HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Agenda - 2020-01-27COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2020CITY OF KITCHENER 7:00 P.M.-COUNCIL CHAMBER(TELEVISED)200 KING STREET WEST 1.COMMENCEMENT– Land Acknowledgement. Singing of "O Canada". 2. MINUTES– Minutes to be accepted as mailed to the Mayor and Councillors (regularand specialmeetings held December 16, 2019, and aspecial meetingheld January 13,2020)–Councillor S. Davey. 3.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4.COMMUNICATIONS REFERRED TO FILE – a.Flag Request under Policy MUN-FAC-442: K-W Kinsmen Club –February 14 –24, 2020 5.PRESENTATIONS –NIL 6.DELEGATIONS – a.Notice has been given for any member of the public to speak for or against a by-law to name private roads within a vacant land condominium development located at 124 Seabrook Drive as: Progress Crescent, Vitality Drive, Wellness Avenue and Visionary Avenue; listed as Items 11.a. and 14.a. b.Judith Stephens-Wells–RegardingChief Administrator’s Office report CAO-19-017, listed as Item C.3on the Committee of the Whole agenda. c.Marlene & Paul Bauman-Regarding Development Services Department report DSD-20- 002, listed as Item 2under the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committeereport dated January 13, 2020. d.Grant Vickers-Regarding Development Services Department report DSD-20-006, listed as Item 7under the Community and Infrastructure ServicesCommittee report dated January 13, 2020. 7.REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS–NIL 9.NEW BUSINESS– a.Regional Government Review–Councillor S. Davey has given notice that he will introduce the following motion for consideration this date: WHEREAS in 2018 the Ontario Government announced it would appoint two special advisors to review eight regional municipalities, Simcoe County, and their lower-tier municipalities to ensure that the upper and lower-tier municipalities in these geographic areas are efficient and accountable to their residents and business; and, WHEREAS in 2019 the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing received the complete report from the special advisors; and, **Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. If you require assistance to take part in a city meeting or event, please call 519-741-2345 orTTY 1-866-969-9994** COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2020CITY OF KITCHENER 7:00 P.M.-COUNCIL CHAMBER-2-200 KING STREET WEST WHEREAS in October 2019, the Minister announced the regional review was complete, and made available $143 million to municipalities to help them lower costs and improve services for local residents; and further, WHEREAS the Ontario Government has declined to make the final regional review report available to the public; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ontario Government be urged to release the final report to the public in order for municipalities to make informed decisions regarding service delivery improvements; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the Ontario Government does not wish to release the full and complete report, that specific recommendations and comments contained in the final report be provided to those municipalities affected; BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Premier of Ontario; Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; the Association of Municipalities of Ontario; the Local Members of Provincial Parliament; and, to the eight regional municipalities, Simcoe County, and their lower-tier municipalities included in theregional review. b.Regional Council Update –Mayor B. Vrbanovic. 10.QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 11.BY-LAWS ---1ST READING – a. Being a by-law to name private roads as Progress Crescent, Vitality Drive, Wellness Avenue and Visionary Avenue, in theCity of Kitchener. b.Being a by-law to amend Chapter 110 of The City of Kitchener Municipal Coderegarding By-law Enforcement. c.To further amend By-law No. 88-171, being a by-law to designate private roadways as fire routes and to prohibit parking thereon. d.To further amend By-law No. 2008-117, being a by-law to authorize certain on-street and off-street parking of vehicles for use by persons with a disability, and the issuing of permits in respect thereof. e.To further amend By-law No. 2010-190, being a by-law to prohibit unauthorized parking of motor vehicles on private property. f.Being a by-law to provide for the establishing and laying out of part of Tartan Avenue as public highway in the City of Kitchener. (Conveys 0.3m reserves pursuant to conditions of Subdivision 30T-98201). g.Being a by law to assume certain lands within the City of Kitchener as public highway. (Assumes lands shown on registered plans of subdivision as public highways, streets or lands pursuant to Section 31(4) of the Municipal Act, 2001, c.25). h.Being a by-law to provide for the widening of part of Heiman Street as public highway in the City of Kitchener. (Pursuant to Condition of Site Plan Approval). i.Being a by-law to exempt certain lots from Part Lot Control –Blocks 1 and 4, Registered Plan 58M-619 –15 Tartan Ave (Exempts lands shown on –Tartan Avenue from Part Lot Control). j.Being a by-law to exempt certain lots from Part Lot Control –Block 73, Registered Plan 58M-503 –Robert Ferrie Drive (Exempts lands shown on –Robert Ferrie Drive from Part Lot Control). COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2020CITY OF KITCHENER 7:00 P.M.-COUNCIL CHAMBER-3-200 KING STREET WEST k.To confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council. 12.COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE– Chair, Councillor S. Davey. 13.REPORT OFTHE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 14.BY-LAWS ---3RD READING– a. Being a by-law to name private roads as Progress Crescent, Vitality Drive, Wellness Avenue and Visionary Avenue, in the City of Kitchener. b.Being a by-law to amend Chapter 110 of The City of Kitchener Municipal Code regarding By-law Enforcement. c.To further amend By-law No. 88-171, being a by-law to designate private roadways as fire routes and to prohibit parking thereon. d.To further amend By-law No. 2008-117, being a by-law to authorize certain on-street and off-street parking of vehicles for use by persons with a disability, and the issuing of permits in respect thereof. e.To further amend By-law No. 2010-190, being a by-law to prohibit unauthorized parking of motor vehicles on private property. f.Being a by-law to provide for the establishing and laying out of part of Tartan Avenue as public highway in the City of Kitchener. g.Being a by law to assume certain lands within the City of Kitchener as public highway. h.Being a by-law to provide for the widening of part of Heiman Street as public highway in the City of Kitchener. i.Being a by-law to exempt certain lots from Part Lot Control –Blocks 1 and 4, Registered Plan 58M-619 –15 Tartan Ave. j.Being a by-law to exempt certain lots from Part Lot Control –Block 73, Registered Plan 58M-503 –Robert Ferrie Drive. k.To confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA MONDAY,JANUARY 27, 2020 CHAIR –COUNCILLORS. DAVEY ND A.BY-LAWS LISTED ON THE AGENDA –2READING That the by-laws considered by this Committee be taken as read a second time and be recommended for enactment. B.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 1.Tenders Attached are reports from B. Johnson,Director of Accounting, recommending: i.FIN-20-002-T19-202 Ephraim Street and Ethel Street (Ann Street to Ethel Street and Frederick Street to Terminus) Road Reconstruction That Tender T19-202 Ephraim Street and Ethel Street (Ann Street to Ethel Street and Frederick Street to Terminus) Road Reconstruction, be awarded to J-AAR Excavating Limited, London, Ontario, at their tendered price of $2,371,981.88, including provisional items and contingencies of $162,314 plus H.S.T. of $308,357.64, for a total of $2,680,339.52. ii.FIN-20-005-T19-209 Norfolk Crescent, Rex Drive, St. Clair Avenue Road Reconstruction That Tender T19-209 Norfolk Crescent, Rex Drive, St. Clair Avenue, Road Reconstruction, be awarded to J. Weber Contracting Limited, Breslau, Ontario, at their tendered price of $3,096,214.50, including provisional items and contingencies of $288,500.00, plus H.S.T. of $402,507.89, for a total of $3,498,722.39. iii.FIN-20-006-T19-175 Queen Street (Charles Street to Duke Street), Vogelsang Green and Cenotaph Green Placemaking Construction That Tender T19-175 Queen Street (Charles Street to Duke Street), Vogelsang Green and Cenotaph Green Placemaking Construction, be awarded to I.M. Benjamins Inc. o/a Hardscape Concrete & Interlock, Cambridge, Ontario, at their tendered price of $2,928,383.41, including contingencies of $156,500., plus H.S.T. of $380,689.84, for a total of $3,309,073.25. iv.FIN-20-009-P19-198 AutomatedMeter Reading (AMR), Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Advanced Metering Analytics (AMA)Feasibility Study That Proposal P19-198 Automated Meter Reading (AMR), Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Advanced Metering Analytics (AMA) Feasibility Study, be awarded to Util-Assist Inc., Newmarket, Ontario, at their estimated fee of $105,045.,plus H.S.T. of $13,655.85, for a total of $118,700.85, provided a satisfactory contract is executed. v.FIN-20-010-T19-135 Heiman Street (West End to Highland Road East) and Mill Street (Ottawa Street South to Courtland Avenue East) Road Reconstruction That Tender T19-135 Heiman Street (West End to Highland Road East) and Mill Street (Ottawa Street South to Courtland Avenue East) Road Reconstruction, be awarded to Gedco Excavating Ltd., Brantford, Ontario, at their tendered price of $3,800,565.25, including provisional items and contingencies of $348,801.40, plus H.S.T. of $494,073.48, for a total of $4,294,638.73. vi.FIN-20-011-T19-174 Hidden Valley Crescent ParkNatural Play Area Landscape Site Works and Playground Design, Supply and Installation That Tender T19-174 Hidden Valley Crescent Park Natural Play Area Landscape Site Works and Playground Design, Supply and Installation, be awarded to Hawkins Contracting Services Limited, Stouffville, Ontario, at 2 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLEJanuary 27, 2020 B. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS -CONT'D their tendered price of $178,407.75, including contingencies of $12,000., plus H.S.T. of $23,193., for a total of $201,600.75. 2.COR-20-001-Request toAdd Conditions to a Business Licence -Li’s Best Enjoy Health Care Centre –2922 King Street East Attached is Corporate Services Department report COR-20-001 (C. Tarling), dated January 20, 2020. That the business licence for Li’s Best Enjoy Health Care Centre be approved with the following conditions: a)That the owner ensures the Business is not operating outside the permitted hours; b)That the Business does not receive any further Provincial Offence Notices; and, c)That the owner complies with all City of Kitchener By-laws. C.FOR INFORMATION ONLY 3.CAO-19-017-Compass Kitchener AdvisoryCommittee 2020 Work Program Attached is Chief Administrator’s Office report CAO-19-017 (K. Dever), dated January 8, 2020. 4.FIN-20-003 -Summary of Bid Solicitations Approved by the Director of Procurement (October 1, 2019 –December 31, 2019) Attached is Financial Services Department report FIN-20-003 (B. Johnson), dated January 6, 2020. Rise and Report REPORT TO: Committee of the Whole DATE OF MEETING:2020-01-27 SUBMITTED BY: Brenda Johnson, Director of Accounting,519-741-2200 ext. 7647 PREPARED BY: Polina Semenov,Procurement Specialist,519-741-2200 ext. 7037 WARD (S) INVOLVED:Ward 1 DATE OF REPORT:2020-01-10 REPORT NO.:FIN-20-002 SUBJECT:T19-202 Ephraim Street and Ethel Street (Ann Street to Ethel Street and Frederick Street to Terminus) Road Reconstruction __________________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That Tender T19-202Ephraim Street and Ethel Street (Ann Street to Ethel Street and Frederick Street to Terminus) Road Reconstruction, be awarded to J-AAR Excavating Limited, London, Ontario, at theirtendered price of $2,371,981.88, including provisional items and contingencies of $162,314plus H.S.T. of $308,357.64, for a total of $2,680,339.52. BACKGROUND: Engineering Services is proceeding with the reconstruction of Ethel Street and Ephraim Street approximately 470 metres long. The services were originally constructed in the 1930’s and are in need of replacement. The work includes the replacement of the existing sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water supply system, roadway, curb and gutter, sidewalks and municipal service connections to the street property line. The administration, design and tendering of this project has been completed by MTE Consulting staff, the construction administration and inspection of this project will be completed by MTE Consultingstaff as well. Designactivities began in 2018 and full funding for the 2020 construction has been allocated as part of the 2020 budget. The project is scheduled to begin April 27, 2020 weather permitting. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994for assistance. 1.i - 1 REPORT: Tenders were advertised publiclyonthe City of Kitchener website. Documents were downloaded by thirty-five (35) interested parties and by the closing date of Monday December 2, 2019,twelve (12) tenders had been received. The following tenders were received: Bid Price J-AAR Excavating Limited London ON $2,680,339.52 * Gedco Excavating Ltd. Brantford ON $3,089,654.55 Oxford Civil Group Inc. Woodstock ON $3,158,617.70 Bel-Air Excavating & Grading Ltd. Cambridge ON $3,167,614.59 Sierra Infrastructure Inc Woodstock ON $3,168,521.66 Steed and Evans Limited St. Jacobs ON $3,182,444.43 Regional Sewer and WatermainLtd Cambridge ON $3,186,233.16 Nabolsy Contracting Inc. Mississauga ON $3,231,173.41 J. Weber ContractingLimited Breslau ON $3,349,773.19 E. & E. Seegmiller Limited Kitchener ON $3,649,128.21 410754 Ontario Limited o/aSousa Concrete Cambridge ON $4,386,578.08 Lakeside ContractingCompany Limited Mississauga ON $7,399,280.68 The tenders were reviewed by D. Roga, MTE Consulting Inc., the City’s Consultant for the project and D. Lupsa,Engineering Design and Approvalswho concur with the above recommendation. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation of this report supports the achievement of the city’s strategic vision through the delivery of core service. 1.i - 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: In addition to the costs anticipated in this tender, the design and implementation of these types of projects typically involves city staff and resources from across the corporation. These costs are included in the line item "Projected Costs: Staff Time/Permitting/Material testing", and will be itemized when they exceed $125,000. Included in this line item are staff time and expenses for all city staff in support of the project such as Engineering, Kitchener Utilities, and Transportation Planning. The line item also includes all regulatory permitting, geotechnical and material testing, detouring and traffic control, alternate access and parking requirements and any other miscellaneous costs. Projects utilizing in-house staff will include costs for inspection during construction and contract administration. The net cost for this tender (A), is fair and reasonable for a purchase of this scope but the upset limit exceeds the budget allowance (B) provided within the budget. Funding for this purchase is included within the 2020 capital forecast, in addition to the estimated surplus from the design phase still remaining in theaccount. The estimated surplus (E) will be returned to the WIP Road Reconstruction general account, and will be used to fund unexpected deficits in WIP Road Reconstruction projects. Estimated Cost for this Phase of Work Tender T19-202 costs, including HST$ 2,680,339.52 less: HST rebate on tender (266,610.64) Net Cost Being Awarded 2,413,728.88A Projected Costs: Staff Time/Material Testing 67,873.00 Total Estimated Cost for this Phase of Work$ 2,481,601.88C Budget for this Phase of Work WIP -Road Reconstruction -Sanitary Utility 1,092,000.00 WIP -Road Reconstruction -Stormwater Utility 546,000.00 WIP -Road Reconstruction -Water Utility 696,000.00 Grant -Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund 40,000.00 Total Budget for this Phase of Work$2,374,000.00 B Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) for this Phase of Work (B -C) (107,601.88)D Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) from previous phases136,764.56 Total Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) $ 29,162.68E COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM – This report has been posted to the City’s website with the agenda in advance of the council / committee meeting. 1.i - 3 PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION OF THIS MATTER: Not applicable. ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Jonathan Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services Department 1.i - 4 REPORT TO: Committee of the Whole DATE OF MEETING:2020-01-27 SUBMITTED BY: Brenda Johnson, Director of Accounting,519-741-2200 ext. 7647 PREPARED BY: Polina Semenov,Procurement Specialist,519-741-2200 ext. 7037 WARD (S) INVOLVED:Ward 9 DATE OF REPORT:2020-01-10 REPORT NO.:FIN-20-005 SUBJECT: T19-209Norfolk Crescent, Rex Drive,St. Clair Avenue, Road Reconstruction __________________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That Tender T19-209Norfolk Crescent, Rex Drive, St. Clair Avenue, Road Reconstruction, be awarded to J. Weber ContractingLimited, Breslau, Ontario, at theirtendered price of $3,096,214.50, including provisional items and contingencies of $288,500.00, plus H.S.T. of $402,507.89, for a total of $3,498,722.39. BACKGROUND: Engineering Services is proceeding with the reconstruction of Norfolk Crescent, Rex Drive and St. Clair Avenue. The work includes the replacement of the existing sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water supply system, roadway, curb and gutter, sidewalks and municipal service connections to the street property line.The services were originally constructed in the 1940’s and are in need of replacement. The administration, design and tendering of this project has been completed by City staff, the construction administration and inspection of this project will be completed by City staff as well. This work is being completed under the City’s Water Infrastructure Program (WIP) for road reconstruction. The project is scheduled to begin April 6, 2020. REPORT: Tenders were advertised publiclyonthe City of Kitchener website. Documents were downloaded by thirty-eight (38) interested parties and by the closing date of Tuesday December 10, 2019, eleven (11) tenders had been received. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994for assistance. 1.ii - 1 Thefollowing tenders were received:Bid Price J. Weber Contracting Limited Breslau ON $3,498,722.39 * Terracon Underground Ltd Brantford ON $3,535,582.06 Bel-Air Excavating & GradingLtd. Cambridge ON $3,787,557.58 Regional Sewer and WatermainLtd Cambridge ON $3,985,878.51 Oxford Civil Group Inc. Woodstock ON $4,042,918.66 410754 Ontario Limited o/aSousa Concrete Cambridge ON $4,056,389.25 Gedco Excavating Ltd. Brantford ON $4,090,956.56 Sierra Infrastructure Inc Woodstock ON $4,104,931.59 Steed and Evans Limited St. Jacobs ON $4,441,664.33 E. & E. Seegmiller Limited Kitchener ON $5,161,972.21 Lakeside Contracting Company Limited Mississauga ON$5,813,983.67 The tenders were reviewed by J. Seip. Engineering Technologistwho concurswith the above recommendation. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation of this report supports the achievement of the city’s strategic vision through the delivery of core service. 1.ii - 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: In addition to the costs anticipated in this tender, the design and implementation of these types of projects typically involves city staff and resources from across the corporation. These costs are included in the line item "Projected Costs: Staff Time/Permitting/Material testing", and will be itemized when they exceed $125,000. Included in this line item are staff time and expenses for all city staff in support of the project such as Engineering, Kitchener Utilities, and Transportation Planning. The line item also includes all regulatory permitting, geotechnical and material testing, detouring and traffic control, alternate access and parking requirements and any other miscellaneous costs. Projects utilizing in-house staffwill include costs for inspection during construction and contract administration. The net cost for this tender (A), is fair and reasonable for a purchase of this scope and the upset limit is within the budget allowance (B) provided within the budget. Funding for this purchase is included within the 2020 capital forecast. The estimated surplus (E) will be returned to the WIP Road Reconstruction general account, and will be used to fund unexpected deficits in WIP Road Reconstruction projects. Tender T19-209 Norfolk Crescent, Rex Drive, St. Clair Avenue The total budget for all phases of this project is $ 4,275,000.00 Estimated Cost for this Phase of Work Tender T19-209 costs, including HST 3,498,722.39 less: HST rebate on tender (348,014.36) Net Cost Being Awarded 3,150,708.03 A Projected Costs: Staff Time/Material Testing 16,536.00 Total Estimated Cost for this Phase of Work$ 3,167,244.03 C Budget for this Phase of Work WIP -Road Reconstruction -Sanitary Utility 1,677,000.00 WIP -Road Reconstruction -Stormwater Utility 839,000.00 WIP -Road Reconstruction -Water Utility 1,130,000.00 Total Budget for this Phase of Work$ 3,646,000.00 B Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) for this Phase of Work (B -C) 478,755.97 D Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) from previous phases 314,139.24 Total Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) $ 792,895.21 E 1.ii - 3 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM – This report has been posted to the City’s website with the agenda in advance of the council / committee meeting. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION OF THIS MATTER: Notapplicable. ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Jonathan Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services Department 1.ii - 4 REPORT TO: Committee of the Whole DATE OF MEETING:2020-01-27 SUBMITTED BY: Brenda Johnson, Director of Accounting,519-741-2200 ext. 7647 PREPARED BY: Polina Semenov, Procurement Specialist,519-741-2200 ext. 7037 WARD (S) INVOLVED:Wards 9 & 10 DATE OF REPORT:2020-01-14 REPORT NO.:FIN-20-006 SUBJECT: T19-175Queen Street (Charles Street to Duke Street), Vogelsang Green and Cenotaph Green Placemaking Construction __________________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That Tender T19-175Queen Street (Charles Street to Duke Street), Vogelsang Green and Cenotaph Green Placemaking Construction, be awarded to I.M. Benjamins Inc. o/a Hardscape Concrete & Interlock,Cambridge, Ontario, at theirtendered price of $2,928,383.41, includingcontingencies of $156,500., plus H.S.T. of $380,689.84, for a total of $3,309,073.25. BACKGROUND: Engineering Services is proceeding with the construction of the Queen Street Placemaking Plan which includes the following: •Queen Street from Charles Street to Duke Street •Vogelsang Green •Cenotaph Green •Goudies Plaza •Charles/Queen Parkette •Placemaking elements thoughout (benches, planters, etc.) The surface reconstruction of Queen Street between Charles and Duke was identified as a priority due to failing sidewalks and deteriorated pavement. In consultation with other departments, additional needs within and adjacent to the right-of-way were subsequently identified. The conceptual plans for the Queen Street Placemaking Plan was approved by Council in 2017 and has been undergoing detailed design throughout 2018 and 2019. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994for assistance. 1.iii - 1 The administration, design and tendering of this project has been completed by a group of consultants led by GSP Group staff, the construction administration and inspection of this project will be completed by consultant staff as well. Full funding for this project has been approved by council as part of the 2020 budget process. The project is scheduled to begin April 6, 2020. REPORT: Tenderswere advertised publiclyonthe City of Kitchener website. Documents were downloaded by twenty-nine (29) interested parties and by the closing date of Wednesday November 6, 2019, two (2) tenders had been received. The following tenders were received: Bid Price I.M. Benjamins Inc. o/a Hardscape Concrete & InterlockCambridgeON $ 3,309,073.25 * CSL Group LtdAncaster ON$ 3,803,715.15 The tenders were reviewed by D.Roga,MTE Consultants Inc.,the City’s Consultant for the project and J.Seip,Engineering Technologistwho concur with the above recommendation. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation of this report supports the achievement of the city’s strategic vision through the delivery of core service. 1.iii - 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: In addition to the costs anticipated in this tender, the design and implementation of these types of projects typically involves city staff and resources from across the corporation. These costs are included in the line item "Projected Costs: Staff Time/Permitting/Material testing", and will be itemized when they exceed $125,000. Included in this line item are staff time and expenses for all city staff in support of the project such as Engineering, Kitchener Utilities, and Transportation Planning. The line item also includes all regulatory permitting, geotechnical and material testing, detouring and traffic control, alternate access and parking requirements and any other miscellaneous costs. Projects utilizing in-house staff will include costs for inspection during construction and contract administration. The net cost for this tender (A), is fair and reasonable for a purchase of this scope and the upset limit is within the budget allowance (B) provided within the budget. Funding for thispurchase is included within the 2020 capital budget. The estimated surplus (E) will be closed out to the Tax Capital reserve. Tender T19-175 Queen Street Placemaking Construction Estimated Cost for this Phase of Work Tender T19-175 costs, including HST3,309,073.25 less: HST rebate on tender(329,150.15) Net Cost Being Awarded2,979,923.10 A Projected Costs: Staff Time/Material Testing 65,000.00 Projected Costs: Street Furniture250,000.00 Projected Costs: Ornamental Street Lighting167,477.26 Projected Costs: Contingency150,000.00 Total Estimated Cost for this Phase of Work3,612,400.36 C Budget for this Phase of Work Capital out of Current870,000.00 Transfer from Engineering -Laneway Rehab Program 26,000.00 Private Contribution (Business Improvement Association)300,000.00 Cost Sharing (Kitchener Utilities) 18,667.77 Tax Capital Reserve611,000.00 Federal Gas Tax Reserve2,020,000.00 Ontario Main St Revitalization Grant 50,000.00 Transfer from Transportation Planning -Ornamental Lighting Fund 65,000.00 Total Budget for this Phase of Work3,960,667.77 B Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) for this Phase of Work (B -C)348,267.41 D Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) from previous phases (1,604.34) Total Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) 346,663.07 E 1.iii - 3 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM – This report has been posted to the City’s website with the agenda in advance of the council / committee meeting. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION OF THIS MATTER: Not applicable. ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Jonathan Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services Department 1.iii - 4 REPORT TO: Committee of the Whole DATE OF MEETING:2020-01-27 SUBMITTED BY: Brenda Johnson, Director of Accounting, 519-741-2200 ext. 7647 PREPARED BY: Adam Buchholtz, Associate Procurement Specialist,519-741-2200 ext. 7217 WARD (S) INVOLVED:N/A DATE OF REPORT:2020-01-09 REPORT NO.:FIN-20-009 SUBJECT: P19-198 Automated Meter Reading (AMR), Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Advanced Metering Analytics (AMA) Feasibility Study __________________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That Proposal P19-198 Automated Meter Reading (AMR), Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Advanced Metering Analytics (AMA) Feasibility Study, be awarded to Util-Assist Inc.,Newmarket, Ontario, at their estimated fee of $105,045., plus H.S.T. of $13,655.85, for a total of $118,700.85,provided a satisfactory contract is executed. BACKGROUND: The City requires the services of a consultant to develop a feasibility study to optimize water and gas meter reading, customer service and water/gas use efficiency efforts. The Automated Meter Reading (AMR)/Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Advanced Meter Analytics (AMA) Feasibility Study will identify opportunities for improvements in functionality and efficiencies through the validation for associated costs and benefits that new technology offers as related to water and gas meter reading technology. The study will include the review of an on-line customer service portal to permit real-time access to personal consumption data, integration into current billing software and review of various technologies.The city intends to leverage the existing narrowband mesh network created by the streetlight upgradeproject to support connected solutions wherever feasible. The technology review will evaluate the capabilities of the mesh networkin contrast to other solutions in the market in terms of functionality, operational impact and cost. AMR/AMI/AMA Feasibility Study will recommend a solution related to water and gas meter- reading technology, associated service portal and integration into current billing software as well as provide an implementation plan with capital costs, maintenance/support costs and budget. REPORT: As per clause 170.7.1 of the Purchasing By-law 2017-106, all consulting services greater than $100,000 (excluding taxes) must be approved by Council. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994for assistance. 1.iv - 1 Proposalswere advertised publicly on the City of Kitchenerwebsite. Documents were downloaded by fifteen (15) interested parties and by the closing date of Wednesday December 11, 2019,four (4)proposalshad been received. A listing of the responding parties follows for your reference: Deloitte LLP Toronto ON Excergy Corporation Denver CO, USA Util-Assist Inc. Newmarket ON * UtiliWorks Consulting LLC Baton Rouge LA, USA The proposal submissions werereviewedand ratedbythe selection committee,A. Mick, Manager Quality Management & Water Programs, P. Pavlinich, Manager Gas Measurement & Service, A. Akhoon, Manager Business Solutions ERP, and C. Zinn, Innovation Lab Director. The review committee met on Monday January 6, 2020, to ratethe candidates. The committee recommends awarding the project to Util-Assist Inc., Newmarket, Ontario. The selection committee rated the proposal submissions on the following criteria: •Work Plan •Project Approach and Scope of Services •Proposed Project TeamExperience •Proposed Project Teamand Project Manager •Cost of Consultant’s Fees ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation of this report supports the achievement of the city’s strategic vision through the delivery of core service. 1.iv - 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The net cost for this proposal (A), is fair and reasonable for a purchase of this scope and the upset limit is within the budget allowance (B) provided within the budget. Funding for this project is included within the approved operating budget. The estimated surplus (D) willremain within the account. P19-198 Automated Meter Reading (AMR), Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Advanced Metering Analytics (AMA) Feasibility Study Estimated Cost Tender T19-198 costs, including HST$118,700.85 less: HST rebate(13,655.85) Net Cost Being Awarded$105,045.00 A Budget Water Operating Budget52,000.00 Gas Operating Budget55,000.00 Total Budget $107,000.00 B Total Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) $ 1,955.00 D COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM – This report has been posted to the City’s website with the agenda in advance of the council / committee meeting. ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Jonathan Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services Department 1.iv - 3 REPORT TO: Committee of the Whole DATE OF MEETING:2020-01-27 SUBMITTED BY: Brenda Johnson, Director of Accounting,519-741-2200 ext. 7647 PREPARED BY: Polina Semenov,Procurement Specialist,519-741-2200 ext. 7037 WARD (S) INVOLVED:Ward 9 DATE OF REPORT:2020-01-15 REPORT NO.:FIN-20-010 SUBJECT: T19-135Heiman Street (West End to Highland Road East) and Mill Street (Ottawa Street South to Courtland Avenue East)Road Reconstruction __________________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That Tender T19-135Heiman Street (West End to Highland Road East) and Mill Street (Ottawa Street South to Courtland Avenue East)Road Reconstruction, be awarded to Gedco Excavating Ltd.,Brantford, Ontario, at theirtendered price of $3,800,565.25, including provisional items and contingencies of $348,801.40, plus H.S.T. of $494,073.48, for a total of $4,294,638.73. BACKGROUND: Engineering Services is proceeding with the reconstruction of Heiman Street (West End to Highland Road East) approximately 420 metresand Mill Street (Ottawa Street South to Courtland Avenue East) approximately 360 metres.The services were originally constructed in the 1940’s and are in need of replacement. The administration, design and tendering of this project has been completed by IBI Group staff, the construction administration and inspection of this project will be completed by IBI Group staff as well. This work is being completed under the City’s Water Infrastructure Program (WIP) for road reconstruction. The project is scheduled to begin April 6, 2020. REPORT: Tenders were advertised publiclyonthe City of Kitchener website. Documents were downloaded byforty-three (43) interested parties and by the closing date of Tuesday January 7, 2020,ten (10) tenders had been received. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994for assistance. 1.v - 1 The following tenders were received: Bid Price Gedco Excavating Ltd. Brantford ON $4,294,638.73 * Bel-Air Excavating & GradingLtd. CambridgeON $4,298,947.50 Steed and EvansLimited St. Jacobs ON $4,461,087.26 Regional Sewer and WatermainLtd CambridgeON $4,655,876.38 Sierra Infrastructure Inc Woodstock ON $4,792,387.01 OxfordCivil Group Inc. Woodstock ON $4,950,930.32 Terracon Underground Ltd Brantford ON $4,958,205.58 Network Sewer and WatermainLtd CambridgeON $4,989,689.23 J. Weber Contracting Limited Breslau ON $5,102,939.35 Nabolsy Contracting Inc. Mississauga ON $5,468,283.51 The tenders were reviewed by A. Lootsma,IBI Group, the City’s Consultant for the project and Y.Bhattachan,Design and Construction Project Managerwho concur with the above recommendation. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation of this report supports the achievement of the city’s strategic vision through the delivery of core service. 1.v - 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: In addition to the costs anticipated in this tender, the design and implementation of these types of projects typically involves city staff and resources from across the corporation. These costs are included in the line item "Projected Costs: Staff Time/Permitting/Material testing", and will be itemized when they exceed $125,000. Included in this line item are staff time and expenses for all city staff in support of the project such as Engineering, Kitchener Utilities, and Transportation Planning. The line item also includes all regulatory permitting, geotechnical and material testing, detouring and traffic control, alternate access and parking requirements and any other miscellaneous costs. Projects utilizing in-house staff will include costs for inspection during construction and contract administration. The net cost for this tender (A), is fair and reasonable for a purchase of this scope and the upset limit is within the budget allowance (B) provided within the budget. Funding for this purchase is included within the approved capital forecast. The estimated surplus (E) will be returned to the WIP Road Reconstruction general account, and will be used to fund unexpected deficits in WIP Road Reconstruction projects. Tender T19-135 Heiman Street and Mill Street Reconstruction The total budget for all phases of this project is $ 4,818,000.00 Estimated Cost for this Phase of Work Tender T19-135 costs, including HST 4,294,638.73 less: HST rebate on tender (427,183.34) Net Cost Being Awarded 3,867,455.39 A Projected Costs: Staff Time/Material Testing 48,783.00 Total Estimated Cost for this Phase of Work$ 3,916,238.39 C Budget for this Phase of Work WIP -Road Reconstruction -Sanitary Utility 1,913,000.00 WIP -Road Reconstruction -Stormwater Utility 882,000.00 WIP -Road Reconstruction -Water Utility 1,289,000.00 Disaster Mitigation Adaptation Fund -Grant 75,000.00 Total Budget for this Phase of Work$ 4,159,000.00 B Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) for this Phase of Work (B -C) 242,761.61 D Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) from previous phases 19,789.83 Total Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) $ 262,551.44 E 1.v - 3 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM – This report has been posted to the City’s website with the agenda in advance of the council / committee meeting. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION OF THIS MATTER: Not applicable. ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Jonathan Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services Department 1.v - 4 REPORT TO: Committee of the Whole DATE OF MEETING:2020-01-27 SUBMITTED BY: Brenda Johnson, Director of Accounting,519-741-2200 ext. 7647 PREPARED BY: Steve Rudak, Procurement Specialist,519-741-2200 ext. 7213 WARD (S) INVOLVED:Ward 3 DATE OF REPORT:2020-01-14 REPORT NO.:FIN-20-011 SUBJECT:T19-174 Hidden Valley Crescent Park Natural Play Area Landscape Site Works and Playground Design, Supply and Installation __________________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That Tender T19-174 Hidden Valley Crescent Park Natural Play Area Landscape Site Works and Playground Design, Supply and Installation, be awarded to Hawkins Contracting Services Limited, Stouffville, Ontario, at theirtendered price of $178,407.75, including contingencies of $12,000., plus H.S.T. of $23,193., for a total of $201,600.75. BACKGROUND: Hidden Valley Crescent Park is a neighbourhood park located between of Hidden Valley Crescent and Hidden Valley Drive. The park has street frontage on both streets and a total area that encompasses 1.41 hectares.The park design is planned to be broken into 2 phases of work. Phase 1, being the natural playground work at the south portion of the parkland and Phase 2, to be a trail connectingthrough the remainder of parkland space with an outlook area at the elevated north portion of the park. Following public consultation, it was determined thata ‘natural playground’ was the preferred option for the playground area.This play area will feature two distinct play zones.The first will be an accessible wood fiber safety surfacing area, with a swing set, climbing elements and play tower withslide. On the opposite side, there will be a sand play area with a wooden boat element and climbing boulders. The project is to commence April 2020 and completed by June 26, 2020. REPORT: As per clause 170.7.3 of the Purchasing By-law 2017-106, it states, “Regardless of Procurement Value, the Director of Supply Services shall submit a report to Councilrecommending award of a purchase greater than $100,000 if any one or more of the following conditions apply: b.the project is not specifically identified within the council approved budget”. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994for assistance. 1.vi - 1 Tenders were advertised publicly on the City of Kitchener website.Documents were downloaded by nineteen (19)interested partiesand by the closing date of Wednesday November 20, 2019, seven (7)tenders had been received. The following tenders were received: Bid Price Hawkins Contracting Services LimitedStouffville ON $201,600.75 * Moser Landscape Group Inc.Waterloo ON $207,366.30 Cedargreen Landscape Contractors Ltd.Concord ON$223,874.81 JB Construction Management Corp.St George ON $232,487.24 39 Seven Inc.Guelph ON$249,595.45 Yard Weasels Inc. Fergus ON$254,998.63 Kingsvalley Landscape Contractors Inc.Maple ON$354,542.59 The tenders were reviewed by K. Leasa, Associate Landscape Technologist, who concurswith the above recommendation. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation of this report supports the achievement of the city’s strategic vision through the delivery of core service. 1.vi - 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The net cost for this tender (A), is fair and reasonable for a project of this scope and the upset limit is within the funding available (B) for this project. Funding for this project is included within the approved capital budget. The estimated surplus (D) will remain in the new neighbourhood park development account for other developer built parks. T19-174 Hidden Valley Crescent Park Estimated Cost Tender T19-174 costs, including HST$201,600.75 less: HST rebate(20,053.02) Net Cost Being Awarded181,547.73 A Costs incurred to date - Projected additional costs - Total Estimated Cost$181,547.73 C Budget New Neighbourhood Park Development230,000.00 Total Budget$230,000.00 B Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) for this Phase of Work (B -C)$ 48,452.27 D COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM – This report has been posted to the City’s website with the agenda in advance of the council / committee meeting. ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Jonathan Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services Department 1.vi - 3 REPORT TO: Committeeof the Whole DATE OF MEETING:January 27, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Christine Tarling,Director, Legislated Services & City Clerk,519-741- 2200 ext. 7809 PREPARED BY:Helen Fylactou,Manager, Licensing,519-741-2200 ext. 7854 WARD (S) INVOLVED:Ward 2 DATE OF REPORT:January 20, 2020 REPORT NO.: COR-20-001 SUBJECT: Request to Add Conditions to a Business Licence – Li’s Best Enjoy Health Care Centre – 2922 King Street East ___________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That the business licence for Li’s Best Enjoy Health Care Centre be approved with the following conditions: a)That the owner ensures the Business is not operating outside the permitted hours; b)That the Business does not receive any further Provincial Offence Notices; and, c)That the owner complies with all City of Kitchener By-laws. BACKGROUND: Li’s Best Enjoy Health Care Centre (the Business) is an alternative massage parlour that is licensed under Chapter 508 and is locatedat 2922 King Street East. The Business has been in operation since 2013 and obtained properlicensing in 2018as an Alternative Massage Centre that offers Chinese massage, reflexology, cupping, and acupuncture. REPORT: As a requirement of the Alternative Massage Centres By-law, the operator of the business must ensure the business is not open to patrons or the public, that patrons or the public cannot enter the alternative massage centre, and that no alternative massage or other services are provided, available, or offered in the alternative massage centre unless it is between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Upon inspection, the Business has been in violation of theBy-law requirements and several Provincial Offence Notices (PONs) have been issued. Since the Business obtained its licence in 2018, three PONshave been issuedfor operating outside of the permitted hours. E ach time, a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer(s) attends the premises in an unmarked SUV and in plain clothes. They are able to ring the bell for service and a massage attendant opens the door, invites them in and offers them a variety of services. The Manager of Licensing has received complaints and concerns about the business operating outside of permitted hours. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994for assistance. 2 - 1 Despite several visits from By-law Enforcement and discussions with the Manager of Licensing, there has been no effort by the owner to mitigate any of the concerns. Through By-law Enforcement staff, Licensing Services havebeen advised of all the infractions against the Business and is working with By-law Enforcement to ensure compliance is being met by the Business. The Business continues to be in violation of the City of Kitchener’s Alternative Massage Centre By-law and has been charged at every visit. In order to protect the public interest as it relates to consumer protection and nuisance control, staff recommends adding the aforementioned conditions to the business licence for Li’s Best Enjoy Health Care for the next year. If the Business does not comply with any of the conditions placed on the licence, the Manager of Licensing may refer the application or licence back to Council or Committee to refuse, revoke, or suspend the licence, or to imposefurther conditions on the licence. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation of this report supports the achievement of the city’s strategic vision through the delivery of core service. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The cost of a 2020 Alternative Massage Centre renewal is $148.00. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: The Manager of Licensing has spoken to the owner of Li’s Best Enjoy Health Care Centre on several occasions, and has informed them that staff are recommending that conditions be place on their 2020 licence. INFORM – The report has been posted to the City’s website with the agenda in advance of the council/committee meeting. ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Victoria Raab, General Manager, Corporate ServicesDepartment 2 - 2 REPORT TO: Committee of the Whole DATE OF MEETING:January 27, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Kathryn Dever,Director,Strategy & Corporate Performance, 519 741-2200 ext. 7370 PREPARED BY:Karen Cooper, Manager, Strategic & Business Planning, 519 741-2200 ext. 7817 WARD (S) INVOLVED:All DATE OF REPORT:January 8, 2020 REPORT NO.:CAO-19-017 SUBJECT:Compass Kitchener Advisory Committee Work Program ___________________________________________________________________________ FOR DISCUSSION BACKGROUND: The purpose of this report is to present the Compass Kitchener Work Plan for Council feedback. Council Policy GOV-BOA-077 (Compass Kitchener Terms of Reference) identifies the goals, objectives and responsibilities of the Compass Kitchener Citizen Advisory Committee. In summary, responsibilities include: Designing and implementing public engagement processes in collaboration with staff to validate the community’s vision and major strategic priorities and recommending critical community priorities before each municipal election. Reporting to Council on critical community priorities to assist in the establishment of, and updating of, Council’s four year Strategic Plan and annual Business Plans. Developing evaluation criteria in collaboration with staffreflective of the community’s prioritiesand monitoring the City’s performance against goals included in the Strategic Plan for the City of Kitchener. Reporting on performance to Council and the Community on an annual (Report Card) basis. Ensuring communication and collaboration among Advisory Committees of Council by convening two yearly meetings, one for Chairs and Vice Chairs and the second for the full membership of all Advisory Committees. Developing a yearly workplan and submitting it to Council forfeedback. RE PORT: Compass Kitchener 2019 Accomplishments Compass Kitchener has requested that Council be informed of Compass Kitchener’s accomplishments in completing the 2019work plan. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994for assistance. 3 - 1 Compass Kitchener accomplishments in 2019 Include: Welcoming new members in January 2019 Completing Chair, Vice Chair and Member Orientation and Training Jointly hosting with the City’s Corporate Leadership Team a collaborative workshop with members of all of the citizen advisory committeeson January 24, 2019 to gain feedback on draft goals and possible actions to inform the development of the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan and to ensure community priorities were addressedin developing the Strategic Plan. Presenting to Council on April 1, 2019 a comprehensive review of Business Plans from 2015 to 2018 to assess the City’s performance on implementing the 2015-2018 Strategic Plan. Providing recommendations to improve the relationship between business plans and the strategic plan which have been incorporated by staff in developing the 2020 business plan and the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Supporting the public launch of the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan in September 2019 Working collaboratively with the City’s Corporate Leadership Team to develop parameters for evaluating the 2019-2022Strategic Plan Hosting a collaborative workshop open to members of all of the citizen advisory committees on November 6, 2019 to gain feedback on strategic plan evaluation priorities and to provide a forum to share what each committee is working on or will be working on to support implementation of the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Developing the 2020 Work Plan for Council feedback Compass Kitchener 2020 Work Plan Compass Kitchener has requested that its2020Work Plan be submitted to Council for feedback and it is included asAppendix A to this report. Prioritiesinclude: Finalization of evaluation criteria for the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Citizen’s Report Card - first evaluation ofthe 2019-2022Strategic Plan Communicationand collaboration among Advisory Committees – continue to build connectionsbetween all of Kitchener’scitizen advisory committees. Judy Stephens-Wells, Chair of Compass Kitchener, will be in attendance at the Council meeting and is available to discuss this report and thework program with Council. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation of this report supports the achievement of the City’s strategic vision. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS:None. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM – This report has been posted to the City’s website with the agenda in advance of the council/committee meeting. ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Dan Chapman, CAO Appendix A:Compass Kitchener 2020Work Plan 3 - 2 Appendix A:COMPASS KITCHENER2020WORK PLAN Compass Kitchener gains community input and participation in order to provideadvice to Council on Kitchener’s strategic plan preparation and on evaluation of the implementation of Kitchener’s strategic plan. The Committee reports directly to Counciland develops a yearly workplan to submit to Council for feedback. ResponsibilityItemCompass Kitchener Meeting Dates AdministrationOngoing 1.Conflict of Interest Comply with City policies for Committees 2.Code of Conduct Work Plan December 4, 2019 + 1.2020Work Plan Develop a yearly workplan and submitit to January 8, 2020 Council for feedbackNovember 2020 2.2021 Work Plan Advisory Committee Collaboration 1.Advisory Committee Chairs +Vice ChairsMeetingMarch 4, 2020 1.1.Select location & agendaJanuary8, 2020 Bring Advisory Committees of Council together 1.2.Facilitate/record discussionMarch 4, 2020, on a regular basis to share information and 1.3.Follow-up on Action ItemsApril 1, 2020 identify opportunities for collaboration. 2.All Advisory Committees MeetingOctober 7, 2020 2.1.Select location & agendaAugust 5, 2020 2.2.Facilitate/record discussionOctober 7, 2020 2.3.Follow-up on Action ItemsNovember4, 2020 Citizen Report Card 1.Review Business Plan Updates Report onevaluation criteria for use in a)2019 Year End ReportJanuary 8, 2020 measuring Council implementation of strategic b)2020 Status Update 1 April 1, 2020 priorities c)2020 Status Update 2 August 5, 2020 d)2020 Year End ReportJanuary 2021 Monitor and evaluate progress against achievement of strategic priorities. Report on progress made toward achieving 2.Citizen Report Cards strategic prioritiesto Council and the community a)2019-2022Strategic Plan Progress Report onFebruary 5,2020 on an annual (Report Card) basis. 2019 implementation b)2019-2022 Strategic Plan Progress Report on February 2021 2020 implementation 3 - 3 REPORT TO: Committee of the Whole DATE OF MEETING:2020-01-27 SUBMITTED BY: Brenda Johnson,Director of Accounting,519-741-2200 ext. 7647 PREPARED BY: Laurie Stecho, Supervisor of Procurement,519-741-2200 ext. 7089 WARD (S) INVOLVED:N/A DATE OF REPORT:2020-01-06 REPORT NO.:FIN-20-003 SUBJECT: Summary of Bid Solicitations Approved by the Director of Procurement (October 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019) __________________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: For Information Only BACKGROUND: In accordance with the Purchasing By-law 2017-106 (Chapter 170 Municipal Code), section 170.7.4 “the City's Director of Supply Services shall prepare a quarterly information only report to Council on Solicitations awarded where the Procurement Value is between $100,000 and $750,000 and the Director of Supply Services approved the award.” All recommendations awarded by the Director of Supply Services were within approved budgets, capital projects were specifically identified within the Council approved budget, there aren’t other orders of government or granting agencies which require Council approval, and more than one bid was received in response to the bid solicitation. REPORT: Appendix 1 is a listing of the nine (9)approved bid solicitations for Council’s information. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: All recommendations awarded by the Director of Procurement, were within approved budgets. ACKNOWLEDGED BY: Jonathan Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services Department *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994for assistance. 4 - 1 00 ..00 685 , HST) 217392,000 Award Amount $$$127,000.00 Exclusive of ( 9) 00 . , 201 000 , 31 Budget Amount420 $$400,000.00$157,000.00 December 9 – ON , 201 1 Awarded Vendor(s) a+Link Architecture Inc.,London ONAltruckBurlingtonCommander Industries Inc.Strathroy ON October 9 the will and ) year 11 ( aintenance This unit Sanitary - eleven an ashroom and change the second phase of . The second phase l have as approved in the 201 ing, tennis courts (lit), Description is for interior and exterior facility the cleaning of catch basins across This unit wil 2, 463, 465, 474, 478, 481, and 483 in bodies will be installed on eight (8) new Parks and Cemeteries, along with one Listing of Approved Bid Solicitations ( – – used for These cab and chassis vehicles, which are replacing units 46INS This proposal South Kitchener District Park (SKDP) site and facility developmentincludes; development to convert the existing heritage residence to public wrooms, a new operations and mbuilding within an existing compound, and further site development including roadway extension, parkbasketball courts, volleyball courts, tree planting and landscaping. This is an additional unit for INSStormwater UtilitiesAnnual Fleet Equipment Review.bethe City.lifecycle. Appendix 1 Heritage Professional kg (56,000 lb) 106 183 Supply and 199 Supply, Phase 2 Site - -- Bid Solicitation Number & Name P19Services – House Washroom Conversion, New Maintenance BuildingandDevelopmentT19Delivery of One (1) 25,401G.V.W. Tandem Rear Wheel Conventional Cab and Chassis with Catch Basin CleanerT19Install, and Deliver Eight (8) Aluminum Dump Bodies 4 - 2 $242,810.72$171,736.00$215,632.18 $392,000.00$180,000.00$345,000.00 Clearwater Structure Inc. Ajax ONAllan Fyfe Equipment Ltd.Vaughan ONAECOM Canada Ltd.Kitchener ON ten . Parks Balzer e the All work – . the ) year lifecycle. be completed by anchors tree pruning and reconstruction (8 order to maintain the eight unit 530 in INS 0.3 km West of Courtland n used for landscaping work. drains and - as approved for replacement scheduled to , as approved for replacement in . Blazer Road over Schneider Creek. will be used for 9 Annual Fleet Equipment Review. unit will replace 31, 2020 , concrete rehabilitation, crack sealing, nue on ) years old with a is e Becker Street (Fife Avenue to Krug Street) he project is 10 additional unitthe 201These units will be The current units are ten (10) years old with an eight (8) year lifecycle.This tender is for the rehabilitation of Road Bridge, located AveThe work includes waterproofing and pavingdeckinstallation of subbridge in safe operating condition.TMay Thand Cemeteriesin the 2019 Annual Fleet Equipment Review. This unitmaintenance activities. The current unit is(Threconstruction project is to upgradunderground services to current standards and carry out complete roadway is to be completed in 167 Professional 168 Balzer Road 197 Supply and - -- T19Bridge RehabilitationT19Delivery of One (1) 8,845 kg (19,500 lb) GVW 4x4 Dual Rear Wheel Regular Cab and Chassis with Articulated Aerial DeviceP19Services – Becker Street (Fife Avenue to Krug Street) Reconstruction 4 - 3 $230,132.10 $298,000.00 IBI GroupWaterloo ON 1. 202 consultant design, final sewer, storm - The pavement replacement of contract administration Avenue (Borden Parkway to complete the pre scope includes on. as well as onstruction is expected to occur in The project sewers, watermains, curbs, sidewalk and services to the property line. will be reconstructed for the full width of street. This phase of the project is for services to design, coordinate all related project needs, tenderingand inspectiCThe PattandonOttawa Street South) reconstruction project (approximately 390 metres) has been initiated to address the infrastructure issues that currently exist. The project includes the reconstruction of all underground services (sanitarysewer and watermain) as well as sanitary and water service connections to the property line. The asphalt roadway will be reconstructed, new concrete curb and gutter will be added, as well as sidewalks on both side of street. This phase of the project is for consulting services to complete the preliminary design, final design, tendering, as well as contract administration and inspection. Construction is expected to occur in 2021. Pattandon 189 Professional - P19Services – Avenue (Borden Parkway to Ottawa Street South) Reconstruction 4 - 4 $226,479.00$142,422.50 .00 303,000 $$150,000.00 IBI GroupWaterloo ONAquafor Beech LimitedGuelph ON 16 quality, 2021. The asphalt sues which ling facility to acility (SWMF) F outlet coo This phase of the project an anagement M ll be reconstructed as well as ater Guelph Street/ Englewood Place W torm The reconstruction project has been initiated to address the infrastructure iscurrently exist.The project scope includes the design and reconstruction of all underground services (sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain) as well as sanitary and water services connections to the property line.roadway wisidewalks and curbs.is for consulting services to complete the preliminary design, final design, tendering, as well as contract administration and inspection. Construction is expected to occur inSis bound by Kilbirnie Court to the north, Kilkerran Crescent to the east and Strasburg Creek to the west. Currently the facility is providing only quantity control for the 5.5 ha residential catchment area. The proposed works are intended to improve watermitigate water temperatures discharging to Strasburg Creek and to accommodate improved operations and maintenance at the facility. The work includes installation of a forebay, a wetland feature to improve sediment settling times and improve discharged flow temperatures. 194 - P19 196 Professional - Proposal Professional Services for Guelph Street (Lancaster Street West to Arnold Street) and Englewood Place (Guelph Street to end) ReconstructionP19Services for Permit, Tender Preparation and Construction Administration for the Full Retrofit of Storm Water Management Facility (SWMF) 16 4 - 5 This project is for consulting services to complete the preliminary design, final design, tendering, as well as contract administration and inspection.Construction work is expected to occur in 2021. 4 - 6 REPORTS TO BE CONSIDERED BY COUNCIL JANUARY 27, 2020CITY OF KITCHENER AUDIT COMMITTEE –DECEMBER 16, 2019 1.That the Audit Planning Report for the year ending December 31, 2019 prepared by KPMG, attached as Appendix “1”to Financial Services Department report FIN-19-090 dated November 18, 2019, be approved. 2. That the 2020 Internal Audit work plan as outlined in Chief Administrator’s Office report CAO-19- 014 dated December 9, 2019,be approved. HERITAGE KITCHENER COMMITTEE –JANUARY 7, 2020 1.That the draft by-law as circulated to the Heritage Kitchener Committee on December 3, 2019 be enacted to amend Chapter 642 (Heritage Property Consent –Alterations) of The City of Kitchener Municipal Code regarding delegation of the power to consent to alterations to property designated under Part IV or Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-19-273. COMMUNITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES COMMITTEE –JANUARY 13, 2020 1.That the list of proposed Neighbourhood Associations, as attached to Community Services Departmentreport CSD-20-001, be approved for affiliation for the year 2020 and added to the City of Kitchener’s third party liability insurance program. 2.That the following applicants be appointed to the Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee (GRAAC) for a4-year term ending December 31, 2023,as outlined in Community Services Department report CSD-20-002,pending ratification by the partnering municipalities of the City of Waterloo, Region of Waterloo, Township of North Dumfries, Township of Wellesley, Township of Wilmot and Township of Woolwich. Bernardes WesselinkCity of KitchenerNew Heather Clark HarrisCity of KitchenerNew Tamara BellTownship of WellesleyNew Mamie Sealey-BakerCity of KitchenerNew Paula SaundersCity of KitchenerNew Carrie SpeersCity of KitchenerNew 3.That the City of Kitchener acknowledge that Schlegel Urban Developments Corp.(on behalf of Fusion Homes Inc.) proposes to name a private street within a multiple residential development located on Block 1, 58M-632, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-20- 003; and further, That the City’s Legal Services be directed to proceed with the required advertising, preparation and registration of the necessary By-law for the naming of ‘Wheat Lane’. 4.That consideration of the following recommendation contained in Development Services Department report DSD-20-004, be referred to the Council meeting of January 27, 2020,to allow an opportunity for staff to connect with the developer regarding Street naming: ‘That the City of Kitchener acknowledge that Primeland Developments (2003) Limited proposes to name private streets: ‘Woodedge Circle’, ‘Woodlea Court’, and ‘Woodmeadow Court’ within a vacant land condominium development located at 15 Tartan Avenue,as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-20-004; and further, That the City’s Legal Services be directed to proceed with the required advertising, preparation and registration of the necessary By-law for the naming of ‘Woodedge Circle’, ‘Woodlea Court’, and ‘Woodmeadow Court’. 5.That four hour parking be permitted on Sunday’s on the north side of St. George Street from a point approximately 12 metres west from Benton Street to a point approximately 41 metres west thereof, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-20-005;and further, That the Uniform TrafficBy-law be amended accordingly. REPORTS TO BE CONSIDEREDBY COUNCIL JANUARY 27, 2020CITY OF KITCHENER 6.That staff be directed to reallocate Federal Gas Tax money from the Woodside Park project, as outlined in Financial Services Department report FIN-19-039,toward spot enhancements to the artificial turf to extend the asset lifespan (Option 2), and minor entrance and exit improvements to the parking lot; and further, That the remaining $900,000 remain unallocated in the Federal Gas Tax Reserve. 7.ThatCouncil receive Development Services Department report DSD-20-006 (Affordable Housing Strategy –Phase 2: Housing Needs Assessment), and direct staff to proceed to Phase 3: Issues and Options using the Needs Assessment as part of the basis for stakeholder engagement. PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE –JANUARY 13, 2020 1.That consideration of the following be referred to the February 24, 2020 Council meetingto allow staff an opportunity to work with the proponent to receive additional information including: drawings depicting a 1 storey reduction in height (6 storeys reduced to 5 storeys and the 5 storeys reduced to 4 storeys); a perspective drawing from the Weber Street properties; an updated Urban Design Brief basedon comments received from the residents; and, the possible inclusion of affordable housing units: ‘That Official Plan Amendment Application OP19/001/B/GS for 169 Borden Inc., Joseph Castello, & Laurie Castello requesting a change in designation from LowRise Residential and Institutional to Medium Rise Residential with Site Specific Policy Area 51 to permit a six storey multiple dwelling development on the parcel of land specified and illustrated on Schedule ‘A’, be adopted, in the form shown in the Official Plan Amendment attached to Development Services Department report DSD-20-001 as Appendix ‘A’, and accordingly forwarded to the Region of Waterloo for approval; and, That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA19/001/B/GS for 169 Borden Inc., Joseph Castello, & Laurie Castello requesting a change from Residential Six (R-6) and Neighbourhood Institutional (INS-1) to Residential Eight with Special Regulation Provision 753R for the parcels of land specified and illustrated on Map No. 1, be approved as amended in the “Proposed By-law” as circulated to the Committee on January 9, 2020, dated November 27, 2019, outlined in Report DSD-20-001, and receive three readings once By-law 2019-51 (CRoZBy Stage 1) is deemed to be in effect, either in whole or in part;and, That in accordance with Planning Act Section 45 (1.3 & 1.4) applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA19/001/B/GS; and further, That the Urban Design Brief dated September 2019, prepared by MHBC Planning for Vive Development Corporation, and attached to Report DSD-20-001 as Appendix ‘C’, be adopted, and that staff be directed to apply the Urban Design Brief through the Site Plan Approval process.’ 2.That consideration of the following recommendation be referred to the February 24, 2020 Council meeting, or an earlier Council meeting if possible,to allow for an opportunity for staff to work with the proponent to discuss a possible reduction in height and the inclusion of additional dwelling units on Avon Road. 'That Official Plan Amendment Application OP15/05/F/GS for Milan Kovacevic, Dean Kovacevic, & Keystone Property Developments Inc. requesting a change in designation from Low Rise Residential and Medium Rise Residential to Medium Rise Residential with Site Specific Policy Area 52 to permit a ten storey multiple dwelling development on the parcelof land specified and illustrated on Schedule ‘A’, be adopted, in the form shown in the Official Plan Amendment attached to Development Services Department report DSD 20-002 as Appendix ‘A’, and accordingly forwarded to the Region of Waterloo for approval; and, That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZC15/015/F/GS for Milan Kovacevic, Dean REPORTS TO BE CONSIDEREDBY COUNCIL JANUARY 27, 2020CITY OF KITCHENER PLANNING & STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMMITTEE –JANUARY 13, 2020(CONT’D) Kovacevic, & Keystone Property Developments Inc. requesting a change from Residential Three (R-3) and Residential Eight (R-8) to Residential Eight with Special Regulation Provision 752R on the parcel of land specified and illustrated on Map No. 1, be approved in the form shown in the “Proposed By-law” dated November 27, 2019, attached to Report DSD 20-002 as Appendix ‘B’; and, That in accordance with Planning Act Section 45 (1.3 & 1.4) applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZC15/015/F/GS; and further, That the Urban Design Brief dated May 2015 (updated November 2019), and attached to Report DSD-20-002 as Appendix ‘C’, be adopted, and that staff be directed to apply the Urban Design Brief through the Site Plan Approval process.’ Date:January 24, 2020 To: Council and Corporate Leadership Team From: Justin Readman, General Manager, Development Services cc: Jeff Bunn, Deputy City Clerk Subject:DSD-20-006Affordable Housing Strategy Phase 2: Housing Needs Assessment Regarding Item #7 from the Community & Infrastructure Services Committee recommendation, we ask Council to approve the following revised recommendation: “THAT Council receive report DSD-20-006 (Affordable Housing Strategy Phase2: Housing Needs Assessment, AS AMENDED, and direct staff to proceed to Phase 3: Issues and Options using the Needs Assessment as part of the basis for stakeholder engagement.” Updated information has recently been received from CMHC, KW Realty Board and our year endthat necessitates revisions to the Housing Needs Assessment. Staff have made the changes and posted a revised Needs Assessment.Hard copies will be made available to members of Council.Changes (in bold) include: 1.RevisedKey Finding/Conclusion2–Housing in recent years has become increasingly unaffordable for an increasingly larger share of Kitchener’s population. Incomes are not keeping pace with rising costs of rental and ownership housing. Inflation increased by 18%, average rents have increased by 41%and average housing prices increased by 104% during the period 2009to 2019.Most of the increase in rents and housing prices occurred from2016 to2019. 2.RevisedKey Finding/Conclusion6–Existing rental units in the primary market are not meeting demand. Average rental vacancy rates are 2.2%, despite the additionof 400 new rental units in 2019.Market rental housing is becoming too expensive for an increasing number of people. Based on the number of rental households in core need paying more than 30% of income on housing costs,more than 9,300 new affordable rental housing units are needed for people with householdincomes under $63,000in Kitchener. (A new chart is includedto provide further details on rental housing affordability) 3.RevisedFigure 67: Average Re-sale Price of Houses and Income Required to Own – Updated to include information as of year end. The report previously noted information as at the end of Oct 2019. At 2019 year end,average housing prices had increased between $6,000 to $10,000 depending on housing form from the end of October to the end of December.The higher incomes required to afford the increased prices have been included in the revised figure. 4.RevisedFigure 73: Number of Housing Starts–The 2019 year end total of housing starts is 3,500 units.(The report previously noted 1,500 units as at theend of October 2019) 5.Edits and page renumberinghave been made.