HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSI Minutes - 2022-06-13Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee Minutes June 13, 2022, 4:00 p.m. Electronic Meeting Present: Councillor S. Davey Councillor D. Schnider Councillor J. Gazzola Councillor C. Michaud Councillor K. Galloway-Sealock Councillor B. loannidis Councillor M. Johnston Councillor D. Chapman Councillor S. Marsh Absent: Mayor B. Vrbanovic Councillor P. Singh Staff: D. Chapman, Chief Administrative Officer M. May, General Manager, Community Services and Deputy Chief Administrator V. Raab, General Manager, Corporate Services J. Readman, General Manager, Development Services J. Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services D. McGoldrick, General Manager, Infrastructure Services L. MacDonald, City Solicitor B. Rowland, Director, Corporate Communications and Marketing D. Saunderson, Deputy Clerk S. Goldrup, Committee Administrator 1. Commencement The Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee held an electronic meeting this date, commencing at 7:00 p.m. chaired by Councillor D. Chapman, with all 1 members present except for Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors P. Singh and M. Johnston. 2. Consent Items 2.1 None. 3. Part 1 - Public Hearing Matters under the Planning Act - 4 to 5:30 p.m. 3.1 Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA22/004/B/TS - Modification to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 30T-08206 - 1525 Bleams Road - Mattamy (South Estates) Limited, DSD -2022-257 The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD -2022- 257 dated May 11, 2022, recommending approval of Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA22/004/B/TS; and, that the City modify the conditions of draft approval for Plan of Subdivision Application 30T-08206, for Mattamy (South Estates) Limited, for the property municipally addressed as 1525 Bleams Road. Tim Seyler presented the report and responded to questions from Committee. G. Stevenson was also in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. Kirsten Barisdale, GSP Group, addressed Council on behalf of Mattamy homes and they are in support of the recommendation as outlined in the report. On motion by Councillor S. Davey it was resolved: "That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA22/004/B/TS for Mattamy (South Estates) Limited, for the property municipally addressed as 1525 Bleams Road, be approved in the form shown in the "Proposed By-law", and "Map No. 1", attached to Development Services Department report DSD -2022-257 as Appendix "A"; and further, That the City of Kitchener, pursuant to Section 51 (44) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P 13 as amended, and Delegation By-law 2002-64, hereby modifies the conditions of draft approval for Plan of Subdivision Application 30T-08206, in the City of Kitchener, for Mattamy (South Estates) Limited, as attached to Report DSD 2022-257 as Appendix `B'." Carried 3.2 Draft Plan of Condominium (Vacant Land) 30CDM-22203 - 55 Franklin Street South - 55 Franklin GP Inc., DSD -2022-255 E The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD -2022- 225 dated May 11, 2022, recommending approval of Condominium Application 30CDM-22203 for the property municipally addressed as 55 Franklin Street South. T. Seyler presented the report and responded to questions from the Committee. G. Stevenson was also in attendance for this matter. Brandon Flewwelling, GSP and Mike Maxwell addressed Committee in support of the recommendation as outlined in the staff report. On motion by Councillor J. Gazzola it was resolved: "That the City of Kitchener, pursuant to Section 51(31) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, and By-law 2002-164 of the City of Kitchener, as amended, grant draft approval to Condominium Application 30CDM-22203 for 55 Franklin Street South in the City of Kitchener, subject to the conditions shown in Appendix 'A' of Development Services Department report DSD -2022-255." Carried 3.3 Official Plan Amendment OPA201006/K/AP - Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA20/015/K/AP - 276 King Street East - 276 King Street East Inc., DSD - 2022 -213 The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD -2022- 213 dated May 31, 2022, recommending adoption of Official Plan Amendment Application OPA20/006/K/AP; approval of Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/015/K/AP for the property municipally addressed as 276 King Street East be endorsed. A. Pinnell presented the report and responded to questions from the Committee. G. Stevenson was also in attendance to respond to questions. K. Barisdale, GSP group addressed Committee on behalf of Pioneer Tower Homes in support of the recommendation outlined in Report DSD -2022-213. In response to questions, K. Barisdale stated the size of the units lend themselves to affordable housing, indicating it is unsure this date as whether the units are proposed to be condos or rentals. On motion by Councillor B. loannidis it was resolved: "That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA20/006/K/AP, for 276 King East Inc., for the property municipally addressed as 276 King Street East, 3 requesting to add Site Specific Policy Area 5 to Map 4 — Urban Growth Centre (Downtown) of the Official Plan and to add associated Site Specific Policy 15.D.2.68 to the Official Plan, to permit a mixed use building with a maximum floor space ratio of 4.8, and a maximum building height of 28.5 metres or 7 -storeys, be adopted, in the form shown in the Official Plan Amendment attached to Development Services Department report DSD - 2022 -213 as Attachment A, and accordingly forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for approval; and, That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/015/K/AP for 276 King East Inc. be approved in the form shown in the "Proposed By-law" and "Map No. 1" attached to Report DSD -2022-213 as Attachment B; and, That in accordance with Planning Act Section 45 (1.3 & 1.4) that applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA20/015/K/AP; and further, That the Urban Design Brief for 276 King Street East, prepared by GSP Group, dated May 2022, attached to Report DSD -2022-213 as Attachment C, be endorsed and provide general direction for future site plan development." Carried 4. Recess and Reconvene This meeting of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee recessed at 4:46 p.m. and reconvened electronically at 6:01 p.m. that date with all members present, except for Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillor P. Singh. 5. Part 2 - Public Hearing Matters under the Planning Act - 6 to 8 p.m. 5.1 Official Plan Amendment OPA21/011/V/ES - Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA/211017/V/ES -146-162 Victoria Street South and 92-110 Park Street - Innovation Developments Kitchener Limited, DSD -2022-263 Councillor S. Marsh declared a pecuniary interest concerning this matter because they own property within 100 meters of the site. They did not participate in the discussion or vote on this matter. The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD -2022- 263 dated May 13, 2022, recommending adoption of Official Plan Amendment Application OPA/21/011/V/ES; approval of Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA21/017/V/ES; and approval of applications for minor variances for M lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA21/017/V/ES, for Innovation Developments Kitchener Limited. The Committee reviewed written submissions regarding this matter from P. Nickels, V. Lebreche, and M. Gerrits. E. Schneider presented the report and responded to questions from the Committee. G. Stevenson was also in attendance to respond to questions. K. Barisdale, GSP Group; H. Burstyn, IBI Group; S. Ruse, DOV Capital; and E. Bayley, Paradigm Transportation, addressed the Committee on behalf of the applicant in support of the recommendation as outlined in the report. In response to questions from the Committee, the party discussed the prepared traffic study, the proposed concept, and considerations for sustainabile development, affordable housing, and access to amenity space. The Committee heard delegations from Sheldon Atos; Peggy Nickels; Margaret Walton -Roberts; and Shirley Gosselin. The delegations stated their opposition to the proposed application due to the unconfirmed plans for the public amenity space, the need for affordable and family housing, and concerns about the impact of the intensification, proposed building height, built form, building setback, transition, traffic and parking, streetscape, landscaping, treescape, shadows, access to green space, and sustainability considerations such as water conservation and charging stations. In response to the Committee's questions, staff discussed the current Zoning and density and considerations for transportation, traffic study, landscaping, streetscaping, unit -mix, affordable units, building transition, treescape, and road widening. On motion by Councillor B. loannidis it was resolved: "That the following motion be deferred to the June 20, 2022 Council meeting to allow staff additional opportunity to work with the applicant on a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) to address potential transportation safety concerns raised this date: "That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA/21/011/V/ES, for Innovation Developments Kitchener Limited, for the property municipally addressed as 146-162 Victoria Street South and 92-110 Park Street, requesting to add Site Specific Policy Area 6 to Map 4 — Urban Growth Centre (Downtown) of the Official Plan and to add Site Specific Policy 15.D.2.69 to facilitate a mixed use development having 1,124 residential units and 1,750 square metres of commercial space with a Floor Space Ratio (FSR) of 11.7, be adopted, in the form shown in the Official Plan G� Amendment attached to Development Services Department report DSD - 2022 -263 as Attachment 'A', and accordingly forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for approval, and, That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA21/017/V/ES for Innovation Developments Kitchener Limited be approved in the form shown in the `Proposed By-law', and `Map No. 1', attached to Development Services Department report DSD -2022-263 as Attachment `B'; and further, That in accordance with Planning Act Section 45 (1.3 & 1.4), applications for minor variances shall be permitted for lands subject to Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA21/017/V/ES." In Favour (8): Councillor S. Davey, Councillor D. Schnider, Councillor J. Gazzola, Councillor C. Michaud, Councillor K. Galloway-Sealock, Councillor B. loannidis, Councillor M. Johnston, and Councillor D. Chapman Conflict (1): Councillor S. Marsh Carried, unanimously on a recorded vote (8 to 0) 6. Information Items 6.1 Significant Planning Applications Update - Quarterly Report, DSD -2022-273 6.2 Additional Dwelling Units (Detached) - Year 1 Review, DSD -2022-274 7. Adjournment On motion, this meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Dianna Saunderson, Manager of Council/Committee Services & Deputy Clerk Sarah Goldrup, Committee Administrator n.