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NOVEMBER 13, 1998
Heritage Kitchener met this date, chaired by Councillor J. Haalboom, commencing at 11:55 a.m., with the
following members present: Ms. S. Campbell, Ms. C. Martindale, Ms. P. Wagner, Mr. P. Bufe, Mr. R. Coo
and Mr. D. Pullen. Councillor T. Galloway, Ms. T. Seedhouse, Mr. M. Badran and Mr. E. Lucy were in
attendance for part of the meeting.
Regrets: Ms. E. Heinrichs.
Others present: Counillor M. Yantzi, Ms. P. Bacon, Ms. S. Barber, Mr. L. Bensason, Mr. L. Masseo and
Ms. D. Gilchrist.
The Committee was in receipt of correspondence from Mr. L. Masseo, Intermediate Planner, giving
notice of applications for draft plan of subdivision and zone change for properties in the Grand
River South Community. Mr. Masseo was in attendance to answer any questions the Committee
might have in this regard. Mr. L. Bensason distributed copies of a map of this area to the
Committee members. The map located the lands which are the subject of these applications and
the heritage properties in the vacinity. Mr. Bensason noted that, last year, Dr. Fung asked that his
property be removed from the Heritage Inventory and the same applies to the Huber property.
Mr. L. Masseo advised that the Department of Business and Planning Services has been working
on the community plan for the last two years and it is substantially complete. Staff are working on
finalizing the community plan and will work the subdivision plans into the community plan. Mr.
Masseo advised that, up to this point, the designation of scenic roads hasn't been included in the
community plan. If this Committee wants scenic roads addressed in the community plan, then the
Department will have to address that issue. Mr. Masseo then suggested that, if this Committee
needs more time than the twenty-one day statutory time, to comment on these applications, it
should pass a formal resolution to that effect.
Mr. M. Badran and Mr. E. Lucy entered the meeting at this time.
A brief discussion took place with respect to the woodlot in the area. Ms. P. Wagner suggested
doing a tour of the house on the Rockway Holdings property and questioned how that might be
arranged. Councillor J. Haalboom, noting that there are heritage roads and properties in the area,
questioned whether the Committee wanted to follow-up as suggested by staff. Mr. L. Bensason
provided the Committee with wording for a possible resolution.
On motion by Mr. R. Coo
It was resolved:
"That, given designated and listed Heritage properties are located in the vacinity of the lands
subject to Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 30T-97012, 30T-97013, 30T-97014 and 30T-
97015 and given the pending deadline for comments requested in the Department/Agency
circulation letter; City staff be made aware that Heritage Kitchener may want to make comments on
the subject applications and will endeavor to provide such comments to staff within the next two
meetings of the Committee.
Councillor J. Haalboom questioned which Committee members would like to review these
properties and report back to the Committee and Ms. P. Wagner, Mr. M. Badran and Ms. C.
Martindale volunteered to do this work.
Councillor T. Galloway and Ms. T. Seedhouse entered the meeting at this time.
The Committee was in receipt of a Designated Heritage Property Alteration/Demolition Application
for the properties municipally known as 14 & 18 St. George Street, Kitchener. Attached to the
application was background information including a report from Mr. W. Pearce, Building Inspector,
outlining the heritage materials which could be salvaged from the buildings and the site plan and
concept drawings for the proposed redevelopment of this site. Messrs. G. Woolner, T. Schaner
and D. Gossen were in attendance to represent the demolition application.
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Councillor J. Haalboom noted that the demolition permit was discussed at this Committee
approximately 1 year ago.
Mr. L. Bensason showed slides of the St. George Street and Queen Street frontages in the area of
the proposed development. Mr. Bensason noted that the Committee must make a
recommendation to Council on the demolition, under the Ontario Heritage Act, and as a condition
of approval can ask for a recording of the property.
Mr. Woolner addressed the Committee and distributed colour elevation drawings of the proposed
project. He advised that the project would involve the whole block, in two phases and that the first
phase would contain 58 units and the second phase would contain 120-140 units and that they
have applied for Iongterm care beds. He briefly reviewed the history of contact with Heritage
Kitchener concerning this proposed development. He noted that 50% of the first phase has been
sold and they would like to break ground on this phase soon.
Mr. Schaner spoke of the design and historic features that will be kept and will be included in the
design of the project. Mr. Goosen advised the Committee that the demolition contractor will be
Kieswetters who will take the time to salvage the features noted in Mr. Pearce's report. He
advised that he did not know if they could include all of these features in the new development and
didn't want that to be a condition of demolition.
Mr. D. Pullen questioned when they would prepare the proposal for doing the work on the bookend
houses and questioned whether the salvaged materials could be used in those houses. A brief
discussion took place in this regard.
Mr. L. Bensason clarified that the current request is for the demolition of 14 & 18 St. George
Street, to facilitate the construction of Phase 1 of the Sandhills Christian Community project.
There is no request to demolish the Queen Street properties at this time. If Phase 2 of this project
does not proceed, the Queen Street properties will not be demolished. If Phase 2 does proceed,
the owners will have to make an application for demolition and site plan approval. The demolition
application for Phase 2 will have to come before this Committee.
On motion by Ms. S. Campbell
It was resolved:
"That, subject to the properties being recorded to a standard acceptable to the City's Heritage
Planner, pursuant to Section 43 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve the request of the owner
to demolish the designated properties municipally known as 14 & 18 St. George Street, located in
the Victoria Park Area Heritage Conservation District."
Mr. P. Bufe questioned whether a site plan is in place for this project, as he was concerned about
the demolition going forward without one. Mr. G. Woolner advised that the site plan application
will be submitted in the next couple of weeks.
Ms. P. Bacon, Planner, explained what has taken place so far and the timing for the site plan
application and demolition application. She noted that when the site plan is submitted for Phase 2,
it will be the trigger to come back to this Committee with the site plan and demolition application.
Councillor J. Haalboom stated that Heritage Kitchener wants staff to keep them informed at each
stage of this development. It was noted that the real impact to the Heritage District is the
streetscape of Stage 2.
The questioned was raised as to whether it would be possible to have someone go on a walk
through with a video camera. Mr. L. Bensason noted that the Department of Business & Planning
Services has a video camera. He advised that he could accompany Mr. Woolner when he goes
through to do the photographic recording.
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The Committee was in receipt of a letter from Green Scheels Pidgeon, dated October 30, 1998, a
design brief and elevation drawings, concerning the proposed renovation and landscape
improvements to the Doon South Drive streetscape. The information particularly addresses the
entrance feature at Doon South Drive at Doon Village Road. Mr. L. Bensason displayed some
digital photographs of the entrance to Doon South Drive.
Mr. G. Scheels was in attendance to explain the request and answer any questions the Committee
might have in this regard. Mr. J. Vernhout of Monarch Construction was also in attendance.
Mr. Scheels reviewed the history of this entrance, including the previous involvement with
L.A.C.A.C. Mr. Scheels noted that this is a very wide street and Monarch would like to establish a
bit of character and definition. Mr. Scheels explained how they worked towards and arrived at the
design and the elements and the material of the design. He also advised that they have taken into
consideration the policy of the Upper Doon Heritage Conservation District Plan.
Ms. P. Wagner advised of her impression that the walls suggested an American gated community.
Mr. Scheels advised that, from a pedestrian scale, the walls drawn the entrance in and there is not
intention to include gates whatsoever.
Councillor T. Galloway questioned ownership of the features in the entrance. Mr. Scheels noted
that the entrance is located on public land. He noted that there are long term maintenance
implications and they are choosing plant materials with a long life expectancy.
Mr. E. Lucy noted that there could be traffic visibility problems and Mr. Scheels advised that they
are reviewing that matter with City Traffic staff. Mr. Lucy also noted that Upper Doon is getting
locked. He questioned a possible change in the name to draw the two communities together. Mr.
Scheels advised that Monarch is looking at this issue, as they want to forge better ties between the
old and new communities. Mr. L. Bensason advised that he met with Traffic & Engineering staff
that morning and they had some concerns about the proposal. Mr. Scheels stated that he is aware
of these concerns and realizes that the plans will have to be modified somewhat. Mr. Scheels
stated that he is looking for approval, in principle, today subject to approval by Engineering staff.
On motion by Ms. S. Campbell
It was resolved:
"That, pursuant to Section 43 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve, in principle, the request of
the owner to alter the entrance feature on Doon South Drive, located in the Upper Doon Heritage
Conservation District, as presented to Heritage Kitchener on November 13, 1998, subject to the
owner obtaining approval from City Engineering staff."
On motion by Ms. P. Wagner
It was resolved:
"That the minutes of the regular meeting of Heritage Kitchener, of October 2, 1998, as mailed to
the members, be accepted."
The Committee was in receipt of a letter from Mr. D. Drackley, Principal, Stanley Consulting Group
Ltd. with respect to the Downtown Kitchener West Side Connection Study Class Environmental
Assessment. Mr. L. Bensason provided the Committee members with an extract from the Victoria
Park Area Heritage Conservation District Plan called "Movement" and the Queen/Benton
Diversion. He advised that he wanted the Committee to be aware of the position of the plan on
this matter.
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Ms. P. Wagner advised that she attended the meeting and it was well attended. She spoke of the
different concerns brought out at the meeting. She recommended that the Committee put their
concerns in writing. She emphasized that the traffic lights on Queen Street need to be looked at.
Mr. D. Pullen stated that some of the problems exist because other places have been shut off and
it was suggested at the meeting that before new roads are opened up existing roads which have
been closed should be reopened. He stated that he felt that the meeting had been orchestrated
and that it was not a spontaneous public meeting. He felt that it was important to analysis what the
problem really is. Mr. Pullen suggested that someone from this Committee should sit on the
citizen advisory group and someone from the neighbourhood should also be on that group. Mr.
Pullen then spoke of the problems with the street through the park and also Schneider and David
Street and advised that the neighbourhood is tired and angry. Mr. Pullen suggested that a
member of Heritage Kitchener and a Victoria Park Neighbourhood representative should sit on the
advisory group to make sure that the principles from the Victoria Park Area Heritage Conservation
District Plan are properly considered.
Mr. L. Bensason advised that Mr. T. Boutilier is organizing the group and that names of
representatives from this Committee should be forwarded to him.
Mr. P. Bufe put forward the opinion that the Benton Street Diversion and Queen Street South are
not an option and he recommended that those options not be considered.
Councillor T. Galloway felt that it was premature to make a motion at this time. He noted that there
should be a member of Heritage Kitchener involved in the study team and that the Committee
should wait for a report before making a motion. Mr. D. Pullen volunteered to serve as the
Heritage Kitchener representative but noted that he would not be seeking reappointment to this
Committee for 1999. The Committee generally agreed that Mr. Pullen should represent Heritage
Kitchener on the Connection Study Team and report back to this Committee.
The Committee was in receipt of correspondence from the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and
Recreation, dated September 15, 1998 enclosing a document entitled "Development Permits: A
Streamlined Approach To Development - A Discussion Paper On the Proposed Development
Permit System In Ontario. The Committee was also in receipt of a copy of the Department of
Business & Planning Services response to this discussion paper.
Councillor J. Haalboom introduced this matter stating that it seemed quite positive to heritage and
suggested that putting in the Heritage Kitchener comments to affirm the importance of Heritage.
Mr. Bensason referred to Ms. Ladd's comments attached to the agenda and explained what staff
think happened, as things are still vague. Councillor Haalboom questioned what the Committee
could endorse. There was a discussion concerning the possibilities through this development
permit system and on how to protect Heritage through the system.
Ms. S. Campbell stated that she was not quite sure she understood what they were proposing.
She was concerned that this Government was not pro heritage but pro business and was not quite
clear on what the discussion paper really says.
It was suggested that Ms. M. Evans be invited to attend a meeting of this Committee to explain the
proposal. Mr. D. Pullen suggested inviting the other L.A.C.A.C.'s in the area and having Ms.
Evans come and speak to all the L.A.C.A.C.'S.
Mr. L. Bensason brought samples of the proposed Heritage Conservation District Signs for the
Committee's benefit. Two different colour schemes were displayed one with a white sign and
green letters and the other a green sign and white letters. Mr. Bensason advised that Mr. D. Snow
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was of the opinion that green letters on a white background is more visible. Mr. Bensason advised
that the cost to produce and install these signs is approximately $100.00 and $150.00 for the
larger sign. Mr. Bensason questioned where, exactly, the sign should be located and it was
agreed that this matter would be discussed at a future meeting. Mr. Bensason advised that he
would make arrangements for the temporary installation of the signs to see what they look like on
1999 Mike Waqner Heritaqe Awards
Mr. L. Bensason advised that a subcommittee needs to be formed to develop criteria for the 1999
Mike Wagner Heritage Awards. He noted that last year the Committee agreed that it would put an
add in the paper inviting nominations from the public.
Mr. R. Coo, Mr. P. Bufe and Ms. T. Seedhouse volunteered to form the subcommittee and Mr.
Bensason advised that he would meet with them in the next two weeks.
Councillor Haalboom advised that she was looking for suggestions on what could be done to
celebrate Heritage Day in 1999.
Mr. L. Bensason suggested inviting members of the public to bring old photographs which could
be scanned by the City and archived. He noted that a scanner could be set up in the rotunda. It
was suggested that documents and portraits could also be scanned. A second idea was a brown
bag lunch - lunch time seminar and that the English Heritage Videos could be shown.
Mr. R. Coo volunteered to help with the Heritage Showcase again in 1999. Mr. Coo also
suggested putting that display in the library the week before Heritage Day.
Having something on Rogers Cable and possibility of a tour were also discussed.
Mr. L. Bensason advised that he needed a volunteer from this Committee to be on the steering
Committee for the St. Mary's Area Heritage Conservation District. It was noted that Ms. S. Barber
would like to be involved with this steering committee and Ms. C. Martindale volunteered to be on
the steering committee. Mr. Bensason advised that the steering committee will work with the
property owner, staff and the consultant.
Mr. D. Pullen noted that being on the steering committee for the Victoria Park Area Heritage
Conservation District was a very interesting project.
Mr. Bensason advised that the draft terms of reference will be circulated to the Committee at its
next meeting. The next step would be to hire a consultant early in 1999 as Council has budgeted
funds for this district in 1999.
Mr. Pullen congratulated Mr. Bensason on the marvellous meeting that he ran to introduce the
residence of the whole area to the idea of the Heritage Conservation District. He noted that
people responded very well. Mr. L. Bensason advised that from that meeting he already has
twenty volunteers from the neighbourhood who would like to be on the steering committee.
Ms. P. Wagner advised that, of the list of designated structures that the City of Kitchener
forwarded to the Region for their Heritage Inventory, it is necessary to go through the list and
determine which buildings are of Regional significance. Ms. Wagner suggested the need for a
subcommittee to report to this Committee on recommendations which should be made to the
Region in this regard. It was agreed that this matter would be discussed at the Committee's next
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Concerning the property at 234 Frederick Street, The Forsyth House, it was noted that
photographs have been obtained showing the bay.
Councillor Haalboom updated the Committee with respect to 237 Frederick for which Council had
turned down the recommendation for designation. It was noted that Council approved the
demolition of the rear addition and the owner has promised to restore the original front portion of
the house.
Ms. P. Wagner suggested trying to designate the Schneider factory and house before it is sold to
the American company. She gave a brief history of the family and the business. Ms. Wagner
suggested designating these properties on their historic merit. She noted that the houses are still
there and the first factory is still there.
The Committee generally agreed with Ms. Wagner's suggestion. Councillor Haalboom suggested
that a member of this Committee should find out who owns the buildings and meet with the owners
to discuss the proposal. Further historic research should also be undertaken.
The Committee was advised that the Grand River Hospital is proposing to demolish the Scott
Pavilion to make room for new development on the Grand River Hospital site. The architect wants
to know which features of the building Heritage Kitchener wants to save. It was suggested that
arrangements should be made to walk through the building.
Mr. D. Pullen suggested leaving this project until the new Committee takes over.
Mr. L. Bensason advised of heritage restoration and construction seminars being held in Toronto
at the beginning of December at Construct Canada '98. He distributed copies of seminar outlines
and registration forms. Ms. T. Seedhouse advised that she would like to attend the seminars.
Ms. P. Wagner noted the article titled "An Open Letter to Ontario's Heritage Community" in the
October 1998 issue of the C.H.O. News. She questioned whether the Committee could have Mr.
Gravelle come and speak. She also suggested writing a letter of support.
On Motion by Ms. P. Wagner
It was resolved:
"That a letter of support be sent to Mr. Michael Gravelle, M.P.P. advising that Heritage Kitchener
supports the concerns raised in his letter to The Honourable Isabelle Bassett, Minister,
Citizenship, Culture and Recreation dated August 14, 1998.
Councillor J. Haalboom noted that Mr. R. Coo and Mr. D. Pullen will not be returning to the
Committee. She offered her thanks to them for all they have done over the years in support of
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On motion, the meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
Dianne H. Gilchrist
Committee Secretary