HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSD-21-038 - Heritage Permit Application HPA-2021-V-009 - 25 Margaret AvenueREPORT TO:Heritage Kitchener DATE OF MEETING:March 2, 2021 SUBMITTED BY:Bustamante, Rosa, Director of Planning,519-741-2200ext. 7319 PREPARED BY:Grohn, Victoria, Heritage Planner,519-741-2200ext. 7041 WARD(S) INVOLVED:Ward10 DATE OF REPORT:February 16, 2021 REPORT NO.:DSD-21-038 SUBJECT:Heritage Permit Application HPA-2021-V-009 25 Margaret Avenue Construction of carport addition RECOMMENDATION: That pursuant to Section 42 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Heritage Permit Application HPA-2021-V-009 be approved to permit the construction of a carport addition to the dwelling municipally addressed as 25 Margaret Avenue, in accordance with the plans and supplementary information submitted with the application and subject to the following condition: 1.That final building permit drawings be reviewed and heritage clearance provided by Heritage Planning staff prior to the issuance of a building permit. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS: This report supports the delivery of core services. BACKGROUND: The Development Services Department is in receipt of Heritage Permit Application HPA- 2021-V-009 which is seeking permission to construct a carport addition on the property municipally addressed as 25 Margaret Avenue, located within the Civic Centre Neighbourhood Heritage Conservation District. REPORT: The subject property is located on the south side of Margaret Avenue between Queen Street North and Maynard Avenue in the Civic Centre Neighbourhood Heritage Conservation District (CCNHCD). The subject property is designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act and identified as a Group ‘C’ property within the CCNHCD Plan. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994 for assistance. 3 - 1 Location Map: 25 Margaret Avenue The CCNHCD Plan describes the dwelling on the subject property as a c. 1923, 2 storey dwelling constructed in the Vernacular architectural style.The Plan also references that the dwelling was constructed for Mrs. Caroline Augustine, the sister of L. J. Breithaupt. Front and side elevations: 25 Margaret Avenue Proposed Carport Addition Heritage Permit Application HPA-2021-V-009 is for the construction of a carport addition located at the rear side of the dwelling municipally addressed as 25 Margaret Avenue. The CCNHCD Plan identifies additions and major alterations visible from the street or other public space on Group ‘C’ properties as requiring a Heritage Permit and review from the Heritage Kitchener committee. 3 - 2 In addition to the carport, the owners have plans to erect a fence along the western property line, and install a private laneway/driveway, parking pad and front entrance walkway. As per the CCNHCD Plan, landscaping and gardening in any part of the yard including fencing does not require a Heritage Permit Application. As such, thesubject of the Heritage Permit Application is only for the carport. The subject property does not currently have a private driveway, and shares a laneway with the adjacent apartment building. The “garage” on the dwelling was converted into living space by a previous property owner and the garage door is inoperable and decorative in nature. The property owners are intending to install the fence, driveway, and parking pad in 2021, subject to approvals including a Minor Variance application, and intend to construct the carport at a later date. The property owners have submitted a Heritage Permit Applicationfor the carportso that, if approved, footings for the carport can be installed at the same time as the driveway. The carport is proposed to be constructed of wood, painted a chocolate brown to complement the existing dwelling, and incorporate replica pillars and scroll work as found on the front entry way. A roof top terrace is proposed above the parking pad. The carport will be partially visible from the public right-of-way. 3 - 3 Proposed carport as seen from front façade CCNHCDPlanPolicies & Guidelines Section 3.3.2 of the CCNHCD Plan provides policy direction with respect to additions within the CCNHCD: a)Additions shall be subordinate to the original structure to allow the original heritage features and built form to take visual precedence on the street; and b)Design guidelines provided in sections 6.5 of the CCNHCD Plan will be used to review and evaluate applications for additions to ensure that the proposed changes are compatible with the existing dwelling and do not result in irreversible loss of heritage attributes. The guidelines contained in section 6.5 of the CCNHCD Plan are to be used for the design of additions within the district. The following summarizes the recommended practices and design guidelines for additions: Additions that are necessary should be sympathetic and complementary in design an, if possible, clearly distinguishable from the original construction by form or detail. The use of traditional materials, finishes and colours rather than exact duplication of form, can provide appropriate transition between additions and original structures; Additions should be located away from principal façade(s) of heritage properties, preferably at the rear of the building, to reduce the visual impact on the street(s); Form and details of the addition should be complementary to the original construction, with respect to style, scale, and materials but still distinguishable to reflect the historical construction periods of the building; 3 - 4 The height of any addition should be similar to the existing building and/or adjacent buildings to ensure that the addition does not dominate the original building, neighbouring buildings or the streetscape; Additions should not obscure or remove important architecturalfeatures of the existing building; Additions should not negatively impact the symmetry and proportions of the building or create a visually unbalanced façade; New doors and windows should be of a similar style, orientation and proportion as on the existing building. Where possible, consider the use of appropriate reclaimed materials; and New construction should avoid irreversible changes to original construction. Heritage Planning Staff Comments In reviewing the merits of the application, Heritage Planning staff note the following: The property is a Group ‘C’ property within the CCNHCD; The proposed carport addition addresses the CCNHCD Plan guidelines for additions as follows: o Additions that are necessary should be sympathetic and complementary in design an, if possible, clearly distinguishable from the original construction by form or detail. The use of traditional materials, finishes and colours rather than exact duplication of form, can provide appropriate transition between additions and original structures: The proposed carport additionincorporates traditional materials (wood) and a colour that is sympathetic to the existing dwelling and to the CCNHCD. The proposed carport is distinguishable from the original dwelling. o Additions should be located away from principal façade(s) of heritage properties, preferably at the rear of the building, to reduce the visual impact on the street(s): The proposed carportaddition is located to the rear of the property. A portion of the carport is visible from the front public right-of-way but is situated behind the front façade. o Form and details of the addition should be complementary to the original construction, with respect to style, scale, and materials but still distinguishable to reflect the historical construction periods of the building: The proposed carport additionis an appropriate scale to the existing dwellingand complementary to the existing dwelling. The proposed carport incorporates architectural detailing that is visible on the existing dwelling butis still distinguishable from the existing dwelling. o The height of any addition should be similar to the existing building and/or adjacent buildings to ensure that the addition does not dominate the original building, neighbouring buildings or the streetscape: The proposed carport additionis lower in height than the existing dwelling and does not dominate the original building, neighbouring buildings, or the streetscape. o Additions should not obscure or remove important architectural features of the existing building: 3 - 5 The proposed carport addition does not obscure or remove important architectural features of the existing building. o Additions should not negatively impact the symmetry and proportions of the building or create a visually unbalanced façade: The proposed carport additionwill not negatively impact the symmetry and proportions of the building or create a visually unbalanced façade. o New doors and windows should be of a similar style, orientation and proportion as on the existing building. Where possible, consider the use of appropriate reclaimed materials: The proposed carport additiondoes not propose new windows or doors. o New construction should avoid irreversible changes to original construction: The proposed carport additiondoes not adversely affect the construction of the original dwelling The proposed carport addition will not detract from the character of the subject property, the Margaret Avenue streetscape, or the CCNHCD as a whole. In accordance with the Heritage Permit Application form, the approval of any application under the Ontario Heritage Act shall not be a waiver of any of the provisions of any by-law of the City of Kitchener or legislation, including but not limited to, the requirements of the Ontario Building Code and Zoning By-law. In this regard, staff confirm that a Building Permit is required to construct a carport addition. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: This report supports the delivery of core services. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Capital Budget – The recommendation has no impact on the Capital Budget. Operating Budget – The recommendation has no impact on the Operating Budget. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM – This report has been posted to the City’s website with the agenda in advance of the Heritage Kitchener committee meeting. CONSULT – Heritage Kitchener has been consulted regarding the subject Heritage Permit Application. PREVIOUS REPORTS/AUTHORITIES: Ontario Heritage Act APPROVEDBY: Justin Readman, General Manager, Development Services ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Heritage Permit Application HPA-2021-V-009 3 - 6 IFSJUBHF!QFSNJU!BQQMJDBUJPO!'! TVCNJTTJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT! ui Qmboojoh!Ejwjtjpo!Ä!311!Ljoh!Tusffu!Xftu-!7Gmpps Q/P/!Cpy!2229-!Ljudifofs!PO!!O3H!5H8! 62:.852.3537<!qmboojohAljudifofs/db TUBGG!VTF!POMZ! Ebuf!Sfdfjwfe;!Bddfqufe!Cz;Bqqmjdbujpo!Ovncfs; IQB.3132. QBSU!C;!IFSJUBHF!QFSNJU!BQQMJDBUJPO!GPSN 2/OBUVSF!PG!BQQMJDBUJPO !Fyufsjps!!Joufsjps!Tjhobhf! 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