HomeMy WebLinkAboutLACAC - 1997-01-17LACAC\1997-01-17 LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JAN UARY 17, 1997 CITY OF KITCHENER The Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee met this date, under the Chairmanship of Councillor M. Wagner, commencing at 11:05 a.m., with the following members present: Ms. B. Buchanan, Ms. S. Campbell, Ms. P. Costigan, Ms. J. Haalboom, Ms. E. Heinrichs, Ms. C. Martindale, Ms. P. Wagner and Messrs. M. Badran, E. Bow, R. Coo, E. Lucy and D. Pullen. Regrets: Councillors T. Galloway, Jake Smola and B. Vrbanovic and Mr. P. Bufe. Others Present: Ms. D. Arnold, Messrs. L. Bensason, T. Boutilier, D. Snow, G. Nixon, W. Pearce and Ms. D. Gilchrist. Councillor M. Wagner welcomed those new members of the Committee who were not able to attend the December meeting. 1. DEMOLITION CONTROL LEGISLATION Mr. W. Wettlaufer, M.P.P. and his executive assistant, Mr. D. Maxwell, were in attendance for the discussion on a proposed private bill to control demolition of buildings designated under Part IV or V of the Ontario Heritage Act. The Committee was in receipt of a memorandum from Mr. L. Bensason, Heritage Planner, dated January 8, 1997, in this regard, along with an extract from the CHO news and a copy of Bill Pr50, An Act Respecting The Town Of Milton. Mr. L. Bensason introduced this item, advising that this proposed legislation would be based on other private member bills for 9 other municipalities. The legislation would affect properties designated under Part IV or V of the Ontario Heritage Act where there is no application for a building permit for a replacement building. With this bill, the property owner would have to build within 2 years or pay a fine. Mr. Bensason asked the Committee if it would pass a resolution to sponsor this legislation. Mr. W. Wettlaufer, M.P.P., advised the Committee that he would be pleased to sponsor this bill. Being a historian, he stated that he has been disturbed over the last several years to see our local history destroyed. He advised that he had a concern with possible economic hardship but this has been looked after in the other private legislation. Ms. J. Haalboom questioned who would determine economic hardship and Mr. Wettlaufer responded that it would be up to the individual to prove this to Council. Mr. T. Boutilier explained that the City does not want to see its heritage resources lost. Council is the location where this debate should take place and they need adequate tools for the job. Ms. S. Campbell questioned whether it is intended that our act be the same as that of Milton, to which staff responded that it is. Ms. Campbell then questioned the "other grounds" noted in subsection 3 (a) of the act. Ms. D. Arnold advised that the City must make an application to the Province for this legislation and it is up to the Province to decide if it wants to grant this authority. The City can submit its ideal wording but it is up to the Province to decide whether or not to accept this wording. Ms. Arnold advised that the Province is looking for fairness and looking to allow consideration of all the things which may come along which can not be anticipated. This is probably the reason why there is provision for an appeal to the O.M.B.. Ms. B. Buchanan questioned how this legislation would apply to the property at Queen and Margaret. Councillor M. Wagner advised that that current situation of disrepair is different from this proposed legislation. He stated that this matter could be discussed at a future meeting. Ms. P. Wagner questioned how this legislation would have applied to the Bates building on Victoria Street. Mr. L. Bensason responded that this was the property he had in mind when he thought of this legislation. He advised that the property would have had to have been designated and then the legislation would apply. Mr. Bensason stated that any property, which has merit, could be designated very quickly. Councillor M. Wagner noted that properties can be quickly considered by Council for designation LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES JAN UARY 17, 1997 -2- CITY OF KITCHENER provided that the property has merit. DEMOLITION CONTROL LEGISLATION (CONT'D) Councillor M. Wagner then questioned the provision of a fine and Ms. D. Arnold advised that these fines would be done through the Provincial Offenses Act and the amount would be determined by a judge. Ms. P. Wagner questioned why, if this is good legislation, it is not coming through an amendment to the Ontario Heritage Act. Mr. Wettlaufer stated that there are always going to be municipalities who are proactive. It is less likely to be done province wide than on an individual basis by municipalities who are promoting the legislation. Mr. L. Bensason advised that there is a cost to have this bill go through the Legislature. Ms. D. Arnold advised of the processing involved and that the cost would be somewhere in the vicinity of $3,000 - $5,000. On motion by Ms. S. Campbell - it was resolved: "That, subject to the sponsorship of Mr. Wayne Wettlaufer, M.P.P., City staff prepare a draft application for private legislation to restrict the demolition of buildings located on property designated under Part IV or V of the Ontario Heritaqe Act; and further That the application be substantially in the form similar to private bills enacted for the Town of Milton and the City of Brantford; such application to be reviewed by the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee and approved by Council prior to its submission to the Province of Ontario." Carried unanimously. MINUTES On motion by Mr. E. Bow - it was resolved: "That the minutes of the meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of December 3, 1996, as mailed to the members, be accepted." It was requested that the date of the next meeting be included at the end of each set of minutes. DOON VILLAGE ROAD SAFETY ISSUES Mr. D. Snow, Director of Traffic and Parking, was in attendance to discuss some of the safety issues which have arisen as a result of the busing issue for Doon Public School. Mr. Snow advised the Committee that there is a possibility that the busing issue will be held over until next year. Mr. Snow advised that when the issue came forward, staff were advised that there could be an increase in the number of students walking on Doon Village Road. To respect the heritage conservation district, staff suggested that pavement markings be made to show where pedestrians could walk. Also, consideration has been given to moving the centre line of the road to allow a greater area for pedestrians. He suggested that the edgeline on the south side could be moved out and almost totally eliminated on the other side, so that it matches up with the walkway on the bridge. In this situation, children would have to walk with their backs to traffic on the way home from school. The City may have to widen the hard surface area in some places to accommodate a wide enough walking area for the children. Mr. Snow stated that staff have told the Board of Education that this is all the City can do under the circumstances. Absolutely nowhere do we guarantee anybody's safety. We are going to provide the best situation we can within the perimeters we have to work in. LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES JAN UARY 17, 1997 -3- CITY OF KITCHENER 3. DOON VILLAGE ROAD SAFETY ISSUES (CONT'D) Ms. J. Haalboom advised of her concerns about the safety of pedestrians because of the increased volume of speeding traffic. The volume of traffic is far greater than the 70 homes would warrant. Mr. Snow acknowledged that it is being used for through traffic and acknowledged her concern. Ms. J. Haalboom also voiced her concern about students from Brigadoon and how they would get to school safely. She felt there would be an increase in the number of cars with these parents now driving their children to school. Mr. E. Lucy advised that he had read, in the Heritage Conservation District Plan, a proposal to close off Doon Village Road at one end or the other. Mr. Snow responded that the proposal is to close it off a Doonbrook Place. He then explained the proposal. He explained that if this Committee or the neighbours in the Heritage Conservation District wanted it closed off, then it could be proposed to City Council. A report would have to be prepared and would require a full public and legal process. Anyone who uses the road would have the ability to say if they would be adversely affected. Mr. D. Snow advised that he would like to come back to this Committee at a future meeting to discuss a lighting issue on Doon Village Road. 4. DOWNTOWN PLAQUES The Committee was in receipt of a report from Mr. G. Nixon, Landscape Architect, dated January 7, 1997, concerning the replacement of 2 bronze heritage plaques formerly located on 2 raised hydro cabinets in the sidewalk area on the south side of King Street, related to and in front of the Walper Hotel and 117-119 King Street West. Mr. Nixon was in attendance and displayed one of the plaques. He advised that the plaque relating to the Walper Hotel is proposed to be erected on the exterior wall of the main entrance lobby, underneath a small canopy which faces Queen Street. Mr. Nixon advised that the plaque for 117-119 King Street West has been lost and will have to be recast. Mr. Nixon requested the Committee's approval to remove the Provident Book Store plaque and locate the downtown plaque in its place. Mr. Nixon advised that staff have the full consent of the owners. It was suggested that the plaque for 117-119 King Street West, also known as the Simpson building, should have the name of the Simpson's business on the plaque and staff were asked to investigate this. Ms. B. Buchanan asked Mr. Nixon to ensure that the lag bolts used to erect the plaque be placed in the mortar and not in the brick. On motion by Mr. D. Pullen - it was resolved: "That, the Parks and Recreation Department and Public Works Department be authorized to install a bronze historic plaque, previously located in a cabinet on the sidewalk, at the main entrance of the Walper Hotel, 1 King Street West, a property designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritaqe Act; and further That the Parks & Recreation Department and the Public Works Department be permitted to install a bronze heritage plaque, previously located in a cabinet on the sidewalk, on the front wall of the building municipally known as 117-119 King Street West (Formerly Provident Book Store), a property designated under Part IV of Ontario Heritaqe Act; and further That the existing Provident Book Store sign be removed; and further That staff obtain the permission of the property owners prior to the removal and/or erection of these plaques." LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES JAN UARY 17, 1997 -4- CITY OF KITCHENER ALTERATION APPLICATION - 1754 OLD MILL ROAD (HOMER WATSON HOUSE) The Committee was in receipt of a copy of the designated heritage property alteration application for 1754 Old Mill Road (Homer Watson House) and specifications for the renovations, to be done in 3 stages. Mr. W. Pearce, Loans Program Co-Ordinator, was in attendance to represent the request and provide an explanation of the work to be done. It was noted that the approval of the Ontario Heritage Foundation would also be required, as they hold a heritage easement on this property. Ms. P. Wagner suggested that there may be funding available from the Heritage Foundation and Ms. P. Costigan advised that she would inquire. On motion by Ms. B. Buchanan - it was resolved: "That pursuant to Section 33 of the Ontario Heritaqe Act, we approve the request of the owner to alter the designated property municipally known as 1754 Old Mill Road (Homer Watson House); and further That the renovations consist of foundation waterproofing, underground drainage system with sump and a revised roof drainage system, all as contained in the Designated Heritage Property Alteration Application dated December 23, 1996." CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS a) Wyldwoods Neiqhbourhood Herita,qe Impact Assessment A brief discussion took place over a property within the area of the Wyldwoods Neighbourhood Heritage Impact Assessment, known as the Fischer House. Ms. P. Wagner felt the assessment was very light on the historic information on this property. She advised that she would like to see a search of this property and more historic background. Mr. L. Bensason advised that there would be a formal meeting of the sub-committee, staff and the consultant on February 3, 1997. He requested that the Committee pass on any comments to the sub-committee members. He advised that this matter should come back to L.A.C.A.C. before it goes to Council. If the Committee thinks that more work needs to be done, they should suggest how the work could be shared. Ms. J. Haalboom stated that Monarch put forward a plan for the whole area back in April. Now, they have come out with a new plan in December. She sensed that this is being pushed. She felt that there has not been enough dialogue or a commitment on how to preserve the heritage resources. b) A.C.O. Meetinq Councillor M. Wagner advised that there would be a meeting of the North Waterloo Region branch of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario on Thursday, January 30, 1997, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conestoga Room, City Hall. c) Art Gallery Presentation Councillor M. Wagner spoke about the display at the Art Gallery called "Images of Progress - 1946 - 1996 - Modern Architecture in Waterloo Region". A list of those buildings, located in Kitchener, mentioned in this display, was prepared at the request of Ms. P. Wagner and distributed to the members. A copy of the program brochure has been added to the collection in the Clerk's Library. Ms. Wagner asked that the Committee consider adding the buildings to the Heritage Inventory. LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES JAN UARY 17, 1997 -5- CITY OF KITCHENER 6. CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS (CONT'D) d) Governor's House and Gaol Councillor M. Wagner advised that a committee was struck from the Region's Planning and Culture Committee, which met last week and there is some interest in doing something with these buildings. 7. LOGO AND NAMECHANGE Councillor M. Wagner advised that 30 other municipalities have already changed the name of their L.A.C.A.C.'s. He questioned the members as to whether they were in agreement with changing this Committee's name and the members were generally in agreement. Several names were suggested. Mr. L. Bensason advised that the name change would have to be approved by Council. Mr. L. Bensason then displayed several Iogos, which had been designed by Mr. B. Wakefield, Co- Ordinator of Mapping and Graphic Services. A discussion took place concerning the Iogos and it was generally agreed that, once a new name has been chosen, Mr. Wakefield should design some new Iogos to include the new name and the following themes: the Clock Tower, scenic roads/tree lined inner city streets and industrial buildings. It was agreed that a decision on the name change would be made later in the meeting. 8. L.A.C.A.C. SUMMER STUDENT AND JOB DESCRIPTION Mr. L. Bensason advised that, if L.A.C.A.C. receives the same budget as last year, a student could be hired for 12 weeks at $10.00 per hour. It is proposed that the student manage the Heritage Inventory database. As the City now has a digital camera, photos can be taken and put into the database. The student will also help with the completion of the Heritage Conservation District in the Pioneer Tower area. He advised that interviews will be held in February. The Committee generally agreed with the job description. 9. HERITAGESHOWCASE It was generally agreed that Mr. R. Coo would be the contact person for the Heritage Showcase. Various topics were considered for the display. It was suggested that, as soon as possible after the Heritage Showcase, thought be put in to a display for next year's showcase. 10. DEMOLITION REQUEST Mr. L. Bensason advised that the Benton Street Baptist Church is requesting permission to demolish some buildings on Queen and St. George Streets: 161, 171, 179 and 189 Queen Street and 14 and 18 St. George Street. Mr. D. Pullen advised that the process seems to be working. The owners are responsive and willing to come to this Committee. The proposal is still in the initial stages. He asked that the Committee members look at these properties before the February meeting. Mr. Pullen also advised that the owners are prepared to integrate as many of the architectural features as possible into the new buildings. They also intend to preserve 179 Queen Street (Schmalz House). Mr. L. Bensason advised that the owners propose to maintain a scale of development along Queen Street which would be comfortable for pedestrians. They would wrap the design along Queen Street and up St. George Street. Councillor M. Wagner stated that this would be a sizable development which will go a long way to bringing people into the downtown. 11. DESIGNATION SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES JAN UARY 17, 1997 -6- CITY OF KITCHENER Ms. P. Costigan distributed a report of the designation sub-committee, dated January 17, 1997. Concerning the designation for Margaret Avenue Public School, the principal has suggested that the ceremony take place on April 4, 1997, in conjunction with the alumni reunion on April 5th. Councillor M. Wagner requested that the designating by-law not be presented to City Council until February 17th, so that a delegation of students may make a presentation. Ms. P. Costigan advised that she needs volunteers to help with the designation ceremony. Councillor M. Wagner thanked Ms. Costigan for all the effort she has put into this project. 12. WALPER HOTEL UPDATE Mr. L. Bensason brought to the attention of the Committee 2 blackboard signs that have been erected on the King Street elevation of the hotel. He also advised that the banner signs have been removed. He advised that he has spoken with Ms. D. Strong, Manager of the hotel, and she is willing to approach Reggie's about these blackboard signs. On motion by Ms. J. Haalboom - it was resolved: "That Reggie's Restaurant be required to apply for a Designated Heritage Property Alteration Application for the 2 blackboard signs on the main level of the King Street elevation of the Walper Hotel." 13. HERITAGE WEEK Ms. J. Haalboom questioned whether L.A.C.A.C. is planning any activities for Heritage Week. She suggested that the Heritage Showcase display go in the Rotunda. She also suggested a bus tour on February 22nd and that the tour take place downtown with a stop at the Walper Hotel for either lunch or tea. Ms. P. Wagner suggested recognizing the designation of Ms. B. Buchanan's property on Ahrens Street. (NOTE: The bus tour will not take place, as it is not possible to work out press co-ordination in time for the tour.) 14. COMMITTEE NAME After a brief discussion the Committee agreed on a new name. On motion by Ms. S. Campbell - it was resolved: "That the name of the City of Kitchener Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee be changed to Heritage Kitchener; and further That Heritage Kitchener shall be the "local advisory committee" within the meaning of the Ontario Heritaqe Act." It was generally agreed that, on the bottom of the letterhead, there should be a brief explanation of what Heritage Kitchener does. A logo will be decided upon and will be used on letterhead, business cards and name tags. 15. IMAGES OF PROGRESS Ms. P. Wagner again spoke about the "Images of Progress" display at the Art Gallery. She stated that the heritage community has ignored modern architecture. She advised that Kitchener has a LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMI1-FEE MINUTES JAN UARY 17, 1997 -7- CITY OF KITCHENER 16. 17. higher proportion of significant buildings which have been designed by local architects. Ms. Wagner questioned how we could speed up the addition of buildings to the Heritage Inventory. Mr. L. Bensason suggested that this Committee take on the role of the evaluation sub- committee and review some buildings after each meeting. Referring to "Images in Progress", Ms. Wagner advised that the architectural community has agreed that these buildings are significant. Mr. D. Pullen suggested contacting the people who put on this display and ask them if we can have it when they are finished. NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee is scheduled for Friday, February 14, 1997, at 11:45 a.m., in the Conestoga Room. ADJOURNMENT On motion the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.. Dianne H. Gilchrist Committee Secretary