HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlng & Econ Dev - 1998-05-25P E D\1998 -05 -25 MAY 25, 1998 PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES CITY OF KITCHENER The Planning and Economic Development Committee met this date commencing at 3:47 p.m. under Councillor C. Weylie, Chair, with the following members present: Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors M. Yantzi, J. Ziegler, K. Taylor-Harrison, G. Lorentz, B. Vrbanovic, and J. Haalboom. Councillors Jake Smola entered the meeting after its commencement. Officials present: Ms. L. MacDonald, C. Ladd, J. Jantzi, A. Tanner and Messrs. J. Gazzola, T. McCabe, B. Stanley, P. Wetherup, C. Ford, K. Mayer, R. Morgan, T. Boutilier, D. Snow and L. W. Neil. Prior to consideration of the agenda Ms. C. Ladd introduced Mr. Glen Richardson who has been hired as a replacement for Mr. Victor Labreche. She noted that Mr. Richardson previously worked for the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk. 1. PD 98~54 - 831 FREDERICK STREET - ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION ZC98111FIRM 116543 ONTARIO LIMITED - CENTRE WARD The Committee was advised that the Department of Planning and Development was in receipt of an application from 116543 Ontario Limited to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 831 Frederick Street. In this regard the Committee was in receipt of Planning and Development Staff Report PD 98/54 dated April 24, 1998 and a Proposed By-law dated April 9, 1998 attached to the report. It was noted in the report that the proposed re-zoning would add a special use to the R- 8 Zone to allow for the conversion of the existing residential building for use as a Social Service establishment. The subject property is comprised of .48 hectares (1.19 acres) in area located on the south side of Frederick street between River Road and Victoria Street and is developed with an unoccupied single family dwelling. It was pointed out that notice that the Committee would hold a public meeting this date to consider this matter had previously been given. Ms. C. Ladd provided a brief explanation of the application and advised that she had nothing further to add to the staff report under consideration. She did point out that it was her understanding alterations are planned only for the interior. In response to Councillor J. Haalboom she advised that the social service use would reflect only an office use involving co-ordination of activities. No delegations were registered respecting this matter. On motion by Councillor K. Taylor-Harrison - it was resolved: "That Zone Change Application ZC98/1/F/RM (116543 Ontario Limited) rezoning Lot 15, Registered Plan 971 (831 Frederick Street) by adding Special Use Provision 255U to the Residential Eight Zone (R-8), be approved in the form shown in the attached "Proposed By- law", dated April 9, 1998, without conditions. It is the opinion of the Committee that approval of this application is proper planning for the City and is in conformity with the City's Municipal Plan." 2. REPORT - YEAR 2000 ISSUE The Committee was in receipt of a report from the Economic Development Division prepared in response to a March 2nd Council resolution. Staff were requested to prepare a report on the City's planning activity to address the effect of the Year 2000 issue on the City's computer systems and consider what role the Economic Development Division could play in raising the profile of this issue and getting the message out to local businesses. Ms. J. Jantzi noted that Ms. P. Houston was dealing with the City's planning activity regarding Year 2000 and briefly summarized the contents of the report relating to the activity undertaken by the Economic Development Division. In this regard, she advised that after discussing the matter with several local consultants she had concern that much of the business community MAY 25, 1998 PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES - 99 - CITY OF KITCHENER REPORT - YEAR 2000 ISSUE (CONT'D) was not addressing the problem. Mayor C. Zehr pointed out that a number of organizations were providing information on the Year 2000 computer issue and he suggested staff compile a list of these organizations and enclose it with the Division's next newsletter in addition to what staff were already doing to raise the profile of this issue. PD 98/50 - DOWNTOWN LIGHTING DESIGN STUDY" ON LIGHTING DOWNTOWN" PD 98/65 - REPORT OF SAFE CITY COMMITTEE & DOWNTOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE PD 98/64 - CHANGES TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT - CENTRE WARD AND - ROCKWAY-VICTORIA WARD The Committee was in receipt of several reports dealing with the Downtown Lighting Study as follows: Firstly, Staff Report PD 98/50 dated April 30, 1998 (Downtown Design Lighting Study "On Lighting Downtown"). Attached to the staff report was the Kitchener Downtown Lighting Design Study dated April 1998 prepared by John MacDonald Architect in association with Gabriel/design. Secondly, Staff Report PD 98/65 dated April 29, 1998 (Report of the Safe City Committee and Downtown Advisory Committee) recommending endorsement of the Downtown Lighting Design Study. Thirdly, Staff Report PD 98/64 dated May 6, 1998 (Changes to the Consultant Agreement for the Downtown Lighting Study). Mr. B. Stanley advised that staff had nothing further to add to the reports under consideration since major presentations were made in 1997 to the Committee. He advised that he would review a few administrative matters following a presentation by John MacDonald on how it is intended to use the Study. Further, he made reference to additional documents distributed this date as follows: Memorandum dated May 25, 1998 from Mr. C. Ford dealing with Street Light Modifications - Economic Review. Letter dated January 15, 1998 from Mr. J. Gazzola dealing with Tender #P97-106 - Kitchener Downtown Lighting Fixture Supply. - Lighting Inventory - Appendix E to the" On Lighting Downtown" document. Mr. John MacDonald, Architect appeared as a delegation to make a brief summary presentation of the Lighting Design Study. He acknowledged contribution of the participants and circulated a smaller 3-ring version of the document which he noted it was hoped would receive the widest possible distribution. Mr. MacDonald commented that the lighting issue was only part of the solution to improving the urban environment. He then pointed out that a number of pilot projects were now underway and illustrated a sample of the retro-fit fixture for King Street. In response to Councillor C. Weylie Mr. MacDonald illustrated the interior features of the lamp fixture and commented that it was one of the best optical systems in North America. Mayor C. Zehr remarked that he was struck be the detail of the Lighting Design Study Report and particularly the number of differing fixtures proposed. In this regard Mr. D. Snow commented that the original intent was to develop a number of fixtures to service the downtown but he pointed out that requests were being received from suburban areas for ornamental lighting fixtures. Mayor Zehr referred to the memorandum from Mr. C. Ford advising of an anticipated increase of approximately $5,000 in energy costs with the new fixtures. In response Mr. D. Snow noted that these additional energy costs will impact the 1998 budget once the new luminaries are installed and the budget did not reflect the costs for the new installation. However he pointed 3. PD 98~50 - DOWNTOWN LIGHTING DESIGN STUDY" ON LIGHTING DOWNTOWN" MAY 25, 1998 PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES - 100 - CITY OF KITCHENER PD 98~65 - REPORT OF SAFE CITY COMMITTEE & DOWNTOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE PD 98/64 - CHANGES TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT - CENTRE WARD AND ROCKWAY-VICTORIA WARD (CONT'D) out that while additional costs would be experienced there are more luminaries being installed than with the existing lighting resulting in an overall improvement in street lighting. He indicated that it would be necessary to review the City's energy costs for the downtown following the installations. Councillor Jake Smola entered the meeting at this point. Following further comments of Mayor C. Zehr and Mr. D. Snow, Mr. B. Stanley advised that it was the intent of the Safety Committee to consider lighting issues relating to suburban areas. In reference to the additional energy costs for the new lighting fixtures, Councillor M. Yantzi commented that generally more wattage was being used to provide more light and that the colour of the light was white and more uniform than at present. Mr. B. Stanley pointed out that Appendix "D" provides a detailed comparison in this regard. Mr. John MacDonald commented that four pilot projects underway indicate that there was a need and a perception to raise lighting levels. He advised that there may be some streets where it would be appropriate to lower lighting levels to get the best optical solutions utilizing the new luminaries. Mr. B. Stanley briefly explained the recommendations outlined in Staff Report PD 98/50. At the request of Councillor J. Haalboom it was agreed to include an additional recommendation numbered 3 (10) providing that consideration be given to the application of the study to Public Works projects such as construction of new street and road renovation projects. The recommendations in Staff Report PD 98/50 and the addition agreed to were then considered. On motion by Councillor J. Haalboom - it was resolved: "1) That Council receive and adopt the Downtown Lighting Design Study Report entitled On Li,qhtin,q Downtown subject to recommendations (1) - (4) below, the results of the evaluation of the lighting demonstration projects Recommendation 2, and the Lighting Implementation Plan Recommendation 3 (1) - (10). (1) That Council endorse the Lighting Design Principles and Principles of Vision contained within the Downtown Lighting Design Study. (2) That Council approve the conversion of existing ornamental lighting fixtures in Downtown from High Pressure Sodium to Metal Halide subject to the approved Implementation Plan. (3) That Council adopt the Overall Framework for Lighting Downtown and the Lighting Guidelines as contained within Chapter 3 of the Downtown Lighting Design Study as constituting "the new standard for lighting downtown" including more specifically: a) Adoption of the Illuminance and Luminance Guidelines contained within the Lighting Guidelines of the Downtown Lighting Design Study. b) Adoption of a classification of Downtown streets into a system of Seven Street Types: Civic Streets, Main Street, Commercial Streets Major and Minor, Thoroughfares, Neighbourhood Links, Residential Streets and Laneways. PD 98~50 PD 98~65 PD 98~64 c) Adoption of the Map of Street Types, showing the distribution of street types throughout Downtown as defined by Map 7 Downtown Land Use Districts in the City's Municipal Plan. DOWNTOWN LIGHTING DESIGN STUDY" ON LIGHTING DOWNTOWN" - REPORT OF SAFE CITY COMMITTEE & DOWNTOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE - CHANGES TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT - CENTRE WARD AND ROCKWAY-VICTORIA WARD (CONT'D) d) Approval of the Family of Lighting Fixtures as set out in the Overall MAY 25, 1998 PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES - 101 - CITY OF KITCHENER 2) 3) Framework in the Downtown Lighting Design Study. e) Endorsement of the Street Lighting Concept Layouts for each street type identified in the system of street types for the downtown including a fixture type, conceptual fixture arrangement and spacing, and roadway and sidewalk lighting goals. f) Endorsement of the Matrix of Intersections showing lighting fixture type, spacing and configuration at the intersection of each street type identified in the system of Street Types for the Downtown. (4) That Council endorse the recommended actions and role of lighting in the Situations for Lighting Responses of Chapter 5 as lighting guidelines when dealing with entry points, parking lots, public squares and parks; lighting situations on private property; and civic, public and commercial display situations. That an evaluation of the effectiveness of the new lighting standard be undertaken in the latter part of 1998 after construction of the demonstration projects. That Council Implement the new street lighting standard for Downtown as set out in the Downtown Lighting Design Study as follows: (1) That existing ornamental lighting on King Street between Gaukel and Queen Street be converted from High Pressure Sodium to Metal Halide as part of the demonstration project funded from the Safe City Capital Budget. (2) That further conversion of existing ornamental lighting in the Downtown to Metal Halide be over a phased in period related to maintenance (i.e. lamp replacement). (3) That Council approve the development and implementation of the street lighting concepts as demonstration projects as follows: a) Minor Commercial Street - Ontario Street (King to Duke) b) Main Street - King Street (Scott to Madison) c) Neighbourhood Link- Cedar Street (Weber- Charles) (These projects are funded from Public Works and Safe City Capital Accounts with pre-budget approval given by Council on March 30, 1998). (4) That subject to the evaluation of the results from the demonstration projects, the new street lighting standards are to be implemented in conjunction with road reconstruction projects, sidewalk replacements, or when existing equipment deteriorates to the extent that replacement is required (normal maintenance) as set out in Public Works Department Report Downtown Lighting Design Study Attached as Appendix A. (5) That the City, through the Downtown Development Team, the Safe City Committee and the Facade Improvement Loan Program, work with the KDBA to implement the recommended actions of the Downtown Lighting Design Study related to laneways, private alleys and parking lots, entries to private property and commercial display. PD98/50 DOWNTOWN LIGHTING DESIGN STUDY" ON LIGHTING DOWNTOWN" PD 98/65 - REPORT OF SAFE CITY COMMITTEE & DOWNTOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE PD 98/64 - CHANGES TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT - CENTRE WARD AND ROCKWAY-VICTORIA WARD (CONT'D) (6) That the Luminance Lighting Guidelines and Commercial Display concepts MAY 25, 1998 PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES - 102 - CITY OF KITCHENER = be utilized in the preparation of the new Sign Bylaw provisions for Downtown. (7) That the Safe City Committee work with neighbourhood associations and residential property owners abutting the Neighbourhood Links and on other Residential Streets to initiate and maintain the Porch Lights On program in residential neighbourhoods and concepts for residential yards. (8) That the City Property Standards Bylaw be amended to incorporate, where appropriate and applicable, the Lighting Guidelines of the Downtown Lighting Design Study. (9) That, where appropriate, recommendations of the Downtown Lighting Design Study be incorporated into the new draft Urban Design Guidelines, the new Sign Bylaw for Downtown, the FaCade Improvement Loan Program and the Porch Lights On Program. (10) That consideration be given to the application of the Study to Public Works projects such as construction of new street and road renovation projects." The recommendations in Staff Report PD 98/65 were then considered. On motion by Councillor J. Haalboom - it was resolved: 1) "That the Safe City Committee and Downtown Advisory Committee endorse the lighting principles, guidelines, concepts and over all Lighting Framework of the Downtown Lighting Design Study and recommend there adoption to City Council as the new lighting standard for Downtown. 2) That the new lighting standard be implemented in a series of demonstration projects to be undertaken in the downtown by Public Works in 1998 and 1999; as well as in the conversion of a portion of the existing lighting on King Street from High Pressure Sodium to Metal Halide. 3) That an evaluation of the effectiveness of the new lighting standard be undertaken in the latter part of 1998 after construction of the demonstration projects. 4) That, where appropriate, recommendations of the Downtown Lighting Design Study be incorporated in the new draft Urban Design Guidelines, the new Sign Bylaw for Downtown, the FaCade Improvement Loan Program and the Porch Lights on Program." The recommendation in Staff Report PD 98/64 was considered following a brief explanation by Mr. B. Stanley. On motion by Mayor C. Zehr - it was resolved: "That Council approve the alteration to Agreement for Consultant Services to the Downtown Lighting Design Study dated February 23, 1998, from John MacDonald Architect covering extension of the term of the Agreement, additional scope of work and reallocation of study costs with such additional net study costs including disbursements, over and above those already approved by Council not to exceed $3,840.00 plus GST; and further, PD 98/50 - DOWNTOWN LIGHTING DESIGN STUDY" ON LIGHTING DOWNTOWN" PD 98/65 - REPORT OF SAFE CITY COMMITTEE & DOWNTOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE PD 98/64 - CHANGES TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT - CENTRE WARD AND ROCKWAY-VICTORIA WARD {CONT'D) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an amendment to the agreement for Consultant Services between the Corporation and John MacDonald Architects Inc., satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to add to the scope of services." 4. PD 98/72 KITCHENER BIKEWAY STUDY MAY 25, 1998 PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES - 103 - CITY OF KITCHENER The Committee was in receipt of Planning and Development Staff Report PD 98/72 dated May 6, 1998 to which was attached to the City of Kitchener Bikeway Study dated April 1998 prepared by Stanley Consulting Group Limited. Mr. T. Boutilier appeared before the Committee to present the reports. Firstly he illustrated a television film clip of various officials and study participants on a cycling tour in the City to obtain a better understanding of issues of concern that confront cyclists. An overhead presentation of the Bikeway Study was then made. Participants in the development of the Bikeway Study were identified and objectives of the study as itemized in 1997 were listed. He pointed out that on the matter of public involvement in the study, displays were held at various centres in the municipality and that the feedback received showed that the displays were very well received. Mr. Boutilier then commented on the benefits of cycling as itemized in the staff report under the areas of: - Recreation, Fitness and Health; - Transportation Efficiency; - Environmental Benefits Bikeway route types were then illustrated covering: signed routes, paved shoulder, wide shared lane, bike lane pavement marking system, bike lanes (1.25 metre cross section), bike lane with on- street parking and multi-use trails. He noted that staff would be monitoring multi-use trails to address any problems regarding over use and conflict between pedestrians and cyclists. Mr. Boutilier then illustrated the routes in the bikeway and trail network along with the barriers that currently exist and pointed out that every attempt has been made to connect public use facilities. He then referred to the Trans-Canada Trail, a portion of which will run on an abandoned rail line from Guelph to Goderich and to plans to connect with that trail utilizing the Iron Horse Trail in the Twin-Cities. He made particular reference to the facilities for bicycle parking as referenced on pages 34 - 37 in the Bikeway Study. It was pointed out that the cost of the program was estimated at 7.4 million dollars which represented both on-street and off-street improvements. A spreadsheet of estimated construction costs was attached to the staff report illustrating the costs per year ranging from $490,000 a year to complete the project in 15 years to $190,000 per year if the project was completed over a 40 year period. In response to questions of the Committee, Mr. Boutilier advised that costs for road widening within the existing rights of way were included and that the report did not address the issue of vertical and shallow curbs as it is Public Works Department practice to install vertical curbs. Councillor C. Weylie commented that Kitchener has installed curbs where the Iron Horse Trail crosses City streets and the City of Waterloo has not done so. Mr. D. Snow stated that it was his view cyclists should dismount and walk across the City streets and that the curbing encourages this safety practice. Mayor C. Zehr commented that it was his view the ramp/curb issue should be reviewed. He also questioned if land costs could substantially change the cost estimates reflected in the study and Mr. T. Boutilier advised that most required lands would be obtained from the land dedication process. Mayor Zehr pointed out that costs for upgrades at terminals were not included and questioned necessity for signage expenditure on primarily Iow traffic residential streets. Mr. Boutilier replied that the road signage would provide clear recognition to all in support of joint use of the street by vehicles and cyclists. Mayor Zehr also commented that where parking was being removed to accommodate cyclists PD 98~72 KITCHENER BIKEWAY STUDY (CONT'D) the change over could become a neighbourhood issue of concern. Mr. D. Snow responded that staff were looking for community involvement on the matter of any parking removal proposal to address potential neighbourhood concerns. Councillor C. Weylie questioned if a municipality could ask for a street to be removed from the Regional Cycling Master Plan. Mr. Dave Banks of the Region of Waterloo responded that the Regional Cycling Committee intends to meet with all municipalities during the next year to review the Regional Cycling Master Plan and would be open for discussion with area municipalities of requests for changes. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 25, 1998 - 104 - CITY OF KITCHENER Mayor C. Zehr questioned what costs if any were in the City's 10 Year Capital Forecast relating to this matter and was advised that $130,000 was provided annually for trail development. Councillor J. Haalboom questioned the $36.00 per meter cost for curb installation that has been provided. Mr. T. Boutilier noted that the report recommends the installation of drop curbs. Mayor C. Zehr again commented that he would like to re-visit the curb/ramp issue on the Iron Horse Trail. On motion by Mayor C. Zehr - it was resolved: "That the design issue as to the merits of having curbs or ramps at street crossings of the "Iron Horse Trail" in Kitchener be referred to a future meeting of the Public Works and Transportation Committee for further discussion along with consideration of the approach taken by Kitchener and Waterloo to this issue." Staff were requested to take the following corrections to the Study under advisement: - On Map 3 Queensmount School and Westheights Public School were not illustrated - On Maps 3 & 4 the name Kinsmen Park should be corrected to Kiwanis Park The recommendation in Staff Report PD 98/72 was then considered. On motion by Councillor G. Lorentz - it was resolved: "1) That the City of Kitchener Bikeway Study dated April 1998 be adopted as a guide to the implementation of a comprehensive Bikeway Network for the City; 2) That first priority for implementation of the Bikeway Network be the development of the Kitchener's Trans-Canada Trail Route, a portion of which is the Iron Horse Trail; 3) That the Public Works Department be responsible for implementation of the identified On-Road Sections of the Bikeway Network in conjunction with City or Regional new road construction or re-construction projects; 4) That the Public Works Department undertake all other required on-road improvements (striping, signing, etc.), and in coordination with the Parks and Recreation Department, apply for funding annually through the Capital Forecast; 5) That the Parks and Recreation Department be responsible for the implementation of the Off-Road Sections of the Bikeway Network; and, in coordination with the Public Works Department, apply for funding annually through the Capital Forecast; 6) That the Transit Division of the Public Works Department be responsible for the implementation of cycling facilities at major Transit Terminal facilities, and apply for funding annually through the Capital Forecast; 4. PD 98/72 KITCHENER BIKEWAY STUDY (CONT'D) 7) That the Community Planning process recognize and plan for the extension of the Bikeway Network into newly developing areas; 8) That the City of Kitchener recommend certain route additions and deletions to the Regional Cycling Master Plan in accordance with "MAP 6" of the Kitchener Bikeway Study, and that Don Snow and Terry Boutilier be directed to initiate discussions with the Region of Waterloo to rationalize Regional and City routes with the objective of achieving a 'cost-neutral' result; 9) That the City of Kitchener include bicycle storage facilities in new and existing City facilities for use by citizens and employees; and MAY 25, 1998 PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES - 105 - CITY OF KITCHENER 10) That the City of Kitchener encourage the inclusion of bicycle storage facilities in new development in accordance with the City's Urban Design Guidelines." PD 98~76 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SYSTEM FOR ONTARIO The Committee was in receipt of Planning and Development Staff Report PD 98/76 dated May 21, 1998 regarding a proposed Development Permit System for Ontario. Ms. C. Ladd advised that the Staff Report was prepared in response to a discussion paper circulated by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on April 21, 1998 which asks for comments as to the general support for a Development Permit System and how it should function. It was noted in the report that the proposed system was intended to allow municipalities the opportunity to designate specific areas of the municipality as "Development Permit Areas" which would then allow for a flexible system of establishing uses within a defined but flexible set of regulations. The staff report provides further elaboration and comment on this issue. Ms. Ladd noted that the position of Kitchener Planning staff was radically different than the staff position of the Region of Waterloo on this issue. City Staff strongly support the system and wish to encourage the Province to proceed in this matter. Ms. L. MacDonald commented that the only point that the Legal Department would wish to raise in this matter was that the procedure ensure that natural justice will be preserved with appeal rights. On motion by Mayor C. Zehr - it was resolved: "That City Council advise the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing of its support for a Development Permit System in Ontario as provided for in Section 70.2 of the Planning Act as outlined in Staff Report PD 98/76; and further, That the Ministry be encouraged to develop and circulate for review a regulation pursuant to Section 70.2 to implement the development permit system as expeditiously as possible." PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AUGUST 10, 1998 MEETING RE: TIME CHANGE On motion by Councillor J. Ziegler - it was resolved: "That the meeting start time of the August 10, 1998 Planning and Economic Development Committee be changed from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m." Mr. T. McCabe advised the Committee that the re-development proposal for the former Best Pipe Lands would be the major issue being considered by the Committee at its August 10th meeting and was expected to be the subject of lengthy consideration. 237 FREDERICK STREET Councillor J. Haalboom advised that it was her understanding that a house of historic value located at 237 Frederick Street had been demolished during the last few days. Ms. L. MacDonald advised that she was not certain of the address but it had come to her attention that a house in the area referred to by Councillor Haalboom had been under renovation and that a wall had collapsed. LAWN SIGN BUSINESS ADVERTISING Councillor J. Ziegler advised that "The Brick" outlet had placed large numbers of lawn signs in the road right of way along King Street East to advertise a special sale over the long weekend and did not make any attempt to pick up the signs afterward. He questioned if a charge could be laid against the company in this matter and requested a staff report. He delivered a sample of the signs to Mr. T. McCabe and requested they be kept as evidence. 9. ADJOURNMENT MAY 25, 1998 PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES - 106 - CITY OF KITCHENER On motion, the meeting adjourned at 5:17 p.m. L.W. Neil, AMCT Assistant City Clerk