HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSD-2023-239 - Implementation of Bill 13, Bill 109 and Bill 23 - OPA23/001/K/TR - ZBA23/004/K/TRStaffReport Development Services Depadment REPORT TO: Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee DATE OF MEETING: June 19, 2023 www.kitchenerca SUBMITTED BY: Garett Stevenson, Interim Director of Planning, 519-741-2200 ext. 7070 PREPARED BY: Katie Anderl, Senior Planner Gaurang Khandelwal, Planner Tanya Roberts, Project Manager Janine Oosterveld, Manager of Customer Experience and Project Management WARD(S) INVOLVED: All Wards DATE OF REPORT: June 8, 2023 REPORT NO.: DSD -2023-239 SUBJECT: Implementation of Bill 13, Bill 109, and Bill 23 City -Initiated Official Plan Amendment OPA23/001/K/TR City -Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA23/004/K/TR RECOMMENDATION: 1. That City Initiated Official Plan Amendment OPA23/001/K/TR, for the purpose of implementing Bill 13, Bill 109, and Bill 23, including policies to delegate certain minor zoning by-law amendments to staff, policies to update public consultation matters, and to update the Official Plan to reflect new Provincial legislation, be adopted, in the form shown in the Official Plan Amendment attached to Report DSD -2023-239 as Appendix `A1', and accordingly forwarded to the Region of Waterloo for approval, and 2. That City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA23/004/K/TR to amend Zoning By-law 85-1, be approved in the form shown in the "Proposed By-law" attached to Report DSD -2023-239 as Appendix `B1', and That City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA23/004/K/TR to amend Zoning By-law 2019-051, be approved in the form shown in the "Proposed By-law" attached to Report DSD -2023-239 as Appendix `132', for the purpose of adding new regulations for developments no longer subject to site plan control relating to design and site functionality elements, and to align with new permissions for Additional Dwelling Units, and ** This information is available in accessible formats upon request. Please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994 for assistance. Page 635 of 792 3. That the By-law 2005-170 and By-law 2007-042 and By-law 2012-069, being the City of Kitchener Delegated Approval By-law, as amended, be repealed and replaced with the "Proposed By-law" attached to Report DSD -2023-239 as Appendix `C', to delegate minor zoning by-law amendments including the removal of Holding provisions and zoning by-law amendments which are minor in nature to make clerical, technical, administrative, and other minor amendments to the Zoning By-law to the Director of Planning, and 4. That the By-law 2007-41, as amended by By-law 2012-070, being Chapter 683 — Site Plan Control of the Municipal Code, as amended, be repealed, and replaced with the "Proposed By-law" attached to Report DSD -2023-239 as Appendix `D', for the purpose of updating the Municipal Code to align with revised site plan control requirements in the Planning Act, and 5. That the By-law 2013-093, being Chapter 620 - Demolition Control of the Municipal Code, be amended by the "Proposed By-law" attached to Report DSD -2023-239 as Appendix `E', to include lands zoned RES 1 through RES -5 within the Demolition Control Area, and 6. That Council Policy MUN-PLA-1095 - Public Participation in the Planning Process, be amended by the "Proposed Council Policy" attached to Report DSD -2023-239 as Appendix `F, to recognize current practices which include postcard notifications to property owners and occupants within 240 metres, to have digital Neighbourhood Meeting for development applications, and to allow for revised notice requirements, and, 7. That Council Policy FIN -GRA -2006 - Development Charges Payment for Affordable Rental Housing and FIN -PLA -2031 - Affordable Housing Development Charges Waiver Policy, attached as Appendix `G', be repealed in their entirety as due to recent changes to the Development Charges Act through Bill 23, non-profit housing developments are now exempt from paying Development Charges (DCs), and further, 8. That two additional FTEs be added to the core complement of the Planning Division to support the timely review of development application in accordance with the timeframes prescribed by Provincial legislation. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS: • The purpose of this report is to implement amendments to the Official Plan, zoning bylaws and other city bylaws and policies to address changes to provincial legislation over the past year to build housing faster. The three provincial bills addressed through this report include Bill 13, Bill 109, and Bill 23, addressing changes to the Planning Act and Development Charges Act (associated with affordable housing only), as summarised in Table 1. • In April 2022, Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act came into effect with the intent to "reduce red tape" by speeding up the development approvals process by imposing fiscal penalties for municipalities if decisions for Zoning By-law amendments with or without an Official Plan amendment, and approvals for Site Plan applications do not meet prescribed timelines. Page 636 of 792 • In the summer of 2022, staff initiated a review of the City's development review processes to satisfy the legislated timelines of Bill 109, while mitigating financial risks to the corporation. While many of the resulting improvements have streamlined processes at a staff level, some require Council approval through this report including matters to implement new procedural options added to the Planning Act through Bill 13, Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 such as expanding matters Council may delegate to include minor zoning by-law amendments to help streamline planning decisions. • In November 2022, the Province introduced Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, which is an omnibus bill impacting nine different development -related Acts. The purpose of Bill 23 is to further streamline approvals for housing and reduce barriers and costs to development. Given the breadth of changes resulting from Bill 23, this report includes amendments to several City polices and bylaws to ensure alignment with the legislation. • Financial implications of this report relate to achieving legislated timelines to avoid fee refunds for Zoning By-law amendment and Site Plan application fees which are now identified in applicable reports to Council. While most applications, to date, have met the legislated timelines, additional process changes are needed to maintain those results. • Community engagement included a virtual Community Meeting on March 29th, 2023. • A request to add two full time employees (FTEs) to the Planning Division to adequately and effectively resource the review of development applications within the prescribed timeframes. Development review staff and management time has been utilized to support the implementation of Housing For All as well as other planning projects. Two additional FTEs would create development review staff and management capacity for the review of development applications. • This report supports the delivery of core services. Table 1: Summary of Staff Recommendations New Requirement Implication Recommended Change Planning Application fees Decreased revenue to the Approve amendments to for Zoning By-law Planning Division the Official Plan which Amendment and Site Plan proposes the enactment of Applications are now tools to increase speed and subject to refunds efficiency of review including; - Use of Holding Provisions for additional technical study, - Delegated authority for minor zoning by-law amendments, including lifting holding provisions, to the Director of Planning, - Updated and clarified requirements for complete applications, Page 637 of 792 Page 638 of 792 - Shorten statutory public consultation notice period to align with staff report posting, and to allow for greater agenda setting flexibility, and - Digital neighbourhood meetings for every single development application scheduled when the application is received. Consistent focus on continuous improvement for end-to-end file management including additional software, process improvements, etc. Support additional FTEs to the Planning Division to increase development applications review capacity. Residential buildings with Limited municipal authority Approve a Zoning By-law 10 units or less are exempt to regulate matters of Amendment to incorporate from site plan control exterior design and certain design standards appearance of buildings from the urban design through the site plan manual into Zoning By-laws process to ensure safe and functional sites, including; - minimum street line fagade opening, - minimum front yard landscaped, - minimum driveway width, and parking lot standards. Updates to Site Plan Control By-law to reflect Provincial legislative changes. Non-profit housing Development Charges for Repeal Council policies developments are now "Non-profit housing FIN -GRA 2006 & FIN -PLA - exempt from paying developments" are now 2031 as they are redundant Development Charges exempted and do not need with exemptions in the (DCs) to be funded by the Development Charges Act. Affordable Housing Reserve Fund. Page 638 of 792 Minor zoning by-laws can The administrative burden Approve a revised staff be delegated to Staff on Council for routine and delegation by-law to minor zoning by-law delegate minor zoning by - amendments such as the law amendments including removal of holding the removal of Holding provisions when conditions provisions and zoning by - are fulfilled can be reduced. law amendments which are Delegated approval minor in nature to make authority will allow for more clerical, technical, efficient and streamlined administrative, and other method for minor zoning by- minor amendments to the law amendments. Director of Planning. New definition of a "parcel Allows up to three (3) units Approve a Zoning By-law of urban residential land." per lot (i.e., up to 3 units in Amendment to permit up to Land within an area of the primary building, or up 3 dwelling units on a parcel settlement where residential to 2 in primary building and of urban residential land. use, other than ancillary one in ancillary building or residential use, is permitted structure) by by-law and which is served by municipal sewer and water services Site Plan must be Removal of Council and Approve a revised Site delegated to staff public participation in the Plan Control By-law. Site Plan process BACKGROUND: To address the housing crisis and get more homes built faster, the Province has enacted a series of legislated changes to streamline development applications and reduce costs to development. The flowchart in Figure 1 below summarizes Provincial action addressed in this report to address the housing crisis. Figure 1: Overview of legislative changes relating to housing Page 639 of 792 First, Bill 13, Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021, which received royal assent on December 2, 2021, introduced amendments to the Planning Act to add a new authority to further delegate planning decisions dealing with minor amendments to zoning by-laws, such as temporary use by-laws, lifting of a holding provision or other minor zoning by-law amendments. This new authority requires a municipality to establish official plan policies specifying the criteria to be used to define by-laws that may be delegated. In addition to approval of an Official Plan amendment, modifications to the municipal delegation by-law are required. Municipalities can choose to use this tool to streamline development application timelines. In February 2022, the Ontario Affordability Task Force released a report setting a target to build 1.5 million homes in the next 10 years. This target along with some of the report's 55 recommendations were the impetus for provincial legislation that followed. Next, Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022, came into effect in April 2022. Bill 109 is a first step response to the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force Report. It made changes to the Planning Act requiring municipalities to refund Zoning By-law amendment and Site Plan application fees if a decision or approval, respectively, is not reached within legislated timeframes. The new regulations for fee refunds took effect on January 1, 2023. Staff note that there is currently legislation under consideration as part of Bill 97 that would amend the effective date to July 1, 2023. Finally, Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 came into effect in November 2022, in response to the housing supply crisis and the province's ambitious target to build 1.5 million homes within the next 10 years. Bill 23 amends nine key provincial statutes. This report addresses changes to the Development Charges Act related to exemptions to development charges for affordable housing projects. It also addresses changes to the Planning Act that broaden as -of -right permissions for up to three units on a property for single detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and street fronting townhouses and new restrictions to Site Plan control related to residential developments with 10 units or less and building elevation review. Bill 13, Bill 109, and Bill 23 are implementing measures to address the housing crisis. With their enactment, the City of Kitchener must adjust its operations to address these legislative changes to land use planning, municipal financing, and local governance. This report provides recommendations to update policies and bylaws and provides Council with an update on staff -level process improvements in response to these new provincial directives. REPORT: Recent Provincial updates have made impactful changes to the Planning Act and other legislation, with the intent to bring more housing to market more quickly. In response to these changes, staff recommend amendments to the Official Plan, the Zoning By-laws, and various other by-laws and Council policies. The recommended changes work together in many instances and the discussion in this report has been separated into three key areas of change: • enacting tools that reduce review timelines (Bill 109 and Bill 13 implementation); • mandatory changes to deliver housing (Bill 23 implementation); and, • staff -initiated process improvements that do not require amendments to policies or by-laws. Page 640 of 792 Enacting Tools that Reduce Review Timelines (Bill 109 and Bill 13 Implementation): The first set of changes enact and strengthen tools to help the City reduce review timelines so that decisions can be made within the legislated timeframes. New legislation provides financial incentive to make decisions on certain application types, namely, Site Plan Approvals, and Zoning By-law amendments within legislated timelines by mandating the incremental refund of application fees. Changes in these areas will help the City in the following ways: • ensure applications are complete at the time they are accepted so that the `clock' doesn't start until all supporting documentation is received; • reducing the administrative burden on Council for routine and minor zoning by-law amendments such as the removal of holding provisions when conditions are fulfilled; • better aligning the notice of a statutory public meeting with reporting timelines which will provide additional time for issue resolution and ensure that the report is available when notice is given; and, • implementing as a standard practice, online public consultation, and engagement tools, including enhanced public notices. Legislated Changes to Deliver Housing (Bill 23 Implementation The second category of amendments are those which have been mandated by the Province to reduce planning process. These changes include: • no longer permitting the use of Site Plan Control for residential developments with 10 units or less on a parcel of urban residential land with limited exceptions; • permitting up to 3 dwelling units on a parcel of urban residential land; and, • removing the municipality's ability to approve the aesthetics or character of a building (including materials, architectural style, colour, etc.). Staff -initiated process improvements that do not require amendments to policies or by-laws: The final category is a report back to Council on actions initiated by staff over the past year to address development review efficiencies to streamline processes without the need for amendments to policies or by-laws. The following sections of this report outline the various policy documents and by-laws which are proposed to be updated and have been organized into the categories as described above. Together with the proposed changes to the Official Plan and Zoning By-laws, in many cases the Planning Act and Municipal Act requires that the municipality enact an implementation by-law. The City of Kitchener has several such by-laws required or permitted by the Planning Act including the Site Plan Control By-law, Delegated Approval Authority By-law, Pre -Submission Consultation By-law, and Demolition Control By-law. Several of these City by-laws are recommended to be updated as part of this body of work. There are also policies of Council which provide Council's direction regarding certain processes, that should be updated such as the Public Participation Policy. Changes to the Official Plan, policies and by-laws are discussed in the context of each tool. Details of the proposed amendments and specific rationale can be found in the Appendices. A. Enacting Tools to Reduce Review Timelines This section makes recommendations in the following policies and bylaws: • Pre -Submission Consultation — amend complete application requirements in the Official Plan. Page 641 of 792 • Delegated Approval Authority — amend Official Plan policies and the Delegated Approval Authority By-law to allow delegation of minor Zoning By-law amendments including the removal of Holding Provisions to the Director of Planning. • Public Participation and Notice Requirements — amend policies of the Official Plan and the Public Participation Policy to permit a modified timing for notice of statutory public meeting from 20 to 10 days, and to recognize enhanced notice practices and virtual meeting options. Pre -Submission Consultation Pre -Submission Consultation meetings are required in advance of an applicant submitting a formal application for a Site Plan, Zoning By-law Amendment, Official Plan Amendment, Plan of Subdivision, and Plan of Vacant Land Condominium, and may be required for some Minor Variance or Consent applications. Through this process, the City and agency staff have an opportunity to review and provide early feedback on a development proposal and identify the information and materials that are required to be submitted with a development application for it to be deemed complete under the Planning Act. Requiring this information and material at the time a development application is submitted helps to ensure staff and agencies have all the information needed to review a development proposal. Once the application is complete, a decision must be made within the timeframe provided by the Planning Act (i.e., 60 days for Site Plan Approval, 90 days for Zoning By-law Amendments and 120 days for Zoning Bylaw amendments associated with an Official Plan Amendment) or portions of application fees must be returned. The City of Kitchener has a robust Pre -Submission Consultation process. The Official Plan has contained policies requiring consultation for specified development applications since 2008, and an enacting Pre -Submission Consultation By-law was passed at that time. Through the recent Development Services Review these processes were refined and updated so that the overall customer experience was improved. The City's Pre -Submission Consultation processes ensure that new applications include all the necessary plans, reports, and studies at the time they are deemed complete. Since Bill 109 was enacted, staff have made several internal process changes that do not require Council approval or consideration, such as refinements to Records of Consultation which are issued outlining the list of information and materials that are required as part of an application. Staff recommend minor amendments to the Official Plan to update and refine policies, and to update the list of plans and studies that may be required as part of a Complete Application. These changes are detailed and described in Appendix 'Al' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment) and Appendix `A2' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment with Rationale). No changes are proposed to the Pre -Submission Consultation By-law. Delegated Approval Authority The Planning Act prescribes the required decision-making processes and authority with respect to various types of Planning Act decisions including for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Site Plans, Plans of Subdivision, etc. In many instances the approval authority is Council. In some instances, however, a Council may delegate their decision-making authority by enacting policies in the Official Plan and passing a by-law to delegate approval authority to staff. The City of Kitchener Council has delegated approval authority to staff for various Planning Act decisions including Site Plan Approval, Minor Modifications to Plans of Subdivision, Demolition Control and others. Bill 13 amended the Page 642 of 792 Planning Act to permit a Council to delegate approval authority to staff for minor zoning by- law amendments including the removal of Holding Provisions. The Planning Division has identified several benefits to increasing the use of delegation: • It frees up Council time to focus on strategic priorities. It frees up municipal staff time preparing detailed Council reports on routine approvals. It will help to avoid unnecessary delays on planning applications that implement Council -approved policies and regulations. It retains the ability for elected officials to provide input directly to staff (and vice versa). It allows elected officials to defer to judgement of professional staff for matters which are straightforward and technical in nature. There are potential cost and time savings for applicants that support objectives of building housing faster and cost-effectively. This report recommends that delegated authority be granted for both removal of Holding provisions and zoning by-law amendments which are minor in nature to make clerical, technical, administrative, and other minor amendments to the Zoning By-law, as detailed below. Holding Provisions: First, Section 36 of the Planning Act authorizes municipalities to apply a Holding Provision to an amending zoning by-law to delay development of a site until certain and specific conditions have been met. The City's Official Plan permits the use of Holding Provisions in situations where it is necessary or desirable to zone lands for development or redevelopment in advance of the fulfillment of specific requirements and conditions, and where the details of the development or redevelopment have not yet been fully resolved. Holding Provisions may be used for purposes including: orderly staging of development; confirming adequate transportation and servicing infrastructure, and community services; mitigation of negative impacts resulting from the proximity of lands to transportation and utility corridors, incompatible land uses or any other source of nuisance or hazard to public health and welfare (commonly through the approval of a Noise Study and/or Record of Site Condition); and, to satisfy the policies of this Plan related to cultural heritage conservation, urban design, Site Plan control, and protection of the natural environment. To meet decision- making timelines of the Planning Act and to avoid mandatory fee refunds, staff anticipate more frequent application of Holding Provisions for site specific Zoning By-law Amendments so that detailed site matters can be resolved after a decision has been made on a change in land use or regulation. Holding Provisions are applied to lands through a Zoning By-law amendment, which is approved by Council. Currently, when the conditions have been met (e.g., the required study is approved, or certain works have been completed), the Holding Provision can be removed. The removal of the Holding Provision is not appealable by anyone other than the applicant and does not require a formal public meeting or public notice other than a newspaper notice. Currently, when the conditions required by a Holding Provision have been fulfilled, an applicant must apply for a Zoning By-law amendment to remove the holding provision. When the application is received, planning staff complete a review to ensure that the condition(s) have been fulfilled to the satisfaction of the requesting City department or agency. If staff Page 643 of 792 are satisfied, a report is prepared and provided to Committee and Council recommending that that a zoning by-law be passed to remove the Holding Provision. If the condition is fulfilled, the Holding Provision must be removed, and the uses permitted by the underlying zoning take effect (which were originally subject of public meetings and Council approval). Given the administrative nature of the removal of holding provisions, staff recommend that Council delegate approval authority for the removal of Holding Provisions to the Director of Planning. The studies required by holding provisions are technical and clearance is provided by the requesting City department or agency, regardless of who has the authority to pass the by-law to remove the Holding Provision. Public notice of the removal of the Holding Provision is provided, however the decision does not require a statutory public meeting and Council has previously decided on underlying zoning permissions. Removal of the Holding Provisions simply confirms that the technical condition approved by Council has been met. Minor Amendments: Next, staff also recommend that Council delegate approval authority for other minor Zoning By-law amendments to the Director of Planning. Such amendments are necessary from time to time to make minor changes such as, altering language for consistency and refining language to assist with clarity in interpretation. Such changes do not impact the effect of the zoning regulations. To delegate authority for both the removal of Holding Provisions and minor Zoning By-law amendments, the Planning Act requires that the Official Plan provide policies to specify the types of by-law amendments that may be delegated. The Planning Act also provides that Council may withdraw this authority at any time, or on a case-by-case basis. As a next step, staff will develop administrative procedures to implement a new internal process where approval authority has been delegated. Staff recommend that new Official Plan policies are enacted delegating the approval of both removal of Holding Provisions and minor Zoning By-law amendments to the Director of Planning. These changes are detailed and described in Appendix 'Al' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment) and Appendix `A2' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment with Rationale). Together with the proposed amendments to the Official Plan, staff recommend that the City's Delegated Approval Authority By-law is amended as detailed in Appendix `C'. Public Participation and Notice Requirements The City of Kitchener has adopted robust public participation processes that, in most cases, exceed Planning Act requirements. These were refined and updated through the Development Services Review and have been implemented by staff. As part of this body of work, staff have reviewed current public participation processes for alignment with the Public Participation Policy and legislated timelines. Changes to public participation policies and notice requirements include the following: • To recognize the enhanced current public notice practices and virtual meetings that were initiated in recent years in the Public Participation Policy; • To reduce notice of the statutory public meeting from 20 days to 10 days per the Alternative Notice requirements introduced through Bill 13; • To eliminate the need for public consultation for minor zoning by-law amendments which are proposed to be delegated to the Director of Planning also in accordance with Alternative Notice Requirements; and, Page 644 of 792 • To remove public participation policies relative to Site Plan Control to align with Bill 109 timelines. Enhanced Notice Practices and Virtual Meetings: Public engagement is a key part of municipal decision-making around development. Through the Development Services Review, Kitchener has moved to more equity -informed citizen engagement opportunities. Changes to public engagement practices for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments and Plans of Subdivision include: • Circulating all residents (occupants/renters) and property owners within 240 meters of the subject lands (Planning Act only requires 120 meters); • Standardized, visually appealing, and easy -to -read postcards, property signs, and newspaper notifications replaced technical, text -based formats for public planning notices, which were difficult to understand and created a barrier to engagement and understanding; • The postcard and newspaper ads provide basic information on a development application and directs the readers to the City's Development Application webpage; • Development Applications webpage/mapping tool with current development application information; and, • Virtual Neighbourhood Meetings for all applications. Community response has been positive on the new, user-friendly approach to access information on development applications using an intuitive and visual map -based interface. In addition, this creates transparency and goes above and beyond Planning Act requirements by providing access to all studies, reports, and engagement opportunities related to planning applications in one location. During the COVID-19 global pandemic, neighborhood meetings were shifted to a digital format. This proved to be an effective and efficient way to have initial engagements on development applications with the broader community. Digital engagements reduced some barriers to participation including travel time and expense as well as childcare. Digital meetings are recorded and posted on the City's website and can be watched at any time following the meeting benefiting those that could not attend as well as those that want to rewatch to gain a better understanding. A call-in number is also provided for community residents without internet access to attend the meeting. Attendance for neighbourhood meetings has remained consistent and, as a result, neighborhood meetings are now held for all development applications, whereas pre -pandemic in person engagements were utilized only for major development proposals. According to a 2021 report released by Statistics Canada, Kitchener -Cambridge -Waterloo is tied for the second fastest growing area in Canada. This has required staff to meet and sustain a higher -than -normal level of demand in terms of development approvals. Digital neighborhood meetings provide considerable time and financial savings for engagements. Staff can deliver these engagements effectively from home in the evening outside of standard business hours when community members are available to participate. With the high volume of development applications in recent years, the virtual meeting format also reduced impacts on staff resourcing including a reduction in over -time hours and streamlined bookings (with no venue limitations and associated rental fees) Page 645 of 792 Given the need to consider development applications within prescribed timeframes or face fee refunds, Planning staff recommend that digital neighborhood meetings continue for site specific development applications. Minor amendments are proposed to the Official Plan to recognize that engagement may be electronic or in person. These changes are detailed and described in Appendix 'Al' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment) and Appendix `A2' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment with Rationale). Further, Planning staff recommend an amendment to Council Policy MUN-PLA-1095 (Public Participation in the Planning Process) to reflect current practices as provided in Appendix `F'. Site Plan Public Participation Policies: Bill 109 requires Site Plan approval to be delegated to staff for applications made on or after July 1, 2022. Site plan approval has already been delegated to staff in the City of Kitchener, however the current Public Participation in the Planning Process Council policy outlines certain criteria when a site plan would be publicly circulated for comment. As Site Plan approval is now strictly delegated to staff and an approval must be granted within 60 days to avoid application fee refunds, Council Policy MUN-PLA-1095 should be amended to remove circulation requirements for certain site plan applications as reflected in Appendix `F'. Alternative Notice Measures: The Planning Act prescribes that a notice of the statutory public meeting be provided 20 days in advance of the meeting taking place. Bill 13 amended the Planning Act to allow a Council to permit alternative notice requirements by enacting policies in the Official Plan. The City consults with the public early in the application process by circulating notice of the application, receiving comments, and holding a Neighbourhood Meeting for every Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Subdivision application. As noted in the previous sections regarding enhanced notice practices, the public is well-informed and able to provide meaningful input into the application process, as well as ask questions and work with staff and an applicant to resolve concerns. However, due to reduced timelines for application review, staff is more limited in time following initial engagement to resolve issues before finalizing a recommendation report. Following initial public circulation of notice of the application and the neighbourhood meeting, staff work to resolve concerns of the public and any technical concerns identified by City departments or agencies. Staff must then complete a staff report to schedule the statutory public meeting. Staff recommend two instances where adopting alternative notice requirements would be beneficial and describe the rationale and purpose below: 1. To reduce notice of the statutory public meeting from 20 days to 10 days The Planning Act requires that notice of a Statutory Public Meeting be given 20 days in advance of the meeting. In the City of Kitchener, as Statutory Public Meetings are typically held on a Monday, this requires that notices appear in the newspaper three Fridays before the meeting. However, staff reports, which contain recommendations are not publicly available until 10 days before the meeting. Staff recommends that Council approve an Official Plan policy which would permit that notice of the Statutory Public Meeting be provided at least 10 days prior to the meeting, rather than 20 days. This would ensure that the staff report and recommendations are available when the meeting is advertised. A postcard advising of the Statutory Public Meeting will continue to be mailed to people who participated in the process and those living or Page 646 of 792 owning property within 240 metres of the subject site, also about 10 days in advance of the meeting. Staff is of the opinion that because of the robust public consultation in practice with proposed updates to the Public Participation Policy, interested members of the public will be engaged in advance of the Statutory Public Meeting, and that 10 days is sufficient notice. 2. To eliminate the need for public consultation for minor amendments which are proposed to be delegated to the Director of Planning. Public consultation is not required for the removal of a Holding Provision, however would be required for other minor amendments. Minor amendments that are clerical or administrative and which assist with consistency and clarity in interpretation do not have an impact to the effect of zoning regulations. Staff recommend that Council approve Official Plan policies which would eliminate the need for public consultation for this scope of amendment. Staff recommend that new Official Plan policies are adopted providing for alternative notice requirements, as provided for by the Planning Act. These changes are detailed and described in Appendix 'Al' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment) and Appendix `A2' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment with Rationale). Corresponding changes are proposed to the Public Participation Policy in Appendix `F'. B. Legislated Changes to Deliver Housing This section makes recommendations in the following policies and bylaws to reflect changes associated with Bill 23: • Additional Dwelling Units (3 units per lot) — amend the Official Plan and Zoning By- laws to align with permissions for Additional Dwelling Units. • No Site Plan Control for Development with 10 Units or Less — amend Official Plan policies, the Site Plan Control By-law and the Zoning By-laws for regulations related to residential development with 10 dwelling units or less on a parcel of land that are now exempt from Site Plan Control. • Urban Design (Exterior Design) — amend Official Plan policies to respond to reduced review authority for building elevation review through Site Plan Control. • Removal of Development Charge Deferral and Development Charge Waiver policies for Affordable Housing — repeal policies which are redundant with exemptions in the Development Charges Act. Additional Dwelling Units (3 units per lot) Bill 23 made changes to Section 16(3) and 35.1 of the Planning Act. Official Plans and Zoning By-laws now cannot contain policies and regulations that have the effect of prohibiting the use of up to three residential units in association with a single -detached house, a semi-detached house, or a street townhouse on a parcel of urban residential land. The changes make it mandatory for municipalities to permit up to three residential units in association with a single -detached house, a semi-detached house, or a street townhouse on land where residential use other than ancillary residential use is permitted. Performance standards may still be in place except those related to requiring more than one parking space for each additional unit and regulating the minimum floor area of each additional unit. Page 647 of 792 Kitchener's Official Plan already has policies in place that support attached and detached additional dwelling units. Staff recommend they are updated to align with the Planning Act requirements to permit up to three dwelling units on a lot, and the matters which may be considered in implementing Zoning By-law regulations including requirements for parking, regulations which help ensure compatibility such as heights and massing, setbacks, landscape buffers and pedestrian access. Further, to comply with legislated requirements, staff recommend updates to Area Specific or Site -Specific policies and associated Zoning By-law provisions where additional dwelling units were previously prohibited, and an update to the definition of Low -Rise Residential Land Uses to include additional dwelling units. Official Plan policy changes are detailed and described in Appendix `A1' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment) and Appendix `A2' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment with Rationale). Kitchener's Zoning By-laws currently permit additional residential units to some capacity. The proposed changes to the Zoning By-laws align with the recent Planning Act mandates. Key changes to the Zoning By-laws include: • Permitting up to three residential units where a single -detached dwelling, a semi- detached dwelling, or a street townhouse dwelling is a permitted use. This includes permitting attached and detached Additional Dwelling Units in Commercial Residential, Mixed Use and Institutional zones in addition to the Residential zones of Zoning By-law 85-1. • Amending site specific provisions (223, 226, 232, 253) of Zoning By-law 2019-051 and special use provisions (319, 352, 470) of Zoning By-law 85-1 that have the effect of prohibiting up to three residential units. • Enabling up to three parking spaces to be arranged in tandem on a driveway. • Enabling three -unit buildings to be purpose-built by deleting regulations that limit two additional dwelling units to existing buildings and updating the definition of multiple dwelling to a building that contains four or more dwelling units. This also includes clarifying that three -unit buildings will be permitted where a single -detached dwelling with two additional dwelling units (attached) is permitted. No Site Plan Control for Development with 10 Units or Less and Changes to Exterior Design Review through Site Plan Bill 23 made changes to Section 41 of the Planning Act which effect how municipalities can exercise site plan control. The changes include exclusion of all aspects of site plan control for residential development up to 10 units except in certain cases, and removal of exterior design consideration from site plan control for all developments. To address these changes, staff recommend changes to the Official Plan, Site Plan Control By-law and Zoning By-laws. Official Plan Amendment: First, in accordance with legislated changes staff recommends that Official Plan policies be updated to comply with the new regulations. Specifically, staff recommend updates to the policies which provide for a Site Plan Control Area, and outlines what types of development are subject of Site Plan Control, and what may be considered through site plan control to ensure consistency with the Planning Act. In addition with respect to the enacted provisions that remove the consideration of exterior design from Site Plan Control, an applicant may be required to prepare site specific Urban Design Reports, Briefs, Guidelines or Scorecard, and staff will continue to review development proposals regarding all matters of urban design that continue to be in Page 648 of 792 effect. The outcome of these changes is that staff can longer approve how a building looks in terms of architectural styles, aesthetics, materials, color, or appearance. Staff will continue to provide feedback and comments to applicants through the Site Plan review process and will continue to require urban design review and adherence to urban design policies and guidelines through other parts of the development review process, such as through Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments. Staff recommend amendments to Official Plan policies to ensure compliance with the new Planning Act provisions, while maintaining and updating policies that require consideration of urban design throughout the development process. Staff recommend that where relevant, Official Plan policies be updated to include the Urban Design Scorecard, as a site-specific urban design evaluation tool, and recommend that a new definition of Urban Design Scorecard be added. Official Plan policy changes are detailed and described in Appendix `A1' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment) and Appendix `A2' (Proposed Official Plan Amendment with Rationale). Site Plan Control By-law Update (Municipal Code): Staff recommend repealing and replacing Chapter 683 of the Municipal Code (Site Plan Control) with the draft chapter attached as Appendix `D' to this report. To ensure consistency with the Planning Act, changes are proposed to reference language in the Planning Act. To limit the updates that may be required to the Municipal Code, references the Planning Act will not include specific sections of the Act, to ensure alignment with Provincial legislation which may change from time -to -time allowing regulations in the Planning Act to be implemented without further updates. While now required by Bill 109, Kitchener has previously delegated site plan approval to staff. The definition of "development" is proposed to be removed from Chapter 683 and instead referring to the Planning Act. Additionally, minor edits were made to reflect current staff titles. Zoning By-law Amendments: Proposed changes to the Zoning By-laws in relation to changes to site plan control are detailed in Appendices `B1', `B2' and `133'. Key changes include: • Introducing regulations to address design and site functionality elements for residential development with less than 10 units where a site plan application is no longer required. At this time, the regulations are limited to: o a minimum street line fagade openings of 20% including at least one pedestrian entrance to the building; o a minimum of 20% of the front yard to be landscaped excluding hard surface landscape elements such as walkways, patios, decks, or pathways; and, o a minimum driveway width of 2.6 metres, except where the driveway is immediately adjacent to a building or structure in which case the minimum driveway width will be 3.0 metres. • Enabling staff to undertake zoning checks through Zoning Occupancy Certificates where a site plan application can no longer be required, including any development where the resultant number of units are equal to or less than 10 and does not contain a non-residential use except permitted home occupation/business use. • Updating the definition of a parking lot to include a minimum of one drive aisle and adding regulations associated with parking lots for a development not requiring site plan approval. The regulations are limited to a 1.5 metre setback from the side and rear lot lines for the parking lot, and a minimum drive aisle width of 6 metres. Page 649 of 792 Excluding these types of developments and matters from Site Plan Control has implications on staff's ability to review and mitigate matters related to parking lot functionality, grading (property drainage), building design and appearance, and new servicing. Staff are recommending zoning regulations that support safe, functional, and healthy projects while maintaining a scope that meets the objectives of provincial legislation. Finally, with the exclusion of Site Plan control for residential development up to 10 units, the Building Division is also evaluating the Building By-law in coordination with other development review staff to determine amendments that may be needed such as applying the Emergency Services Policy (e.g., fire routes). Building staff will be reporting back to Council in August with proposed changes to the Building By-law. Demolition Control By-law Staff recommend amending the Demolition Control By-law to provide greater clarity to confirm that a Demolition Control Area is inclusive of properties zoned RES -1 through RES - 5. The current by-law was approved prior to the approval of Zoning By-law 2019-051 and therefore does not recognize the RES zone nomenclature. This amendment is technical in nature and does not change the intent of the Demolition Control By-law. Refer to Appendix `E' for the proposed Demolition Control By-law amendment. Removal of Development Charge Deferral and Development Charge Waiver policies for Affordable Housing" In response to public engagement during the 2022 budget process, Council made a capital investment of $2,000,000 towards an Affordable Housing Reserve Fund. Council subsequently approved a Development Charges (DC) waiver policy using this fund to pay 100% of DCs for eligible non-profit developments. Due to recent changes to the Development Charges Act through Bill 23, non-profit housing developments are now exempt from paying Development Charges (DCs). As a result, Council Policies FIN -GRA -2006 and FIN -PLA -2031, that provided financial incentives for non-profit affordable housing developments by deferring or waiving DCs for eligible developments, have become redundant. Table 2 below summarizes the purpose of these policies and the results they have had for supporting non-profit affordable housing developments since their inception. Table 2: Development Charges (DCs) Council Related Policies Council Policy Purpose Results Allows deferred payment of City DCs 10 affordable housing FIN -GRA- for eligible non-profit rental housing developments 2006 developments from the time of 261 units building permit to the time of $1,900,000 DCs deferred occupancy 2 affordable housing FIN -PLA- Waives City DCs for eligible non- developments 2031 profit housing developments 86 units $727,000 DCs waived Page 650 of 792 Staff recommend that these policies be repealed given that they are no longer necessary. These policies are attached in Appendix `G'. C. Staff -initiated process improvements that do not require amendments to policies or by-laws Bill 109 Action Plan Update The intent of Bill 109 is to reduce development application timelines by adding fiscal consequences of having to refund applicants if legislated timelines are not met. At the time that this Bill was introduced, Council requested that staff report back on steps taken to address the mandated timelines. As a result of Bill 109, the Planning Division evaluated the development application review processes for Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments and Site Plan applications with the goal of achieving timelines to avoid or minimize mandatory refunds. The current approach was assessed, and an implementation action plan was created to streamline and improve processes. Phase 1 of these process improvements was undertaken at a staff level and are now operational. The action plan takes a comprehensive yet phased approach to implementing Bill 109. Example of Phase 1 process improvements: • End-to-end file management tool to aid workload management. • Standardized template for planning reports. • Post -circulation meetings with staff and agencies for Official Plan and Zoning by- law amendment applications. • Changes to conditional approval for Site Plan applications including procedure updates and the use of red -line drawings. This report (DSD 2023-239) is part of Phase 2 with the process changes identified in the previous sections to be implemented as the decision comes into effect. Phase 2 process improvements: • Implementation of Bill 13, Bill 109, Bill 23 — Council Report: o Official Plan Amendments (OPAs) to support the legislative timelines. o Zoning By-law Amendments (ZBAs) to support the legislative timelines. o By-law and policy updates to support the legislative timelines. • Staff training and established procedures • Staff to track timelines and fee refunds, where applicable PLANNING CONCLUSIONS: Updates to Provincial legislation have made impactful changes to the Planning Act and other legislation, with the objective to bring more housing to market more quickly. In response to these changes, staff are recommending changes to the following: - Official Plan (2014), - Zoning By-law (By-law 85-1), - Zoning By-law (By-law 2019-051), - Delegated Approval By-law (By-law 2012-069), - Site Plan Control By-law (By-law 2012-070), - Demolition Control By-law (By-law 2013-093), - Council Policy MUN-PLA-1095 Public Participation in the Planning Process, Page 651 of 792 - Council Policy FIN -GRA -2006 Development Charges Payment for Affordable Rental Housing, and - Council Policy FIN- PLA -2031 Affordable Housing Development Charges Waiver Policy. Staff is of the opinion that the proposed amendments to the Council Policies, City By-laws, and the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendments are consistent with and conform to the Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement (2020), the Places to Grow Act (2005) and A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020) and the Regional Official Plan (2010) and represents good planning. CITY & AGENCY COMMENTS: Circulation of the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments was undertaken in April 2023 to all applicable City departments and other review authorities. No significant concerns were identified by any commenting City department or agency and any necessary revisions and updates were made based on initial feedback. Copies of the comments are found in Appendix `H' of this report. An overview of the identified concerns and staff responses are found below in Table 3. Table 3: Summary of Agency Comments and Staff Response Initial Feedback Received Commenting Response Agency/Dept Minor suggested revisions to City of Kitchener Incorporated feedback re: proposed Official Plan policies. Transportation suggested revisions to Transportation team were not Official Plan, as appropriate. supportive of the addition of The word "required" from the "required" to parking lot proposed `parking lot' definition or a 2.6 metre definition is now removed driveway width. and `and a minimum of one drive aisle' is added. Consensus to maintain 2.6 metres driveway width where no building/encroachments exist and minimum driveway width of 3 metres, otherwise. No specific concerns relative Waterloo Catholic District Staff acknowledged their to proposed policy and zoning School Board response. by-law amendments but hopes to collaborate more with City on design of schools and including schools as part of "complete communities". Location of school sites — more flexibility would be beneficial. No specific concerns relative Waterloo Region District Staff acknowledged their to proposed policy and zoning School Board response. Page 652 of 792 by-law amendments but general concerns of Bill 23 regarding calculation of student yields and integrity of long-range enrolment projections, especially with regards to assessing ADUs and multiple dwelling units. Challenges with the current funding model for school planning. Hopes to collaborate with City to mitigate challenges relating to growth. Minor suggested revisions to City of Kitchener Parks & Incorporated feedback re: proposed Official Plan policies. Cemeteries suggested revisions to proposed Official Plan policies, as appropriate. High level consultation with City of Kitchener Planning Follow-up meeting and planning team to get feedback — presentation to planning further consultations with on the approach to Bill 23 staff meeting on March 3, zoning review staff and implementation. 2023. policy staff. Feedback was generally Kitchener Development No response required. positive with no major Liaison Committee - concerns. Information was presentation to KDLC on circulated to the group with a March 10, 2023. 2 -week deadline for comments. No comments were received. No specific concerns were Building - Presentation to Planning staff will support identified, but general help Building Management the team with change requested to understand Team on May 3, 2023. management as changes to changes impacting building. Planning Act exempt residential units of 10 or less from Site Plan control, which has impacts on building review. Page 653 of 792 COMMUNITY INPUT & STAFF RESPONSES: WHAT WE HEARD Notice of the applications and Community meeting was posted to the City's website and in The Record March 10, 2023. No Comments were received from community members. A City -led Community Meeting was held on March 29, 2023, and seven (7) different users logged on. Staff addressed comments asked during the meeting and did not receive any follow up submissions from the community. An overview of the identified concerns and staff responses are found below in Table 4. Table 4: Overview of concerns or questions and staff responses from Communit Meeting Concern or Question Response That ADUs may be used for short-term Licensing staff are currently reviewing shared rentals accommodations and short-term rentals. Results will be forthcoming under separate cover. Provision of sufficient green space in core Growing Together work will be addressing areas this to find appropriate balance for green space. For parking lots in the rear lot, we are proposing rear yard setbacks that would provide soil volume requirements and landscaping. Are there minimum property frontage The Zoning By-laws have performance requirements for ADUs? standards in place including a minimum lot width requirement of 13.1 metres for two ADUs (attached) or one ADU (detached). If notice period is shortened, can we notify As soon as an application comes in, staff the public of planning applications earlier? initiate notification to the public through a newspaper ad, notice sign, posting info on our website, and through postcards. Digital format and links for neighbourhood meetings will be provided and notice will be given early in the process. Page 654 of 792 Are there changes to committee of No changes to timelines and notification. Bill adjustment - notice or process? 23 amended the Planning Act such that a 100% Refund third party can no longer appeal decision Decision made made by the Committee of Adjustment. Only Decision made applicants and prescribed agencies outlined Amendment by the Planning Act can appeal. Changes to Urban Design New regulations limit the City's ability to day 210 or enforce urban design guidelines for building design elements such as materials and colours that we would previously review Zoning By-law through Site Plan approval, but the City can Decision made continue to review zoning aspects of building Decision made elevations. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: This report supports the delivery of core services. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Capital Budget — The recommendations have no impact on the Capital Budget. Operating Budget — Bill 109 introduced a requirement for a municipality to refund zoning by- law amendment and site plan application fees if a decision is not made within a prescribed timeframe as outlined below in Table 5. Table 5: Fee refunds summary for Site Plan and Zoning By-law amendment applications The Planning Division does not have a funding source or budget for refunding planning application fees. Rather, amendments to processes outlined in this report are recommended to support streamlined approval times for development applications, reduce the instances where fee refunds will have to be issued, and reduce the potential impact to the operating budget. Page 655 of 792 No Refund 50% Refund 75% Refund 100% Refund Zoning By-law Decision made Decision made Decision made Decision made Amendment by day 90 day 91 to 149 day 150 to 209 day 210 or later Zoning By-law Decision made Decision made Decision made Decision made Amendment by day 120 day 121 to 179 day 180 to 239 day 240 or associated with later an Official Plan Amendment Site Plan Approval by Approval day Approval day Approval day day 60 61 to 89 90 to 119 120 or later The Planning Division does not have a funding source or budget for refunding planning application fees. Rather, amendments to processes outlined in this report are recommended to support streamlined approval times for development applications, reduce the instances where fee refunds will have to be issued, and reduce the potential impact to the operating budget. Page 655 of 792 Planning staff will continue to report potential financial implications on each application when the staff report for the application is presented to the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee meeting. For the period of January to May 2023, the City has lost just over $2M in development charges (DC) revenues due to Bill 23. If this trend were to continue over the entire year, the City would lose a total of just under $5M in DC revenues in 2023. Based on an average of 64 calculations completed in 2023 to determine post -Bill 23 parkland requirements, on average the amount of parkland dedication collection has been reduced by 71.9% compared to pre -Bill 23 requirements. Staff are requesting an additional two FTEs within the Planning Division to increase capacity for the review of development applications. These FTEs will be paid with revenue from development applications. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: INFORM — This report has been posted to the City's website with the agenda in advance of the Council / Committee meeting. Following the initial circulation referenced below, notice of the statutory public meeting was circulated to all residents and property owners responding to the preliminary circulation. Notice of the Statutory Public Meeting was also posted in The Record on May 26, 2023 (a copy of the Notice may be found in Appendix `I'). CONSULT — Notice of the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment and notice of the Community Meeting were posted to the City's website and posted in The Record on March 10, 2023. In response to this circulation, staff received did not receive written responses from the public. Seven participants attended the Community Meeting held on March 29, 2023. Proposed amendments were presented to the Kitchener Development Liaison Committee on March 10, 2023. PREVIOUS REPORTS/AUTHORITIES: • Municipal Act, 2001 • Planning Act, 1990 • Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 • Bill 13, Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 • Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 • DSD -2022-192 titled "Province of Ontario More Homes for Everyone Plan (Bill 109)" and DSD -2022-199 titled "Addendum Report to DSD -2022-192 Province of Ontario More Homes for Everyone Plan (Bill 109)" • DSD -2022-501 titled "Bill 23 More Homes Built FasterAct - Kitchener Comments" REVIEWED BY: Tina Malone -Wright — Interim Manager of Development Review, Planning Division APPROVED BY: Justin Readman - General Manager, Development Services ATTACHMENTS: Appendix Al - Proposed Official Plan Amendment Page 656 of 792 Appendix A2 - Proposed Official Plan Amendment Rationale Appendix B1 - Proposed Zoning By-law 85-1 Amendment Appendix B2 - Proposed Zoning By-law 2019-051 Amendment Appendix B3 - Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Details and Rationale Appendix C - Proposed Amendment to the City of Kitchener Delegated Approval Authority By-law Appendix D - Proposed Amendment to the City of Kitchener Site Plan Control By-law Appendix E - Proposed Amendment to the City of Kitchener Demolition Control By-law Appendix F - Proposed Amendment to Policy MUN-PLA-1095 - Public Participation in the Planning Process Appendix G - FIN -GRA -2006 - Development Charges Payment for Affordable Rental Housing and FIN -PLA -2031 - Affordable Housing Development Charges Waiver Policy Appendix H - City and Agency Circulation Comments Appendix I - Newspaper Notice - Notice of Statutory Public Meeting Page 657 of 792 AMENDMENT NO. ## TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER CITY OF KITCHENER Page 658 of 792 AMENDMENT NO. ## TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER CITY OF KITCHENER INDEX SECTION 1 TITLE AND COMPONENTS SECTION 2 PURPOSE OF THE AMENDMENT SECTION 3 BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT SECTION 4 THE AMENDMENT APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 Notice of the Meeting of Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee of June 19, 2023 APPENDIX 2 Minutes of the Meeting of Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee — June 19, 2023 APPENDIX 3 Minutes of the Meeting of City Council — June 26, 2023 2 Page 659 of 792 AMENDMENT NO. ## TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER SECTION 1 —TITLE AND COMPONENTS This amendment shall be referred to as Amendment No. _ to the Official Plan of the City of Kitchener. This amendment is comprised of Sections 1 to 4 inclusive. SECTION 2 — PURPOSE OF THE AMENDMENT The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is to incorporate certain modifications to the text of the Official Plan to meet the requirements of the Planning Act, to implement and respond to Bill 23, Bill 109 and to enact regulations introduced through Bill 13 in order to support delivery of housing. SECTION 3 — BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT Recent Provincial updates have made impactful changes to the Planning Act and other legislation, with the objective to bring more housing to market more quickly. In response to these changes, staff are recommending various amendments to the Official Plan, which will be further implemented in the City's Zoning By-laws (85-1 and 2019-051), and various other implementing by-laws and Council policies. The recommended changes work together and are focussed into two key areas of change: Enacting Tools that Reduce Review Timelines (Bill 109 and Bill 13 Implementation): The first set of changes enact and strengthen tools to help the City reduce review timelines so that decisions can be made within the legislated timeframes. New legislation provides financial incentive to make decisions on certain application types such as Site Plan Approvals, and Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments by mandating the incremental refund of development application fees. Changes in these areas will help the municipality ensure applications are complete at the time they are accepted so that the `clock' doesn't start until all supporting documentation is received; reducing the administrative burden on Council for routine and minor zoning bylaw amendments such as removing holding provisions when conditions are fulfilled, or enacting administrative changes; and better aligning the notice of a statutory public meeting with reporting timelines which provide additional time for issue resolution, and ensures that a report is available when notice is given. Mandatory Changes to Deliver Housing (Bill 23 Implementation): The second category of amendments are those which have been mandated by the Province to reduce planning process associated with smaller scale residential developments. These changes include no longer permitting the use of Site Plan Control for residential developments with 10 units or less on a parcel of urban residential land with limited exceptions, permitting up to 3 dwelling units on a parcel of urban residential land, and removing the municipality's ability to approve the aesthetics or character of a building (including materials/colour, etc). Further details with respect to the amended policies may be found in Appendix A2 of report DSD - 2023 -239. Staff is of the opinion that the Official Plan amendment is consistent with and conforms to the Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement (2020), the provincial Places to Grow Act (2005) and A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020) and the Regional Official Plan (2010), and represents good planning. Page 660 of 792 SECTION 4—THE AMENDMENT The City of Kitchener Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: a) Table of Contents, Part E, Section 17.E.20 Committee of Adjustment is amended by adding "Submission Requirements ....17-39" after "Change in Use... 17-38"; b) Part C, Section 4.C.1, Policy 4.C.1.7. is amended by adding the words", cross- sections" following "elevation drawings", by deleting the words "architectural design", and by adding the phrase ", conforms to zoning, and provides for a healthy, safe, accessible and sustainable building and site design" after the word "buffering"; c) Part C, Section 4.C.1, Policy 4.C.1.8. a) is amended by adding the phrase "and will have regard to Section 11 of this Plan, the City's Urban Design Manual, and any site-specific Urban Design Brief or Urban Design Report and Urban Design Scorecard." following the word "neighbourhood"; d) Part C, Section 4.C.1 is amended by deleting "Policy 4.C.1.23" in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "4.C.1.23 The City, in accordance with Planning Act and other applicable legislation, will permit up to three dwelling units on a lot, unless otherwise limited by the policies of this Plan, and in accordance with the City's Zoning By-law, in order to provide additional housing options to Kitchener homeowners and residents. Additional dwelling units will be permitted as follows: a) The addition of up to two additional dwelling unit(s) (attached), within a single detached dwelling, a semi-detached dwelling or a street -townhouse dwelling, and b) The addition of up to one additional dwelling unit (detached) and one additional dwelling unit (attached) within a single detached dwelling, a semi-detached dwelling or a street -townhouse dwelling. Additional dwelling units (attached) and additional dwelling units (detached) may be further regulated by the City's Zoning By-law. "; e) Part C, Section 4.C.1, Policy 4.C.1.24. is amended by deleting the first sentence "The City, in accordance with Planning Act and other applicable legislation, will permit a stand-alone additional dwelling unit (detached), as an ancillary use to single detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and street townhouse dwellings", by deleting the word "an" following the word "permitting", adding "(s)" after the word "unit", in the 2nd sentence and by deleting subsection d) and the sentence "Additional dwelling units (detached) will be subject to site plan control" and replacing it with the following: "d) the site layout considers other requirements including servicing, pedestrian and vehicular access, stormwater management, grading and drainage, tree Page 661 of 792 preservation, and provision of amenity areas, landscaped buffers and visual screening; and e) up to one parking space may be required for each Additional Dwelling Unit.'; - f) Part C, Section 11.C.1, Policy 11.C.1.1 is amended by adding the phrase "and in accordance with the Planning Act." following the words "Urban Design Manual"; g) Part C, Section 11.C.1, Policy 11.C.1.6 is amended by replacing the phrase "and/or urban design report" with "urban design report and/or urban design scorecard", and by adding "and which may be adopted by Council." following "Section 17.E.10"; h) Part C, Section 11.C.1, Policy 11.C.1.9 is amended by adding the phrase ", and in accordance with the Planning Act" following the words "Site Plan Control"; i) Part C, Section 11.C.1, Policy 11.C.1.30 a) is amended by deleting the word "aesthetic"; j) Part C, Section 11.C.1, Policy 11.C.1.31 is amended by adding the words "and cycling" following the word "pedestrian", deleting the word "attractive", and adding the phrase "that are accessible, safe and have a functional relationship to the street," following the word "streetscapes"; k) Part C, Section 11.C.1, Policy 11.C.1.32 is amended by adding the sentence " An owner/applicant may be required to prepare an Urban Design Brief, Urban Design Report, Urban Design Scorecard and/or Urban Design Guidelines, in support of a development application." following "locations."; 1) Part D, Section 15.D.2 is amended by deleting "Policy 15.D.2.31" in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "15.D.2.31 Applications for development and/or redevelopment will be reviewed to ensure conformity with to Section 11 of this Plan and the Urban Design Guidelines contained within the City's Urban Design Manual, and any site- specific Urban Design Guidelines, Urban Design Brief, Urban Design Report and/or Urban Design Scorecard."; m) Part D, Section 15.D.12, Policy 15.D.12.2.a) ii) is amended by deleting the phrase ", only single detached and duplex dwellings will be permitted to a", by adding the word "the" prior to the word "maximum", and by replacing the word "of" with the phrase "will be" following the word "density"; n) Part D, Section 15.D.12, Policy 15.D.12.16 is deleted in its entirety. o) Part E, Section 17.E.2, Policy 17.E.2.18 is amended by adding the phrase ", and any alternative notice procedures outlined in Section 17.E.3 of this Plan" following "Planning Act"; p) Part E, Section 17.E.3, Policy 17.E.3.3 is amended by adding ", and may provide alternative measures for informing and obtaining the views of the public, in accordance with the Planning Act." following "as deemed appropriate"; 5 Page 662 of 792 q) Part E, Section 17.E.3. is amended by adding the following new Policies 17.E.3.5, 17E.3.6 and 17.E.3.7 after Policy 17.E.3.4 and existing Policies 17.E.3.5, 17.E.3.6 and 17.E.3.7 are renumbered 17.E.3.8, 17.E.3.9 and 17.3.E.10 accordingly: "17.E.3.5 Notification of a public meeting for the adoption of the Official Plan, Official Plan Amendments, and Zoning By-law Amendments, as required by the Planning Act, will be given to the public, and prescribed persons and public bodies at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting and the notice will be given in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Planning Act. 17.E.3.6 Notice of the intention to pass an amending by-law to remove a Holding "H" symbol will be given in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Planning Act. 17.E.3.7 Public meetings under the Planning Act will not be required for minor amendments to the Zoning By-law. Notice of the proposed minor amendments and information regarding who is entitled to appeal will be given to the public by posting on the City's website, and electronic notice will be given to prescribed persons and public bodies, a minimum of 10 days prior to a decision being made."; r) Part E, Section 17.E.3, Policy 17.E.3.10. e) (as renumbered) is amended by adding the words "electronic or in person" before the word "public"; s) Part E, Section 17.E.3, Policy 17.E.3.10. f) (as renumbered) is amended by adding the words "electronic or in person" before the word "workshops"; t) Part E, Section 17.E.3, Policy 17.E.3.10. g) (as renumbered) is amended by adding the words "electronic or in person" before the word "public"; u) Part E, Section 17.E.10, Policy 17.E.10.1 is amended by adding the phrase "in accordance with the Planning Act" following the words "complete application", and by deleting "Policy 17.E.10.1 c)" in its entirety and renumbering Policy 17.E.10.1 d) to 17.E.10.1 c) accordingly; v) Part E, Section 17.E.10, Policy 17.E.10.2 is amended by adding the following sentences to the end of the policy after the words "Site Plan"; "A Pre -Submission Consultation Meeting may be required for a Consent Application if other information and materials are needed to inform the Consent application. A Pre -Submission Consultation Meeting will include an electronic or in-person meeting to consult on the development proposal, and may include collaborative components such as a visioning workshop, a design charette, and site walk(s)."; w) Part E, Section 17.E.10, Policy 17.E.10.3 is amended by adding the phrase at the start of the second sentence "Where the requirement for this meeting has been waived," following the words "Consultation Meeting." in the first sentence; Page 663 of 792 x) Part E, Section 17.E.10.4.c) is amended by adding the phrase "and in accordance with any standard or customized Terms of Reference(s)." following the word "Council"; y) Part E, Section 17.E.12, Policy 17.E.12.6 is amended by adding the phrase "and public meetings" after the words" such applications" and adding "and alternative notice procedures contained in Section 17.E.3 of this Plan." following "Planning Act"; z) Part E, Section 17.E.12 is amended by adding Policy 17.E.12.7 thereto as follows: "17.E.12.7 Council may, by By-law, delegate to the Director of Planning, the authority to approve minor amendments to the Zoning By-law including but not limited to: a) a by-law to remove a holding symbol; and b) updates to assist with clarity and interpretation where the effect of the regulation is not substantively changed."; aa) Part E, Section 17.E.13 is amended by adding Policy 17.E.13.8 thereto as follows: "17.E.13.8. Council may, by By-law, delegate to the Director of Planning, the authority to approve a zoning by-law in accordance with Policy 17.E.13.7"; bb) Part E, Section 17.E.20 is amended by adding Policy 17.E.20.11 thereto as follows: "Submission Requirements 17.E.20.11 The City will not accept an application to the Committee of Adjustment for processing unless such development application includes the necessary information and materials, in accordance with Planning Act regulations. Other information and materials may be required as part of a complete application for consent. Such materials may be identified in a Record of Pre -Submission Consultation where a Pre -Submission Consultation Meeting is held, or may include other information and materials identified by the City that are necessary to review the Committee of Adjustment application, such as but not limited to: a) Site Plan and Elevation drawings; b) Environmental Studies; c) Servicing Reports or Studies; and d) Tree Preservation/Enhancement Plan"; cc) Part E, Section 17.E.22, Policy 17.E.22.1 is amended by deleting "Section 17.E.22.1. b)" in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "b) Residential uses which are not considered `development', in accordance with section 41 of the Planning Act, including for example single detached dwellings; semi-detached dwellings; and street -townhouse dwellings, cluster townhouse dwellings and multiple dwellings where there are 10 dwelling units or less on a parcel of land. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Page 664 of 792 Site Plan Control Area may include development where Site Plan Control is permitted by the Planning Act, for example a land lease community home, or three or more mobile homes. dd) Part E, Section 17.E.22 is amended by deleting "Policy 17.E.22.3" in its entirety and replacing it with the following: 17.E.22.3 Proposed development and/or redevelopment within the Site Plan Control Area may not be permitted until such time as the City has approved drawings and plans (including a site plan, elevation drawings and cross-section views) for all buildings and structures to be erected (including all buildings to be used for residential purposes regardless of the number of dwelling units, and where considered `development' in accordance with Section 41 of the Planning Act), and for site development works, and sustainable design elements within the City and/or Region's right-of-way, in accordance with the Planning Act"; ee) Part E, Section 17.E.22, Policy 17.E.22.9 is amended by adding the phrase "and Provincial Legislation" following the words "Urban Design Manual"; ff) Part F, Schedule A: Glossary of Terms the definition for "Low Rise Residential Land Uses" is amended by deleting the phrase "duplex dwellings" and replacing it with the phrase "additional dwelling units attached and detached" gg) Part F, Schedule A: Glossary of Terms is amended by adding the term "Urban Design Scorecard" after the term "Urban Design Report": "Urban Design Scorecard — an urban design evaluation tool that may be required to be completed by an owner/applicant to demonstrate how a development application implements the City's Urban Design Manual. An urban design scorecard may be required instead of an Urban Design Report."; and hh) Part F, Schedule B: Other Information and Materials is amended as follows: i) Section 1. Cultural Heritage Resources is amended by adding "Commemoration Plan", "Cultural Heritage Protection Plan", "Hoarding Plan", "Risk Management Plan", "Salvage and Documentation Plan", and "Temporary Protection Plan" to the table in the appropriate alphabetical order; ii) Section 3. Environmental/Natural Heritage/Natural Hazards is amended by adding "Arborist Report including International Society of Arboriculture Valuation of Trees" in the table after "Aggregate/Mineral Resource Analysis"; iii) Section 4. Environmental/Servicing and Infrastructure is amended by adding "Topographical Survey" in the table after "Soils or Geotechnical Study"; iv) Section 6. Planning, "Site Plan" in the table is amended to read as "Site Plan, Building Cross-sections, Floor Plans"; 8 Page 665 of 792 V) Section 6. Planning "Sustainability Report/ Checklist" in the table is amended to read as "Sustainability Report/Statement/Checklist"; vi) Section 6. Planning "Urban Design Brief or Report" in the table is amended to read as "Urban Design Brief, Urban Design Report, or Urban Design Scorecard"; vii) Section 7. Transportation is amended by adding "Fire Route and Emergency Turnaround Plan (with unit numbering)", "Parking Justification Report", "Right-of-way Cross -Sections", "Streetscape Plan", and "Truck Turning Movement Plan" to the table in the appropriate alphabetical order. 9 Page 666 of 792 APPENDIX 1 Notice of the Meeting of Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee of June 19, 2023 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING i for city-wide amendments to implement changes by the provincial government related to housing Have Your Voice Heard! Planning& Strategic Initiatives Committee Date: June "19, 2023 Location: Council Chambers. ■ ■0 Kitchener City Hall 200 King Street West orVirtual Zoom Meeting 3 Units New Permitted Zoning Go to kitchenenca/meetings Per Lot Regulations and select a Current agendas and reports {pasted 10 days bef=ore meeti ng} *Appear as a delegation • Watch a meeting e To learn more about this project, includinp, information on your appeal rights, visit= wwwAitchener ca/ New Legislated PlsnningApplicat ons Parking Lot Policy or contact Regulations Updates Tanya Roberts, Project Manager ta nya. ro berts@kitchener.ca 519.741.2200 x7704 City Planning and Building staff are proposing amendments to the Official Plan, Zoning by-law, and other policies and bylaws in response to recent changes to provincial legislation: Bi IL 13, Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 Bilt 23, More Horses l3uiilt FasterAck 2022 These bills are implementing measures to address the province -wide housing crisis, Tfiis meet ingwiLl. outline the City's proposed amendments and updates in response to these new provincial directives. 10 Page 667 of 792 APPENDIX 2 Minutes of the Meeting of Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee of June 19, 2023 11 Page 668 of 792 APPENDIX 3 Minutes of the Meeting of City Council — June 26, 2023 12 Page 669 of 792 Appendix A2 - Propose Revisions to Official Plan Policies Highlight indicates new or revised wording Existing Policy # Current Wording Proposed Policy/Amendment HOUSING 4.C.1.7 The City may require a site plan, elevation drawings, The City may require a site plan, eleva landscaping plans and any other appropriate plans and/or sections, landscaping plans and any of studies, to support and demonstrate that a proposed and/or studies, to support and demon development or redevelopment is compatible with respect proposed development or redeveloprr to built form, architectural design, landscaping, screening with respect to built -form, arehiteet,ir and/or buffering. These requirements are intended to landscaping, screening and/or bufferir address the relationship to adjacent residential zoning, and provides for a healthy, saf development, to ensure compatibility with the existing built sustainable building and site design. TI form and the community character of the established are intended to address the relationsh neighbourhood and to minimize adverse impacts. residential development, to ensure co existing built form and the community established neighbourhood and to mir impacts. 4.C.1.8. Where a special zoning regulation(s) or minor variance(s) Where a special zoning regulation(s) o is/are requested, proposed or required to facilitate is/are requested, proposed or require residential intensification or a redevelopment of lands, the residential intensification or a redevel, overall impact of the special zoning regulation(s) or minor overall impact of the special zoning re variance(s) will be reviewed, but not limited to the following variance(s) will be reviewed, but not li to ensure, that: following to ensure, that: a) Any new buildings and any additions and/or a) Any new buildings and any addi modifications to existing buildings are appropriate modifications to existing buildir in massing and scale and are compatible with the massing and scale and are com built form and the community character of the form and the community chara established neighbourhood. established neighbourhood, an b) ...(no further changes recommended) Section 11 of this Plan, the City' Manual, and any site specific U Urban Design Report. 4.C.1.23 The City will support the addition of an additional dwelling The City, in accordance with the Plann unit(s), attached, within a residential unit, where desirable applicable legislation, will permit up tc and appropriate unless otherwise limited by the policies of on a lot, unless otherwise limited by ti this Plan, and in accordance with the City's Zoning By-law, in Plan, and in accordance with the City'! order to provide another housing option to Kitchener order to provide additional housing or homeowners and residents. homeowners and residents, and in ac( Planning Act. Additional dwelling units will be permi a) The addition of up to two add! unit(s) (attached), within a sin dwelling, a semi-detached dw, townhouse dwelling, and b) The addition of up to one addi (detached) and one additional (attached) within a single deta semi-detached dwelling or a s - dwelling. Additional dwelling units (attached) ar units (detached) may be further reguk Zoning By-law. 4.C.1.24. The City, in accordance with Planning Act and other The City, ;^ e,,.,_a;;ee_ • gith Plaw;ipg applicable legislation, will permit a stand-alone additional applir=able legislatieR will .,,,.mit a sta dwelling unit (detached), as an ancillary use to single dwelliRg uRit (detar=hed) as aR Rr=i detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and street d-^taenhe - , we11iRgs s, ngi , etaesh^,- eW townhouse dwellings. The following criteria will be to •;Aheuse dwellgRgs The following cr considered as the basis for permitting an additional dwelling considered as the basis for permitting unit (detached). dwelling unit(s) and may be incorpora- law Regulations: a) the use is subordinate to the main dwelling on the lot; b) the use can be integrated into its surroundings with a) the use will be subordinate to the rr negligible visual impact to the streetscape; lot; c) the use is compatible in design and scale with the built b) the use will be integrated into its su form on the lot and the surrounding residential negligible visual impact to the streetsc neighbourhood in terms of massing, height and visual appearance; and c) the use will be compatible in design built form on the lot and the surround d) other requirements such as servicing, parking, access, neighbourhood in terms of massing, h stormwater management, tree preservation, landscaping appearance; and the provision of amenity areas. Additional dwelling units (detached) will be subject to site ste-F.g;A. -+^F . ge Rt tFee pF __ plan control and the pFevisiel;„F -,....eRity ^ . d) the site layout considers other requ servicing, pedestrian and vehicular ac( management, grading and drainage, ti provision of amenity areas, landscape screening. e) up to one parking space may be req Additional Dwelling Unit. plaR m SECTION 11: URBAN DESIGN 11.C.1.1 The City will require high quality urban design in the review The City will require high quality urbar of all development applications through the of all development applications throu implementation of the policies of this Plan and the City's implementation of the policies of this Urban Design Manual. Urban Design Manual, and in accordar Act. 11.C.1.6 A site specific urban design brief and/or urban design report A site specific Urban Design Brief, Urb; may be required of an owner/applicant in support of a and/or Urban Design Scorecard may b development application in accordance with Section owner/applicant in support of a develi 17.E.10. accordance with Section 17.E.10, and Council. 11.C.1.9 Detailed standards to achieve urban design objectives will Detailed standards to achieve urban d be contained in and implemented through a number of be contained in and implemented thrc supporting documents and processes, including, but not supporting documents and processes, limited to: the City's Urban Design Manual, including limited to: the City's Urban Design Ma detailed Urban Design Briefs, the Zoning By-law, Community detailed Urban Design Briefs, the Zoni Plans, Secondary Plans, the Sign By -Law, Heritage Community Plans, Secondary Plans, th Conservation District Plans, the Development Manual, Heritage Conservation District Plans, t Subdivision Control and Site Plan Control. Manual, Subdivision Control and Site F accordance with the Planning Act. 11.C.1.30 a) The City will, through the Site Plan Control process: The City will, through the Site Plan Cor a) consider individual site elements to improve the a) consider individual site elements to aesthetic quality of the development from the asic quality of the development f public realm, adjacent properties and on site; adjacent properties and on site; b) ...(no further changes recommended) 11.C.1.31 The City will ensure new buildings are designed, existing The City will ensure new buildings are buildings are redeveloped, expanded, converted or buildings are redeveloped, expanded, renovated to enhance pedestrian usability, respects and renovated to enhance pedestrian and reinforce human scale, create attractive streetscapes and respects and reinforce human scale, ci contribute to rich and vibrant urban places. streetscapes that are accessible, safe relationship to the street, and contribi urban places. 11.C.1.32 The City will require special design consideration for The City will require special design cor buildings located at priority locations. buildings at priority locations. An own, required to prepare an Urban Design E Report, Urban Design Scorecard and/c Guidelines, in support of a developme LAND USE POLICIES 15.D.2.31 The City may withhold Site Plan Approval until such time as Applications for development and/or i developments and redevelopments demonstrate adherence be reviewed to ensure conformity witl to the City's Urban Design Manual and Downtown specific Plan and the Urban Design Guidelines urban design guidelines. Such guidelines could include, but City's Urban Design Manual, and any s not limited to, preferred architectural styles, preferred Design Guidelines, Urban Design Brief, building materials and preferred building massing. and/or Urban Design Scorecard. 15.D.12.2 a) ii) ii) where a municipally -provided wastewater collection ii) where a municipally -provided wast( system is determined to be available by the City, only single system is determined to be available L detached and duplex dwellings will be permitted to a d^+a^"^d and duplex dwelliRgs will "^ maximum net residential density of 4 units per hectare. Any maximum net residential density will k such development will be compatible with the estate lots in hectare. Any such development will b( the Hidden Valley Residential Community; estate lots in the Hidden Valley Reside 15.D.12.16 Notwithstanding the Low Rise Residential land use Delete. designation on the lands located in Lower Doon, duplex dwellings and second dwelling units in semi-detached dwellings will not be permitted. IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL PLAN 17.E.2.18 Notice of Official Plan Amendments will be given in Notice of Official Plan Amendments w accordance with the procedures as provided for in the accordance with the procedures as pr( Planning Act. Planning Act, and alternative notice pr s. 17.E.3.5. PUBLIC CONSULTATION 17.E.3.3 The City will follow the public notification procedures and The City will follow the public notificat regulations regarding planning matters that are contained in regulations regarding planning matter the Planning Act. Notwithstanding, the City may exceed in the Planning Act. Notwithstanding, these requirements as deemed appropriate. these requirements as deemed approl provide alternative measures for infor the views of the public, in accordance Act. NEW - 17.E.3.5 Notification of a public meeting for the Official Plan, Official Plan Amendment Amendments as required by the Plann to the public, and prescribed persons i least 10 days prior to the date of the n notice will be given in accordance witl' requirements of the Planning Act. NEW - 17.E.3.6 Notice of the intention to pass an ame remove a Holding "H" symbol will be g with the applicable requirements of tl NEW - 17.E.3.7 Public meetings under the Planning Ac for minor amendments to the Zoning I Notice of the proposed minor amendr information regarding who is entitled given to the public by posting on the C electronic notice will be given to press public bodies, a minimum of 10 days p being made. 17.E.3.6 The City may use a variety of communication methods to The City may use a variety of commun seek input on planning matters or to provide information to seek input on planning matters or to p the general public. Depending on the issues and in the general public. Depending on the i accordance with the Planning Act, the City will choose the accordance with the Planning Act, the most appropriate method of communication. most appropriate method of commun Communication may be in the form of: Communication may be in the form of a) direct mail outs; a) direct mail outs; b) public notice signs; b) public notice signs; c) newspaper advertisements c) newspaper advertisements d) surveys, electronic or mail out; d) surveys, electronic or mail out; e) public information open houses; e) electronic or in-person public inforr f) workshops/charettes; f) electronic or in-person workshops/c g) public meetings; and/or, g) electronic or in-person public meeti h) the City web site and/or other forms of social media. h) the City web site and/or other form COMPLETE APPLCIATION REQURIEMENTS 17.E.10.1 The City will not accept an application for a Plan of The City will not accept an application Subdivision, a Plan of Vacant Land Condominium, an Official Subdivision, a Plan of Vacant Land Cor Plan Amendment, a Zoning By-law Amendment, a Consent Plan Amendment, a Zoning By-law Am and/or a Site Plan for processing unless such development and/or a Site Plan for processing unles application is considered to be a complete application. To application is considered to be a comp be deemed complete an application must satisfy the accordance with the Planning Act. To I following: an application must satisfy the followi a) include all applicable statutory requirements, including a) include all applicable statutory requ the submission of the prescribed information and the the submission of the prescribed infor requirements as listed on the application forms and the requirements as listed on the applicatl required studies and plans and/or drawings; required studies and plans and/or drat b) be submitted with the prescribed fee; b) be submitted with the prescribed fe c) include the Record of Pre -Submission Consultation, where a Pre -Submission Consultation Meeting is required; and, d) include any other information and materials that are necessary to support the application that have been identified by either the City or at the Pre -Submission Consultation Meeting. e) iRr=lude the Reeerd_ of Pre S -,"^^i« ^ y,her( a °r«; a44d-, d) include any other information and r necessary to support the application t identified either by the City or in the R Submission Consultation. 17.E.10.2. An owner/applicant will be required to participate in a Pre- An owner/applicant will be required t( Submission Consultation Meeting prior to the submission of Submission Consultation Meeting prio an application for a Plan of Subdivision, a Plan of Vacant an application for a Plan of Subdivisior Land Condominium, an Official Plan Amendment, a Zoning Land Condominium, an Official Plan Ar By-law Amendment and/or a Site Plan. By-law Amendment and/or a Site Plan Consultation Meeting may be require( Application if other information and rr to inform the Consent application. A Pre -Submission Consultation Meetir electronic or in-person meeting to cor development proposal, and may inclui components such as a visioning works charette, and site walk(s). 17.E.10.3. Notwithstanding Policy 17.E.10.2, the City may waive the Notwithstanding Policy 17.E.10.2, the requirement for a Pre -Submission Consultation Meeting, requirement for a Pre -Submission Con where the City has identified that, due to the nature of the where the City has identified that, due proposal, the need for and scope of required other proposal, the need for and scope of re information and materials can be determined without Pre- information and materials can be dete Submission Consultation Meeting. The City will provide the Submission Consultation Meeting. Wh owner/applicant with a form that identifies the necessary for this meeting has been waived, the other information and materials to be submitted with the owner/applicant with a Record of Con application(s) to deem it complete. identifies the necessary other informa be submitted with the application(s) t( 17.E.10.4 c) The purpose of the Pre -Submission Consultation Meeting is The purpose of the Pre -Submission Co to identify any other information and materials, as listed in to identify any other information and Schedule B: Other Information and Materials, which may be Schedule B: Other Information and Mi necessary and required to review the application. Some of necessary and required to review the ; these other materials as listed in Schedule B may be scoped these other materials as listed in Sche, or waived through Pre -Submission Consultation. Where or waived through Pre -Submission Cor other information and materials have been identified to be other information and materials have submitted with the development application the other submitted with the development appl information and materials will be: information and materials will be: a) in keeping with the scope and complexity of the a) in keeping with the scope and comr application(s); application(s); b) prepared by a qualified professional (as defined in b) prepared by a qualified professiona applicable legislation or alternatively to the satisfaction of applicable legislation or alternatively t the City) retained by and at the expense of the the City) retained by and at the expen owner/applicant; owner/applicant; c) prepared in accordance with any applicable Federal, c) prepared in accordance with any ap Provincial and Regional Guidelines and Policies and any City Provincial and Regional Guidelines anc Guidelines or Policies that have endorsed by Council; and, Guidelines or Policies that have endor� accordance with any a standard or cus d) Other Information and Materials required to process a Reference(s). Site Plan Approval Application will be limited to those matters set out under Section 41 of the Planning Act, as d) Other Information and Materials re may be amended from time to time. Site Plan Approval Application will be I matters set out under Section 41 of th may be amended from time to time. ZONING BY-LAW 17.E.12.6 The City will consider all applications to amend the Zoning The City will consider all applications t By-law and will provide notice of such application in By-law and will provide notice of such accordance with the provisions and regulations of the public meetings in accordance with th Planning Act. regulations of the Planning Act, and al procedures outlined in Section 17.E.3 NEW 17.E.12.7 Council may, by By-law, delegate to th Planning, the authority to approve mii the Zoning By-law including but not lir a) a by-law to remove a holding symb( b) updates to assist with clarity and in - the effect of the regulation is not subs HOLDING PROVISIONS NEW 17.E.13.8 City Council may, by By-law, delegate Planning, the authority to enact a by -l; with policy 17.E.13.7. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NEW 17.E.20.11 ADD "Submission Requirements" The City will not accept an application Adjustment for processing unless such application includes the necessary infc materials, in accordance with Plannin€ Other information and materials may a complete application for consent. Si identified in a Record of Pre-Submissic where a Pre -Submission Consultation may include other information and mz the City that are necessary to review t Adjustment application, such as but nc a) Site Plan and Elevation drawings; b) Environmental Studies; c) Servicing Reports or Studies; d) Tree Preservation/Enhancement P SITE PLAN CONTROL 17.E.22.1 The City will establish, by by-law, a Site Plan Control Area The City will establish, by by-law, a Sib which will encompass all of the lands within the boundaries which will encompass all of the lands x of the city and will be applicable to all development or of the city and will be applicable to all redevelopment excluding: redevelopment excluding: a) farm operations, farm buildings and the residence of the a) farm operations, farm buildings and farm operator on agriculturally zoned land; and, farm operator on agriculturally zoned b) single detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and "` si^^'^ detar=hed dwelliRgs semi det duplexes except those: duplexes exr=ept+"^s^: i) permitted within or contiguous to lands designated ` ^^-.. fitted- ,••;+";. ^. ,.^.,+;^„^„6' Natural Heritage Conservation or natural hazardous +,,.-,1 McFitage GewSe.ry,+;eA ^.., lands; ii) those single detached dwellings, semi-detached ii) these s;.,^'^ det.arch„,- , welliRgs dwellings and duplexes forming part of a vacant land dwelliRgs and duplexes fe ^^ ^^ condominium, zero lot line, linked housing, or similar se ,aeFe let li^^ sem innovation in house grouping developments; and, ev;Ai^^ i^ heuse gFeupiRg dove iii) those which are a cultural heritage resource or have iii` these which area ei,'+ ral herr cultural heritage value and/or interest. „'+,,.-,' heir;+^^^ value -,Rd/e. iRte b) Residential uses which are not cons 'development', in accordance with sec Planning Act, including for example sir dwellings; semi-detached dwellings; a dwellings, cluster townhouse dwelling dwellings where there are 10 dwelling parcel of land. Notwithstanding the fc Control Area may include developmer Control is permitted by the Planning A lease community home, or three or m 17.E.22.3. Proposed development or redevelopment within the Site Proposed development and/or redeye Plan Control Area may not be permitted until such time as Site Plan Control Area may not be peri the City has approved drawings showing plan, elevation and as the City has approved drawings anc cross-section views for all buildings to be erected (including site plan, elevation drawings and cros! all buildings to be used for residential purposes regardless buildings and structures to be erected of the number of units) and for other site development buildings to be used for residential pui works sufficient to display the following: the number of dwelling units, and wh( 'development' in accordance with secs a) exterior building design considerations including, without Planning Act), and for site developmer limitation: sustainable design elements within the i) character right-of-way, in accordance with the P ii) scale iii) appearance iv) design features v) sustainable design vi) signage, where applicable b) Design elements within and/or adjacent to City and/or Regional right-of-way, including without limitation: i) trees, shrubs and/or hedges ii) other plantings and groundcover iii) permeable paving materials iv) street furniture v) curb cuts and driveway ramps vi) waste, recycling and composting containers vii) bicycle parking facilities viii) public transit facilities, where applicable c) Site development works and site design including, without limitation: i) landscaping ii) lighting iii) grading and drainage iv) erosion and sedimentation control v) stormwater management design and areas vi) barrier-free and universal accessibility vii) pedestrian access and bicycle facilities viii) loading and parking areas ix) facilities for the storage of garbage, recycling and other waste material x) outdoor amenity and/or play facilities, where appropriate xi) locations for public art xii) signage, where applicable 17.E.22.9. The City will ensure the principles of barrier-free and The City will ensure the principles of b universal accessibility for all persons, in accordance with the universal accessibility for all persons, i standards as outlined in the Urban Design Manual, will be the standards as outlined in the Urbar implemented during the preparation and review of site Provincial legislation, will be implemei development proposals and improvement plans and preparation and review of site develoi programs improvement plans and programs PART F — Schedule A: Glossary of Terms Low Rise single detached dwellings, duplex dwellings, semi-detached single detached dwellings, duplex� Residential dwellings, street and cluster townhouse dwellings and low- dwelling units attached and detached, Land Uses rise multiple dwellings. dwellings, street and cluster townhou: rise multiple dwellings. NEW Urban Design Scorecard — an urban de that may be required to be completed PART F - Schedule B: Other Information and Materials (New items are highlighted) owner/applicant to demonstrate how application implements the City's Urb; An Urban Design Scorecard may be re, association with an Urban Design Reps Brief. 1. Cultural Heritage Resources Archaeological Assessment Commemoration Plan Corridor Enhancement Plan Cultural Heritage Protection Plan Heritage Conservation Plan Heritage Design Guidelines or Brief Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) Heritage Permit Application Hoarding Plan Risk Management Plan Salvage and Documentation Plan Structural Assessment (Building Conditions Report) Temporary Protection Plan 2. Digital Plans Site Plan in accordance with City digital submission standards Subdivision Plan or Condominium Plan in accordance with City digital submission standards 3. Environmental/Natural Heritage/Natural Hazards Aggregate/Mineral Resource Analysis Arborist Report including International Society of Arboriculture Valuation of Trees Chloride Impact Study Cut and Fill Analysis Environmental Impact Study (EIS) Floodline Delineation Study Hydraulics Study Hydrogeological Assessment Local Air Quality Study Master Drainage Study Slope Stability/Erosion Hazard Study and Report Studies and/or Plans required by Kitchener's Tree Management Policy (General Vegetation Overview) Detailed Vegetation Plan, Tree Preservation/Enhancement Plan Subwatershed Master Plan Watershed Plan 4. Environmental/Servicing and Infrastructure Alternative or Renewable Energy Systems Feasibility Study District Energy System Feasibility Study District Heating Feasibility Study Energy Audit Energy Conservation Efficiency Study Environmental Implementation Report as required by an approved (sub)watershed plan Environmental Site Assessment and/or Record of Site Condition Functional Servicing Report Grading and Drainage Control Plan Integrated Energy Master Plan Municipal Financial Impact Assessment Municipal or Private Water Supply Analysis Study Preliminary Grading Plan Preliminary Stormwater Management Report and Plan Private Servicing Study Sanitary Sewer Capacity Analysis Study Soils or Geotechnical Study Topographical Survey Update to an existing Stormwater Management Plan Water Conservation Plan Water Distribution Analysis 5. Land Use Compatibility 3 -Dimensional Modeling Agricultural Impact Assessment Angular Plane Analysis Building Elevation Drawings CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) Report Dust Impact Assessment Health Impact Assessment Land Use Compatibility Study Landfill Impact Study Minimum Distance Separation Assessment Noise Study Odour Impact Assessment Shadow Study Snow Deposition Study Vibration Study Wind Study 6. Planning Affordable Housing Report Concept Plan Design and Vision Session in accordance with the Neighbourhood Design Guidelines Existing Conditions Plan Neighbourhood Design Report or Brief Planning Justification Study Rental Conversion Assessment Retail Impact Study School Accommodation Issues Assessment Site Plan, Building Cross -Sections, Floor Plans Site Walk in accordance with the Neighbourhood Design Guidelines Sustainability Report/ Checklist Sustainability Report/Statement/Checklist Urban Design Brief, Urban Design Report or Urban Design Scorecard 7. Transportation Active Transportation Connectivity Plan Driveway Location and On -Street Parking Plan Fire Route & Emergency Turnaround Plan (with unit numbering) Parking Analysis Parking Justification Report Pedestrian Route and Sidewalk Analysis Roundabout Feasibility Analysis Right-of-way Cross Sections Streetscape Plan Traffic Calming Options Report Transit Assessment Transportation Demand Management Report Transportation Impact Study Truck Turning Movement Plan PROPOSED BY — LAW ,2023 BY-LAW NUMBER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER (Being a by-law to amend By-law 85-1, as amended, known as the Zoning By-law for the City of Kitchener) WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 85-1; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kitchener enacts as follows: Subsection 2.3 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended to add the portions of the below text that are highlighted in grey, and delete portions of the below text with a strikethroug h: "No change may be made in the type of use of any land covered by this By law or change in the type of use of any building on any such land without a Zoning (Occupancy) Certificate being issued by the Director of Planning to the effect that the proposed use is not contrary to this By law. A Zoning (Occupancy) Certificate shall be required for each use contained within a building containing multiple uses. Notwithstanding the above, no zoning (occupancy) certificate shall be required for a single detached dwelling with or without one additional dwelling unit (attached), duplex dwelling, semi-detached dwelling with or without one additional dwelling unit (attached), semi-detached duplex dwelling, meet +rv.,r N-411co rlWelliRg private home daycare or commercial parking facility." 2. Section 2 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended by adding the following new regulation: "2.5 TECHNICAL REVISIONS TO THE ZONING BY-LAW Technical revisions may be made to this By-law without the need for a Zoning By-law Amendment. Technical revisions means the correction of numbering, cross- referencing, grammar, punctuation or typographical errors, mapping errors, or revisions to format in a manner that does not change the intent of this By-law." 3. Section 4.2 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended by adding the following new definition in proper alphabetical order: ""Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached)" means the use of a single detached dwelling, semi-detached house, or street townhouse dwelling where a separate self- contained dwelling unit is located within the principal building." Page 688 of 792 4. Section 4.2 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended by deleting the definition of "Driveway" and replacing it with the following new definition in proper alphabetical order: "Driveway" means a vehicle route that provides access from a street or lane to a drive aisle, parking space, or parking lot." 5. Section 4.2 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended to add the portions of the below text in the definition of "Multiple Dwelling" that are highlighted in grey, and delete portions of the below text in the definition of "Multiple Dwelling" with a strikethroug h: "Multiple Dwelling" means a building containing thf-eefour or more dwelling units but shall not include a street townhouse dwelling or semi-detached dwelling." 6. Section 4.2 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended to add the portions of the below text in the definition of "Parking Lot' that are highlighted in grey: "Parking Lot" means an area located on a lot which contains four or more parking spaces and a minimum of one drive aisle." 7. Section 4.2 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended by adding the following new definition in proper alphabetical order: "Principal" means, when used to describe a use, the primary use carried out on the lot or within a building or structure, and, when used to describe a building or structure, means the building or structure in which the primary use is conducted, or intended to be conducted." 8. Section 5.22 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended by inserting a new Subsection 5.22.1 thereto: "5.22.1 ONE ADDITIONAL DWELLING UNIT (ATTACHED) One Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) may be permitted in association with a Single Detached Dwelling, a Semi -Detached House or a Street Townhouse Dwelling in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone category and applying to Single Detached Dwelling, Semi -Detached House, or Street Townhouse Dwelling in which an Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) are located and in addition to and as amended by the following: a) One Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) shall only be located in the same building as a Single Dwelling, a Semi -Detached House, or a Street Townhouse Dwelling; b) An Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) shall be connected to full municipal services. ONE ADDITIONAL DWELLING UNIT (ATTACHED) AND DUPLEXES Page 689 of 792 1 A Duplex Dwelling shall be considered as a Single Detached Dwelling with One Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) and a Semi -Detached Duplex House shall be considered as a Semi -Detached House with One Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached). 2 New Duplex Dwellings or Semi -Detached Duplex House may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 One Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached)." 9. Section 5.22 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended by inserting a new Subsection 5.22.2 thereto: "5.22.2 TWO ADDITIONAL DWELLING UNITS (ATTACHED) Two Additional Dwelling Units may be permitted in association with a Single Detached Dwelling, a Semi -Detached House, or a Street Townhouse Dwelling in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone category and applying to Single Detached Dwelling, Semi -Detached House, or Street Townhouse Dwelling in which the two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) are located and in addition to and as amended by the following: a) two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) shall be connected to full municipal services; b) a maximum of one pedestrian entrance to the principal building shall be located on each street line fagade, except where more pedestrian entrances are existing; c) no more than two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) are permitted on a lot; d) the maximum number of Dwelling Units on a lot shall be three; e) the minimum lot area shall be 395 square metres or in accordance with the minimum lot area specified by the zone category for the principal dwelling type, whichever is greater; f) the minimum lot width shall be 13.1 metres or in accordance with the minimum lot width specified by the zone category for the principal dwelling type, whichever is greater; g) the minimum landscaped area shall be 20%." 10. Section 5 of By-law Number 85-1 is amended by inserting a new Subsection 5.33 thereto: "5.33 Four to Ten Dwelling Units on a Lot Four (4) to ten (10) Dwelling Units on a lot without any non-residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone category for the Dwelling(s) and shall have: a) a minimum of 20% street line fagade opening which includes at least one (1) pedestrian entrance to the principal building; b) a minimum 20% of the front yard landscaped, excluding surface walkways, patios, decks, playgrounds or pathways; Page 690 of 792 C) a minimum driveway width of 2.6 metres; d) despite section 5.33 c), where a driveway is immediately adjacent to any building or structure on a lot, the driveway including any curbing shall be a minimum 3.0 metres wide." 11. Subsection b) of By-law Number 85-1 is amended to add the portions of the below text that are highlighted in grey, and delete portions of the below text with a strikethroug h: "b) Single Detached Dwellings with or without Additional Dwelling Unit(s), Semi -Detached Dwellings with or without Additional Dwelling Unit(s), and Duplex Dwellings with or without one Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) or an Additional Unit (Detached); Residential Care Facility having less than 9 residents; and a Lodging House having less than 9 residents On a lot containing a Single Detached Dwelling with or without Additional Dwelling Unit(s), Semi -Detached Dwelling with or without Additional Dwelling Unit(s), or Duplex Dwelling with or without one Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) or an Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached); Residential Care Facility having less than 9 residents; or a Lodging House having less than 9 residents: (Amended: By-law 2021- 040, S.9) i) The off-street parking required for such dwellings shall be located a minimum distance of 6 metres from the street line. bAgG d_V.4e1in its aRY nrinninal i-Wellinmg v"vTltia—crn-4daroti8nal DWellipg URit(s) (4ttanhed) Ar 4rlrl0t0nnal Unit (Detanhed) nr a Residential (mare Fahlllty having less- - thaAR v-rcSideRtS all of Whinh require a miRM M of twe paFk"Rg spa%6 56halll be Perm fitted to Inahnate Ape of the rani aired narking cr�anlec GR the driveway lace than 42 Metre6 f:A rrthLQ gtreet IiriraiP'l `ate A y be aFFaarRged OR tttli&M. Mer ar,,, r,riRnipal may he arranged in tandem Notwithstanding the above, where two or three parking spaces are required, one of the required parking spaces shall be permitted to locate on the driveway less than 6 metres from the street line and up to three parking spaces may be arranged in tandem." 12. Subsection c) of By-law Number 85-1 is amended to add the portions of the below text that are highlighted in grey, and delete portions of the below text with a strikethroug h: "c) Street Townhouse Dwellings with or without an Additional Dwelling Unit(s) (Attached) or Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) On a lot containing a Street Townhouse Dwelling with or without 4R Additional Dwelling Unit(s) (Attached) or Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached): i) The off-street parking required for such dwelling shall not be located within the minimum front yard or the minimum side yard abutting a street, except in the case Page 691 of 792 of a Street Townhouse Dwelling containing bAQ n,A.491"Ag LJR46 ^r an„ street T^ se ^vell,Rg GGRtainRg ar--Additional Dwelling Unit(s) (Attached) or Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached), in which case one required off-street parking space may be located in a driveway within the minimum front yard or minimum side yard abutting a street. (Amended: By-law 2021-040, S.12) ii) a) A driveway shall be located leading directly from a street or lane to a parking space located a minimum distance of 6.0 metres from the street line and shall have a minimum width of 2.6 metres. b) A driveway may be widened to a maximum of 65% of the lot width or 6 metres, whichever is the lesser. C) A driveway and widening thereof may be used for the parking of vehicles provided that a parking space on the driveway or the widening meets the minimum length requirements of Section d). (Amended: By-law 2018-125, S.13) iii) Notwithstanding clause ii) above, on a corner lot an access driveway shall not be located closer than 9 metres to the intersection of the street lines abutting the lot. For the purpose of this subsection iii), where one or more parking spaces are provided with a setback of less than 12 metres, the driveway including any widening shall be deemed to be at least the same width as the parking spaces, for a minimum distance of 12 metres from the parking space, measured perpendicular to the end of the parking space closest to the street. iv) In the case of a Street Townhouse Dwelling containing +,^,^ n,^,oiiir,^ LJR46 ae�'�Street T, Neuse n,^,o";n^ with aR Additional Dwelling Unit(s) (Attached) or Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached), each additional required parking space may be arranged in tandem behind the first required space. V) Within a front yard, side yard or side yard abutting a street, motor vehicles shall only be parked on a driveway conforming with Section vi) The driveway shall be comprised of a material that is consistent throughout the driveway and that is distinguishable from all other ground cover or surfacing, including landscaping or walkways, within the front yard, side yard or side yard abutting a street." 13. Subsection of By-law Number 85-1 is amended by inserting a new Subsection h) thereto: "h) Where a parking lot is provided for a development that does not require site plan approval pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, the following regulations shall apply: i) the parking lot shall be setback a minimum of 1.5 metres from side lot line and rear lot line; and, Page 692 of 792 ii) the minimum drive aisle width shall be 6 metres." 14. Subsection 6.1.2 a) of By-law Number 85-1 is amended by inserting "Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) into Column 1 in proper alphabetical order with a corresponding 1 for each dwelling unit' in Column 2. 15. Sections 31.1, 32.1, 33.1, 42.1, 43.1, 44.1, 45.1, 46.1, 47.1, 47A.1, 53.1, 54.1, 55.1 of By-law Number 85-1 are hereby amended by inserting "Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached)" and "Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached)" into the existing list of permitted uses thereto in proper alphabetical order. 16. Sections 35.1, 36.1, 37.1, 38.1, 39.1, 40.1, 41.1 of By-law Number 85-1 are hereby amended by inserting "Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached)" into the existing list of permitted uses thereto in proper alphabetical order. 17. Sections 31.3, 32.3, 33.3, 42.2, 43.2, 44.3, 45.3, 47.2, 47A.3, 53.2, 54.2, 55.2 of By- law Number 85-1 are hereby amended by inserting the following new regulation thereto in proper numerical order: "For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law." 18. Sections 31.3, 32.3, 33.3, 36.2, 37.2, 38.2, 39.2, 40.2, 41.2, 42.2, 43.2, 44.3, 45.3, 47.2, 47A.3, 53.2, 54.2, 55.2 of By-law Number 85-1 are hereby amended by inserting following new regulation thereto in proper numerical order: "For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law." 19. Section 35 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended by inserting the following new subsection 35.5 thereto: "35.5 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law." 20. Sections 32.3, 33.3, 40.2, 41.2, 42.2, 43.2, 44.3, 45.3, 47.2, 47A.3, 53.2, 54.2, 55.2 of By-law Number 85-1 are hereby amended by inserting following new regulation thereto in proper numerical order: Page 693 of 792 "For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non-residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33." 21. Section 39.1 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended by deleting "Multiple Dwelling" from the list of permitted uses thereto. 22. Section 39.2.4 of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended by deleting "Multiple Dwelling" from the title and deleting the following row thereto of the existing table: "Maximum Number of Dwelling Units in Three Dwelling Units." a Multiple Dwelling 23. Section 39.2A of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby amended to read as follows: "39.2A FOR ALL USES Maximum Number of Dwellings One plus Additional Dwelling Per Lot Unit(s)" 24. Section 46 of By-law 85-1 is hereby amended by inserting the following new regulations thereto: "46.4 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law." 46.5 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. 46.6 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non-residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33." 25. Section 319 of "Appendix C — Special Use Provisions for Specific Lands" of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby deleted in its entirety. 26. Section 352 b) of "Appendix C — Special Use Provisions for Specific Lands" of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby deleted. Page 694 of 792 27. Section 470 c) of "Appendix C — Special Use Provisions for Specific Lands" of By-law Number 85-1 is hereby deleted. 28. This By-law shall become effective only if Official Plan Amendment No. (Implementation of Bill 13, Bill 109, and Bill 23) comes into effect, pursuant to Section 24(2) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended. PASSED at the Council Chambers in the City of Kitchener this day of , 2023. Mayor Clerk Page 695 of 792 BY-LAW NUMBER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER (Being a by-law to amend By-law 2019-051, as amended, known as the Zoning By-law 2019 for the City of Kitchener — Implementation of Bill 13, Bill 109, and Bill 23) WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 2019-051; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kitchener enacts as follows: 1. Subsection 1.8 of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended to add the portions of the below text that are highlighted in grey, and delete portions of the below text with a strikethrough: "Despite Subsection a), no Zoning Occupancy Certificate shall be required for a single detached dwelling with or without one additional dwelling unit (attached), semi-detached dwelling with or without one additional dwelling unit (attached), StFe9t tG;V{ h111 ico , or private home day care." 2. Section 3 of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended to add the portions of the below text that are highlighted in grey, and delete portions of the below text with a strikethrough in the following definitions: "Dwelling, Multiple — means the use of a building containing four+h� or more dwelling units, and can include a stacked townhouse dwelling and back-to-back townhouse dwelling. A multiple dwelling is not a street townhouse dwelling, mixed use building, cluster townhouse dwelling, single detached dwelling with additional dwelling units (attached) or semi-detached dwelling with additional dwelling units (attached)." "Parking Lot — means an area located on a lot which contains four or more parking spaces and a minimum of one drive aisle." 3. Subsection 4.12.2 of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended to add the portions of the below text that are highlighted in grey, and delete portions of the below text with a strikethrough: "Two additional dwelling units (attached) may be permitted in association with a single detached dwelling, a semi-detached dwelling unit or a street townhouse dwelling unit in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone category and applying to single Page 696 of 792 detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, or street townhouse dwellings in which the two additional dwelling units (attached) are located and in addition to and as amended by the following: a) two additional dwelling units (attached) shall be connected to full municipal services; b) a maximum of one pedestrian entrance to the principal building shall be located on each street line facade, except where more pedestrian entrances are existing; c) no more than two additional dwelling units (attached) are permitted on a lot; d) the minimum lot area shall be 395 square metres or in accordance with Table 7-2, whichever is greater; e) the minimum lot width shall be 13.1 metres or in accordance with Table 7-2, whichever is greater; f) the minimum landscaped area shall be 20%; the 9) icti g huib^lin& hiiili-linin f4GGF aroma Unless otherwise provided for in this By-law, in any zone where two additional dwelling units (attached) are permitted, a dwelling with three (3) dwelling units shall also be permitted and considered a single detached dwelling with two additional dwelling units (attached) in accordance with regulations specified by the zone category and in this section." 4. Subsection 4.12.3 o) of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended to add the portions of the below text that are highlighted in grey, and delete portions of the below text with a strikethrough: "Despite Section 5.3.3 a) ii), where three parking spaces are required in accordance with Table 5-3, tw-ethree parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces; and, 5. Section 4 of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended by inserting new Subsection 4.12.4 thereto: Page 697 of 792 "4.12.4 Four to Ten Dwelling Units on a Lot Four (4) to ten (10) dwelling units on a lot without any non-residential use except permitted home occupation uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone category for the dwelling(s) and shall have: a) a minimum of 20% street line fagade opening which includes at least one (1) pedestrian entrance to the principal building; b) a minimum 20% of the front yard landscaped, excluding surface walkways, patios, decks, playgrounds or pathways; C) a minimum driveway width of 2.6 metres; d) despite section 4.12.4 c), where a driveway is immediately adjacent to any building or structure on a lot, the driveway including any curbing shall be a minimum 3.0 metres wide." 6. Section 5.3 of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended by inserting a new Subsection e) thereto: "e) Where a parking lot is provided for a development that does not require site plan approval pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, the following regulations shall apply: i) The parking lot shall be setback a minimum of 1.5 metres from side lot line and rear lot line; and, ii) The minimum drive aisle width shall be 6 metres." 7. Section 5.3.3 of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended to add the portions of the below text that are highlighted in grey, and delete portions of the below text with a strikethrough: a) On a lot containing a single detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, street townhouse dwelling, additional dwelling unit(s) (attached), additional dwelling unit (detached), small residential care facility, lodging house having less than 9 residents, or home occupation: i) Parking spaces shall be located a minimum distance of 6 metres from a street line; ii) Despite Subsection i), where two or more parking spaces are required, one parking space may locate on the driveway within 6 metres of the Page 698 of 792 front lot line or exterior side lot line and may be a tandem parking space; and, Illustration 5-1: One Tandem Parking Space — Option A DWELLING STREET Illustration 5-2: One Tandem Parking Space — Option B Despite Subsection ii) where three parking spaces are required on a lot ^',^,o#ing unit (GlofaGh96 one parking space may locate on the driveway within 6 metres of the front lot line or exterior side lot line and twGthree parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces; and iv) Not more than one parking space for a home occupation may be located in a rear yard, except in the case of a corner lot, a through lot, or a lot abutting a lane. sb) On a lot containing a multiple dwelling, dwelling unit, cluster townhouse dwelling, lodging house having 9 residents or more, or a large residential care facility: i) parking spaces shall not be located within the front yard or within the exteriorside yard. In no case shall any parking spaces be located within 3 metres of the front lot line, exterior side lot line or street line; and, ii) despite Subsection i), parking spaces, loading spaces, or drive aisles located in an enclosed portion of a building entirely below grade, may have a minimum setback of 0 metres from a front lot line, side lot line, and rear lot line. Page 699 of 792 DWELLING r 3,0 3.8 2.6 2M STREET Despite Subsection ii) where three parking spaces are required on a lot ^',^,o#ing unit (GlofaGh96 one parking space may locate on the driveway within 6 metres of the front lot line or exterior side lot line and twGthree parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces; and iv) Not more than one parking space for a home occupation may be located in a rear yard, except in the case of a corner lot, a through lot, or a lot abutting a lane. sb) On a lot containing a multiple dwelling, dwelling unit, cluster townhouse dwelling, lodging house having 9 residents or more, or a large residential care facility: i) parking spaces shall not be located within the front yard or within the exteriorside yard. In no case shall any parking spaces be located within 3 metres of the front lot line, exterior side lot line or street line; and, ii) despite Subsection i), parking spaces, loading spaces, or drive aisles located in an enclosed portion of a building entirely below grade, may have a minimum setback of 0 metres from a front lot line, side lot line, and rear lot line. Page 699 of 792 8. Table 7-1 of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended to add the portions of the below text that are highlighted in grey: "Table 7-1: Permitted Uses within the Residential Zones Use RES -1 RES -2 RES -3 RES -4 RES -5 RES -6 RES -7 Residential Uses Single Detached Dwelling J J J ✓ ✓ Additional Dwelling Units (Attached)(1) J J J ✓ ✓ Additional Dwelling Units (Detached)(2) J J J ✓ ✓ Semi -Detached Dwelling J ✓ ✓ Townhouse Dwelling — Street J(3) J(4) Townhouse Dwelling — Cluster (7) J(4) J Multiple Dwelling (7) J(3) ✓ J J Lodging House ✓ ✓ J J Continuing Care Community ✓ J J Hospice J J ✓ ✓ J J Residential Care Facility, Small J J ✓ ✓ J J Residential Care Facility, Large ✓ J J Non -Residential Uses Artisan's Establishment (5) J J Community Facility (5) J J Convenience Retail (5) J J Day Care Facility (5) J J Financial Establishment (5) J Health Office (5) J Home Occupation (6) J J J ✓ ✓ J J Office (5) J J Personal Services (5) J Studio (5) J J Page 700 of 792 Additional Regulations for Permitted Uses Table 7-1 (1) Shall be permitted in accordance with 4.12.1 and 4.12.2. (2) Shall be permitted in accordance with 4.12.3. (3) The maximum number of dwelling units in a dwelling shall be 4. (4) The maximum number of dwelling units in a dwelling shall be 8. (5) Permitted non-residential uses must be located within a multiple dwelling (despite the definition of multiple dwelling in Section 3) and are limited in size in accordance with the regulations in Table 7-6. (6) Shall be permitted in accordance with 4.7. (7) 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non-residential use except permitted home occupation uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in Table 7-5 or Table 7-6 as applicable and Section 4.12.4." 9. "Additional Regulations for Multiple Dwellings and Non -Residential Uses Table 7-6" of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended to add the portions of the below text that are highlighted in grey, and delete portions of the below text with a strikethrough: "(1) A multiple dwelling 4p4ewith 4 dwelling units shall have a minimum lot width of 15.0 metres. (2) Combined total Floor Space Ratio of all uses on the lot. (3) For multiple dwellings vVith ^ diAA9&Pg upis ^F meFe each dwelling unit located at ground floor level shall have a patio area adjacent to the dwelling unit with direct access to such dwelling unit. (4) The total gross floor area of all non-residential uses shall not exceed 25% of the total gross floor area on a lot. (5) The maximum building height shall be 25 metres within 15 metres of a lot with a (RES - 6) Medium Rise Residential Six Zone. (6) The regulations within Table 7-6 shall not apply to an existing multiple dwelling on an existing lot. (7) Individual buildings will not be required to achieve the minimum floorspace ratio where there is an approved Urban Design Brief that includes a Master Site Plan that demonstrates the overall development can achieve the minimum floor space ratio. (8) For lands identified in Appendix D — Established Neighbourhoods Area, the minimum and maximum front yard shall be in accordance with Section 7.6. Page 701 of 792 (9) For lands identified in Appendix C — Central Neighborhoods, the maximum building height shall be in accordance with Section 7.5. 10. Site Specific Provision (223) of Section 19 of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended to delete the following: "c) an additional dwelling unit (attached) associated with a semi-detached dwelling;" 11. Site Specific Provision (226) of Section 19 of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended to delete the following: "additional dwelling unit (detached) and" 12. Site Specific Provision (232) of Section 19 of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended to delete the following: "c) additional dwelling unit (attached) in association with a semi-detached dwelling;" 13. Site Specific Provision (253) of Section 19 of By-law Number 2019-051 is amended to delete the following: ,,a) additional dwelling unit (attached); b) additional dwelling unit (detached);" 14. This By-law shall become effective only if Official Plan Amendment No. (Implementation of Bill 13, Bill 109, and Bill 23) comes into effect, pursuant to Section 24(2) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended. PASSED at the Council Chambers in the City of Kitchener this day of , 2023. Mayor Clerk Page 702 of 792 Zoning By-law 2019-051 Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment Section 1— General Scope and Administration Section 1— General Scope and Administration 1.8 ZONING OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE 1.8 ZONING OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE a) No change may be made in the type of use of any premises covered by this By-law without the issuance of a Zoning Occupancy Certificate. A Zoning Occupancy Certificate shall be required for each use on a lot or within a building containing multiple uses. b) Despite Subsection a), no Zoning Occupancy Certificate shall be required for a single detached dwelling, semi- detached dwelling, street townhouse dwelling, additional dwelling unit(s) (attached), additional dwelling unit (detached), or private home day care. c) Nothing in this By-law applies to prevent the issuance of a Zoning Occupancy Certificate for a permitted use within lands, building, or structures established in accordance with the Transition Provisions of Section 18. Section 3 — Definition Dwelling, Multiple — means the use of a building containing three or more dwelling units, and can include a stacked townhouse dwelling and back-to-back townhouse dwelling. A multiple dwelling is not a street townhouse dwelling, mixed use building, cluster townhouse dwelling, single detached dwelling with additional dwelling units (attached) or semi-detached dwelling with additional dwelling units (attached). Section 3 — Definition Parking Lot — means an area located on a lot which contains four or more parking spaces "ADD". Section 4 — General Regulations 4.12.2 Two additional Dwelling Units (Attached) Two additional dwelling units (attached) may be permitted in association with a single detached dwelling in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone a) No change may be made in the type of use of any premises covered by this By-law without the issuance of a Zoning Occupancy Certificate. A Zoning Occupancy Certificate shall be required for each use on a lot or within a building containing multiple uses. b) Despite Subsection a), no Zoning Occupancy Certificate shall be required for a single detached dwelling with or without one additional dwelling unit (attached), semi- detached dwelling with or without one additional dwelling unit (attached), or private home day care. c) Nothing in this By-law applies to prevent the issuance of a Zoning Occupancy Certificate for a permitted use within lands, building, or structures established in accordance with the Transition Provisions of Section 18. Section 3 — Definition Dwelling, Multiple — means the use of a building - containing four or more dwelling units, and can include a stacked townhouse dwelling and back-to-back townhouse dwelling. A multiple dwelling is not a street townhouse dwelling, mixed use building, cluster townhouse dwelling, single detached dwelling with additional dwelling units (attached) or semi-detached dwelling with additional dwelling units (attached). Section 3 — Definition Parking Lot— means an area located on a lot which contains four or more parking spaces and a minimum of one drive aisle. Section 4 — General Regulations 4.12.2 Two additional Dwelling Units (Attached) Two additional dwelling units (attached) may be permitted - in association with a single detached dwelling, a semi- detached dwelling unit or a street townhouse dwelling Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment category and applying to single detached dwellings in unit in accordance with the regulations specified by the ea which the two additional dwelling units (attached) are zone category and applying to single detached dwellings, an located and in addition to and as amended by the semi-detached dwellings, or street townhouse dwellings in un following: which the two additional dwelling units (attached) are located and in addition to and as amended by the a) two additional dwelling units (attached) shall be connected to full municipal services; following: a) two additional dwelling units (attached) shall be connected to full municipal services; b) a maximum of one pedestrian entrance to the principal b) a maximum of one pedestrian entrance to the principal building shall be located on each street line fagade, except building shall be located on each street line fagade, except where more pedestrian entrances are existing; where more pedestrian entrances are existing; c) no more than two additional dwelling units (attached) c) no more than two additional dwelling units (attached) are permitted on a lot; are permitted on a lot; d) the minimum lot area shall be 395 square metres or in d) the minimum lot area shall be 395 square metres or in accordance with Table 7-2, whichever is greater; accordance with Table 7-2, whichever is greater; e) the minimum lot width shall be 13.1 metres or in e) the minimum lot width shall be 13.1 metres or in accordance with Table 7-2, whichever is greater; f) the minimum landscaped area shall be 20%; g) two additional dwelling units (attached) shall only be permitted in existing buildings; additions to an existing single detached dwelling must be attached to the rear of principal building and shall not extend into any side yard farther than the extent of the existing principal building and provided such addition does not exceed 25 percent of the existing building's building floor area. NEW REGULATION Section 4 — General Regulations 4.12.3 Additional Dwelling Units (Detached) accordance with Table 7-2, whichever is greater; f) the minimum landscaped area shall be 20%; g) DELETED DELETED Unless otherwise provided for in this By-law, in any zone where two additional dwelling units (attached) are permitted, a dwelling with three (3) dwelling units shall also be permitted and considered a single detached dwelling with two additional dwelling units (attached) in accordance with regulations specified by the zone category and in this section. Section 4 — General Regulations 4.12.3 Additional Dwelling Units (Detached) Sectio Amendment One additional dwelling unit (detached) may be permitted 11 One additional dwelling unit (detached) may be permitted in association with a single detached dwelling, semi- detached dwelling unit or street townhouse dwelling unit in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone category in which an additional dwelling unit (attached) is permitted, and as amended by the following: a) for the purposes of Section 4.12.3, the area that is designed to be a separate lot for a street townhouse dwelling or semi-detached dwelling shall be considered to be a lot; b) an additional dwelling unit (detached) shall only be permitted on the same lot as a single detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling or street townhouse dwelling, with or without one additional dwelling unit (attached); c) an additional dwelling unit (detached) shall not be permitted on the same lot as a single detached dwelling with two additional dwelling units (attached); d) an additional dwelling unit (detached) shall not be severed from the lot containing the single detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling or street townhouse dwelling; e) the additional dwelling unit (detached) shall be connected to full municipal services; f) no more than one additional dwelling unit (detached) is permitted on a lot; g) the building floor area of the additional dwelling unit (detached) shall not exceed fifty percent of the building floor area of the single detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling unit or street townhouse dwelling unit on the same lot, or 80 square metres, whichever is less; h) the minimum lot area shall be 395.0 square metres or in accordance with applicable regulations included in Table 7-2, 7-3 or 7-4, whichever is greater; i) the minimum lot width shall be 13.1 metres or in accordance with applicable regulations included in Table 7-2, 7-3 or 7-4, whichever is greater; in association with a single detached dwelling, semi- detached dwelling unit or street townhouse dwelling unit in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone category in which an additional dwelling unit (attached) is permitted, and as amended by the following: a) for the purposes of Section 4.12.3, the area that is designed to be a separate lot for a street townhouse dwelling or semi-detached dwelling shall be considered to be a lot; b) an additional dwelling unit (detached) shall only be permitted on the same lot as a single detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling or street townhouse dwelling, with or without one additional dwelling unit (attached); c) an additional dwelling unit (detached) shall not be permitted on the same lot as a single detached dwelling with two additional dwelling units (attached); d) an additional dwelling unit (detached) shall not be severed from the lot containing the single detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling or street townhouse dwelling; e) the additional dwelling unit (detached) shall be connected to full municipal services; f) no more than one additional dwelling unit (detached) is permitted on a lot; g) the gross floor area of the additional dwelling unit (detached) shall not exceed fifty percent of the building floor area of the single detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling unit or street townhouse dwelling unit on the same lot, or 80 square metres, whichever is less; h) the minimum lot area shall be 395.0 square metres or in accordance with applicable regulations included in Table 7-2, 7-3 or 7-4, whichever is greater; i) the minimum lot width shall be 13.1 metres or in accordance with applicable regulations included in Table 7-2, 7-3 or 7-4, whichever is greater; Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment j) a building containing an additional dwelling unit j) a building containing an additional dwelling unit (detached) shall be located a minimum of 0.6 metres from (detached) shall be located a minimum of 0.6 metres from a rear lot line and interior side lot line; a rear lot line and interior side lot line; k) an additional dwelling unit (detached) shall not be located in the front yard or exterior side yard; 1) for an additional dwelling unit (detached), the maximum building height shall be: a. 4.5 metres for a hip, gable, shed, or gambrel roof, measured to the mid point between the eaves and the peak of the roof, excluding the eaves of any projections; b. 4.5 metres for a mansard roof, measured to the deck line; c. 3 metres for a flat roof, measured to the peak of the roof, Measurement of Building Height for Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) m) for a shed roof where the peak of the roof is more than 4.5 metres from the highest elevation of the finished ground, the highest exterior wall shall not face a rear lot line or side lot line closer than 4.5 metres, except where the lot line is a street line or lane; n) an unobstructed walkway that is a minimum 1.1 metres in width shall be provided from a street to the additional dwelling unit (detached). The walkway shall not be located within a required parking space; o) Despite Section 5.3.3 a) ii), where three parking spaces are required in accordance with Table 5-3, two parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces; and, p) Despite Section 5.6, where a lot is within 800 metres of a Light Trail Transit (LRT) station as shown on Appendix E, k) an additional dwelling unit (detached) shall not be located in the front yard or exterior side yard; 1) for an additional dwelling unit (detached), the maximum building height shall be: a. 4.5 metres for a hip, gable, shed, or gambrel roof, measured to the mid point between the eaves and the peak of the roof, excluding the eaves of any projections; b. 4.5 metres for a mansard roof, measured to the deck line; c. 3 metres for a flat roof, measured to the peak of the roof, Measurement of Building Height for Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) peak at roof peak of rgof peak 01 rOPf peak oP —f peak of root � deck line I Peak of raof Building eaves Building eave eaves eave height Nigh![ !IlvaRen Xighei[ !IluatiPn uTthe 7inished FLAT RIP or W [he finished FLAT RIP or MANSARD GAMBREL SHED ground ROOr GABLE ROOF ROOT ROOF ROOF m) for a shed roof where the peak of the roof is more than 4.5 metres from the highest elevation of the finished ground, the highest exterior wall shall not face a rear lot line or side lot line closer than 4.5 metres, except where the lot line is a street line or lane; n) an unobstructed walkway that is a minimum 1.1 metres in width shall be provided from a street to the additional dwelling unit (detached). The walkway shall not be located within a required parking space; o) Despite Section 5.3.3 a) ii), where three parking spaces are required in accordance with Table 5-3, two parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces; and, p) Despite Section 5.6, where a lot is within 800 metres of a Light Trail Transit (LRT) station as shown on Appendix E, k) an additional dwelling unit (detached) shall not be located in the front yard or exterior side yard; 1) for an additional dwelling unit (detached), the maximum building height shall be: a. 4.5 metres for a hip, gable, shed, or gambrel roof, measured to the mid point between the eaves and the peak of the roof, excluding the eaves of any projections; b. 4.5 metres for a mansard roof, measured to the deck line; c. 3 metres for a flat roof, measured to the peak of the roof, Measurement of Building Height for Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) m) for a shed roof where the peak of the roof is more than 4.5 metres from the highest elevation of the finished ground, the highest exterior wall shall not face a rear lot line or side lot line closer than 4.5 metres, except where the lot line is a street line or lane; n) an unobstructed walkway that is a minimum 1.1 metres in width shall be provided from a street to the additional dwelling unit (detached). The walkway shall not be located within a required parking space; o) Despite Section 5.3.3 a) ii), where three parking spaces are required in accordance with Table 5-3, three parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces; and, p) Despite Section 5.6, where a lot is within 800 metres of a Light Trail Transit (LRT) station as shown on Appendix E, peak n4-1 peak of rgof peak oP —f deck line I Peak Pf roof Building eaves F1 eave height Nigh![ !IlvaRen uTthe 7inished FLAT RIP or MANSARD GAMBREL SHED ground ROUT GABLE ROOF ROOF ROOF ROOF m) for a shed roof where the peak of the roof is more than 4.5 metres from the highest elevation of the finished ground, the highest exterior wall shall not face a rear lot line or side lot line closer than 4.5 metres, except where the lot line is a street line or lane; n) an unobstructed walkway that is a minimum 1.1 metres in width shall be provided from a street to the additional dwelling unit (detached). The walkway shall not be located within a required parking space; o) Despite Section 5.3.3 a) ii), where three parking spaces are required in accordance with Table 5-3, three parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces; and, p) Despite Section 5.6, where a lot is within 800 metres of a Light Trail Transit (LRT) station as shown on Appendix E, Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment no parking space shall be required for the additional no parking space shall be required for the additional dwelling unit (detached). dwelling unit (detached). New Regulation 4.12.4 Four to Ten dwelling units on a lot - Inc Section 5 — Parking, Loading, and Stacking 5.3 Parking Space and Parking Lot Provisions a) Where a parking lot is situated on a lot and abuts a residential zone, a visual barrier shall be provided and maintained between the parking lot and such abutting residential lot line in accordance with Section 4.18 herein. b) All parking lots shall be provided with adequate means of ingress and egress to and from a street or lane in a forward motion, and shall be arranged so as not to interfere with the normal public use of a street or lane. c) Parking spaces, drive aisles, driveways, and parking lots shall be provided and maintained with stable surfaces such as asphalt, concrete, or other hard -surfaced material as approved by the Director of Planning or designate. Four to ten dwelling units on a lot without any non- residential use except permitted home occupation uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone category for the dwelling(s) and shall have: a) a minimum of 20% street line fagade opening which includes at least one (1) pedestrian entrance to the principal building; b) a minimum 20% of the front yard landscaped, excluding surface walkways, patios, decks, playgrounds or pathways; c) a minimum driveway width of 2.6 metres; d) despite section 4.12.4 c), where a driveway is immediately adjacent to any building or structure on a lot, the driveway including any curbing shall be a minimum of 3.0 metres wide. Section 5 — Parking, Loading, and Stacking 5.3 Parking Space and Parking Lot Provisions a) Where a parking lot is situated on a lot and abuts a residential zone, a visual barrier shall be provided and maintained between the parking lot and such abutting residential lot line in accordance with Section 4.18 herein. b) All parking lots shall be provided with adequate means of ingress and egress to and from a street or lane in a forward motion, and shall be arranged so as not to interfere with the normal public use of a street or lane. c) Parking spaces, drive aisles, driveways, and parking lots shall be provided and maintained with stable surfaces such as asphalt, concrete, or other hard -surfaced material as approved by the Director of Planning or designate. Existing Section/Regulation F Proposed Amendment d) All required visitor parking spaces shall be clearly d) All required visitor parking spaces shall be clearly identified, demarcated, and reserved at all times identified, demarcated, and reserved at all times New Regulations Section 5 — Parking, Loading, and Stacking 5.3.3 Location of Parking Spaces for Residential Uses a) On a lot containing a single detached dwelling, semi- detached dwelling, ADD, additional dwelling unit(s) (attached), additional dwelling unit (detached), small residential care facility, lodging house having less than 9 residents, or home occupation: i) Parking spaces shall be located a minimum distance of 6 metres from a street line; ii) Despite Subsection i), where two or more parking spaces are required, one parking space may locate on the driveway within 6 metres of the front lot line or exterior side lot line and may be a tandem parking space; and, e) Where a parking lot is provided for a development that does not require site plan approval pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, following regulations shall apply: i) The parking lot shall be setback a minimum of 1.5 metres from side lot lines and rear lot lines; and, ii) The minimum drive aisle width shall be 6 metres Section 5 — Parking, Loading, and Stacking 5.3.3 Location of Parking Spaces for Residential Uses a) On a lot containing a single detached dwelling, semi- detached dwelling, street townhouse dwelling, additional dwelling unit(s) (attached), additional dwelling unit (detached), small residential care facility, lodging house having less than 9 residents, or home occupation: i) Parking spaces shall be located a minimum distance of 6 metres from a street line; ii) Despite Subsection i), where two or more parking spaces are required, one parking space may locate on the driveway within 6 metres of the front lot line or exterior side lot line and may be a tandem parking space; and, Existing Sectio Illustration 5-1: One Tandem Illustration 5-2: One Tandem Parking Parking Space —Option A Space — Option B STREET iii) Despite Subsection ii) where three parking spaces are required on a lot that contains an additional dwelling unit (attached) and an additional dwelling unit (detached), one parking space may locate on the driveway within 6 metres of the front lot line or exterior side lot line and two parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces; and iv) Not more than one parking space for a home occupation may be located in a rear yard, except in the case of a corner lot, a through lot, or a lot abutting a lane. b) On a lot containing a street townhouse dwelling: i) parking spaces shall be located a minimum distance of 6 metres from a street line. c) On a lot containing a multiple dwelling, dwelling unit, cluster townhouse dwelling, lodging house having 9 residents or more, or a large residential care facility: i) parking spaces shall not be located within the front yard or within the exterior side yard. In no case shall any parking spaces be located within 3 metres of the front lot line, exterior side lot line or street line; and, ii) despite Subsection i), parking spaces, loading spaces, or drive aisles located in an enclosed portion of a building entirely below grade, may have a minimum Amendment Illustration 5-1: One Tandem Illustration 5-2: One Tandem Parking Parking Space —Option A Space — Option B STREET LINGG R o iii) Despite Subsection ii) where three parking spaces are required on a lot that contains an additional dwelling unit (attached) and an additional dwelling unit (detached), one parking space may locate on the driveway within 6 metres of the front lot line or exterior side lot line and two parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces; and iv) Not more than one parking space for a home occupation may be located in a rear yard, except in the case of a corner lot, a through lot, or a lot abutting a lane. b) On a lot containing a street townhouse dwelling: i) parking spaces shall be located a minimum distance of 6 metres from a street line. c) On a lot containing a multiple dwelling, dwelling unit, cluster townhouse dwelling, lodging house having 9 residents or more, or a large residential care facility: i) parking spaces shall not be located within the front yard or within the exterior side yard. In no case shall any parking spaces be located within 3 metres of the front lot line, exterior side lot line or street line; and, ii) despite Subsection i), parking spaces, loading spaces, or drive aisles located in an enclosed portion of a building entirely below grade, may have a minimum Amendment Illustration 5-1: One Tandem Illustration 5-2: One Tandem Parking Parking Space —Option A Space — Option B STREET iii) Despite Subsection ii) where three parking spaces are required on a lot DELETED, one parking space may locate on the driveway within 6 metres of the front lot line or exterior side lot line and three parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces; and iv) Not more than one parking space for a home occupation may be located in a rear yard, except in the case of a corner lot, a through lot, or a lot abutting a lane. b) DELETED. c) On a lot containing a multiple dwelling, dwelling unit, cluster townhouse dwelling, lodging house having 9 residents or more, or a large residential care facility: i) parking spaces shall not be located within the front yard or within the exterior side yard. In no case shall any parking spaces be located within 3 metres of the front lot line, exterior side lot line or street line; and, ii) despite Subsection i), parking spaces, loading spaces, or drive aisles located in an enclosed portion of a building entirely below grade, may have a minimum ®WELLING C= $TR T iii) Despite Subsection ii) where three parking spaces are required on a lot DELETED, one parking space may locate on the driveway within 6 metres of the front lot line or exterior side lot line and three parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces; and iv) Not more than one parking space for a home occupation may be located in a rear yard, except in the case of a corner lot, a through lot, or a lot abutting a lane. b) DELETED. c) On a lot containing a multiple dwelling, dwelling unit, cluster townhouse dwelling, lodging house having 9 residents or more, or a large residential care facility: i) parking spaces shall not be located within the front yard or within the exterior side yard. In no case shall any parking spaces be located within 3 metres of the front lot line, exterior side lot line or street line; and, ii) despite Subsection i), parking spaces, loading spaces, or drive aisles located in an enclosed portion of a building entirely below grade, may have a minimum Existing Section/Regulation I Proposed Amendment setback of 0 metres from a front lot line, side lot line, I setback of 0 metres from a front lot line, side lot line, and rear lot line. SECTION 7 — Residential Zones (RES) 7.2 PERMITTED USES Table 7-1: Permitted Uses within the Residential Zones Use RES -1 RES -2 RES -3 RES -4 RES -5 RES -6 RES -7 Residential Uses Single Detached Dwelling ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ J Additional Dwelling Units (Attached}(1) ✓ ✓ ✓ J ✓ Additional Dwelling Units (Detached)(2) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Semi -Detached Dwelling ✓ ✓ ✓ Townhouse Dwelling- Street ✓(3) 1(4) Townhouse Dwelling- Cluster Multiple Dwelling ✓(3) J(4) ✓ ✓ J ✓ Lodging House ✓ ✓ ✓ J Continuing Care Community ✓ ✓ ✓ Hospice ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Residential Care Facility, Small ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Residential Care Facility, Large ✓ ✓ ✓ J ✓ Non -Residential Uses ✓ ✓ ✓ Artisan's Establishment (5) Artisan's Establishment (5) Community Facility (5) ✓ ✓ Community Facility (5) Convenience Retail (5) ✓ ✓ Convenience Retail (5) Day Care Facility (5) ✓ J Day Care Facility (5) Financial Establishment (5) ✓ ✓ Financial Establishment (5) Health Office (5) J Health Office (5) Home Occupation (6) ✓ J ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Home Occupation (6) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Office (5) Persona! Services (5) ✓ ✓ Persona! Services (5) Studio (5) ✓ Studio (5) ✓ ✓ Additional Regulations for Permitted Uses Table 7-1 (1) Shall be permitted in accordance with 4.12.1 and 4.12.2. (2) Shall be permitted in accordance with 4.12.3. (3) The maximum number of dwelling units in a dwelling shall be 4. (4) The maximum number of dwelling units in a dwelling shall be 8. (5) Permitted non-residential uses must be located within a multiple dwelling (despite the definition of multiple dwelling in Section 3) and are limited in size in accordance with the regulations in Table 7-6. (6) Shall be permitted in accordance with 4.7. and rear lot line. SECTION 7 — Residential Zones (RES) 7.2 PERMITTED USES Table 7-1: Permitted Uses within the Residential Zones Use RES -1 RES -2 RES -3 RES -4 RES -5 RES -6 RES -7 Residential Uses Single Detached Dwelling ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ J Additional Dwelling Units (Attached)(1) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Additional Dwelling Units (Detached)(2) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Semi -Detached Dwelling ✓ ✓ J Townhouse Dwelling- Street J(3) ✓(4) Townhouse Dwelling- Cluster ✓(4) ✓ Multiple Dwelling(7) J(3) J ✓ ✓ Lodging House ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Continuing Care Community ✓ ✓ ✓ Hospice ✓ ✓ ✓ J J ✓ Residential Care Facility, Small ✓ ✓ ✓ J ✓ ✓ Residential Care Facility, Large ✓ ✓ ✓ Non -Residential Uses Artisan's Establishment (5) Community Facility (5) ✓ J ✓ J Convenience Retail (5) ✓ J Day Care Facility (5) ✓ ✓ Financial Establishment (5) ✓ Health Office (5) ✓ Home Occupation (6) ✓ J ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Office (5) ✓ ✓ Persona! Services (5) ✓ Studio (5) ✓ ✓ Additional Regulations for Permitted Uses Table 7-1 (1) Shall be permitted in accordance with 4.12.1 and 4.12.2. (2) Shall be permitted in accordance with 4.12.3. (3) The maximum number of dwelling units in a dwelling shall be 4. (4) The maximum number of dwelling units in a dwelling shall be 8. (5) Permitted non-residential uses must be located within a multiple dwelling (despite the definition of multiple dwelling in Section 3) and are limited in size in accordance with the regulations in Table 7-6. (6) Shall be permitted in accordance with 4.7. Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment NEW REGULATION (7) 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non-residential use except permitted home occupation SECTION 7 — Residential Zones (RES) Table 7-6: For Multiple Dwellings and Non -Residential Uses Additional Regulations for Multiple Dwellings and Non - Residential Uses Table 7-6 (1) A multiple dwelling up to 4 dwelling units shall have a minimum lot width of 15.0 metres. (2) Combined total Floor Space Ratio of all uses on the lot. (3) For multiple dwellings with 4 dwelling units or more, each dwelling unit located at ground floor level shall have a patio area adjacent to the dwelling unit with direct access to such dwelling unit. (4) The total gross floor area of all non-residential uses shall not exceed 25% of the total gross floor area on a lot. (5) The maximum building height shall be 25 metres within 15 metres of a lot with a (RES -6) Medium Rise Residential Six Zone. (6) The regulations within Table 7-6 shall not apply to an existing multiple dwelling on an existing lot. (7) Individual buildings will not be required to achieve the minimum floor space ratio where there is an approved Urban Design Brief that includes a Master Site Plan that demonstrates the overall development can achieve the minimum floor space ratio. (8) For lands identified in Appendix D — Established Neighbourhoods Area, the minimum and maximum front yard shall be in accordance with Section 7.6. (9) For lands identified in Appendix C — Central Neighborhoods, the maximum building height shall be in accordance with Section 7.5. uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in Table 7-5 or Table 7-6 as applicable and Section 4.12.4 SECTION 7 — Residential Zones (RES) Table 7-6: For Multiple Dwellings and Non -Residential Uses Additional Regulations for Multiple Dwellings and Non - Residential Uses Table 7-6 (1) A multiple dwelling with 4 dwelling units shall have a minimum lot width of 15.0 metres. (2) Combined total Floor Space Ratio of all uses on the lot. (3) For multiple dwellings DELETED, each dwelling unit located at ground floor level shall have a patio area adjacent to the dwelling unit with direct access to such dwelling unit. (4) The total gross floor area of all non-residential uses shall not exceed 25% of the total gross floor area on a lot. (5) The maximum building height shall be 25 metres within 15 metres of a lot with a (RES -6) Medium Rise Residential Six Zone. (6) The regulations within Table 7-6 shall not apply to an existing multiple dwelling on an existing lot. (7) Individual buildings will not be required to achieve the minimum floor space ratio where there is an approved Urban Design Brief that includes a Master Site Plan that demonstrates the overall development can achieve the minimum floor space ratio. (8) For lands identified in Appendix D — Established Neighbourhoods Area, the minimum and maximum front yard shall be in accordance with Section 7.6. (9) For lands identified in Appendix C — Central Neighborhoods, the maximum building height shall be in accordance with Section 7.5. - Clar dwell defi nE Section 19 — Site Specific Provisions Existing Site -Specific Provision Proposed Amendment (223) — Within the lands zoned RES -5 and shown as (223) — Within the lands zoned RES -5 and shown as Ame affected by this provision on Zoning Grid Schedule 239 of affected by this provision on Zoning Grid assoi Appendix A, the maximum number of dwelling units in a Schedule 239 of Appendix A, the maximum number of dwel multiple dwelling shall be five and the following uses shall not be permitted: a) hospice; b) lodging house; c) an additional dwelling unit (attached) associated with a semi-detached dwelling; and, d) street townhouse dwelling. (226) — Within the lands zoned RES -5 and shown as affected by this provision on Zoning Grid Schedule 193 of Appendix A, the following shall apply: a) the only form of multiple dwelling permitted shall be cluster townhouse dwelling, in accordance with the following regulations: i. the maximum building height shall be 9.0 metres, and residential buildings are permitted to have a maximum of one -storey; ii. parking shall be provided at a rate of 1.3 spaces per dwelling unit; iii. off-street parking may not be located between any building fagade and Trafalgar Avenue; and, iv. fences with a height greater than 0.9 metres shall not be permitted between any building fagade and Trafalgar Avenue. b) additional dwelling unit (detached) and lodging house shall not be permitted. (232) — Within the lands zoned RES -5 and shown as affected by this provision on Zoning Grid Schedule 239 of Appendix A, the maximum number of dwelling units in a multiple dwelling shall be five and the following uses shall not be permitted: a) hospice; b) lodging house; dwelling units in a multiple dwelling shall be five and the following uses shall not be permitted: a) hospice; b) lodging house; c) DELETED; and, d) street townhouse dwelling. (226) — Within the lands zoned RES -5 and shown as affected by this provision on Zoning Grid Schedule 193 of Appendix A, the following shall apply: a) the only form of multiple dwelling permitted shall be cluster townhouse dwelling, in accordance with the following regulations: i. the maximum building height shall be 9.0 metres, and residential buildings are permitted to have a maximum of one -storey; ii. parking shall be provided at a rate of 1.3 spaces per dwelling unit; iii. off-street parking may not be located between any building fagade and Trafalgar Avenue; and, iv. fences with a height greater than 0.9 metres shall not be permitted between any building fagade and Trafalgar Avenue. b) DELETED lodging house shall not be permitted. Ame (232) — Within the lands zoned RES -5 and shown as Ame affected by this provision on Zoning Grid Schedule 239 of in as Appendix A, the maximum number of dwelling units in a dwel multiple dwelling shall be five and the following uses shall not be permitted: a) hospice; b) lodging house; c) additional dwelling unit (attached) in association with a c) DELETED and, semi-detached dwelling; and, d) street townhouse dwelling. d) street townhouse dwelling. (253) — Within the lands zoned RES -5 and shown as (253) — Within the lands zoned RES -5 and shown as affected by this provision on Zoning Grid Schedule 107 and affected by this provision on Zoning Grid Schedule 107 and 108 of Appendix A, the following uses shall not be permitted: a) additional dwelling unit (attached); b) additional dwelling unit (detached); c) lodging house; d) semi-detached dwelling; and, e) single detached dwelling. 108 of Appendix A, the following uses shall not be permitted: a) DELETED; b) DELETED; c) lodging house; d) semi-detached dwelling; and, e) single detached dwelling. Ame in as towr Zoning By-law 85-1 Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment Section 2 — Administration Section 2 — Administration 2.3 ZONING (OCCUPANCY) CERTIFICATE 2.3 ZONING (OCCUPANCY) CERTIFICATE No change may be made in the type of use of any land No change may be made in the type of use of any land covered by this By-law or change in the type of use of any covered by this By-law or change in the type of use of any building on any such land without a Zoning (Occupancy) Certificate being issued by the Director of Planning to the effect that the proposed use is not contrary to this By-law building on any such land without a Zoning (Occupancy) Certificate being issued by the Director of Planning to the effect that the proposed use is not contrary to this By-law. A Zoning (Occupancy) Certificate shall be required for each A Zoning (Occupancy) Certificate shall be required for each use contained within a building containing multiple uses. use contained within a building containing multiple uses. Notwithstanding the above, no zoning (occupancy) certificate shall be required for a single detached dwelling, additional dwelling unit (detached), duplex dwelling, semi- detached dwelling, street townhouse dwelling, private home daycare or commercial parking facility. Section 2 — Administration New Regulation Section 4 — Definitions 4.2 Specific New Definition Section 4 — Definitions "Driveway" means a private road giving access from a Notwithstanding the above, no zoning (occupancy) certificate shall be required for a single detached dwelling with or without one additional dwelling unit (attached), DELETED, duplex dwelling, semi-detached dwelling with or without one additional detached dwelling (attached), semi-detached duplex dwelling, DELETED private home daycare or commercial parking facility. Section 2 — Administration 2.5 TECHNICAL REVISIONS TO THE ZONING BY-LAW Technical revisions may be made to this By-law without the need for a Zoning By-law Amendment. Technical revisions mean the correction of numbering, cross- referencing, grammar, punctuation or typographical errors, mapping errors, or revisions to format in a manner that does not change the intent of this By-law. Section 4 — Definitions 4.2 Specific "Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached)" means the use of a single detached dwelling, semi-detached house, or street townhouse dwelling where a separate self-contained dwelling unit is located within the principal building. Section 4 — Definitions "Driveway" means a vehicle route that provides access public street to a building or parking space. (By-law 2007- from a street or lane to a drive aisle, parking space, or 231,S.2) parking lot. Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment Section 4 — Definitions Section 4 — Definitions "Multiple Dwelling" means a building containing three or "Multiple Dwelling" means a building containing four or - En more dwelling units but shall not include a street more dwelling units but shall not include a street dti townhouse dwelling or semi-detached dwelling. townhouse dwelling or semi-detached dwelling. re! thi Section 4 — Definitions "Parking Lot" means an area located on a lot which contains four or more parking spaces ADD. Section 4 — Definitions NEW DEFINITION Section 5 — General Regulations NEW REGULATION Section 4 — Definitions "Parking Lot" means an area located on a lot which - Re contains four or more parking spaces and a minimum of wl- one drive aisle. sp; ais Section 4 — Definitions "Principal" means, when used to describe a use, the primary use carried out on the lot or within a building or structure, and, when used to describe a building or structure, means the building or structure in which the primary use is conducted, or intended to be conducted. Section 5 — General Regulations 5.22.1 One Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One additional dwelling unit (attached) may be permitted in association with a single detached dwelling, a semi- detached house or a street townhouse dwelling in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone category and applying to single detached dwelling, semi- detached house, or street townhouse dwelling in which an additional dwelling unit (attached) are located and in addition to and as amended by the following: a) One additional dwelling unit (attached) shall only be located in the same building as a single detached dwelling, a semi-detached house, or a street townhouse dwelling; b) An additional dwelling unit (attached) shall be connected to full municipal services. One Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) and Duplexes 1. A duplex dwelling shall be considered as a single detached dwelling with one additional dwelling unit - Ne Zo use att 05 - CIZ AC wit sei toy Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment (attached) and a semi-detached duplex house shall be - CIZ considered as a semi-detached house with one additional co dwelling unit (attached). din 2. New duplex dwellings or semi-detached duplex house dti may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out to in Section 5.22.1 One Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached). ref - nlc Section 5 — General Regulations NEW REGULATION Section 5 — General Regulations 5.22.2 Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) Two additional dwelling units may be permitted in association with a single detached dwelling, a semi- detached house, or a street townhouse dwelling in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone category and applying to single detached dwelling, semi- detached house, or street townhouse dwelling in which the two additional dwelling units (attached) are located and in addition to and as amended by the following: a) two additional dwelling units (attached) shall be connected to full municipal services; b) a maximum of one pedestrian entrance to the principal building shall be located on each street line fagade, except where more pedestrian entrances are existing; c) no more than two additional dwelling units (attached) are permitted on a lot; d) the maximum number of dwelling units on a lot shall be th ree; e) the minimum lot area shall be 395 square metres or in accordance with the minimum lot area specified by the zone category for the principal dwelling type, whichever is greater; f) the minimum lot width shall be 13.1 metres or in accordance with the minimum lot width specified by the zone category for the principal dwelling type, whichever is greater; as sei att Re (at 20 Esi (at the sei sid or Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment g) the minimum landscaped area shall be 20%. Section 5 — General Regulations NEW REGULATION Section 6 - OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING 6.1 OFF-STREET PARKING .1 REGULATIONS .1 Location b) Single Detached Dwellings, Semi -Detached Dwellings, and Duplex Dwellings with or without an Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached); Residential Care Facility having less than 9 residents; and a Lodging House having less than 9 residents Section 5 — General Regulations 5.33 Four to Ten Dwelling Units on a Lot Four (4) to ten (10) dwelling units on a lot without any non-residential use except permitted home occupation uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations specified by the zone category for the dwelling(s) and shall have: a) a minimum of 20% street line facade opening which includes at least one (1) pedestrian entrance to the principal building; b) a minimum 20% of the front yard landscaped, excluding surface walkways, patios, decks, playgrounds or pathways; c) a minimum driveway width of 2.6 metres; d) despite section 5.33 c), where a driveway is immediately adjacent to any building or structure on a lot, the driveway including any curbing shall be a minimum of 3.0 metres wide. Inc fur de les Ap Ac a pr( ch, the ya lar co, inf - re( dri for les Section 6 - OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING 6.1 OFF-STREET PARKING .1 REGULATIONS .1 Location b) Single Detached Dwellings with or without Additional - CIZ Dwelling Unit(s), Semi -Detached Dwellings with or als without Additional Dwelling Unit(s), and Duplex Dwellings with or without one Additional Dwelling Unit(s) (Attached) or an Additional Unit (Detached); Residential Care Facility having less than 9 residents; and a Lodging House having less than 9 residents Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment On a lot containing a Single Detached Dwelling, Semi- On a lot containing a Single Detached Dwelling with or Detached Dwelling, or Duplex Dwelling with or without an without Additional Dwelling Unit(s), Semi -Detached Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached); Residential Care Dwelling with or without Additional Dwelling Unit(s), or Facility having less than 9 residents; or a Lodging House Duplex Dwelling with or without one Additional Dwelling having less than 9 residents: (Amended: By-law 2021-040, S.9) i) The off-street parking required for such dwellings shall be located a minimum distance of 6 metres from the street line. Notwithstanding the above, a Duplex Dwelling, Semi - Detached Dwelling containing two dwelling units, any principal dwelling with an Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached), or a Residential Care Facility having less than 9 residents, all of which require a minimum of two parking spaces, shall be permitted to locate one of the required parking spaces on the driveway less than 6 metres from the street line and may be arranged in tandem. For any principal dwelling containing an Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached), up to three required parking spaces may be arranged in tandem. (Amended: By-law 2021-040, 5.10) Section 6 - OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING 6.1 OFF-STREET PARKING .1 REGULATIONS .1 Location c) Street Townhouse Dwellings with or without an Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) On a lot containing a Street Townhouse Dwelling with or without an Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached): (Amended: By-law 2021-040, 5.11) Unit(s) (Attached) or an Additional Unit (Detached); Residential Care Facility having less than 9 residents; or a Lodging House having less than 9 residents: (Amended: By-law 2021-040, S.9) i) The off-street parking required for such dwellings shall be located a minimum distance of 6 metres from the street line. Notwithstanding the above, where two or three parking - spaces are required, one of the required parking spaces shall be permitted to locate on the driveway less than 6 metres from the street line and up to three parking spaces may be arranged in tandem. Section 6 - OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING 6.1 OFF-STREET PARKING .1 REGULATIONS .1 Location c) Street Townhouse Dwellings with or without Additional Dwelling Unit(s) (Attached) or Additional Unit (Detached) On a lot containing a Street Townhouse Dwelling with or without an Additional Dwelling Unit(s) (Attached) or Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached): (Amended: By-law i) The off-street parking required for such dwelling shall not be located within the minimum front yard or the minimum side yard abutting a street, except in the case of a Street Townhouse Dwelling containing two Dwelling Units or any Street Townhouse Dwelling containing an Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached), in which case one required off-street parking space may be located in a driveway within the minimum front yard or minimum side yard abutting a street. (Amended: By-law 2021-040, S.12) ii) a) A driveway shall be located leading directly from a street or lane to a parking space located a minimum distance of 6.0 metres from the street line and shall have a minimum width of 2.6 metres. (By-law 2005-106, S.12) (Housekeeping Amendment) b) A driveway may be widened to a maximum of 65% of the lot width or 6 metres, whichever is the lesser. c) A driveway and widening thereof may be used for the parking of vehicles provided that a parking space on the driveway or the widening meets the minimum length requirements of Section d). (Amended: By-law 2018-125, S.13) (By-law 94-183, S.14[b], as amended by By-law 95-106, S.5[a]) (Amended: By-law 2012-034, S.27) iii) Notwithstanding clause ii) above, on a corner lot an access driveway shall not be located closer than 9 metres to the intersection of the street lines abutting the lot. For the purpose of this subsection iii), where one or more parking spaces are provided with a setback of less than 12 metres, the driveway including any widening shall be deemed to be at least the same width as the parking spaces, for a minimum distance of 12 metres from the parking space, measured perpendicular to the end of the parking space closest to the street. (By-law 2012-034, S.28) 2021-040, S.11) i) The off-street parking required for such dwelling shall not be located within the minimum front yard or the minimum side yard abutting a street, except in the case of a Street Townhouse Dwelling containing Additional Dwelling Unit(s) (Attached) or Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached), in which case one required off-street parking space may be located in a driveway within the minimum front yard or minimum side yard abutting a street. (Amended: By-law 2021-040, S.12) ii) a) A driveway shall be located leading directly from a street or lane to a parking space located a minimum distance of 6.0 metres from the street line and shall have a minimum width of 2.6 metres. (By-law 2005-106, S.12) (Housekeeping Amendment) b) A driveway may be widened to a maximum of 65% of the lot width or 6 metres, whichever is the lesser. c) A driveway and widening thereof may be used for the parking of vehicles provided that a parking space on the driveway or the widening meets the minimum length requirements of Section d). (Amended: By-law 2018-125, S.13) (By-law 94-183, S.14[b], as amended by By-law 95-106, S.5[a]) (Amended: By-law 2012-034, S.27) iii) Notwithstanding clause ii) above, on a corner lot an access driveway shall not be located closer than 9 metres to the intersection of the street lines abutting the lot. For the purpose of this subsection iii), where one or more parking spaces are provided with a setback of less than 12 metres, the driveway including any widening shall be deemed to be at least the same width as the parking spaces, for a minimum distance of 12 metres from the parking space, measured perpendicular to the end of the parking space closest to the street. (By-law 2012-034, S.28) Existing Section/Regulation iv) In the case of a Street Townhouse Dwelling containing two Dwelling Units and any Street Townhouse Dwelling with an Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached), each additional required parking space may be arranged in tandem behind the first required space. (Amended: By -la 2021-040, 5.13) v) Within a front yard, side yard or side yard abutting a street, motor vehicles shall only be parked on a driveway conforming with Section (By-law 2007-231, 5.16) Proposed Amendment iv) In the case of a Street Townhouse Dwelling containing Additional Dwelling Unit(s) (Attached) or Additional Unit (Detached), each additional required parking space may be arranged in tandem behind the first required space. w (Amended: By-law 2021-040, 5.13) vi) The driveway shall be comprised of a material that is consistent throughout the driveway and that is distinguishable from all other ground cover or surfacing, including landscaping or walkways, within the front yard, side yard or side yard abutting a street. (By-law 2007-231, 5.16) (Amended: By-law 2012-034, 5.29) Section 6 - OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING 6.1 OFF-STREET PARKING .1 REGULATIONS .2 Design Standards NEW REGULATION Section 6 - OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING 6.1 OFF-STREET PARKING v) Within a front yard, side yard or side yard abutting a street, motor vehicles shall only be parked on a driveway conforming with Section (By-law 2007-231, 5.16) vi) The driveway shall be comprised of a material that is consistent throughout the driveway and that is distinguishable from all other ground cover or surfacing, including landscaping or walkways, within the front yard, side yard or side yard abutting a street. (By-law 2007-231, 5.16) (Amended: By-law 2012-034, 5.29) Section 6 - OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING 6.1 OFF-STREET PARKING .1 REGULATIONS .2 Design Standards h) Where a parking lot is provided for a development that does not require site plan approval pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, the following regulations shall apply: 1. the parking lot shall be setback a minimum of 1.5 metres from side lot line and rear lot line; and, 2. the minimum drive aisle width shall be 6 metres. Section 6 - OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING 6.1 OFF-STREET PARKING Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment .2 OFF-STREET PARKING SCHEDULES (By-law 92-232, .2 OFF-STREET PARKING SCHEDULES (By-law 92-232, S.5[b]) S.5[b]) a) Off -Street Parking Schedule for All Zones Except a) Off -Street Parking Schedule for All Zones Except Downtown Zones (By-law 92-232, S.5[c]) Downtown Zones (By-law 92-232, S.5[c]) Parking spaces shall be provided in the minimum quantity Parking spaces shall be provided in the minimum quantity specified in Column 2 hereunder for each use listed in specified in Column 2 hereunder for each use listed in Column 1, subject to Subsection b) hereof. Column 1, subject to Subsection b) hereof. Column 1 Column 2 Additional Dwelling Unit 1 for each dwelling unit, or (Detached) 0 where the lot is located within 800 metres of a Light Rail Transit (LRT) station as shown on Appendix I. Section 31 — NEIGHBOURHOOD INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (I- 1) 31.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Day Care Facility Duplex Dwelling Dwelling Unit (By-law 98-108, S.5) Educational Establishment Home Business (By-law 94-1, S.8) Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.33) Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Dwelling Single -Detached Dwelling Column 1 Column 2 Additional Dwelling Unit 1 for each dwelling unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit 1 for each dwelling unit, or (Detached) 0 where the lot is located within 800 metres of a Light Rail Transit (LRT) station as shown on Appendix I. Section 31— NEIGHBOURHOOD INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (I- 1) 31.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Day Care Facility Duplex Dwelling Dwelling Unit (By-law 98-108, S.5) Educational Establishment Home Business (By-law 94-1, S.8) Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.33) Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Dwelling Single -Detached Dwelling Sp Ad (Al sin de ar( Section 31 — NEIGHBOURHOOD INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (I- Section 31— NEIGHBOURHOOD INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (I- - Re 1) 1) se( Section/Regulation 31.3 REGULATIONS New Regulations Section 32 — COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (1-2) 32.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Artisan's Establishment Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Duplex Dwelling Dwelling Unit (By-law 98-108, S.5) Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Health Office Health Clinic Home Business (By-law 94-1, S.8) Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.35) Multiple Dwelling Personal Services Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Dwelling Single -Detached Dwelling Social Service Establishment Street Townhouse Dwelling Amendment 31.3 REGULATIONS .6 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law. .7 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law Section 32 — COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (1-2) 32.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Artisan's Establishment Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Duplex Dwelling Dwelling Unit (By-law 98-108, S.5) Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Health Office Health Clinic Home Business (By-law 94-1, S.8) Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.35) Multiple Dwelling Personal Services Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Dwelling Single -Detached Dwelling Social Service Establishment Street Townhouse Dwelling sin de ar( Section/Regulation Section 32 — COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (1-2) 32.3 REGULATIONS .5 For Artisan's Establishment, Day Care Facility, Educational Establishment, Health Office, Health Clinic, Hospice, Religious Institution, Residential Care Facility with 9 Residents or more, Social Service Establishment, Multiple Dwelling and Veterinary Services Section 32 — COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (1-2) 32.3 REGULATIONS New Regulations Section 33 — MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (1-3) 33.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Arena Auditorium Community Centre Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Educational Establishment Amendment Section 32 — COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (1-2) 32.3 REGULATIONS .5 For Artisan's Establishment, Day Care Facility, Educational Establishment, Health Office, Health Clinic, Hospice, Religious Institution, Residential Care Facility with 9 Residents or more, Social Service Establishment, Multiple Dwelling and Veterinary Services Section 32 — COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (1-2) 32.3 REGULATIONS - .9 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law. .10 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law .11 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units - 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home occupation uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33 Section 33 — MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (1-3) - 33.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Arena Auditorium Community Centre Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Educational Establishment se( se( sin d\n AC as! to) Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment Financial Establishment Financial Establishment Health Office Health Office Health Clinic Health Clinic Home Business (By-law 94-1, S.8) Home Business (By-law 94-1, S.8) Hospital Hospital Lodging House Lodging House Medical Laboratory Medical Laboratory Multiple Dwelling Multiple Dwelling Museum Museum Personal Services Personal Services Private Home Day Care Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Religious Institution Residential Care Facility Residential Care Facility Social Service Establishment Social Service Establishment Stadium Stadium Street Townhouse Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Studio Studio Veterinary Services Veterinary Services Section 33 — MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (1-3) Section 33 — MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (1-3) 33.3 REGULATIONS 33.3 REGULATIONS - Re New Regulations .5 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) sei In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law. .6 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law .7 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units - Re 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- se( residential use except permitted home occupation uses un shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33 Existing Section/Regulation Section 35 — RESIDENTIAL ONE ZONE (R-1) 35.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, 5.16) Home Business (By-law 94-1, S.8) Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility (By-law 2012-140, S.7) Single Detached Dwelling Section 35 — RESIDENTIAL ONE ZONE (R-1) ADD Section 36 — RESIDENTIAL TWO ZONE (R-2) 36.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, 5.16) Duplex Dwelling (By-law 94-183, 5.20) Home Business Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Single Detached Dwelling Amendment Section 35 — RESIDENTIAL ONE ZONE (R-1) 35.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, 5.16) Home Business (By-law 94-1, S.8) Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility (By-law 2012-140, S.7) Single Detached Dwelling Section 35 — RESIDENTIAL ONE ZONE (R-1) 35.5 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law. Section 36 — RESIDENTIAL TWO ZONE (R-2) 36.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, 5.16) Duplex Dwelling (By-law 94-183, 5.20) Home Business Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Single Detached Dwelling Section 36 — RESIDENTIAL TWO ZONE (R-2) Section 36 — RESIDENTIAL TWO ZONE (R-2) 36.2 REGULATIONS 36.2 REGULATIONS ADD .4 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. seg sin is se( Section/Regulation Section 37 — RESIDENTIAL THREE ZONE (R-3) 37.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, S.16) Duplex Dwelling (By-law 94-183, S.20) Home Business Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Single Detached Dwelling Section 37 — RESIDENTIAL THREE ZONE (R-3) 37.2 REGULATIONS ADD Section 38 — RESIDENTIAL FOUR ZONE (R-4) 38.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, S.16) Duplex Dwelling (By-law 94-183, S.20) Home Business Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Duplex Dwelling (Amended: By-law 2021 040,S.22) Semi -Detached Dwelling Sinele Detached Dwelline Amendment Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law. Section 37 — RESIDENTIAL THREE ZONE (R-3) 37.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, S.16) Duplex Dwelling (By-law 94-183, S.20) Home Business Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Single Detached Dwelling Section 37 — RESIDENTIAL THREE ZONE (R-3) - 37.2 REGULATIONS .4 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law. Section 38 — RESIDENTIAL FOUR ZONE (R-4) 38.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, S.16) Duplex Dwelling (By-law 94-183, S.20) Home Business Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility - Semi -Detached Duplex Dwelling (Amended: By-law 2021- 040,S.22) Semi -Detached Dwelling Single Detached Dwelling sin is se( sin sei d\n du Section 38 — RESIDENTIAL FOUR ZONE (R-4) 38.2 REGULATIONS ADD Section 39 — RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (R-5) 39.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, S.16) Duplex Dwelling Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, S.37) Lodging House Multiple Dwelling Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Duplex Dwelling (Amended: By-law 2021- 040,S.22) Semi -Detached Dwelling Single Detached Dwelling Section 39 — RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (R-5) 39.2 REGULATIONS .4 For Multiple Dwelling, Hospice and Lodging House Maximum Number of Dwelling Units in a Multiple Dwelling: Three dwelling units. Section 39 — RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (R-5) 39.2 REGULATIONS ADD Amendment Section 38 — RESIDENTIAL FOUR ZONE (R-4) 38.2 REGULATIONS .6 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law. Section 39 — RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (R-5) 39.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, S.16) Duplex Dwelling Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, S.37) Lodging House DELETED Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Duplex Dwelling (Amended: By-law 2021- 040,S.22) Semi -Detached Dwelling Single Detached Dwelling Section 39 — RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (R-5) 39.2 REGULATIONS .4 For DELETED Hospice and Lodging House DELETED Section 39 — RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (R-5) 39.2 REGULATIONS .8 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) se( sin sei d\n du R d\n d\n de the I isl - R d\n d\n de the se( Section/Regulation Section 39 — RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (R-5) 39.2A FOR ALL USES Maximum Number of Dwellings Per Lot: One plus an Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Section 40 — RESIDENTIAL SIX ZONE (R-6) 40.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, S.16) Duplex Dwelling Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, S.39) Lodging House Multiple Dwelling Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Duplex Dwelling (OMB Order PL140037, By-law 2013-149 (Amended), S.7) Semi -Detached Dwelling Single Detached Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Section 40 — RESIDENTIAL SIX ZONE (R-6) 40.2 REGULATIONS ADD Amendment One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law. Section 39 — RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (R-5) - Exp 39.2A FOR ALL USES AE Maximum Number of Dwellings Per Lot: One plus Additional Dwelling Unit(s) Section 40 — RESIDENTIAL SIX ZONE (R-6) 40.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, S.16) Duplex Dwelling Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, S.39) Lodging House Multiple Dwelling Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Duplex Dwelling (OMB Order PL140037, By-law 2013-149 (Amended), S.7) Semi -Detached Dwelling S ingle Detached Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Section 40 — RESIDENTIAL SIX ZONE (R-6) 40.2 REGULATIONS .10 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. sin sei d\n du sei Section/Regulation Section 41 — RESIDENTIAL SEVEN ZONE (R-7) 41.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, S.16) Duplex Dwelling Home Business Lodging House Multiple Dwelling Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Duplex Dwelling (OMB Order PL140037, By-law 2013-149 (Amended), S.9) Semi -Detached Dwelling Single Detached Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Section 41 — RESIDENTIAL SEVEN ZONE (R-7) 41.2 REGULATIONS ADD Amendment Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law. .11 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33. Section 41— RESIDENTIAL SEVEN ZONE (R-7) 41.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) (By-law 2021-040, S.16) Duplex Dwelling Home Business Lodging House Multiple Dwelling Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Duplex Dwelling (OMB Order PL140037, By-law 2013-149 (Amended), S.7) Semi -Detached Dwelling Single Detached Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Section 41— RESIDENTIAL SEVEN ZONE (R-7) 41.2 REGULATIONS .11 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law. .12 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units sei sin sei d\n du se( Section/Regulation Section 42 — RESIDENTIAL EIGHT ZONE (R-8) 42.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Duplex Dwelling Home Business Lodging House Multiple Dwelling Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Dwelling existing on the date that the R-8 Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.32) Single Detached Dwelling existing on the date that the R-8 Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.32) Street Townhouse Dwelling Section 42 — RESIDENTIAL EIGHT ZONE (R-8) 42.2 REGULATIONS ADD Amendment 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33. Section 42 — RESIDENTIAL EIGHT ZONE (R-8) 42.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Duplex Dwelling Home Business Lodging House Multiple Dwelling Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Semi -Detached Dwelling existing on the date that the R-8 Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.32) Single Detached Dwelling existing on the date that the R-8 Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.32) Street Townhouse Dwelling Section 42 — RESIDENTIAL EIGHT ZONE (R-8) 42.2 REGULATIONS .12 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law. .13 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law. .14 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall - Re seg de exl an du to) se( se( Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment I be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33. Section 43 — RESIDENTIAL NINE ZONE (R-9) 43.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Financial Establishment Home Business Lodging House Multiple Dwelling Off ice Personal Services Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Street Townhouse Dwelling Section 43 — RESIDENTIAL NINE ZONE (R-9) 43.2 REGULATIONS ADD Section 43 — RESIDENTIAL NINE ZONE (R-9) 43.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Financial Establishment Home Business Lodging House Multiple Dwelling Off ice Personal Services Private Home Day Care Residential Care Facility Street Townhouse Dwelling Section 43 — RESIDENTIAL NINE ZONE (R-9) 43.2 REGULATIONS .8 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law. .9 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law. .10 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33 de se( se( un Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment Section 44 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ONE ZONE (CR- Section 44 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ONE ZONE (CR- - Pe 1) 1) de 44.1 PERMITTED USES 44.1 PERMITTED USES str ADD Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) use Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Convenience Retail (By-law 95-106, 5.31) Convenience Retail (By-law 95-106, 5.31) Day Care Facility Day Care Facility Duplex Dwelling Duplex Dwelling Dwelling Unit Dwelling Unit Educational Establishment Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Financial Establishment Funeral Home Funeral Home Health Clinic Health Clinic Health Office Health Office Home Business Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.44) Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.44) Lodging House Lodging House Medical Laboratory Medical Laboratory Multiple Dwelling Multiple Dwelling Off ice Off ice Personal Services Personal Services Printing Establishment Printing Establishment Private Club or Lodge Private Club or Lodge Private Home Day Care Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Religious Institution Residential Care Facility Residential Care Facility Sale, Rental, or Service of Business Machines and Office Sale, Rental, or Service of Business Machines and Office Supplies Supplies Security or Janitorial Services Security or Janitorial Services Semi-detached Dwelling existing on the date that the CR -1 Semi-detached Dwelling existing on the date that the CR -1 Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.34) Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.34) Single Detached Dwelling existing on the date that the CR- Single Detached Dwelling existing on the date that the CR- S Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.34) 1 Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.34) Street Townhouse Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Studio Studio Tourist Home Tourist Home Veterinary Services Veterinary Services Existing Section/Regulation Section 44 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ONE ZONE (CR - 1) 44.3 REGULATIONS New Regulations Section 45 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL TWO ZONE (CR - 2) 45.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Duplex Dwelling Dwelling Unit Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Funeral Home Health Clinic Health Office Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.46) Lodging House Medical Laboratory Proposed Amendment Section 44 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ONE ZONE (CR- - Re 1) se 44.3 REGULATIONS .14 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law. .15 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be - Re permitted in accordance with regulations set out in sei Section 5.22.2 of this By-law un .16 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33 Section 45 —COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL TWO ZONE (CR- - Pe 2) de 45.1 PERMITTED USES pe Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Duplex Dwelling Dwelling Unit Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Funeral Home Health Clinic Health Office Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.46) Lodging House Medical Laboratory Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment Multiple Dwelling Multiple Dwelling Off ice Off ice Personal Services Personal Services Printing Establishment Printing Establishment Private Club or Lodge Private Club or Lodge Private Home Day Care Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Religious Institution Residential Care Facility Residential Care Facility Sale, Rental, or Service of Business Machines and Office Sale, Rental, or Service of Business Machines and Office Supplies Supplies Security or Janitorial Services Security or Janitorial Services Semi-detached Dwelling existing on the date that the CR -2 Semi-detached Dwelling existing on the date that the CR -2 Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.35) Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.35) Single Detached Dwelling existing on the date that the CR- Single Detached Dwelling existing on the date that the CR- S Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.35) 2 Zone was applied to the land. (By-law 94-183, 5.35) Street Townhouse Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Studio Studio Tourist Home Tourist Home Veterinary Services Veterinary Services Section 45 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL TWO ZONE (CR- Section 45 —COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL TWO ZONE (CR- - Re 2) 2) se( 45.3 REGULATIONS 45.3 REGULATIONS New Regulations .14 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law. .15 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be - Re permitted in accordance with regulations set out in se( Section 5.22.2 of this By-law un .16 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33 Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment Section 46 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL THREE ZONE (CR -3) 46.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Dwelling Unit Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Funeral Home Health Clinic Health Office Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.48) Lodging House Medical Laboratory Multiple Dwelling Off ice Personal Services Printing Establishment Private Club or Lodge Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Residential Care Facility Sale, Rental, or Service of Business Machines and Office Supplies Security or Janitorial Services Street Townhouse Dwelling Studio Tourist Home Veterinary Services Section 46 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL THREE ZONE (CR -3) New Regulations Section 46 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL THREE ZONE (CR -3) 46.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Dwelling Unit Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Funeral Home Health Clinic Health Office Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.48) Lodging House Medical Laboratory Multiple Dwelling Off ice Personal Services Printing Establishment Private Club or Lodge Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Residential Care Facility Sale, Rental, or Service of Business Machines and Office Supplies Security or Janitorial Services Street Townhouse Dwelling Studio Tourist Home Veterinary Services Section 46 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL THREE ZONE (CR -3) 46.4 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) de str use se( Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law. 46.5 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law 46.6 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33 Section 47 —COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL FOUR ZONE (CR- Section 47 —COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL FOUR ZONE (CR - 4) 47.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Audio -Visual or Medical Laboratory Beverage and Beverage Making Equipment Sales Building Material and Decorating Supply Sales Carwash Commercial Parking Facility Commercial Recreation Convenience Retail Craftsman Shop Day Care Facility Dwelling Unit (By-law 95-106, 5.33) Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Funeral Home Garden Centre and Nursery Gas Station Health Clinic 4) 47.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Audio -Visual or Medical Laboratory Beverage and Beverage Making Equipment Sales Building Material and Decorating Supply Sales Carwash Commercial Parking Facility Commercial Recreation Convenience Retail Craftsman Shop Day Care Facility Dwelling Unit (By-law 95-106, 5.33) Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Funeral Home Garden Centre and Nursery Gas Station Health Clinic F_ Existing Section/Regulation _F Proposed Amendment Health Office Health Office Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.49) Hotel Lodging House Multiple Dwelling Off ice Personal Services Printing Establishment Private Club or Lodge and Union Hall Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Repair Service Residential Care Facility Restaurant Sale of Pets and Pet Supplies (By-law 98-108, S.9) Sale, Rental or Service of Business Machines and Office Supplies Sale or Rental of Furniture and Electric or Electronic Appliances or Electric or Electronic Equipment Sale, Rental, Service, Storage or Repair of Motor Vehicles, Major Recreational Equipment and Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles or Major Recreational Equipment Sale, Rental, Storage or Service of Tools and Industrial or Farm Equipment Sale of Sporting Goods (By-law 98-136, S.1) Street Townhouse Dwelling Studio Tourist Home Tradesman or Contractor's Establishment Veterinary Services Wholesaling Section 47 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL FOUR ZONE (CR - 4) 47.2 REGULATIONS New Regulations Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.49) Hotel Lodging House Multiple Dwelling Off ice Personal Services Printing Establishment Private Club or Lodge and Union Hall Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Repair Service Residential Care Facility Restaurant Sale of Pets and Pet Supplies (By-law 98-108, S.9) Sale, Rental or Service of Business Machines and Office Supplies Sale or Rental of Furniture and Electric or Electronic Appliances or Electric or Electronic Equipment Sale, Rental, Service, Storage or Repair of Motor Vehicles, Major Recreational Equipment and Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles or Major Recreational Equipment Sale, Rental, Storage or Service of Tools and Industrial or Farm Equipment Sale of Sporting Goods (By-law 98-136, S.1) Street Townhouse Dwelling Studio Tourist Home Tradesman or Contractor's Establishment Veterinary Services Wholesaling Section 47 — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL FOUR ZONE (CR - 4) 47.2 REGULATIONS .7 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law. .8 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. - Re Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be se( permitted in accordance with regulations set out in un Section 5.22.2 of this By-law .9 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33 Section 47A — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (CR - 5) 47A.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Funeral Home Health Clinic Health Office Home Business Medical Laboratory Multiple Dwelling Off ice Personal Services Printing Establishment Private Club or Lodge Private Home Day Care Religious Institution Section 47A— COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (CR - 5) 47A.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Convenience Retail Day Care Facility Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Funeral Home Health Clinic Health Office Home Business Medical Laboratory Multiple Dwelling Off ice Personal Services Printing Establishment Private Club or Lodge Private Home Day Care Religious Institution de sin Existing Section/Regulation Sale, Rental, or Service of Business Machines and Office Supplies Security of Janitorial Services Single Detached Dwelling Studio Tourist Home Veterinary Services Section 47A — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (CR - 5) 47A.3 REGULATIONS NEW REGULATION Section 53 — LOW INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR ZONE (MU -1) 53.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Artisan's Establishment Canine or Feline Grooming Commercial Recreation Community Centre Craftsman Shop Day Care Facility Amendment Sale, Rental, or Service of Business Machines and Office Supplies Security of Janitorial Services Single Detached Dwelling Studio Tourist Home Veterinary Services Section 47A — COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL FIVE ZONE (CR - 5) 47A.3 REGULATIONS .4 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law .5 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law .6 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33 Section 53 — LOW INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR ZONE (MU -1) 53.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Artisan's Establishment Canine or Feline Grooming Commercial Recreation Community Centre Craftsman Shop Day Care Facility se( seg de sin str Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment Duplex Dwelling Duplex Dwelling Dwelling Unit Dwelling Unit Educational Establishment Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Financial Establishment Health Clinic Health Clinic Health Office Health Office Home Business Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.50) Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.50) Lodging House Lodging House Medical Laboratory Medical Laboratory Multiple Dwelling Multiple Dwelling Museum Museum Off ice Off ice Personal Services Personal Services Printing Establishment Printing Establishment Private Club or Lodge Private Club or Lodge Religious Institution Religious Institution Repair Service Repair Service Residential Care Facility Residential Care Facility Restaurant Restaurant Retail Retail Security or Janitorial Services Security or Janitorial Services Scientific, Technological or Communications Establishment Scientific, Technological or Communications Establishment Single Detached Dwelling Single Detached Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Studio Studio Tourist Home Tourist Home Veterinary Services Veterinary Services (Amended: By-law 2009-105, 5.18) (Amended: By-law (Amended: By-law 2009-105, 5.18) (Amended: By-law 2012-034, 5.72) 2012-034, 5.72) Section 53 — LOW INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR Section 53 — LOW INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR - Re ZONE (MU -1) ZONE (MU -1) se( 53.2 REGULATIONS 53.2 REGULATIONS NEW REGULATION 53.2.7 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law 53.2.8 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be - Re permitted in accordance with regulations set out in se( Section 5.22.2 of this By-law un 53.2.9 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33 Section 54 — MEDIUM INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR ZONE (MU -2) 54.1 PERMITTED USES ADD Artisan's Establishment Canine or Feline Grooming Commercial Entertainment Commercial Recreation Craftsman Shop Day Care Facility Duplex Dwelling Dwelling Unit Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Health Clinic Health Office Home Business Hospice (2013-124, 5.51) Hotel Lodging House Medical Laboratory Multiple Dwelling Museum Off ice Section 54 — MEDIUM INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR ZONE (MU -2) 54.1 PERMITTED USES Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) Artisan's Establishment Canine or Feline Grooming Commercial Entertainment Commercial Recreation Craftsman Shop Day Care Facility Duplex Dwelling Dwelling Unit Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Health Clinic Health Office Home Business Hospice (2013-124, 5.51) Hotel Lodging House Medical Laboratory Multiple Dwelling Museum Off ice de din ar( Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment Personal Services Personal Services Printing Establishment Printing Establishment Private Club or Lodge Private Club or Lodge Religious Institution Religious Institution Repair Service Repair Service Residential Care Facility Residential Care Facility Restaurant Restaurant Retail Retail Security or Janitorial Services Security or Janitorial Services Scientific, Technological or Communications Establishment Scientific, Technological or Communications Establishment Single Detached Dwelling Single Detached Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Studio Studio Tourist Home Tourist Home Veterinary Services Veterinary Services Section 54 — MEDIUM INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR Section 54 — MEDIUM INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR - Re ZONE (MU-2) ZONE (MU-2) se( 54.2 REGULATIONS 54.2 REGULATIONS NEW REGULATION 54.2.7 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law 54.2.8 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be - Re permitted in accordance with regulations set out in se( Section 5.22.2 of this By-law un 54.2.9 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33 Section 55 — HIGH INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR Section 55 — HIGH INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR - Pe ZONE (MU-3) ZONE (MU-3) de 55.1 PERMITTED USES 55.1 PERMITTED USES Existing Section/Regulation Proposed Amendment ADD Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) dti Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) ar( Artisan's Establishment Artisan's Establishment Canine or Feline Grooming Canine or Feline Grooming Commercial Entertainment Commercial Entertainment Commercial Recreation Commercial Recreation Conference or Convention Facility Conference or Convention Facility Craftsman Shop Craftsman Shop Day Care Facility Day Care Facility Duplex Dwelling Duplex Dwelling Dwelling Unit Dwelling Unit Educational Establishment Educational Establishment Financial Establishment Financial Establishment Health Clinic Health Clinic Health Office Health Office Home Business Home Business Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.52) Hospice (By-law 2013-124, 5.52) Hotel Hotel Lodging House Lodging House Medical Laboratory Medical Laboratory Multiple Dwelling Multiple Dwelling Museum Museum Off ice Off ice Personal Services Personal Services Printing Establishment Printing Establishment Private Club or Lodge Private Club or Lodge Religious Institution Religious Institution Repair Service Repair Service Research and Development Establishment Research and Development Establishment Residential Care Facility Residential Care Facility Restaurant Restaurant Retail Retail Security or Janitorial Services Security or Janitorial Services Scientific, Technological or Communications Establishment Scientific, Technological or Communications Establishment Single Detached Dwelling Single Detached Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Street Townhouse Dwelling Studio Studio Existing Section/Regulation I Proposed Amendment Tourist Home Veterinary Services Section 55 — HIGH INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR ZONE (MU -3) 55.2 REGULATIONS NEW REGULATION Tourist Home Veterinary Services Section 55 — HIGH INTENSITY MIXED USE CORRIDOR ZONE (MU -3) 55.2 REGULATIONS 55.2.7 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Detached) In accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22 of this By-law 55.2.8 For Additional Dwelling Unit (Attached) One Additional Dwelling Unit (attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.1 of this By-law. Two Additional Dwelling Units (Attached) may be permitted in accordance with regulations set out in Section 5.22.2 of this By-law 55.2.9 For Lots with Four to Ten Dwelling Units 4 to 10 dwelling units on a lot provided without any non- residential use except permitted home business uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations in this Section as applicable and Section 5.33 Appendix C — Special Use Provisions for Specific Lands [1U to 482U] Exi Provision 319. Notwithstanding Sections 37.1 and 38.1 of this by- REPEAL law, within the lands zoned as Residential Three Zone (R-3) with Special Regulation Provision 1R, Residential Three Zone (R-3), Residential Three Zone (R-3) with Special Regulation Provision 194R and 1R, Residential Four Zone (R-4), and Residential Three Zone (R-3) with Special Regulation Provision 194R, and described as Lots 4 to 11 inclusive, 20 to 24 inclusive, 28, 29, 37 to 55 inclusive, 70 to 74 inclusive, 76, 81 to 105 inclusive, Part Lots 12 to 19 inclusive, 27, 30 to 36 inclusive, 75, Part of Sydenham Street Closed, Part of Elgin Street closed, and Part of Head Street Closed, all according to the Registered Plan 578; Lots 1 to 7 inclusive, Registered Plan 579; Lots 1 to 72 inclusive, Blocks G, H, and I, Registered Plan 1472; Lots 1 to 9 inclusive and Block 10, Registered Plan 1480; Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, Registered Plan 1488; Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Registered Plan 1707; Part Lot 11, Beasley's Survey; part of Biehn's Tract; and that Part of Biehn's Tract designated as Parts 1 to 3 inclusive on Plan 58R-2028 and Part 1 on Plan 58R-7525; for the City of Kitchener, Duplex Dwellings and Additional Dwelling Units (Detached) shall be prohibited, and each Semi -Detached House shall be limited to one Amendment Dwelling Unit. (Amended: By-law 2021-040, S.29) (Additional Dwelling Units) 352. Notwithstanding Section 39 of this by-law, within the 352. Notwithstanding Section 39 of this by-law, within the - PE lands zoned Residential Five Zone (R-5) on Schedule 73 of lands zoned Residential Five Zone (R-5) on Schedule 73 of st Appendix "A" and described as Part of Lots 406 and 407, Appendix "A" and described as Part of Lots 406 and 407, Plan 375, as affected by this subsection: Plan 375, as affected by this subsection: a) A Street Townhouse Dwelling, shall be a permitted use a) A Street Townhouse Dwelling, shall be a permitted use in accordance with the regulations of Section 40.2.5. in accordance with the regulations of Section 40.2.5. b) DELETED b) A Duplex Dwelling shall be prohibited within Street Townhouse Dwellings. (By-law 2005-138, S.3) (Cherry Street) 470. Notwithstanding Section 40.1 of this By-law, within the lands zoned R-6 as shown as affected by this (By-law 2005-138, S.3) (Cherry Street) 470. Notwithstanding Section 40.1 of this By-law, within the lands zoned R-6 as shown as affected by this subsection on Schedule Number 239 of Appendix "A", the subsection on Schedule Number 239 of Appendix "A", the following uses shall not be permitted: a) Hospice b) Lodging House c) Semi -Detached Duplex Dwelling d) Street Townhouse Dwelling. following uses shall not be permitted: a) Hospice b) Lodging House DELETED d) Street Townhouse Dwelling. (By-law 2018-124, S.3) (42 Windom Road) (By-law 2018-124, S.3) (42 Windom Road) PROPOSED BY-LAW June 5, 2023 BY-LAW NUMBER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER (Being a by-law to repeal and replace By-law 2002-164, By- law 2005-170, By-law 2007-042, and By-law 2012-069 with one comprehensive By-law to delegate certain Authority under the Planning Act and Condominium Act). AND WHEREAS is deemed expedient to repeal By-law 2007-042: AND WHEREAS is deemed expedient to repeal By-law 2012-069: AND WHEREAS the Regional Municipality of Waterloo delegated the authority to approve plans of subdivision and condominiums (under section 51 of the Planning Act) to the City of Kitchener by Regional By-law 97-061, passed on November 26, 1997, pursuant to section 51.2 of the Planning Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Kitchener deemed it desirable to further delegate said authority to an appointed officer as identified in the City of Kitchener Bylaw Number 97-185 as amended by By-law Numbers 98-013 and 99-110, pursuant to section 54.2(4) of the Planning Act; AND WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, pursuant to Ontario Regulation 341/100 dated June 13, 2000 and effective June 15, 2000, delegated to the City of Kitchenerthe authority to give approval under section 51 of the Planning Act for plans of subdivision and condominium as identified respectfully and schedules 1 and 2 of said regulation; AND WHEREAS subsection 39.2(1) of the Planning Act permits Municipal Council by by-law to delegate to an appointed officer identified in the by-law either by name or position occupied, the authority to approve zoning by-law amendments under Section 34 of the said Act that are of a minor nature provided that an Official Plan specifies the types of by-laws which may be subject to delegation; Page 747 of 792 AND WHEREAS the City of Kitchener Official Plan contains policies specifying the types of minor zoning by-law amendments that may be delegated pursuant to section 39.2(2) of the Planning Act; AND WHEREAS section 23.1 of the Municipal Act provides that a Municipal Council is authorized to delegate its powers and duties under this or any other Act to a person or body subject to any restrictions set out; AND WHEREAS section 23.3(1)(5) of the Municipal Act authorizes a Municipal Council to delegate its powers and duties to pass by-laws provided under section 39.2 of the Planning Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Kitchener deemed it desirable to further delegate such authority to an appointed officer as identified in the City of Kitchener By-law Number 2000-132 as amended by By-laws 2001-125 and 2002-63 pursuant to section 51.2(4) of the Planning Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Kitchener deemed it desirable to consolidate By-law 97-185 as amended and By-law 2000-132 as amended and to delegate authority to sign statements from the Municipality pursuant to the Condominium Act and Ontario Regulation 48/01 thereunder; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the City of Kitchener enacts as follows.. 1. In this By-law, A. "Director" means the Director, Planning in the Development Services Department of the City of Kitchener, their delegate, or successor in title. B. "Council' means the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kitchener. C. "Manager" means the Manager, Development Review in the Development Services Department of the City of Kitchener, their delegate, or their successor in title. D. "Planning Act" means the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c.P. 13, as F1=0WQ E. "Condominium Act" means the Condominium Act, S.O. 1998, Page 748 of 792 C.19, as amended. 2. All authority of Council to approve plans of subdivision and plans of condominium under section 51 of the Planning Act and Section 9 of the Condominium Act which has been delegated to Council by the Regional Municipality of Waterloo and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing is hereby further delegated by Council to the Manager, 3. such authority delegated to the Manager, includes, subject only to the limitation set out in section 4 of this By-law, the authority: A. to refuse to accept an application for a plan of subdivision or condominium until the City has received the information and material required under subsections 51(17) and 51(18) of the Planning Act and the fee required pursuant to subsections 69 or 69.1 of the Planning Act 'as set out in subsection 51(19) of the Planning Act; and B. and to amend any conditions of draft approval imposed pursuant to subsection 51(25) of the Planning Act, subject to Section 4 of this By-law, without written notice of such change if, in the opinion of the Manager, the amendment is minor in nature. 4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Council's delegation to the Manager set out in sections 2 and 3 of this By-law does not extend to situations where: A. an application for a plan of subdivision pursuant to section 51(16) is received concurrently with an application for a zoning by-law amendment on the same lands pursuant to subsection 34(10) of the Planning Act;; B. a Public Meeting is required by the Planning Act; C. the Manager is recommending refusal of a draft plan of subdivision or draft plan of condominium pursuant to subsection 51(31) of the Planning Act; D. the Manager deems a review by Council necessary or Page 749 of 792 beneficial, taking into account (without limitation), the following: i. where there unresolved discrepancies between City Divisions or Departments; ii. where there is the potential for a special or unanticipated financial implication to the City. 5. Council's authority pursuant to subsections 51(58) and (59) is hereby delegated to the Manager and the approval of a final plan of subdivision or final plan of condominium for registration pursuant to subsection 51(58) of the Planning Act shall be evidenced by the signature of the Manager. Council's authority is further delegated to the Manager as follows: 6. The Manager is hereby authorized: A. to sign statements from the Municipality pursuant to Sections 52(5) and (6) of Ontario Regulation 48/01, as amended, made under the Condominium Act, as amended to be added to the amendment to a declaration, creating a phased condominium corporation, stating that all facilities and services have sufficiently been installed and provided to ensure the independent operation of the condominium corporation if no subsequent units are created, or that a bond or other security has been posted that is sufficient to ensure the independent operation of the corporation if no such subsequent phases are created; and B. to sign statements from a Municipality pursuant to sections 586(8)(b) and (9) of Ontario Regulation 48/01, as amended, made under the Condominium Act, has amended, to be included in a schedule to a declaration creating a vacant land condominium plan stating that a bond or other security acceptable to the city has been posted insufficiently to ensure that the requirements of Section 56(8)(b)(i)(ii)(iii) of the regulation are met. Page 750 of 792 7. In accordance with section 39.2 of the Planning Act, Council hereby delegates its authority to the Director who is hereby authorized to : A. pass a zoning by-law amendment which is of minor nature to remove a Holding "H" symbol. B. pass a zoning by-law amendment which is of minor nature to make clerical, technical, administrative and other minor amendments to the Zoning By-law. C. determine whether or not an application made in respect of a zoning by-law amendment is complete; and if determined to be incomplete, to refuse to accept it and return it to the applicant, detailing the outstanding information required. D. determine whether or not the requirements of a Holding Provision have been met at the time of considering a zoning by- law amendment to remove the Holding Provision. E. determine whether or not an application for a zoning by-law amendment is required to be referred to Council for the purpose of holding a public meeting, in accordance with the following considerations, i. Certain holding symbols may require a statutory public meeting as part of conditions for their removal. ii. If written comments are received from the public within the prescribed time period following the mailing of notice of application, a public meeting may be required. iii. If the Director has determined that the zoning by-law amendment is not consistent with Provincial policy or does not conform with the Official Plan policy, a public meeting shall be held in accordance with the requirements of section 34 of the Planning Act, and it shall be referred to Council for decision and the delegated authority with respect to that particular application is hereby revoked. Page 751 of 792 8. This By-law shall become effective only if Official Plan Amendment No. (Implementation of Bill 13, Bill 109, and Bill 23) comes into effect, pursuant to Section 24(2) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended. 9. By-law 2005-170, By-law 2007-042, and By-law 2012-069 shall be repealed on the date that this By-law comes into effect. PASSED at the Council Chambers in the City of Kitchener this day of , A.D. 2023. Mayor Clerk Page 752 of 792 PROPOSED BY-LAW June 5, 2023 BY-LAW NUMBER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER (Being a by-law to repeal and replace Chapter 683 of The City of Kitchener Municipal Code with respect to Site Plan Control). WHEREAS is deemed expedient to repeal By-law 2007-041, as amended by By-law 2012-070; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Chapter 683 of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kitchener enacts as follows: 1. Chapter 683 of the Municipal Code is replaced with the following: "PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Chapter 683 SITE PLAN CONTROL Article 1 DESIGNATION- AREA 683.1.1 All lands - within City boundaries - exceptions 683.1.2 Development - defined 683.1.3 Site plan approval - all development - exception Article 2 AUTHORITY- DELEGATION Page 753 of 792 683.2.1 Appointed officers —approval — plans - drawings 683.2.2 Mayor — Clerk - to execute agreements Article 3 ENFORCEMENT 683.3.1 Fine - for contravention Article 4 PLANS AND DRAWINGS 683.4.1 Approval of plans or drawings 683.4.2 Maintenance - facilities — works - condition of approval WHEREAS subsections 41 ( 2) and (3) of the Planning Act, provide that where an area is shown or described in the City's Official Plan as a proposed site plan control area, City Council may, by by-law, designate the whole or any part of such area as a site plan control area and by reference to one or more land use designations contained in a zoning by- law; AND WHEREAS Kitchener' s Official Plan, has established a proposed site plan control area which encompasses all of the lands within the boundaries of the City and is applicable to all land use designations with certain exclusions therein and hereinafter set out; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to designate the whole of the City as a site plan control area subject to the said exclusions. Article 1 DESIGNATION- AREA Page 754 of 792 683.1.1 All lands- within city boundaries- exceptions All of the lands encompassed within the boundaries of The Corporation of the City of Kitchener are hereby designated as a Site Plan Control Area for all development, excluding: a) farm operations, farm buildings and the residence of the farm operator on agriculturally zoned land; b) any building or structure that is not "development", as defined in Section 41 of the Planning Act; and C) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Site Plan Control Area may include development where there are 10 dwelling units or less, where Site Plan Control is permitted by the Planning Act. 683.1.2 Development- defined In this Chapter "development" shall mean "development", as defined in Section 41 of the Planning Act. 683.1.3 Site plan approval- all development- exception Any person owning land within the boundaries of The Corporation of the City of Kitchener, except for those lands or land use designations as described in Sections 683.1.1 of this Chapter, shall apply for and obtain site plan approval prior to the development of such land. Article 2 AUTHORITY- DELEGATION 683.2.1 Appointed officers- approval- plans- drawings The Manager, Development Review, the Manager Customer Experience and Project Management, or the City's Director, Planning or in their absence the Manager, Policy and Research, are hereby delegated as being the appointed officers of the City to exercise City Council's powers or authority under section 41 of the Planning to approve plans and drawings, to impose conditions and to require agreements. Page 755 of 792 683.2.2 Mayor- Clerk- to execute agreements The Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute all agreements required as a result of the exercise of authority delegated to appointed officers with respect to Site Plan Control. Article 3 ENFORCEMENT 683.3.1 Fine- for contravention Every person who contravenes section 41 of the Planning Act and any provision of this Chapter, and, if the person is a corporation, every director or officer of the corporation who knowingly concurs in the contravention, is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to fines and/or penalties outlined in Section 67 of the Planning Act. Article 4 PLANS AND DRAWINGS 683.4.1 Approval of plans or drawings No person shall undertake any development on land located in the Site Plan Control Area unless an Appointed officer, or a Provincial Land Tribunal, has approved the plans and drawings to be submitted to the City pursuant to subsections (4) and (5) of Section 41 of the Planning Act. 683. 4. 2 Maintenance- facilities- works- condition of approval As a condition of approval of the plans and/ or drawings referred to in subsections (4) and (5) of section 41 of the Planning Act, the City may require the owner of the lands to: a) provide and maintain, to the satisfaction of and at no expense or risk to the City, the facilities, works or matters set out in Section 41(7) of the Planning Act; b) enter into one or more agreements with respect to the provision and maintenance of such facilities, works or matters; and Page 756 of 792 c) enter into one or more agreements to ensure that development proceeds in accordance with the approved plans and drawings as required by subsections (4) and (5) of section 41 of the Planning Act." 2. By-law 2007-041, as amended by By-law 2012-070 is hereby repealed on the date that this By-law comes into effect. PASSED at the Council Chambers in the City of Kitchener this day of , A.D. 2023. Mayor Clerk Page 757 of 792 PROPOSED BY-LAW June 5, 2023 BY-LAW NUMBER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KITCHENER (Being a by-law to amend Chapter 620 of The City of Kitchener Municipal Code with respect to Demolition Control). WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Chapter 620 of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code as adopted by By-law 2013-093; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kitchener enacts as follows: 1. Section 620.1.7 is amended by replacing "Community Services" with "Development Services" 2. Section 620.1.8 is amended by replacing "Community Services" with "Development Services" 3. Section 620.2.3 is amended by adding "and RES -1 through RES -5 as defined in the City of Kitchener Zoning By-law 2019-051" after the phrase "Zoning By-law 85-1 ". PASSED at the Council Chambers in the City of Kitchener this day of , A.D. 2023. Mayor Clerk Page 758 of 792 1 POLICY APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING: ❑ All Employees ❑ POLICY Policy No: MUN-PLA-1095 Policy Title: Public Participation in the Approval Date: Click here to enter a ❑ Planning Process date. Non Union Policy Type: COUNCIL Reviewed Date: June 2023 Temporary ❑x Next Review Date: June 2028 Category: Municipal Services ❑ I.B.E.W.636 ❑ Reviewed Date: Jick here to enter text. Sub -Category: Planning ❑ Specified Positions only: ❑ Other: Last Amended: October 24, 2011 Author: Director, Planning Local Boards & Advisory Committees Replaces: Click here to enter text. Dept/Div: Development Services/Planning Repealed: Click here to enter a date. Replaced by: Click here to enter text. Related Policies, Procedures and/or Guidelines: City of Kitchener Official Plan Planning Act POLICY PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to confirm the approach to public consultation for planning applications including notice requirements and engagement formats. 2. DEFINITIONS: Proponent -initiated applications are applications under the Planning Act in which an external party has submitted for a particular parcel or parcels of land. 3. SCOPE: 5 1 of Page 759 of 792 POLICY APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING: ❑ All Employees ❑ All Full -Time Employees ❑ All Union ❑x Management ❑ C.U.P.E. 68 Civic ❑ Non Union ❑ C.U.P.E. 68 Mechanics ❑ Temporary ❑x C.U.P.E. 791 ❑ Student ❑ I.B.E.W.636 ❑ Part -Time Employees ❑ K.P.F.F.A. ❑ Specified Positions only: ❑ Other: ❑ Council ❑ Local Boards & Advisory Committees 1 of Page 759 of 792 Policy No: 1- 1095 Policy Title: Public Participation in the Planning Process This policy will be applied by staff in the Planning Division. 4. POLICY CONTENT: Proponent -Initiated Applications 1. That in respect to proponent -initiated Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Plans of Subdivision, and Vacant Land Condominiums the following will be considered: a. Notification of the receipt of a complete application, as required by Sections 34, 22, and 51 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, as amended, will be undertaken by means of mailing a postcard generally explaining the nature of the proposal, with a link to the City's Development Applications webpage/mapping tool. Every effort will be made to use "plain language" and graphics in the design of the postcard to enable the public to easily understand the proposal that is to be considered. The extent of the circulation mail -out will be in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Regulation applicable to the development application type, or to all property owners and residents within 240 metres of the subject lands, whichever is greater. A copy of the postcard will also be forwarded to the appropriate neighbourhood association and the Ward Councillor. A minimum of 21 calendar days will be provided for a response to the initial postcard. b. Circulation will not be required in circumstances where, in the opinion of the Director of Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, the circulation is seen to have little purpose or benefit. c. The proponent will be required to post a City -issued billboard sign along each frontage of the lands subject to the development application, in a clearly visible location. Each sign is to note a summary of the application details and provide a contact number for a City staff member who can provide more information regarding the application. Notice signs are to be erected concurrently with the mailing of the initial postcard. Planning staff is to verify that sign installation has taken place and must ensure that signs remain posted until after the expiry of any applicable appeal period, or in the case of an appeal, after a final decision is issued by a Provincial tribunal. d. A notice will be placed in a newspaper, which has sufficient general information, when an application is received, when a Neighbourhood Meeting is scheduled, and at least 10 days prior to the statutory public meeting which provides information on the application(s), the address of the property, and the date of the statutory public meeting, along with a website link for more detailed information regarding the meeting. A map showing the location of the property is provided if there is not a municipal address. e. The reports being presented to Committee and Council for the statutory public meeting are posted on the City's website at the same time as the agenda for said meeting is posted. 2 of 5 Page 760 of 792 Policy No: 1- 1095 Policy Title: Public Participation in the Planning Process Common Elements Condominium and Lifting Holding Provisions (Zoning By-law Amendment) Applications f. A newspaper notice is the only notification required for a Common Elements Condominium application and an application to remove/lift a holding provision (Zoning By-law Amendment). City -Initiated Applications 2. Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law Amendments initiated by the City will be processed in accordance with Section 21 and 34 of the Planning Act. a. Circulation will be undertaken for all City -initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments which are site specific and affect only a small defined area of land. b. Circulation is not required for City -initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments if they are city-wide amendments. c. A notice will be placed in the newspaper at least 10 calendar days prior to the statutory public meeting and any associated reports will be posted on the City's Planning Applications webpage for all City initiated Official Plan and Zoning By- law Amendments. d. City -initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments will be exempt from signage requirements except in circumstances where the subject lands are a size and configuration where a sign would be practical. e. Minor Zoning By-law Amendments which fall under delegated approval will be exempt from notice requirements. Neighbourhood Meetings 3. Neighbourhood Meetings are recognized as an effective and integral part of the planning process, and the Planning Division is authorized to arrange Neighbourhood Meetings, when deemed necessary, in consultation with the Ward Councillor. a. The meetings will be facilitated by City staff in accordance with the Planning Division's procedure manual for Neighbourhood Meetings. b. A digital Neighbourhood Meeting will be held for all proponent -initiated development applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Plan of Subdivision and Plan of Vacant Land Condominium and notice will be provided with a postcard to all property owners and residents with 240 metres of the subject lands at least 14 days in advance. Additional in-person engagements may be scheduled at the discretion of the City's Director of Planning in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the General Manager of Development Services. Statutory Public Meetings 4. Where issues are raised during the initial circulation period or at a Neighbourhood Meeting, staff of the Planning Division will attempt to resolve those issues in advance of the Statutory Public Meeting or any meeting being held by the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee or Council. 3 of 5 Page 761 of 792 61 5 Policy No: 1- 1095 Policy Title: Public Participation in the Planning Process 5. Staff reports pertaining to Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Plans of Subdivision and Vacant Land or Common Elements Condominiums must be finalized in advance of giving notice for a Statutory Public Meeting regarding the application. 6. A postcard with information pertaining to the staff report and statutory public meeting for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendment, Plans of Subdivision and Vacant Land Condominiums will be mailed to all persons who noted a desire to receive further information in their written response to the preliminary circulation, and who provided their contact information and requested to be notified, and to all property owners and residents with 240 metres of the subject lands. Staff will ensure the postcard is mailed at least 10 days in advance of the statutory public meeting. 7. If more than one year has lapsed since the initial circulation of the application and the statutory public meeting, the circulation list will be updated with updated property owner information. 8. Notice of a Statutory Public Meeting will be provided, at minimum, in accordance with the applicable Ontario Regulations in effect at the time of the processing of the application, and Official Plan Policies providing for Alternative Notice Requirements. Internet -Based Tools 9. Planning staff will work with Communications staff to consider opportunities to utilize social media, websites, web -based applications, and other online tools, where appropriate, to assist with providing information to residents about new applications, Neighbourhood Meetings and statutory public meetings. 10. A copy of all materials received as part of a complete application will be posted publicly on the City's Development Applications webpage/mapping tool. 11. The City's Development Applications webpage/mapping tool will be routinely updated with updated information on all active development applications, including dates of engagements and statutory public meetings. 12. Digital neighborhood meetings will be primarily utilized for the first engagement on proponent -initiated applications to reduce barriers to participation, ensure sufficient staff resourcing to deliver a meeting for most applications within the prescribed timeframes, and to deliver an initial engagement with the public early in the development review process. HISTORY OF POLICY CHANGES Administrative Updates 2001-12-01 - Minor updates 2016-06-01 - 1-1095 policy templated re -formatted to new numbering system and given number MUN-PLA-1095 Formal Amendments 2005-06-20 - Per Council/CLT directive. 2005-10-24 - Per Council/CLT directive. 4 of Page 762 of 792 Policy No: 1- 1095 Policy Title: Public Participation in the Planning Process 2011-10-24 - Per Council/CLT directive. 5 of 5 Page 763 of 792 1. POLICY PURPOSE: To establish a policy to encourage development of new affordable rental housing units through the timing of City development charge payments. 2. DEFINITIONS: Affordable rental housing for the purpose of this Policy, means housing constructed or provided for rental purposes, and that rent for the units are set at or below 80 percent of average market rent of a unit in the regional market area. Not -For -Profit Corporation means a corporation, no part of the income of which is payable to, or otherwise available for, the personal benefit of a member or shareholder thereof. Proponent means the Not -For -Profit Corporation requesting incentives under this policy, and either owns the subject property, or manages and operates the affordable rental housing units. 1 of 4 Page 764 of 792 KA R POLICY Policy No: FIN -GRA -2006 Policy Title: DEVELOPMENT CHARGES Approval Date: May 15, 2015 PAYMENT FOR AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING Next Review Date: May 2022 Policy Type: COUNCIL Reviewed Date: Amended: Category: Finance Sub -Category: Grants, Rebates & Incentives Replaces: Author: Planning Analyst Repealed: Dept/Div: Community Services Department, Replaced by: Planning Division Related Policies, Procedures and/or Guidelines: City of Kitchener Development Charges By-law. 1. POLICY PURPOSE: To establish a policy to encourage development of new affordable rental housing units through the timing of City development charge payments. 2. DEFINITIONS: Affordable rental housing for the purpose of this Policy, means housing constructed or provided for rental purposes, and that rent for the units are set at or below 80 percent of average market rent of a unit in the regional market area. Not -For -Profit Corporation means a corporation, no part of the income of which is payable to, or otherwise available for, the personal benefit of a member or shareholder thereof. Proponent means the Not -For -Profit Corporation requesting incentives under this policy, and either owns the subject property, or manages and operates the affordable rental housing units. 1 of 4 Page 764 of 792 Policy No: FIN -GRA -2006 Policy Title: DEVELOPMENT CHARGES PAYMENT MILESTONE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING 3. SCOPE: This Policy applies to all staff that collect and manage development charge payments through the development process. 4. POLICY CONTENT: 4.1 Eligibility Criteria In order to be eligible for this Policy, the following criteria must be met: a) The proponent must meet the definition for Not -For -Profit Corporation; b) Eligible projects may include a development where affordable rental housing units are managed and operated by a Not -For -Profit Corporation. A minimum of 20 percent of the residential units in the development shall be affordable rental housing units. c) The subject property is located within 450 metres of an Existing or Planned Transit Corridor as identified on `Map 2 Urban Structure' in the Official Plan. d) The subject property shall not be in a position of tax arrears. e) The proponent and/or property owner(s) have not defaulted on any other Agreement under this Policy. 4.2 Timing of Development Charge Payments for Affordable Rental Housing a. This Policy applies to the City portion of Development Charges only. 2 of 4 Page 765 of 792 POLICY APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING: ❑x All Employees ❑ All Full -Time Employees ❑ All Union ❑ Management ❑ C.U.P.E. 68 Civic ❑ Non Union ❑ C.U.P.E. 68 Mechanics ❑ Temporary ❑ C.U.P.E. 791 ❑ Student ❑ I.B.E.W.636 ❑ Part -Time Employees ❑ K.P.F.F.A. ❑ Specified Positions only: ❑ Other: ❑x Council ❑ Local Boards & Advisory Committees This Policy applies to all staff that collect and manage development charge payments through the development process. 4. POLICY CONTENT: 4.1 Eligibility Criteria In order to be eligible for this Policy, the following criteria must be met: a) The proponent must meet the definition for Not -For -Profit Corporation; b) Eligible projects may include a development where affordable rental housing units are managed and operated by a Not -For -Profit Corporation. A minimum of 20 percent of the residential units in the development shall be affordable rental housing units. c) The subject property is located within 450 metres of an Existing or Planned Transit Corridor as identified on `Map 2 Urban Structure' in the Official Plan. d) The subject property shall not be in a position of tax arrears. e) The proponent and/or property owner(s) have not defaulted on any other Agreement under this Policy. 4.2 Timing of Development Charge Payments for Affordable Rental Housing a. This Policy applies to the City portion of Development Charges only. 2 of 4 Page 765 of 792 Policy No: FIN -GRA -2006 Policy Title: DEVELOPMENT CHARGES PAYMENT MILESTONE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING b. Despite the City of Kitchener Development Charges By-law, eligible affordable rental housing providers may request to pay the City portion of Development Charges prior to occupancy, rather than at the issuance of a Building Permit subject to the terms of this Policy. c. Proponent to submit a completed request form in the prescribed format to the Chief Building Official, prior to the Building Permit Application, to change the milestone at which the City's Development Charges fee is payable. d. The City will not charge a fee to process the request. e. Request reviewed by City staff to confirm criteria within this Policy are met, and proponent advised of the result. Should there be any issues or conflicts between the completed request form and the criteria within this policy, final determination will be made by the Chief Building Official in consultation with the City Solicitor and any other affected business units. f. If approved, an Agreement must be prepared and executed prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. The agreement will include that: i. The amount payable will be the development charge rate in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance; ii. Payment will be made prior to requesting the first occupancy only inspection of the building; and, iii. Other clauses as deemed necessary by the City Solicitor. g. The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement. h. The Agreement will be executed once it has been signed by the land owner(s). i. In the event that payment is not made at the prescribed milestone, the outstanding payment will be added to the related property tax roll. Interest will be charged as per the rates outlined in Council Policy 1-518 Collections — Property Taxes. 4.3 Effective Date a) This Policy comes into effect on July 1, 2017. b) This Policy will be reviewed no later than 5 years after the effective date. 3of4 Page 766 of 792 Policy No: FIN -GRA -2006 Policy Title: DEVELOPMENT CHARGES PAYMENT MILESTONE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING 5. HISTORY OF POLICY CHANGES Administrative Updates No administrative history to date. Formal Amendments No amendment history to date. 4of4 Page 767 of 792 1 M Ki_TJNPolicy POLICY Policy No: FIN -PLA -2031 Title: AFFORDABLE HOUSING Approval Date: April 11, 2022 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES WAIVER POLICY Reviewed Date: April 2022 Policy Type: COUNCIL Next Review Date: April 2027 Category: Finance Amended: Click here to enter a date. Sub -Category: Financial Planning Author: Ryan Hagey, Director of Replaces: Click here to enter text. Financial Planning & Reporting Repealed: Click here to enter a date. Dept/Div. Financial Services Department Replaced by: Click here to enter text. /Financial Planning & Reporting Related Policies, Procedures and/or Guidelines: Development Charges Act &Related Regulations POLICY PURPOSE: The primary purpose of this policy is to help incent or remove barriers related to the development of non-profit housing development. The policy does this by establishing the parameters by which a waiver for development charges (DCs) would be provided to a qualifying development. 2. DEFINITIONS: City — City of Kitchener. DC/DCA — Development Charges/Development Charges Act. Non -Profit Housing Development — is defined by O. Reg. 454/19, s. 3 (1) and means development of a building or structure intended for use as residential premises by, (a) a corporation to which the Not -for -Profit Corporations Act, 2010 applies, that is in good standing under that Act and whose primary object is to provide housing; 1 of 3 Page 768 of 792 Policy No: FIN -PLA -2031 Policy Title: AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CHARGES WAIVER (b) a corporation without share capital to which the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act applies, that is in good standing under that Act and whose primary object is to provide housing; or (c) a non-profit housing co-operative that is in good standing under the Co- operative Corporations Act. 3. SCOPE: POLICY APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING: ❑x All Employees ❑Management ❑Permanent Full -Time Employees ❑Permanent Full -Time Non Union ❑Permanent Full -Time C.U.P.E. 791 ❑Temporary ❑Part -Time Non -Union ❑Student ❑Permanent Full -Time Union ❑Continuous Part -Time Employees ❑Part -Time Employees ❑Continuous Part -Time Non -Union ❑Continuous Part -Time Union ❑Council ❑Local Boards & Advisory Committees ❑Specified Positions Only: This policy applies to external customers who meet the definition of non-profit housing development included in this policy. The DC waivers mentioned in this policy do not apply to for-profit housing development. 4. POLICY CONTENT: The City's DC waiver policy provides the specifics of the City's policy without reiterating most aspects of the DCA itself. The City's policy is meant to be interpreted in accordance and in conjunction with the DCA and the Municipal Act. 1. Policy Application a) DC waivers will be available to non-profit housing development units that have not received significant financial considerations (where the considerations are larger than the amount of the DC waiver) from the City, for other site development costs, whether in-kind or cash (e.g. capital grants, outstanding loans, donations of property either by title transfer or long term leases at rates below market value). This will extend the benefit of limited City resources to more developments. b) The amount of the waiver will be equal to 100% of the City portion of DCs payable, as long as funds are available in the Affordable Housing reserve fund. 2of3 Page 769 of 792 Policy No: FIN -PLA -2031 Policy Title: AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CHARGES WAIVER c) DC waivers will be funded at the point of occupancy which is when the first instalment of DCs is to be made for non-profit housing developments under current Provincial legislation. This will result in a transfer from the Affordable Housing reserve fund to the Development Charges reserve fund. d) If any part of a development to which this policy applies is changed so that it no longer consists of a non-profit housing development within 20 years of initial occupancy, the waived development charge of the entire development is payable immediately. e) For developments that are a mixture of for-profit and non-profit housing, DC waivers will be available to non-profit housing development units where the non-profit housing provider is a partner in the project at the time of occupancy. The non-profit housing provider would need to have a signed agreement with the for-profit developer that clearly outlines the terms of the agreement and that those units would meet the Provincial definition and will be owned by the not-for-profit for a duration of at least 20 years. 2. Retroactivity a) Upon approval by Council, this policy shall take effect retroactive to January 1, 2020. Any qualifying developments from this timeframe will have their DCs waived (if they haven't paid) or refunded (if they have already paid). 5. HISTORY OF POLICY CHANGES Administrative Updates Formal Amendments 3 of 3 Page 770 of 792 Tanya Roberts From: Lingard, Norman <norman.lingard@bell.ca> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 10:22 AM To: Tanya Roberts Subject: Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged II You don't often get email from norman.lingard@bell.ca. Learn why this is important Good morning Tanya, Thank you for circulating Bell Canada on the City of Kitchener's Draft Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendment. Bell appreciates the opportunity to engage in infrastructure and policy initiatives across Ontario. While we do not have any specific comments or concerns pertaining to this initiative at this time, we would ask that Bell continue to be circulated on any future materials and/or decisions related to this matter. Please forward all future documents to circulations(a)wsp.com and should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Have a great day. Yours truly, Norm Lingard Senior Consultant — Municipal Liaison Network Provisioning norman.lingard(cD-bell.ca I W 365.440.7617 Please note that WSP operates Bell Canada's development, infrastructure and policy tracking systems, which includes the intake and processing of municipal circulations. However, all responses to circulations and requests for information will come directly from Bell Canada, and not from WSP. WSP is not responsible for the provision of comments or other responses. This email message, and any attachments, may contain information or material that is confidential, privileged and/or subject to copyright or other rights. Any unauthorized viewing, disclosure, retransmission, dissemination or other use of or reliance on this message, or anything contained therein, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you believe you may have received this message in error, kindly inform the sender by return email and delete this message from your system Page 771 of 792 Tanya Roberts From: Katie Wood Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 11:44 AM To: Tanya Roberts Subject: FW: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Attachments: Notice to agencies letter - City initiated OPAs ZBAs FIN.pdf; Proposed Official Plan Amendments.pdf; Proposed Zoning Amendments Chart.pdf; Neighbourhood Information Meeting Recording.pdf; Zoning By-law 85-1 - Proposed Amendments (Bill 23).pdf I have no concerns. Sincerely, 'rka- e Wood, C.E.T Project Manager) Development Engineering I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 ext. 7135 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 katie.wood 0kitchener.ca ' _1051111. r �_6_ � From: Ellen Straus <EIIen.Straus@kitchener.ca> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 11:07 AM To: Christine Goulet <Christine.Goulet@kitchener.ca>; Eric Riek <Eric.Riek@kitchener.ca>; Jason Brule <Jason.Brule@kitchener.ca>; Katie Wood <Katie.Wood@kitchener.ca>; Niall Melanson <Niall.Melanson@kitchener.ca>; Nolan Beatty <Nolan.Beatty@kitchener.ca> Cc: Carlos Reyes <Carlos.Reyes@kitchener.ca> Subject: FW: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Hi all, Since this is regarding implementation of the new bills as well as By-law amendments I thought I would send to everyone Thanks, Ellen Ellen Kayes Program Assistant I Development Engineering - Engineering I City of Kitchener (519) 741-2200 ext. 74111 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 ellen.straus@kitchener.ca I f.4 - rube Further to this e-mail, we are proposing amendments to both By-laws. Attached are the proposed amendments to Zoning By-law 85-1. Page 772 of 792 Kind regards, Tanya Roberts, MA Project Manager (Planning) I Planning Division I City of Kitchener (519) 741-2200 ext. 7704 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 tanya.roberts@kitchener.ca y, ase the projects lakes you love. a vrninations are ® -- now open for Kitchener's Great Places awards. From: Christine Kompter<Christine.Kompter@kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 4:43 PM To: _DL_#_DSD_Planning <DSD-PlanningDivision@kitchener.ca>; Bell - c/o WSP <circulations@wsp.com>; Carlos Reyes <Carlos.Reyes@kitchener.ca>; Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf@kitchener.ca>; Dave Seller <Dave.Seller@kitchener.ca>; David Heuchert <Dave.Heuchert@kitchener.ca>; David Paetz <David.Paetz@kitchener.ca>; Ellen Straus <EIIen.Straus@kitchener.ca>; Enova Power Corp. - Greig Cameron <greig.cameron@enovapower.com>; Enova Power Corp. - Shaun Wang <shaun.wang@enovapower.com>; Feds <vped@feds.ca>; GRCA - Planning (planning@grandriver.ca) <planning@grandriver.ca>; Hydro One - Dennis DeRango <landuseplanning@hydroone.com>; Jim Edmondson <Jim.Edmondson@kitchener.ca>; Justin Readman <Justin.Readman@kitchener.ca>; Katherine Hughes <Katherine.Hughes@kitchener.ca>; Mike Seiling <Mike.Seiline@kitchener.ca>; Ontario Power Generation <Executivevp.lawanddevelopment@ope.com>; Park Planning (SM) <Park.Planning@kitchener.ca>; Region - Planning <PlannineApplications@reeionofwaterloo.ca>; Property Data Administrator (SM) <PropDataAdmin@kitchener.ca>; Robert Morgan <Robert.Morgan@kitchener.ca>; Steven Ryder <Steven.Ryder@kitchener.ca>; Sylvie Eastman <Sylvie.Eastman@kitchener.ca>; Tom Ruggle <Tom.Ruggle@kitchener.ca>; WCDSB - Planning <planning@wcdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Board Secretary (elaine burns@wrdsb.ca) <elaine burns@wrdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Planning <planning@wrdsb.ca> Cc: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts @kitchener.ca> Subject: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Please see attached. Questions or comments should be directed to Tanya Roberts, Project Manager (tanya.roberts@kitchener.ca; 519-741-2200 x7704). Christine Kompter Administrative Assistant I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 200 King Street West, 6t" Floor I P.O. Box 1118 Kitchener ON N2G 4G7 519-741-2200 ext. 7425 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 christine.kompter@kitchener.ca 04016a0000a0 Page 773 of 792 ase the projects laces you love, orninationF. are T,f now open for Kitchener'& Great Places awards. Page 774 of 792 City of Kitchener Zone Change / Official Plan Amendment Comment Form Address: City Wide Owner: City of Kitchener Application: Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA23/004/K/TR; Official Plan Amendment OPA23/001/K/TR; Amendments to Zoning By law 85-1 Comments Of: Parks and Cemeteries Commenter's Name: Lenore Ross Email: Lenore. ross@kitchener.ca Phone: 519-741-2200 ext 7427 Date of Comments: April 13 2023 ❑ I plan to attend the meeting (questions/concerns/comments for discussion) 0 No meeting to be held ❑ I do NOT plan to attend the meeting (no concerns) 1. Documents Reviewed: 1. Proposed revisions to OP policies 2. Proposed revisions to Zoning By-law 2019-051 3. Proposed revisions to Zoning By-law 85-1 2. Comments on Submitted Documents The following comments should be addressed at this time. 1) Proposed revisions to OP policies a) Revise text throughout to have consistent capitalization of "Urban Design", Urban Design Manual", "Urban Design Brief', "Urban Design Report", "Urban Design Scorecard" etc... b) Page 4 11.C.1.32 — is additional clarification required to indicate who will prepare the UD Brief/Report...? E.g. as in 11.C.1.6 "may be required of an owner/applicant in support of a development application" c) Page 7 17.E.10.2 — add in word " An owner/applicant will be required to participate in a Pre - Submission Consultation Meeting prior to the submission of an application for a Plan of Subdivision, a Plan of Vacant Land Condominium, an Official Plan Amendment, a Zoning By- law Amendment and/or a Site Plan. A Pre -Submission Consultation Meeting may be required for a Consent Application if other information and materials are needed to inform the application. A Pre -Submission Consultation Meeting will include an electronic or in-person meeting to consult on the development proposal, and may include collaborative components such as a visioning workshop, design charette, and site walk." d) Page 9 17.E.12.7 — is it intentional to have an exhaustive list of types of permitted technical amendments? Or should there be a clause like: Technical and administrative revisions "including but not limited to": ? e) Page 12 Part F UD Scorecard definition - "An Urban Cesign `scorecard may be required instead of an Urban Design Report or Urban Design Brief A City for Everyone Working Together — Growing Thoughtfully — Building Community Pauu- 3 of 792 City of Kitchener Zone Change / Official Plan Amendment Comment Form f) Page 13 Part F section 3 Environmental - Arborist Report including ISA Valuation of trees 2) Proposed revisions to Zoning By-law 2019-051 a) Page 5, 4.12.4b) —So ... there will be a minimum 20% front yard landscaped area in addition to the minimum 20% overall landscaped area for those RES zones where the 4-10 unit multi - residential dwellings will be permitted? Will a standard sketch submission illustrating this be a useful part of an ZOC for these types of development? 3) Proposed revisions to Zoning By-law 85-1 a) No comments A City for Everyone Working Together — Growing Thoughtfully — Building Community Paauu- g-_-2_Pf9 of 792 Tanya Roberts From: Gaurang Khandelwal Sent: Monday, May 15, 2023 3:39 PM To: Darren Kropf; Barry Cronkite Cc: Katie Anderl; Tanya Roberts Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Thanks for confirming Darren! Gaurang Khandelwal (he/him), MA, MCIP, RPP Planner (Policy) I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x 7611 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 gaurang. khandelwalp_kitchener.ca From: Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf @kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2023 3:29 PM To: Gaurang Khandelwal <Gaurang.Khandelwal@kitchener.ca>; Barry Cronkite <Barry.Cronkite@kitchener.ca> Cc: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca>; Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Yes, we can accept that. Darren Kropf Manager, Active Transportation and Development 519-741-2200 ext. 7314 Subscribe to the Bike Kitchener newsletter for the latest news on cycling and trails in Kitchener From: Gaurang Khandelwal <Gaurang.Khandelwal@kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2023 3:12 PM To: Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf@kitchener.ca>; Barry Cronkite <Barry.Cronkite@kitchener.ca> Cc: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca>; Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Thanks Darren, To confirm our understanding and that we are on the same page, transportation services is: • supportive of a minimum driveway width of 3m; and, • does not have concerns if the driveway was 2.6m wide but clear on either side? Regards, Gaurang Khandelwal (he/him), MA, MCIP, RPP Page 777 of 792 Planner (Policy) I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x 7611 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 gaurang. khandelwala-kitchener.ca C•ZoZfI�7v7o7Z�Ze: From: Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf @kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2023 11:45 AM To: Gaurang Khandelwal <Gaurane.Khandelwal@kitchener.ca>; Barry Cronkite <Barrv.Cronkite@kitchener.ca> Cc: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca>; Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Thanks Guarang. We are supportive of a 3m driveway width. Darren Kropf Manager, Active Transportation and Development 519-741-2200 ext. 7314 Subscribe to the Bike Kitchener newsletter for the latest news on cycling and trails in Kitchener From: Gaurang Khandelwal <Gaurane.Khandelwal@kitchener.ca> Sent: Friday, May 12, 2023 11:42 AM To: Barry Cronkite < Barry. Cron kite@kitchener.ca>; Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf @kitchener.ca> Cc: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca>; Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Hi Barry and Darren, Thank you for providing your perspective and concerns regarding this. We are supportive of parking lot/spaces created to be appropriately accessible and are considering to update the regulation to 3.0 meters (from current proposed 2.6 m) so that it is consistent with the building setbacks for cluster townhouses and multiple dwellings, and addresses concerns when there is building/encroachments on either side of the driveway. Let us know if Transportation is supportive of this change. We also wanted to highlight the difference in how'driveway' and 'drive aisle' are currently defined in our two ZBLs. ZBL 2019-051 - Driveway — means a vehicle route that provides access from a street or lane to a drive aisle, parking space, or parking lot. - Drive Aisle — means an internal vehicle route immediately adjacent to parking spaces and/or loading spaces, which provides direct vehicular access to and from parking spaces and/or loading spaces, but shall not include a driveway. ZBL 85-1 - "Driveway' means a private road giving access from a public street to a building or parking space. - Drive aisle is not defined in ZBL 85-1 Page 778 of 792 You would see from above that in ZBL 2019-051, a "driveway' provides access to a drive aisle, parking space or parking lot, and that a "drive aisle" is immediately adjacent to parking spaces. In contrast, a "driveway" as defined by ZBL 85-1 would be that providing access to a building or parking space (parking lot not mentioned in the definition here). Drive aisle is not defined in ZBL 85-1. One of our proposed amendments through this work is to update the "driveway' definition in ZBL 85-1 to how it is defined in ZBL 2019-051. This would help address the confusion around the definition of a driveway vs a drive aisle and bring consistency between the two By-laws. Regards, Gaurang Khandelwal (he/him), MA, MCIP, RPP Planner (Policy) I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x 7611 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 gaurang. khandelwalp_kitchener.ca •�a 600moo From: Barry Cronkite < Barry. Cron kite@kitchener.ca> Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2023 9:32 AM To: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca>; Darren Kropf < Darren. Kropf @kitchener.ca>; Tanya Roberts <I'anya.Roberts@kitchener.ca>; Gaurang Khandelwal <Gaurang.Khandelwal@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) I think that the definition of a driveway vs drive aisle might be what's confusing here. What we're discussing is a drive aisle to a parking lot, (accessing spaces in the rear) not a driveway... which is really what my concern is. By definition, "a driveway shall be located so as to lead directly from a street or lane to a required parking space, either within a garage or outside" if it's a typical driveway, no issue ... but this is at least partly why we never used the driveway definition to access parking lots in the rear of buildings. That is then considered a drive aisle. If we're talking about a driveway, that's fine. But I think that we can't misinterpret a driveway with a drive aisle. A driveway does not provide access to a parking area/lot but rather a parking space. There isn't a concern when the 2.6m is clear on either side, but as soon as there is a building/encroachments like meters, plantings, etc ... it will be much too narrow to access a parking lot. The minimum one way lane width for a drive aisle for parking in the UDM is 3.7m. the absolute lowest number that I can reference is 3.04m for a one way ramp width. Again, the concern is that we want to make sure that any parking that is created actually remains accessible. From: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2023 9:09 AM To: Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf@kitchener.ca>; Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca>; Gaurang Khandelwal <Gaurane.Khandelwal@kitchener.ca> Cc: Barry Cronkite < Barry. Cron kite@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Hi Darren, Page 779 of 792 The minimum width for a driveway of 2.6 was established in the old by-law (85-1) — and would have generally applied to a driveway associated with a single, duplex or semi where we wouldn't have had site plan control. However, the driveway could lead to spaces behind a dwelling — and in that case the building would be required to be setback 3.0 m. Our approach was to maintain consistency with current standards, and to apply this as a minimum for the 4-10 unit dwelling type. Where there is site plan control — technically the 2.6 is the minimum, but we would likely have deferred to transportation and the design standards to review the driveway/parking lot design. Let me know if you wish to discuss further, Katie From: Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf @kitchener.ca> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 3:45 PM To: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca>; Gaurang Khandelwal <Gaurane.Khandelwal@kitchener.ca> Cc: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca>; Barry Cronkite <Barry.Cronkite@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Hi all, Yes, we support item #1 below. Thanks for addressing our earlier comments on that item. For item #2, you'll recall in our last conversation that I requested 3 m for driveways and Planning suggested that in the past it has been 2.6 m for a typical driveway. Are you able to explain where that is already in effect? To Barry's knowledge (who has been doing this a lot longer than me!), we have always asked for 3.0 m for driveways and we would like to stay consistent with that. I know you're running up against some deadlines so feel free to call Barry directly on this one if you need a final decision asap. Thanks Darren Kropf Manager, Active Transportation and Development 519-741-2200 ext. 7314 Subscribe to the Bike Kitchener newsletter for the latest news on cycling and trails in Kitchener From: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, May 8, 2023 3:07 PM To: Gaurang Khandelwal <Gaurang.Khandelwal@kitchener.ca>; Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf@kitchener.ca> Cc: Katie Anderl <Katie.Anderl@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Importance: High Hi Darren, further to Gaurang's message and following our conversation, Katie has also adjusted the OPA to reflect transportations comments. Can you please send us a follow-up e-mail to let us know that you support the changes we are proposing and/or let us know if you have any remaining concerns. The report is being reviewed now by managers, so ideally if you could let us know by no later than Thursday May 11, that would be much appreciated! Page 780 of 792 Kind regards, Tanya Roberts, MA Project Manager (Planning) I Planning Division I City of Kitchener (519) 741-2200 ext. 7704 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 tanya.roberts@kitchener.ca 1 - El; - Lf From: Gaurang Khandelwal <Gaurane.Khandelwal@kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, May 8, 2023 3:00 PM To: Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf@kitchener.ca> Cc: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Importance: High Hi Darren, Thank you for meeting with us to discuss Transportation Services concerns with the proposed changes in regards to Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109. We have taken the comments into consideration and made minor updates to the proposed changes to the Zoning By-laws (attached for reference). In relation to the couple of outstanding comments from the trailing email, we not the following: 1. The word "required" from the proposed 'parking lot' definition is now removed and 'and a minimum of one drive aisle' is added. The updated proposed parking lot definition is: "Parking Lot — means an area located on a lot which contains four or more parking spaces and a minimum of one drive aisle." 2. The minimum driveway width of 2.6 metres will be applicable where there are four to ten units on a lot which do not require site plan approval and does not apply to any development which requires site plan approval pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act (this includes if development has non-residential uses). The building setbacks for multiple dwellings and cluster towns (3 or 4.5 metres) would still apply which should be able to address the concern regarding the driveway width of 2.6 m being tight in case where there is hard wall on one side of the driveway. We would appreciate if you could let us know if Transportation Services supports or have any concerns with these changes, at your earliest convenience. Regards, Gaurang Khandelwal (he/him), MA, MCIP, RPP Planner (Policy) I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 519-741-2200 x 7611 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 gaurang. khandelwala-kitchener.ca Page 781 of 792 From: Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf@kitchener.ca> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2023 4:27 PM To: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Cc: Steven Ryder <Steven.Ryder@kitchener.ca>; Dave Seller <Dave.Seller@kitchener.ca>; Barry Cronkite <Barry.Cronkite@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Hi Tanya, Thanks for the opportunity to comment. Transportation offers these comments: Official Plan • 4.C.1.24 — "up to one parking space may be required." o please explain how this will work. Is it enforceable if we use soft language like "may'? We are generally in support of the intent to provide us flexibility in requiring a parking spot if needed but want to know if this language is sufficient 11.C.1.31. "The City will ensure new buildings are designed, existing buildings are redeveloped, expanded, converted or renovated to enhance pedestrian usability, respects and reinforce human scale, create attractive streetscapes that are accessible, safe and have a functional relationship to the street, and contribute to rich and vibrant urban places." o We suggest adding cycling as well. le "to enhance pedestrian and cycling usability..." There may be some cases where a street already has or is expected to have cycling facilities and the buildings should complement that function as well as the pedestrian function Part F Schedule B o We suggest changing "Connectivity Plan" to "Active Transportation Connectivity Plan" so it can include pedestrian circulation and cycling circulation (most likely to be at a subdivision level but may apply to larger multi -building developments) o We suggest changing it to "Truck Turning Movement Plan" o We support the additions of the other documents highlighted Zoning • Parking Lot Definition o We do not support the addition of the word "required" to the definition. Even if the development includes more parking spaces than zoning requires, it still functions as a parking lot and needs to function according to parking lot requirements • Table 5-3 allowing up to 3 tandem parking spaces o We support this revision • Parking located 6 m from a street line o Can Planning clarify if the street line is the right of way or the edge of the road? My concern would be about parked cars overhanging sidewalks which need to remain clear • Driveway widths o We do not support a driveway width of 2.6 m as it will be too narrow for vehicles to pass through. The width should be 3 m • Where a parking lot is not under site plan control o The setback of the parking lot of 1.5 m from any lot line might impact driveway visibility triangles. We'd like to work with Planning to review this more closely and determine if we need a clause on visibility triangles as well Page 782 of 792 o We support the minimum drive aisle of 6 m to the parking lot • Drive aisle widths of 6 m o Can planning clarify if this will apply just to residential or also commercial and institutional? We support 6 m for residential but have concerns for commercial or institutional as those will include more frequent, larger vehicles and visitors who will not be familiar with the tight operating spaces of the site. We suggest 7.3 m drive aisles for non-residential uses Darren Kropf Manager, Active Transportation and Development 519-741-2200 ext. 7314 Subscribe to the Bike Kitchener newsletter for the latest news on cycling and trails in Kitchener From: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 9:57 AM To: Christine Kompter<Christine.Kompter@kitchener.ca>; _DL _#_DSD_Planning <DSD-PlanningDivision@kitchener.ca>; Bell - c/o WSP <circulations@wsp.com>; Carlos Reyes <Carlos.Reyes@kitchener.ca>; Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf @kitchener.ca>; Dave Seller <Dave.SelIer@kitchener.ca>; David Heuchert <Dave.Heuchert@kitchener.ca>; David Paetz <David.Paetz@kitchener.ca>; Ellen Straus <EIIen.Straus@kitchener.ca>; Enova Power Corp. - Greig Cameron <greig.cameron@enovapower.com>; Enova Power Corp. - Shaun Wang <shaun.wang@enovapower.com>; Feds <vped@feds.ca>; GRCA - Planning (planning@grandriver.ca) <planning@grandriver.ca>; Hydro One - Dennis DeRango <landuseplanning@hydroone.com>; Jim Edmondson <Jim.Edmondson@kitchener.ca>; Justin Readman <Justin.Readman@kitchener.ca>; Katherine Hughes <Katherine.Hughes@kitchener.ca>; Mike Seiling <Mike.Seiling@kitchener.ca>; Ontario Power Generation <Executivevp.lawanddevelopment@opg.com>; Park Planning (SM) <Park.Planning@kitchener.ca>; Region - Planning <PlanningApplications@regionofwaterloo.ca>; Property Data Administrator (SM) <PropDataAdmin@kitchener.ca>; Robert Morgan <Robert.Morgan@kitchener.ca>; Steven Ryder <Steven.Ryder@kitchener.ca>; Sylvie Eastman <Sylvie.Eastman@kitchener.ca>; Tom Ruggle <Tom.Rueele@kitchener.ca>; WCDSB - Planning <plannine@wcdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Board Secretary (elaine burns@wrdsb.ca) <elaine burns@wrdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Planning <plannine@wrdsb.ca> Cc: Garett Stevenson <Garett.Stevenson@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Further to this e-mail, we are proposing amendments to both By-laws. Attached are the proposed amendments to Zoning By-law 85-1. Kind regards, Tanya Roberts, MA Project Manager (Planning) I Planning Division I City of Kitchener (519) 741-2200 ext. 7704 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 tanya.roberts@kitchener.ca 0 0 0 G ase the projedts laC es you love. ominations are - now open for Kitchener's Great Places awards. Page 783 of 792 From: Christine Kompter<Christine.Kompter@kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 4:43 PM To: _DL_#_DSD_Planning <DSD-PlanningDivision@kitchener.ca>; Bell - c/o WSP <circulations@wsp.com>; Carlos Reyes <Carlos.Reyes@kitchener.ca>; Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf@kitchener.ca>; Dave Seller <Dave.Seller@kitchener.ca>; David Heuchert <Dave.Heuchert@kitchener.ca>; David Paetz <David.Paetz@kitchener.ca>; Ellen Straus <EIIen.Straus@kitchener.ca>; Enova Power Corp. - Greig Cameron <greig.cameron@enovapower.com>; Enova Power Corp. - Shaun Wang <shaun.wang@enovapower.com>; Feds <vped@feds.ca>; GRCA - Planning (planning@grandriver.ca) <planning@grandriver.ca>; Hydro One - Dennis DeRango <landuseplanning@hydroone.com>; Jim Edmondson <Jim.Edmondson@kitchener.ca>; Justin Readman <Justin.Readman@kitchener.ca>; Katherine Hughes <Katherine.Hughes@kitchener.ca>; Mike Seiling <Mike.Seiling@kitchener.ca>; Ontario Power Generation <Executivevp.lawanddevelopment@ope.com>; Park Planning (SM) <Park.Planning@kitchener.ca>; Region - Planning <PlannineApplications@reeionofwaterloo.ca>; Property Data Administrator (SM) <PropDataAdmin@kitchener.ca>; Robert Morgan <Robert.Morgan@kitchener.ca>; Steven Ryder <Steven.Ryder@kitchener.ca>; Sylvie Eastman <Sylvie.Eastman@kitchener.ca>; Tom Ruggle <Tom.Rueele@kitchener.ca>; WCDSB - Planning <plannine@wcdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Board Secretary (elaine burns@wrdsb.ca) <elaine burns@wrdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Planning <planning@wrdsb.ca> Cc: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Subject: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Please see attached. Questions or comments should be directed to Tanya Roberts, Project Manager (tanya.roberts@kitchener.ca; 519-741-2200 x7704). Christine Kompter Administrative Assistant I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 200 King Street West, 6t" Floor I P.O. Box 1118 Kitchener ON N2G 4G7 519-741-2200 ext. 7425 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 christine.kompter@kitchener.ca 60o'kOV60000 ase the projects ,�. laces you love, rllinatiom. are nnw open for Kitchener's Great places awards - Page 784 of 792 Tanya Roberts From: Jennifer Passy <Jennifer.Passy@wcdsb.ca> Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2023 7:42 AM To: Tanya Roberts Cc: Jordan Neale Subject: Re: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) You don't often get email from jennifer.passy@wcdsb.ca. Learn why this is important Tanya, Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed amendments to the City's zoning by-law and official plan to respond to Bills 23, 13 and 109. The WCDSB doesn't have few specific concerns about the proposed amendments. We respect that the City is obligated to modify their planning policies to implement the aforementioned Bills. However, the increasing uncertainty with regard to the number of new dwelling units in existing and future residential buildings, is expected to create a challenge for the board's projection of student accommodation needs. We look forward to working with City staff to explore how we can work together to support information sharing on the creation of additional dwelling units. Beyond the proposed amendments, and considering the consultation on the draft Provincial Planning Statement which is ongoing, we would encourage the city to consider how current policy documents will respond to the language which promotes further consideration of schools as part of "complete communities" and promotes innovative approaches in the design of schools, including schools located in high rise developments. In particular, the City's OP and zoning regimes provide very little flexibility with respect to the location of school sites and imposes onerous processes to obtain land use approvals for otherwise critical community infrastructure. There are notable inconsistencies in the approach to schools a key infrastructure / public service facilities throughout the region, and we would welcome the opportunity to explore added flexibility with City staff which would expand the designations and zones where schools may permitted — de facto, which is consistent with the interpretation elsewhere in the region. Thank you for considering these comments. Jennifer Sent from my Bell Samsung device over Canada's largest network. From: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2023 4:41:14 PM To: Jennifer Passy <Jennifer.Passy@wcdsb.ca> Cc: Jordan Neale <Jordan.Neale@wcdsb.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Caution - External Email - This Message comes from an external organization. Do NOT click on unrecognized links or provide your username and/or password. Page 785 of 792 Hi Jennifer, That is understandable. Upon first review, we don't see any significant impacts to the changes we are proposing. I am meeting with the team early next week to discuss the updates to the legislation and will let you know what we decide re: changes to the report and deadlines for review/comments. Kind regards, Tanya From: Jennifer Passy <Jennifer.Passy@wcdsb.ca> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2023 12:01 PM To: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Cc: Jordan Neale <Jordan.Neale@wcdsb.ca> Subject: FW: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) You don't often get email from iennifer.passy@wcdsb.ca. Learn why this is important Tanya, I am writing to find out how the Province's posting of the consultation on the Provincial Planning Statement may impact this circulation and the review currently underway? We have limited capacity to review and comment on this matter by the April 17th deadline, and if there are changes or likely delays in this initiative as a result of the ERO posting it would be helpful to know. Thank you for any insight you can share, Jennifer Jennifer Passy, BES, MCIP, RPP Manager of Planning Waterloo Catholic District School Board Phone: 519-578-3677, ext. 2253 Cell: 519-501-5285 0��t Waterloo Catholic District School Board From: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts @kitchener.ca> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 9:57 AM To: Christine Kompter<Christine.Kompter@kitchener.ca>; _DL _#_DSD_Planning <DSD-PlanningDivision@kitchener.ca>; Bell - c/o WSP <circulations@wsp.com>; Carlos Reyes <Carlos.Reyes@kitchener.ca>; Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf@kitchener.ca>; Dave Seller <Dave.SelIer@kitchener.ca>; David Heuchert <Dave.Heuchert@kitchener.ca>; David Paetz <David.Paetz@kitchener.ca>; Ellen Straus <EIIen.Straus@kitchener.ca>; Enova Power Corp. - Greig Cameron <greig.cameron@enovapower.com>; Enova Power Corp. - Shaun Wang <shaun.wang@enovapower.com>; Feds <vped@feds.ca>; GRCA - Planning (planning@grandriver.ca) Page 786 of 792 <planning@grandriver.ca>; Hydro One - Dennis DeRango <landuseplanning@hydroone.com>; Jim Edmondson <Jim.Edmondson@kitchener.ca>; Justin Readman <Justin.Readman@kitchener.ca>; Katherine Hughes <Katherine.Hughes@kitchener.ca>; Mike Seiling <Mike.Seiling@kitchener.ca>; Ontario Power Generation <Executivevp.lawanddevelopment@opg.com>; Park Planning (SM) <Park.Planning@kitchener.ca>; Region - Planning <PlanningApplications@regionofwaterloo.ca>; Property Data Administrator (SM) <PropDataAdmin@kitchener.ca>; Robert Morgan <Robert.Morgan@kitchener.ca>; Steven Ryder <Steven.Ryder@kitchener.ca>; Sylvie Eastman <Sylvie.Eastman@kitchener.ca>; Tom Ruggle <Tom.Ruggle@kitchener.ca>; Planning <planning@wcdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Board Secretary (elaine burns@wrdsb.ca) <elaine burns@wrdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Planning <planning@wrdsb.ca> Cc: Garett Stevenson <Garett.Stevenson@kitchener.ca> Subject: RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Caution - External Email - This Message comes from an external organization. Do NOT click on unrecognized links or provide your username and/or password. Further to this e-mail, we are proposing amendments to both By-laws. Attached are the proposed amendments to Zoning By-law 85-1. Kind regards, Tanya Roberts, MA Project Manager (Planning) I Planning Division I City of Kitchener (519) 741-2200 ext. 7704 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 tanya.roberts@kitchener.ca 000000000 ase the projects laces you love. GREAT PLACES ominations are -- now open for Kitchener's AWARDS 2M JGreat Places awards. From: Christine Kompter<Christine.Kompter@kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 4:43 PM To: _DL_#_DSD_Planning <DSD-PlanningDivision@kitchener.ca>; Bell - c/o WSP <circulations@wsp.com>; Carlos Reyes <Carlos.Reyes@kitchener.ca>; Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf@kitchener.ca>; Dave Seller <Dave.Seller@kitchener.ca>; David Heuchert <Dave.Heuchert@kitchener.ca>; David Paetz <David.Paetz@kitchener.ca>; Ellen Straus <EIIen.Straus@kitchener.ca>; Enova Power Corp. - Greig Cameron <greig.cameron@enovapower.com>; Enova Power Corp. - Shaun Wang <shaun.wang@enovapower.com>; Feds <vped@feds.ca>; GRCA - Planning (planning@grandriver.ca) <planning@grandriver.ca>; Hydro One - Dennis DeRango <landuseplanning@hydroone.com>; Jim Edmondson <Jim.Edmondson@kitchener.ca>; Justin Readman <Justin.Readman@kitchener.ca>; Katherine Hughes <Katherine.Hughes@kitchener.ca>; Mike Seiling <Mike.Seiling@kitchener.ca>; Ontario Power Generation <Executivevp.lawanddevelopment@opg.com>; Park Planning (SM) <Park.Planning@kitchener.ca>; Region - Planning <PlanningApplications@regionofwaterloo.ca>; Property Data Administrator (SM) <PropDataAdmin@kitchener.ca>; Robert Morgan <Robert.Morgan@kitchener.ca>; Steven Ryder <Steven.Ryder@kitchener.ca>; Sylvie Eastman <Sylvie.Eastman@kitchener.ca>; Tom Ruggle <Tom.Ruggle@kitchener.ca>; WCDSB - Planning <planning@wcdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Board Secretary (elaine burns@wrdsb.ca) <elaine burns@wrdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Planning <plannine@wrdsb.ca> Cc: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Subject: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Page 787 of 792 Please see attached. Questions or comments should be directed to Tanya Roberts, Project Manager (tanya.roberts@kitchener.ca; 519-741-2200 x7704). Christine Kompter Administrative Assistant I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 200 King Street West, 6t" Floor I P.O. Box 1118 Kitchener ON N2G 4G7 519-741-2200 ext. 7425 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 christine.kompter@kitchener.ca osaaoom0o ase the projects mm -placer, your lore. 7 . ominatiens a,re now open for Kitchener's Great Places awards. Disclaimer - This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and contain privileged or copyright information. You must not present this message to another party without gaining permission from the sender. If you are not the intended recipient you must not copy, distribute or use this email or the information contained in it for any purpose other than to notify us. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately, and delete this email from your system. We do not guarantee that this material is free from viruses or any other defects although due care has been taken to minimize the risk. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board. Page 788 of 792 Tanya Roberts From: Lauren Agar <lauren_agar@wrdsb.ca> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 11:58 AM To: Tanya Roberts Cc: Paul Bloye; Planning Subject: Re: [Planning] RE: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated O PA/Z BA) You don't often get email from lauren_agar@wrdsb.ca. Learn why this is important April 17, 2023 Re: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Dear Tanya, Thank you for circulating these proposed amendments. The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) acknowledges that implementing these policy changes results from Provincial decisions, but we want to share our concerns regarding the proposed amendments. The approval of Bills 13, 23 & 109 has introduced significant uncertainty in our student yield calculations and subsequently the integrity of the WRDSB long-range enrolment projections. Student yields from new development, community trends, demographic shifts, and historic student enrolment are key factors in our projection modeling process. We cannot assess the impact of these amendments due to a lack of data on the expected intensification, development pacing, and potential change in family preference for housing type. The proposed zoning by-law amendments involving additional dwelling units and multiple dwelling units are particularly difficult to assess because uptake and family preference will factor into how the changes are felt at the school level. That being said, the allowances to accelerate residential development without additional funding for school construction projects will continue exacerbating an already difficult situation for the WRDSB. The Ministry of Education funding model is rigid and lacks mechanisms to allow for needed agility and/or flexibility. Business case submissions for new capital are only accepted on a Ministry -determined release schedule. Business case submission and enrolment projections related to new capital projects (e.g. additions and new builds) are challenged without appeal opportunity. Construction costs and commodity prices have outpaced funding approval amounts within 1-2 years of approval. Land values have risen, and it is uncertain whether further increases will follow based on further zoning allowances for Institutional land. Our ability to react to new growth is constrained. The WRDSB hopes that collaboration between municipal and school board staff will ease the pressure likely to come for previously unanticipated students entering our region. Sincerely, Lauren Agar Senior Manager of Planning Page 789 of 792 0 cc: Paul Bloye, Ministry of Education, Director - Capital Programs Branch On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 at 09:57, Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> wrote: Further to this e-mail, we are proposing amendments to both By-laws. Attached are the proposed amendments to Zoning By-law 85-1. Kind regards, Tanya Roberts, MA Project Manager (Planning) I Planning Division I City of Kitchener (519) 741-2200 ext. 7704 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 tanya.roberts@kitchener.ca 6402000000010 - Wnbse the prajeots ...• � lads you love. 1 - ominations are w open for Kitchener's Creat Places awards. From: Christine Kompter<Christine.Kompter@kitchener.ca> Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 4:43 PM To: _DL_#_DSD_Planning <DSD-PlanningDivision@kitchener.ca>; Bell - c/o WSP <circulations@wsp.com>; Carlos Reyes <Carlos.Reyes@kitchener.ca>; Darren Kropf <Darren.Kropf@kitchener.ca>; Dave Seller <Dave.Seller@kitchener.ca>; David Heuchert <Dave.Heuchert@kitchener.ca>; David Paetz <David.Paetz@kitchener.ca>; Ellen Straus <EIIen.Straus@kitchener.ca>; Enova Power Corp. - Greig Cameron <greig.cameron@enovapower.com>; Enova Power Corp. - Shaun Wang <shaun.wang@enovapower.com>; Feds <vped@feds.ca>; GRCA - Planning (planning@grandriver.ca) <planning@grandriver.ca>; Hydro One - Dennis DeRango <landuseplanning@hydroone.com>; Jim Edmondson <Jim.Edmondson@kitchener.ca>; Justin Readman <Justin.Readman@kitchener.ca>; Katherine Hughes<Katherine.Hughes@kitchener.ca>; Mike Seiling <Mike.Seiling@kitchener.ca>; Ontario Power Generation <Executivevp.lawanddevelopment@opg.com>; Park Planning (SM) <Park.Planning@kitchener.ca>; Region - Planning<PlanningApplications@regionofwaterloo.ca>; Property Data Administrator (SM) <PropDataAdmin@kitchener.ca>; Robert Morgan <Robert.Morgan@kitchener.ca>; Steven Ryder <Steven.Ryder@kitchener.ca>; Sylvie Eastman <Sylvie.Eastman@kitchener.ca>; Tom Ruggle <Tom.Ruggle@kitchener.ca>; WCDSB - Planning <planning@wcdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Board Secretary (elaine burns@wrdsb.ca) <elaine burns@wrdsb.ca>; WRDSB - Planning <planning@wrdsb.ca> Page 790 of 792 Cc: Tanya Roberts <Tanya.Roberts@kitchener.ca> Subject: Circulation for Comment - Implementation of Bill 13, 23 & 109 (City -initiated OPA/ZBA) Please see attached. Questions or comments should be directed to Tanya Roberts, Project Manager (tanya.roberts@kitchener.ca; 519-741-2200 x7704). Christine Kompter Administrative Assistant I Planning Division I City of Kitchener 200 King Street West, 6t" Floor I P.O. Box 1118 1 Kitchener ON N2G 4G7 519-741-2200 ext. 7425 1 TTY 1-866-969-9994 1 christine.kompter@kitchener.ca �•ZIlZfly7o7o7 Za771KA ase the projects laces you love. 'orninations are now open for Kitchener's. Great Places awards. Page 791 of 792 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING 1 for city-wide amendments to implement changes by the provincial government related to housing RTcHENER Have Your Voice Heard! Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee Date: June 19,2023 Location: Council Chambers, ■ ■ Kitchener City Hall 200 King Street West orVirtual Zoom Meeting 3 Units New Permitted Zoning Go tokitchener.ca/meetings Per Lot Regulations and select: • Current agendas and reports (posted 10 days before meeting) • Appear as a delegation • Watch a meeting — To learn more about this project, including information on your appeal rights, visit: 0 www.kitchener.ca/ New Legislated PlanningApplications Parking Lot Policy or contact: Regulations Updates Tanya Roberts, Project Manager tanya.roberts@ kitchener.ca 519.741.2200 x7704 City Planning and Building staff are proposing amendments to the Official Plan, Zoning by-law, and other policies and bylaws in response to recent changes to provincial legislation: Bill 13, Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 Bill 23, More Homes Built FasterAct, 2022 These bills are implementing measures to address the proPa9,6d7q) siC)f`c7rs9..2his meeting will outline the City's proposed amendments and updates in response to these new provincial directives.