HomeMy WebLinkAboutKCTAC Minutes - 2019-10-08 KITCHENER CYCLING AND TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES October 8, 2019 The Kitchener Cycling and Trails Advisory Committee met on Tuesday October 8, 2019, at 4:00 pm in the Conestoga Room. Present: Ms. E. Slofstra Mr. D. Brotherston, Mr. M. Clark, Ms. V. Hand, Ms., Mr. W. Waganka, Mr. D. Hoshowksy, Mr. M. Rodrigues, Mr. B. Forwell, Councillor S. Marsh. Staff: Mr. D. Kropf, Active Transportation Planning Project Manager Ms. L. Chominiec, Active Transportation Planning Project Manager Ms. L. Christensen, Trails and Pathways Project Manager Ms. F. Hosseini, Transportation Planning Project Manager Mr. B. Cronkite, Director Transportation Services 1) Bikefest Review D. Kropf presented the findings from B. Dolfi’s (student) Bikefest review. Based on feedback, options were to relaunch, dissolve or do a community ride. City staff recommended a ride-based event and sought feedback from the committee. Discussion:  M. Clark suggested incorporating the community ride into neighbours day to highlight the different neighbourhoods.  E. Slofstra asked if people generally like group rides and if we’ve received any feedback? D.Kropf mentioned that workshop on wheels was successful and had great feedback. B.Cronkite added that it was successful because there were 3 people leading the ride. Key to make sure the last person of the ride is part of the group, strictly to make sure no one falls of the ride and everyone is comfortable. Program it appropriately.  D. Brotherston added that he’d like to see rides organized to existing events. Opportunity to showcase infrastructure on the way.  M. Rodrigues mentioned that we could also do something smaller like a commuter appreciation day.  W. Waganka added that he’d like to see it multi-faceted with lunch, business coupons, multi- stops, etc.  E. Slofstra has shared with Economic Development staff an idea to create a bike passport so it’s not a specific day.  V. Hand suggested stopping at bike repair stands along the way and show people how to use them. Also added we should leverage the Olympics next year i.e. UK did small pop ups with BMX. KITCHENER CYCLING AND TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES October 8, 2019 2) Separated bike lanes pilot update and evaluation F. Hosseini and L. Chominiec provided a presentation with an update on the project:  Water Street 100% complete.  Queens 80% complete. Outstanding items include intersections, signs, bike boxes, and between Eagen and Cecile.  Belmont 75% complete. Outstanding items include intersections, signs, bike boxes, and between Victoria and Highland.  All construction is expected to be completed by end of October  City staff will install 11 wayfinding signs that direct to major destinations.  Daily volumes and speeds were already captured. Cyclist counts (manual and camera) were conducted.  A survey will be launched in November and open for duration of project. Survey modelled off of Bloor Street (Toronto) bike lane survey questions. A home mail out in the spring will encourage people directly affected by the project to complete the survey.  Outreach ideas include intercept survey on Bike Work Day (Feb 14), winter bike ride, spring/summer bike ride. Discussion:  D. Brotherston suggested a group that hosts a coldest day of the ride and could coordinate with that group  M. Rodrigues shared that a coordinated bike ride was enjoyable and a positive event, with about 30 people attending. He encouraged the committee to plan a winter ride too and willing to help plan that. He will share a video of the event.  E. Slofstra raised that insurance is a barrier for grassroots event organizing. City staff will consider further.  M. Rodrigues asked if there will be a survey for giving input on design improvements. L. Chominiec responded that the survey will include things like satisfaction with separation materials. M. Rodrigues asked if the committee could discuss user experience of the infrastructure again in the spring.  W. Waganka suggested that bike parking availability along the bike route be considered in the survey. 3) Iron Horse Trail celebration L. Christensen provided an update on construction: The north section has been delayed due to regional watermain delays. Lighting will be delayed until the spring. Lighting on Glasgow to Victoria scheduled to start now. Pedestrian islands on Victoria and West scheduled for this fall. Queen Street to Ottawa is nearing completion. Trestle bridge is being removed this week and will be closed until end of 2018. Detour routes are posted and will be adjusted when the rest of Belmont is complete. D. Kropf asked if the committee is interested in helping to plan an event in the spring to celebrate the investments that went into the Iron Horse Trail. The committee confirmed interest in helping to plan an event over the winter. KITCHENER CYCLING AND TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES October 8, 2019 4) IMPAcT report V. Hand and E. Slofstra attended a forum hosted by The Intermunicipal Partnership for Active Transportation and shared there were three different areas of focus: new Canadians, youth and engaging with opponents of active transportation. Notes are being compiled and will be shared with the committee.  Barriers to car ownership are strong for immigrants so need active transportation, at least early in settlement process. Need to consider how to get information to them. Downtown Community Centre and other organizations support people and need to get information to them.  Strategies to improve youth cycling include: better infrastructure, education in schools, decrease in teen drivers happening, climate change is motivating teens to bike.  During discussion on how to engage opponents of active transportation and behavior change, focused a lot on how to influence decision-makers. 5) Drop Mobility Bike Share update L. Chominiec provided an update. Contract with Drop Mobility is to the end of the year but bikes will likely be removed once snow starts. Around 300 – 400 bikes currently deployed. Top week for usage was 346 trips in August. Average is around 125 trips per week. Top complaints include: bikes taking up bike parking, bikes locked up where they shouldn’t be, and can’t get in contact with anyone. A survey is now available to provide feedback on the dropbike experience. The region and cities are also conducting a micromobility feasibility study that is assessing different system models, costs estimate, service areas, hub locations, equity, programming and more. Study will be completed in the spring. Discussion:  D. Brotherston was excited that businesses were concerned about bike parking. Good sign.  M. Rodrigues shared that dockless systems provide flexibility but are easily abused. A hybrid system has a lot of potential.  D. Brotherston remarked that e-scooters and e-bikes have a challenge with transporting to charging areas, but a docked station that can charge on site eliminates that challenge.  V. Hand noted that Luxembourg has gone to charging docked stations that have helped a lot of users with hills.  W. Waganka asked if the data includes where trips were taken. L. Chominiec shared that we don’t have that data at this point but will request it from Drop Mobility.  D. Brotherston asked how the numbers compare to other cities? Staff are unsure at this time but the feasibility study should help to understand the performance of the Drop Mobility pilot. 6) Subcommittee updates  W. Waganka asked what happened with the proposed Young Street contraflow bike lanes. S. Marsh shared that it was successfully reversed and staff’s original recommendation was adopted. The committee thanked Matt for coming to speak and taking tough questions from City Council. M. Rodrigues said it was a learning experience for him. Our committee shouldn’t always have to compromise but also find constructive ways to make change. The committee discussed lessons learned from the experience and how to continue to advocate for progress. KITCHENER CYCLING AND TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES October 8, 2019  W. Waganka asked about the bike cage security incident. D. Kropf responded that a lock was clearly tampered with but no bikes were lost. Upgrades to the cages have been requested to deter future incidents. 7) Housekeeping  L. Christensen shared that the Cycling and Trails Master Plan survey will be live this week. Staff and volunteers will be going to some events during this round of engagement. On November 12, an event will be held at city hall to give input on the proposed cycling and trail network and assist people in get ready for winter.  S. Marsh shared there is some grassroots interest in developing Springfield Park (between Wellington St N, Spring Valley Rd and Highway 85) into an informal trail hub similar to the hydro cut. The committee discussed the value in keeping it a grassroots initiative and connecting with the volunteers of the hydro cut.  W. Waganka asked if the committee is interested in getting t-shirts. Staff will look into budget for 2020.  D. Kropf shared that clerks is planning to fill the two vacancies on our committee. Applications are already closed and new members are expected to start in the new year.  L. Chominiec shared that she has resigned to take an equivalent position in Cambridge. The committee thanked her for her contributions. The meeting concluded at 6:05 pm.