HomeMy WebLinkAboutCIS Minutes - 2019-09-30COMMUNITY & INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 30, 2019CITY OF KITCHENER The Community and InfrastructureServicesCommittee met this date, commencing at 10:01a.m. Present:CouncillorK.Galloway-Sealock-Chair Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors D. Chapman,S. Davey,J. Gazzola, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, S. Marsh, C. Michaud, D. Schnider and P. Singh. Staff:D. Chapman, Chief Administrative Officer M. May, Deputy CAO& General Manager, Community Services J. Readman, General Manager, Development Services J. Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services B. Cronkite, Director, Transportation Services A. Pinard, Director, Planning R. Lusk, Director, Operations, Roads & Traffic G. MacNeil, Director, Bylaw Enforcement J. Miller, Director, Corporate Customer Service H. Foulds, Project Manager, Corporate Customer Service C. Bennett, Corporate Sustainability Officer J. Bunn, Manager, Council & Committee Services/Deputy City Clerk 1.DSD-19-184-ON-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS –DUCHESS AVENUE AND MARINA ROAD The Committee considered DevelopmentServices Department report DSD-19-184, dated July 22, 2019, recommendingapproval of various on-street parking regulations on Duchess Avenue and Marina Road. On motion by Councillor S. Davey- it was resolved: “That parking be prohibited on the west (even-numbered) side of Duchess Avenue from Dunbar Road to Marina Road, as outlined in Development ServicesDepartment report DSD-19-184; and, That parking be reinstated on the east (odd-numbered) side of Duchess Avenue all year round from Dunbar Road to Marina Road; and, That parking be prohibited on the south (odd-numbered) side of Marina Road from Glasgow Street to a point 88 metres east thereof; and further, That the Uniform Traffic Bylaw be amended accordingly.” 2.DSD-19-205-ON-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS –LANSDOWNE AVENUE WEST The Committee considered DevelopmentServices DepartmentreportDSD-19-205,dated August 19, 2019,recommending approval of a parking prohibition on both sides of Lansdowne AvenueWest. On motion by CouncillorS. Davey- it was resolved: “That the Uniform Traffic Bylaw be amended for a parking prohibition on both sides of Lansdowne Avenue West from Wentworth Avenue to the end of Lansdowne Avenue West, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-19-205.” 3.DSD-19-229-RENAMING OF A STREET FROM CHAPEL HILL CRESCENT TO CHAPEL HILL DRIVE The Committee considered DevelopmentServices Department report DSD-19-229,dated September 10, 2019,regarding the preparationand registration of a by-law to rename Chapel Hill Crescent to Chapel Hill Drive. On motion by CouncillorS. Davey- it was resolved: COMMUNITY & INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 30, 2019-39-CITY OF KITCHENER 3.DSD-19-229-RENAMING OF A STREET FROM CHAPEL HILL CRESCENT TO CHAPEL HILL DRIVE(CONT’D) “That staff proceed with the preparation and registration of a by-law to rename,in its entirety,the portion of the street shown as “Chapel Hill Crescent”, legally described as Chapel Hill Crescent PLAN 58M-627,located at the intersection with Robert Ferrie Drive inthe Doon South Community,to “Chapel Hill Drive”, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-19-229.” 4.INS-19-016-ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT WITH REGION OF WATERLOO FORSUMMER AND WINTER MAINTENANCE The Committee considered Infrastructure Services Department report INS-19-016, dated September 18, 2019,authorizing a one-year extension with the Region of Waterloo for the City to provide summer and winter maintenance services on selected Regional roads. Councillor B. Ioannidis joined the meeting at this time. On motion by Councillor S. Davey- it was resolved: “That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a one-year extension, subject to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, with the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, for the City of Kitchener to provide summer and winter maintenance services on selected Regional roads within the City of Kitchener, as outlined in Infrastructure Services Department report INS-19-016.” 5.CSD-19-027-OVERNIGHT PARKING EXEMPTIONS The Committee considered CommunityServices Department report CSD-19-027, dated September 20, 2019, recommending approval of an online system to request, issue and track overnight parking exemptions.Ms. G. MacNeilandMs. H. Fouldswerein attendance torespond to questions from the Committee. In response to questions, Ms.MacNeilconfirmed staff would continue not enforcing the parking prohibitions over the winter holidays, unless a snow event is declared. She explained during the winter holidays,citizens will be advised a permit is not required. It was also noted there would be future opportunities for Councilto consider the number of passes provided through the program. It was requested and staff agreed,to circulate the financial implications based on a calendar th yearrather than a fiscal year, to members of Council before the October 7Council meeting. Council also requested staff circulate the total revenueofovernight parking infractionsfor 2018. Ms. MacNeil also noted staff would bring forward a follow-up report to Council on the results of the boulevard parking pilot program before winter 2019/2020. On motion by Councillor D. Schnider- it was resolved: “That staff be directed, as outlined in Community Services Department report CSD-19- 027, to proceed with an online system to request, issue and track overnight parking exemptions.” 6.CSD-19-029-ON-DEMAND MULTI-LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION SUPPORT The Committee considered CommunityServices Department report CSD-19-029, dated September 3, 2019,recommending approval of the proposed on-demand multi-language interpretation supportfor consideration during the 2020 budget process.Ms. J. Miller was in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. COMMUNITY & INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 30, 2019-40-CITY OF KITCHENER 6.CSD-19-029-ON-DEMAND MULTI-LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION SUPPORT(CONT’D) In response to questions, Ms. Miller advised staff would be open to discussing partnership opportunities with neighbouring communities and school boards. Ms. Miller also indicated staff did not contemplate cost recovery for use-for-service,and viewed the services as a means to support equitable customer service to all citizens. Councillor S. Marsh raised concerns with the use of the term “customer” service, and advocated for an alternative phrase. Councillor S. Davey brought forward a motion to approve the recommendation as outlined in Report CSD-19-029. Councillor J. Gazzola brought forward an amendment to Councillor Davey’s motion, to implement a user fee for up to 50% of the cost of providing the On-Demand Multi-Language Interpretation Support. Councillor Gazzola’s amendment was then voted on andLOSTon a recorded votewith Councillor J. Gazzola voting in favour, and Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors P. Singh, S. Davey, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, K. Galloway-Sealock, D. Schnider, D. Chapman, S. Marsh, and C. Michaud voting in opposition. The following motion was then Carried Unanimously on a recorded vote. On motion by Councillor S. Davey- it was resolved: “That the proposal for on-demand multi-language interpretation support at a total cost of $101,700 ($81,700 operating/$20,000 capital), as outlined inCommunity Services Department report CSD-19-029, be referred to the 2020 budget process for consideration.” 7.DSD-19-226-FENCE AND SIGN BY-LAW VARIANCE PROCESS REVIEW The Committee considered DevelopmentServices Department report DSD-19-226, dated September 5, 2019,regardingareviewofthe fence and sign by-law variance process, outlined in the Report. On motion by CouncillorS. Marsh - it was resolved: “That the process and fees for reviewing and approving variances to the Fence By-law and Sign By-law be revised, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-19-226; and, That Legal Services staff be directed to prepare the necessary by-laws to amend Chapter 630, Article 13 of the Municipal Code (Fence By-law) and Chapter 680, Article 26 of the Municipal Code (Sign By-law) to reflect the revised variance processes; and further, That Legal Services staff be directed to prepare the necessary by-laws to amend Chapters 375 and 380 of the Municipal Code to implement the new rates for Fence and Sign By-law variance requests.” 8.DSD-19-231-WATERLOO REGION COMMUNITY CLIMATE ADAPTATION PLAN Pursuant to Chapter 25.10.9(5) (Procedure) of the Municipal Code, a motion was brought forward by Councillor S. Daveyto discuss an Information Item, which was voted on and was Carried. The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-19-231, dated September 12, 2019,regarding the Waterloo Region Community Climate Adaptation Plan. Ms. C.Bennett, and Ms. K.Daley, Region of Waterloo, were in attendance to present the report, and answer questions from the Committee. COMMUNITY & INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 30, 2019-41-CITY OF KITCHENER 9.ADJOURNMENT On motion, this meeting adjourned at 11:23 a.m. J. Bunn Manager, Council and Committee Services / Deputy City Clerk