HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO-2021-004 - 2021 Business Plan - June Progress Report REPORT TO: Council DATE OF MEETING: June 28, 2021 SUBMITTED BY: Kathryn Dever, Director, Strategy and Corporate Performance 519-741-2200 ext. 78xx PREPARED BY: Karen Cooper, Manager, Strategic and Business Planning, 519-741-2200 ext. 7817 WARD(S) INVOLVED: All Ward(s) DATE OF REPORT: June 24, 2021 REPORT NO.: CAO-2021-004 SUBJECT: 2021 Business Plan - June Progress Report RECOMMENDATION: For information REPORT HIGHLIGHTS: This report presents the 2021 Business Plan June Progress Report (Appendix A). This progress report lets Council and the community know that, due to the pandemic, completing 22 of the 25 strategic actions are expected to be completed by 2022 and and 3 of the strategic actions are now to be completed in 2023. Of the strategic and business projects expected to be completed this year, 3 strategic and 2 business projects have been completed as of the end of June. An additional 8 projects are to be completed by year end. Updates on delayed projects and future year projects are provided in this report. caring and vibrant Kitchener. BACKGROUND: As previously reported, the COVID-19 global pandemic dramatically changed the lives of Kitchener residents and citizens throughout Waterloo Region and around the world. Over the past year, the City placed the safety of citizens and staff as a top priority throughout its pandemic response and recovery efforts, while also supporting the economic sustainability of businesses and employers in the municipality. Council approved the 2020 budget focusing on delivery of the Strategic Plan and continued this focus within a constrained budget in 2021 to address financial impacts of the pandemic. These were sound decisions that enabled city staff to focus on key priorities while delivering core services. Increasingly, the pandemic has had impacts on staff workloads, retention, retirements and recruitment that are being felt in the organization affecting service delivery and operations. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994 for assistance. The Corporate Leadership Team has been working to address these issues through supports to employees, reviewing workloads to focusing on priorities, and reassessing what are reasonable expectations during these times. This includes balancing core service workload with pandemic response and addressing related staffing resource challenges. The 2021 Strategic Plan and Business Plan commitments have also been reviewed. While a great deal of progress has been made this year despite the pandemic and workload challenges, a number or projects have been delayed, and several since the April update that Council received. These delays are concentrated in a few key areas, as a result of both the pandemic and resourcing challenges. With respect to the 25 Actions in our 2019-2022 Strategic Plan, staff remain committed to action all of them within the term of Council, however 3 actions will now be completed in 2023. REPORT: Overall Status of Strategic Plan Actions The following chart illustrates the status of the 25 Strategic Plan actions Status of 2021 Scheduled End Date Projects In total, nine strategic actions are completed of which three have been completed in 2021 as scheduled. An additional four projects are on track for completion by the end of 2021. Four projects are delayed. 2021 Completed Projects Community Climate Action Plan Customer Satisfaction Program On-Line Customer Service Portal Community Climate Action Plan TransformWR is a region-wide response to the global climate crisis. It is a long-term strategy to achieve an 80% local greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reduction target (based on 2010 levels), and identifies local action needed to reduce emissions by 30% by 2030. It was prepared by ClimateActionWR collaborative, led by Reep Green Solutions and Sustainable Waterloo Region with participation from the Cities, Townships and the Region. On June 14, 2021, the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee recommended to Council that TransformWR be adopted as the city Community Climate Action with an implementation plan specific to the City of Kitchener to be prepared. Customer Satisfaction Program The closure of City facilities and the cancellation of programming due to the province-wide shutdown means there are limited service areas to expand feedback collection at this time. When areas reopen, the City's service offerings will be reviewed to determine what to include in the next quarter. Staff are looking into collecting feedback on Golf (book a tee time online and onsite feedback) and are working with the ActiveNet team to implement post-registration and post- programming feedback collection, that will launch when programming reopens. On-Line Customer Service Portal In the first 120 days since MyKitchener launched to the public, 7,487 accounts were registered - an average of 62 new accounts each day. With over a million views, there has been a 98.5% success rate in searches. Top 5 widgets Top 5 pages My property taxes Homepage My utilities Job opportunities Programs and activities Kitchener Golf Road closures Contact us Job opportunities COVID-19 updates 2021 On Track Projects City-Owned Property Review Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Mill Courtland Community Centre Expansion Business Case Multi-Language Interpretation Support 2021 Delayed Projects Bringing a Property to Market Pedestrian-First Street Final Plan for Gaukel Street Open Space Strategy Tree Canopy Target Bringing a Project to Market The comprehensive property review is anticipated to be presented to Council in September 2021. Recommendation for a property to be put on the market requires additional community consultation and the impact of the pandemic on market conditions needs to be considered. It is anticipated that a property brought to market will occur in 2022. Pedestrian-First Street Plan for Gaukel Street Additional seating has been added to the Joseph Street/Charles Street block for summer 2021. Permanent solution delayed to 2022 due to pandemic restrictions while the interim solution remains in place. Open Space Strategy As part of the Strategic Plan action to equitably distribute leisure facilities an Open Space Strategy was to be prepared to update and replace the 2010 Parks Strategic Plan. Budget to undertake the work was provided in 2020, however, the pandemic impacts delayed starting the new plan with budget deferral to 2021. Ongoing staff resource challenges (Manager vacancy and DEL impacts) and legislative changes (Development Charges and Community Benefit Charges) have caused additional delays. Places and Spaces is the working title for this new plan. This reflects that the spaces that we have in parks and open space across the City are important parts of building places for the City and at a neighbourhood level. The Planning Act requires that the Parkland Dedication bylaw and the supporting Parks Plan be in place no later than September 2022. Staff have prioritized the Spaces component of the strategy to be developed in 2021. Engagement will occur through summer and fall 2021 and Spaces will be presented to Council alongside a Parkland Dedications bylaw in the first half of 2022. It is anticipated that engagement on the Places component will begin in late summer and fall 2021, continuing through to summer 2022 with Places presented to Council in the first half of 2023. A Council Strategic Session in August is planned to provide a more fulsome update on Places and Spaces and to seek engagement with Council on emerging themes. Tree Canopy Target outlining a community informed vision for urban forestry across the City of Kitchener. Stemming from that plan, two actions were embedded in the Strategic Plan: Eliminate the 2018 tree planting backlog by 2022 Establishing a tree canopy target by 2020 The tree inventory and risk assessment has been delayed but is underway in 2021. Work started on a tree pruning program in 2020 is now delayed due to staffing pressures but is being revisited in 2021. COVID-19 also created a delay in receiving updated tree canopy data for the City. Work to develop a tree canopy target includes understanding the priorities for tree canopy through seeking feedback on what is important about how the City provides and maintains canopy cover. Work is also needed to understand the desire and capacity for future investments in the tree canopy from to ensure that a target is aligned with the financial capacity of the City to be able to deliver on. Due to staffing vacancies this work cannot be completed as planned in 2021. Status of 2022 Scheduled End Date Projects On Track Projects Bikeshare Program Connectivity and Year-Round Maintenance of Multi-Use Trails and Pathways Pedestrian-First Street Plan for Kitchener Market Tree Planting to Eliminate Backlog Arts and Culture Plan Huron Brigadoon Area School/Community Centre Construction Leverage the Energy Efficiency Reserve Fund Set and Communicate Service Levels Customer Experience Program Delayed Project Waste Diversion Strategy work commenced in 2019 but is postponed due to the lack of events during the pandemic. Projects now Scheduled for 2023 Protected Cycling Network Connection to the Downtown New Rosenberg Community Centre/School Business Case Open Space Strategy - Places Component Innovation District (Bramm Yards) Master Plan Civic District Master Plan Overall Status of Business Plan Projects On Track Projects 6 business plan projects are on track for their scheduled end date, including: Budd Park Strategy (2021) Cameron Heights Pool Feasibility Study (2021) Southwest District Pool Business Case (2021) Rehabilitation of City Hall Outdoor Spaces Construction Phase 1 (2021) Facilities Infrastructure Program (2022) Implementation of Federal Disaster Mitigation & Adaptation Fund (2028) with caution due to staffing level Delayed Projects 6 business plan projects are delayed with completion now planned for 2022, as follows: Ice Demand Study - Likely to begin in 2022 but TBD on completion. Mobile Time Entry - Delay due to workload pressures. Phased approach considered for roll-out with implementation starting in Q1 of 2022 Development Charge (DC) and Community Benefits Charge (CBC) Studies - Work with consultant underway - won't be completed in time to be reflected in the 2022 capital forecast. Approval by Council to be sought in Q1 2022 with new rates effective July 1, 2022 Long Term Financial Plan Implementation - Investment policy approved in April 2021. Capital variance report delayed to 2022 due to implementation of new roles/structure in Financial Services Point of Sale and Expansion of Payment Options Point of Sale delayed to 2022, Work continues on expanded online payment options. Implementation of Significant Parks Projects - RBJ Schlegel remains on track for late 2021/early 2022 completion. Other significant park projects have been started with engagement initiated in Spring 2021. Completion of upgrades in 2022 delayed as per previous April update due to staff on DEL. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: This vibrant Kitchener. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM This report has been council / committee meeting. CONSULT In 2018, Compass Kitchener consulted the public on developing community priorities for the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan, which informed preparation of the 2021 Business Plan project list. On May 6, 2021 Compass Kitchener hosted a virtual meeting of all of the Advisory Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs. Twenty-three advisory committee members attended, including Compass Kitchener members. One of the workshop sessions held addressed evaluating strategic plan progress. Staff presented a summary of the status the strategic plan projects and the advisory committee members discussed their views on highlights of progress made to date. General Comments on Highlights of Strategic Plan Progress All of it! Appreciate approach to Very innovative Happy to see vibrancy is wrapped into planning metrics (not just economic) in urban design Many completed items are strategies so implementation will show progress over time Impressed by how much is being done. Excited to see areas such as complete streets, bike programs, affordable housing. Specific Highlights of Strategic Plan Progress Great Customer Service initiatives regarding the portal and website update were mentioned the most at 10 times. Housing for All and Make it Kitchener 2.0 were mentioned 7 times each. Caring Community initiatives including CTS, Sanguen training, mental health strategy and anti-stigma training were mentioned 6 times. People-friendly Transportation initiatives including cycling grid, cycling and trails master plan, and pedestrian first streets were mentioned 4 times. Progress during pandemic was mentioned 3 times Planning for vibrancy and people-first city received 1 mention each Compass Kitchener will be reporting more fully on the results when they present their 2021 Report Card to Council in the fall. PREVIOUS REPORTS/AUTHORITIES: CAO-21-002 2021 Business Plan April Progress Report CAO-20-008 2020 Business Plan Year-End Progress Report and Recommended 2021 Business Plan Project List APPROVED BY: Dan Chapman, Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENTS: Appendix A: 2021 Business Plan Progress Report June 30, 2021 1 33466778992 1214182224242525262628 ... ........ .................... ............ ............. .............. ............. ................ ............... .................... ................... ................................................................. ....................... ........................ ........................... ............................ .......................................................... ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ rategic Plan Actions ................................ ervice ................................ ................................................................ lan Project Completions 19: One Year Later - Friendly Transportation - ................................ ................................ ronmental Leadership Overall Status of StStrategic Plan Completions and AchievementsPeopleEnviVibrant EconomyCaring CommunityGreat Customer SBusiness PCommunity ServicesCorporate ServicesFinancial ServicesInfrastructure Services 2022 Strategic Plan Evaluation Criteria2022 Strategic Plan Actions -- Contents IntroductionImpact of COVIDOverall Status of the 2021 Business Plan Projects2019Strategic Plan2019Business Plan ProjectsBusiness Plan Projects 3 is an made each of as a top improve project in staff adapted Each how and staff of This report contains term benefits. - ete the work. projects completed 3 gic Plan. , with modernize service delivery and to lan and other key priorities. These projects p business plan projects. placed the safety of citizens 14 has egion and around the world changed as the World trategic pandemic and provide long R - s outlined in the Strate strategic projects the economic sustainability of businesses and employers in he City Council and the community can be proud ing 19. - ic Plan, as well as and provides an update on new completion dates for projects. While this would be a commendable start to any year, the progress . entary and innovative approaches m 2022 Strateg -Over the past year, t le of living with COVID and June 30, 2021 15 months recovery efforts, while also support Later 19 a global pandemic. - ocal businesses and establishing centralized service counters at city hall. While some of the service delivery all 25 actions from the 2019 including anticipated timing for completion. Regular progress is reported to Council and the public throughout lan, which is developed alongside the budget to ensure resources are aligned to compl enabling staff to work from home, providing more services online, offering existing programs in new virtual formats, p d Fifteen Months 3 more completed in the first quarter of 2021 : 0, the lives of Kitchener residents and citizens throughout Waterloo usiness 19 To achieve these priorities, staff took comp llenging time, staff demonstrated resiliency and made progress on include - business plan, b its pandemic response and and This 2020, 2021 is especially noteworthy after Business Plan includes 1 in Introduction Each year, Kitchener City Council approves a list of projects that implement the current form the annualdescribed in the the year.The 202update on progress made between April 30, 2021 Impact of COVID On March 11, 202Health Organization declared COVIDpriority throughthe municipality.efficiencies. providing training and supports to lchanges are only temporary to address the pandemic restrictions, many will remain postThrough this cha2019 and to dateto the challenges of the pandemic and continued to deliver on the community priorities 1 4 were projects Construction Phase are 17 , Thirteen . this year ment upcoming completions be completed in 2021 project . to be completed are on track to Budd Park Strategy Cameron Heights Pool Feasibility StudySouthwest District Pool Business CaseRehabilitation of City Hall Outdoor Spaces usiness plan Transformation and Relaunch of Kitchener.caElectronic Agenda Manage usiness plan projects B projects 2 8 2021 B . Projects 21 - 10 that were initially planned omplete in 2023 and 1 in 2028 , an additional pages are to c projects 4 ness Plan i in 2021 projects , with 2 Bus 5 , : 1 completion have been completed projects include completions 40 completions projects upcoming completions in 2021 5 , s comprises s 2021 rack for 2022 project t Community Centre Expansion Business Case projects and their status is included on projects on track for Satisfaction Program Status of the 202 Language Interpretation Support Completion Projects - Business Plan Owned Property Review - completed to date projects on 1 trategic plan projects on track for 2023 8 additional2051 project on track for 2028 Community Climate Action PlanCustomer Online Customer Service Portal Development CityEquity, Diversity and Inclusion StrategyMill Courtland Multi description of now expected to be completed in 2022 trategic plan project at the end of June S rojects 3 2021 S Overall The 202expected to be completed in 2022, 2 in 2023 and 1 in 2028. As are The Complete P Upcoming 5 report . Capital variance - options Community Benefits Charge Studies upcoming completions & Likely to begin in 2022 but TBD on completion. - Facilities Infrastructure Program Ice Demand Study Mobile Time Entry Development ChargeLong Term Financial Plan Implementation Point of Sale and Expansion of PaymentImplementation of Significant Parks Projects Implementation of Federal Disaster Mitigation & Adaptation Fund 2022 Business plan project 2028 Business plan project upcoming completion Public at Use Trails - upcoming completionsupcoming completions Round Maintenance Multi - project project Year / First Street Final Plan for Gaukel StreetFirst Street Plan for Kitchener Market -- Bikeshare ProgramConnectivityand PathwaysPedestrianPedestrianTree Planting to Eliminate BacklogTree Canopy TargetArts and Culture PlanHuron Brigadoon Area School/Community Centre ConstructionLeverage the Energy Efficiency Reserve Fund Bringing a Project to MarketWaste Diversion Strategy: Increase Waste Diversion Spaces and Events Set and Communicate Service LevelsCustomer Experience Program Protected Cycling Network Connection to the DowntownNew Rosenberg Community Centre/School Business CaseOpen Space StrategyBramm Yard Master Plan Civic District Master Plan 2022 Strategic plan 2023 Strategic plan 6 . As will future and s adopted e implementation inning in 2021. l be shared with the 004. - 20 - the SDGs for the Kitchener context. This ing within the strategic planning process and adapt 2022 strategic plan connect to at least one of the SDGs Appendix B of report CAO - ing p localiz 2022 Strategic Plan: - , begin work on 2022 Strategic Plan can be found in provides advice to Council on - Green Beacon , to fully integrate, implement, and operationalize SDGs Each of the 25 action statements within the 2019 identifies community priorities for action, and monitors progress toward achieving the community vision and 5 strategic plan actions have been completed (28%). Plan. Citizen Advisory Committee rategic , staff worked with local consultant Compass Kitchener 0 Canada and internationally. , 2021, 7 out of the 2 d project has enabled the City to set specific benchmarks and measure progress towards achieving the SDGs within current and provide a roadmap for the City 2022 Strategic Plan Evaluation Criteria - will Compass Kitchener Overall Implementation of the Strategic PlanOverall Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the Strategic PlanImplementation of Strategic Plan GoalsImplementation of Strategic Plan Actions June 30 the fall of 202 2019 The participation. in implementing the StCompass Kitchener has 4 levels of evaluation criteria/measures for the 2019One evaluation metric has been proposed for each of the 25 Strategic Plan actions. These metrics will be tracked by staff begof Local At the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, world leaders from Canada and other member statethe 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and 17 Sustainable Development Gand tackle climate change by 2030. The City of Kitchener is committed to working with the Government of Canada in embracing the 2030 Agenda and to supporting thof the SDGs inInproject serve as a model regionally, nationally, and globally.This localizestrategic plans. Once the localized SDG targets and indicators are finalized and benchmark data has been collected, they wilpublic through an online Citizen Dashboard. 7 Strategic Plan Overall Status of Strategic Plan Actions 8 - registration and post - post term strategy to achieve an 80% local - have been completed to date in 2021. s an average of 62 new accounts each day. With over a million - mine what to include in the next quarter. Staff are looking into wide shutdown means there are limited service areas to expand feedback - prepared by ClimateActionWR collaborative, led by Reep Green Solutions and The following strategic plan project wide response to the global climate crisis. It is a long - 19 updates - 7,487 accounts were registered is a region HomepageJob opportunitiesKitchener GolfContact usCOVID pages Top 5 TransformWRgreenhouse gas emission (GHG) reduction target (based on 2010 levels), and identifies local action needed to reduce emissions by 30% by 2030. It wasSustainable Waterloo Region with participation from the Cities, Townships and the Region. On June 14, 2021, the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee recommended to Council Community Climate Action with an implementation plan specific to the City of Kitchener to be prepared. the five goals of the Strategic Plan. will launch when programming reopens. each of 98.5% success rate in searches. progress under Completions and Achievements My property taxesMy utilitiesPrograms and activitiesRoad closuresJob opportunities is making Line Customer Service Portal - Top 5 widgets Strategic Plan The City Community Climate Action Plan Customer Satisfaction Program The closure of City facilities and the cancellation of programming due to the provincecollection at this time. When areas reopen, the City's service offerings will be reviewed to detercollecting feedback on Golf (book a tee time online and onsite feedback) and are working with the ActiveNet team to implementprogramming feedback collection, that On In the first 120 days since MyKitchener launched to the public, views, there has been a 9 here. scooters as part - bikes and e - Progress Update comfortable and connected. wide bikeshare feasibility study - Completed in 2019.Read Complete Streets Kitchener A regionwas approved that recommends a collaborative approach to a bikeshareprogram throughout the region. A regionwide project team is investigating the use of eof the future program and note that complet 2022 - to 2019 Timeline Complete Completedin 2020 Project Manager Barry Cronkite Transportation Services Barry Cronkite Transportation Services ch bicycles is underway Project Indigenous Initiatives started at the city in June and will oversee ikeshare service in whi b Actions Racism and - hare Program made available for shared use to the public : s are Complete Streets‘ƚƩƉ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ źƓ ЋЉЊВ͵Bikes Implement aare in an effort to a feasibility study to determine the most appropriate system. the fall of 2021 and recruiting to complete her staff team. include progress Transform how people move through the city by making the transportation network safe, convenient, Statement onstruction of the Protected Cycling Network 2022 Strategic Plan - CThe New Director of Equity, Antion a new EDI strategy by Supportive housing projects GOAL: Friendly Transportation - Strategic Plan Action Develop a set of Complete Encourage and incentivize 1.1 Streets (safe and comfortable) guidelines and an associated evaluation scorecard by 2020 to apply to roadway construction projects.1.2 alternative modes of transportation by developing and subsidizing a bikeshare program by 2021. Other strategic plan 2019 People 10 transportation is underway. Progress Update . a wider range of . onstruction traditional private bikeshare providers have changed their business model to reflect optionsCCompleted in 2020.Read the Cycling and Trails Master Plan hereTrail improvements are being planned on several community trails and bridges including: Traynor to Wilson, Kingsway to Vanier, sections of the Laurentian Trail, bridges in Vanier, Rothsay, Lynn Valley 20232022 -- to 2020 Timeline Complete 2020 Completedin 2020 Project Manager ace Design & Darren Kropf Transportation Services Liz Christensen Transportation Services Liz Christensen Parks & Open SpDevelopment round - athways and the dresses Round , in one - Connected to the cent neighbourhoods Trails and P . se U use trails and pathways - - Project connectivity and year wayfinding. road cycling facilities, as well as connects adja - town by 2022 Use Trails and Pathways Master Plan - the 2010 Cycling Master Plan Cycling and Trails Master Plan UpdateConnectivity and Year road trails infrastructure - include on Protected Cycling NetworkDowntown Install a continuous and protected cycling network that to the down 1.4.1 Update2012 Multito offcomprehensive plan that also adeducation and 1.4.2 Maintenance of Multi Prioritize actions,maintenance to multi . . cent round access - Statement use trails and pathways town by 2022 - round maintenance to -minimum of an additional Strategic Plan Action Install a continuous and Improve connectivity and 1.3 protected cycling network that connects adjaneighbourhoods to the down 1.4 yearmultias prioritized through the Cycling and Trails Master Planwith an initial target of providing yearto a 3 km of existing trails by 2022 11 remain . anticipated to end 2021 ork is W Permanent solution the Progress Update ct charter has been approved. cost street interventions. - and Victoria Park.be completed by Gaukel Street was closed to traffic during the pandemic and will continue to remain closed as a passive pedestrian space. The block between King St and Charles St will be turned into passive space in late spring 2021, subject to development construction completing, and additional formal seating will be added to the Joseph St/Charles St block in summer 2021.delayed to 2022 due to pandemic restrictions (interim solution will in place)A projeStaff is investigating programming and low 2 2022022 -- to Timeline Complete 20202021 Project Manager Darren KropfTransportation Services Darren Kropf Transportation Services with , . Street. et Plan for Kitchener 3 km of existing trails round access to a - Project First Plan for Gaukel StreetFirst Stre -- PedestrianPedestrian through the Cycling and Trails Master Planan initial target of yearminimum of an additional by 2022.1.5.1 Develop plans to prioritize pedestrians over other travel modes on Gaukel 1.5.2 Market Develop plans to prioritize pedestrians over other travel modes between the Kitchener Market ION station and Kitchener Market first streets - Statement Strategic Plan Action Develop a plan to create 1.5 pedestrianbetween Victoria Park and City Hall and between the ION and Kitchener Market by 2022. 12 . here sources. ikely to continue but l wide response to the global term strategy to achieve an - - Progress Update 19 safety concerns the project was is a region - outfitting Civic District Garage and KOF prepared by ClimateActionWR collaborative, nce new staff is onboard Project completed in 2019. Read the Corporate Climate Action Plan Originally the 2020 capital energy reserve project was to retrofit the remaining administrative office lighting at the Kitchener Operations Facility (KOF). Due to COVIDswitched toShops & Stores. Both projects are underway.Omodified due to COVID TransformWRclimate crisis. It is a long80% local greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reduction target (based on 2010 levels), and identifies local action needed to reduce emissions by 30% by 2030. It was 2022 - 20192021 Complete Timeline to Completed in 2020 Completed in --- stration Project Manager TBD AdministrationDevelopment Services TBD AdminiDevelopment Services Samantha Tavenor AdministrationDevelopment Services Reporting Project l continue until 2026. Climate Action Plan nually on greenhouse gas emission Corporate Climate Action Plan‘ƚƩƉ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ źƓ ЋЉЊВ͵anreduction wil Leverage the Energy Efficiency Reserve Fund Leverage the fund to undertake energy efficiency retrofit projects on City of Kitchener assets and capture and reinvest the operating savings to pay for capital costs.Community Complete the 80x50 Community Climate Action Plan. . facilities and ciency Reserve i Statement ergy Eff arting in 2019, leverage Achieve a healthy and livable community by proactively mitigating and adapting to climate change and by conserving natural re . Launch and implement a StDevelop a Community Strategic Plan Action 2.1 Corporate Climate Action Plan by 2019 to achieve an absolute greenhouse gas emission reduction of at least 8% by 2026.2.2 the EnFund and other resources to reduce consumption and emission at our in our operations 2.3 Climate Action Plan with partner organizations by 2020 Environmental Leadership Goal: 13 inated, is delayed and that TransformWR be Progress Update when staffing secured. occur The final tree canopy dataset has been received from the consultant. Community and Council engagement regarding Kitchener's tree canopy and the setting of a tree canopy target will Spring tree planting was cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic. A fall tree plant took place in 2020 and staff remain optimistic that by the conclusion of the spring 2022 tree planting season, the 2018 backlog of street trees will have been elimdelivering on the Strategic Plan target. led by Reep Green Solutions and Sustainable Waterloo Region with participation from the Cities, Townships and the Region. On June 14, 2021, the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee recommended to Council an implementation plan specific to the City of Kitchener to be prepared. 20212022 -- Complete Timeline to 20202020 Schmitt Project Manager Dave Forestry & Natural Areas Management Adam Buitendyk Forestry & Natural Areas Management acklog B Project lanting P ion Tree Canopy TargetTree iminat 2.4.1 Review the current canopy cover and set an achievable target based on best practices as well as constraints such as land availability, quality of soil, etc. in order to guide ongoing and future investment in tree planting, protection and maintenance.2.4.2 El Plant at least 750 trees in 2020, with the goal of reaching 2,500 trees and eliminating the current backlog by the end of 2022. and Statement . Implement the Strategic Plan Action 2.4 Sustainable Urban Forest Strategy with a focus on establishing a tree canopy target by 2020 eliminating the current (2018) tree planting backlog by 2022 14 ikely to , l learning . and great places or here. . public events were here Progress Update Progress Update nce new staff is onboard 2019.2019. O in in Completed Read the Urban Design Manual Completed Learn about this project Due to the pandemic, largecancelled, and this project is postponed until events restart. Recycling and organics diversion has also increased across public facilities and spaces, including a pilot project to improve waste station wayfinding for people with visualimpairments as well as English as a second language (ESL) visitors.continue but modified due to COVID 22 20 - 20192019 Complete Timeline to Completed in Completed in Complete Timeline to 2020 - Project Project Manager Manager Dayna Edwards Planning Cory Bluhm TBD AdministrationDevelopment Services Project Project Buildout of 44 Gaukel run events with large - Urban Design Manual‘ƚƩƉ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ źƓ ЋЉЊВ͵3.2.1 Waste Diversion Strategy: Increase Waste Diversion in Our Public Spaces and Events Expand the Waste Diversion Station to all Cityvolunteer involvement, and evaluate expanded waste diversion stations at events, parks and public facilities. wide - Statement Build a vibrant city by making strategic investments to support job creation, economic prosperity, thriving arts and culture, . Reduce waste diverted to Complete a new Urban Design Foster the creation of a city Strategic Plan Action Strategic Plan Action Statement 2.5 landfills by implementing new diversion programs at our facilities and events by 2021 3.1 Manual by 2019 that expresses city building and design expectations to ensure vibrant new development throughout Kitchener.3.2 network of incubators, accelerators Vibrant Economy GOAL:to live. 15 . here in late 2021. Progress Update It Kitchener 2.0 Strategy owned space and with potential to Council - Staff is investigating opportunities for incubators within Citypartners. Business cases will be prepared and presented Completed in 2020.Read the Make 2021 - 2020 Complete Timeline to 2020 Completed in Project Manager Economic Development Cory Bluhm Economic Development Lauren Chlumsky Economic Development Accelerator Strategy by tech industry - Project Working Space - ubators. ‘ƚƩƉ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ źƓ ЋЉЊВ͵3.2.2 Incubator, and CoNetwork Lease all spaces in the Creative Hub, explore the potential to facilitate a Food Incubator with a business case pending, and explore partnerships for the development of manufacturing and health/medinc Make It Kitchener 2.0 Strategy Develop the Make it Kitchener 2.0 2020 with a focus on transformative actions to - Make it Kitchener 2.0 tech industries. - working spaces by completing - h/med Develop the Strategic Plan Action Statement and cothe buildout of 44 Gaukel in 2019, advancing work on a Creative Hub and undertaking business cases in 20192021 for the food manufacturing and healt 3.3 Strategy by 2020 with a focus on transformative actions to ensure the attraction, success and retention of diverse businesses, talent, and arts/culture across the city. 16 is . will be sites after comprehensive 2 in late Because of the pandemic and 2021. Progress Update late round affordable housing and Make It omprehensive review and completion A c 2021. It is expected that the first property Initial focus has been on supportive housingDue to the pandemic, finalization of the review is delayed until 2021.urgent need aKitchener, components of the review commenced in 2020.anticipated in This will occur once the City owned property review has been completed brought to market in 202community engagement. 2023 - 11 Complete Timeline to 202202 Project Manager Brian Bennett& Rob Morgan Economic Development Brian Bennett Economic Development eview to advance owned arket -owned property - comprehensive Project Owned Property - Owned Property R - ensure the attraction, success and retention of diverse businesses, talent, and arts/culture across the city.City Complete areview of cityproperties by 2020 to determine how they could be effectively usedcity strategic objectives.3.5.1 CityBrought to M Develop a vision for downtown Kitchener and continue to position downtown Kitchener as a leading destination for redevelopment opportunities, with at least one new citybrought to market by 2020. s) owned properties by 2020 to - owned property brought to Complete a comprehensive review Develop a vision for downtown - city Strategic Plan Action Statement 3.4 of determine how they could be effectively used to advance city strategic objectives. 3.5 Kitchener and continue to position downtown Kitchener as a leading destination for redevelopment opportunities, with at least one new citymarket by 2020. Finalize the Innovation District (Bramm YardMaster Plan by 2021 and the Civic District Master Plan by 2022. 17 in 2023 The project is The project is delayed Progress Update The current focus is working with University of Waterloo to build out the Health Innovation Arena on the Health Sciences Campus. delayed and is expected to be completed in 2023Preliminary project planning has started. A visioning exercise will be completed before the Master Plan commences.and is expected to be completed 1 2022022 - - 0 2323 Complete Timeline to 202 New date: 20 2021 New date: 20 Project Manager Cory Bluhm Economic Development Cory Bluhm Economic Development District Project Innovation District Civic District Master 3.5.2 (Bramm Yards) Master Plan Finalize the Innovation District (Bramm Yards) Master Plan by 2022.3.5.3 Plan Finalize the Civic Master Plan by 2022. Strategic Plan Action Statement 18 - - & here task force y, by the end income youth informed - - working groups will be to complete work the Progress Update tegy for the City of Kitchener, to be ining entorship program for low ommunity grant for racialized groups Policy TraDemographic Data CollectionHiring & Recruitment Communications CM The Mayor's Task Force on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion is on track of June 2021. There are currently seven working groups developing equitystrategies and recommendations in the following areas: The deliverables of compiled into a comprehensive Equity & AntiRacism Straimplemented by the newly formed Equity, AntiRacism & Indigenous Initiatives staff team.Completed in 2020. 2021 - to 2020 Timeline Complete 2020 Completed in - er Project Manag Elin Moorlag Silk AdministrationCommunity Services Andrew Ramsaroop Planning f o . focused on better nity groups and the Project ty, Diversity and industry represented people, as - Strategy reate an Equi Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy CInclusion engaging and serving marginalized and underwell as creating a more inclusive City workplace.Affordable Housing Strategy Create an Affordable Housing Strategy for Kitchener by 2020 in collaboration with the Region Waterloo, commudevelopment . . nclusion I industry f Waterloo, o Statement nity groups and the Diversity and , Strategic Plan Action Create a comprehensive Create an Affordable Caring Community 4.1 EquityStrategy by 2020 to combat systemic barriers to full economic and social participation in the city 4.2 Housing Strategy for Kitchener by 2020 in collaboration with the Region commudevelopment 4. GOAL:supporting our diverse populations & helping to make housing affordable. 19 . . here relevant to evolving Progress Update 2019. in stigma training will now become a core - Completed in 2020.Antilearning program with ongoing evaluation and customization as required to meet the diversity of staff needs throughout the organization and to ensure the content is community needs. Completed Learn about this project Staff have been able to start the business case in Q2. They are currently completing a terms of reference to hire a consultant 2021 - to 20202019 Timeline Complete Completed in Completed in 2020 er Project Manag Paula Dunn Human Resources Mark Hildebrand Neighbourhood Programs & Services tigma through S Business Case Project ocial S needs assessment and raining Reduce Support for Safe Consumption Mill Courtland Community T taff 4.3.1 S Provide staff with the resources torespond effectively to changing community demographics. 4.3.2 and Treatment Facilities‘ƚƩƉ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ źƓ ЋЉЊВ͵4.4.1 Centre Expansion Complete a business case to determine the requirements for an addition to the Mill Courtland Community Centre. creation of resources across Statement d an Open Space . and support the an ers, Strategic Plan Action Reduce social stigmas Better utilize existing 4.3 experienced by those living with mental illness and addiction in our community through staff training and supporting the appropriate safe consumption and treatment facilities in Kitchener 4.4 facilities, provide relevant programming at community centequitable distribution of leisure programs and neighbourhoods. Start work on the Mill Courtland Community Centre expansion by 2020 and the Rosenberg Community Centre by 2021. Complete the Huron Brigadoon Community CentreStrategy by 2021. 20 rating agreement and the ongoing 19, this project is now delayed. - Progress Update out to 2023 to 2026 by the school and 2022. The Places component now moved . Project boardWeekly construction meetings have started. FM project Manager at regular meetings and reporting back. Construction agreement between City and School board completed and signed. Negotiations for Opebetween the City and Board pending.Due to staffing contraintsimpacts of COVID'Spaces' is being advanced to be completed by the provincial timelines of September 2022 and will be discussed with Council in 2021.Engagement on both Spaces and Places will occur in 2021 has an anticipated completion in 2023. 2 2022022 -- to 2323 Timeline Complete 2021 New date: 20 2020 2020 New date: 20 er Hildebrand Project Manag Mark Hildebrand Neighbourhood Programs & Services Mark Neighbourhood Programs & Services Niall Lobley Parks & Cemeteries / Business Case Project Catholic School board, New Rosenberg Community Huron Brigadoon Area School Open Space Strategy parks. 4.4.2 Centre/School With the complete a needs assessment and business case to determine the requirements for a joint community centre/school in the Rosenberg area.4.4.3 Community Centre Construction Construct a joint school/community centre in the Huron Brigadoon area, in partnership with the Waterloo Region District School Board.4.4.4 Develop an open space strategy to explore the value of open spaces, how they function, are planned, maintained, and managed, and including a review of permitted uses in Statement Strategic Plan Action 21 loo for to commence these initiatives in underway. Progress Update pandemic, and therefore engagement has - The City developed a partnership with the Region of Waterloo and the City of Waterstakeholder consultation, research and analysis. A Terms of Reference and plan for stakeholder consultation are under development. Consultation was anticipated for late 2020, however this has been postponed until later in 2021. The appropriate timecommunity engagement for the Culture Plan is postbeen postponed. Support for professional artists and cultural organizations will be considered as part of the COVID recovery plan. Specific engagement on 2 202 - to Timeline Complete 2020 er Project Manag Emily Robson Economic Development cultural - engaging a broad Project section of the community - Arts and Culture Plan Develop a new and inclusive Arts and Culture Plan by crossincluding the arts and creative industry sector and multicommunities. - - Statement Strategic Plan Action Engage a broad cross 4.5 section of the community including the arts and creative industry sector and multicultural communities to develop an inclusive arts and culture Plan by 2021. 22 nology he services it The MyKitchener customer support being trained to Progress Update launched in beta (an almost person support (eg. community - during Covid. There are more services portal Plan to implement will be phased with staff providing telphoneuse the service this summer (eg. CCC, Revenue, Service Counters etc.) Staff who require providing incentres) will be trained in fall when techis in place.Completed in 2021.This is as complete in terms of tavailableto expand to and additional technology (kiosks) to explore however this will rely on moving past the pandemic to regular service offerings.Completed in 2021.servicefinished version the public can provide feedback on) to the public on March 1, 2021. The public is testing the functionality of the portal during the beta test and staff are monitoring feedback and making 20212021 -- Complete Timeline to 20202020 Completed in 2021Completedin 2021 Project Manager Jana Miller Corporate Customer Service Christine Baker Corporate Customer Service Jana Miller Corporate Customer Service - services - wide o ensure a - demand multi - person inquiries to Project - ugh a personalized, single 7 on - 24 time feedback, monitoring - an organization r Satisfaction Program that a centralized online service portal Language Interpretation Support - on account. - ulti aunch M Implement a language interpretation support for telephone and inenable staff in all facilities tmore consistent and equitable experience for all customers.Customer Satisfaction Program Implement Customeenables realand reporting of satisfaction data to drive service improvements.Online Customer Service PortalDevelopment Lwhere citizens can access their ein one place throsign wide - collection delivering demand - service support in Statement and allowing financial , . Strategic Plan Action Provide onIntroduce a corporateEnhance customer 5.1 customer many languages through the Corporate Contact Centre by 2020 5.2 Customer Satisfaction Program that will allow for the of real time feedback from customers accessing city facilities, programs, and services by 2020.5.3 experience online by customized information, providing easy access to servicestransactions by 2021. Great Customer Service GOAL: 23 . . year tion at this time. priate data to set o what we learn. Later approximately a work on this Project to start in late 2021 Progress Update to start and end in 2022. This to start in 2022. ore work is needed to ensure proper data Project now improvements based on in 2021, the project team will regroup to review the scope of Phase 2 of the portal's development, which will include additional new functionality for residents.See the new website and access the portal:www.kitchener.ca Project Service areas where this will be required are without capacity to Mcollection to have the apprservice levels with. hinges on data from Customer SatisfacProgram and it will take to have enough data to show a full review 20222022 -- Complete Timeline to 20212021 Project Manager Jana Miller Corporate Customer Service Jana Miller Corporate Customer Service Program Project 2022. Set and Communicate Service Levels Set clearly communicated and specific service levels for frequently asked about or accessed City services, including: tree maintenance, parking, property standards complaints, snow clearing and grass cutting by Customer Experience Implement a comprehensive CustomerExperience Review Program to help ensure services are easy and convenient by 2022. . by 2022 Statement Strategic Plan Action Set clearly communicated Implement a 5.4 and specific service levels for frequently asked about or accessed City services, including: tree maintenance, parking, property standards complaints, snow clearing and grass cutting 5.5 comprehensive Customer Experience Review Program to help ensure services are easy and convenient to access from 2022. 24 MyKitchener ncil, Standing new website, the its comprehensive new ed wide, fully automated application - back made it clear that the City is edge online customer service portal - ite and MyKitchener portal will empower judicial committee meetings, such as the - class web design practices to give Kitchener residents - the City of Kitchener launch in - departmental collaboration, and automated approval - serve on their schedule. - services reimagines how municipalities offer services online. On March 1, 2021, online experience for Kitchener residents, including a completely transformed website and new, cuttingcalled MyKitchener. The seamless integration between portal and City The City has redeveloped its online presence from the ground up, incorporating bestexperience includes a new website with plain language content. By lowering the reading level of the website from college to grade seven, the City is making their website more accessible and easier to understand. The City hopes that the new websresidents to self for submitting agenda items and managing meetings for CouCommittees, and quasiCommittee of Adjustment. Through engagement across the City in 2019, stakeholders identified opportunities to improve our report development and submission process. Valuable feedready for an enhanced and efficient report writing and meeting management software solution. Agenda.NET creates enhancements and efficiencies, including automatically assigning report numbers, document versioning, crossworkflows. For report writers and approvers, it is time to make creating and submitting items to Council and Committee meetings easy! s Transformation and Relaunch of Kitchener.caElectronic Agenda Management 1.2. Business Plan Project Business Plan Project Completions 25 p the terms of reference for o s signature on the MOU for the roles and due to COVID and impacts on user groups. Likely to Progress Update A condition report has been completed for the facilities on the site. The work to evaluate the benefits of the Budd Lands for employment and for recreation is underway.responsibilitie s of the City and WRDSB related to the feasibility study. Once the MOU is signed the TOR will be circulated.Planning is underway to develthe pool business case.Delayed begin sometime in 2022 but unclear at this time when it could be completed. 2021202120212021 ---- 0 22 Timeline to Complete 202202020202020 New date: 20 Kugler Project Manager Kim Sport Kim Kugler Sport Kim Kugler Sport Jeremy Dueck Sport e Feasibility Study residents/stakeholders in a needs Pool Business Cas Study Community ServicesBudd Park Strategy Identify potential sites and estimated costs to relocate the recreational assets at Budd Park and compare the costs to the economic benefits of using the Budd Park for employment lands.Cameron Heights Pool Collaborate with the Waterloo Region District School Board to determine the renovations and estimated costs to isolate the pool operation from the school operation to preserve a recreational asset in the downtown.Southwest District Engage community assessment and business case to determine the elements to be included in the new pool.Ice Demand Evaluate ice user needs and trends for ice time to determine the timing of a new arena. 1234 BP0BP0BP0BP0 Business Plan Projects 26 taff , s out with - . for council and members of the DC work with the consultant underway . launch rollout will continue within the - governance, training, documenting . Post launch administrative work will be ongoing - Progress Update The website and portal launched March 1, 2021. Postincludingprocesses, early improvements, etc.Agenda.Net was launched February 5, 2021 for City and on February 19, 2021publicorganiza tion as more Committees are added to the platform. elay due to workload pressures in other areas (operations, Progress Update DHR) Phased approach being considered for rollimplementation not starting until Q1 of 2022Provincial legislation proclaimed in Fall 2020. Consultant has been retainedbut won't be completed in time to be reflected in the 2022 20212021 -- Timeline to Complete 20202020 Timeline to Complete Completed in 2021Completed in 2021 Services Project Manager Jason Winter Asset Management & Business Solutions Ryan Hagey Financial Planning ing Project Manager Nicole Amaral Corporate Communications & Market Jeff Bunn Legislated first - based timesheets. - the have to Implement mobile time entry for operations, Corporate ServicesTransformation and Relaunch of Kitchener.ca Relaunch Kitchener.ca as a userdesigned site that is easy for residents to quickly find any information they are looking for, as well as delivered to them.Electronic Agenda Management Create, prepare, approve and publish meeting agenda packages and minutes in a more efficient, collaborative, streamlined manner.Financial ServicesMobile Time Entry eliminating the need for paper Development Charge (DC) & Community Benefits Charge (CBC) Studies 5 0608 BP0BP BP07BP 27 next phase delayed until 2022. is . capital variance report until 2022 due to in elay Progress Update capital forecast. Recommend approval by Council in Q1 2022 with new rates effective July 1, 2022Investment policy completed and approved in April 2021. Dimplementation of new roles/structure in financial planning & reportingExpansion of Payment Options for Utility and Property Tax customers went live on February 24, 2021. The of the project will consider the expansion of payment options for Business Licensing, Building Permit, Planning and Miscellaneous Receivable services.The Point of Sale part of the project 20212021 -- 2 22222 Timeline to Complete New date: 20 2020 New date: 20 2020 New date: 20 Project Manager Ryan Hagey Financial Planning Saleh Saleh Revenue Term - . Implementation oint of Sale system, which is development charges study and Financial Services investigate whether the City should prepare a community benefits charge study Long Term Financial Plan Implement/consider recommended actions identified as 2020 items in the LongFinancial Plan.Point of Sale and Expansion of Payment Options Replace the existing Ppast its life cycle, and expand payment options for various services. 0910 BPBP 28 and development of a , background research on ce will also be a focus area of e, derground work will be completed in Carl Zehr Progress Update Several project activities have been completed: a capital budget restructuring exercismunicipal and industry comparatorscapital planning framework and processes. Financial modelling and projection work are ongoing, and a series of stakeholder workshops will be conducted starting in May 2021.Construction activities continued in Winter 2020/2021. It is expected that unSquare in the Spring 2021 and final preparations will be taking place for surface concrete placement. Mechanical installations for the ice rink and water feature are underway. The demolition of the upper terrawork. 2 2022021 -- Timeline to Complete 20202020 t ProjecManager Beatrice Powell Facilities Management Lynda Stewart Facilities Management on Carl Zehr r Spaces ing ss the infrastructure focus , to addre term maintenance and capital - comprehensive review of facility construction associated with the rehabilitation Infrastructure ServicesFacilities Infrastructure Program Conduct ainfrastructure needs that will incorporate building condition assessments, sustainability opportunities, and accessibility needs to identify current gaps and inform longimprovement strategies deficit.Rehabilitation of City Hall OutdooConstruction Phase 1 Begin of City Hall Outdoor spacesSquare and College Street. BP11BP12 29 to the impacts of rand River Assessment report, First and REEP (DMAF funding recipients) Greenhouse Gas or design, engagement and implementation; Benefits. Agreements with G consultation, and a framework to track Community - WIP (Water Infrastructure Program) is completed to - Progress Update Design work for RBJ Schlegel Phase 2 is nearing completion with construction tenders being issued and prepared through spring. Construction is scheduled for summer and fall 2021. Survivor Garden was deferred in 2020 dueCOVID; discussions have recently resumed with the donor and it is anticipated that this will move forward in 2021, with a tentatively completion of end of 2021. Westwood Park is part of a bundle of parks projects that has been awarded fWestwood Park will have design and engagement completed in 2021, and it is anticipated a tender for work will be issued and awarded in 2021. Construction may need to be deferred to 2022. Currently finalizing reporting and financial claim templates for the program. Preceding conditions of the DMAF agreement are complete, including Nations preEmploymentConservation Authorityhave been executed. Approximately 9% of construction for the DMAFdate. 2028 2021 - - 2 2 Timeline to Complete 2020 New date: 20 2020 t ProjecManager Niall Lobley Parks & Cemeteries Nick Gollan Sanitary & Stormwater Utilities Park; ; and Management RBJ Schlegel urvivor Garden Infrastructure ServicesImplementation of Significant Parks Projects Complete Phase 2 design work for plan, design and construct the Scomplete the upgrade to Westwood Park.Implementation of the Federal Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF)Plan and execute stormwater management infrastructure projects across the city to leverage the DMAF grant funding and advance the implementation of the 2016 Integrated Stormwater Master Plan. 1314 BPBP