HomeMy WebLinkAboutLACAC - 1995-09-15LACAC\1995-09-15 LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1995 CITY OF KITCHENER The Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee met this date, under the Chairmanship of Councillor M. Wagner, commencing at 12:00 p.m., with the following members present: Councillor T. Galloway, Mr. M. Badran, Mr. E. Bow, Ms. B. Buchanan, Mr. P. Bufe, Ms. S. Burke, Mr. R. Coo, Ms. P. Costigan, Ms. E. Esenberg, Mr. W. Ristau, Mrs. P. Wagner, Ms. D. Westman and Mr. M. De Groot. Councillor B. Vrbanovic was in attendance for part of the meeting. Others Present: Ms. J. Given, Ms. L. Bensason, Mr. T. Boutilier and Ms. D.H. Gilchrist. CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS Councillor M. Wagner advised that the October meeting will be held at Kitchener City Hall. He advised that the proposal to meet at the Steckle Heritage Homestead did not work out as Ms. J. Steckle would not be available on that date. He advised that arrangements will be made to hold one of the spring meetings at the homestead. Councillor M. Wagner displayed a copy of a new weekly newspaper called "Kitchener This Week" which will be starting sometime in October. This paper will be covering heritage issues and Heritage will be a weekly feature. They would like some assistance from L.A.C.A.C. and would like a contact person. Ms. B. Buchanan volunteered to be the LAC.AC. contact. MINUTES Mrs. P. Wagner referred to page 41 of the August 4, 1995 minutes, under Designation Sub- Committee Report advising that Ms. P. Shea has done a title search on Kaufman Footwear. On motion by Mr. E. Bow, It was resolved: That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, of August 4, 1995, as mailed to the members and amended, be approved. ALTERATION APPLICATION - 307 QUEEN STREET SOUTH (BREAD & ROSES) Mr. P. MacKendrick and Mr. P. Reichert were in attendance to represent the request of the Bread & Roses Co-operative Homes (Kitchener) Inc. to alter the designated property at 307 Queen Street South, Kitchener, by removing the existing steel fire escape, steel ladder and other protrusions from the brick work. The Committee was in receipt of a copy of the application, specifications and correspondence as attached to the agenda and were provided with handouts at the meeting containing a letter from Mr. W. Wong, P. Eng., Project Manager, Enerplan, dated September 1, 1995 and a memorandum from Mr. T. Gallamore, Building/Plumbing Inspector, dated September 14, 1995. Mr. Wong's letter indicated that he was of the opinion that the metal components should be removed from the building. Mr. T. Gallamore's memorandum advised that he had inspected the fire escape and it was his opinion that the fire escape would not be much more than 40 years old. It was his opinion that, with modest remedial work to the anchorage system, the fire escape could be made structurally sound. Mr. Bensason introduced this item advising that he and Councillor Wagner made a decision to allow them to continue with the brick work; however they felt the Committee should make a decision with respect to the removal of all items extruding from the masonry. LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1995 - 44 - CITY OF KITCHENER 3. ALTERATION APPLICATION - 307 QUEEN STREET SOUTH (BREAD & ROSES) - cont'd Mr. P. MacKendrick addressed the Committee and gave his personal background and qualifications. He advised that there are two items to be dealt with: first would be the removal of small miscellaneous metal objects from the brick work and the second being the removal of the steel fire escape and the steel ladder, which he felt had become a security issue. He advised that there are certain structural concerns with respect to the fire escape as it is not secure and not complete and the components have rusted. Further, because of it's location, it interferes with the other work being done on the building. He advised that the co-operative wishes to have all the work completed this fall. He also stated that they are restoring the building to an earlier period than the fire escape, which was probably put on the building in the 1940's. Mr. P. Reichert addressed the Committee advising that the board of the co-operative felt that the fire escape should come down because of security and also because of the damage it is doing to the brick because of the rusting. Mr. P. Bufe questioned whether the fire escape was a later addition. It was noted that in Mr. Gallamore's memorandum, he believes that it dates back to the early 1940's. Further, Mr. Bensason advised that it is not being used as an active fire escape. Ms. S. Burke suggested that the Committee has the responsibility to research the use of fire escapes on this building. She questioned how early they were used on this building and that the Committee should take the time to investigate this before making a decision. Mr. R. Coo questioned what the other metal things are on the building that need to be removed. Mr. MacKendrick advised that they are such things as old bolts, down spouts etc., bits of miscellaneous metal which have no functions. Ms. S. Burke questioned how the tie rods were dealt with. Mr. MacKendrick advised that they go through and not into the brick as an opening has been made in the brick for the rods. Because of this treatment they do not cause a problem with rusting. The other objects are pressure fit and cause a problem. It was suggested by Mrs. P. Wagner and Mr. L. Bensason that, in all fairness, the applicants should be allowed to review Mr. Gallamore's comments. Mr. L. Bensason also pointed out that if the decision could be made today it would be beneficial because the workers are cleaning and repointing at this time and they would have to do more work if the fire escape is not removed. Ms. S. Burke suggested that the Committee should consider how old the association of a fire escape is on this building in this area. She was also concerned with the miscellaneous metal objects as by permitting them to be removed the Committee may be removing an important record. Mr. P. Bufe advised that the designation of this building was intended to preserve the original button factory. If the fire escape was added later then it could be removed. It was the intention of the Committee to try and preserve what there was left of the original building. It was briefly discussed that this could be divided into two motions and that there could be a motion to remove the fire escape and ladder and that the other things be looked at individually. Mr. P. Bufe put forwarded such a motion which was followed by discussion. LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1995 - 45 - CITY OF KITCHENER 3. ALTERATION APPLICATION - 307 QUEEN STREET SOUTH (BREAD & ROSES) - cont'd On motion by Mr. P. Bufe, it was resolved: "That pursuant to Section 33 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve the request of the owner to alter the designated property, known municipally as 307 Queen Street South, Kitchener (Bread & Roses), as outlined in his Designated Heritage Property Alteration Application, dated September 1, 1995 and considered by the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee on September 15, 1995; and, That such approval for alteration include the removal of the steel fire escape on the west elevation of the building and the removal of the steel ladder on the east elevation of the building; and further That the removal of the other items protruding from the masonry of the building be agreed to by the owner and the L.A.C.A.C. sub-committee." Mr. R. Coo and Mr. W. Ristau agreed to form the sub-committee to look at the other elements which were proposed to be removed from the building. 4. PIONEER TOWER WEST - PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 30T-95016 Mr. P. Puopolo was in attendance on behalf of the applicants of Plan of Subdivision Application 30T-95016. Ms. S. Burke provided the Committee with copies of the report that she prepared outlining L.A.C.A.C.'s concerns with the plan of subdivision which she requested that the Committee endorse as their comments to be provided to Ms. J. Given, Senior Planner, in response to the circulation of the subdivision application. Ms. S. Burke reviewed the main points in the report. Councillor B. Vrbanovic entered the meeting at this time. Mr. P. Bufe questioned front lotting on the north side of the road. It was his opinion that the buildings are historically and architecturally important and should be preserved as a federal or provincial park. It was his opinion that these buildings are extremely important to the history of this area. Mr. Bufe referred to losing Old Chicopee Road as a scenic road because it was front lotted and accordingly have to be altered. A discussion then took place on back lotting and front lotting. Ms. J. Given questioned whether street A on the plan was L.A.C.A.C.'s main area of interest and was advised that the main area of interest is street A and the lands below including the orchard. The Committee then reviewed the wording of Ms. Burkes report and offered two minor amendments on the second page of the report with recommendation no. 3 being changed to "a means be found to preserve the buildings and adapt them for future use, ideally for community use." recommendation no. 6 being changed to include "adequate" after the word "that". Mr. Puopolo addressed the Committee advising that Mr. Pincott is not his client and that he should be advised of this report. Further he did not receive this report until today and he would like to have an opportunity to consider it. Mr. P. Bufe put forward a motion to accept the amended report. Mr. Puopolo advised that he did not think that it was fair for the committee to deal with this report today as it is a major report. He suggested a delay of one month to allow him to review the report and discuss it. He suggested that the Committee is rushing quickly on a very major issue. 4. PIONEER TOWER WEST - PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 30T-95016 LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1995 - 46 - CITY OF KITCHENER Councillor M. Wagner advised that this is a culmination of several months discussion and that this report would be going to the Planning Department. The issue would subsequently be decided by the Planning & Economic Development Committee and then City Council. Mr. L. Bensason suggested that L.A.C.A.C.'s interest in this area has been well documented over the last several years, particularly in 1992 when they decided on a heritage conservation district for this area. Ms. J. Given advised that staff has been waiting for comments from L.A.C.A.C. and has been waiting to circulate the plan pending these comments. Councillor T. Galloway advised that has some sympathy for Mr. Puopolo's positions; however LAC.AC. has been dealing with this for some time. It has been on the table for several years. There has been a meeting with all the residents in this area and discussions on heritage have continued all along the way. Further he stated that several developers have plans pending. When questioned by the Committee, Ms. J. Given advised that L.A.C.A.C. would have to formally request an extension from the Region if they wish to defer submitting their comments for another month. Councillor T. Galloway advised Mr. Puopolo that he would get a chance to discuss this as part of the Planning & Development report. Mr. Puopolo advised that he would prefer to obtain information and interpretation from the members rather than through the staff report. Councillor T. Galloway put forward a motion to defer adoption of Ms. Burke's report to the October meeting to allow Mr. Puopolo an opportunity to review the report and to provide a copy of the report to the Pinncotts. This motion was voted on and lost. Ms. J. Given explained the agencies comments and what happens with them and that any delay would have to be approved by the Region. Mr. L. Bensason suggested that there will still be an opportunity for clarification even if the report is adopted today. On motion by Ms. S. Burke, it was resolved: "That the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee endorses the report on Pioneer Tower West prepared by Ms. S. Burke, as amended at the meeting of September 15, 1995." COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATIONS - 1398, 1404 & 1410 DOON VILLAGE ROAD (UPPER DaaN HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT) Mr. S. Hood was in attendance to answer any questions the Committee might have in this regard. The Committee was in receipt of a memorandum from Mr. L. Bensason, Heritage Planner, dated September 7, 1995. Mr. L. Bensason explained Mr. Hood's requests which were before the Committee of Adjustment and the objectives in the Heritage Conservation District Plan regarding lot widths and sanitary sewer easements, advising that the plan encourages private septic systems. The Committee was also in receipt of a letter from SPUD, dated September 11, 1995 outlining their objection to the driveway easement giving the opinion that Mr. Hood is actually proposing to create two new lots with frontages of 72 ft. and 125 ft.. Mr. Bensason addressed the Committee and advised of his concern about a precedent for higher density by allowing the connection to the municipal sewers. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION - 1398, 1404 & 1410 DOON VILLAGE ROAD (UPPER DaaN HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT - cont'd LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1995 - 47 - CITY OF KITCHENER Councillor T. Galloway advised that he thought that an agreement should be registered on title stating that the connection to the sewer would be for single detached dwellings only. Mr. Hood advised that he would be happy to give such an agreement. Ms. J. Given advised that two of the applications before the Committee of Adjustment are for sewer easements; the one new house wants to be connected to municipal sewers and one of the older houses wants to be connected to municipal sewers. Councillor Galloway advised that he wanted something on title that would ensure that these properties would not be redeveloped to a higher density because of their connection to the sewer. Councillor Galloway put forward a motion that the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee would not object to the two Committee of Adjustment applications requesting sewer easements provided that the Committee of Adjustment imposed a condition that the properties not be developed to a greater density than single detached dwellings. With respect to the easement for the driveway, Mr. Hood explained that nothing is changing with respect to the appearance of the properties as the retaining wall, driveway and gardens are already in existence. Ms. J. Given explained that what Mr. Hood has done so far is legal and the reason for the applications is to allow him the legal right to register what is existing on title. Councillor B. Vrbanovic left the meeting at this time. Mr. P. Bufe advised of his feelings that this goes against the provisions of the district plan. Councillor Galloway also advised that he was not in agreement with the driveway easement as he thinks it is a dangerous precedent. Mr. S. Hood advised that when he originally thought of the house he intended to put a garage on the side instead of in front in an effort to make the house more attractive. He advised that at this point in time this committee's objection to the application would be a hardship and he doesn't understand how his request could cause a problem. On motion by Councillor T. Galloway, it was resolved: "That the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee has no objection to the approval of Committee Adjustment Submission No. B 76/95 - 1404 Doon Village Road and Submission No. B 77/95 - 1410 Doon Village Road, for sewer easements, provided that the property owners agree not to develop the properties to a higher density than single family dwellings." On motion by Councillor T. Galloway, it was resolved: "That the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee is opposed to Committee of Adjustment Submission No. B 75/95 - 1398 Doon Village Road, as it is contrary to the intent of the Upper Doon Heritage Conservation District Plan." VICTORIA PARK AREA HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT Mr. N. Hill, Consultant, was in attendance to give the Committee an overview as to the procedure in preparing the study and plan for the heritage conservation district in the Victoria Park area. He advised that he will be seeking approval of the study before the plan is prepared. He also advised that it is intended that the plan contain guidelines for property owners on practical restorations/maintenance matters. VICTORIA PARK AREA HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT - cont'd Mr. Hill provided the following time table: October 3, 1995 - Final Draft of Study LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1995 - 48 - CITY OF KITCHENER October 24, 1995 November 21, 1995 - December 11, 1995 - Late April, 1996 - Public Meeting for Study Full Presentation of Study Presentation of Study to City Council - Presentation of Plan Mr. Hill displayed maps advising of the different aspects of the District. He advised that he would be willing to have a discussion with this Committee before he gives his full presentation on November 21, 1995. A question period and general discussion then took place. Mr. T. Boutiliere addressed the Committee advising that zoning and re-development potential are not part of this plan, as they do not come under the Ontario Heritage Act but under the Planning Act. He stated that the Committee must be very careful not to perceive that it will be able to undercut redevelopment potential through this plan. Councillor M. Wagner advised the Committee that its meeting of November 3, 1995, will be an all afternoon meeting and will include a discussion on the study. 191 KING STREET WEST (NATIONAL TRUST) - REQUEST TO ALTER The Committee again reviewed the request to alter the front of the building a 191 King Street West (National Trust) to prevent people from sitting on the window ledge. The Committee was in receipt of a memorandum from Mr. L. Bensason, Heritage Planner, dated September 7, 1995, in this regard, along with three drawings titled Options 1,2 and 3. Mr. P. Bufe advised that the sub-committee recommendation would be Option No. 3. Mr. R. Coo suggested a different style of fence than that shown in Option No. 1. suggested a method of installing the fence/rail without damaging the marble. suggested that the fence be attached to the sidewalk rather than the building. Mr. W. Ristau Mr. P. Bufe On motion by Mr. R. Coo, it was resolved: "That, pursuant to Section 33 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve the request of the owner to alter the designated property at 191 King Street West (National Trust) by erecting a fence in front of the window on the ground floor level of the King Street elevation; with the specific design of the fence to be agreed to by the L.A.C.A.C. sub-committee and the owner." Mr. P. Bufe put forward a motion that the fence be attached to the sidewalk rather than the building which was voted on and lost. 1252 DOON VILLAGE ROAD The Committee was in receipt of a letter from Wilfrid Laurier University, dated August 22, 1995, advising that a mill race had been discovered at 1252 Doon Village Road when the property was demolished. It also advised what would be involved in documenting the Mill Race. Mr. L. Bensason introduced this matter and advised that the cost of the documentation would be approximately $350.00. He suggested that L.A.C.A.C. may wish to apply to the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation for a grant in this regard. 1252 DOON VILLAGE ROAD -cont'd Ms. E. Esenberg suggested that L.A.C.A.C. pay for the documentation out its budget. LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1995 - 49 - CITY OF KITCHENER On motion by Ms. E. Esenberg, it was resolved: "That we request the archaeologist from Wilfrid Laurier University to record the exposed mill race at 1252 Doon Village Road; with the fee of $350.00 to be paid from the L.A.C.A.C. budget." 9. DESIGNATED PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION LETTER Mr. L. Bensason introduced this matter and discussed the purpose of the letter. It was agreed that consideration of the Designated Property Owner Information Letter would be deferred to the Committee's October 13th meeting. 10. HERITAGE CONSERVATION AND PLANS OF SUBDIVISION The Committee was provided with revised copies of Planning and Development staff report PD 95/65 dated September 11, 1995. Mr. L. Bensason advised that he wished to submitted the staff report to Planning & Economic Development Committee on October 2, 1995 for their approval. He also advised that the report had been presented to the Home Builders Association that day and they had accepted the report. On motion by Mr. P. Bufe, it was resolved: "That the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee endorses Planning & Development staff report PD 95/65 with minor revisions to be made." Mrs. P. Wagner advised that she wished more clarification on "qualified individuals" and Mr. T. Boutiliere gave an explanation. 11. HERITAGE DATA BASE STUDENT PROJECT The Committee was in receipt of a copy of the L.A.C.A.C. Inventory Data Base User Guide as prepared by Ms. R. Tzalmona and Mr. P. Walberg, dated August 30, 1995. Mr. L. Bensason advised that the students had been able to put 3/4 of the L.A.C.A.C. inventory on the system. 12. 219 - 221 FREDERICK STREET Mr. L. Bensason advised that this property has been badly damaged by fire and that a Remedy Order has been issued by the Chief Building Official. He stated that the City will know more about the owner's intention by September 22, 1995. 13. HERITAGE RESOURCES OWNED BY REGION Mr. L. Bensason advised that he had responded to the Region's request as directed by the Committee and that the Committee must respond by the end of this year. It was suggested that this be the next job of the Evaluation Sub-committee. 14. TEN YEAR CAPITAL FORECAST The Committee was in receipt of a memorandum from Mr. L. Bensason, Heritage Planner dated September 15, 1995 advising that when the Heritage Conservation District Plan Programme was first identified by L.A.C.A.C. and the Planning Department in 1992 a certain project schedule was approved. He further advised that two years ago, in response to budget constraints, Council had LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1995 - 50 - CITY OF KITCHENER pushed back by one year, the start dates of each of the proposed Heritage Conservation Districts, save and accept for the Mill Courtland and Central Frederick areas. Mr. Bensason requested the Committee's endorsement of a revised schedule. He also recommended that L.A.C.A.C. and the Planning Department work on establishing recommended study area boundaries for all of the proposed districts well ahead of the budget deadline for 1997 in order to determine whether any further refinements to the programme would be necessary. On motion by Mr. P. Bufe, it was resolved: "That the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee recommends the following Heritage Conservation District Plan Programme - 10 Year Capital Forecast 1995-2004: Victoria Park (1994) - $40,000 Downtown Retail (1997) - $50,000 Downtown Warehouse (1997) - $50,000 Central Frederick (1998) - $50,000 Civic Centre (1999) - $30,000 Mill Courtland (2000) - $30,000 Spadina Road (2001) - $30,000 Mr. L. Bensason advised that the Committee should set out, between now and next summer, what the boundaries for these Districts should be. It was also generally agreed that the priority order for these Districts be discussed at a future L.A.C.A.C. meeting. 15. REVISED L.A.C.A.C. INVENTORY Mrs. P. Wagner requested that the reports coming from the Evaluation Sub-committee outlining which properties should be included in the inventory be included in the minutes each time the Evaluation Sub-committee Reports are considered by L.A.C.A.C. 16. ADJOURNMENT On motion the meeting adjourned at 4:17 p.m. Dianne H. Gilchrist