HomeMy WebLinkAboutLACAC - 1993-09-10LACAC\1993-09-10 LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10, 1993 The Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee met this date, commencing at 12:15 p.m., under the Chairmanship of Councillor M. Wagner, with the following members present: Mr. V. Tarbutt, Mr. E. Bow, Ms. B. Buchanan, Mr. P. Bufe, Ms. S. Burke, Mr. R. Fuller, Mr. D. Parrish, Mr. W. Ristau, Mrs. P. Wagner and Ms. M. Welsh. Councillor T. Galloway and Ms. J. Chivers-Wilson were in attendance for part of the meeting. Others present: Mr. T.B. Stanley, Mr. L. Bensason, and Mr. G. Sosnoski. 1. MINUTES On a motion by Mr. E. Bow - It was resolved: "That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of August 13, 1993, as mailed to members, be adopted." 2. COMMUNICATIONS Councillor Wagner circulated a program outline for "Downtown Kitchener -A Heritage for the Future" a series of special programs hosted by L.A.C.A.C. and the Kitchener Public Library and scheduled for the week of September 27, 1993. 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - RECORDING AND EVALUATION CRITERIA Ms. Burke reviewed the sub-committee's progress to date in developing the above criteria and a site survey form. She explained that two forms have been piloted and discussed by Committee members who hope to have a final draft available in the next few weeks. Ms. Burke noted that it is intended the initial site survey be forwarded to a committee (not necessarily comprised entirely of L.A.C.A.C. members) which would sort the buildings according to their preservation priority. She explained that surveys would be conducted by district and suggested that two sub-groups would be required, a survey team to record architectural detail and a background research team. Ms. Burke asked that Committee members consider their inclination and advise her as to which group they favour. Mr. Sosnoski requested a copy of the final draft of the survey form in order to address any concerns relative to the electronic storage of survey sheets consistent with the present inventory reports. A general discussion took place concerning the use of the form and the prioritization of heritage properties. Mr. Bufe expressed concern over the possible number of research hours involved in adding a building to the inventory, which in his opinion may delay their addition and possibly result in premature demolition. Mr. Bensason explained that the research required relative to architectural significance would be limited, with a complete report required only at the designation stage and for those properties where preservation is merited. Councillor Wagner asked that the relevant information be available for discussion at the October 1, 1993 meeting in order that Committee members can be assigned to the various working areas. He also suggested that before the survey work commences all Committee members either be given the addresses or be shown slides of properties which fall within each of the three categories of prioritization referred to by Ms. Burke. Ms. Burke indicated that a training session involving use of the survey form is also proposed. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - ADAPTIVE RE-USE OF INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS Councillor Wagner asked that this be item be placed on the October 1, 1993 agenda. LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES - 48 - SEPTEMBER 10, 1993 Councillor Galloway advised the Committee that Council had refused Zone Change Application ZC9317101JW (176311765 Old Mill Road) which was the subject of the August 13, 1993 L.A.C.A.C. report to Council. He also pointed out that the heritage related sculpture at the new City Hall 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - ADAPTIVE RE-USE OF INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS (cont.) will be officially unveiled on Sunday, September 19, 1993 at 1:00 p.m. and invited Committee members to attend. 5. SIGNAGE REQUEST - 191-197 KING STREET WEST (FORMER P.U.C. BUILDING) Mr. L. Bensason gave a verbal report on the signage proposal which includes an illuminated backlit roof sign and illuminated fascia sign (College Street elevation). He explained that the sign sub-committee had recently met to discuss the proposal with representatives of National Trust and the manufacturer, Neon Products. Mr. Bensason explained that the sub-committee is recommending refusal of the rooftop sign and approval of the fascia sign as amended by the facsimile transmission from Neon Products dated September 10, 1993 and circulated this date. Ms. J. Chivers-Wilson entered the meeting at this time. Mr. Bufe indicated that he does not support exterior signage and suggested that the Committee recommend against this option. Mr. Parrish suggested that the proposed sign is a good compromise between business and heritage needs and added that the College Street facade is little more than a fire wall and is not an intregal heritage component of the building. Ms. Buchanan referred to signs which had been recently added to the Walper Terrace and Ms. Burke stated that the Committee should be more pro-active relative to these installations. Mr. Parrish put the Committee on notice that National Trust will be returning to request additional signage for the building at 191-197 King Street West. He expressed the opinion that this must be done sensitively and in keeping with the architectural style of the building. Mr. Bufe asked the Committee to consider at this time whether it supports any form of exterior signage on either the King or Gaukel Streets facades. Mr. Bufe put forward a motion recommending that Council reject in principle any exterior fascia signs on either the Gaukel or King Street elevations of the designated property at 191-197 King Street West. Mr. Parrish suggested that awning signs may be a viable alternative and referred to canopies constructed of metal and detailed as per the building's existing architectural features. He pointed out that these would be removable and would compliment and perhaps enhance the building's design. Mr. Bufe offered the opinion that awnings would not be appropriate, as in the past L.A.C.A.C. has indicated it wished to preserve the flat appearance of the elevations. Mr. Bufe withdrew his previous motion regarding the rejection in principle of exterior fascia signs on condition that the issue be dealt with by the Committee proper rather than the sub-committee. On a motion by Mr. P. Bufe - It was resolved: "That pursuant to Section 33 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act and the Heritage Easement dated September 30, 1987, Council refuse the request of National Trust for permission to install a rooftop sign on the designated property at 191-197 King Street West (former P.U.C. Building) as outlined in the drawings submitted by Neon Products (design #930342A) dated May 14, 1993, and That subject to any necessary agreements or additional approvals, Council approve the request relative to a fascia sign on the westerly facade (College Street) as generally outlined in the facsimile transmission from Neon Products dated September 10, 1993, and further, That the above does not imply approval of any additional exterior signage at this time." LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES - 49 - SEPTEMBER 10, 1993 5. SIGNAGE REQUEST - 191-197 KING STREET WEST (FORMER P.U.C. BUILDING) (cont.) Ms. Welsh expressed concern over possible damage to the building fabric in the event signs are removed at a later date. Councillor Wagner asked that this item be brought forward for discussion at a future meeting. Mr. Bufe suggested that a standard statement applicable to all signage approvals could be drafted. Councillor Wagner asked that staff develop an appropriate statement to address the concerns expressed by Ms. Welsh and to be used in conjunction with sign requests. 6. HERITAGE STREET NAMES Mrs. Wagner referred to a list of street names proposed for use in the Laurentian West Community Plan. She explained that the names, which include the past owners of properties along Bleams Road and adjacent areas, have been submitted to the Region. She pointed out that Mr. D. Corks of the Planning and Development Department suggested a formal motion to Council endorsing the names which would then be recommended for use by developers. On a motion by Mrs. P. Wagner - It was resolved: "That Council accept from the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, the following suggested names for streets in the Laurentian West Community Plan on the basis of their heritage/historic significance: Bergey; Helena Feasby or Feasby; Riehm; Grosch; Dubrick; Swartz; Donnenwerth; and Frey." 7. DESIGNATION CEREMONY - NORTH DUMFRIES L.A.C.A.C. The Committee was in receipt of an invitation for a ceremony to be held September 12, 1993 at 2:00 p.m. No Committee representatives were forthcoming. 8. DESIGNATION CEREMONIES - KITCHENER Councillor Wagner advised that Mr. Ristau will be responsible for the Harry Class Pool designation ceremony and Mr. Bow, with the assistance of Ms. Welsh, the ceremony for the former St. Jerome's High School. He noted that additional member assistance may be required and that he would advise Committee members of the proposed dates as soon as possible. 9. 149 STRANGE STREET (FORMER UNIROYAL/GOODRICH PLANT) The Committee was in receipt of a letter from Councillor Wagner to the new owner indicating L.A.C.A.C.'s concern over preservation of the factory complex. Mrs. Wagner advised that the water tower at the plant was recently demolished and asked whether a demolition permit had been obtained. Mr. Bensason agreed to investigate. She also expressed concern over changes to the building proper which may take place without L.A.C.A.C. input. 10. HERITAGE RESEARCHER A general discussion took place concerning various project options. Mr. Tarbutt suggested research relative to the Kaufman Footwear complex including photographs, drawings and analysis of particular structures. Mrs. Wagner pointed out that the company will celebrate its 100th anniversary shortly and indicated that she would be discussing the possibility of designation with the Kaufman Vice-President. Moved by Ms. S. Burke - 10. "That with funds allocated in the 1993 L.A.C.A.C. Operating Budget, a Heritage Researcher be hired to complete work relative to industrial buildings, with details of the assignment to be determined by the Chairman and staff." HERITAGE RESEARCHER (cont.) LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES - 50 - SEPTEMBER 10, 1993 Mr. Stanley suggested that there may be some advantage in having the Researcher do selective work relative to the proposed conservation district in Victoria Park. Mr. Parrish suggested that good quality architectural drawings to document existing buildings may also be of value. The motion by Ms. S. Burke to hire a Heritage Researcher in 1993 was voted on and CARRIED. 11. OTHER BUSINESS Ms. Buchanan referred to the August 23, 1993 Council resolution concerning Sonneck House. Mr. Sosnoski indicated that he would followup on the Provincial designation referred to therein and if possible report at the October meeting. Mr. Bufe asked whether the Committee was still interested in having an 1890 bird's eye view map of the City duplicated and Councillor Wagner asked that Mr. Tarbutt investigate and report at the October 1, 1993 meeting. Mrs. Wagner referred to the upcoming West Central Region L.A.C.A.C. seminar to be held in Dundas on October 16, 1993. It was generally agreed that any member wishing to participate would contact either Councillor Wagner or Mr. Sosnoski. 12. NEXT MEETING The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee will be held on Friday, October 1, 1993. 13. ADJOURNMENT On motion, the meeting adjourned at 1:55 p.m. G. Sosnoski Manager of Corporate Records/Assistant City Clerk