HomeMy WebLinkAboutKCTAC Minutes - 2019-03-12
March 12, 2019
The Kitchener Cycling and Trails Advisory Committee met on Tuesday March 12, 2019,
at 4:00 pm in the Conestoga Room.
Present: Mr. D. Brotherston, Mr. M. Clark, Mr. B. Forwell, Ms. N. Gursov, Ms. V.
Hand, Mr. T. Hannah, Mr. D. Hoshowsky, Ms. S. Powell, Mr. M. Rodrigues,
Ms. E. Slofstra, Mr. W. Waganka
Staff: Mr. D. Kropf, Active Transportation Planning Project Manager
Mr. D. Pimentel, Active Transportation Planning Project Manager
Ms. L. Christensen, Multi-Use Pathways & Trails Project Manager
Mr. A. McCrimmon-Jones, Manager Transportation Planning
Ms. F. Hosseini, Transportation Planning Project Manager
1. 11th Annual Ontario Bike Summit
Mr. M. Rodrigues welcomed two (2) members of the committee who were not at
the first meeting in January. Staff and committee members went around the room
and introduced themselves.
Mr. D. Pimentel provided an overview of the Ontario Bike Summit including
displaying the draft agenda for the event. The ticket for the committee member
would include the full event and bike ride, if the member is able to attend.
Four (4) committee members indicated their desire to attend; names were written
on a piece of paper and one ballot was selected.
Mr. M. Rodrigues was selected as the committee member to attend.
2. Trails and Mobility Devices
Mr. W. Waganka referred to an article from Streetsblog USA that was titled:
“Meet the Cincinnati Wheelchair User Struck Three Times by Drivers”.
The article spoke about the challenges a person with a disability may experience
and identified that this specific individual was struck multiple times by vehicles; it
was noted that each time the drivers claimed they could not see the individual in
their wheelchair. This individual determined that attaching an antenna with an
orange flag to their wheelchair, allowed drivers to see him when travelling.
Mr. W. Waganka wanted to ensure that the committee is considering accessibility
around trails and to always try and get the perspective of person who is not able
Consideration should always be given to accessibility on our trails; blind, deaf,
seniors, mental illness etc when utilizing a trail
In addition, ideas and/or suggestions to enhance the trails to make the more
accessible to everyone is welcome, as well as identifying rules or laws that apply
to accessibility on the trail system
Committee members noted some concerns that they have experienced with
accessing some trails due to lack of winter maintenance and/or how winter
maintenance id conducted across the City of Kitchener
March 12, 2019
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act was noted as standards that
municipalities must adhere to
Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee speaks to issues/concerns around
accessibility within the Region
It was noted that sidewalks are a separate discussion from the trail system when
it comes to maintenance - unless it is a multi-use pathway
3. Iron Horse Trail Update
Ms. L. Christensen made a presentation to the committee on the update to the
Iron Horse Trail
The construction of the Iron Horse Trail at the border between Waterllo/Kitchener
will match what Waterloo has already completed. There were some ponding
concerns where the trails had previously met
Staff will need to get some additional information for the committee on what road
crossings will be part of the project as well as how far lighting will extend. Road
crossings were presented as a recent public information center regarding the
construction of the Iron Horse Trail
4. Cycling Projects Approved in 2019 Budget
Ms. F. Hosseini provided a presentation to the committee with some background
information on what was presented and approved by Council at budget
o Water St - separated cycling facilities from Joseph St to King St
o Queens Blvd - separated cycling facilities from Westheights Dr to Belmont
o Belmont Ave - separated cycling facilities from Queens Blvd to Glasgow St
o Dutch roundabout - Huron Rd @ Strasburg Rd
The separated cycling facilities will use a combination of flexible bollards/posts
and bumper blocks; parking protected bike lanes will also be explored in some
Pedestrian cross-walks (potentially combined with bike cross-overs) and refuge
islands will be explored at main trail crossings
There will be an Open House to present the plan and design to the public
o May 29 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Victoria Park Pavilion
Questions and discussion occurred after the presentation
Belmont Ave will be completed prior to the construction on the Iron Horse Trail. It
is intended to serve as the detour
Belmont Ave between Queens Blvd and Highland Rd will not be separated with
any physical elements. They will be painted bike lanes (not a sharrow) due to
space constraints.
3.0m will be the minimum width of the two-way left turn lane
March 12, 2019
1.8m will be the minimum width of the separated bike lanes to accommodate
maintenance vehicles
All existing paint will be removed and new paint placed for pavement marking
changes. Staff will do their best to ensure ruts are not present where old paint
was removed
The dutch roundabout will include a car pocket, but only for one (1) vehicle
Bike lanes will not be coloured but bike boxes will be used along sections, which
will be coloured green
Design for the dutch roundabout is still be completed and consideration will be
given to maintaining a level surface for cyclists (through the islands and not going
over curbs) and the geometry of the entry/exit of the roundabout to reduce speed
of vehicles
Through the Iron Horse Trail reconstruction there will be a 3.0m multi-use trail
constructed on Glasgow St from the Iron Horse Trail to the intersection of
Belmont/Glasgow, including intersection modifications to accommodate cyclists.
Gaps may need to be left to accommodate transit service and stops. Additional
work will be completed to determine the best way to make the bike lanes
integrate with the bus stop. Consideration may be given to testing out floating
bus bays; City of Winnipeg has done some work on these as part of their
separated bike project
Communication and enforcement of the bike lanes will be critical to the success
of the project
Wayfinding is not part of the project and/or scope but will be something to
consider at a later time when assessing the budget. This will include cycling/bike
route signage
Council has completed approval of the projects but updates may be required in
the future.
All projects identified were not included within the existing Cycling Master Plan.
City staff identified them as key locations in time for last years budget
Staff will be collecting data throughout the life of the pilot project in order to
evaluate the success. Currently conducting manual visual counts and will be
installing tubes, once the weather allows, counting cars and bikes
Will also be determining if there is any delay to vehicle traffic. This is still in the
works but will use Google to collect this information
Surveys will also be conducted to evaluate user experience in addition to
collision analysis along the routes
Bike boxes will be placed at signalized intersections
o Committee member suggested to also consider two stage left-turns and
incorporating them with the bike boxes. Combining them allows for cyclists
to turn left at red and green lights
Staff are looking at ways to incorporate trail crossings into the separated cycling
facilities, in addition to queuing of bikes in the bike lanes
Cyclists will not have the right-of-way at the dutch roundabout, due to the
Highway Traffic Act. However staff are working with the OTM Book 18 committee
March 12, 2019
to have this roundabout identified as a pilot location to test out altering right-of-
way. Cyclists will be able to ride their bike across the roundabout and not have to
Staff will be going to Council late in 2019 to identify quick wins for 2020, prior to
approval of the Cycling and Trails Master Plan
Due to budget constraints, other types of separation (i.e. planters) are not being
considered at this time
Water St - consideration should be given to brining the bike lanes to Weber St to
connect to the multi-use trail on Weber
Bike boxes at each end of Water St - staff will investigate if anything can be done
in the middle where there is no bike box
Staff will work towards providing a design for the committee in April
5. Cycling and Trails Master Plan Update
Ms. L. Christensen made a presentation to the committee on the update to the
Cycling and Trails Master Plan
Two committee members indicated their desire to join the Community Working
Group. Mr. T. Hannah was the determined as the rep from the KCTAC.
Key deliverables of the plan will come to the committee for their input and
feedback but Mr. T. Hannah will be the main conduit between the Community
Working Group and this committee
Staff provided some additional details to the Cycling and Trails Master Plan
o previous Cycling Master Plan was approved in 2010
o previous Trails Master Plan was approved in 2012
o Often times projects support eachother but each plan had their priorities
that did not align with eachother
o this is an opportunity to align the plans and allow for gaps to be connected
as well as consider the impacts LRT may have
6. Committee Brainstorming Session - Development of Workplan
Mr. D. Pimentel provided an overview to the committee on how to proceed with
this exercise as well as some items previous committees worked on
Two smaller groups were formed where members wrote down their ideas on a
sticky note that was placed on some larger easel paper
The two groups shared their notes and were then asked to place dots (each
member was given 3) on items they felt the strongest about
Staff will summarize the notes and dots and provide that summary to the
committee at next meeting, in hopes of developing a workplan for the group.
On a motion by Mr. M. Rodrigues -
it was resolved:
“The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m”