HomeMy WebLinkAboutLACAC - 1995-06-02LACAC\1995-06-02 LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 2, 1995 CITY OF KITCHENER The Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee met this date, under the Chairmanship of Councillor M. Wagner, commencing at 12:05 p.m., with all members present. Others Present: Mr. T. Boutilier, L. Bensason, and Ms. D. H. Gilchrist. 1. CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS Councillor M. Wagner drew a the Committee members attention to the Heritage Wall which was almost completed in the Heritage Room. He advised them of the opening to take place on June 5, 1995 and that invitations have been sent to all the LAC.AC. members. 2. MINUTES On motion by Mr. W. Ristau, It was resolved: "That the Minutes of the regular meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of May 12, 1995 as mailed to the members, be accepted." NEW MEMBER Councillor M. Wagner noted that Mr. M. de Groot was in attendance again at this meeting and advised that Mr. de Groot wished to become a member of this Committee. On motion by Mr. V. Tarbutt, it was resolved: "That the membership of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee be expanded by one member; and further That Mr. Martin De Groot be appointed to the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee for a term to expire November 30, 1995." REQUEST TO ALTER - 1 KING STREET WEST (WALPER HOTEL) Mr. A. Attwooll was in attendance and advised that he had recently purchased the Bismark Pub and wishes to change it to the Walper Pub and that Reggies, which has recently been burned out, is to relocate into that portion of the hotel which was previously occupied by the North American Trust. Mr. L. Bensason provided some printed information for the Committee members benefit: sign specs, the alteration application and a print out concerning signs on Heritage Building which had been produced by the Province of Newfoundland. Mr. L. Bensason reviewed the signs which have already been approved for this building by this Committee. Councillor M. Wagner advised that he had spoken with Mr. Attwooll stating that this Committee is shy about making quick, last minute approvals and advised him that he would do his best to accommodate his needs but did not promise anything. Mr. Attwooll addressed the Committee and advised that he would be true to his word and whatever he agreed to he would do. He displayed some coloured drawings of the proposed signs. Mr. Attwooll advised that effective last Tuesday he had purchased the Bismark Pub and was renovating it to change it to an English style pub. Further he stated that he was the owner of Reggies which burned out last winter and he wants to put Reggies in where the North American Trust business was. He stated that impulse sales are highly important to this type of business and that signage in a retail business is absolutely critical. He thanked the Committee members for allowing him on the agenda for this meeting. LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES JUNE 2, 1995 - 29 - CITY OF KITCFIENER 4. REQUEST TO ALTER - 1 KING STREET WEST (WALPER HOTEL) - cont'd With respect to the signs for the pub, Mr. Attwooll advised that the ideal signage for a pub is a canopy sign. The script proposed is as "Old English" as can be put on the sign and still be legible. The projecting sign, as shown in the drawings, would project 4 feet into the sidewalk. The canopy sign would be approximately 11 feet 8 inches. Further he advised of the proposed signage for the inside of the windows which would be a neon type sign. Upon questioning by the Committee, Mr. Attwooll advised that if he could not get approval for the canopy sign then he would like to an erect an illuminated projecting sign. The materials of the proposed signs were discussed and some comparisons were made with the Old English Parlour in Waterloo. Mr. Attwooll explained that the Old English Parlour is a free standing building and has a lot of room for pylon signage which people can see before they get there and can make a decision to stop. It is for this reason that Mr. Attwooll felt that a wooden sign would not be appropriate in this location because it could not be well enough lit to attract attention. Ms. S. Burke stated that this style of canopy is not historically correct and that back lighting is not appropriate in a heritage district. Mr. Attwooll responded that there is a canopy on the building now and perhaps his proposed sign could be modified to the style of the existing canopy. With respect to the sign for Reggies, Mr. Attwooll advised that he intends to use the existing marquee. He advised the Committee that Reggies is a franchise and that as part of the franchise agreement he has to maintain the corporate identity. Mr. Attwooll advised that his total investment in signs will be approximately $20,000.00 and that he proposes to put signs on both King Street and Queen Street for Reggies. Ms. E. Esenberg questioned whether there were time constraints and suggested that the Committee should look at the building and take more time to consider this request. She suggested that a sub-committee be formed. It was generally agreed that once the agenda was completed, the Committee members would walk down to the Walper Hotel and view the locations for the proposed signs and then come back, reconvene the meeting and at that point determine whether a decision could be made this date on the proposed signs or whether the formation of a sub- committee would be necessary. REQUEST TO ALTER 119 ARLINGTON BLVD. (WOODLAND CEMETERY - PROTESTANT MAUSOLEUM) The Committee was in receipt of a memorandum from Mr. L. Proulx, Project Manager and Director, Facilities Management Division, dated May 15, 1995, presenting a request to make repairs to the Protestant Mausoleum at Woodland Cemetery. Along with the memorandum was a copy of the engineering report prepared by Sze Straka Engineers Limited, outlining the repairs which need to be undertaken. Mr. L. Bensason reviewed the engineering report and advised that these repairs are needed to prevent further deterioration of the walls. He provided the Committee with his verbal recommendation recommending that the request be approved in principle subject to several conditions. It was suggested by some of the members that the metal cap flashing should be brought to the Committee before it is installed. Mr. P. Bufe suggested that perhaps they could salvage enough of the original stone work that they would only have to replace stone in one area. A Sub-Committee composed of Mr. W. Ristau, Ms. E. Esenberg and Mr. L. Bensason was struck to liaise with Mr. Proulx concerning the repairs to be undertaken. 5. REQUEST TO ALTER 119 ARLINGTON BLVD. (WOODLAND CEMETERY - LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES JUNE 2, 1995 - 30 - CITY OF KITCFIENER PROTESTANT MAUSOLEUM - cont'd On motion by Councillor Jake Smola it was resolved: "That, pursuant to Section 33 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve, in principle,the request of the owner to alter the designated property known municipally as 119 Arlington Boulevard (Woodland Cemetery) by repairing the Protestant Mausoleum as outlined in the engineering report prepared by Sze Straka Engineers Ltd., dated April, 1995, subject to the following conditions: (a) That a sample replacement stone shall be made available for inspection by the LACAC sub-committee and the Heritage Planner; (b) That a test panel showing a typical stone repair and patch job shall be made available for inspection by the LACAC sub-committee and the Heritage Planner; (c) That the make up of the mortar mix for the repointing of mortar joints shall be in accordance with the Ministry's "Annotated Master Specifications for the Cleaning and Repointing of Historic Masonry"; (d) That the specifications for the design and appearance of the new metal cap flashing be brought to the LACAC sub-committee's attention for formal consideration at the July 14, 1995 LACAC meeting; and (e) That any changes to the scope of the repairs, as outlined in the Sze Straka report, be brought to the attention of the Heritage Planner to evaluate whether further consideration by LACAC is necessary." 6. REQUEST TO ALTER - 181 PARK STREET Mr. L. Bensason addressed the Committee reminding them of the previous approval by this Committee to alter the property at 181 Parking Street and this Committee's approval of their designated property grant request. He provided the Committee members with an additional alteration application form and circulated a photograph of the front facade of the building. He briefly reviewed the problem in replacing the railings on the upper balcony, which are only 23 1/2 inches high and for which the Building Code requires a height of 48 inches. Further, he advised that because this is a life safety issue, the Chief Building Official has the final say on what happens. Mr. Bensason advised that he has met with the Chief Building Official and the owner and the only solution acceptable to the Chief Building Official is the replacement of the screen door, accessing the upper balcony, with a double hung window having an opening of no more than 4 inches for ventilation and which can only be opened further by the removal of some screws. Mr. Bensason further advised that the wooden door would remain in tact behind the double hung window. A brief discussion took place in this regard. Councillor T. Galloway suggested that L.A.C.A.C. discuss this matter with the Chief Building Official and point out the predicament that it has placed the Committee in. Councillor Wagner agreed to approach the Chief Building Official asking for as much flexibility as possible with respect to renovations to designated properties. On motion by Ms. S. Burke it was resolved: That Councillor M. Wagner represent the interests of L.A.C.A.C. and the interests of the home owner of 181 Park Street with respect to the current situation of the height of the balcony railing and the replacement of the door with the double hung window. 6. REQUEST TO ALTER - 181 PARK STREET - cont'd LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES JUNE 2, 1995 - 31 - CITY OF KITCFIENER On motion by Mr. W. Ristau it was resolved: "That, pursuant to Section 33 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve the request of the owner to alter the designated property know municipally as 181 Park Street by replacing the screen door that provides access to the upper balcony with a double hung window, as required by the City's Chief Building Official, and as outlined in the contractors specifications, dated May 11, 1995 and considered by the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee on June 2, 1995." 7. DESIGNATED PROPERTY GRANT - REQUEST TO ALTER - 3734 KING STREET EAST Mr. L. Bensason distributed copies of the Designated Heritage Property Alteration Application Form and Designated Property Grant Application Form for the property known as 3734 King Street East, Kitchener. Mr. Bensason advised that the application is for permission to alter the fieldstone portion of the out building. On motion by Ms. P. Costigan it was resolved: "That a Designated Property Grant under the Preserving Ontario's Architecture Program for 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $3,000.00 be approved, in principle, for 3734 King Street East, and the grant be used to fund the removal of existing shingles, the installation of tar paper and plywood on the roof deck before reshingling, the installation of roof vents and galvanized metal on the valley, installation of sawn cedar shingles, installation of flashing on the bottom of the chimney and the installation of facia and soffit using 1' pine boards, all on the fieldstone outbuilding but not to include the yellow brick addition, as outlined in the owner's application dated May 29, 1995; and further That this application be conditional upon the Province confirming its funding commitment, all reconstructed features being identical to existing originals and all receipts/invoices being submitted to the Clerk's Division by April 30, 1996." On motion by Ms. P. Costigan it was resolved: "That, pursuant to Section 33 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve the request of the owner to alter the designated property known municipally as 3734 King Street East, as outlined in the owner's Designated Heritage Property Application, dated May 30, 1995, as considered by the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee on June 2, 1995." It was suggested by Mrs. P. Wagner that Mr. Bensason should direct the owner of this property to other sources of funding. She also spoke about the plaque which has been removed from this designated building and it was agreed that a discussion would take place over who would fund a replacement plaque at the next meeting. 8. INVENTORY REPORTING PACKAGES Mr. L. Bensason distributed the recording packages for the next area of the city to be recorded for the inventory. It was requested that this information be compiled and submitted for the July 14, 1995 L.A.C.A.C. meeting. 9. SUMMER STUDENT LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES JUNE 2, 1995 - 32 - CITY OF KITCFIENER Ms. S. Burke advised that she had recently spoken with Dr. E. Haldenby of the University of Waterloo and that he has two students available for work, both are third year architectural students. It was generally agreed that Ms. S. Burke, Mr. L. Bensason and Councillor M. Wagner would be involved in the interview process. 10. ADJOURNMENT On motion the Committee adjourned at 2:25 p.m. to walk down to the Walper Hotel and view the area of the proposed signs. It was agreed that once the building had been viewed the Committee members would return and the meeting would reconvene. 11. REQUEST TO ALTER - 1 KING STREET WEST (WALPER HOTEL) The Committee reconvened its meeting at 3:00 p.m. It was generally agreed by the Committee members that they had no jurisdiction over the signs which would be placed on the inside of the windows; however, they would like to form a sub-committee to work with the owner on the design for these signs. Mr. Attwooll returned to the meeting at this time. Councillor M. Wagner spoke to Mr. Attwooll about the sub-committee which they would like to create to work with him on the interior signs. The Committee next discussed the Reggies sign to be placed on the exterior of the building in the location of the marquee where the National Trust Sign currently exists. Ms. E. Esenberg stated that she would like a sub-committee formed to meet with Mr. Attwooll as she is not in favour of the proposed Reggies sign. Councillor Jake Smola put forward a motion to approve the sign in principle with a sub- committee to work with the owner to negotiate the colour and design of the proposed sign and that the sign replace the existing sign on the marquee. An amendment to this motion was proposed which would allow the owner to replace the existing sign on the marquee with the new sign or that the sign be placed below the marquee. Councillor Jake Smola stated that he was not in support of the amendment as he felt that a sign to be located below the marquee would be more costly for the owner. Mr. Attwooll said that he would like to have the option of placing the sign under the marquee or on the marquee and Councillor Jake Smola agreed to amend his motion because the owner desired it. On motion by Councillor Jake Smola, it was resolved: "That, pursuant to Section 33 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve, in principle, the request to alter the designated property municipally known as 1 King Street West (Walper Hotel) by erecting a sign on the main level of the King Street elevation of the building, to advertise "Reggies Deli Express", and That the sign shall replace the existing North American Trust sign and shall be located within the existing limits of the marquee, or suspended below the marquee, but not project beyond the sides of the marquee; and That the colour, design and location of the proposed sign shall be negotiated between the applicant and the LACAC sub-committee; and That any disagreements on the colour, size or location for the proposed sign shall be brought before the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee at its meeting scheduled for Friday July 14, 1995; and 11. REQUEST TO ALTER - 1 KING STREET WEST (WALPER HOTEL) - cont'd That if the proposed sign is to be located below the marquee, the owner of the property shall agree that no other signs will be placed on the marquee; LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES JUNE 2, 1995 - 33 - CITY OF KITCFIENER and further That the applicant shall obtain all other necessary approvals prior to erecting the proposed sign." The Committee then turned its attention to the proposed signage for the Walper Pub. After a brief discussion Mr. Attwooll requested that the Committee approve the projecting sign and not the canopy sign. The Committee discussed options for illuminating the sign and Mr. Attwooll advised that he really needed the neon sign as the business as no street frontage and he needs something to grab peoples' attention. On motion by Councillor Jake Smola, it was resolved: "That, pursuant to Section 33 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve, in principle, the request to alter the designated property municipally known as 1 King Street West (Walper Hotel) by erecting a sign on the main level of the King Street elevation of the building to advertise the "Walper Pub";and That the sign shall replace the existing "Bismark Pub" sign, shall be a projecting sign of a size not to exceed 1.21 m (4') by 1.82 m (6'), having external lighting; and That the colour, design, material and location of the proposed sign shall be negotiated between the applicant and the LACAC sub-committee; with any disagreement to be brought before the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee at its meeting scheduled for Friday July 14, 1995; and further That the applicant shall obtain all other necessary approvals prior to erecting the proposed sign." 12. ADJOURNMENT On motion the meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Dianne H. Gilchrist