The Compass Kitchener Advisory Committee met electronically this date, commencing at 4:05 p.m.
Present: Ms. J. Stephens -Wells — Chair, Ms. R. Lavender, Ms. L. Trumper, Ms. K. Williams and Mr.
O. Samad. Mr. J. Orbegoso was in attendance for part of the meeting.
Staff: K. Cooper, Manager, Strategic & Business Planning
L. Korabo, Committee Administrator
Ms. J. Stephens -Wells advised members that resignations had recently been received from Ms. L.
Kochut and Ms. E. Duhaime.
Mr. K. Cooper provided an update on the Strategic Plan (SP) noting the Corporate Leadership
Team has reviewed timelines for projects in both the SP and the Business Plan with a view to
possibly delaying some projects due to workload capacity issues for some staff. Some of the
completion dates have been moved to 2023 which means that not all projects will be completed
by the end of the current Council term. Capacity issues have been mostly driven by pandemic
response requirements. Ms. Cooper also gave an overview of work that will begin on the next
Strategic Plan (2023-2026).
Compass Kitchener members were provided with a draft document outlining a 3 -point rating
scale to be used when evaluating completed Strategic Plan projects. The scale is as follows:
1. Exceeding expectations;
2. Meeting expectations; and,
3. Not meeting expectations.
Proposed criteria/examples of actions under each of the three scale options were provided to
clarify definitions and will standardize scoring and increase objectivity in the process.
Members were encouraged to provide input on the draft evaluation framework with this feedback
being used to revise / finalize the document for use in the subgroup meetings and by the full
committee when conducting its evaluation.
Ms. Cooper shared a worksheet template to assist in making notes during evaluation
discussions. She stressed the importance of members providing individual opinions on the
projects as these would be most helpful to providing a `citizen perspective'. As Ms. Cooper is
facilitating the subgroup meetings, she will prepare a summary of scoring, comments and
recommendations based on the subgroup discussions and table all for discussion at the August
committee meeting. Following this, an update will be provided to CLT and finally, a
report/presentation will be delivered to City Council. Ms. Cooper commented the Committee
needed to agree upon a form for the final report card; this could be done at the August meeting.
A concern had been raised regarding the lack of budget information for many of the projects and
Ms. Cooper advised she has a meeting with the Director of Financial Reporting to gather this
information for the subgroups, if possible. She advised that in many cases, staff who are working
on a project do not have full knowledge of the assigned budget as this is monitored directly by
financial staff.
Members asked clarification questions and provided additional feedback which will be taken into
consideration when Ms. Cooper revises the evaluation framework. Ms. J. Stephens -Wells
clarified that beyond providing in-depth comments and scoring on the projects reviewed by the
assigned subgroups, Committee members will also have an opportunity to provide input on all
completed projects during the full Committee discussion.
To address vacancies on the subgroups due to member resignations, Ms. J. Stephens -Wells
agreed to partner with Ms. R. Lavender to evaluate the Online Portal/Customer Services
Program. To fill the vacancy in the evaluation of the Social Stigma/Safe Consumption Sites
project, Ms. L. Korabo was directed to reach out to certain members and inquire regarding their
interest in evaluating that project along with Ms. K. Williams.
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 pm.
L. Korabo
Committee Administrator