HomeMy WebLinkAboutLACAC - 1995-12-08LACAC\1995-12-08 LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1995 CITY OF KITCHENER The Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee met this date, under the Chairmanship of Councillor M. Wagner, commencing at 12:05 p.m., with the following members present: Councillor T. Galloway, Councillor Jake Smola, Ms. S. Burke, Ms. P. Costigan, Ms. S. Campbell, Ms. D. Westman, Mr. E. Bow, Mr. R. Coo, Mr. D. Gowland and Mr. M. de Groot. Regrets: Councillor B. Vrbanovic, Ms. E. Essenberg and Mr. M. Badran. Others Present: Ms. J. Given, Mr. T. Boutilier, Mr. L. Bensason, Mr. B. Stanley and Ms. D. Gilchrist. 1. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN On Motion by Councillor T. Galloway - it was resolved: "That Councillor M. Wagner be appointed Chairman of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee for a term to expire November 30, 1996." Councillor Jake Smola nominated Mr. R. Coo for the position of Vice Chairman. Ms. B. Buchanan put forward a motion to defer the appointment of the Vice Chairman to allow for further thought on the matter. The motion put forward to defer consideration of the appointment of Vice Chairman was voted on and lost. On Motion by Councillor Jake Smola - it was resolved: "That Mr. Robert Coo be appointed Vice Chairman of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee for a term to expire November 30, 1996." 2. CHAIRMANS REMARKS Councillor M. Wagner advised that copies of the Victoria Park Heritage Conservation District Study could be picked up at the end of the meeting. Councillor M. Wagner asked each one around the table to introduce themselves. He then spoke of former L.A.C.A.C. members who have recently left the Committee and the wealth of knowledge and experience which the Committee has lost. He then explained that the members of Council sitting on LAC.AC. are not usually considered working members and that the bulk of the work is usually undertaken by the lay appointees. 3. MINUTES Mr. L. Bensason clarified discussion which took place at the October 13, 1995 meeting with respect to item no. 1 on Page 51 of the minutes. He explained that the discussion which took place concerning demolitions recently approved by Council included an explanation from himself as to the process involved and why these applications did not come before L.A.C.A.C.. Mr. L. Bensason also pointed out that in item no. 4 (f) of the October minutes the address should be 2056 Ottawa Street South and not 256 Ottawa Street South. On motion by Mr. E. Bow - it was resolved: "That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of October 13, 1995, as amended and the minutes of the regular meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of November 3, 1995, as mailed to the members, be accepted. LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1995 - 59 - CITY OF KITCHENER 4. PIONEER TOWER WEST - HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT The Committee members were in receipt of a document titled "Vista Ridge Plan of Subdivision Heritage Impact Assessment" prepared by Mr. Nicolas Hill, Architect Planner, received by the Department of Planning & Development on November 24, 1995. Mr. L. Bensason introduced the report and advised that staff would like the Committee's comments on the assessment. Councillor T. Galloway questioned what status a Heritage Impact Assessment has. Mr. B. Stanley, Assistant General Manager of Planning & Development, advised that Heritage Impact Assessments are provided for in the Regional Official Policies Plan, the City of Kitchener Official Plan and in Provincial Guidelines and that it has official status with respect to those three documents. Mr. Stanley continued that, in this instance, it has additional status as conditions regarding heritage will be included in the subdivision agreement, as long as they are reasonable. Mr. L. Bensason advised that the guidelines for heritage assessments, as contained in PD 95/65 were approved by Council on November 27, 1995. Ms. J. Given, Senior Planner, stated that the design of this plan of subdivision is important, in terms of determining how the subdivision design will be configured around the heritage resources. This will form one of the considerations in the whole process of designing the plan. Councillor T. Galloway pointed out that the Heritage Impact Assessment gives a preferred option; however, this Committee has always stated its preference to preserve the whole ridge, which is shown as option no. 2 in the Heritage Impact Assessment. Ms. S. Burke then reviewed the history of L.A.C.A.C.'s interest in this area. It was her opinion that option no. 2 is the only one that fits L.A.C.A.C.'s interest. Ms. S. Campbell questioned how the buildings are owned and was advised that the developer owns one of the farms and leases it and the second farm is owned separately by the Pincott family. Mr. R. Coo stated that the options are limited by the square street plan. Ms. J. Given responded that there is a little flexibility in the street layout; however, they are limited as they need to be able to attach to the streets in the surrounding plans of subdivision. Councillor T. Galloway advised that he had had a meeting in the neighbourhood with Ms. S. Burke, Parks Canada and the neighbourhood association and the discussion centred around this small area. There is an interest in protecting the view scapes, buildings and the view of the Pioneer Tower from the other side. It was felt necessary to do whatever possible to protect the view of the Tower from all sides. Ms. D. Westman questioned whether there are any zoning restrictions to limit the development to single family dwellings. Ms. J. Given advised that there are no such restrictions; however, they are trying to keep the density as Iow as possible. Ms. S. Burke stated that any of the options which include development on the south side of Street A strongly compromise the proposed Heritage Conservation District for this area. Councillor T. Galloway commented that there is a practical issue of the ownership of these buildings as the owner does not want to have to pay for them. Mr. M. de Groot commented that it will take a long time before these lots are developed and it may be in the owner's interest to make something of the history of this area. Ms. D. Westman questioned the possibility of getting the community involved in these buildings. LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1995 - 60 - CITY OF KITCHENER 1610 WESTMOUNT ROAD EAST - DEMOLITION APPLICATION Mr. L. Bensason introduced this item advising that this property is listed on the Heritage Inventory, it is in an undeveloped area of the City and it is designated for future Business Park/Office Use. Mr. Bensason further advised that the condition of the house has deteriorated since 1991. The barn on the property is still in its original state and the owner does not want to demolish the barn at this time, as it is being used by the neighbouring farm. There is no proposal to develop the property at this time. Councillor M. Wagner advised that Mr. L. Bensason will make arrangements for the Committee to tour the property before it makes a recommendation. If any of the members can not make the tour, they are requested to view the property on their own. Mr. L. Bensason advised the Committee that the owner is against designation. 32 MILL STREET - STATUS ON INVENTORY Mr. L. Bensason introduced this item reminding the Committee that, at the October meeting, when considering the properties owned by the Region, the Committee decided not to include the Mill Street property in the inventory. As 32 Mill Street is already on the inventory, Mr. Bensason wanted confirmation that 32 Mill Street is to be removed from the inventory. On motion by Ms. S. Burke - it was resolved: "That 32 Mill Street be removed from L.A.C.A.C.'s Heritage Inventory." KAUFMAN FOOTWEAR UPDATE Ms. S. Burke distributed copies of a letter which she sent on behalf of the L.A.C.A.C. sub- committee, dated December 7, 1995, to Mr. Paul Britton, advising that L.A.C.A.C. does not wish to proceed with the designation of this property at this time. For the benefit of the new members, Councillor M. Wagner explained the background of L.A.C.A.C.'s involvement with this property. He suggested that no action be taken at this time. Mr. T. Boutilier explained that the owners want to install an elevator which will require a physical addition to the rear of the 1925 building. 30 FRANCIS STREET SOUTH - DEMOLITION APPLICATION Councillor M. Wagner reviewed the history of L.A.C.A.C.'s involvement with this property and that the owners wish to demolish this designated property. Mr. L. Bensason advised that a letter was sent to the Mayor, on October 26, 1995, requesting a demolition permit and that, according to the Ontario Heritaqe Act, Council must respond to the request within 90 days. Further, he pointed out that the owner does not think that they should have to wait for 90 days as they submitted a demolition application prior to the property being designated under the Ontario Heritaqe Act. Councillor Jake Smola questioned why the Committee would defer making a decision on this matter any longer, as all negotiations to try and save the property have already taken place, to no avail. He questioned whether the Committee has a valid reason to ask the owners to wait any longer. A discussion took place in this regard and the Committee members felt that they wanted to wait for 90 days before making a decision or take no action. LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1995 -61 - CITY OF KITCHENER 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 30 FRANCIS STREET SOUTH - DEMOLITION APPLICATION - cont'd The Secretary pointed out that the Committee no longer has 90 days, as the request was sent on October 26, 1995. According to the Ontario Heritaqe Act, L.A.C.A.C. has an obligation to advise Council in this regard and taking no action is not an option. Council must make a decision no later than the Council meeting scheduled for Monday January 15, 1996. Mr. M. de Groot suggested waiting until the L.A.C.A.C. meeting of January 12, 1996, as he was not sure that every angle had been explored. Ms. S. Burke advised that she did not think that L.A.C.A.C. should recommend the demolition permit. She questioned the kind of message this would be sending. It was generally agreed that a decision is this regard would be made at the Committee's January meeting. SONNECK HOUSE UPDATE Mr. L. Bensason gave a brief verbal report advising that he and Mr. W. Pearce have looked at the house as requested. The owner has given up on the idea of a retirement home and is considering other residential development. He further advised that he, the Mayor and the owner will be meeting to inspect the interior of the house in January. MILL RACE UPDATE Mr. L. Bensason gave a brief verbal report advising that because of timing, the archaeological assessment has not been conducted. The property would have to be covered and the assessment would be made in the Spring. REGIONAL HERITAGE INVENTORY TASK FORCE Mr. L. Bensason advised that the Region is attempting to develop a region wide electronic Heritage Inventory. A report will be circulated to all area L.A.C.A.C.'s over the next couple of weeks. It will be necessary to determine a base level of information for all L.A.C.A.C's. GOVERNORS HOUSE AND GAOL Mr. L. Bensason advised that a tour of the Governors House and Gaol is being arranged for sometime in the New Year. He also advised that a local group has been formed to do something with these buildings. 1996 HERITAGE SHOWCASE Councillor M. Wagner advised that the Heritage Showcase will take place on February 17, 1996, at the Fairview Mall. He advised that he will be asking Ms. E. Essenberg to look after this matter. Mr. R. Coo volunteered to assist. 1996 THE YEAR AHEAD Councillor M. Wagner advised that the Committee's work in 1996 will focus on designating properties and finishing the inventory. Ms. P. Costigan will head the designation sub-committee. Ms. D. Westman will assist by preparing the architectural description for the buildings. Mr. D. Gowland has agreed to help finalize some of the reports and it is hoped that four or five properties will be designated this year. The deadline for Council approval is set for April 1, 1996. 14. 1996 THE YEAR AHEAD - cont'd LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1995 - 62 - CITY OF KITCHENER 15. 16. Ms. S. Burke advised that the inventory sub-committee intends to have most of the L.A.C.A.C. members out on the street to do evaluations in the Spring. Councillor Wagner asked Mr. E. Bow to complete the building permit information on the back of the evaluation forms with the help of Mr. M. Badran. Mr. M. de Groot will assist with the historic research as required. It was noted that the Cherryhill area needs to be completed. Also, the site surveys for the downtown area, Civic Centre and Victoria Park are complete; however, the back of the forms need to be completed and photographs taken. The deadline for completion is April 1, 1996. The Committee was advised that the next two areas to be surveyed are the warehouse district and the Central Frederick area. Ms. B. Buchanan advised that if the members would tell her the names of old families they are working on she could probably direct them to living members of those families. NEXT AGENDA It was agreed that the following two items will be included in the January Agenda: Grand River South Community Technical Committee (J. Willmer) and the Forsyth building (S. Frenette). ADJOURNMENT On motion the meeting adjourned at 2:12 p.m. Dianne H. Gilchrist Committee Secretary