The Compass Kitchener Advisory Committee met electronically this date, commencing at 4:15 p.m.
Present: Ms. J. Stephens -Wells — Chair, Ms. R. Lavender, Ms. L. Terry, and Mr. O. Samad. Ms. L.
Gazzola was in attendance for part of the meeting.
Staff: K. Cooper, Manager, Strategic & Business Planning
L. Korabo, Committee Administrator
The meeting commenced without a quorum in attendance.
Compass Kitchener had previously been provided with minutes of the All Advisory Committees
(Chairs and Vice -chairs) Meeting held on May 6, 2021. In addition, summary documents of
attendees' comments to the following two breakout workshops were shared:
• Workshop #1 — input given on highlights of Strategic Plan progress to date, areas requiring
more attention and comments on how a citizen dashboard would help in assessing progress
• Workshop #2 — comments on shared interests in Strategic Plan actions and projects as well
as steps/timelines for initiating collaboration
Members shared their thoughts on the All Advisory Committee meeting, noting the benefit of
having participation by a variety of advisory committee representatives sharing input and
providing feedback into the processes that Compass Kitchener undertakes. It was agreed that
excellent feedback on the status of the Strategic Plan and the citizen dashboard was provided.
Positive feedback as also shared on the use of the MentiMeter tool and the use of facilitators for
the breakout groups. The following suggestions were given for improvements: allow additional
time to respond to MentiMeter questions and to save/copy/share the comments in the chat
feature of Zoom.
Ms. K. Cooper questioned if Ms. J. Stephens -Wells, as Chair, would like to provide a thank you
email to all participants. It was agreed that K. Cooper would draft a response and provide it to
Ms. Stephens -Wells. The final messaging will be circulated with the other information from the
All Advisory Committee meeting.
Compass Kitchener continued its evaluation of the completed Strategic Plan projects as follows:
Community Climate Action Plan (ComCAP)
The ComCAP, identified under the theme of `Environmental Leadership', was originally launched
in 2014 with Council support to enter into a collaborative services agreement to create ComCAP.
In 2018, Council endorsed the 80x50 emissions reduction target (80% by 2050) along with all
other area municipalities. In 2019, Kitchener declared a `climate emergency'.
Locally, TransformWR was developed as a community -wide response, long-term strategy to
achieve the previously endorsed reduction target. A further local emissions reduction target of
30% by 2030 was also identified. This work is being led by a collaborative of local organizations
called ClimateActionWR working alongside municipalities.
TransformWR was tabled with Kitchener's Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee on June
14, 2021 and was endorsed. This recommendation will be tabled for approval by Council on
June 28, 2021. The ComCAP contains seven recommendations to Council as well as six
transformative changes proposed by 2050: most trips are taken using active transportation;
personal/commercial vehicles are zero emissions vehicles; fossil fuels are no longer used for
heating and cooling of homes and businesses; the Region uses less, wastes less and no longer
disposes organic materials into the landfill; there is a thriving local food system built on local
farming and food processing; and, GHG emission reductions are leveraged to increase equity,
prosperity and resiliency.
The City will prepare an implementation plan to outline how the TransformWR actions will
become reality and will report this back to Council for consideration. It is anticipated that
community consultations will also be included.
EDI Strategy
Identified as an action under the `Caring Community' theme in the Strategic Plan, Council
direction was provided to create a comprehensive Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy by
2020 to combat systemic barriers to full economic and social participation in the city. To begin
this work, a 45 -member committee comprised of community volunteers, organizational
representatives, staff, and Council members was formed with a mandate to draft such a strategy.
The strategy was approved and includes the following eight focus areas: policy; training;
demographic data collection; communications; hiring and recruitment; youth mentorship
program; community funding program; and, a permanent staff model. Hiring for a staff team of
five was approved and the Director recently began her employment with the city. Progress has
also been made on providing training for city staff in a variety of areas.
Customer Satisfaction Program
Introduction of a corporate -wide Customer Satisfaction Program was included under the `Great
Customer Service' theme of the Strategic Plan and currently includes post -call surveys at the
Contact Centres, online and email -based feedback regarding appointment bookings and
overnight parking exemptions. This program was recently expanded to include the new
MyKitchener online portal and website launch feedback. Work is now as complete as possible
given the limitations imposed by the pandemic; however, additional work will commence post -
Ms. K. Cooper agreed to inquire if a hard copy form to provide feedback was available.
Additionally, she agreed to follow-up with appropriate staff to obtain any additional information
that could be used as part of the Committee's evaluation process.
Ms. L. Gazzola joined the meeting and a quorum was now present
Ms. K. Cooper shared a proposed report template in which Compass Kitchener provides
feedback to Council on the City's 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Implementation. The template will
be helpful to committee members as they begin their evaluation process of the completed
projects. Content headings in the template were: summary; introduction from the Chair; report
card approach; overview; completed projects; projects underway; and, conclusions /
Regarding the summary component, Ms. Cooper suggested this could be a `user friendly' short
version of the overall document, a report card, Powerpoint presentation or video that could be
shared with the public and staff in addition to Council. In consideration of wording to include
under the `overall approach' heading, several questions related to timing, budget, impacts, etc.
were posed to inform the end content. The overview section could refer to metrics related to
completion timing and budget information. It was suggested the use of a scale would be helpful
to demonstrate various parameters, the use of visuals such as graphs was also recommended.
Members questioned if budget information could be made available to assist with this evaluation
component. Ms. Cooper agreed to investigate and circulate this if available. She also agreed
to gather additional information on the Make It Kitchener 2.0 Strategy.
A discussion then followed regarding timelines for the Committee to complete the necessary
evaluation work and report to Council. It had been previously communicated that the Council
presentation was delayed until the Fall; therefore, the July / August Committee meetings would
be the key times for evaluation discussions. In advance of the July 7th Committee meeting,
members will be required to read the information on their assigned projects and request any
additional information or clarification from K. Cooper. This will allow members to attend the July
meeting prepared for discussion on the various projects and align for final decisions at the
August meeting. It was also agreed that sub -groups should meet (outside of regular committee
meetings) to allow for discussion on assigned topics. Ms. K. Cooper agreed to schedule/facilitate
these meetings after the July7th meeting.
Ms. Cooper commented that materials relating to the two Climate Action Plans (CAP) were quite
extensive and she agreed to split this work amongst more committee members. Ms. J.
Stephens -Wells offered to evaluate one of the CAPs and Ms. Cooper agreed to speak with
specific committee members regarding a more balanced workload.
Ms. K. Cooper advised that she will also be circulating evaluation criteria to members for use in
their evaluation at the July meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 5:25 pm
L. Korabo
Committee Administrator