HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Works - 1993-11-15PWTC\1993-11-15 PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 1993 The Public Works and Transportation Committee met this date under the Chairmanship of Councillor J. Smola with all members present, except Councillor C. Weylie. Others Present: Councillor B. Stortz, Councillor M. Yantzi, Councillor C. Zehr and Messrs. D. Suzuki, B. Liddle, D. Snow, S. Gyorffy, J. McBride, T. McKay and L.F. Parkhouse. This meeting of the Public Works and Transportation Committee commenced at 9:40 a.m. 1 .Kitchener Downtown Business Association -Various Requests - Downtown Parkinq Ms. Nancy Brawley and Mr. Cam Costley appeared before the Committee representing the Kitchener Downtown Business Association to discuss the possibility of issuing courtesy cards prior to the insuance of a parking ticket and the possibility of increasing metered parking on King Street. Mr. Costley advised the Committee that a number of merchants have suggested that a courtesy card program be implemented for the Downtown area. Under this program someone parking at a meter would be given an additional 15 minutes of free parking after the time on a parking meter had expired. Following this 15 minute grace period a parking ticket would be issued. It was noted that the Downtown Business Association is prepared to hire the necessary staff to distribute the courtesy cards. It is suggested that this program be undertaken for a trial period of 2¼ months. Mr. Costley suggested that following a trial period City staff could then evaluate the effects of such a program on City revenues. If the program proves to be successful then consideration could be given to implementing it on a full time basis. Mr. D. Snow appeared before the Committee and advised that staff have considered the financial implications of a courtesy card program. It was noted that such a program is, in fact, implemented on an annual basis during Oktoberfest and around Christmas. It was the view of Mr. Snow that the proposal advanced by the Downtown Business Association is workable as long as the Association is prepared to hire the necessary staff to distribute the courtesy cards. If the program were to become permanent but the City were required to distribute the courtesy cards there would be additional costs to the City because more staff would be required. Mr. J. McBride appeared before the Committee and advised that based on existing information it is likely that the proposed courtesy card program would cost the City approximately $17,000.00 per month because of reduced parking fine revenue. Councillor M. Wagner suggested, however, that the reduced revenue may be offset by an increased use of the Downtown. It was Councillor Wagner's view that a program of this nature could assist greatly in changing the perception of the Downtown, particularly as it relates to parking. Mr. Costley then addressed the second issue which involves the installation of more parking meters on King Street. Mr. Costley expressed the view that the installation of the existing 24 meters was a positive step and the Association would like to see this program expanded. The Committee was asked to support an increase in the number of parking meters in King Street, in principle, with instructions to all affected Departments that they carry out a complete review and file a report with the Public Works and Transportation Committee at a future date. Councillor B. Stortz commended staff and the Downtown Business Association because their co- operative efforts have allowed questions regarding parking concerns in the Downtown area to be addressed. Councillor M. Yantzi was of the view that pedestrian amenities must be kept in mind when any program leading to additional parking meters on King Street is being considered. Mr. D. Snow reminded the Committee that it has been approximately 1 year since the 24 meters were installed on King Street and, in accordance with Council's direction, a complete review will be undertaken with a report 1 .Kitchener Downtown Business Association -Various Requests - Downtown Parkinq (Cont'd) PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MINUTES - 72 - NOVEMBER 15, 1993 to the Public Works and Transportation Committee in the near future. In addition, the original plans which provided for the possibility of additional meters can be reviewed and discussed at a staff level. A report considering all of the details and ramifications can likely be available by April 1994. Councillor B. Stortz suggested that possibly any required street renovations to accommodate additional parking meters could be undertaken through job creation programs which will be funded by the senior levels of Government. In this regard, however, Mr. D. Snow pointed out that no monies have been included in the 1994 Parking budgets for work of this nature. Mr. T. McKay also pointed out that at the present time the parking enterprise has a major deficit and, accordingly, no funds will be available for this type of work. When questioned by the Committee, Mr. J. McBride advised that the estimated annualized revenue from the 24 King Street parking meters is $40,000.00. When questioned by Councillor T. Galloway, Mr. D. Snow advised that the people hired by the Downtown Business Association to distribute courtesy cards will have to be trained by City staff and it will be most important to ensure that there is a co-ordinated effort between all enforcement people to ensure that the program works properly. Following further discussion and on motion by Councillor M. Wagner - it was resolved: "That effective immediately a courtesy card program to provide an additional 15 minutes of free parking to people parking at expired meters be approved for a trial period of 2½ months, and further, That the Downtown Business Association and the Traffic and Parking Section of the Department of Public Works work together to arrange for the staffing and operational requirements for this program, and further, That a report regarding this program be prepared and considered by the Public Works and Transportation Committee early in 1994." On motion by Councillor M. Wagner - it was resolved: "That City staff be instructed to carry out a complete review of the benefits and ramifications of installing additional parking meters on King Street, and further, That a report in this regard be considered by the Public Works and Transportation Committee at the meeting to be held on April 18, 1994." 2.City Hall Parkinq Garaqe Following questioning by Councillor M. Wagner, the Committee was advised that City staff, in co- operation with the Kitchener Downtown Business Association, will be launching a campaign which will advertise parking locations in the Downtown area. This campaign will include the new parking facilities located within the City Hall Complex. 3. DOPWR 93-52 - Lease of 44 Gaukel Street The Committee was advised that the City currently leases a parcel of land from the Federal Government between the Gaukel Street Post Office and King Centre. These lands are used for both metered and monthly parking. The existing lease expired on August 31, 1990 but has continued in force on a monthly basis since that time. It is now being recommended that this lease be renewed for a 5 year term expiring on August 31, 1995 at an annual lease rate of $7,000.00. This is the same amount which has been paid for the past 5 years. 3. DOPWR 93-52 - Lease of 44 Gaukel Street (Cont'd) On motion by Alderman J. Ziegler- it was resolved: "That Council enter into a lease with Public Works Canada for the use of a portion of land to the rear of PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MINUTES - 73 - NOVEMBER 15, 1993 44 Gaukel Street for the purposes of providing both metered and monthly parking, and further, That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a lease satisfactory to the City Solicitor with Public Works Canada." 4.Grand River Conservation Authority Projects The Committee considered a report prepared jointly by Mr. F. Graham, Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Mr. D. Suzuki, Commissioner of Public Works outlining City of Kitchener projects which will be submitted to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for inclusion in the Grand River Conservation Authority Special Benefit Projects list for 1994 and the following years. Councillor C. Zehr advised that he is a Regional representative on the G.R.C.A.'s Priorities Committee and pointed out that the Schneider Creek project below Manitou Drive to above Balzer Road has been established as the Region's number one priority with the Laurel Creek channelization from Shirk Place to the Grand River being number two. It was suggested to the Committee that, in the past, the City of Kitchener may not have received a fair share of the monies available, however, at this time two City projects have received a high priority. It was noted that the monies being made available at this time are for evaluation plans only and actual construction dollars may not be available. Following further discussion and on motion by His Worship Mayor D. Cardillo, it was resolved: "That the following list of projects, arranged in order of priority, be submitted to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for inclusion in the Region's 'G.R.C.A. Special Benefit Projects' list for the 1994 budget and following years: 1 .Laurel Creek Channelization (Shirk Place to Grand River); 2.Schneider Creek (below Manitou Drive to above Balzer Road); 3.Schneider Creek Erosion (Doon Properties); 4.Grand River Boulevard (Chicopee) Erosion Control; and, 5. Homer Watson Park Erosion Control." 5. Reqional Municipality of Waterloo -Waste Reduction Master Plan The Committee was advised that the Region is preparing a Waste Reduction Master Plan to the year 2000 and is holding a public meeting on Monday, November 15, 1993 to obtain input from the public. The City of Kitchener has been asked to endorse the recommendations as they appear in the Regional Plan. Councillor J. Ziegler was of the opinion that it was premature to endorse any recommendations until public input has been heard. Councillor Ziegler indicated that he was opposed to recommendations 13 and 14 which deal with standard container limits and user fees, respectively. Councillor Ziegler also suggested that recommendations 18 and 20 which deal with the collection of leaves may be contradictory. Mr. T. McKay expressed concern regarding recommendation 14 which suggests that a full user pay system should be investigated. It was the view of Mr. McKay that rather than investigating a user pay system consideration should be given to a producer pay system. It was suggested that garbage is not created by the householder but rather garbage is created by the product producer. Product packaging is a major source of garbage. Mr. McKay also suggested to the Committee that a full user pay system will result in tax implications with benefits accruing to the senior levels of Government. These implications should be fully evaluated prior to any such system being implemented. 5. Reqional Municipality of Waterloo -Waste Reduction Master Plan (Cont'd) Councillor T. Galloway also expressed concern about a full user pay system because, in his view, this will result in roadside dumping and the illegal use of commercial containers. When questioned by Councillor C. Zehr, Mr. S. Gyorffy advised that a separate report regarding hazardous waste is being prepared and will be available for discussion in the near future. PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MINUTES - 74 - NOVEMBER 15, 1993 Several members of the Committee expressed concern regarding the existing policies and how they are administered regarding the pick-up of leaves. Following further discussion and on motion by Councillor J. Ziegler - it was resolved: "That the City of Kitchener endorse the recommendations contained in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo's Waste Reduction Master Plan to the year 2000, save and except for recommendations 13 and 14, and further, That City staff be instructed to prepare their concerns in writing so that same can be forwarded to the Region for consideration." 6.Salt Route Reductions For information purposes, the members of the Committee received a report outlining streets which will be removed from designated salter routes during the upcoming winter. Councillor J. Ziegler acknowledged that Primrose Path is a minor street, however, since it is located on a hill, staff was requested to review the deletion of this street from the salter route. 7.Projects in Proqress - Enqineerinq Division This informational report was submitted to the Committee. 8.Adiournment On motion, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. L.F. Parkhouse, AMCT Deputy City Clerk