HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSD-2021-95 - Charles Street Terminal Update REPORT TO: Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee DATE OF MEETING: June 14, 2021 SUBMITTED BY: Readman, Justin, General Manager, Development Services, 519- 741-2200 ext. 7646 PREPARED BY: Readman, Justin, General Manager, Development Services, 519- 741-2200 ext. 7646 WARD(S) INVOLVED: Ward 9 DATE OF REPORT: June 2, 2021 REPORT NO.: DSD-2021-95 SUBJECT: Charles Street Terminal Update RECOMMENDATION: That the proposed guiding principles, as set out in Appendix A of report DSD-2021- 95, be endorsed; and, That City of Kitchener staff collaborate with the Region of Waterloo to advance technical work for 15 Charles Street (former Transit Terminal) and adjacent parking lot owned by the City of Kitchener; and further, That staff REPORT HIGHLIGHTS: The purpose of this report is to provide Council a project status update on the Charles Street Terminal project and seek direction to endorse a set of proposed guiding principles (proposed in Appendix A of Report DSD-2021-95) between The City of Kitchener and the Region of Waterloo prior to initiating technical study work and visioning process for this site. The key finding of this report is with the Region of Waterloo. The financial implications are allocation of studies, funded from the economic development reserve. Community engagement will include a series of consultations and engagement opportunities as future visioning and design work occurs on this site. This report supports the delivery of core services. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994 for assistance. BACKGROUND: Waterloo Region staff have allocated $800,000 to initiate background work in collaboration with the City of Kitchener in August 2020 through Report PDL-EDC-20-07. This work is required to start this year (based on funding) recognizing the project has been offset within by the pandemic, and, Covid-19 Testing Facility operations. Progress is being made on a collaboration agreement with the Region of Waterloo, which includes endorsement of guiding principles as proposed in Appendix 1. This endorsement will be followed by a more detailed MOU this fall. Regional staff are taking a similar report to Regional principles, staff are prepared to implement the project technical work. The City of Kitchener has made progress on several active transportation strategic projects near the site. This includes construction of separated bike lanes on Joseph Street and conversion to a one-way street for automobile traffic, detailed design for separated bike lanes on Ontario Street (opposite side of Charles Terminal), which are planned to start construction in spring 2022, and, the first phase of Gaukel Street finished as a pedestrian street with second phase to follow starting early 2022. These improvements will be included in the technical study work and upcoming consultation meetings. REPORT: 2019. Since closing, this regionally owned site presents a rare visioning and disposition opportunity. The start of this process involves background technical work, which was outlined in Regional Report PDL-EDC-20- update from the 2020 Report, the following considerations are identified: The Region has a lease Agreement with Grand River Hospital. th The Charles Street property is being used as a Covid-19 testing facility to Sept. 30 2021 with a lease extension option. Any site work (such as environmental testing) would need to be coordinated with the lease agreement and on-site activities. The pandemic, Covid- recovery plans, and seasonal weather are extending the project timeline. A mitigation plan will be added for consulting services to address on-site activities and conditions. An updated project timeline is provided in Appendix B Municipal Coordination. The City of Kitchener owns the parking lot, which accounts for approximately 12 per cent of the block land area, while the Region owns the remaining 88 per cent of the land. The Region and the City are seeking to collaborate on the Charles Street Terminal visioning process to ensure the block is planned comprehensively. City and Regional staff have as the foundation for a Memorandum of Understanding to follow this year. These principles will also help guide the technical site work. The basic principles focus on key project objectives based on the Region and City Strategic Plan Objectives, guiding A recognizing these may evolve through the project process. Cost Sharing. The guiding principles will establish a framework for the background technical work, and, includes a recommendation for the City and Region to enter a cost sharing principle proportionately based on land area ownership. Staff recommend starting the technical work this summer to maintain the project timeline (updated). Next Steps. The technical study work represents the first step in the visioning process. A series of technical studies will be init proposed in this report, and then, the technical information will be used as part of the public engagement process. Key next steps include: a. The first action is to update the existing conditions plans (survey work with topography). The Region has engaged a survey company and work is to start this spring / early summer. b. Other consulting services will be engaged following consideration of this report and will include a robust public engagement program. c. The consultation process will be led by the Regional (co-managed with City) communications staff and will include an engagement consultant to enhance the consultation process. At this point the consultation process will include targeted focus groups, community and Committee engagement meetings, surveys, and a design charrette session. A more detailed consultation program will be coordinated between the City and Region and in discussion with the engagement consultant. d. The consultation process will form an important part of the visioning process and staff recommendations to Council(s). There is always some risk that some ideas and proposals will not be viable for the site. A summary of ideas will be presented to both Councils. Greater discussion will be required on how to create a shared vision for this site, and may include, a new MOU between the City and Region to move to the next stage of this project. The guiding principles and MOU will play an important role in maintaining a coordinated vision and venture for the site. The time to complete the entire background process, with engagement processes, could be end of next year highlighted in Appendix 2. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: This report supports the delivery of core services. This process also aligns with many sustainability and economic development. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: (Mandatory This section must be reviewed by a Financial Analyst when there are financial implications.) The Land Inventory Reserve Capital Budget An upset limit allocation of $100,000 will be provided from the Economic with the Region providing $800,000. Operating Budget The recommendation has no impact on the Operating Budget. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: Area Municipality Communication: City of Kitchener staff have been engaged by Region of Waterloo staff and collectively are recommending a set of shared guiding principles that will be presented to both Councils. approval in the fall 2021. During this time, the Region and City are working on a more detailed community engagement plan that will be ready to launch late summer-fall of this year. Public/Stakeholder Engagement: The Charles Street Terminal technical work includes a comprehensive engagement program that will include target groups (such as the downtown BIA), committee and community meetings (eg. Housing and Homelessness Steering Committee, Economic Development Committees), on-line survey, and a community design charrette. A more detailed work program is being prepared and will include additional outreach opportunities in consultation with the Region of Waterloo. The Region will be retaining an engagement consultant to enhance the consultation plan prior to launch. Consultation findings will be presented to both Councils for further discussion and direction. INFORM the council / committee meeting. PREVIOUS REPORTS/AUTHORITIES: There are no previous reports/authorities related to this matter. APPROVED BY: Dan Chapman, CAO Appendix A Proposed Guiding Principles Guiding Principles (under review) In reviewing the regional and city strategic plans, along with other guiding documents, the following guiding principles are proposed to help guide the technical background work and establish a framework for the MOU in collaboration and coordination with The Region of Waterloo: Leverage economic development opportunities. Promote greater housing options. Active and transit supportive. Environmentally focused. Comprehensive consultation. Placemaking with a high standard of urban design. City engagement with consultant services. Technical studies cost-shared proportionately based on land area ownership. The guiding principles will establish a framework for a more detailed MOU, and, form a basis for the technical background work. The guideline principles may be updated as part of the consultation process for Council discussion and direction. The guiding principles are proposed based on the following shard strategic plan objectives: Region of Waterloo Strategic Plan Summary (2019-2023) Thriving Economy: 1) Economy. Support specific economic clusters (business supportive community to help attract and grow employers and talent). 2) Talent. Support talent attraction. 3) Transit (climate for talent). Leverage Climate Action initiatives such as LRT, transit, to attract investment and enhance talent. 4) Culture. Provide opportunities for cultural activities and events. Sustainable Transportation: 5) Improve access to public transportation. 6) Enhance active forms of transportation such as walking, cycling and transit. a. New pedestrian, biking facilities. 7) Develop planning policies that encourage more compact walkable transit oriented communities. Environment and Climate Action: 8) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 9) Take action on climate change. 10) Support Climate Action WR to reach reduction of emission levels. 11) Promote intensification while conservation natural heritage areas. Healthy, Safe and Inclusive Communities: 12) Create more and better affordable housing. Facilitate the supply of affordable housing by supporting new construction and or rent assistance.Engage community partners to identify new innovative strategies to increase the affordable housing supply. 13) Plan and support programs that enable children and youth to live healthy active lives. 14) Develop respectful relationship with indigenous people. Welcoming and inclusive spaces. Responsive and engaging public services 15) Engage public in decisions that impact the community. 16) Enhance online communications. Conduct meaningful public engagement. Other guiding documents: 1) Region of Waterloo Official Plan. 2) Region of Waterloo Housing Master Plan (including Housing and Homelessness Plan). City of Kitchener Strategic Plan Summary: People friendly transportation. Develop complete street guidelines; encourage an incentivize alternative modes of transportation; develop a plan to create pedestrian- first streets between Victoria and city hall. Promote vibrant economy. Complete urban design manual. Foster creation of city-wide network of incubators and co-working spaces and health-medtech industries. Develop Make it Kitchener strategy to attraction talent and business and arts-culture. Promote a caring community. Create an affordable housing strategy and development industry. Engage a broad cross section of the community including arts and creative industries sector and multi-cultural communities. Promote environmental leadership. Reduce greenhouse gas emission. Implement the sustainable urban forest strategy. Other guiding documents: City of Kitchener Official Plan. City of Kitchener Urban Design Manual (and Tall Building Guidelines): Kitchener Economic Development Strategy. Kitchener Housing For All Housing Strategy. Appendix B Updated Project Timeline Updated 15 Charles Site Work Project Plan (estimate) Step Process Start Finish / Target 1 Consultation Phase: 1a Public and committee consultation Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Kitchener planning consultation: -zoning bylaw 1b -inclusionary zoning / affordable Ongoing TBD housing consultation -property coordination th Short Term Property Lease Sept. 30 with 2 Spring 2021 Agreement (subject to change) extension option. 3 Study Phase (Technical work): Summer 2021 Spring 2022 3a Survey Work Summer 2021 Fall 2021 Spring-Summer 3b Environmental Summer 2021 2022 3c Market analysis Spring 2022 Fall 2022 3d Design Concepts Fall 2021 Spring 2022 3e Engineering work Fall 2021 Spring 2022 4 Council Update and Direction: Comprehensive report update to 4a June 14 2021 Fall 2022 Council for next steps 4b MOU ongoing Fall 2021 4c Possible Zone Change tbd tbd 5 Disposition Decision* Winter 2022 Late Spring 2024 6 Property closing Tbd Tbd *Disposition Decision is subject to various steps, decisions, coordination and direction.