November 28, 2019 City of Kitchener
The Downtown Action & Advisory Committee met this date, commencing at 4:00 p.m.
Present: Debbie Chapman, David Harmes, Martin Timmerman, Sandra Castle, Sarah Marsh,
William Turman
Staff: Hilary Abel, Marzena Rachwal
Chair: David Harmes, Chairing
Discussion Items:
1. Make It Kitchener update and discussion
L. Chlumsky provided an overview of the City strategic plan and explained how the Economic
Development Strategy or Make it Kitchener related to it and compliments the actions that are set
out by the Strategic plan specifically focusing on the vibrant Economy section of the plan. L.
Chlumsky provided the committee with an overview presentation on the engagement techniques
used for Make it Kitchener. Explaining how the different consultation methods from the survey,
stakeholder round tables, Ideas of the Brave community symposium, and the EDAC feedback
came together to uncover 7 emerging themes. Become a leader in health innovation, develop a
significant creative industry, become a leader in social and environmental innovation and Green
technology, build workforce capacity for the new economy, provide a high quality affordable
lifestyle, become a city with a distinct night time experience and community vibe and reimagine
the grand river as a major destination.
Recommended for review:
MIK 2.0
2. Consumption & Treatment Site Update
H. Abel updates the committee on the new Consumption & Treatment Site at 150 Duke St. W. The
facility opened on Oct 15 2019, hours of operation are from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm seven days a
week, including holidays. There have been 699 uses of the site in November; site is busiest
between the hours of 1:00 pm to 6:00pm. The site has had no security incidents related to people
who use the site, and no overdoses have been responded to at Kitchener City Hall during
operating hours of the CTS. Detailed update included in Recommended for review.
Recommended for review:
CTS lJ2date for Nov 1-30,_2019
3. DTK Shopping Survey
H. Abel provided an overview of the Downtown Kitchener Shopping survey and explained the
survey had a soft launch on November 27 with an official launch next week; the survey closes on
January 31, 2019. H. Abel explains that the survey will be shared with DAAC committee and is
asking the committee to share it with their network and private partners. The goal of the survey is
to identify the profile of the residents, capture residents shopping habits, spending habits, and
feedback on what's missing in downtown Kitchener.
Recommended to share:
DTK Shg22! g Survey
November 28, 2019 City of Kitchener
4. Volunteer Recognition
H. Abel explained to the committee that December 5 is International Volunteer Day; she thanked
the committee for their time and participation in DAAC and the importance of their involvement. A
small gift was given out to the committee as a token of appreciation for their support in the
Downtown Action & Advisory Committee.
On motion, the meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m., followed by an end of the year social at Rhapsody
Barrel Bar.
Next meeting
January 23, 2019 @ 4:00p.m.