HomeMy WebLinkAboutBusiness & Ind - 1994-11-10BIAC\1994-11-10
PRESENT: Mike Hiscott (Chah'), Dan Beach, Martha George, Claude Schneider, John
Tibbits, Councillor Carl Zeht; David lqYeure, Tito Guglielmi and Wayne
Hussey, Elliott Currier, 15nda Kieswetter (for Roger Downer)
ALSO PRESENT: Tom McKay, Valerie Gibaut~ and Jane Jantzi
REGRETS: Atso Saarkoppel
RECORDER: Sandy Curzon
Minutes of September 8, 1994
The minutes of September 8, 1994 were adopted.
Caucus Item
IVL George presented Committee with a concern from a private developer and asked
Committee for dh'ectio~ After discussion it was agreed that the concern should be adch'essed
at the staff level IVL George was asked to have the private developer contact either Tom
McKay, CAO or Valerie Gibaut~ Economic Development to have theh' concerns adch'essed.
Africa EO00
V. Gibaut provided an overview of her trip to Namibia which was part of the Africa 9000
exchange program through the Federation of Canadian Municipalitie~ Valerie was invited
to the City of Windhoek to advise them on the creation of an economic development function
within the municipality. Visits were made to some key business leaders in the community to
determine theh' attitude towards the City. It was discovered that they felt cut-off from City
staff and no liaison was encouraged, despite the fact that decisions were being implemented
which affected theh' livelihood. A presentation was made to the Economic Development
Committee at which time Valerie encouraged them to implement the idea of an economic
development centre with staff who would keep in close touch with the business community
and provide feedback to City staff. The presentation was received with enthusiasm by the
Committee, although there was some reservation from senior staff. It was decided to take the
idea further as soon as possible with presentations to City Council It was observed that
Windhoek experiences many of the same problems as a City as Kitchener - concerns of safety,
parking, retailers, etc. Valerie said that she found the experience both personally and
professionally rewarding and found that "going back to basics" with regard to prepa~4ug a
paper on the economic development function, was a worthwhile exercise.
Personally ~V[t~, Gibaut felt that the t~qp was 'ext~'emely educational' and gave her the
experiences of a lilbtime of which she thanked management for the opportunity.
4. New Marketing Proposal
J. Jantzi presented a new marketing idea- that of developing a brochure in which local
businesses could advertise theh' product~ Advertising space would be sold to each company
and the brochure would be dist~qbuted both locally and nationally. Samples of different
brochures were dist~qbuted, it was recommended that it could be produced fah'ly
inexpensively by use of desktop pubhshing and in-house p~4uting. The cost would be offset
by the advertising doHar~
Committee reviewed samples of brochures ah'eady developed and suggested that either
Waterloo or Canada's Technology Triangle be approached to make it a joint initiative.
Dave lqYeure entered the meeting
Economic Development Division
November 10, 1994.
5. Toyota
T. McKay discussed with Committee the impact that Toyota's expansion announcement will
make on the City of IGtchener. It was noted that in 1988 Toyota used very few local
supphers, since that time they have increased their local supphers tremendously, this will
mean the announcement will have much more effect on the local economy than the original
announcement. Due to this announcement~ Nh'. Mci(ay felt that our land prices should be
increased to an asking price of $100,000 for indust~qal land. Staff mentioned that the issues
of water quality and storm water management should be addi'essed on each site prior to any
sales taking place. To that end, staff were convening a meeting immediately to discuss the
issues It was also suggested that a series of local seminars could be planned to advise staff
and local developers of development issues
Oktoberfest - Passport to Success
W. Hussey expressed his appreciation to City Staff and Council for their support of this
initiative. Nh'. Hussey felt that the greatest disappointment was the lack of VIP's who
expressed interest. Feedback from local guests was very positive, with many of them offe~qng
to provide names of contacts for next year's event. Nh'. Hussey felt that there were areas for
improvement. Nh'. Mci(ay agreed that the format was good however room for a changes in
1995 were evident. Nh'. Hussey also felt that the municipal cont~qbution was well spent and
that private fh~ns will be asked to cont~qbute more.
J. Tibbits suggested that the educational institutions be involved again next year and include
the Separate and Public School Board~ A suggestion was made that perhaps more emphasis
should be on what education can do to help business It was also suggested that groups be
invited to erect display booths (Le. school boards, institutions etc.)
Huron Business Park
J. Jantzi gave Committee an overview of the activity taking place in Huron Business Park
which included recent sales, offers, expansion requirements, water quality issues, building
per, nits, development charges, etc. She also reviewed the Site Plan Concept for Hogg Fuel
It was noted that du~qng a recent visit by staff to a local company, the issue of the lack of
Economic Development Division
November 10, 1994.
available skilled workers was discusseck The company in question recruits skilled machinists
from the Ukraine. Nh'. Tibbits adch'essed this concern and mentioned that he felt there was a
need for a local Training Centre. Such a centre could take the place of small, inadequate
machine shops in local schools, he would make the Centre available to all high school
students who would then be able to learn on up-to-date machines, giving them the skills
needed for these high paying jobs He suggested that Grade 9 students could enter an
apprenticeship program on a half-day basis, attending school for halt' the day and workshop
training for the other half. He stressed his personal feelings for the need of a Training
Centre and is hopeful that his ideas will be listened to at the PI'ovincial and Federal levels of
Other Business
]VL Hiscott thanked Committee members for theh' participation du~qng the past year.
The next meeting scheduled for December 8, 1994 will be the fh~t meeting of the 1995
Business and Industry Advisory Committee
Members of Committee mentioned that they have enjoyed theh' participation and felt that
they have had some real issues to contend with which gave them a certain amount of
personal satisfactio~
meeting adjourned 1:05 pm
Next Meeting:
Thursday, December 8, 1994
11:00 mm. - 1:00 p.m.
Council Lounge, ~nd Floor
Kitchener City Hall
Economic Development Division
November 10, 1994.