HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSD-2022-142 - No Right Turn on Red - Queen's Boulevard and Patricia AvenueStaff Report r NJ :R Development Services Department www.kitchener.ca REPORT TO: Community and Infrastructure Services Committee DATE OF MEETING: May 16, 2022 SUBMITTED BY: Barry Cronkite, Director, Transportation Services, 519-741-2200 ext. 7738 PREPARED BY: Anjul Chauhan, Traffic Technologist, 519-741-2200 ext. 7374 WARD(S) INVOLVED: Ward 9 DATE OF REPORT: April 13, 2022 REPORT NO.: DSD -2022-142 SUBJECT: No Right Turn On Red — Queen's Boulevard and Patricia Avenue RECOMMENDATION: That right turns on a red signal be prohibited at the Intersection Pedestrian Signal located at Queen's Boulevard and Patricia Avenue; and further, That the Traffic and Parking Bylaw be amended accordingly. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS: • The purpose of this report is to amend the Traffic and Parking Bylaw to include a No Right Turn on Red restriction at the Intersection Pedestrian Signal (IPS) on Queen's Boulevard at the intersection of Queen's Boulevard and Patricia Avenue, adjacent to St. Mary's General Hospital • The key finding of this report is that pedestrian safety is compromised when vehicles on Queen's Boulevard attempt to turn right onto Patricia Avenue and block the IPS crosswalk during the red signal phase. • The financial implications are limited to sign installation and will cost approximately $100, to be taken from the existing sign maintenance budget • Community engagement included the posting of this report to the City's website with the agenda in advance of the council / committee meeting • This report supports the delivery of core services. BACKGROUND: Transportation Services received a request to review the IPS on Queen's Boulevard to prohibit southbound vehicles from turning right onto Patricia Avenue during a red signal, when pedestrians have the right-of-way to cross. The request cited concerns with vehicles on Queen's Boulevard encroaching into the pedestrian crosswalk during the red signal phase creating safety concerns for pedestrians crossing Queen's Boulevard accessing St. Mary's General Hospital. *** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. *** Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994 for assistance. Page 3 of 49 REPORT: Queen's Boulevard at Patricia Avenue is a three -leg intersection adjacent to St. Mary's General Hospital. Traffic is controlled by stop control on Patricia Avenue while, the IPS controls traffic along Queen's Boulevard and provides right-of-way for pedestrians to cross Queen's Boulevard to access the hospital and the main visitor parking lot. Currently, on a red traffic signal indication, vehicles are permitted to turn right from Queen's Boulevard onto Patricia Avenue as per the Highway Traffic Act, provided the driver comes to a complete stop and there are no pedestrians actively entering, or within, the crosswalk. Residents accessing the hospital have raised concerns with vehicles on Queen's Boulevard attempting to turn right onto Patricia Avenue and blocking the crosswalk during the red signal phase while pedestrians are actively crossing Patricia Avenue and/or Queens Boulevard. To increase pedestrian safety and improve access to the hospital it is recommended that right turns from Queen's Boulevard to Patricia Avenue on the red signal indication be prohibited. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Capital Budget — The recommendation has no impact on the capital budget. Operating Budget — The recommendation has a $100 impact on the operating budget for sign installations. These costs will be charged to the existing sign maintenance budget. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM — This report has been posted to The City's website with the agenda in advance of the council / committee meeting. PREVIOUS REPORTS/AUTHORITIES APPROVED BY: Justin Readman, General Manager, Development Services Division ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Key Map - NRTOR Queen's Boulevard and Patricia Avenue Map Page 4 of 49 Ito AVO 47 I �0 Ar "mow " l v� -_4 IIVA fl r M Page 5 of 49