � i hCi 1 "d• firirx #.rrl4i id .: fGd�. rrtr•.�•(t r . Prepare a concept drawing considering the following: P Land use(s) Built form (building type, location heigh) t s�,[,�4' d °' y i 6 Parkin '}�`� 1 �1461 f l Access to the site o � ,j Public realm Amenity Area „<'..P�+( r Neighbourhood "fit" & compatibility J-0 k7•t SP.tgja�Y+� a. -4- . Me e 4r"' 4 VL pv 1 kq 0Q. ol V. 0 � r �, / Aj -roq 6;4 CA I -%-"H Cl, r�,--T(ZOP4&q,5r o2�E�Or � 5h�vee- 4glir s ot o P KE£F� n/t 'rNE1R FwCRDE, CL�NT1P o� AIC �✓�� E �£ -CI fRGt1� o LOulb ��R.N�Qu�4D ���r aN� 9�� pq-NE''1 oN�J��ph What is great about your neighbourhood? 01 c1 �-Y-ec S V C,karQcd-er Colder ho"s� 10 uO dt�ns I don.-F fee i -WalKabie (dc'se -�b c�me.ni3-ies� `Communi� -Fe�.1 r h� RxE What, if anything, is missing in your neighbourhood? '— water py-e�ssure �' na ►new bvi ids KjT(x What is most important for the future of this site? +y r C1eor\ up o-� Co n -�a m i na+i o r-1 — Inc 0 V- P+ra+e'S commune 5 urrovnd { naS LA-�e.f I ink Consider QIi�vc�cadd�ti�1 USeS beyond res rden -I;a K, 1t Charrette, Goats: 1. To formulate a vision for the site; and . Prepare a concept drawing considering the following: Land use(s) Built form (building type, location height) Parking Access to the site Public realm Amenity Area Neighbourhood "`fits' & compatibility \TER M .,M 4 , 1 pro I y f i What is great about your neighbourhood? C�O 0,.t 4-9 -N �lwr i� AwoM+�'i, �4�bo.4 e.oar3 �0ad-.7 �vt�,�� caYwkwn�7�c! O 111 Y .Ni�ll What, if anything, is missing in your neighbourhood? (V1t1"6r) cl 1Ledi� lt;K A I +� 00 i .BoW Cajnv4. U D � 6,,IA o ate+ �au�; ►�S . 0* What is most important for the future of thissite? 5fad+en. '%-cr 6ca-17. What is great about your neighbourhood? /V1 CA, I#p eA Ile Ohr+ i"^ ; shor4 blocks , hof *w/% c r r r What, if anything, is missing in your neighbourhood? )DAt k S oe' rce.4M 5PACC N04 tis e i Ae 4L I " ,,ups a #fir 05.t rlfv.ce What is most mportant for the future of this site Ke ep M % k eAd ; r, ce m e a Aer,.+*) a c ke1,preservew c i / �vi_7 A^4gL rA If 7 CAA " . twA do, P'iy bkrar90 JW=92�=� 9 r' Sr l LIP JOL ie) Vest a 11 " a TF z 4jarl-A ea eS(q r* r -*s 6�ssuvpinj is ken WK IBM c UP) IA Pt "' VjVk�v" *irli.4-i7hH. 2onc -j w1�' 8ve '%fit 8ervi1^P VT'Ict rmi) i wu lhIhf -� Ihclu�st 9�i�L p u 10 F b�004- 12o uAAl%/Rq I& qpm fk 77 TT"TT4(7 6 T nFla t afar' t 0 �j % � W, W �� 7lll 4 mftm 1 r MMOWMMMW What is great about your neighbourhood? 66 . x., , C-0 AtAl' • A c*ive.Fne ndl u b e n+rf- i n'rruz i v -c> J • W AA -)-i-aL L -S j KjF .L\ -r ---I What, ifanything, is missing in your neighbourhood? PUJDI�c., 5e4-vi6ce, - I I k-eLl- Iv�1' ra�e5 �X7`�noL�4•�z�ul CAF`�UF�!S�P I 5skeof Act rro w s-f�ee7'3 i� kyK ds VC4Y tesdfnwa- - cscnot'S tC�idji�nC� X-AAA4 A-"40V�A1 (t4(p'�41 �Q� 1 x�R What is most important for the future of this site? r ve-�i 0V vav%Alg WPk..ff &.rdA.;46� �z� 9 w f�p, 1 VX46 &v-,, 1 V- lwc vn-eke e"Zv,�4 I KATC:-MNZ- R �0 41 CharretteGoals: 1. To formulate a vision for thesite; and 2. Prepare a concept drawing considering the following: — �a(" � . .and u -SP c- r Built form (building type, location � . � j , ` 'height) �� o a Or t rD, u -qbb r Parkingz .y Access to the site a Ou fic realm j' Amenity Area Neighbourhood "fit" orrmpat bility► �9 wilt f - i �r amm-wm-mw� -�-� mwmmw� C� L } What is great about your nee - -�L/ Wk��N- 9 I -Gp�e� (kvu� duyv�l-qbug �C � COD VYI� 0-", L& V-�t' Ce, .lw--4 p rf x I Iu i-c:HENiiR What, ;f anything, is rill neighbourhood? your 021 What is most important for t T ter this site C� r-+ � � r C�i C -e - Sia C�2 A( m What is great about your neighbourhood? Ka-�— LCJ� 6 IA t �A Lldl— CVk KiTc -EF What, if anything, is missing in your neighbourhood? i KJTc�ri-E.R What is most important for the future of this site? Iii J KiTc�.rrFR Charrette Goals: 1. To formulate a vision for the site; and . Prepare a concept drawing considering the following: Land use (S) - #-E� - s Built form (building type, location 0 height) Parkin P - 'Y"' - Access Y"`- y� � ,,4-0� Access to the site ,k,,� J &LA. Public realm '}yAmenity Area Neighbourhood "'fit" & compatibility yy per' T��, ",cxr fj Iq ;0, cn )Ocq 0 a b ry l?.)j p' NO r7ry &7A-4 M's n DNN, as JAP � L 91 r S M., .P io ar%q- aflush t smpovq What is great about your neighbourhood? f-� 5 -io--/ KL4 -e- y V { rV 772A4L '--,�44 ski 14 9 What, if anything, is missing in your neighbourhood? �l L) Ar 57 1 , Awn ev 6 iPrw U;e� po r&r-rvu S,�arn. S*ce AKr14�k Sit CAfic- W LAI OWM Y E - VI 6- - lu" �'p p(p. �44h< Cf�" (/Nrty PWTO, L 'To mw .9 U j f r- / 2VNN%4�? rOA- l --L v r 5S ue' WlTy T944A4all& 4p kiv Kit .. What is most important for the future of this site L Lit vr> -o 4wa,c CI'T Y tLOfs" Un I 4; 3 41 OA-- OEva-0Aewl 51u, of Ccow &=&A�ouj-r At 5 0'bOAq q Ra tjm ■ 6 ILU a*s1 i -� Ntw- AF's- r-UML MM44,60mmKum 4T _ ftre koaca v i `4TH -j4vTwj w u-"� Ll +1wr�A i t #i ly (l'C4 OF` X�f rpt ,� �. �, WwKwu vir ' ou �- tz 6WJ 4614"tA rev tv UT fA%j OrPWeL Nal fire- ot, 4f RIMS CKP M v lu&k Pint. Mm OF Loa% 4040 ag �r +' r Charrette Goals; 1. To formulate a vision for the site; and . Prepare a concept drawing considering It d1lowing: Land us(siv, � _ o BWlt form (building type, location NOht. k� iL� XC ism -4 e�I" ow o Access t e site a ee s5 alit Z� Public realm -15 Amenity Ara ,a Neighbourhood "fit.' r ati 1*I ty► -TIME Tc l u1, 1. What is great about your neighbourhood" w J KIrcur:�EI2 pp,- ppplf" 1 10 "'� i 'w (51C dwp � .0 9 T 152 Shanley Street Vision Statement Appendix C ,0 Page 01 of 10 Lv Op", , g k f � 2 3 � � E � @ � / CL � \ o | � . � k ui LU �. z | i z ;� ■ 3 � � k � f 2 . � � ru N _ 60 ƒ � 1 m I E' 0 m V W ui U) z { co is co Cq 4 cv - Y LFL :- �. i : k e M \ � t t E . , . . � 2 ■ \ f � IL . . k u_ uj' m uj � . . . z. \ z 0 . Cl)� \ \ 7 m � m @ c J � • ? | � � L m:s \^ fn 2 `� N ƒ U'). y A k k� § � t 2 E � � . . 2 t � , / U_ LU lw x U� z | z � f � 2 � .. . U :\ � / i i j uj uu Q) z z e c a 184 c f!F � !` CL , K k ( LU . t E . I @ � CL ■ 2 � ƒ � I LU . X c z .� z . 0 c � � � 7 � 2 � 2 � � { � C4 2 (n § £. V 152 Shanley Street Vision Statement Appendix D Page 01 of 05 � � \ ƒ « § \� , 7 . � t 2 � � k k � \ o . . � # L LU U) . z z � R � 2 # 4 § � > Q � 4A � � 2 � c jr rx � ■ Cn 9 k � � ,Or / ƒ ` k k � k k / C�p ±� f I . [ 2 C , � \ . u u uj . 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