HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSD-2021-91 - OPA20/002/E/KA - ZBA20/005/E/KA - 239 Eden Oak Trail - Rockway Holdings Ltd.i Staff Report �T R Dbvelo n7entServicesDepartment www. kitchener.ca REPORT TO: Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee DATE OF MEETING: June 14, 2021 SUBMITTED BY: Bustamante, Rosa - Director of Planning, 519-741-2200 ext. 7319 PREPARED BY: Dumart, Craig — Planner, 519-741-2200 ext. 7073 WARD(S) INVOLVED: Ward 2 DATE OF REPORT: May 14, 2021 REPORT NO.: DSD -2021-91 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment OPA20/002/E/KA Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA20/005/E/KA 239 Eden Oak Trail Rockway Holdings Ltd. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA/20/002/E/KA for Rockway Holdings Ltd. requesting a change in designation from Low Rise Residential to Medium Rise Residential to permit 4 multiple dwelling buildings on the parcel of land specified and illustrated on Schedule `A', be adopted, in the form shown in the Official Plan Amendment attached to Report DSD -2021-41 as Appendix `A', and accordingly forwarded to the Region of Waterloo for approval; and That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/005/E/KA for Rockway Holding Ltd. be approved in the form shown in the "Proposed By-law", and "Map No. 1", attached to Report DSD -2021-41 as Appendix "B"; and, That in accordance with Planning Act Section 45 (1.3 & 1.4) that applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/005/E/KA; and, That the Grand River South Community Plan be repealed in its entirety. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS: The purpose of this report is to evaluate and provide a planning recommendation to seek approval of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for subject lands located at 239 Eden Oak Trail. The proposed increase in density to 239 Eden Oak Trail is being transferred from Stage 5 of Plan of Subdivision 30T-10202 (DSD -2021-67). Community engagement included: o circulation of a preliminary notice letter to owners of property within 120m of the subject site; *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994 for assistance. o installation of notice signage on the property; o a Neighbourhood Information Meeting (January 13, 2021); o follow up one-on-one discussions with members of the public; o notice letter advising of the public meeting was circulated to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject site, those who responded to the preliminary circulation and those who attended the Neighbourhood Information Meeting; and, o notice of the public meeting was given in The Record on May 21, 2021. The subject lands represent one of the last large land parcels within the Grand River South Community, and the plan is no longer necessary to guide the future development of this community. With this approval, the Grand River South Community Plan will be repealed. This report supports the delivery of core services. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The owner of the subject lands located at 239 Eden Oak Trail is proposing to change the Official Plan designation from Low Rise Residential to Medium Rise Residential and the zoning from Residential Six Zone, with Special Regulations to Residential Eight Zone with Special Regulations. Staff recommend that the applications be approved. BACKGROUND: On May 10, 2021, Planning staff recommended approval of Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the subject lands located at 239 Eden Oak Trail to the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee (DSD -2021-41). The Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee deferred the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment (DSD -2021-41) at the applicant's request. Following the May 10th Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee meeting, staff met with the applicant who has requested the proposed Zoning By-law include provisions for existing zoning regulations to remain as well as provisions for the proposed 4 and 5 storey multiple dwelling buildings. These new revisions will provide flexibility by allowing the current owner, or future owners the option to build either the 2016 development concept (Figure 1) or the proposed 4 and 5 storey development concept (Figure 3) as further detailed within this staff report. Rockway Holdings has made an application to the City of Kitchener for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment proposing to change the designation and zoning of the lands at 239 Eden Oak Trail to permit the lands to be developed with multiple residential buildings with heights ranging from 4 to 5 storeys. The lands are designated Low Rise Residential in the City of Kitchener Official Plan and zoned Residential Six Zone (R-6) with Special Regulation Provision 1 R, Special Regulation Provision 596R, Special Regulation Provision 597R and Special Use Provision 419U. A minor variance for the subject lands was approved in 2016 and remains in effect. Existing zoning permissions include: • Residential Six Zone: Permits multiple dwellings • Special Regulation 1 R: Indicates that the lands are regulated by the GRCA; • Special Regulation 596R: Permits a maximum height of 12.0 metres (4 storey buildings), addresses setbacks to Fairway Road, and does not require ground floor private patio spaces next to Fairway Road; • Special Regulation 597R: Prohibits geothermal wells; • Special Use Provision 419U: Permits small scale commercial uses. • Minor variances were granted in 2016 to permit variances to the existing R-6 zone for increased density (0.88 FSR), reduced parking (1.27 spaces per unit) and reduced balcony setbacks to Fairway Road, based on a previous development proposal. 2016 Development Concept Figure 1. 2016 Development Concept - Complies with existing zoning permissions. The subject lands at 239 Eden Oak Trail are vacant and identified as Block 214 in Stage 3 (Registered) of the Grand River Flats Subdivision (30T-10202). The subject site is approximately 333 metres wide, approximately 67 metres deep with an overall area of 2.37 hectares (5.85 acres) and has frontage along Fairway Road North with the primary access on Eden Oak Trail and two planned access connections on River Trail Avenue. The subject lands are located within a mixed density residential neighbourhood, with single detached, semi-detached and street townhouses located directly to the north of the subject lands on River Trail Avenue and 4 storey multiple dwellings and single detached dwellings located directly to the west of the subject lands along Eden Oak Trail. A concurrent Zoning By-law Amendment and Major Modification to Draft Plan of Subdivision 30T- 10202 (DSD -2021-67) is currently under review for Stage 5 of the subdivision, which proposes to transfer density from Stage 5 to the subject lands at 239 Eden Oak Trail (Block 214). Stage 5 of the subdivision is designated low rise residential and is located in the interior of the subdivision which is a predominately low density residential neighbourhood. As 239 Eden Oak Trail fronts on a major Regional road, is accessible, and has a dense multiple residential development to the west, it is a more suitable location for higher density. Accordingly, the Owner is seeking an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate the development of the subject lands with two 4 storey and two 5 storey multiple dwelling residential buildings. Figure 2 - Location Map: 239 Eden Oak Trail REPORT: The applicant is proposing to develop the subject lands identified in Figure 2 with four multiple dwelling buildings, including two 4 storey multiple dwellings buildings and two 5 storey multiple dwelling buildings with surface parking and structure parking located within the first floor of the proposed buildings. The original design concept included four five -storey buildings, three vehicular accesses (including two on River Trail Avenue and one from Eden Oak Trail), and 352 residential units. Through the review process, the applicant has amended the proposed design to respond to comments of staff and the public with respect to achieving a development with greater setbacks, reduced building heights, and reduced vehicular connections into the existing neighbourhood, which were replaced with pedestrian connections. The number of residential units was also reduced to 276 residential units. The revisions made by the applicant are included in Figure 3 (below), the revised development concept and key changes are included in table 1 (below). Table 1. Development Concept Comparison Table Original Development Concept Revised Development Concept (2020) (2021) Building Heights Four, five -storey buildings Two, four -storey buildings, and two, five storey buildings Number of Units 352 residential units 276 residential units Vehicular Access three vehicular accesses, including one vehicular access from Eden Oak two on River Trail Avenue and one Trail with two pedestrian connections from Eden Oak Trail. into the neighbourhood k � i■ �-ter i � i�,ir Figure 3 — Revised Concept Plan The revised development concept includes one vehicular access from Eden Oak Trail with pedestrian connections into the neighbourhood. The revised concept has reduced vehicular access points but still makes the site permeable for pedestrians and cyclists. The East pedestrian connection would also serve as an emergency vehicle access with bollards. Staff is supportive of the proposed development concept. Tables 2 and 3 below provide a comparison of land use designation and zoning permissions for the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. Table 2. Official Plan Designation Comparison Table In Effect 2014 Official Proposed Official Plan Amendment Plan Designation Official Plan Low Rise Residential Medium Rise Residential Designation Dwelling types Single and semi-detached Cluster townhouses and multiple dwellings, street dwellings townhouses and multiple dwellings Maximum Building 14 metres (4 storeys) 25 metres (up to 8 storeys) Height Table 3. Zoning By-law Comparison Table The key difference between the existing zoning permissions on the property and the proposed development is the location of the multiple dwellings. The existing zoning permits 4 storey multiple dwellings to be located within 2.5 metres of side yards (meaning, buildings can be located 2.5 meters from the properties along Rivertrail Avenue) while the proposed development concept would not allow any buildings to be located within 25 metres of the property line. Site specific zoning regulations are proposed to cap the building height at 18.0 metres and cap the floor space ratio (FSR) at 1.5. While the proposed multiple dwellings are 4 and 5 storeys in height, the proposed building heights and FSR include above grade structured parking. Underground parking is not feasable in this area to protect drinking water. As such, an above grade parking structure is proposed to accommodate a portion of the onsite parking. The parking structure is proposed to be screened with dwelling units along Fairway Road North although still contributing to FSR and building height. The parking structure by itself represents an FSR of about 0.4. The amount of floor space occupied by the multiple dwelling buildings represents an FSR of about 1.1, which is only slightly above the FSR approved through the 2016 minor variance. The structured parking adds 1 floor of building height to each of the four buildings. Planning Analysis: Provincial Policy Statement, 2020: The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development. The PPS sets out policies to consider in order to sustain healthy, liveable and safe communities. The PPS promotes efficient development and land use patterns, as well as accommodating an appropriate mix of affordable and market-based residential dwelling types with other land uses, while supporting the environment, public health and safety. Provincial policies promote the integration of land use planning, growth management, transit - supportive development, intensification, and infrastructure planning to achieve cost-effective Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning Permissions Permissions Zone Category R-6 with site specifics R-8 with site specifics Maximum floor space 0.88 1.5 ratio (FSR) Maximum building 12 metres (4 storeys) 18 metres (5 storeys) height of multiple dwellings Minimum side yard 2.5 metres 25 metres for buildings exceeding setback (Building 12.Om in height. setback to properties along Rivertrail 2.5 metres for buildings 12.0 metres in Avenue) height or less. Required parking 1.27 spaces per unit 1.2 spaces per unit The key difference between the existing zoning permissions on the property and the proposed development is the location of the multiple dwellings. The existing zoning permits 4 storey multiple dwellings to be located within 2.5 metres of side yards (meaning, buildings can be located 2.5 meters from the properties along Rivertrail Avenue) while the proposed development concept would not allow any buildings to be located within 25 metres of the property line. Site specific zoning regulations are proposed to cap the building height at 18.0 metres and cap the floor space ratio (FSR) at 1.5. While the proposed multiple dwellings are 4 and 5 storeys in height, the proposed building heights and FSR include above grade structured parking. Underground parking is not feasable in this area to protect drinking water. As such, an above grade parking structure is proposed to accommodate a portion of the onsite parking. The parking structure is proposed to be screened with dwelling units along Fairway Road North although still contributing to FSR and building height. The parking structure by itself represents an FSR of about 0.4. The amount of floor space occupied by the multiple dwelling buildings represents an FSR of about 1.1, which is only slightly above the FSR approved through the 2016 minor variance. The structured parking adds 1 floor of building height to each of the four buildings. Planning Analysis: Provincial Policy Statement, 2020: The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development. The PPS sets out policies to consider in order to sustain healthy, liveable and safe communities. The PPS promotes efficient development and land use patterns, as well as accommodating an appropriate mix of affordable and market-based residential dwelling types with other land uses, while supporting the environment, public health and safety. Provincial policies promote the integration of land use planning, growth management, transit - supportive development, intensification, and infrastructure planning to achieve cost-effective development patterns, optimization of transit investments, and standards to minimize land consumption and servicing costs. To support provincial policies relating to the optimization of infrastructure, transit and active transportation, the proposed designation and zoning facilitate a compact form of development which efficiently uses the lands, is in close proximity to public transit (GRT Route 23), and makes efficient use of both existing roads and active transportation networks. The lands are serviced and are in proximity to parks, trails and other community uses. Provincial policies are in support of providing a broad range of housing. The proposed multiple dwelling development represents an attainable form of market-based housing. With respect to provincial policies regarding public health and safety, the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) has confirmed that the subject lands are located outside of the adjacent corrected effective floodplain area, and safe access will be preserved. Planning staff is of the opinion that the applications are consistent with the PPS for health and safety matters. Planning staff is of the opinion that the proposed applications will facilitate the intensification of the subject property with a medium rise residential use that is compatible with the surrounding community and will make use of the existing infrastructure. No new public roads would be required for the proposed development and Engineering staff have confirmed there is capacity in the sanitary sewer to permit intensification on the subject lands. Based on the foregoing, staff is of the opinion that this proposal is in conformity with the PPS. A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2020 (Growth Plan): The Growth Plan supports the development of complete and compact communities that are designed to support healthy and active living, make efficient use of land and infrastructure, provide for a range and mix of housing types, jobs, and services, at densities and in locations which support transit viability and active transportation. To support the achievement of complete communities, municipalities will consider the use of available tools to require that multi -unit residential developments incorporate a mix of unit sizes to accommodate a diverse range of household sizes and incomes. The Growth Plan requires a minimum of 50 residents and jobs per hectare within areas designated Urban Designated Greenfield Area. Municipalities must support housing choice through the achievement of the minimum intensification and density targets by identifying a diverse range and mix of housing options and densities, to meet the projected needs of current and future residents. The subject lands are located within the City's Urban Designated Greenfield Area. The proposed development represents intensification and will help the City achieve density targets. The proposed designation and zoning will support a higher density housing option that will help make efficient use of existing infrastructure, parks, roads, trails and transit. The multiple dwelling development is also proposed to include several unit types, increasing the variety of housing options for future residents. Planning staff is of the opinion that the applications conform to the Growth Plan. Regional Official Plan (ROP): Urban Area policies of the ROP identify that the focus of the Region's future growth will be within the Urban Designated Greenfield Areas. The subject lands are designated Urban Designated Greenfield Areas in the ROP. This neighbourhood provides for the physical infrastructure and community infrastructure to support the proposed residential development, including transportation networks, municipal drinking -water supply and wastewater systems, and a broad range of social and public health services. Regional policies require Area Municipalities to plan for a range of housing in terms of form, tenure, density and affordability to satisfy the various physical, social, economic and personal support needs of current and future residents. Regional staff have indicated that they have no objections to the proposed applications (Appendix `D'). Planning staff are of the opinion that the applications conform to the Regional Official Plan. City of Kitchener Official Plan and proposed Official Plan Amendment: The subject lands are designated Low Rise Residential (Map 3) in the 2014 Official Plan. The existing Low Rise Residential land use designation permits a full range of low density housing types which may include single detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, street townhouse dwellings, and low-rise multiple. Low Rise Residential lands located on a Regional Road or City Arterial Street allow for a maximum building height of 4 storeys or 14 metres and may have a maximum floor space ratio of 0.75. The applicant is proposing to change the land use designation to Medium Rise Residential. The Medium Rise Residential designation permits medium density housing types including townhouse dwellings in a cluster development, multiple dwellings and special needs housing. The proposed land use category permits a maximum floor space ratio of 2.0 and a maximum height of 8 storeys or 25 metres. Urban Structure The subject lands are currently identified as Community Area in the City's Urban Structure (Map 2). The planned function of Community Areas is to provide for residential uses as well as non-residential supporting uses intended to serve the immediate residential areas. Within areas identified as Community Areas on Map 2 the applicable land use designation may include Low Rise Residential (the current land use designation), Medium Rise Residential (the proposed land use designation), along with other land use designations. Community Plan The subject lands are located within the Grand River South Community Plan area. This plan was approved by Council in 2000 to guide the development of the Grand River South Community. Since that time, the majority of the lands contained within the plan have been registered, developed, or are in the final stages of draft plan approval. There are a number of smaller undeveloped infill sites located in the plan area, however these lands are generally designated and zoned to implement the type of development recommended in the Community Plan. A number of components shown in the plan are also currently out of date including: • the large secondary school site which was deemed surplus by the school board and has now been developed with residential uses, • the proposed 9 -hole golf course which can no longer be supported by the Region due to the proximity to the Pompeii Wells, • the Noise Contours associated with the Regional Airport have been amended increasing the area of lands available for residential development east of Old Zeller Drive, and • the Fairway Road North bridge location was selected and is fully constructed. Based on the foregoing, staff are of the opinion that the community plan is no longer required to guide the future development of this community and recommend that it be repealed. The subject lands represent one of the last large land parcels within the Grand River South Community, and the plan is no longer necessary to guide the future development of this community. Transportation The Official Plan provides for an integrated transportation system which incorporates active transportation, allows for the movement of people and goods and promotes a vibrant, healthy community using land use designations and urban design initiatives that make a wide range of transportation choices viable. The Official Plan encourages the increased use of public transit, and endeavors to ensure that the maximum walking distance to a transit stop will not exceed 450 metres for residences, places of employment and community facilities. The Official Plan contains policies that ensure that redevelopment locates the majority of transit supportive uses within a comfortable walking distance of the transit stop. Planning staff notes that the subject site is approximately 250 metres from a transit stop located at the corner of Fairway Road and Old Zeller Drive that provides connections to the broader Waterloo Region transit system. The proposed development that is proximate to a transit corridor helps achieve this objective in the Official Plan. Urban Design The City is committed to achieving a high standard of urban design, architecture and place -making to positively contribute to quality of life, environmental viability and economic vitality. Urban design is a vital component of city planning and goes beyond the visual and aesthetic character of individual buildings and also considers the functionality and compatibility of development as a means of strengthening complete communities. Urban Design policies in the 2014 Official Plan support creating visually distinctive and identifiable places, structures and spaces that contribute to a strong sense of place and community pride, a distinct character and community focal points that promote and recognize excellence and innovation in architecture, urban design, sustainable building design and landscape design. The City will require high quality urban design in the review of all development applications through the implementation of the policies of the Official Plan and the City's Urban Design Manual. Housing The City's primary objective with respect to housing is to provide for an appropriate range, variety and mix of housing types and styles, densities, tenure and affordability to satisfy the varying housing needs of our community through all stages of life. The proposed development increases the range of dwelling units available in the city. The development is contemplated to include a range of unit types. Ground floor units will be designed to have direct access to the sidewalk along Fairway Road North, and the range of units will appeal to a variety of households. Policy Conclusion The subject applications request that the land use designation as shown on Map 3 of the City of Kitchener 2014 Official Plan be changed from Low Rise Residential to Medium Rise Residential. Based on the above, staff is of the opinion that the proposed Official Plan Amendment represents good planning and recommend that the proposed Official Plan Amendment be approved in the form shown in Appendix "A". Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment: The subject property is currently zoned Residential Six Zone (R-6) with Special Regulation Provision 1R, Special Regulation Provision 596R, Special Regulation Provision 597R and Special Use Provision 419U. The existing zoning permits multiple dwellings with maximum building height of 12.0 metres (4 storey buildings) and permits small scale commercial uses. Minor variances were granted in 2016 to permit variances to the existing R-6 zone for increased density (0.88 FSR), reduced parking (1.27 spaces per unit) and reduced balcony setbacks to Fairway Road North. The applicant has requested an amendment to Zoning By-law 85-1 to change the zoning on the lands to Residential Eight Zone (R-8) with a new site-specific regulation 769R along with continuing to apply the following: • Special Regulation 597R which prohibits geothermal wells will continue to apply. • Special Use Provision 419U permits small scale commercial uses such as convenience retail and personal services will continue to apply. Staff offer the following comments with respect to the proposed new site-specific Special Regulation Provision (769R): a) That parking be provided at a rate of 1.1 spaces per unit plus 0.1 visitor spaces per unit. Bicycle and electric vehicle parking are to be provided in accordance with By-law 2019-051. The purpose of this regulation is to provide for a parking rate which is appropriate for the development. The 2016 minor variance approved a required parking rate of 1.27 spaces per unit (inclusive of visitor spaces). The proposed ratio results in a parking rate of 1.2 spaces per unit (inclusive of visitor spaces) and is consistent with the parking rates (1.1 spaces per unit) in the Zoning By-law 2019-051. The subject lands have adequate access to public transit and pedestrian/cycling networks and adequate bike storage will be provided within the development for residents. Planning and Transportation Services staff is of the opinion that the parking rate is appropriate for the subject lands. b) That the minimum building setbacks for multiple dwellings adjacent to properties fronting on Rivertrail Avenue exceeding 12.0 metres in height shall be 25.0 metres to the shared property line. The purpose of this regulation is to ensure that midrise multiple dwellings are appropriately setback from adjacent low-rise residential homes. c) That the minimum building setbacks for Multiple Dwellings adjacent to properties fronting on Rivertrail Avenue 12.0 metres in height or less shall be 2.5 metres to the shared property line. This regulation is being carried forward from the existing zoning permissions. The regulation continues to allow low-rise residential multiple dwellings to be developed on the subject lands. The regulation will permit an option for an alternative low rise residential development (similar to the 2016 concept plan, Figure 1) in lieu of a mid -rise multiple residential development (figure 3). d) That the maximum Floor Space Ratio shall be 1.5. The purpose of this regulation is to cap the Floor Space Ratio and ensure development does not exceed the density presented in the revised concept plan (Figure 3). e) The minimum Floor Space Ratio shall be 0.88. The purpose of this regulation is to ensure the minimum density for the overall Grand River South subdivision is met and the minimum FSR aligns with the 2016 development plan concept (Figure 1). f) The maximum height for a multiple dwelling shall be 18.0 metres The purpose of this regulation is to ensure multiple dwellings do not exceed 5 storeys in height and are compatible to adjacent low rise residential homes. Official Plan policies indicate that where special zoning regulations are requested for residential intensification, the overall impact of the site specific zoning regulations will consider compatibility with existing built form; appropriate massing and setbacks that support and maintain streetscape and community character; appropriate buffering to mitigate adverse impacts, particularly with respect to privacy; avoidance of unacceptable adverse impacts by providing appropriate number of parking spaces and an appropriate landscaped/amenity area. Staff is of the opinion that the proposed R-8 Zone together with Special Regulation Provisions 597R, 769R and Special Use Provision 419U will provide for a form of development that will be compatible with the neighbourhood, add visual interest and enhanced landscaping that will contribute to the streetscape, appropriately accommodate on- site parking needs, and represents good planning. Staff recommend that the proposed Zoning By- law amendment be approved as shown in Appendix "B". Department and Agency Comments: Preliminary circulation of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments was undertaken on June 16, 2020 to applicable City departments and other review authorities. No major concerns were identified by any commenting City department or agency. Additional consideration will be addressed through the site development approval process. Copies of comments are found in Appendix `D' of this report. The following Reports and studies were considered as part of this proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment: • Planning Justification Report Prepared by: GSP Group, March 2020 • Urban Design Brief Prepared by: GSP Group, March 2020 • Functional Servicing Report Prepared by: Walterfedy, March 2020 • Geotechnical Investigation Prepared by: GHD, November 2019 • Parking Justification Study Prepared by: Salvini Consulting March 9, 2020. • Noise Study Prepared by: HGC Engineering, March 10, 2020 Community Input & Staff Responses Staff received written responses from 38 households with respect to the proposed development. These may be found in Appendix `E'. A Neighbourhood Information Meeting was held on January 13, 2021 and was attended by 54 residents. A summary of what we heard, and staff responses are noted below. What We Heard mment Buildings are too high he 4 buildings have been reduced by one floor. Site provision to cap the building height is also proposed. nAmenity Buildings are too large space has been added between buildings to break uildin wall and minimize the impacts of massing. Buildings are too close to existing The proposed buildings were shifted back towards Fairway homes Road North and are located approximately 30 metres (98 feet) to adjacent homes. A site-specific provision is proposed to prohibit buildings Privacy will be lost within 25 metres from the shared property line of buildings fronting on Rivertrail Avenue. Too many units proposed The number of proposed units was reduced from 352 units to 276 units. School and park capacity Units have been reduced, Waterloo Region District School Board and Waterloo Catholic District School Board has not Planning Conclusions In considering the foregoing, staff are supportive of the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit 239 Eden Oak Trail to be developed with four multiple dwelling buildings. Staff is of the opinion that the subject applications are in keeping with the objectives of the Grand River South Community Plan, are consistent with policies of the Provincial Policy Statement (2020), conform to Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Regional Official Plan, and the City of Kitchener Official Plan and represent good planning. Staff recommends that the applications be approved. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation of this report supports the achievement of the City's strategic vision through the delivery of core service. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no financial implications associated with this recommendation. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM — This report has been posted to the City's website with the agenda in advance of the council / committee meeting. Notice signs were posted on the property and information regarding the application posted to the City's website in the summer of 2020. Following the initial circulation referenced below, an additional courtesy notice of the public meeting was circulated to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject lands, those responding to the preliminary circulation and who attended the Neighbourhood Information Meeting, and Notice of the Public Meeting was posted in The Record on May 21, 2021 (a copy of the Notice may be found in Appendix D). CONSULT — The proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment were originally circulated to property owners within 120 metres of the subject lands on June 19, 2020. In response to this circulation, staff received written responses from 38 households, which are included in Appendix `E'. PREVIOUS REPORTS/AUTHORITIES: • DSD -2021-41 (May 10, 2021) The applications were deferred by the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee. identified a capacity concern. Amenity space is provided for the new residents and a new 2.05 ha park is proposed in Stage 5 of the subdivision. Number of proposed units was reduced and the number of parking spaces has been increased. The Parking Traffic and overflow parking Justification Study was submitted in support of the proposed parking rate and Class A Bicycle parking will be rovided on site. Access along Rivertrail Avenue is now proposed as pedestrian and cycling access only, while easterly access Access onto Rivertrail Avenue will also serve as an emergency vehicle access with bollards. Vehicles will access the site at Eden Oak Trail. The Region will not permit access off of Fairway Road North. Planning Conclusions In considering the foregoing, staff are supportive of the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit 239 Eden Oak Trail to be developed with four multiple dwelling buildings. Staff is of the opinion that the subject applications are in keeping with the objectives of the Grand River South Community Plan, are consistent with policies of the Provincial Policy Statement (2020), conform to Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Regional Official Plan, and the City of Kitchener Official Plan and represent good planning. Staff recommends that the applications be approved. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation of this report supports the achievement of the City's strategic vision through the delivery of core service. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no financial implications associated with this recommendation. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM — This report has been posted to the City's website with the agenda in advance of the council / committee meeting. Notice signs were posted on the property and information regarding the application posted to the City's website in the summer of 2020. Following the initial circulation referenced below, an additional courtesy notice of the public meeting was circulated to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject lands, those responding to the preliminary circulation and who attended the Neighbourhood Information Meeting, and Notice of the Public Meeting was posted in The Record on May 21, 2021 (a copy of the Notice may be found in Appendix D). CONSULT — The proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment were originally circulated to property owners within 120 metres of the subject lands on June 19, 2020. In response to this circulation, staff received written responses from 38 households, which are included in Appendix `E'. PREVIOUS REPORTS/AUTHORITIES: • DSD -2021-41 (May 10, 2021) The applications were deferred by the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee. • CSD -12-002, Draft Plan of Subdivision 30T-10202, Zone Change Application ZC10/08/Z/KA • Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13 • Growth Plan, 2020 • City of Kitchener Zoning By-law 85-1 • City of Kitchener Official Plan, 2014 • A-2016-103 (Minor Variance Approval) APPROVED BY: Readman, Justin - General Manager, Development Services APPENDIX& Appendix A — Proposed Official Plan Amendment Appendix B — Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Appendix C — Newspaper Notice Appendix D — Department and Agency Comments Appendix E — Public Comments AMENDMENT NO. XX TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER CITY OF KITCHENER 239 Eden Oak Trail AMENDMENT NO. XX TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER CITY OF KITCHENER 239 Eden Oak Trail i nrn Fx SECTION 1 TITLE AND COMPONENTS SECTION 2 PURPOSE OF THE AMENDMENT SECTION 3 BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT SECTION 4 THE AMENDMENT APPFnrnir.F.q APPENDIX 1 Notice of the Meeting of Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee of , 2021 APPENDIX 2 Minutes of the Meeting of Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee APPENDIX 3 Minutes of the Meeting of City Council AMENDMENT NO. XX TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER SECTION 1 —TITLE AND COMPONENTS This amendment shall be referred to as Amendment No. XX to the Official Plan of the City of Kitchener (2014). This amendment is comprised of Sections 1 to 4 inclusive. SECTION 2 — PURPOSE OF THE AMENDMENT The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is amend: • Map 3 (Land Use) by redesignating lands from Low Rise Residential to Medium Rise Residential; SECTION 3 — BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are designated Low Rise Residential in the 2014 Official Plan. Staff recommend that the application proposing to redesignate the lands Medium Rise Residential, be approved. The subject lands are currently identified in as Community Area in the City's Urban Structure (Map 2). The planned function of Community Areas is to provide for residential uses as well as non- residential supporting uses intended to serve the immediate residential areas. Within areas identified as Community Areas on Map 2 the applicable land use designation may include Low Rise Residential, Medium Rise Residential, High Rise Residential, Open Space, Institutional and/or Major Infrastructure and Utilities The amendment as proposed herein is consistent with the objectives of the Provincial Policy Statement, conform with Policies of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and conforms to the Regional Official Plan and policies of the City's Official Plan, as described in Report DSD -2021-41. Staff are of the opinion that the proposed Official Plan Amendment represents good planning, and recommends that the proposed Official Plan Amendment be approved. SECTION 4—THE AMENDMENT The City of Kitchener Official Plan (2014) is hereby amended as follows: a) Amend Map No. 3 — Land Use by: i) Designating the Area of Amendment as "Medium Rise Residential" instead of "Low Rise Residential", as shown on the attached Schedule "A"; APPENDIX 1: Notice of the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee Meeting (May 10, 2021) PROPERTY OWNERS AND INTERESTED PARTIES ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN & ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS UNDER SECTIONS 17,22 & 34 OF THE PLANNING ACT 239 Eden Oak Trail Rockway Holdings LTD. is proposing Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to permit the lands at 239 Eden Oak Trail to be developed with two 4 storey multiple dwelling buildings, and two 5 storey multiple dwellings buildings with surface parking and structure parking located within the first floor of the proposed buildings. In keeping with physical distancing measures recommended by Public Health due to COVID-19, an electronic public meeting will be held by the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee, a Committee of Council which deals with planning matters, on: Monday, May 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. (live -stream video available at kitchener.ca/watchnow) If you wish to make written and/or verbal comments either in support of, or in opposition to, the above noted proposal you may register as a delegation at kitchener.ca/delegations or by contacting Legislated Services at 519-741-2200 ext. 2203 by no later than 4:00 p.m. on May 10, 2021. A confirmation email and instructions for participating in the meeting electronically with be provided once your registration is received. If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the City of Kitchener to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Kitchener prior to approval/refusal of this proposal, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION is available by contacting the staff person noted below or by viewing the report contained in the meeting agenda (posted 10 days before the meeting at www.kitchener.ca - click on the date in the Calendar of Events and select the appropriate committee). Craig Dumart, Planner - 519-741-2200 x 7073 (TTY: 1-866-969-9994) craig.dumarta-kitchener.ca APPENDIX 2: Minutes of the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee Meeting (May 10, 2021) APPENDIX 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of City Council r,4 IL Z 4 ',_ Y r, k. IL y,� 4 ',_ Y L W. 4 ',_ Y Ll --r, It k. y,� i. 5,s L. 5� { '.• s {s Cl) '.• '.• s { s { a 1 ; O w+ w+ • O Y w LU Q ZZ co C:) J_ LLI O L!7 a Q W YaWZ LLU�Q 6i u •� v U) � O W O J � � � j = cu a c E E o ~ O W �0 N U Q N x 2 cua z O Q E o 0 LL� -i O i*Ps cu r,4 IL ',_ Y r, k. y, 4 ',_ Y r, k. IL y,� 4 ',_ Y L W. 4 ',_ Y Ll --r, It k. y,� i. 5,s L. 5� { '.• s {s '.• { t ' '.• '.• s { s { a 1 ; w+ w+ w+ w+ w+ • O Y w Of i i r d- 4Lr � * . 'W r i �* 5 'y'• 5,• 5,'• 5,�'' S, pP� y 5 IL a�, � 1: ti• ti`r,�� L Q (D z z z Q L a z LU Ua +� o YU) W U_ O' w U) z UW a O w W 0 0 0 N N O U) N w Of co C:) J_ LLI O L!7 a Q W 6i Q U o J Q Y Q O W 0 W rn M N PROPOSED BY —LAW '2021 BY-LAW NUMBER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER (Being a by-law to amend By-law 85-1, as amended, known as the Zoning By-law for the City of Kitchener — Rockway Holdings Limited — 239 Eden Oak Trail) WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 85-1; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kitchener enacts as follows: 1. Schedule Numbers 271, 272, 291 and 292 of Appendix "A" to By-law Number 85-1 are hereby amended by changing the zoning applicable to the parcel of land specified and illustrated as Area 1 on Map No. 1, in the City of Kitchener, attached hereto, from Residential Six Zone (R-6) with Special Regulation Provisions 1 R, 596R and 597R and Special Use Provision 419U to Residential Eight Zone (R-8) with Special Regulation Provisions 597R and 769R and Special Use Provision 419U. 2. Schedule Numbers 271, 272, 291 and 292 of Appendix "A" to By-law Number 85-1 are hereby further amended by incorporating additional zone boundaries as shown on Map No. 1 attached hereto. 3. Appendix "D" to By-law 85-1 is hereby amended by adding Section 769 thereto as follows: "769. Notwithstanding Sections 6.1.2, and 42.2.1 and 42.2.6 of this By-law within the lands zoned R-8 and shown as being affected by this subsection on Schedule Numbers 271, 272, 291 and 292 of Appendix `A' the following special regulations shall apply: a) on-site Parking be provided at a rate of 1.1 space per unit plus 0.1 visitor spaces per unit. Bicycle and electric vehicle parking are to be provided in accordance with By-law 2019-051; b) minimum building setbacks for Multiple Dwellings adjacent to properties fronting on Rivertrail Avenue exceeding 12.0 metres in height shall be 25.0 metres to the shared property line; c) minimum building setbacks for Multiple Dwellings adjacent to properties fronting on Rivertrail Avenue 12.0 metres in height or less shall be 2.5 metres to the shared property line; d) the maximum Floor Space Ratio shall be 1.5; e) the minimum Floor space Ratio shall be 0.88; f) the maximum Building Height shall be 18.0 metres." 4. This By-law shall become effective only if Official Plan Amendment No. _, (239 Eden Oak Trail) comes into effect, pursuant to Section 24(2) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended. PASSED at the Council Chambers in the City of Kitchener this day of , 2021. Mayor Clerk �Z a� am �rnrn 0) LO z O w o :5i w1, LO LO O Z Z z Z0 0 w Q z Q w x w o U) U U (n `) �00� 0 LLI U) LLI Z Q o IQ a0>>� W as aZ of 0 of:V W aaZ U) >-H Z >Q > Q Z W 0 � N N 00 Q N ui zz o zZzo >> OZ U z� rn> a W Y co �000`� DNO�cn W NONZ (7 wp N Q N Lu a =a 0ZLLJ (7U)i zN m U = O N 2 U) �QQQa >. 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In keeping with physical distancing measures recommended by Public Health due to COVID-19, an electronic public meeting will be held by the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee, a Committee of Council which deals with planning matters, on: Monday, June 14, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. (live -stream video available at kitchener.ca/watch now) If you wish to make written and/or verbal comments either in support of, or in opposition to, the above noted proposal you may register as a delegation at kitchener.ca/delegations or by contacting Legislated Services at 519-741-2200 ext. 2203 by no later than 4:00 p.m. on June 14, 2021. A confirmation email and instructions for participating in the meeting electronically with be provided once your registration is received. If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the City of Kitchener to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Kitchener prior to approval/refusal of this proposal, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION is available by contacting the staff person noted below or by viewing the report contained in the meeting agenda (posted 10 days before the meeting at www.kitchener.ca - click on the date in the Calendar of Events and select the appropriate committee). Craig Dumart, Planner - 519-741-2200 x 7073 (TTY: 1-866-969-9994) craig.dumartakitchener.ca Craig Dumart From: Christine Goulet Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2020 9:21 AM To: Katie Anderl Cc: Jason Brule; Angela Mick Subject: 239 Eden Oak Trail Attachments: GRF Stage 3 - Functional Servicing Report.pdf Hi Katie, I have reviewed the functional servicing report for sanitary only. Water is to be reviewed by KU and the storm will be reviewed at time of site plan application. They are proposing a sanitary peak flow of 12.63L/s which will be ok when they upgrade the sewer that's going through the SWM Block. Jason tells me he is tying that to construction approval of Stage 5. They could propose a holding provision. In their report they made mention of not meeting city standards for velocity. As long as all sewers within the right-of- way meet City of Kitchener guidelines (0.8m/s velocity), on private property they just need to meet building code. Thanks, Christine Goulet, C.E.T. Project Manager I Development Engineering I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 Ext. 7820 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 christine.goulet@kitchener.ca *-7, 7l� 91 ` Region of Waterloo Katie Anderl, BES, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Planning Division, Community Services Dept. City of Kitchener 200 King Street West Kitchener, ON N2G 4G7 Dear Ms. Anderl: PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Community Planning 150 Frederick Street 8th Floor Kitchener Ontario N2G 4A Canada Telephone: 519-575-4400 TTY: 519-575-4608 Fax: 519-575-4466 www, regionofwaterl oo.ca Shilling Yip (519) 575-4496 File: D17-40/4/20002 and C14-60/4/20005 November 17, 2020 Re: OPA 20/002/E/KA and ZBA 20/005/R/KA 239 Eden Oak Trail Block 214, 58M-597 (30T-10202, Stage 3) Rockway Holdings Limited CITY OF KITCHENER Region staff has reviewed the above -noted applications and provide the following comments for your consideration at this time. The applicant is proposing to develop this block with four 5 -storey multiple dwellings totaling 352 units on full municipal services. The purpose of the Official Plan amendment is to redesignate the lands from Low Rise Residential to. Medium Rise Residential; and the purpose of the zoning by-law amendment is to rezone the lands from R-6 Residential to R-8 Residential. The current zoning is also subject to special regulations to prohibit geothermal wells, and special use regulations to permit small convenience retail and personal services within the R-6 zone. Hydrogeology and Source Water HSW staff has indicated the prohibition on geothermal wells must continue to apply on the lands. Water Services Water Services Engineering and Planning staff has no concerns with the proposal. Staff did advise that the subject property is located in Eastside Pressure Zone with a static hydraulic grade line of 365.0 mASL. Any development with a finished road elevation below 294.5 mASL will require individual pressure reducing devices on each Document Number: 3463699 Version: 1 water service in accordance with Section B.2.4.7 of the Design Guidelines and Supplemental Specifications for Municipal Services for January 2020. Corridor Planning Corridor Planning staff indicated provisions of Region development agreement WR967927 dated July 22, 2016 continue to apply to the subject property. In particular, all provisions pertaining to this Block 214 continue to apply and must be addressed as part of site plan. The following comments would apply at the Site Plan application stage. Site Grading & Stormwater Management The site must be developed in compliance with the Final stormwater management report dated October 19, 2012 as approved by the Region. As per Regional agreement condition 8, site specific SWM report and grading plans must be provided for approval by the Region at site plan stage. Storm sewers within the Regional road right-of-way are generally sized and designed to only accommodate stormwater from the right-of-way and in some instances off road surface drainage under existing conditions. A private stormwater connection to any storm sewer on Fairway Road North (RR #53) will be discouraged where an alternate stormwater connection is available, including infiltration if soil conditions and Source Protection under the Clean Water Act permit, or if it is determined that the Fairway Road North storm sewer does not have the sufficiency (condition and capacity) to accommodate private stormwater flows from this site. It is the responsibility of the applicant' s engineering consultant to determine an appropriate stormwater outlet from this site and the sufficiency of the receiving storm system if there is no other option available and to include this information in the stormwater management report. The applicant or their consultant should contact Mr. Malcolm Lister, manager, Technical Services for the Region of Waterloo at 519-575-4432 or mlister@regionofwaterloo.ca to determine if any engineering plans and/or further technical information for Fairway Road North is available which may be of assistance. The applicant must submit electronic copies of detailed Site Grading & Drainage Control Plan(s) and Site Servicing Plan(s) along with a SWM report for Regional review and approval. This should include drainage details for the subject property, abutting properties and the public road allowance so as to ensure compatible drainage and to show thereon all existing and proposed connections to the municipal storm sewers, sanitary sewers and water mains and all detailed erosion and siltation control features, all to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. The site must be graded in accordance with the approved plan and the Regional Road allowance must be restored to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. Landscaping Plan As part of the extension of Fairway Road, it was determined that the applicant will be responsible for planting and landscaping within the Fairway Road boulevard abutting the development. The landscape plan for this Block as it applies to the boulevard must Document Number: 3463699 Version: 1 be consistent with the landscape plan approved by the Region for the Fairway Road construction project. The required security for the landscaping has already been received as part of Plan of subdivision 30T-10202 and no security would be required for the above development at Site plan application stage. All conditions related to the landscape plan as detailed in Regional agreement condition 10 would apply at site plan the stage. Transit Planning Current transit service on Fairway Road North ends at Zeller Drive and there are no plans to extend that route further east. The majority of the units in this site plan would be within a 450m walk distance of stops at Zeller Drive and Fairway Road. Transit Planning staff is currently developing new service options for Breslau, and some initial concepts include a route via this section of Fairway Road. However, this is only a preliminary concept at this stage. This would most likely be a busPlus route, operating during peak periods only. Latest options that have been developed do not use Fairway Road. Although it is unlikely to happen, a potential future stop location (should the above route be implemented) would be on Fairway Road at a suitable location. This location should be planned not to preclude the future addition of a bus stop (i.e., no street parking on Fairway). No easement would be required. Transit requirements, if any, would be reviewed and provided at the Site Plan application stage. Environmental Noise A noise study has been completed for this site entitled, "Noise Feasibility Study, Stage 3 Grand River Flats, Kitchener, Ontario" (HGC, March 10, 2020). The Study, which is acceptable to staff, recommends central air conditioning, special building components, and warning clauses for all dwelling units. These recommendations should be secured through a registered agreement with the Region and/or the City. Comments on the study will be provided under separate cover. Airport Zoning Regulations There are no airport staff specific concerns for the proposed development at this time. The applicant is advised that the subject property is within the Airport regulated area and specifically within the take -off approach surface and as such is subject to all the conditions of the Airport Zoning Regulations. For further information in this regard, please contact Mr. Kevin Campbell, Manager Operations at (519) 648-2256 ext. 8511 or via email, KCampbell@regionofwaterloo.ca. Document Number: 3463699 Version: 1 Site Plan Review Fee A Regional application review fee of $805.00 will be required at the Site Plan application stage. The City of Kitchener may collect the Regional review fee on Region's behalf with Site Plan application package. Planning Fees Pursuant to Region Fee By-law 20-001 staff acknowledges receipt of the required OPA and ZBA planning fees applicable to the applications received May 27, 2020. Regional Development Charges Any future development on the subject lands will be subject to provisions of Regional Development Charges By-law 19-037 or any successor thereof. Region staff has no objection to City staff proceeding with a recommendation to Kitchener Council on the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment applications subject to the above -noted comments. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, Shilling Yip, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner cc. Chris Pidgeon, GSP Group Document Number: 3463699 Version: 1 Grand River Conservation Authority Resource Management Division Chris Foster -Pengelly Resource Planner 400 Clyde Road, P.O. Box 729 Cambridge, Ontario N1 5W6 Phone: (519) 621-2763 ext. 2319 Fax: (519) 621-4884 E-mail: cfosterpengelly@grandriver.ca PLAN REVIEW REPORT: City of Kitchener Katie Anderi DATE: YOUR FILE: GRCA FILE: August 14, 2020 OPA20/002/E/KA OPA20/002/E/KA — 239 Eden Oak Trail ZBA20/005/E/KA ZBA20/005/E/KA — 239 Eden Oak Trail RE: Official Plan Amendment OPA20/002/E/KA Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA20/005/E/KA 239 Eden Oak Trail Rockway Holdings Ltd. GRCA COMMENT*: Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) staff have now had the opportunity to review the information circulated with the above -noted applications. Based on our review of the materials provided, we are not in a position to support approval of the application at this time. We require further information in support of the official plan and zoning by-law amendments. Please see our detailed comments below. BACKGROUND: 1. Resource Issues: Information currently available at this office indicates that the subject lands (239 Eden Oak Trail, formerly Block 214, Stage 3 30T-10202) are adjacent to an area of corrected effective floodplain. A copy of our resource mapping is attached for your reference. 2. Legislative/Policy Requirements and Implications: The Functional Grading, Servicing and SWM Plan prepared by Walter Fedy (dated March 13, 2020), indicates that the existing stormwater management pond built during Stage 1 has sufficient capacity to accommodate the proposed 239 Eden Oak Trail development. However, no analysis or discussion of water balance has been provided. As development is proposed adjacent to the floodplain of the Grand River, it should be demonstrated that the development will not have a negative impact on the local water balance. As such, we are not in a position to recommend approval of the application until such time as potential impacts to water balance have been analyzed and documented. We request that this information be submitted to our office for review. Please be advised that any future development, including but not limited to grading, in the regulated area will require advanced permission from the GRCA in the form of a permit pursuant to Ontario Regulation 150/06. Page 1 of 2 3. Plan Review Fees The GRCA applies Plan Review Fees for Planning Act applications located within GRCA areas of interest. The zoning by-law and official plan amendment applications are considered "major applications". The applicant has been invoiced for the associated zoning by-law amendment and major modification to Stage 5 of 30T-10202, so no fee will be required for our review of these applications. We trust that this information is of assistance. If you have any questions or require additional information please contact Chris Foster -Pengelly, Resource Planner at 519-621-2763 ext. 2319 or cfosterpengelly@grandriver.ca. Sincerely, Melissa Larion, MCIP, RPP Supervisor of Resource Planning Grand River Conservation Authority ML/cfp cc: Bill Seegmiller / Seth Jutzi, Rockway Holdings (email) Chris Pidgeon, GSP Group (email) Matt Ninomiya, Walter Fedy (email) * These comments are respectfully submitted as advice and reflect resource concerns within the scope and mandate of the Grand River Conservation Authority Page 2 of 2 Craig Dumart From: Planning <planning@wcdsb.ca> Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 1:27 PM To: Katie Anderl Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Circulation for Comment - 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA/ZBA) Good Afternoon Katie, Sorry for the late response, if possible please include our comments for this one. Stage 3 — A) That Education Development Charges shall be collected prior to the issuance of a building permit(s). B) That the developer shall agree in the site plan agreement/condominium declaration to advise all purchasers of residential units and/or renters of same, by inserting the following clause in all offers of Purchase and Sale/Lease "In order to limit liability, public school buses operated by the Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR), or its assigns or successors, will not travel on privately owned or maintained right-of-ways to pick up students, and potential busing students will be required to meet the bus at a congregated bus pick-up point." Stage 5 — A) That Education Development Charges shall be collected prior to the issuance of a building permit(s). B) That the developer and the Waterloo Catholic District School Board reach an agreement regarding the supply and erection of a sign (at the developer's expense and according to the Board's specifications) affixed to the development sign advising prospective residents about schools in the area. If you require any further information, please contact me by e-mail at Jordan. Neale@wcdsb.ca. Thank you, Jordan Neale Planning Technician, WCDSB 480 Dutton Dr, Waterloo, ON N2L 4C6 519-578-3660 ext. 2355 From: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 12:37 PM To: Bell - c/o WSP <circulations@wsp.com>; David Paetz <David.Paetz@kitchener.ca>; GRCA - Planning (planning@grandriver.ca) <planning@grandriver.ca>; Greg Reitzel <Greg.ReitzeI@kitchener.ca>; K -W Hydro - Greig Cameron <gcameron@kwhydro.on.ca>; Mike Seiling <Mike.Seiling@kitchener.ca>; MTO - Allan Hodgins (allan.hodgins@ontario.ca) <allan.hodgins@ontario.ca>; Carol Bacon <Carol.Bacon@kitchener.ca>; Planning <planning@wcdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Planning <planning@wrdsb.ca>; syip@regionofwaterloo.ca Subject: FW: Circulation for Comment - 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA/ZBA) Caution - External Email - This Message comes from an external organization. Do NOT click on unrecognized links or provide your username and/or password. Hi, This is a friendly reminder that the circulation period has now closed for the above noted Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications. Please forward me any comments you have at your earliest convenience. Thanks! Katie From: Christine Kompter <Christine. Kom pter@ kitchener.ca> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 2:42 PM To: Aaron McCrimmon-Jones <Aaron. McCri m mon-Jones@ kitchener.ca>; Andrew Ramsaroop <Andrew.Ramsaroop@kitchener.ca>; Bell - c/o WSP <circulations@wsp.com>; Dave Seller <Dave.Seller@kitchener.ca>; David Paetz <David.Paetz@kitchener.ca>; DSD - Planning Division <DSDPlanningDivision@kitchener.ca>; Feds <vped@feds.ca>; GRCA - Planning (planning@grandriver.ca) <planning@grandriver.ca>; Greg Reitzel <Greg.Reitzel@kitchener.ca>; Hydro One - Dennis DeRango <landuseplanning@hydroone.com>; Jim Edmondson <Jim.Edmondson@kitchener.ca>; K -W Hydro - Greig Cameron <gcameron@kwhydro.on.ca>; Lesley MacDonald <Lesley.MacDonald@kitchener.ca>; Linda Cooper <Linda.Cooper@kitchener.ca>; Mike Seiling <Mike.Seiling@kitchener.ca>; MTO - Allan Hodgins (allan.hodgins@ontario.ca) <aIla n.hodgins@ontario.ca>; MTO - Bonnie Baker <Bonnie.L.Baker@ontario.ca>; Ontario Power Generation <Executivevp.lawanddevelopment opg.com>; Park Planning (SM) <Park.Plannin kitchener.ca>; Parmi Takk <Parmi.Takk@kitchener.ca>; Region - Planning <Plan ningApplications@ regionofwaterloo.ca>; Property Data Administrator (SM) <PropDataAdmin kitchener.ca>; Robert Morgan <Robert.Morgan@kitchener.ca>; Steven Ryder <Steven.Ryder@kitchener.ca>; UW - SA <Steven.amirikah@uwaterloo.ca>; WCDSB - Planning <planning@wcdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Board Secretary (elaine burns@wrdsb.ca) <elaine burns@wrdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Planning <planning@wrdsb.ca> Cc: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: Circulation for Comment - 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA/ZBA) Please see attached. Comments or questions should be directed to Katie Anderl, Senior Planner. Christine Kompter Administrative Assistant I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 200 King Street West, 6th Floor I P.O. Box 1118 Kitchener ON N2G 4G7 519-741-2200 ext. 7425 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 christine.kompter@kitchener.ca SIM Disclaimer - This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and contain privileged or copyright information. You must not present this message to another party without gaining permission from the sender. If you are not the intended recipient you must not copy, distribute or use this email or the information contained in it for any purpose other than to notify us. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately, and delete this email from your system. We do not guarantee that this material is free from viruses or any other defects although due care has been taken to minimize the risk. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board. 2 Craig Dumart From: Carol Bacon Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2020 11:10 AM To: Katie Anderl Subject: 239 Eden Oak Trail OP/ZBA application - D&D response Hello Katie, Per application #OPA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA for 239 Eden Oak Trail by Rockway Holdings Ltd., Parks & Cemeteries has no concerns or comments. Regards, Carol Carol Bacon OALA, CSLA Landscape Architect Design & Development Parks and Cemeteries City of Kitchener 519-741-2600 ex. 4405 cellular: 519-580-6843 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 Carol. Bacon(d-)kitchener.ca Discover nature in the city: www.kitchener.ca/parks A City for Everyone — Working Together — Growing Thoughtfully — Building Community Craig Dumart From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hi Katie, No cultural heritage issues. Victoria Victoria Grohn Wednesday, August 05, 2020 5:13 PM Katie Anderl FW: Circulation for Comment - 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA/ZBA) department & agency letter - 239 Eden Oak Tr.pdf Victoria Grohn Planner (Heritage) I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 ext. 7041 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 victoria.grohn(a.kitchener.ca From: Christine Kompter<Christine.Kompter@kitchener.ca> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 2:42 PM To: Aaron McCrimmon-Jones <Aaron.McCrimmon-Jones@kitchener.ca>; Andrew Ramsaroop <Andrew.Ramsaroop@kitchener.ca>; Bell - c/o WSP <circulations@wsp.com>; Dave Seller <Dave.Seller@kitchener.ca>; David Paetz <David.Paetz@kitchener.ca>; DSD - Planning Division <DSDPlanningDivision@kitchener.ca>; Feds <vped@feds.ca>; GRCA - Planning (planning@grandriver.ca) <planning@grandriver.ca>; Greg Reitzel <Greg.Reitzel@kitchener.ca>; Hydro One - Dennis DeRango <landuseplanning@hydroone.com>; Jim Edmondson <Jim.Edmondson@kitchener.ca>; K -W Hydro - Greig Cameron <gcameron@kwhydro.on.ca>; Lesley MacDonald <Lesley.MacDonald @kitchener.ca>; Linda Cooper <Linda.Cooper@kitchener.ca>; Mike Seiling <Mike.Seiling@kitchener.ca>; MTO - Allan Hodgins (allan.hodgins@ontario.ca) <aIla n.hodgins@ontario.ca>; MTO - Bonnie Baker <Bonnie.L.Baker@ontario.ca>; Ontario Power Generation<Executivevp.lawanddevelopment@opg.com>; Park Planning (SM) <Park.Planning@kitchener.ca>; Parmi Takk <Parmi.Takk@kitchener.ca>; Region - Planning <PlanningApplications@regionofwaterloo.ca>; Property Data Administrator (SM) <PropDataAdmin@kitchener.ca>; Robert Morgan <Robert.Morgan@kitchener.ca>; Steven Ryder <Steven.Ryder@kitchener.ca>; UW - SA <Steven.amirikah@uwaterloo.ca>; WCDSB - Planning <planning@wcdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Board Secretary (elaine_burns@wrdsb.ca) <elaine_burns@wrdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Planning <planning@wrdsb.ca> Cc: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: Circulation for Comment - 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA/ZBA) Please see attached. Comments or questions should be directed to Katie Anderl, Senior Planner. Christine Kompter Administrative Assistant Planning Division I City of Kitchener 200 King Street West, 6th Floor I P.O. Box 1118 Kitchener ON N2G 4G7 519-741-2200 ext. 7425 TTY 1-866-969-9994 christine.kompter@kitchener.ca Craig Dumart From: Dave Seller Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2021 4:20 PM To: Craig Dumart Subject: RE: 239 Eden Oak OPA/ZBA revised plan Thanks. I don't require the study up front, it can be submitted as part of s site plan application. Dave Seller, C.E.T. Traffic Planning Analyst I Transportation Services I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 ext. 7369 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 dave.seller(a)kitchener.ca 10 10 10 0 0 V 0 From: Craig Dumart <Craig.Dumart@kitchener.ca> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 20214:14 PM To: Dave Seller <Dave.Seller@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: 239 Eden Oak OPA/ZBA revised plan I would anticipate that would be through site plan as the application is only for a ZBA/OPA. IF at site plan the traffic study and site access is not acceptable then then they will have to turn the emergency fire back into a vehicular access. We are not building it into the zoning rather its only a concept plan. Or did you want it upfront ? Craig From: Dave Seller <Dave.Seller@kitchener.ca> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 20214:03 PM To: Craig Dumart <Craig.Duma rt@kitchener.ca> Subject: FW: 239 Eden Oak OPA/ZBA revised plan Importance: High The proposed pedestrian and gated emergency access along Rivertrail Ave on the attached plan is fine. Do you know when Transportation Services can expect the traffic study for the site access at Eden Oak Trail to be submitted for review and comments? Dave Seller, C.E.T. Traffic Planning Analyst I Transportation Services I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 ext. 7369 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 _d_ave.seller(a)kitchener.ca 11-1q 11 g From: Craig Dumart <Craig.Dumart@kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, April 05, 20212:52 PM To: Dave Seller <Dave.Seller@kitchener.ca> Subject: 239 Eden Oak OPA/ZBA revised plan Importance: High Mailing Address: 413 Rivertrail Avenue, Kitchener, N2AOK2 / 503 Rivertrail Avenue Kitchener Phone: Email: Date: Thanks & Regards, Saurabh Patel -11 12 -FEB -21 On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 2:33 PM Craig Dumart <Craig.Dumart@kitchener.ca> wrote: Hi everyone, Thank you for attending the Neighbourhood Information Meeting for 239 Eden Oak Trail. Please provide your feedback using this comment format below. Please return (by mail, email or fax) to the address listed below, by February 12, 2021. A copy of the slides presented, the recording from of the presentation and the Parking and Planning Justification Reports will be available by the end of week and will be posted on the City's Website: https://www.kitchener.ca/en/planninq-and-development-consultations aspx#Proposed-Official-Plan--Zoning- By-law-Amendments--239-Eden-Oak-Trail If you have a chance, please complete the engagement survey below which helps inform the City of who is attending meetings: https://www.engagewr.ca/engagement-survey-planning 1. What aspects of the development proposal do you like? Craig Dumart From: com> Sent: Friday, February 12, 2021 4:52 PM To: Craig Dumart Cr Dave Schnider Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: 239 Eden Oak Trail. Neighbourhood Information Meeting Follow Up Hello Craig, Please find below feedback on 239 Eden Oak Trail development. 1. What aspects of the development proposal do you like? - the good point was the purpose building was 32 meters away. 2. What changes do you suggest for the development proposal? - move to the original plan or reduce the no of unit. 3. What do you think it is the single most important issue for Planning staff and Council to consider for this applications? - Originally it was planned for 141 units and now it's standing at 276 units. Our privacy is also affected to increase the no of people in zone 4. - if we can not reduce the no of units then insist to go back to the original plan. 4. What additional comments do you have regarding the development application? Name Signature: 1 Craig Dumart From: 1> Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021 9:43 PM To: Craig Dumart Cc: Dave Schnider Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: 239 Eden Oak Trail. Neighbourhood Information Meeting Follow Up Hello Craig, 1. What aspects of the development proposal do you like? Park, green space, landscaping 2. What changes do you suggest for the development proposal? Less dense, less traffic, keeping traffic off already narrow and congested residential streets . Having access off Fairway would also help us slow down the traffic that does not obey the traffic speed on that section of Fairway that second of Fairway looks like, feels like and acts like an expressway. People often speed up going into the round abouts. This area is not pedestrian/active transportation friendly at all. Please have a significant amount of Boulevard landscaping so people understand and feel like they are entering a residential area. Environment is so important when it comes to quality of life and driving behaviours. 3. What do you think it is the single most important issue for Planning staff and Council to consider for this applications? Traffic, speed, roadway congestion, safety for active transportation. This area needs to be less vehicle heavy which is the exact opposite of what your plan will do. 4. What additional comments do you have regarding the development application? This entire community is a mess! We need less cars, less density not more. We need more playgrounds, sports fields, trails and community gathering spaces. This area has already outgrown the playgrounds and schools. Hundreds of children are walking along and crossing major arterial regional roads because they don't have an alternative safe path to and from school. This area does not feel like part of Kitchener and the Region of Waterloo. We feel left out as we have no close community amenities. We drove to other parts of the Region to go to community programs and playgrounds and tobogganing hills. Please give us things to do within walking distance. Please don't keep us isolated and please don't keep burdening this area with more traffic and density. Sincerely, 110 Country Clair St, Kitchener Feb 11, 2011 On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 2:33 PM Craig Dumart <Craig.Dumart kitchener.ca> wrote: Hi everyone, Thank you for attending the Neighbourhood Information Meeting for 239 Eden Oak Trail. Please provide your feedback using this comment format below. Please return (by mail, email or fax) to the address listed below, by February 12, 2021. A copy of the slides presented, the recording from of the presentation and the Parking and Planning Justification Reports will be available by the end of week and will be posted on the City's Website: https://www.kitchener.ca/en/planning-and-development-consultations aspx#Proposed Official Plan Zoning By-law-Amendments--239-Eden-Oak-Trail If you have a chance, please complete the engagement survey below which helps inform the City of who is attending meetings: https://www.engagewr.ca/engagement-survey-planning 1. What aspects of the development proposal do you like? 2. What changes do you suggest for the development proposal? Craig Dumart From: 1 Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021 7:45 PM To: Craig Dumart Cc: Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: 239 Eden Oak Trail. Neighbourhood Information Meeting Follow Up Hi Craig, I am returning your email to give feedback on the Neighbourhood Information Meeting for 239 Eden Oak Trail 1. What aspects of the development proposal do you like? We liked the increased distance of the property line for more privacy, as well as the reduction in height/floors. We also were glad that the entrances on Rivertrail Ave were amended. 2. What changes do you suggest for the development proposal? As it was mentioned in the meeting, the one way entrance on Rivertrail Ave is for the purpose of emergency vehicles. If a gate could be added so that it is for emergency use only, that would be better as it would prevent people from going the wrong way by accident (or on purpose) and causing more traffic issues. 3. What do you think is the single most important issue for Planning staff and Council to consider for this applications? Parking and traffic along both Rivertrail Ave and Eden -Oak Trail, as there is limited street parking available on both streets, particularly on Rivertrail Ave. 4. What additional comments do you have regarding the development application? No additional comments apart from what's already been mentioned. Name: Signature: Mailing Address: 405 Rivertrail Ave, Kitchener ON N2AOK2 Phone: Email: ,.. -1 . __ Date: _Feb 11 th, 2021 Kind regards, Amy and Nicholas On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 2:33 PM Craig Dumart <Craig.DUmart@kitchener.ca> wrote: Hi everyone, Thank you for attending the Neighbourhood Information Meeting for 239 Eden Oak Trail. Please provide your feedback using this comment format below. Please return (by mail, email or fax) to the address listed below, by February 12, 2021. A copy of the slides presented, the recording from of the presentation and the Parking and Planning Justification Reports will be available by the end of week and will be posted on the City's Website: https://www.kitchener.ca/en/planning-and-development-consultations aspx#Proposed-Official-Plan--Zoning- By-law-Amendments--239-Eden-Oak-Trail If you have a chance, please complete the engagement survey below which helps inform the City of who is attending meetings: Craig Dumart From: Sent: Monday, January ,M To: Craig Dumart Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: 239 Eden Oak Trail. Neighbourhood Information Meeting Follow Up Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 2:33 PM Craig Dumart <Craig.Dumart@kitchener.ca> wrote: Hi everyone, Thank you for attending the Neighbourhood Information Meeting for 239 Eden Oak Trail. Please provide your feedback using this comment format below. Please return (by mail, email or fax) to the address listed below, by February 12, 2021. A copy of the slides presented, the recording from of the presentation and the Parking and Planning Justification Reports will be available by the end of week and will be posted on the City's Website: https://www.kitchener.ca/en/planning-and-development-consultations.aspx#Proposed-Official-Plan--Zoning- By-law-Amendments--239-Eden-Oak-Trail If you have a chance, please complete the engagement survey below which helps inform the City of who is attending meetings: https://www.engagewr.ca/engagement-survey-planning 1. What aspects of the development proposal do you like? 2. What changes do you suggest for the development proposal? Absolutely no changes , keep it to 2016 proposed plan by builder, just townhouses, no apartment buildings 3. What do you think it is the single most important issue for Planning staff and Council to consider for this applications? Provide residents clean and pollution free environment. dont get intimidated by Rockway 4. What additional comments do you have regarding the development application? I have left you messages regarding 239 Eden Oak Trail but still waiting for your reply, I am resident on River Oak Trail and proposed new plan is affecting my residence adversely in all aspects of environment, clean air which we breathe in and safety of our neighbourhood, as per GRF Stage 3 planning justification Report, Page 3, Section C and H, it is duty of city of kitchener to protect rights of residents. I attended the latest meeting and found it power show of Rockway Holdings Limited to intimidate local residents of area, I condemn the proposed plan and request to City of Kitchener to hold this matter until pandemic conditions removed and residents can have meetings to discuss their their concerns until then I ask you to keep it to 2016 state and don't do the slightest change without residents consent. I hope my message is concise and clear, if you have any questions or inquiries please call me at 514-945-002, 1 live at 461 Rivertrail Avenue in case you need to reach me. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. To ensure that we receive only one set of comments from each individual, staff can only consider comments if they include a name and address. Please note that all comments and addresses noted on this form may be used as part of a public staff report; however your name and any other personal identifying information will be kept confidential in accordance with Freedom of Information regulations. Name: - T Signature: --r—vir. Mailing Address: 461 Rivertrail Avenue Kitchener, N2A OK2 Phone: Email: Date: 1/25/2021 To learn more about the planning process, you can check out the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's publication Citizens' Guide to Land Use Planning at: http://www.mahgov.on.ca/Page338.aspx Please Direct All Questions and Comments to: Craig Dumart, Planner 519.741.2200 x 7073 craig.dumart(a-)-kitchener.ca City Hall, P.O. Box 1118 200 King Street West, Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4G7 FAX: 519.741.2624, TDD\TYY: 866.969.9994 Craig Dumart, BES, MCIP, RPP Planner I Planning Division I City of Kitchener (519) 741-2200 ext 7073 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 craig.dumart(o)-kitchener.ca 3 Craig Dumart From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi. Thanks for having it. First off i> Tuesday, January i v, LVG , i: 10 HIVE Craig Dumart Dave Schnider [EXTERNAL] Re: 239 Eden Oak Trail. Neighbourhood Information Meeting Follow Up 1. Why is this a reply email and not Microsoft forms, Google forms, survey monkey, or something else. This data can't be parsed, isn't anonymous, and makes me question if it'll even be read. Like who is honestly going to go through possibly 100+ emails and pull the data out? 2. 1 applaud the communication however a typed Q&A was an extremely poor way to do it. Unmuting mic's to allow us to actually express our opinions would have been a far better approach. You could simply unmute one person at a time and then let us ask and then muting us again. It may have even gone faster. Alright now onto this 'survey. I'm in shock it's done this way. 1. What aspects of the development proposal do you like? I truly believe you did actually listen to the feedback which feels rare. The shortening of at least two buildings makes the parking space per unit almost acceptable. 2. What changes do you suggest for the development proposal? 1.5 spaces per unit for such a remote area in my opinion should have been the goal. You can't say .8 or whatever the hell is acceptable the same way out here as it is down town kitchener. The bus doesn't even come out here properly. Everyone WILL have two cars. It's impossible to not have at least 1 so 0.8 is just stupid. 1.2 is barely acceptable. Downtown 0.8 per unit 1100% understand and support, if I lived down town and worked down town I wouldn't have a car, however you honestly can't tell me you could live in a remote suburb without a car. You can't just blanket say 0.8 is acceptable everywhere. That means 20% of people wouldn't have a car at all. Please tell me how the hell people will live out here? There aren't buses... Finally, planting a couple "trees" isn't fair to those who have to look at those condo parking lots. You guys should be going full cedar bushes to help block the light and noise. 3. What do you think it is the single most important issue for Planning staff and Council to consider for this applications? God damn parking. I don't think you guys understand how many cars people in this particular suburb have. I have people living in town houses around me with THREE cars. Our streets are already packed. Not a single house has only one car. 1.5 spaces per unit is an absolute must. I'll admit you guys pushing those buildings up, man that's clever as hell. You guys really nailed the privacy issue on that and I'll give you guys full credit. However 1.2 spaces is not enough. We aren't close to anything, you can't even get gas near us. There isn't even a convenience store within walking distance. If you guys bumped parking up to 1.5 I'd be on your side praising you guys. At the very least every other tenant able to have 2 cars would help with the parking. The park across from those condos is going to be absolutely slammed with cars 24/7. It's going to feel like a parking lot more than a park. 4. What additional comments do you have regarding the development application? You guys have almost nailed it. Bring another building down to 4 storeys to fix the parking issue and call it a day. You have enough condos between here and stage 5. Two 5 storey buildings is ridiculous for this area because you guys didn't plan for proper parking. This is on you guys and poor planning. You'll always have people pissed off about condos but 80% of the comments from that meeting were worried about parking. You have an obligation to make this community safe and inviting. If anytime someone has 3-4 friends over and they have to walk 4 blocks to find a parking spot. You have failed as city planners. We don't live down town, you can't treat us the same. If I could walk to zhers or food basics this wouldn't be an issue. We have NOTHING out here that is walkable, it's a reality that is never going to change because of the airport, and conservation lands, you can bs us and say "in the future". There's no land to develop for commercial and we all know it. You want higher storeys and more density? Make the future condos in front of the high school higher down the road. At least they're near a bus stop. Here's some personal info. Name: Address: 2 crossbridEe avP Phone: Craig Dumart From: Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 8:38 PM To: Katie Anderl Subject: [EXTERNAL] 239 Eden Oak Development Good evening, I am writing about the proposed development at 239 Eden Oak. My address is As "I support this development if as proposed it includes retail at the bottom of development. The area is lacking small / medium size retail in walking distance and this would work well within the community. The height increase does not bother me as the project faces Fairway Road." Thank you, Craig Dumart From: Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 10:26 PM To: Katie Anderl Subject: [EXTERNAL] 239 Eden Oak Trail To Mrs. Anderl, We are emailing you today regarding 239 Eden Oak Trail and the proposed zoning change. Some problems we have wig' „gfe:the potential influx of people into the neighbourhood. We believe this would crowd the area and clog some of the local parks. We have no issue with condos up to 3 stories being built there, like the ones across the street. But we think the 5-6 story building that is being proposed would be too large. On top of that, the proposed building would ruin the natural scenery as our family likes to go on walks to the bridge on Fairway road. Not to mention that the proposed multistory apartments might have a negative impact on the owners of the larger homes around the area who bought their homes in this particular neighbourhood because of the peacefulness of the area. In conclusion, we think that the proposed plan to change the zoning from R-6 to R-8 would be bad for the community because it crowds the neighbourhood, ruins the view plus the natural landscape, and could have a negative impact on homeowners who own larger homes in the area and are paying large amounts of property taxes and this would not be fair to those homeowners. Best Regards, --- - .,-..,... ---- Mailing Address: Craig Dumart From: 11 Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:26 AM To: Katie Anderl Subject: [EXTERNAL] 239 Eden Oak Trail development Dear Ms. Anderl; My name is Karinn Martel -Logue and I am writing this on behalf of my husband, David Logue, and myself in regards to the planning of the four 5 -story multiple dwellings. Please, take into consideration what the impact of this will do to the environment there so close to the river. We have families of foxes and large raptors that live close by. Apart from the traffic and car exhaust, we purposefully bought because the rooftop terrace looks directly onto that area. Although, we would not mind if houses went there, we would if apartment buildings were, obstructing our view. We bought this as our forever home once our kids moved out of our previous house. It relaxes us. It keeps me focused on my writing because of the lack of noise. I'd hate to think that we would have to pick up and move again, causing unneeded, added stress. The last time we were told that an unwanted building would not impact the neighbourhood in a negative way, it did the opposite. I know from experience that buildings such as these do not always warrant the best of neighbours. I signed the petition, but not too sure if it took or not. I implore you to rethink this through. Sometimes, nature should win over money. Sincerely and with respect, Craig Dumart From: > Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 11:41 PM To: Katie Anderl Subject: [EXTERNAL] 239 Eden Oak Trail Hello Katie, I am writing to express my concern with the application to increase the amount of residential units located at 239 Eden Oak Trail This area is growing way too fast and our infrastructure is already past capacity. Our primary schools are busting at the seems, our streets are packed with cars and there are some significant traffic safety concerns. This community is already in fear due to speeding, road aggression, traffic congestion and restricted view for safe crossings due to so many parked on street vehicles. The plans for the catholic high school and the commercial buildings near Lackner will push this neighbourhood well beyond reasonable traffic expectations. And with several hundred children crossing Fairway and Lackner to access Chicopee Hills PS it seems like the City and Region are ok with jeopardizing our communities safety and walkability. Going to school or the park around here is stressful. Chicopee Hills PS had to send out several traffic safety notices and even expressed their staff were concerned for their own safety due to the volume of traffic and behaviour of the drivers. There are no off street paths in this area that connect to Chicopee Hills PS, although there was to be one on Country Clair St. Please please please consider the children who are a large percentage of the population in this neighbourhood. Please please please think of the 1000+ students in this neighbourhood going to and from school, the park or friends homes. This neighbourhood is already over populated. Ever additional residential and commercial unit bring traffic that will unavoidable push even more traffic through the subdivision. We already have traffic racing through our streets to avoid the terribly timed lights at Fairway and Lackner. Could a compromise be met by having the commercial units on ground level and only one storey of residential? Thank you very much for your consideration, Graig Dumart From: Corn> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 8:56 PM To: Katie Anderl Subject: [EXTERNAL] 239 Eden Oak Trail --Proposed Zoning Change Hi Katie, I am writing in opposition to the proposed plan designation change for 239 Eden Oak Trail. When I bought my lot, I was informed that the "Future Residential" would be similar in design to the existing structures on 70 Willowrun Drive (three stories high). I am fine with the designation of "Low Rise Residential", but I do not agree with anything higher/larger (Medium Rise Residential). The area is already busy, and not all of the homes are built. Adding capacity/people does not make sense. Street parking is already limited in the area. The heavier traffic caused by the increase in units, would make the area less safe for children in the neighbourhood. On top of that, there is now going to be a new Catholic school built directly across the street from the Subject Area on Fairway Road North, further adding to the busyness of the neighbourhood. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or need clarification. Thank you for your consideration, Kitchener, ON N2A OJ9 Craig Dumart From: > Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:48 PM To: Katie Anderl Cc: Dave Schnider; Subject: [EXTERNAL] Application to change official plan designation - 239 Eden Oak Trail Hello Katie, My husband and I are the owners / residents of _.. ve. Thanks very much for the information regarding the proposed change of zoning for the property at 239 Eden Oak Trail. We would like to state our strong opposition to the change of plans to allow medium -rise residential instead of the originally planned low-rise residential. We have outlined our concerns below. 1. We are very concerned about the amount that traffic will increase through our neighborhood due to the higher density. The roads in our neighborhood were not designed for the amount of traffic that this number of units will cause. Rivertrail Ave is not a very wide road and we are concerned about the amount of traffic vs. the amount of traffic that would have resulted from the original planned number of units. 2. People living in the townhomes on Rivertrail are parking their extra cars on the road 24/7 and this does not allow for much space for 2 way traffic to pass. I believe this is against bylaw for parking but the reality is that this is how the residents on that street are using it. 3. The same can be said for Old Zeller Drive. Old Zeller Dr was not designed for the amount of traffic that it currently has. There are cars consistently parked on both sides of the road between the roundabout and GrandFlats Trail, causing congestion. The roundabout was not designed to accommodate that much traffic, and no entrance or exit from Fairway Rd to 239 Eden Oak property means that Retail or personal service businesses would increase further the amount of traffic through our neighborhood. 4. While we really like the look of the elevations of the new property, they are not in keeping with the style of the rest of the neighborhood. The homes here are more traditional in appearance, including the low rise residential on Willowrun Drive (Where we also own a property at C1-70 Willowrun Drive). The more modern appearance of the units with the different windows, rooflines etc are beautiful, and it's great that we're seeing this trend, however they are not complimentary to the rest of the neighborhood. 5. If this proposal is approved, what are the changes / improvements to the infrastructure that are planned for our neighborhood to address the added volume. Will parking restrictions be implemented / enforced better than they are today? 6. As a professional in user -centred design, I value the importance of doing studies on the impact of space design / urban planning on neighborhoods for the residents that live there. What studies have been completed that support the change from low-rise to medium rise, higher density units in our neighborhood specifically? Many thanks in advance for any information you can provide on our above concerns. Best regards, July 15, 2020 Subject: Obieeting proposed 5 storey multiple dwellings at 239 Eden Oak Trail. To. The City Of Kitchener, Katie Anderl, MCIP, RPP DSD Planning Division Kitchener city hall, 6111 floor v 200 king st west, P.O. Box 1118 Kitchener, ON N2G 4137 We write in connection with the above planning application. We have examined the plans and know the site well. We the residents of the neighbourhood wish to object strongly to the development of these 5 storey multi dwelling units in this location. We respectfully ask for no zoning chane on this parcel not because we are anti—rowilt but because we are enthusiastic supporters of smart, planned urban development but stay close to nature. Our most compelling reasons include: Inappropriate use of large scale development in an Area of Stability – The neighborhood in which the rezoning is proposed is ail Area of Stability. Yet, the proposed rezoning seeks significant change. Contrary to the City of Kitchener Community Planning and Development staff report statements, the proposed development is large scale – and would be surrounded by residential property with only limited exception. • Insufficient road infrastructure – Nearby intersections simply cannot handle the dramatic increase in traffic that will occur if the rezoning is pemnitted which will also be heavy through traffic. Additionally, streets are narrow and do not allow for turn lanes, notably limiting traffic flown. Intersection, will become high-risk intersection for pedestrians �b ith heavy traffic flow, misaligned streets, and unclear views forpedestrian crossing. This intersection is a walking route for neighborhood resident-, to the Grand River and Grand River Park Trail. The sia*nifieant increase in traffic Mow at this intersection that will result from this rezoning is a notable risk to kids and other pedestrians. Ifthis is approved and the planned Craig Dumart From: _ __ ?ayhuygens@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 8:38 PM To: Katie Anderl Subject: [EXTERNAL] 239 Eden Oak Development Good evening, I am writing about the proposed development at 239 Eden Oak. My address is 1317 Old Zeller Drive, N2A OA2. "I support this development if as proposed it includes retail at the bottom of development. The area is lacking small / medium size retail in walking distance and this would work well within the community. The height increase does not bother me as the project faces Fairway Road." Thank you, Craig Dumart From: Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2020 3:01 PM To: Katie Anderl Subject: Submission against proposal for 239 Eden Oak Trail Good afternoon; My name is n, I live at 18 Crossbridge Avenue, N2A OJ9. I live within the residential area of the new proposal for 239 Eden Oak Trail. I am opposed to the proposal to build this multi level building from 3-4 stories to 5-6. I feel this proposed building plan will bring an increased amount of traffic congestion to an already limited area neighbourhood with a significant amount of young children. I am a mother of 3, my fear is that this new proposal will result in an increase amount of residents in the building resulting in an increase amount of vehicles on the street. I already have concerns regarding where the entry driveway is for these townhomes as the driveway is right off a very quiet street that my children play. This new proposal makes me feel unease and unsafe in my own neighbourhood, This type of change was not disclosed when we bought this property and this development may simply be the reason I have to leave this area which I have grown to love. Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 9:39 AM To: 'Hong Zheng' Subject: RE: zoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail plan change Good morning, Thanks for submitting your comments and concerns with respect to the subject application. The purpose of this email is to acknowledge receipt and to confirm that I will continue to keep you informed on this application, and any future opportunities to learn more and to discuss the proposed development. Thanks and kind regards, Katie Katie Anderl Senior Planner I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x7987 I TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 katie.anderl@kitchener.ca *Working Remotely — Please Correspond By Email — Your Patience Is Appreciated* 0 ! 01R i�t6ia —_. From Sent: Friciay, �u,, _- , �,%- To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: [EXTERNAL] zoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail plan change Good morning Katie, My husband and I own the home at 465 Rivertrail Ave. Kitchener N2AOK2. I am sending this on behalf of my mom, Gui Qin Xue who lives there. We have received the letter about the zoning plan change. My mom's concern is that the change of the building height will totally block her view. She is 84 and she spends a lot of time sitting in the backyard and enjoys the view. We bought this house based on the conditions at the time and weren't expecting this change. What is the benefit to the community of this change? It appears to be for the sole benefit of the developer. It seeks to increase the density of an already quite dense area and further seeks to decrease to amount of parking while increasing the number of households. The intersection of Eden Oak Trail and Fairway Rd is already congested with cars parking on the street on both sides. This change can only serve to exacerbate this condition. We feel that this change could have a long-term impact of the value of our home as well as on the daily quality of life of my mother. Given that we can see nothing but a negative impact on the community, we would like to register our objection to the zoning plan change. Thanks in advance for considering our concerns. Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 9:31 AM To: Subject: KE: Written response inquiry RE: 239 Eden Oak Trail Rezoning Application An electronic submission indicating names and addresses is fine. I agree that circulating a letter to be individually signed is likely not a safe approach at the current time. Thanks for checking in, Katie From: _. _. _ .ca> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 10:19 AM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Written response inquiry RE: 239 Eden Oak Trail Rezoning Application Hi Katie, I trust this email finds you well. I have prepared a response in opposition of the homeowners adjacent to the subject site (239 Eden Oak Trail) for which the rezoning application was submitted. I am writing to inquire whether you'd prefer for the response to be signed individually, or endorsed with their information such that you can contact them for confirmation. As you know, coordinating signatures during the COVID pandemic would not be the best course of action; not everyone will be comfortable in sharing their signatures electronically. Please kindly advise, - -,i Planning, Ph.D. Lecturer & Research Associate Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering I University of Waterloo M: +1 t21 1 E: .00.ca I W:httips://www.ahschik.wordpress.com Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2020 10:23 AM To: Subject: RE: Re -Zoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail Good Morning , Thanks for submitting your comments with respect to the proposed development. The purpose of this email is to acknowledge receipt and to confirm that I have added you to the circulation list and you will receive further updates on this application. Kind Regards, Katie Katie Anderl Senior Planner I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x7987 I TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 katie.anderlPkitchener.ca *Working Remotely— Please Correspond By Email —Your Patience Is Appreciated* From: mail.com> Sent: Monday, August 03, 2020 11:06 PM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re -Zoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail Hi Katie, Please see my comments below regarding this re -zone: have some concerns regarding the re -zone of 239 Eden Oak Trail, which includes expanding the size of the height and density which will cause an increased number of units. Some of these concerns include: Parking / Increased Traffic: Parking is already extremely limited on Eden Oak Trail near Fairway and this proposed re -zone area. Especially during non -winter months, the entire area is filled with cars, making it very difficult for current residents (including myself) to both leave or arrive using a vehicle. Almost always, our view is obstructed from both sides from the volume of traffic and parked cars (which has been steadily increasing from nearby larger units and local residents). I can only imagine the problem being magnified if this proposed zoning is allowed to proceed. The proposed parking rate of 1.2 spaces / unit is setting up the problem to be exacerbated. As parents with a new baby, the increased traffic already makes us anxious but to want to expand that further is both a scary and frustrating thing. It will make it more difficult for us when leaving and entering with a car, and then a more dangerous area for our child as he grows. Population Increase: In light of the current circumstances engulfing the world, I don't think this is the time that we should be increasing population density more than necessary or more from what was originally planned. The more people living in these mid -rises, in close proximity, the greater the chances of disease and viruses spreading (such as COVID-19). As we have been seeing, cities and areas with greater population densities have had higher cases of COVID-19 than less dense cities. And, as we saw, these emergent situations have the ability to essentially shut down the world. Now is the time to ensure we develop our areas responsibly with public health in mind instead of increasing the number of units. Thanks and please include us on further consultations, news and information regarding this development / re- zone, 215 Eden Oak Trail N2A OH6 Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2020 10:02 AM To: Subject: RE: Response - Proposed zoning R-8 for 239 Eden Oak Trail Good Morning, Thank you for taking the time to submit your comments with respect to this development proposal. The purpose of this email is to acknowledge receipt and to confirm that I have added you to the circulation list and you will receive further updates on this application. Kind Regards, Katie From: shah himanshu <himanshu1971@hotmail.com> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 10:16 PM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Response - Proposed zoning R-8 for 239 Eden Oak Trail Hello Katie, We are protesting the proposed zoning R-8 for the land 239 Eden Oak Trail. We are insisting to go with the current residential zoning R-6. Address =505 Rivertrail Ave, Kitchener, ON, Canada Contact details: Cell: email: ' Thanks & Regards, 1 Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Wr '- «lay. Auqust 05, 2020 1:11 PM To: Subject: RE: Proposed Changes to Designation and Zoning 239 Eden Oak Trail Hi Thank you for taking the time to submit your comments with respect to this development proposal. The purpose of this email is to acknowledge receipt and to confirm that I have added you to the circulation list and you will receive further updates on this application. Kind Regards, Katie Katie Anderl Senior Planner I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x7987 I TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 katie.anderl@kitchener.ca *Working Remotely— Please Correspond By Email —Your Patience Is Appreciated* From �nIines.ca> Sent: Wednesday, August u5, LVLu 1L.A PM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Cc: Jeff Hartleib <jhartleib65@gmail.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Proposed Changes to Designation and Zoning 239 Eden Oak Trail Good afternoon Katie, We are in receipt of the above mentioned proposal. We are very concerned that the City of Kitchener would consider such a proposal. We reside at 10 Crossbridge Avenue, N2A 0J9. Crossbridge Avenue consists of 5 residences, with all but our home having small children. There is also a park located directly across the street from our homes. The traffic that this proposed change will create has caused great distress for the families that live here. It appears that the driveway for this building will feed directly onto our street and the residents have a reasonable cause for concern. We absolutely, are all disputing this proposed change. While we understand that the building must be erected, I have a suggestion to make that may be a solution to the unease that we are all experiencing since the notification was received. Would it not make sense to make Crossbridge Avenue one way, denying the traffic at least coming out of the parking area non-existent or vice versa? Should you wish to discuss further, I can be reached Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 9:57 AM To: Subject: RE: Plan designation and zoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail Good Morning, Thanks for submitting your comments with respect to this development proposal. The purpose of this email is to confirm that we have received your email, and to confirm that you will be notified of any future public meetings or other opportunities to discuss the proposal. Kind Regards, Katie Katie Anderl Senior Planner I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x7987 I TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 katie.anderl@kitchener.ca *Working Remotely — Please Correspond By Email — Your Patience Is Appreciated* From: com> Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2020 2:11 PM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Plan designation and zoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail There is already too much traffic, more cars would be too chaotic and difficult in our area. More cars will cause poullotion in our enviournment. So will more construction. name Address: 210 Eden Oak Trail Kitchener ON N2A 01-16 Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2020 10:06 AM To: Subject: RE: Petition against Plan designation and zoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail Good Morning Thank you for taking the time to submit your comments with respect to this development proposal. The purpose of this email is to acknowledge receipt and to confirm that I have added you to the circulation list and you will receive further updates on this application. Kind Regards, Katie Katie Anderl Senior Planner I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x7987 I TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 katie.anderl@kitchener.ca *Working Remotely — Please Correspond By Email — Your Patience Is Appreciated* Tag From )ok.com> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 8:57 AM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Petition against Plan designation and zoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail Hi Katie, This is C nd o writing regarding the proposed plan to change the designation of this development from low rise residential to medium rise residential with commercial space. We own and live at 517 Rivertrail Avenue, N2AOK1. We have bought this house 4 years ago and have lived in it for 3 years. We love this neighbourhood for its beautiful streets, surrounding nature and serenity, and the young families who live here. When we decided to purchase this house, we made that decision based on the fact that there is no commercial space anywhere in the area. That's what we wanted as our new neighbourhood. We are starting our own family like most of the rest of our neighbours, and plan to have children soon. The last thing we want is commercial space literally next door, increased traffic and strangers who show up just to use those commercial amenities which the development is proposing to build here. Walking down Rivertrail Avenue at any time of day, you'll see young mothers with their children on foot or bicycles. They usually have to contend with more than ideal amount of traffic already. We can't imagine how bad this will be with the addition of 352 more units in such a small space. This would no doubt cause extreme traffic congestion, excessive parking on the streets making it dangerous for children, change in community character with these mid -rise developments, and inconsistencies with existing built form to the rest of the households in the area. Though the number of units proposed is already excessive, the commercial space proposal would definitely make this a neighbourhood we no longer want to live in. We fully oppose this designation and zoning change and would like to add our names to the petition against it. Thanks for your time in reading this e-mail. Please acknowledge receipt when you have a moment. Thank you, Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2020 10:13 AM To: ,c' Subject: RE: Opposition to rezoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA) Hi Thanks for coordinating this. Regards, Katie From: Alex Chik <alex.chik@uwaterloo.ca> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 10:06 PM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Opposition to rezoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA) One more signatory: _ 67 Willowrun Dr. Will send final signatories letter PDF on Tuesday morning of all who have signed as of midnight tonight. Kind regards, Lecturer and Research Associate Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Waterloo 200 University Ave. West, DWE-2464, Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA N2L 3G1 Emaii.. Wel- From: Katie Anderl <katie.anderl@kitchener.ca> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020, 2:54 PM Tf hik Subject: Automatic reply: Opposition to rezoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA) Hello, I am on vacation and will be away from the office returning on Tuesday, August 4. Should you require immediate assistance, please contact plan ning@kitchener.ca or call 519-741-2426. Please note that City offices are closed on Monday, August 3 for the Civic Holiday. Kind Regards, Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 12:14 PM To: Cc: Dave Schnider Subject: RE: Opposition to rezoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA) Hi Thank you for submitting your comments with respect to the development proposal at 239 Eden Oak Trail. The purpose of this email it to acknowledge receipt. I will ensure that you and each of the homeowners who have signed onto this submission receive notice of future meetings or opportunities to discuss this proposal with the applicant. Thanks and kind regards, Katie Katie Anderl Senior Planner I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x7987 I TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 katie.anderl@kitchener.ca *Working Remotely — Please Correspond By Email — Your Patience Is Appreciated* From: a> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 1u:u1 AM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Cc: _ ..n; Dave Schnider <Dave.Schnider@kitchener.ca> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Opposition to rezoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA) Hi Katie, I trust this email finds you well. Please find attached a response in opposition of the rezoning application (0PA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA) for subject property 239 Eden Oak Trail. This letter represents the collective position and has been endorsed by nine families at separate civic addresses (please see table of undersigned parties on page 4). As per our previous email correspondence, this electronic submission should suffice in place of physical signatures during the COVID pandemic; however, please feel free to reach. out to us at the contact information provided in the letter. Should we gather support from additional homeowners in the area, we will be sure to provide an updated list of signatories. Please keep us informed about how the rest of the public consultation process will proceed given the current circumstances. Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 3:34 PM To: Cc: Dave Schnider Subject: RE: Opposition to rezoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA) Hi Alex, Thanks for the updated submission. I'll replace the other version with this one. Regards, Katie From Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 3:33 PM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Cc: Dave Schnider <Dave.Schnider@kitchener.ca> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Opposition to rezoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA) Hi Katie, I just wanted to provide a quick update with additional signatories (currently at 24 households) from homeowners in the area. Kind regards, A Lecturer & Research Associate Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering I University of Waterloo 2 press.com From: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Sent: July 28, 2020 12:14 PM To: Alex Chik Cc: Dave Schnider <Dave.Schnider@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Opposition to rezoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail (OPA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA) Hi Thank you for submitting your comments with respect to the development proposal at 239 Eden Oak Trail. The purpose of this email it to acknowledge receipt. I will ensure that you and each of the homeowners who have signed onto this submission receive notice of future meetings or opportunities to discuss this proposal with the applicant. Thanks and kind regards, Katie 1 Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Monday, Julv 06. 2020 10:03 AM Subject: RE: Concern of zoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail Hi Thank you for providing your comments with respect to this development proposal. I will add you to our contact list and will keep you informed of next steps and future consultation opportunities. Thanks and kind regards, Katie Katie Anderl Senior Planner I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x7987 I TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 katie.anderl@kitchener.ca _ *Working Remotely — Please Correspond By Email — Your Patience Is Appreciated* �h8 From -- I .... ... J> Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 10:00 PM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: Concern of zoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail 449 Rivertrail avenue Kitchener, Ontario N2aOk2 5195775333 Dear Katie Anderl We have received the letter of the proposed changes and we have several concerns as they directly impact us. We have noted the height and the density increases in the buildings as well as the proposed layout of the parking lot. We believe that this will have a direct impact on our property, privacy as well as overall quality of living. Please keep us informed on any changes as we also need to plan our next action steps. Sincerely, 1 Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 10:26 AM To: Subject: RE: I oppose the 289 Eden Oak Trail Re -zoning Request Hi Thanks for submitting your comments with respect to the proposed development application. Could you please forward me you mailing address, so that I can add you to our mailing list? Thanks, Katie Katie Anderl Senior Planner I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x7987 I TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 katie.anderl@kitchener.ca *Working Remotely — Please Correspond By Email — Your Patience Is Appreciated* From x .. ' —^, •`'^^''.com> Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 3:51 Pro To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Cc; o..._... �m Subject: [EXTERNAL] I oppose the 289 Eden Oak Trail Re -zoning Request Hello Katie, It should stay an R6 Zone, I paid very large lot premiums to not have a building that size behind my house. Let me know any further information or counsel meetings that I would be able to be involved in -- I would like to make my communities objection towards this request more formal. Thank you, 1 Thanks Dave Dave Schnider Ward 2 Councillor City Of Kitchener 226.751.2470 24 Hour Contact Line 519.741.2345 From: I IULI I IQil.com> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 9:03:25 PM To: Dave Schnider <Dave.Schnider@kitchener.ca> Subject: [EXTERNAL] New development plans on fairway Hi Dave, Hope you and your family are doing well during this challenging time. My wife and I are residents in your wards and have a concern we would like to discuss with you. One of our neighbours just brought to our attention a planned development on fairway road. The purposely will have 300 units of a 5-6 story condo building. With stores on the main level and 2 entrances/exits onto Rivertrail avenue. We have a couple primary concerns. 1) this is already a busy street as it is with lots of young children playing all the time. To add additional heavy traffic for 300 units and stores with entrances from an already busy neighbourhood with young children playing just sounds like a recipe for disaster. 2) when we were purchasing in the area one of the developers noted this land is going to be developed in the future similar to the stacked condos 3 story at the roundabout of fairway and zeller. What is being purposed is significantly different than what was the initial plans. 3) as a resident of Rivertrail avenue I would have liked to been included in consultation with this development as it directly impacts me and my family. The neighbour who notified us received a letter from the city outlining the development yet we live less than a 2 minute walk on the same street and are directly impacted and we haven't received anything. I look forward to hearing back from you to discuss further and get more information. Thanks Sent from my Phone Craig Dumart From: Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2021 6:20 AM To: Craig Dumart Cc: Dave Schnider Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: 239 Eden Oak Trail. Neighbourhood Information Meeting Follow Up A preface to the format of the neighbourhood meeting: It was an awkward exercise where the neighborhood did not get an opportunity to fully voice our concerns (in fact being muted and not having a professional facilitator online and having questions asked but not fully addressed, then having them marked as answered was very infuriating). 1. What aspects of the development proposal do you like? The development proposal still does not clearly demonstrate sufficient effort to address community concerns. In fact, it brings to light the poor planning decisions that were made in the past (GSP group was brought in by WRDSB to move elementary school to Chicopee Hills location despite traffic concerns and against the recommendations of the City to locate the school off Morrison Road, leading to changes in community plan and exacerbation of regional traffic concerns). One shortsighted, poor planning decision to allow the school board charge ahead led to a cascade of traffic and density problems that would not have existed in the first place. Now the additional density is trying to be accommodated in this area, but without full recognition and characterization of updated neighborhood traffic studies. Additional development since the last traffic study was conducted pre -pandemic will likely change. This area remains a commuter friendly location (multiple cars per household) with access to 401, Guelph, and Kitchener. It is obvious that with additional units there will be more cars and parking needed. This will be the largest surface parking lot in this entire neighborhood, and still might not be sufficient as the developer is using unrealistic parking assumptions. The planner claimed it is poor planning practice to put high density within the community; it may be worse planning practice to clog the main roads to get in and out of a community. It is clear the city planner is already in favor of the proposed change rather than stepping back and more objectively reviewing the applicant's inability to cater to satisfy the overarching goals of the Official Plans. 2. What changes do you suggest for the development proposal? The development proposal is clearly not well thought out. The suggestion of putting a coffee shop in the last 5 minutes of the meeting by the planner made no sense at all and would have further exacerbated problems associated with traffic. It shows clearly that "planning" is just throwing random ideas around rather than a well thought out, comprehensive consideration of whether the proposed changes are fit -for -purpose and the well being of the greater community. The existing community design (i.e., Grand River South Community Plan from 2015) is well thought out and consistent with other planning instruments and was in place when the majority of this neighborhood purchased homes in this community. 3. What do you think it is the single most important issue for Planning staff and Council to consider for this applications? The single most important issue is that the proposed work is not consistent with the form and function of this neighborhood, and will exacerbate existing traffic/safety concerns in this subdivision. Traffic studies have not been conducted since additional homes have been built (and continue to be built). This is a result of a cascade of short-sighted poor planning decisions. 4. What additional comments do you have regarding the development application? Many of us have purchased homes in this area because we were sold on its location based on builders and developers indicating to us the plan to place additional low-mid rise condo units consistent with those between Zeller Dr. and Eden Oak trail. This is a substantial deviation from that plan that is not consistent with the goals of the Official Plan. This was clearly not a neighborhood meeting. It clearly was a developer and city planner's presentation to impose their plan with some limited Q and A rather than an actual neighborhood meeting. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. To ensure that we receive only one set of comments from each individual, staff can only consider comments if they include a name and address. Please note that all comments and addresses noted on this form may be used as part of a public staff report; however your name and any other personal identifying information will be kept confidential in accordance with Freedom of Information regulations. Get Outlook for Android From: Craig Dumart <Craig.Dumart@kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, January 18, 20212:33:37 PM To: Craig Dumart <Craig.Dumart@kitchener.ca> Cc: Dave Schnider <Dave.Schnider@kitchener.ca> Subject: 239 Eden Oak Trail. Neighbourhood Information Meeting Follow Up Hi everyone, Thank you for attending the Neighbourhood Information Meeting for 239 Eden Oak Trail. Please provide your feedback using this comment format below. Please return (by mail, email or fax) to the address listed below, by February 12, 2021. A copy of the slides presented, the recording from of the presentation and the Parking and Planning Justification Reports will be available by the end of week and will be posted on the City's Website: https://www.kitchener.ca/en/planning-and-development-consultations.aspx#Proposed-Official-Plan--Zoning-By- law-Amendments--239-Eden-Oak-Trail If you have a chance, please complete the engagement survey below which helps inform the City of who is attending meetings: https://www.engagewr.ca/engagement-survey-planning Craig Dumart From: . u.. _.. - '1> Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2020 11:11 AM To: Katie Anderl Subject: [EXTERNAL] Oppose building the 5-6 storey apartment near rivertrail community Hi Katie My name is Thanh. I am now living at 469 Rivertrail Ave, Kitchener, ON, Canada I have hearded that you have a plan to build the 5-6 storey apartement right behind my house instead of the 3 storey condo And I am really shock cause this will have the big impacts on our community such as we will lose the views, the sunshine. If we lose this elements. It will decrease our quality of life I have talked with the my neibough and we also can not accept this So i hope you can understand and make a building plan more reasonable Thank you Craig Dumart From: 1> Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 11:21 PM To: Katie Anderl Subject: [EXTERNAL] Objection letter for 239 EDEN OAK TRAIL Attachments: 239 eden oak.pdf, 239 eden oak2.pdf; 239 eden oak3.pdf Hello Katie Anderl, Senior Planner, My name is !a, and i am a resident of 425 RIVERTRAIL AVE., KITCHENER. We the neighbourhood residents strongly object the plan of 5 STOREY MULTI DWELLING UNITS, and hereby i have attached the letter of objection signed by most of the residents of the neighbourhood, who are deeply concerned about this multi dwelling building which will affect badly for this neighbouring residents, where most of the residents have moved from different big cities to find a quiet and nature friendly place to live in. Please consider this letter and consider our request as it will be a big safety concern for the residents of Rivertrail Street specially, if this plan will be implemented which will be great hassle and traffic nuisance for the street. Thankyou. https:Huridefense.com/v3/_http://www.homeswithnikita.ca_;! !E19_NBbORQ!Ri6j_r]QKzT-9P194fE6x7jcKOycvz- 014vAEUGz3j7R8pNHmaA6JTs3_Op8PwswLBkQ-Q$ Craig Dumart From: Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 11:29 AM To: Katie Anderl Cc: Dave Schnider Subject: [EXTERNAL] Input for Zone Change Application July 30, 2020 Ms. Katie Aderl Senior Planner Planning Division Kitchener City Hall, 6th Floor 200 King Street West P.O. Box 1118 Kitchener, ON N2G 4G7 Dear Ms. Aderl and City of Kitchener Council Members, Re: Application OPA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA I am writing to you to express serious concerns about the proposed zone change application for the development of 239 Eden Oak Trail, Kitchener. I believe this zoning change should not be allowed for the following reasons. The proposed change appears to potentially double the number of stories and almost double the number of units compared to the original zoning plan. Access points appear to be solely off of Rivertrail Avenue in two small points no larger than the width of a house. Currently this is a relatively quiet residential street with many young families living in low-rise single-family homes. We are deeply concerned about such a large increase in the number of vehicles and traffic this would bring to our street and neighbourhood. The letter sent to property owners states that there are to be 352 units in the proposed rezoned development. Assuming 1.2 parking spaces per unit, as per the comparison chart, this means an additional 422 vehicles could occupy this area. This assumes that residents of this complex would have only one vehicle. I believe many additional vehicles would be parked on our street and surrounding streets, posing a safety hazard to children and pedestrians. I am concerned about how this increase in traffic and parking could limit access of emergency vehicles to our area. This would be worsened if any of the space were to contain retail establishments. We are also concerned about how this increased traffic could reduce our access to our homes and lead to traffic bottlenecks as people leave their homes each day. In'addition to the significant traffic safety hazards, we are also concerned about how such an increase in density would affect our privacy and enjoyment of our outdoor spaces given that there would be significantly more windows and balconies looking directly on to our backyard with this proposed increase in density. There would also be increased impact on the environment surrounding the proposed complexes. As current property owners, my spouse and I purchased our home with the knowledge that this land was zoned for future development with several 3-4 story buildings (Zoned R-6), likely similar to other townhomes in the area currently on Eden Oak Trail. We are asking the City of Kitchener to keep the zoning as R-6 and not allow this increased development for the reasons we have outlined. We believe it is the safest and best option for our neighbourhood. We welcome any opportunity to discuss this matter further at a future public meeting, whether virtually or in-person. Sincerely, 390 Rivertrail Ave. Kitchener, ON N2A OK2 cc: Dave Schnider, Ward 2 Councillor Sent from my iPhone Craig Dumart From: Katie Anderl Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2020 10:11 AM To: Subject: RE: 239 EdenOak Trail - proposed zone change Hi Could you also send me your mailing address so that I can ensure you are included in any future information that may be mailed out? Thanks, Katie From: Katie Anderl Sent: Tuesdav, August nA ?mn 1 n -OR AM To; Subject: RE: 239 EdenOak Trail - proposed zone change Good Morning Thank you for taking the time to submit your comments with respect to this development proposal. The purpose of this email is to acknowledge receipt and to confirm that I have added you to the circulation list and you will receive further updates on this application. Kind Regards, Katie From, -om> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 2:19 PM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: 239 EdenCak Trail - proposed zone change Hello Katie, My name is ' I am getting in touch with you to express grave concern about the proposed zone change at 294 Eden Oak Trail. After numerous conversations with almost all of the inhabitants of the said area i can say with great certainty that entire neighborhood stands in unison when it comes to the zone change and none of us can believe that this is the right way forward for this particular area. Looking at the proposed zone change three things pop to mind: Road Traffic Kids and related concerns Privacy Like everyone else i would like an explanation as to how city plans to have the Rivertrail handle the traffic of up to 400 cars which is what we are looking at with 300 some apartments with a parking and half per apartment. How can a street handle that much traffic but can't handle a single vehicle parking? Which brings up related issues of traffic for emergency vehicles as well as garbage and snow maintenance during winter with such high traffic. Secondly, we are put in a precarious position with kids in the neighborhood. I find it an impossibility to tell my kids " hey go play in the park, or even go out to the drive way " with cars zooming by. The park currently under construction right across the planned entrance makes this even more dangerous. Now i know many people will say well a stop sign will eventually come there, that is all well and good but we all know accidents happen regardless of all of stop signs. As residents of this area we are entitled to have that piece of mind to not worry weather my kid my get into an accident at a stop sigh 5 meters from the park. Thirdly majority of us feel that we as almost every other person are entitled to basic privacy. By that i mostly mean being able to sit on our deck, being able to wake up in the morning and not have the lady from the fifth - floor look into my bedroom window. This whole situation is made so much worse when the fact that all of us paid additional amounts of our hard-earned cash for these so-called premium lots, which begs the question why? What makes them premium? Why did i personally spend 20 thousand dollars only to have the builder put a 6 -storey building there. I dare say that a lot of anger of the inhabitants is directed at the builder because we feel betrayed. We now hope that the city council will stand with us and prove to general public that profit does not trump the concerns of the people who live here and that voices of majority will prove triumphant over the all mighty dollar.. As pertaining to the further developments i would like to be kept in loop and be notified of any meetings, preferably over this particular email. Thank you ric From: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Sent: July 20, 2020 10:41 AM To: .. Subject: 239 EdenOak Trail - proposed zone change Hi, Further to our phone call, here is a link to the circulation letter for the proposed zone change at 239 Eden Oak Trail. https://www.kitchener.ca/en/resourcesGeneral/Documents/DSD PLAN 239 -Eden -Oak Circulation -Letter pdf Please email your comments and contact information to me directly, and I will add you to our circulation list so that you will receive future notices on this application directly. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Thanks, Katie Wednesday, July 29, 2020 Attention: Katie Anderl Planning Division Kitchener City Hall, & Floor 200 King Street West, P.O. Box 1118 Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4G7 Re: Zoning change from low-rise residential to mid -rise residential at 239 Eden Oak Trail To whom it may concern, I am writing on behalf of homeowners of properties located adjacent north of the subject property (239 Eden Oak Trail, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) to express our deep concerns about the zoning change application (OPA20/002/E/KA & ZBA20/005/E/KA). The undersigned and I have reviewed the documents carefully and categorically do not support the rezoning of the subject site to accommodate mid rise residential uses. The proposed intensification of residential land -use is, in our opinion, in contravention with multiple aspects of the City of Kitchener's Official, Plan (2014, hereafter referred to as OP). It is not warranted, desirable, nor appropriate (OP 3.C.2.6b). Specifically, the proposed work i) compromises the planned function of the structure component (OP 3.C.2.4; 4.C.1.8(e)), ii) is incompatible with the community character of its adjacent neighborhoods (OP 4.C.1.7), iii) is inconsistent with existing built form to adjacent residential development and community (OP 4.C.1.7; 4.C.1.8(a)). I will detail each of these points below. (i) Planned function compromised due to inevitable adverse impacts to traffic infrastructure The primary rationale for our opposition stems from our ongoing concerns with traffic congestion and street parking on Eden Oak Trail (OP 4.C.1.8(e)). Indeed, this section of Eden Oak Trail was designated as a "Major Community Collector Street", while Zeller Drive was designated as a "Minor Community Collector Street" (OP Map 11). Despite these designations, both streets are approximately the same width. Residents and visitors of both streets often occupy both sides of these streets, resulting in one-way traffic on a two-way street (Photo 1). This has been exacerbated by the refusal of the responsible parties to ticket vehicles parked on the street within 9 meters of the Eden Oak Trail and Fairway Road North intersection (in contravention with Provincial Parking Rules, https://www.ontario.ca/document/officia1-mto-drivers- hand book/parking-along-roadways, Photo 2). Residents and visitors to the existing low-rise residential condominium development on the northwest corner of Eden Oak Trail and Fairway Road North (70 Willowrun Drive) routinely occupy street parking on both sides of Eden Oak Trail, resulting in an overflow of vehicles occupying Eden Oak Trail. The proposed rezoning does not at all address the additional parking needed to accommodate the additional units; in fact, the proposed zoning change would result in less parking units available per unit (1.27 spaces/unit to 1.2 spaces/unit proposed) while nearly doubling the density (from 0.88 to 1.5 proposed). This is in clear contravention of Official Plan clause 4.C.1.8e, which stipulates that proposed amendments should ensure that "lands can function appropriately and not create unacceptable adverse impacts for adjacent properties by providing both an appropriate number of parking spaces and an appropriate landscaped/amenity area on the site." Photo 1. Street parking on both sides of Eden Oak Trail, facing north from Fairway Road North. Also note the height of the 3 story condominiums relative to the townhouses on the right; proposed midrise would be twice the height of the condominiums. Photo 2. Persistent street parking on Eden Oak Trail, up to the intersection of Fairway Road North. Even if adequate parking will be allotted on the development premises, the impact of the additional traffic on the Eden Oak Trail entrance/exit does not appear to have been thoroughly examined. Eden Oak Trail will be the primary entrance/exit to both existing and proposed complexes as it is the most direct access to Fairway Road North. This additional traffic will exacerbate the existing traffic congestion attributable to 1. street parking on both sides of Eden Oak Trail, 2. an established school bus stop at the intersection of Eden Oak Trail and Willowrun Dr. during the regular school year, and 3. additional traffic attributable to other ongoing development in the Explorer's Walk subdivision. This past winter, a vehicle travelling westbound on Fairway Rd. North turned right onto Eden Oak Trail, but due to on -street parking and icy conditions, veered into oncoming traffic on Eden Oak Trail. We are concerned about the safety of the many families with young children in the neighborhood with the additional traffic on an already heavily -used street. Arguably, those electing to live in the mid -rise development proposed may choose to use public transportation. However, the geographical location and the demographics of the community do not lend for a greater reliance on public transportation (Grand River Transit Route 23) for accessing key amenities (e.g. Lackner Shopping Centre, Stanley Park Mall, Fairview Park Mall). The existing route 23 does not offer Sunday service, further underscoring the need for personal vehicles for most working families who rely on making weekend grocery trips. The subject site is not a Primary Intensification area; the lands are not located on a high frequency existing or planned transit corridor (OP 3.C.2.6a(i)). Accordingly, this will likely result in adverse effects to the planned function of the transportation infrastructure in place. (ii) Unwarranted and undesirable change to community character Many of the residents who chose to call this neighborhood home did so with the understanding and acceptance of risks inherent to those of a low-rise residential development on the adjacent premises. The majority of residents in this neighbourhood comprise of younger and middle-aged, diverse families with young children (N2A OH6 area code; Prizm.environicsanalytics.com/). This demographic has crafted active lifestyles that involve making use of the Walter Bean community trail, outdoor parks, and biking paths in the neighbourhood. The proposed rezoning for apartment style condominiums will likely attract a completely different and possibly incompatible demographic, likely bachelor singles or couples. This is largely unwarranted and undesirable to the existing community character (OP 4.C.1.7), not to mention the potential for reduced property values in this highly desirable neighbourhood in Kitchener. (iii) Inconsistencies with existing built form to adjacent residential development and community Many of the existing homes in this community are 2 or 3 stories high. The existing condominium (70 Willowrun Drive) at the Northwest corner of Eden Oak Trail and Fairway Road North are 3 stories high. The proposed addition of at least 2 stories, if not 3, will be largely inconsistent with existing built form. Elevation drawings by the proponents fail to show that the buildings to be constructed will be essentially twice the height of the adjacent homes (including the existing condominium complex, Photo 1). This will result in substantial privacy concerns of the adjacent properties. Moreover, whereas the parking of the existing condominiums generally face inwards to the complex, adjoining properties to the proposed development would effectively be facing a large surface parking lot (for approximately 352 units x 1.2 spaces/unit = 422 spaces for vehicles) rather than a buffer strip of green landscaping. A large, surface parking lot is unsightly, unwarranted and clearly unacceptable for the character of our neighbourhood (OP 4.C.1.7; 4.C.1.8(a)). No surface (or underground) parking lots of this scale are present in this and surrounding neighbourhoods. We believe that the proposed rezoning activities are in grave contravention of the City of Kitchener Official Plan and would result in significant adverse impacts to our neighbourhood community. It is with these above concerns in mind that we categorically oppose the rezoning of 239 Eden Oak Trail from low rise residential to mid rise residential. Adverse impacts associated with the mid -rise residential development—or any development for that matter—must be carefully evaluated; options to mitigate these impacts must be investigated and implemented. Accordingly, we implore that an updated comprehensive traffic study is performed prior to voting by city council, in addition to continued engagement of the community in this planning process. Yours kindly, On behalf of the undersigned, No, Name Address, ZIP Emall Contact no. 1213 Eden Oak Trail, N2A O1-16 437 zeller dr 180 Pebblecreek Dr :100 `i Pebblecreek Dr. N2A4M5 349 Watervale cres n2a Og1 i 27 Eden Oak I Trail 135. Stillwater Street X916 eden oak crt 10 Crosswinds Dr 130 Stillwater st July 15, 2020 Subject: Obiectuig proposed 5 storey multiple dwellings at 239 Eden Oak Trail. To, The City Of Kitchener, Katie Anderl, MC1P, RPP DSD Planning Division Kitchener city hall, 6tlt floor v 200 king st west, P.O. Box 1118 Kitchener, ON N2G 4G7 We write ill connection with the above planning application Wehay e examined the plans and know the site well. We the residents of the neighbourhood wish to object strongly to the development Of these 5 storey multi dwelling units in this location. We respectfully ask for no zollmg change on this parcel trot because we are anti -growth but because we are enthusiastic supporters of smart. planned urban development but stay close to nature. Our most cornpelling reasons include: Inappropriate use of large scale developnlent in an Arca of Stability — The neighborhood in kvhich the rezoning is proposed is an Area of Stability. Yet, the proposed rezoning seek, significant change. Contrary to the City of Kitchener Community Planning and Development staff'report statements, the proposed development is large scale — and would be surrounded by residential property with only lurtited exception. • Insufficient road infrastructure — Nearby intersections simply cannot handle the dramatic increase in traffic that will occur if the re' (7 is permitted Which will also be heavy through traffic. Additionally, streets are narrow and do not allow for turn lanes, notably limiting traffic flow. Intersection. "!ili become high-risk intersection forpedestrians tivith heavy traffic flow, misaligned streets, and unclear views forpedestrian crossing. 'Chis intersection is a walking route for neighborhood residents to the Grand Riva and Grand River Park Trail. The significant increase in traffic flow at this intersectiotl that will result li•osm this rezoning is a notable risk to kids and other pedestrians. I f this is app►'o� ed and the planned development completed, the residential neighborhoods surrounding.the property will witness a dramatic increase in traffic in an already heavily con tested area. Quite simply, this rezoning is unnecessary to encourage the development ofthe subject property. l f City accepts this ar-ument, it Would then allo�� property o�� ners iti ho desire the \� ind fall of a significant up-zoning to alloxv their properties to tall into disuse and disrepair. City should not create such an incentive by accepting the proposed plan of Rockway Holding Ltd. • The Proposed Development is Inconsistent with the Neighborhood Context. • Rapid neighborhood growth —The neighborhood is ex pe>iencing rapid growth as evidenced by the significant number of multi-dweItin- buildings starting to build. This is not small scale development. this is large scale development that is inappropriate for this neighborhood. Anti-project petition — As of July 15. 2020 individuals have sighed a petition in opposition to this development of property. Neighbors Most Impacted by the Project Are Against the Project Almost every, neighbor who lives within 200 feet of the property is against the project. ADDRESS NAME SlgN;iy�TURE `lo, 1 V7 t tr d gall Jar c.�uz 35T RIJaR71944L at Al� -� •t ��W � 1`-Vtt Q A V,-_ _ ._ , .... *Ciii Ui LR.r1 � �i�: ►rte t,..��,..r � So l A\ic �^ isAve- 12PIUerrOLi