HomeMy WebLinkAboutKCTAC Minutes - 2019-04-09
April 10, 2019
The Kitchener Cycling and Trails Advisory Committee met on Tuesday March 12, 2019, at 4:00 pm
in the Conestoga Room.
Mr. D. Brotherston, Mr. M. Clark, Mr. B. Forwell, Mr. T. Hannah, Mr. D. Hoshowsky, Mr. M. Rodrigues
(chair), Ms. E. Slofstra, Mr. W. Waganka, Mr. G. Piccini, Councillor S. Marsh
Mr. D. Kropf, Active Transportation Planning Project Manager
Ms. L. Christensen, Multi-Use Pathways & Trails Project Manager
Mr. A. McCrimmon-Jones, Manager Transportation Planning
Mr. B. Cronkite, Director Transportation Services
Ms. Karen Cooper, Manager, Strategic and Business Planning
1) Thank you to outgoing staff
M. Rodrigues shared that Danny Pimentel has accepted a new position in another city
and will be ending his time with the city of Kitchener this week. The committee
expressed its appreciation for Danny’s efforts and signed a card to say thank you.
2) Agenda change
M. Rodrigues noted that the consultants working on the separated bike lane pilot were
not ready to share a design with the committee so that item has been deferred to the
May agenda.
3) Bikefest
Mr. A. McCrimmon-Jones shared that Bikefest for 2019 will be shelved this year but with
the intention of bringing back a new and refreshed event in 2020. City staff plan to use
2019 to continue extensive engagement through several high profile projects, including
the Cycling and Trails Master Plan, Complete Streets and separated bike lane pilot, and
then revision BikeFest for 2020.
The committee did not raise major concerns for this approach, noting that this frees up
space for several smaller events around education, celebrating the opening of the bike
lane pilot, and other engagement that the committee identified during its workplan
4) Joint Advisory Committee Meeting
Mr. D. Kropf explained that the various advisory committees meet once or twice a year
to share updates and plans. This meeting has been scheduled for May 16, 6-8 PM at
RIM Park, Waterloo. Major agenda items include the launch of DropBike and more
information on ION launch.
Mr. Waganka, Mr. Clark, Mr. Piccini, Mr. Brotherston, Mr. Rodrigues, and Mr.
Hoshowsky expressed interest in attending.
Kitchener Cycling and Trails Advisory Committee April 9, 2019
Mr. Brotherston inquired if the police will be attending and expressed that engaging with
police remains a priority.
5) Iron Horse Trail Follow-up
Ms. Christensen shared an update that a refuge island will be installed on Union
Avenue this year. Refuge islands for Victoria St and West Ave are being designed but
still dependent on funding. Lighting will be completed in the North section, and the south
section (Stirling to Ottawa) is provisional on funding.
Mr. Brotherston inquired if Waterloo will be lighting the last short stretch on their
boundary. City staff will investigate.
Mr. Hoshowky inquired if pollinator gardens are being installed and if that is going to be
a nuisance to trail users. City staff will investigate with parks staff.
Several members asked about the design of the refuge islands, including realignment,
width, and accommodation of bike trailers. City staff will bring the designs to the
committee at a future meeting.
Mr. Waganka inquired how this committee should advise on projects that cross
jurisdictional boundaries. Mr. Cronkite replied with encouragement to committee
members to share what you’re looking for and city staff can pass on to regional staff.
Councillor Marsh asked if there has there been a cross appointment from the regional
committee. Mr Cronkite agreed to suggest that idea with Regional staff.
6) Kitchener Strategic Plan
Ms. Cooper gave a presentation on the draft of the city’s new strategic plan.
Development of the plan included a phone survey, compass Kitchener engagement,
staff input, all advisory committees, preliminary goals and council feedback.
Five themes were identified, with People-Friendly Transportation being most relevant to
this committee. Discussion on this item included:
Transportation was an issue heard over and over from public, staff and
councilors. Lots of affirmation from the committee on this direction
Effort has been made to establish actions that are specific, relevant and
deliverable: cycling network, complete streets, cycling and trails master plan,
bikeshare, pedestrian-first streets
Mr. Cronkite advised that delivering the cycling network will likely be 2022, not
Suggestion of wording to connect neighbourhoods to and through the
downtown. Suggestion to include connections to LRT network.
Questions on meaning of protected versus separated bike lanes.
Wordsmithing may happen still but principle is safe, dedicated space for
Kitchener Cycling and Trails Advisory Committee April 9, 2019
What is the definition of pedestrian-first street? Similar to Sparks street in
Seems to have a strong emphasis on downtown, possibly at expense of some
neighbourhoods in Kitchener. The Grand River is a gem and need more
emphasis on attracting people to it. Suggest adding wording that signals
phasing of downtown and other neighbourhoods.
People still don’t know how to get around by bicycle. Not enough signs to
direct people. Want to see better wayfinding.
It would be really nice if the winter action included sidewalks
How will complete streets be effective if guidelines? Strong implementation
plan and scorecard to drive change.
Discussion on remaining themes included:
Environmental Leadership
o Does the 8% target align with the 2050 target? Yes. Don’t see anything
about land use, such as densificiation targets versus sprawl. It’s a
major driver of greenhouse gas growth.
Vibrant Economy
o Really like the importance of Urban Design Manual. Good to see it
included a strong emphasis on active transportation.
o The LRT is a spine that generates economic development. Is there
consideration of how to leverage that investment?
o What are the Bramm yards? Parking lots nears Victoria and Joseph.
Still some negotiation undergoing on the active transportation route
from Iron Horse Trial to Central Transit Hub.
Caring Community
o Are these actions synced with All In movement? Yes
o Include stronger emphasis on homelessness, added to mental illness
and addiction. Still a fragmented system to support people
o Cost of transportation is often not included in affordable housing.
Important to include that as part of the strategy.
o Suggestion to include public right of ways as places for recreation and
sense of place.
Great Customer Service
o No comments
Committee members can provide further input on the draft strategic plan on Engage
Kitchener at https://www.engagewr.ca/strat-plan
7) Contraflow Bike Lane Projects
Mr. D. Kropf provided a presentation on proposed contraflow bike lanes on Young St
and Duke St, with the open house coming up on April 23, 4:30 – 8pm at City Hall, drop
in anytime.
The committee expressed appreciation for the Young Street concept, but noted some
concerns related to the side by side, two way bike lanes on Young between Weber and
Kitchener Cycling and Trails Advisory Committee April 9, 2019
Maynard. The committee felt this was a design not seen before in the region and may
cause confusion for both cyclists and drivers.
The committee expressed appreciation for the Duke Street concept. Mr. Cronkite
advised that the bike lane could be widened to 1.5 m to better accommodate cyclists.
Mr. Brotherston suggested Young Street could be made one way between Weber and
Duke, to accommodate wider bike lanes. Mr. Cronkite shared that is an option but is not
currently being considered.
Ms. Slofstra suggested advisory bike lanes for Young Street between Weber and Duke.
Mr. Cronkite responded that the culture in our region does not appear to be ready for
that design.
Mr. Brotherston proposed a motion:
“That the committee supports the contraflow bike lanes on Young St and Duke Street,
but ask staff to revisit the Young Street design in advance of the open house.
Ms. Slofstra seconded. Passed by the committee.
8) Workplan Development (35 min)
Ms. Christensen reported that city staff grouped the ideas from last month’s
brainstorming into various themes and provided the handout. The handout will be sent
out digitally as well. This will be revisited at our next meeting, and will be first on the
agenda to prioritize this work.
9) Volunteer appreciation
Mr. Kropf thanked the committee for their volunteer efforts and contribution to the
community. A pin was provided to each member, in honour of Volunteer Appreciation