HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-12-14ENVY1994-12-14 DECEMBER 14, 1994 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MINUTES CITY OF KITCHENER The Environmental Committee held its inaugural meeting commencing at 4:00 p.m. this date with the following members present: Mayor R. Christy, Councillor T. Galloway, Councillor Jake Smola, Councillor C. Weylie, Councillor J. Ziegler, Dr. J. Kay, Mr. D. Hilker, Ms. K. Kempel, and Mr. K. Meinzinger. Officials Present: Mr. B. Stanley, Mr. T. Clancy, Mr. C. Ford, and Mr. L.W. Neil. Mayor R. Christy took the chair and called for nominations for the positions of Chairman and Vice- chairman. 1 .APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN On motion by Councillor J. Ziegler, it was resolved: "That Councillor T. Galloway be appointed Chairman of the Environmental Committee for a term to expire November 30, 1995." 2. APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIRMAN On motion by Councillor J. Ziegler, it was resolved: "That Councillor Jake Smola be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Environmental Committee for a term to expire November 30, 1995." Mayor R. Christy then vacated the chair which was assumed by Councillor T. Galloway. 3. COMMITTEE MEETING DATES The Committee considered the schedule of proposed meeting dates for 1995. Councillor J. Ziegler requested that the January 11th date be changed to January 18th and the Committee agreed. On motion by Councillor J. Ziegler, it was resolved: "That the following meeting dates of the Environmental Committee in 1995 be approved: Wednesday January 18 Wednesday July 5 " February 1 " September 6 " March 1 " October 4 " April 5 " November 1 " May 3 " December 6 " June 7 COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE The Committee was in receipt of a copy of recently revised Committee Terms of Reference approved by City Council on September 26, 1994. Mr. B. Stanley advised that the major change already agreed to was that of taking an outreach approach. He questioned the wording of item 2.4 as approved and suggested that there was a misunderstanding in this regard noting that the word "develop" should replace the words "promote and initiate the development of" and that with such wording it was within our ability to develop such programs. In regard to item 2.5 he stated that it was understood that the City would rely on community resources. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMII-FEE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 1994 - 37- CITY OF KITCHENER 4. COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE (Cont'd) Councillor J. Ziegler suggested a further change to 2.4 by deleting the word "corporate" and adding the words "for the City" at the end of the sentence. On motion by Councillor J. Ziegler, it was resolved: "That Clause #2 of the Environmental Committee Terms of Reference approved by City Council September 26, 1994 be amended by deleting item 2.4 which reads: "To promote and initiate the development of short-term, intermediate and long-term corporate environmental programs." and substituting the following in place thereof: "To develop short-term, intermediate and long-term environmental programs for the City." 5. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY GROUP - REVISED TERMS OF REFERENCE The Committee was in receipt of a copy of proposed revised Terms of Reference for the staff Environmental Study Group established with respect to the Strategic Plan for the Environment. Mr. B. Stanley advised the Committee that following review of the Environmental Committee Terms of Reference it became apparent that revisions were necessary to the Environmental Study Group terms of reference. He noted that the group was composed of members of various departments that have an impact on the environment through the City's operations and that the group directs implementation of the Strategic Plan. He reviewed the revisions to the terms of reference as proposed by staff and in this regard specifically referred to changes made to items 1.1 (d), 1.2 (a), and 1.2 (c) as well as the change to 3.2 which deletes the former Commissioner of Planning and Development and substitutes the Assistant General Manager of Planning and Development. Councillor C. Weylie recommended that item 1.2 (d) be revised with the words "and the country" being added at the end of the sentence and the Committee agreed. On motion by Mayor R. Christy, it was resolved: "That revised Terms of Reference of the staff Environmental Study Group established under the Strategic Plan For The Environment, be approved, as outlined hereunder: 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 To study and make recommendations to the Environmental Committee on the Strategic Plan for the Environment including: a) b) c) d) e) Environmental Mission Statement City Environmental Philosophy or Principles Environmental Main Functional and Key Activity Areas Establishment of Strategic Priorities including ongoing review and update Implementation Strategy (including: Priorities; Timing; Staff; Capital and Operating Funding; Maintenance; and, Enforcement Program). 1.2 To function as a vehicle to keep City Staff and the Environmental Committee fully informed in regard to: 5. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY GROUP - REVISED TERMS OF REFERENCE (Cont'd) ENVIRONMENTAL COMMII-FEE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 1994 - 38- CITY OF KITCHENER a) The maintenance, review and implementation of the City's Environmental Strategic Plan. b) To educate and inform City residents, Staff and the Environmental Committee in regard to environmental matters and activities throughout the Region, the Province and the Country. c) The promotion of environmental awareness through community outreach programs. d) To assist the Environmental Committee in the promotion and initiation of the development of short-term, intermediate and long-term community based environmental programs. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 The Environmental Study Group will consider environment in its broadest possible terms. As such, the Group's mandate will include all matters, activities and operations of every City Department that impact on the environment; as well as all related regulatory and enforcement functions of the City Administration. 3.0 MEMBERSHIP AND ORGANIZATION 3.1 Membership on the Committee will be open to all City Departments but will be limited to three (3) representatives from a Department. 3.2 The Chairman of the Environmental Study Group will be the Assistant General Manager of Planning and Development. 3.3 Minutes will be taken at each meeting relating only to actions required and documentation of major outstanding concerns or issues. 3.4 Secretarial services for the Environmental Study Group will be provided by the Department of Planning and Development. 3.5 Meetings will be held as needed at the call of the Chairman. 4.0 ROLE AND FUNCTION 4.1 The Environmental Study Group will report to City Council through the Environmental Committee. 4.2 Decisions of the Environmental Study Group will be arrived at by consensus. Those not in agreement with the consensus of the Group must outline in specific terms where they are in disagreement and why. If the Group is unable to accommodate these areas of disagreement, the Group recommendation together with the documented areas of disagreement will be forwarded to City Council through the Environmental Committee. 4.3 The Environmental Study Group will from time to time create Working Committees as required and will set terms of reference for such Working Committees." Dr. J. Kay requested that the update pages pertaining to the City of Kitchener Strategic Plan for the Environment be provided to Committee members. Mr. B. Stanley advised that he would provide these updates as well as binder copies of the Strategic Plan to new members of the Committee. 6. PROPOSED REVIEW PROCESS OF STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENTAL COMMII-FEE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 1994 - 39- CITY OF KITCHENER Mr. B. Stanley advised that at the Environmental Study Group's last meeting, it was proposed that the Environmental Committee consider holding a one day Environmental Workshop or Visioning Session to receive input as part of the review of the Strategic Plan. He pointed out that when the City developed the Strategic Plan, a process spanning 8 to 9 months was utilized which staff consider to be less than satisfactory from the point of view of those who attended to provide input. He suggested that a better way to obtain community input and concerns on environmental issues would be through a concentrated and focused evening or day session. He advised that if the Committee supported such approach staff could develop some ideas and could bring them back for consideration at the January meeting. The Committee supported the approach and discussed possible dates. On motion by Councillor T. Galloway, it was resolved: "That the Environmental Committee hold a public "environmental workshop or visioning session" on Saturday March 25, 1995 in connection with the Committees' review of the City of Kitchener Strategic Plan for the Environment, and further, That Mr. B. Stanley, Assistant General Manager, of the Department of Planning and Development be requested to develop a draft visioning program for consideration by the Committee at its January 18, 1995 meeting." STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE ENVIRONMENT - TIMETABLE FOR REVIEW OF EACH MAIN FUNCTIONAL AREA OF THE PLAN A timetable for review of the main functional areas of the Strategic Plan was tabled with the Committee. Mr. B. Stanley commented that key department staff could provide presentations by functional area and Mr. C. Ford suggested a revised Plan format be developed for the next meeting. Councillor C. Weylie then asked that some form of press release be developed after each functional area has been considered. Councillor T. Galloway pointed out that the K-W Record does have an environmental person on staff and suggested that information should be provided directly to that individual. He also supported the idea of developing a press release. Dr. J. Kay suggested that the press be specifically invited to attend the visioning day session and that environmental awards that the City has received be publicized in connection with the session. Mr. T. Clancy advised that it has been the experience of the Parks & Recreation Department that when press releases have been done well the City obtained good news coverage. He offered the services of Ms. Leslie Bamford to format news releases from information other staff would provide. Councillor T. Galloway commented that what was really required was a corporate strategy relative to the matter of press releases. On motion by Councillor C. Weylie, it was resolved: "That we approve the following monthly Timetable for review of each "Main Functional Area" of the Strategic Plan for The Environment with adjustment only if necessary: Monthly Meetin,q Main Functional Area January, 1995 - February, 1995 - March, 1995 - April, 1995 - May, 1995 - June, 1995 Energy Systems Land Resources Water Resources Waste Management Resource Consumption, Pollution and Environmental Interference Natural Areas STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE ENVIRONMENT - TIMETABLE FOR REVIEW OF EACH MAIN FUNCTIONAL AREA OF THE PLAN (Cont'd) ENVIRONMENTAL COMMII-FEE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 1994 - 40- CITY OF KITCHENER On motion, it was resolved: "That Mr. T. Clancy, General Manager of the Department of Parks and Recreation be requested to arrange for preparation of a special invitation to the media to attend the Committee's January meeting relative to review of the "Energy Systems" Main Functional Area, as well as preparation of a press release following the meeting." REPORT RE: FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES Councillor C. Weylie advised that in June 1994 she was elected as one of twelve Ontario delegates to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and that from time to time she wished to report an update on the organizations activities. Firstly, Councillor Weylie reported that a Canadian Municipal Environmental Directory would be published in 1995 and provide a networking among some 3000 municipal contacts. Any information update the City can offer should be sent to FCM in Ottawa. Secondly, she advised of the activities of a group in British Columbia that was involved in electro- magnetic evaluation. She pointed out that experts have been unable to agree on what is dangerous and suggested that it was an issue for consideration of planners and asked for input from anyone that she could relay when she attends an FCM meeting in Ottawa in March 1995. Dr. J. Kay commented that there were many types of factors to consider when dealing with the impact of electro-magnetic fields; however, there was enough evidence only under certain circumstances to suggest a health risk. Councillor Jake Smola referred to the question of placement of playground equipment near power lines as an issue that should be further considered. Councillor Weylie advised the Committee that she would bring back whatever additional information she obtained on this issue. Thirdly, Councillor C. Weylie referred to the matter of Co2 reductions, noting that she recently attended a workshop and that the first thing to pursue on this matter is to obtain an estimate of Co2 emissions. Councillor Weylie pointed out that Canada by signing a world agreement has agreed to reduce Co2 emissions and that this came into force in March 1994. Mr. B. Stanley noted that it was his view that this type of program was one that could fall under the category of community outreach programs to obtain participation. Mr. C. Ford noted that this issue was on the Management Committee agenda for consideration and suggested that the Energy Management budget could accommodate a rough audit as a student project. Mr. Ford indicated that he would update the Committee on this matter at its next meeting. Mr. B. Stanley suggested that it would be appropriate if each department considered the Co2 reduction issue as they review main functional areas of the Strategic Plan. Fourthly, Councillor C. Weylie referred to the National Packaging Protocol who's objective is a 35% and 50% reduction of packaging by the years 1996 and 2000 respectively. Councillor Weylie indicated that she had telephoned Ms. Samm McKay and that she had agreed to be a national member of the Committee. Councillor Weylie also requested that a list of applicants who applied for appointment to the Environmental Committee be provided to Mr. G. Nixon. REGIONAL REVIEW OF WASTE MANAGEMENT Dr. J. Kay referred to the Regional Review of Waste Management that was commissioned to look at all services provided and expressed concern as to the process and final approval of the review. He suggested that Kitchener ask the Regional Review Commission to provide proposals for feedback prior to finalization and recommendation to the Region of Waterloo. He indicated his concern was how rapidly the waste management issue was being dealt with and that REGIONAL REVIEW OF WASTE MANAGEMENT (Cont'd) community response appeared to be being ignored with groups such as the Kitchener ENVIRONMENTAL COMMII-FEE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 1994 - 41- CITY OF KITCHENER Environmental Committee having no opportunity for input. On motion by Dr. J. Kay, it was resolved: "That the Region of Waterloo be requested to provide the City of Kitchener with a draft of the "Regional Review of Waste Management" in order that the City's Environmental Committee have the opportunity to consider the document and to prepare a submission to the Region, prior to consideration of the Waste Management Review by Regional Committee and Council." 10. CONSERVATION INITIATIVES Councillor Jake Smola referred to the matter of Iow flush toilets and what building regulations exist to require their installation. Mr. C. Ford advised that presently they were encouraged in subdivision agreements and Mr. B. Stanley advised that there was a timetable for their implementation in the Building Code. Mr. T. Clancy questioned if we could not simply repeat the program of the installation of water conserver toilets that was recently done in the municipality. Councillor C. Weylie advised that she would obtain information for the Committee from the Region on the water savings from Iow flush toilets that have been achieved to date. Councillor Jake Smola suggested that staff wherever possible through either advertisements or press releases should be publicizing environmental tips for consumers to save water and energy. It was suggested that tips could be developed under each main functional area as the Strategic Plan Review moves forward. 11. OVERVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIC PLAN Dr. J. Kay offered to do a review presentation of his summary outline of the Strategic Plan for the benefit of new members at the January 18th meeting. It was agreed that this matter be listed first on the agenda and that the meeting commence at 3:30 p.m.. Dr. Kay advised that he would need a slide projector for this presentation. 12. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ITEMS WERE LISTED ON THE AGENDA (a) City of Kitchener Strategic Plan for the Environment A copy was distributed to new Committee members for their information. (b) Canadian Environmental Management Survey, 1994 - KPMG Environmental Services Inc. A copy of the above document was distributed to Committee members for their information. Dr. Kay commented that he found it extremely interesting and questioned if the Committee should consider it before the Strategic Plan Review process was started so as to give some consideration to the standards noted in the document. Mr. B. Stanley commented that measurable standards were needed and advised that he has asked for further information, which if received in time, could be added to the agenda for the next meeting. (c) International Council For Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) (d) ICLEI - Second Municipal Leaders' Summit On Climate Change, Berlin - March 27-29, 1995 13. NEXT MEETING - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1995 The next meeting of the Environmental Committee will be held on Wednesday, January 18, 1995 commencing at 3:30 p.m. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMII-FEE MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 1994 CITY OF KITCHENER 14. ADJOURNMENT On motion, the meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. L.W. Neil, AMCT Assistant City Clerk