HomeMy WebLinkAboutCompass Kitchener -2023-04-05COMPASS KITCHENER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 5, 2023 CITY OF KITCHENER The Compass Kitchener Advisory Committee met this date, commencing at 4:00 p.m. Present: J. Stephens -Wells, Chair K. Brabazon, T. Glover, A. Forstmanis, W. Rahimi, L. Thompson, L. Trumper and J. Young. Staff: D. Chapman, CAO J. Readman, General Manager — Development Services D. McGoldrick, General Manager — Infrastructure Services V. Raab, General Manager — Corporate Services J. Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer — Financial Services K. Dever, Director —Strategy & Corporate Performance A. Fritz -Walters, Engagement Program Manager — Strategic Planning L. Korabo, Committee Administrator 1. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - NIL 2. WORKSHOP WITH CORPORATE LEADERSHIP TEAM Members of Compass Kitchener and the Corporate Leadership Team undertook roundtable introductions. Ms. J. Stephens -Wells shared an overview of the work done to date by Compass Kitchener on development of the 2022 Citizens Report Card noting the Report Card includes evaluation of the five strategic plan projects completed in 2022 and related notes for the future. Additionally, the Committee has provided overall observations on the implementation of the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan and added comments for the future. Ms. Stephens -Wells noted that while the draft report shared with CLT focused on the five most -recently completed projects, she will be proposing to the Committee that the final report to Council be revised to include a summary overview of all seventeen completed projects in the Strategic Plan 2019-2022, and highlight the substantial unanticipated disruption caused by COVID-19 throughout that period. The five new projects evaluated were Huron Community Centre; Energy Reserve Fund; Urban Forest Strategy/Tree Canopy; Set & Communicate Service Levels; and Increasing Waste Diversion in Public Spaces. Members of the Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) provided feedback on several projects in the draft Report Card and agreed that Council should find the information useful when discussing matters such as affordable housing and inclusionary zoning. It was noted the Committee's comments regarding flexibility and the inherent difficulties in planning/executing a four-year plan align nicely with the work currently underway to develop an adaptable 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. Specific comments from CLT included: the value that Council places on the work of Compass Kitchener to provide a residents view; support for a more adaptive/flexible planning approach to allow for adjustment as needed; ensuring better accountability and measurable actions are included; ensuring that information needed to undertake evaluations is easier to obtain; suggestions regarding inclusion of a better description of the criteria used to evaluate projects; the addition of information regarding the Strategic Plan goal wording to help with understanding the project evaluation better. COMPASS KITCHENER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 5, 2023 - 7 - CITY OF KITCHENER 2. WORKSHOP WITH CORPORATE LEADERSHIP TEAM (CONT'D) When asked for any suggestions as to what he felt would make this report and presentation most impactful for Council, Mr. D. Chapman noted the value in wrapping up the report and presentation with 2-3 key messages, with one perhaps focusing on past performance and another looking forward. CLT was thanked for their input and suggestions and Ms. Stephens -Wells noted that these will be given thoughtful consideration when finalizing the Citizens Report Card for presentation to Council. It was suggested that there could be merit to planning for a joint learning opportunity with Refocus Consultants on measurements and indicators to determine outcomes. Ms. A. Fritz - Walters will speak with Ms. K. Dever regarding such an opportunity. 3. WORKSHOP DEBRIEF / FINALIZE CITIZEN REPORT CARD Members of Compass Kitchener then debriefed on finalizing the Citizen Report Card and considered the feedback provided by members of the Corporate Leadership Team. Members were in full agreement with revising the report to include a summary overview of evaluations of all the projects completed in this Strategic Plan, highlighting the impacts of the COVID19 pandemic and ensuring that clear criteria on how the projects were evaluated is included. Members commented on how the `expectations' were evaluated and it was noted that this included consideration of timing, impact, accountability and budget. It was agreed to include the overall goal and the related action (as included in the strategic plan) along with the citizen impact criteria that Compass Kitchener had developed for each of the five new projects reviewed and remove the boxes highlighting `on time and on budget'. Key messages to be included: constructive commentary (e.g. why a project did not meet expectations), the importance of ensuring accountability, positive commentary regarding the amount of progress made on many complicated projects and the excellentjob at communicating that information back, support for adaptive approach to planning and the usage of measurements and indicators. Ms. A. Fritz -Walters requested Committee volunteers to work with her and Ms. J. Stephens - Wells with revising content to reflect the changes discussed at today's meeting. Mr. T. Glover, Ms. A. Forstmanis and Mr. J. Young volunteered to review/assist with finalizing the details. Through discussion, members agreed to target the May 29th Council meeting to report / present on this matter. 4. DRAFT 20 -YEAR VISION Ms. A. Fritz -Walters provided Compass Kitchener with an overview of the work that has been done to date on a new 20 -Year Vision for the municipality. This work was undertaken in conjunction with engagement work for the 2023-2036 Strategic Plan. She advised that much input was received from many sources and it became clear to staff that a singular vision COMPASS KITCHENER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 5, 2023 - 8 - CITY OF KITCHENER 4. DRAFT 20 -YEAR VISION (CONT'D) statement would not tell the full story of Kitchener. Therefore, staff have also crafted a Vision Story that tells of the desired state of Kitchener in 2043. This will be used along with the single Vision Statement. Various members of the Committee expressed their support for the Vision Story to help better express the desired state for Kitchener. Members also shared their thoughts on the Vision and Vision Story and suggested several possible wording changes for staff to consider. Ms. A. Fritz -Walters noted the suggested changes and agreed to share them with the appropriate staff members for consideration. 5. FINALIZE PLANNING FOR ALL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Compass Kitchener was circulated with the proposed agenda for the May 3, 2023 All Advisory Committee Meeting for Chairs and Vice -Chairs. Ms. J. Stephens -Wells confirmed that all Compass Kitchener members are invited to attend and will be asked to help with facilitating table discussions during the scheduled workshop. The workshop will be an opportunity to gather feedback from a diverse group of interested parties on the draft Strategic Plan Goals and Actions. Compass Kitchener members supported the agenda as proposed. Staff will circulate the agenda to all of the city's advisory committees, request attendance replies from those in the Chair or Vice -Chair positions and make final preparations for the meeting. 6. OTHER BUSINESS The minutes of the Compass Kitchener meeting held March 8, 2023 were reviewed. Ms. A. Fritz -Walters mentioned the media release on the upcoming program for a -bikes and e - scooters in Kitchener. This is an action connected to the previous Strategic Plan and shows progress made in this area. Ms. J. Stephens -Wells inquired regarding whether there is still a plan to launch a bike sharing program. Ms. A. Fritz -Walters agreed to inquire and advise. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm. L. Korabo Committee Administrator