HomeMy WebLinkAboutLACAC - 1995-11-03LACAC\1995-11-03 LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 1995 CITY OF KITCHENER The Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee met this date, under the Chairmanship of Councillor M. Wagner, commencing at 11:05 p.m., with the following members present: Ms. B. Buchanan, Ms. S. Burke, Ms. P. Costigan, Ms. E. Esenbergs, Ms. P. Wagner, Ms. D. Westman, Mr. M. Badran, Mr. E. Bow, Mr. P. Bufe, Mr. R. Coo, Mr. W. Ristau and Mr. M. de Groot. Councillor T. Galloway and Councillor B. Vrbanovic were in attendance for part of the meeting. Others Present: Councillor M. Yantzi, Mr. T. Boutilier, Mr. L. Bensason, Mr. W. Sleeth and Ms. D. Gilchrist. 1. CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS Councillor M. Wagner spoke of the book launching held on Saturday October 28, 1995 for Elizabeth Bloomfield's new book called Waterloo Township Through Two Centuries. Ms. P. Wagner had L.A.C.A.C.'s copy of the book at this meeting and it is noted that the book will be kept in the Clerk's library. 2. ALTERATION REQUESTS - 1052 DOON VILLAGE ROAD On motion by Mr. E. Bow - it was resolved: Mr. E. Lucy, the owner of 1052 Doon Village Road, was in attendance along with Mr. T. Bauman of Menno S. Martin Contracting Limited to represent his request to construct an addition onto the rear of the existing dwelling. The Committee was in receipt of a memorandum from Mr. L. Bensason, Heritage Planner, dated October 31, 1995, advising that 1052 Doon Village Road is classified, in the Upper Doon Heritage Conservation District Plan, as a type "B" non-historic building and that the approximate date of construction of the bungalow is 1968. Attached to Mr. Bensason's memorandum was a copy of specifications, a site plan and elevation drawings produced by Menno S. Martin Contracting Limited. Councillor M. Wagner explained to Mr. Lucy that the Committee is gun shy due to past experiences. He advised that the Committee would not usually make these kind of decisions on such short notice; however, the Committee will try to come to a decision on this matter today, if possible. Mr. L. Bensason then gave the Committee a brief explanation of what is being proposed. Mr. M. Badran stated that he would have to see the property before he could make a proper decision. Councillor T. Galloway advised that he is familiar with this property and the addition will not face any historic properties but will face newer homes on Doonbrook Place. The addition will not be visible from the street. Ms. P. Wagner and Mr. P. Bufe spoke in favour of the addition. On motion by Mr. W. Ristau - it was resolved: "That, pursuant to Section 43 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve the request of the owner to alter the property known municipally as 1052 Doon Village Road, a property located in the Upper Doon Heritage Conservation District, by constructing an addition onto the rear of the existing dwelling; subject to the addition being constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by Menno S. Martin Contractor Ltd., as considered by the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee on November 3, 1995." LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 1995 - 55 - CITY OF KITCHENER VICTORIA PARK AREA HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT STUDY Mr. N. Hill, Architect Planner, and consultant for the preparation of a Heritage Conservation District Plan for the Victoria Park Area, was in attendance to present the study completed in this area, to receive approval of the study from L.A.C.A.C. and direction to proceed to the preparation of the plan. Councillor M. Yantzi introduced the members of the steering committee who were in attendance for this presentation of the study. Mr. N. Hill addressed the committee advising that there has been a desire, from the start of the process, to have the community involved in the preparation of the study. To this end there have been five steering committee meetings, two news letters and a public meeting, which was well attended. Further, there are two steps in the process, the first being the preparation of the study which is being presented today and then the preparation of the plan. The four principles involved in the preparation of the plan are: the area exemplifies the history of the city, the buildings are unique to the city, the area is distinct to the city and that the area contributes to the character of the city. Ms. P. Wagner was concerned that, at the public meeting, the residents were not given an adequate explanation, as they were concerned that there taxes would go up. Ms. P. Wagner felt that the plan would improve the value of the properties in the area and consequently taxes would go up. Mr. Hill responded that it is not the intention of the plan to destabilize the community and he will deal with this issue in the next news letter. Ms. P. Wagner then commented on the statement on page 66 of the study dealing with the Benton/Queen Street diversion. It appears as though Mr. Hill is in favour of the diversion. It was Ms. Wagner's opinion that the study should not comment on the diversion. Mr. P. Bufe stated that he would support Ms. Wagner's view on the Queen/Benton diversion. He felt that the plan should not recommend preceding with the diversion. The committee general agreed with the deletion of the comment about the Queen/Benton diversion from the study. Councillor T. Galloway stated that the Queen/Benton diversion would help reduce traffic in the Victoria Park area; however, it would negatively impact on the proposed heritage conservation district for the Queen/Benton area. Ms. S. Burke stated that there is an incredible amount of traffic on Queen Street which is not good for business or heritage. She stated that the Queen/Benton diversion has been considered a solution to this traffic problem. When just dealing with the Victoria Park Area Heritage Conservation District, the diversion will definitely assist with the traffic problem. Mr. L. Bensason suggested that the diversion may have some positive aspects; however, the study is devoid of the effects of the Benton Street diversion and perhaps some of these comments should be included. Mr. N. Hill advised that the study would attempt to present a balanced point of view in this regard or the statement will be removed altogether. Mr. T. Boutilier addressed the Committee advising that, at the public meeting, the main themes were support for the district coupled with concern over the amount of control which will be placed on the residents. They were told that the measure of control would be discussed and outlined more fully. He suggested that time be taken to discuss with the property owners the level of guidance to be included in the plan. Mr. L. Bensason suggested that care be taken in terms of what is said about property values and taxes. He advised that information available suggests that in the Canadian context, designation has a negligible impact on property values. Councillor M. Wagner stated that, according to current information, property values are not reduced when a property is designated. 3. VICTORIA PARK AREA HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT STUDY - cont'd LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 1995 - 56 - CITY OF KITCHENER Mr. W. Sleeth stated that he would like to see a connection between the park and the city. There is a barrier, being Gaukel Street. Ms. D. Westman questioned whether a recommendation could be made that new development on that site could be carefully considered. Ms. B. Buchanan suggested that all entrances to the park should be kept visible. A discussion then took place on signage for the park. It was suggested that Mr. N. Hill give some suggestions for signage when working on the plan. On motion by Ms. E. Esenbergs - it was resolved: "That we approve the Victoria Park Area Heritage Conservation District Study, prepared by Mr. Nicholas Hill, Architect Planner, as presented to the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee on November 3, 1995 and further, That the consultant be directed to proceed with the preparation of the Victoria Park Area Heritage Conservation District Plan." Councillor M. Wagner then offered his thanks along with the Committee's to Mr. N. Hill, the steering committee and Mr. L. Bensason for a job well done. The committee then took a brief recess while Mr. Hill removed his displays. Councillor T. Galloway and Councillor B. Vrbanovic left the meeting at this time. 4. UPDATES a) St. Jeromes High School A brief discussion took place concerning what is happening with St. Jeromes High School. The possible demolition of the school was of great concern to everyone. It was noted that Friends of St. Jerome recently held a meeting and they are considering a feasibility study and that someone had been hired to conduct a study. b) Designated Property Grants As a follow up to the discussion on this matter at the October meeting, Councillor M. Wagner advised that Mr. W. Wettlaufer, M.P.P., has been approached on the matter and he will do what he can. c) Kaufman's Footwear Councillor M. Wagner briefly discussed a meeting which took place the previous week with representatives of Kaufman's Footwear, Mayor Christy and himself. The proposal provided by Kaufman's was provided to the sub-committee members. It was generally agreed that the sub-committee would meet with Kaufman's representatives, report back to the whole of L.A.C.A.C. and then a written response would be provided. 5. HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENTS The Committee members were in receipt of Planning & Development Staff Report PD 95/65, concerning the conservation of heritage resources within the plan of subdivision process. Mr. L. Bensason advised that there had been some minor changes to the report. He also advised that the report will be presented to the K-W Home Builders on November 10, 1995 and it will be considered by Planning & Economic Development Committee on November 20, 1995. Mr. Bensason advised that the report has the full support of senior staff. On motion by Mr. E. Bow - it was resolved: 5. HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENTS - cont'd LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 1995 - 57 - CITY OF KITCHENER 10. "That the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee supports Planning & Development staff report PD 95/65, dated October 10, 1995, as submitted." HOMER WATSON HOUSE Mr. L. Bensason advised the Committee that he has been contracted by Mr. L. Proulx, Director of Facilities Management, concerning some necessary repairs to the Homer Watson House. The first phase involves putting a board over the whole in the facia and caulking around the windows. There will be two more phases of work to be completed and more detailed information will be provided to L.A.C.A.C. shortly. 32 MILL STREET Mr. L. Bensason provided the committee members with a print out of the information contained in the Heritage Inventory on 32 Mill Street. He reminded the committee that at the October meeting, when considering heritage properties owned by the Region, the Committee decided not to add the Mill Street properties to the inventory; however, 32 Mill Street is already on the inventory and the Committee's action at the October meeting would remove it from the inventory. It was noted from the hand-out that the property was originally owned by Henry Zinkman. It was generally agreed that this matter be deferred to the December meeting and Ms. P. Costigan will investigate who Henry Zinkman was. 1610 WESTMOUNT ROAD EAST Mr. L. Bensason advised that the City has received a demolition application for the property at 1610 Westmount Road East. This property is included in the Huron Community Plan and the property has a business park and office designation. The City is not able to require a Heritage Impact Assessment for the property at this time because there is no development proposed. Mr. Bensason stated that the real estate agent has advised them that the building is vacant and the property is proposed to be demolished because heating costs are too high and the roof is in need of repair. He has not spoken directly with the owner. Councillor M. Wagner advised that he will discuss the matter with the other members of Council who are on L.A.C.A.C.. He requested that the members drive by the property prior to the next meeting and that consideration of this matter be deferred to the December meeting. Mr. L. Bensason advised that this request will have to go before Council under the Demolition Control By-law. NEXT MEETING Councillor M. Wagner advised that the December L.A.C.A.C. meeting is rescheduled to Friday December 8, 1995; as there is a Budget meeting scheduled for Friday December 1, 1995. The December 8 meeting will be held at the usual time, 11:45 a.m. and it will be held in the Conestoga Room. ADJOURNMENT On motion the meeting adjourned at 2:52 p.m. Dianne H. Gilchrist Committee Secretary