HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeritage Kitchener - 1998-08-14HERITAGE\1998-08-14 HERITAGE KITCHENER AUGUST 14, 1998 CITY OF KITCHENER Heritage Kitchener met this date, commencing at 11:55 a.m. under the Chairmanship of Ms. P. Wagner, with the following members present: Ms. C. Martindale, Mr. P. Bufe and Mr. R. Coo. Councillor J. Haalboom, Councillor T. Galloway, Ms. E. Heinrichs and Mr. G. Grimes entered the meeting during the Building Evaluation session. Others present: Ms. J. Given, Ms. S. Barber, Messrs. B. Stanley, L. Masseo, L. Bensason and Ms. D. Gilchrist. 1. BUILDING EVALUATION SESSION The Committee members considered various properties on Brubacher Street and Krug Street to be added to the Heritage inventory. The Committee viewed slides of each property and voted on each property separately. Mr. Bensason introduced a property at 914 King Street West and showed slides of the property and requested that the Committee consider adding the property to the Heritage inventory. The Committee, by vote, agreed that the following properties be added to the Heritage inventory: 75 Brubacher Street, 79 Brubacher Street, 83 Brubacher Street, 91 Brubacher Street, 95 Brubacher Street, 97 Brubacher Street, 101 Brubacher Street, 102 Brubacher Street, 103 Brubacher Street, 104 Brubacher Street, 105 Brubacher Street and 112 Brubacher Street, 102 Krug Street, 118 Krug Street, 120 Krug Street and 128 Krug Street and 914 King Street West. Councillor J. Haalboom assumed the Chair at this time. 2. ALTERATION/DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS - 19 ROLAND STREET Mr. L. Bensason distributed copies of the Alteration/Demolition Application submitted by the owners of 19 Roland Street, located in the Victoria Park Heritage Conservation District, along with plans for the proposed addition. Mr. Bensason also showed slides of the subject property. He advised that this is also a request for a partial demolition of the garage to allow for the rear addition. He stated that this is a policy item in the plan and in keeping with the plan. On motion by Mr. P. Bufe, it was resolved: "That, pursuant to Section 43 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve the request of the owner of 19 Roland Street, located in the Victoria Park Area Heritage Conservation District, to demolish the front portion of the detached garage and to erect a rear addition, as outlined in their Alteration/Demolition Application, dated August 10, 1998." 3. DELEGATIONS -WILLIAMSBURG TOWN CENTRE The Committee was in receipt of correspondence from Max Becker Enterprises to Mr. L. Bensason, Heritage Planner, dated July 22, 1998 and two letters from Max Becker Enterprises Ltd. to the former Councillor Mike Wagner from 1993 with respect to the development of the Williamsburg Town Centre. Mr. R. Schlegel, Max Becker Enterprises and Mr. M. Code, consultant for the property owner, were in attendance. Mr. L. Bensason introduced this matter. He advised that the property is located at Westmount Road and Bleams Road. He advised that the previous Committee had requested that the wall be kept and if possible left in its present location. He advised that the Plan of Subdivision is now being processed and the Committee needs to come to grips with how the heritage resources will be dealt with. Mr. Schlegel addressed the Committee with respect to his intentions concerning the heritage resources on the property and those which the owner will attempt to incorporate, either in original form or reproduction, in the Town Centre. The Committee spoke at length about preserving the cobblestone wall, including the piers and of their opinion about the significance, believing it worthy of designation. There was also a discussion concerning the grading of the property and the Committee's request to have Planning staff talk to Engineering about different grading in areas of heritage and environmental HERITAGE KITCHENER AUGUST 14, 1998 - 37- CITY OF KITCHENER DELEGATIONS - WILLIAMSBURG TOWN CENTRE- CONT'D significance. The Committee was advised of the existing drainage patterns and the problems involved. Councillor T. Galloway questioned what was expected of the Committee at this meeting and Mr. L. Bensason advised that the heritage resources need to be identified and how they will be incorporated into the subdivision. A brief discussion then took place on the technical aspects of moving the cobblestone wall, piers and posts. The Committee also questioned Mr. Schlegel on what he would be willing to do in terms of preservation. On motion by Mr. P. Bufe, it was resolved: "That, regarding Draft Plan of Subdivision 30%96005, the owners, Max Becker Enterprises Limited, make every effort to incorporate the farmhouse pump, the gatepost(s), at Westmount Road, the balance beam portion of the scales, piers and posts together with the cobblestone wall all from the property municipally known as 1187 Westmount Road East, into the town centre proposed in this Plan of Subdivision, and further That a consultant be retained by the owner to advise on the relocation of the cobblestone wall, and further That the house and barn be recorded prior to demolition, and further That the City's Heritage Planner and one member of Heritage Kitchener act as a liason with the owner, and further That the owner keep Heritage Kitchener informed regarding moving the cobblestone wall." 748 ZELLER DRIVE Mr. and Mrs. R. Woolner were in attendance to support the staff report recommending designation of the property municipally known as 748 Zeller Drive. The Committee was provided with the designation report prepared by Ms. S. Barber. Mr. Bensason introduced the report and showed slides of the property. Mr. Bensason requested that the report be amended to include the roofs and well as roof lines and the Committee agreed to this request. Mr. Bensason pointed out that the following features were not included and the recommendation: the silo, metal pig barn and the malt bin. Mr. and Mrs. Woolner advised the Committee that they were very impressed with the report and noted that the family has been very conscious of preserving the property. Mr. Woolner spoke of the importance of the siting of this property in relation to the Grand River Conservation Authority lands and the river. A brief discussion took place with respect to the proposed extension of Fairway Road and how it may affect this property. The Committee then discussed with the Woolners the inclusion of the silo and the malt bin in the designation and after discussion it was generally agreed that they be included in the designation. On motion by Ms. P. Wagner, it was resolved: "That, pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, the Clerk be directed to publish a Notice of Intention to designate the property municipally known as 748 Zeller Drive (Woolner Farm) as being of historic and architectural significance, and further HERITAGE KITCHENER AUGUST 14, 1998 - 38- CITY OF KITCHENER 4. 748 ZELLER DRIVE - CONT'D That the designation include all four elevations of the exterior of the farmhouse, with the specific features as outlined in the amended report considered by Heritage Kitchener on August 14, 1998, and further That the designation also include the wainscotting and baseboard trim, all door hardware, specifically that of the exterior dining room and exterior kitchen doors, on the interior of the farmhouse; interior and exterior features of the barn, the outbuildings, the laneway and vegetation, all is described in the amended report considered by Heritage Kitchener on August 14, 1998." 5. HURON ROAD - DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDIVISON 30T-98201 AND 30T-98202 The Committee members were in receipt of copies of Draft Plan of Subdivision 30T-98201 and 30T-98202 located in the vicinity of 710 Huron Road. Ms. C. Wiebe, planning consultant for the owners, was in attendance to listen to the discussion and provide what information she could. Councillor J. Haalboom spoke of the walk which had taken place on this property in July and that her main concern is with the heritage resources. Mr. L. Bensason showed slides of the area in question. Ms. P. Wagner talked about the site visit and something of the archeological dig which had been conducted on the site. She advised the Committee that the archeologist had stated that this is one of the most of the significant sites in the Region. Ms. Wiebe addressed the Committee advising of lands to be dedicated to the City of Kitchener through the subdivision process, for a linear park. The Committee discussed the grading of the subdivisions, advising of their concern that the 710 Huron Road would be left like a "castle on a hill". Ms. Weibe stated that the existing grades will have to softened because of storm water management and municipal sewers. She stated that the sewers are the primary determinant of the grading. The Committee then discussed with Ms. Wiebe various heritage concerns including heritage names, the linear park area, possibilities of an interpretive centre and the ultimate elevation for Huron Road. Ms. P. Wagner then put forward a motion listing various heritage concerns she hoped would be addressed through the plan of subdivision process. On motion by Ms. P. Wagner, it was resolved: "That, regarding Draft Plans of Subdivision 30T-98201 & 30T-98202, Heritage Kitchener recommends as follows: That the historic significance of New Aberdeen be recognized, through archeological finds, with signage. 2. That Iotlines be delinated by trees and stump lines. 3. That the kettle be preserved. 4. That Heritage Names be included in these subdivisions. 5. That the plans be reviewed with the intention of preserving more trees. 6. That the rolling topography be preserved as much as possible. HERITAGE KITCHENER AUGUST 14, 1998 - 39- CITY OF KITCHENER 7. That 710 Huron Road not be left up on a hill." 5. HURON ROAD - DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDIVISON 30T-98201 AND 30T-98202 - CONT'D Ms. P. Wagner then suggested that the archeological artifacts recovered from this site be given to the Doon Heritage Crossroads. On motion by Ms. P. Wagner it was resolved: "That the Department of Business & Planning Services investigate with Doon Heritage Crossroads the possibility of them receiving the archeological artifacts from the properties in Draft Plans of Subdivision 30T-98201 & 30T-98202." 6. MINUTES On motion by Mr. G. Grimes, it was resolved: "That the minutes of the regular meeting of Heritage Kitchener of July 10, 1998, as mailed to the members, be amended on Page 34 by adding the following sentence to the last paragraph: "Mr. E. Lucy also suggested the possibility of creating a barrier between pedestrians and vehicles, possibly by moving the planters to the side of the road or establishing a cinder path off the road completely." On motion by Ms. P. Wagner, it was resolved: "That the minutes of the regular meeting of Heritage Kitchener of July 10, 1998, be amended at the top of Page 31 to show that the property was purchased in 1988 and not 1998." On motion by Mr. G. Grimes, it was resolved: "That the minutes of the regular meeting of Heritage Kitchener of July 10, 1998, as mailed to the members and amended this dated be accepted." Councillor T. Galloway left the meeting at this time. 7. HONORARIUM Councillor J. Haalboom offered thanks to Ms. S. Barber, on behalf of the Committee, for the tremendous work Ms. Barber has undertaken for the Committee, on a volunteer basis. Councillor Haalboom questioned whether the Committee would be willing to provide Ms. Barber with an honorarium, from the Committee's budget, for her volunteer work. Ms. Barber thanked the Committee for the opportunity to work with them. On motion by Ms. E. Heinrichs, it was resolved: "That, in recognition of the extensive volunteer work provided to Heritage Kitchener by Ms. S. Barber, we authorize payment to Ms. Barber of a $400.00 honorarium, by transfer within the approved 1998 Heritage Kitchener Budget." 8. UPDATE - 108 QUEEN STREET NORTH Mr. L. Bensason advised that, due to the new demolition control legislation, the City is in a better position to preserve the Sonneck House, 108 Queen Street North. He advised that the City HERITAGE KITCHENER AUGUST 14, 1998 - 40- CITY OF KITCHENER requires information from the owner on how the building will survive the winter. He advised that the private legislation is retroactive and the owners will have to build something on the property within two years, if they demolish. RESEARCH FOR POSSIBLE DESIGNATIONS Mr. P. Bufe volunteered to do research on the properties municipally known as: 215, 219, 221 and 223 Frederick Street and 122 Lancaster Street East, for possible designation. It was noted that 209 Frederick Street is already designated under the Ontario Heritage Act and the other Frederick Street properties are on the Heritage Inventory. Mr. Bufe asked that 122 Lancaster Street East be added to the Heritage Inventory. On motion by Mr. Mr. P. Bufe, it was resolved: "That 122 Lancaster Street East be added to the Heritage Inventory." 10. DESIGNATION - FREEPORT BRIDGE Mr. E. Heinrichs distributed copies of a designation report for the Freeport Bridge to the Committee members. She spoke of the significance locally and Provincially, noting that it is already listed on the Ontario Heritage Bridge program. On motion by Ms. E. Heinrichs, it was resolved: "That, pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, the Clerk be directed to publish a Notice of Intention to designate the property known as the Freeport Bridge, King Street East, a reinforced concrete, bowstring, truss bridge as being of historic and architectural significance, and further That the designation includes the entire bridge with seven spans and six piers and the six foot wide sidewalk on the west side of the bridge, as outlined in the report considered by Heritage Kitchener on August 14, 1998." It was noted that Ms. Heinrichs will be making a presentation to the Heritage Planning Advisory Committee in this regard in two weeks. 11. DESIGNATION - GREENBROOK PUMPING STATION Mr. Bensason advised that a designation report for the Greenbrook Pumping Station will come forward to this Committee at the September meeting. He advised that he would circulate the designation report to the Region prior to that meeting. 12. HERITAGE KITCHENER - MIDTERM REPORT CARD Mr. L. Bensason reviewed with the Committee the items which had been undertaken by the Committee and the status of each. He also reviewed with the Committee his own work priorities and where he stood with each. 13. SIGNAGE - VICTORIA SCHOOL CENTRE Mr. L. Bensason provided an update for the Committee with respect to the signage proposed for the Victoria School Centre. He stated that he has been working with Parks and Recreation staff and has recommended that the signage be placed in the parking lot across the street. Mr. Bensason showed a slide of the sign at the Winston Park Nursing Home noting it is the style of sign suggested to Parks and Recreation staff. He noted that things are well under way and should be done by Fall. 14. SIGNAGE FOR HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICTS HERITAGE KITCHENER AUGUST 14, 1998 - 41- CITY OF KITCHENER 15. 16. 17. A brief discussion took place with respect to signage for the Heritage Conservation Districts. Mr. Bensason questioned whether the Committee wanted one design for signage for all districts or unique signage for each district. Mr. Bensason was asked to investigate other municipalities. He advised that he would report back to the Committee with various options. DESIGNATION CEREMONY - BREAD AND ROSES Councillor J. Haalboom advised that the designation ceremony for Bread and Roses will be held on September 12th. She advised of the speakers for the ceremony. PRIVATE LEGISLATION Mr. Bensason advised that the private demolition control legislation has been passed. The Committee members were provided with copies in their agenda package. He also advised that legislation is being proposed in the Heritage Amendment Act, so that no designated building in the Province can be demolished. UPPER DOON HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT - ACHEOLOGICAL/CULTURAL 18. 19. 20. 21. STUDY Mr. Bensason advised of the archeological/cultural study being conducted in Upper Doon, the community trail design and plaquing and signage on the trail. There was also a discussion about the protection of archeological resources. URBAN ARCHEOLOGICAL MASTERPLAN Mr. B. Stanley advised that an urban archeological masterplan could be commenced approximately the year 2000. He requested that the Committee request of Council the inclusion of monies in the Capital Forecast, in the year 2001 and 2002, for this purpose. On motion by Mr. P. Bufe, it was resolved; "That Heritage Kitchener requests that City Council include $20,000 in the capital forecast in each of 2001 and 2002 to undertake an Urban Archaeological Masterplan." DESIGNATION - 64-68 MARGARET AVENUE A discussion took place with respect to the Committee's July 10th recommendation for designation of 64-68 Margaret Avenue. Mr. Bensason advised that staff thought it would be responsible to send a recommendation to the September Council meeting, when the Demolition Control Report would be considered, so that Council will have all the information on the property before making a decision. HERITAGE PROPERTY VALUES Copies of a letter from Robert Shipley, University of Waterloo, concerning a proposed study on Heritage property values, was distributed at the meeting. It was noted that Professor Shipley was looking for volunteers. Mr. G. Grimes advised that he was interested and he would contact Professor Shipley directly. MUTUAL BLOCK Mr. Bensason advised of the proposed demolition of twenty-six properties by Mutual Life, in the block bounded by Mount Hope Street, King Street, Union Street and Park Street. He advised that interim and ultimate site plans have been submitted. Mr. Bensason noted that none of the properties stands out individually but they are important collectively. He noted that the owners are asking for a demolition control exemption. A brief discussion took place on the significance of these buildings. HERITAGE KITCHENER AUGUST 14, 1998 - 42- CITY OF KITCHENER On motion by Mr. G. Grimes, it was resolved: 21. MUTUAL BLOCK - CONT'D "That staff of the Department of Business & Planning Services be made aware of Heritage Kitchener's opposition to the demolition of the 26 properties impacted by Demolition Control Application DC 98/9/KPMU/RM and Site Plan Application SP 98/20/M/RM, given the majority of structures are original, well kept and representative examples of turn of the century and early 20th Century architecture in Berlin/Kitchener." 22. NEXT MEETING The next regularly scheduled meeting of Heritage Kitchener is scheduled for September 11, 1998. 23. ADJOURNMENT On motion, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Dianne H. Gilchrist Committee Secretary